v!i,t-,jO" tv.:.-!oM vul8,fii .."i (lTAMSJ,lTATf rK;)tf.TJ T!a ORQON STATESMAN, Safest,, Oregon, Satin-day Morning, Deceniber 31, 193$ , , . PAGE NINE .1 ass iffied Adte Bring MA Mesolts to; : Both Biiver and - Seller .!r- . r'l . , ...... . ..4 j.. , V t a ' - Statesman - Classified Ads . Call 9101 ' - Classified Advertising Single' insert. pi pelf 'tine.. . .'10c Three insertions per line. . '20c Six Insertions per line. . 3c One month per line. . . .1.00 Minimum charge .'......He Copy for this pace ascepted -aatil 4:'.U-i-tb evening before publirti"n for Unification. Copy received after thia time will i rim under the head iS. ''Too Lai to CUaaify." Tn Statesman aiiumca no finan cial responsibility for errore wHich may appear in adveriisementa p-b lished io ita column i, and m, cases ber tbia paper ia at fault will r print tbat part of. aa advertiaeincut in which the typographical mistake occur. Tba Slatrtman reierrea the right ) reject queitionabU sdvertiainc; it further reserves the right to par ah advertising under tha proper cUni'i-eatioa. ft "Blind' Aa an ad conUinmt Statesman bos Dumber for an ad drex ia for tha protection of tha ad vertiser and muat therefor ba o evered by letter. Tha Statesman ia not .t liberty divnls information a ta tha identity of an advertiaer saing a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND wortliless horses, fowl picked up free. Ph. 4lm Mil. iem Montgomery Kena. a. Help Wanted CASH IN ON SPARE TIME dhort WEEKLY OR. MORE EARN SOU Rrn mushroom HOME. Cel lar. shed suitable. Wo buy. 20c - lb. Tear round business. Az-ivmaile by Mr. S. In few weeks 2OlU spare: TIME. Guaranteed. Material Estab. 193L Write for FREE BOOK. Washington Mushroom Industries, DepL U 2019 2nd. Seattle, wasn. Help Wanted Female WANTED OFFICE girl experlen a in hoikkreDlnif. shorthand and typing. Box 334, Statesman. Salesmen W7anted A-l SALESMAN TO pell Hudson Packard automobiles. Must have at Reliinz experience : nca ppearance. Married man preferred. If you cannot qualify, do not apply See Mr. Lambeth, State Motors Inc. Situations Wanted Money to Loan Money' to.. Loan. CASH i For Sale Used Can. NOT TOO LATE to borrow that extra' cash -you need now to consolidate thos old bills and start tha New Tear right. ' j $ 6.03 mo. 'repays $ 60 .la 1,1 moa. J" 7.27 mo. repays $100 In IB moa.' $13 09 rao. repays 1180 in 1$ tnos. $18.13 mo. repays $260 In It moa. PERSONAL .has. made special arrangements to make Personal Loans. pp toj v iiib quicKcsv posy.Dio time, vuieny, or course, without the kind or se curity ordinarily reautred elsewhere. No imtnunt fnr sn 4a -in- it you choose then Just small convenient monthly amounts. Coma In or. phone today, . '- ' For Sale Used Cars i PRIVATE .. CONVENIENT FRIENDLY . PERSONAL- FINANCE CO. Room H9. New Bllgh Bldg ind Floor State Street fet High tn Salem.' Oregon . PHQNE 1 191 STATE. LICENSE NUMBERS S-121 M ICi HERE'S MONEY FOR YOU $10 to $300 To Pay What You Owe Use our money service to start the NEW TEAR, frea from Avht. It nav lucma urt iw niijn on your car. lurniiure, livestock, or other monthly con tracts. bLfc. US. We are often able to reduce them ons half, or mors and yet advance you additional cash. Our low rates and easy terms will help you. Investigate our service TO DAY without obligation. M PEOPLE'S FINANCE Co. S-2H Stats LicenV220 1936 Buick Coupe cKAY'S ; Last .ale of Je- V : Our Stock Must Be Reduced By. Jan. 1st - - . T,nat CpDD BUT You JIavs Been "Waiting for la .Her jowl " EVERY CAR MARKED WAY DOWN "" . ; TODAY QNLYf ' .'. .- " . 46-T-Cafs to. Choose From 46 Prices Range from $75;00 to $775.00 1939 LICENSE FREE ! ON ANY 'ONE OF THESE- CARS PURCHASED BEFORE JAN. 1ST, IF YOU BRING THIS AD WITH lOUJ 1937 Ford "85" 4-Door Sedan $475 Low mileage, nearly new rubber, beautiful blue finish, mo hair upholstery. If you look at this one and don't buy, it's because you don't want a Ford. 1936 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan $475 Rm. 201, First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon Dark gunmetal finish; unsolled mohair upholstery, good tires, steel roof, hydraulic brakes, no-draft ventilation. You don t want a cnev. u you pass this one up I For Rent Apartments ' Priced . $86 under book vatue.- it over I :..........:..,$525 -And Is It a nlc one? Look CLEAN 2 ROOM furn. court apt ! with private bath, laundry, garage bus service. 1817. Lee St. FURNITURE LOANS 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe Towji Sedan ........ ......$695 2 ROOMS, furnished, modattons for trailer Waller. bath. Accom housa. H40 SEE FISHER apts. Modernised. I newly decorated and roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and S. Commercial. 3 R. TITD. APT, 444 S. High. MOD. 3 R. APTS., 244 Marlon. 2 AND 1 R. APTS.. 639 N. Liberty. 2-3 FRN. RMS. Gar. 1421 N. Church. 2 RM. FURN. apt., very reasonable, $:.00 wk., gar. available. 1290 Oak. Tel. 527S. APTS.. HOUSE, adults, 735 N. Com. 3-ROOM FURNISHED, with water. walking distance, inquire 669 X. Front, upstairs. $18. -SMALL FURN. apt., 645 Ferry. FURNISHED APT.. 770 S. Com1. EXP.' COOK desires work, ref. exch, 1330 Hoyt Ave. ALERT. SOBER, experienced farm and dairy hand wants $15 per month ft good home. Local references. Box 216. Statesman. RELIABLE M1DDLK-AGED lady wants housekeeping position. Tel. 8778. L EXP.VOMAN wants hr wrk. 6542. For Sal; Miscellaneous SUN-FLAM & OIL 'heater. 829.S0 Hogg Brosy 32a Court. . . . ; HOTPOINT RANGE, used, $19.60. YEATER & RUSH . IZ North Commercial VXfV1rVVVVVShiin ia asasii BELCRKST. LKSS than coat. 38- TRAILER RESTAURANT, bouse trailers, carry all and stock. Ford pick up. King's Trailer Exch.. B 1 9 N. front. GAS RANGE, regular , $205.00 new, now used, at $39.95. TEATER ft RUSH CO. 129 North Commercial ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash registers, scales, sales, rentals, re pairs. Roen Typewriter Ei. 45 Court. new : ment apt., ROOM unfurnished base $15, 1364 N. Liberty. UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. (CHII.DS ft MILLER'S OFFICE S-21 Phone 9161 M-222 -344 State Street. Salem, Oregon For Loans $10 to $300 SEE 1937 1937 1938 1934 Here Is the chance of a life-time to get nearly a new car at a Used Car Price. Olds 4-Door Touring Sedan $695 If it's an Olds you want snap this one up. Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Sedan $625 This may be the one you nave been waiting for. Come and see' it ! . . Hudson Terraplane Coupe $695 And there Is nothing sloppy about this car. it just must D disposed or. For Sale-i Used Cars For Salts Used Cars Used Car Lot BARGAINS 1938 FORD SEDAN, 4,000 miles............. $675 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE, good rubber, runs good. Come and get it 48 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Legals 20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP HerbMisson - Lot : Marion & Liberty - Ben Drager - IT'S TIME AGAIN - TO TAKE INVENTORY AND WE WANT TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF USED CARS, SO WE ARE OFFERING OUR CARS AT A VERY FAIR PRICE. COME IN TODAY AND TRADE IN YOUR OLD CAR AND START OUT THE NEW YEAR WITH A BETTER ONE. ' 4 1937 Nash-LaFayette Touring Sedan $695 r Radio, cruising gear, low mileage very nice. 1936 Chevrolet Master Town Sedan $495 A nice car, Chevrolet's most popular modeL 1936 LaFayette Touring Sedan $545 Heater This car in fine condition. 1933 Chevrolet Town Sedan $295 Radio trunk new paint This is a dandy. 1935 Ford Fordor Sedan $295 This car is priced below blue book. 1936 Dodge Touring Sedan $595 Motor overhauled heater nice looking. Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan $345 many more to choose from at prices from $:s.oo up. EASY New paint, good rubber, mohair upholstery. It's Truly a iseautuui car. 1930 Chev. Coach 1930 Ford Coupe .3125 .$ 75 1929 Ford Rdstr. 1931 Ford Coach 1929 Nash Sedan $ 95 1936 Chev. Sed. Deluxe 1935 Ford Truck 157 In. w. b., dual wheels .$ 75 ..$ 95 .-$445 $295 ONE OF THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN IS ALWAYS HERE TO HELP YOU Jimmie Davis - Walt Holman - Lawrence Flathers McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 3188 430 N. Com'l. FURNISHED 2 ROOM apt. close in. Tel. 774S. .404 N. Church. SMALL APT., 250 S. Cottage. LGE. MOD. trailer hse. 250 S. Cot. '39 License Plates Included Ferry. 2 RM. UN FURN front apt., lights "water, J12.50. 865 .S. . 13th. 2 XL FURIWapt.. . 732 Chemcketa HEATED. AIR cond., wat., lights. $18.50. Private bath, gar. 2455 State. 2 RMR FURN. 3 RMS., heat, lights, water. gar., 128. 355 N. Capitol. 2 ROOMS I FURNISHED. Church. S R. FURN. APT., washer, 353 Leslie. USED FR1GIDAIRE, runs and looks like new, $85.00. YEATER ft RUSH CO. - 129 North Commercial Ttjjin-ruXfXT""nr.j"BJV"aJ"iJ i" a SODA FOUNTAIN. 479 Court St VACUUM CLEANER, used 3 $12.50.1441 N. Com'L mo.. USED MAYTAG washer, fully re conditioned, $39.50. Used One-Minute washer, $22.50. YEATER ft RUSH CO. 129 N. Commercial FOR SALE 48- oak dining table. 8' extension and 6 chairs. $25. Model 62. -tube Zenith radio, automatic tun ing. $25. 475 N. Capitol Street For Rent Rooms I.ADIICS I'M SSTS N Cotlaaja CLOSE. IN. heated. 254 N. Church. LADY TO share my home. Ph. 8229. SHOWERS, auto. hU close In. 3518. CLOSE IN. $10.00 per mo. Ph. 1707. ATTR. RM., firepl. 250 a Cottage "- i iojtjnjTjTjxrJXruJxruXfX FURN. RMS., private entrance. 738 Ferry. Ph. 2708. SLEEPING ROOM, gar. 7S E St Room and Board RM.. BIX steam heat 1190 Oak. - - -iVi-i-i-nnnAnAwwinAjVyrii-i-1 TRY MA Bo wen's famous meals, a real home. 315 RetUvue. Ph. 8767. r i. MODERN ROOM, board and garage. 447 Shipping. Tel. $374. FDR MEN Showers, new modern home, close In walking distance state offices.' Also table board. $50 Marion. BLOCKS FROM statehouse. large room for two, steam heat 1S OaJc f n. 7 sos. RMS. BOARD High. lf desired, 441 N. For Rent Anartments 1-2 $ RMS, $$ up. !$! S. lSth. ADVERTISING Western Ad vertlslnc Representatives rsnaer-Hail Co Ud." 6a a Wmtrifm. !.o Anaeiea. Seattle 'i t Eastern AdvertUins Represeotatlses) Bryant OtKfllb ft Bmnsoa, Inc. Chicago, New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta ; aTatareal at Uka i'oatofnem at Satesn Oregon fieoond C'iaaa Matter. faft lishetf svsr momias sccesl Afenday. Kuatsess tee 8il South Comwrciai KtretL - .. SUBSCKIPTION RATES: Mali Subscription Rata tn Advance wuiun ureson: Daily ana unay Mo. $0 cents: $ Ma $1.11: Mo. $1.50 1 rear $8 . Elsewhere 1$ cents per Ma or if ti ror i year m tartnea Per cod- ecnta Nawsstands t cents Bv City Carrier: cants a month. 7.21 a year ta advance la Marlon and adjacent counties. SMALL APT., adults. 2183 State. General Finance Corp. EVERY Car Is Priced at Book or LESS SALEM'S OLDEST and largest Inde pendent company, where your prob lems receive consideration after as well a, before the loan Is made. In ' the past eleven years more' than 2 RM. FURN.. 2 rm. unfurn. Lts hot water, Maytag, $15, adults. 120 J 20,000 borrowers have profited by our Each one of these cars Is backed by a Written uuarantee. financial help and advice. Payment plan is arranged to fit vour income. NO RED TAPE CASH AT ONCE And we do have the finest reconditioned used cars in Salem. . . All priced below market. to 674 N. lights, water. Repay any , day, week or month reduce the cost 136 S. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon -S-13I Firet Door South of Ladd ft Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Phone 9168 YOU SHOULD look our cars oyer and compare condition and price before you buy ANY CAR ANY WHERE! '39 license included. For Rent Houses Auto Loans 4 RM. DUPLEX, lights and water furn, 398 N. 21st. Court cot, frw., stove. 734 N. Cot. MOD. 4" R. Apply 1767 S. Church. NEW. MOD. S R. house in N. Salem, $32.50. Inq. owner, 1520 N. Capitol. 4 ROOM HOUSE, bath, garage, also 5 room house, bath, each $15 mo. 2245 Broadway. Tel. 7546. ROOMY 4 ROOM house, large sun porches, $25. Phone 8664. NEW COZY 5-rm. house, close In on East Center. Garden and well water. Adults. Ph. 5991. 7 RM. MODERN home, $45.00. rm. house, large yard, $25.00. 8 rm. hse. ft 3 acres, $17.50. IVAN G. MARTIN Phone 441$ t RM. HSE.. unfurn. 513 N. Church. RM. MOD. sub. home, nicely furn.. It A.. $30. Phone 5618. CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St. Salem Phon 9168 Lie. No. M-152 FEDERAL MOUSING loans' build ef Inane homea business trto Rate Anrams Kilts Inc. Masonic Bids - H-j -iru-u-iruLnj" MONG1 TO LOAN On 1st mtgs. H, P. Grant 629 Court Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. GRA BENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. LOANS hANrtu on farm and city uroperty. Before borrewtng inquire at Kiswa.ns m Roberta 37 Plvmouth DeLuxe Business Coupe Vrv Finest Condition In Everv KesDect. . . Aionair upnoisterv is periecc. Original green finish. Equipped with heater, defroster, two windshield cleaners. . . Tires are almost brand new. Our Sale Price $560 J3 PONTIAC 4-door Sedan 5-pas- senger, 6 wheels, equipped wltn fender wells and trunk platform. Practically new tires, motor In A-l condition, fine mohair uphol stery, really very clean. A well cared for car. Our Sale Price $275. 31 BUICK 60 Series, -wheel 4-Dr. Sedan excellent mechanically. Mohair upholstering, very nice and clean. Has original finish. Rear trunk and luggage platform. Exceptionally good tires. Our Sale Price $195. '28 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan Recondi tioned and has new tires with a 12 months guarantee. This Is an unusual value at our price of $135. 37 PONTIAC DeLuxe Cabriolet Very finest mechanical condition, beautiful maroon finish. red Spanish leather trimming, flexi ble steering wheel, center point steering, hydraulic brakes, Cad illac knee -action, all silent syn chro-mesh transmission, rractlc ally new tires. Our Sale Price $665. '32 BUICK 67 model. This car is In unusually fine condition through out and has thousands of miles of dependable and economical transportation. Has original black finish, mohair trimming, very clean. Has wheels and equipped with fender wells, wind shield wings and rear trunk rack. Tires are tn fine condition. Our Sale Price $245. FURN. HSE.. reasonable. Anna Gl- rod, Rt. 6, Box 274. Ph. fltz. Financial 4-R. HSE.. I.IKE new, etr. heater, firepl. lidwd. floors, gar. sza. r. in l ty.than this i tUbs lf snd Invest Ww $5000. never paid la a rate on savings Investments, insured SUB. HOME. 4 mL out 4 rooms. bath, fireplace, spring water, $18.00 mo. Inq. 965 N. summer.. For Rent Farm ACREAGE. GOOD bldgs. Ph. 63F15. For Rent niririi'K RimM9 331 Stat street Inquire room $00 Tel. 3718. For Sale Real Estate Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Ass's! Phone 4968 142 B. I .snort ex. '. For Sale Real F,state 127 ACRES MOST all In cult. $0 acres In crop, all good black? soil. 6 rm. houaa and 2 barns. Want to ex change for smaller place suitable for chickens. . ... 105 ACRES; 50 acres In cult, S rm. house and barn. Will exchange for small acreage. . 50 ACRES with 5 rm. house and barn near Salem on paved road. Price $3500. Want larger farm, will pay iKnit 11000 difference. ' Large room house suitable for anartments. Price $1800. Will ex- We have Several other Low Prlce4 Ca.ra Such aa PONTIACS. CHEVROLETS and FORDS which weiave priced to sell at iteai Bargains: "ITS OUR AIM TO MERIT REPUTATION FOR USED CAR VALUES" CAPITAL PONTIAC, Inc. " USED CAR LOT N. Commercial at Center Street Phone 664$ SALES and SERVICE 339 N. High Street Phone 9109 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY AND MONDAY r!vn likTS 4s nmwmA mtrmmt aseel- ent location. Price $ioe. $26 down. $! I change equity for scant lots. per month. - W. H- OHAHKNHIIRST tU-REAI.TORS 134 8. Liberty 8t Phone 4i BEAUTIFUL NbW home, suburban. $100 down. $35 month, right party Carle A bra ma, 411 Masonic Bldg. Phon 155-74. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC 110H North Commercial t - sl - - jLOTS . $ $00.00 WILL BUY this close In lot. streets paved, cement walk. 100.00 down and balance terms. 8 500.00 will buy a fine lot In N. E. Salem, paved street easy terms. For Sale Real Estate BELOW VALUE $1750.00 CASH WILL give you a clear title to tnis line k acre tract located 4 miles from Salem on good road, close to high way, school and store, well settled community, six room plastered house and outbuild ings. If you have the cash, here ia your chance to make a real buy. Let us show you this property. See G. H. GRAB EN HORST. JR.. with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, . REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Exchange -Real Estate TRADE WILL TAKE lot located tn S. Sa lem in on new modern 6 room house Route 2. boa 64 D. Owner. rcMxr unnrRV S hArimom house. hardwood floors. A. 1 mile River I f 1000.00 buys a nne rairmouni niii i with one A. of ground. Some fruit ft road, north. $250 down. $27.50 month. I lot paved street 6 by 15 I nuts. Big garage, small chicken house If it Is a lot see G. H. GRABENHORST. JR, with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street START THE new year right Buy new modern 3 bedroom house. Will decorate interior to suit purchaser Terms. Owner. Ph. 5566. -inj-i..q-.- -L-J.r in -i. r I xmwmixm imn a r mm.T for eonvanience. I NICE OLD-FASH ION EO a norm. i K..t rvuihio harh. I home. 12KS Sol Liberty, lot 75x165, Priced 31000.00 less than valuation. I room for another house, $3000, terms. ft barn. Price 83500, See Q. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone $46$ For Sale Farms SACRIFICE ? ACRES. 35 tn cul I Uvation, 10 acres prunes, 35 Fran- i .. c kt et pt.r Jahajt. 1 Trad smaller Dlace nortn. sen. owner and" builder. 1 C H. SANDERS, 11$ So. High 6131 J quette walnuts, tamUy orchard. un.nju-L-u-j-u-Lnn.i-inrii-ii-ii-1 -inrt-i-i-i-I :- I springs, good fences, new barn. $2500. S RM. HOME, basement, garage,! BERRY SOIL I $150 down, $15 per month. Mra H. J. rood res. dist $3250.00. 3660 down, g ACRES ALL under plow, gravel I Clark. Route 1, Box , Camaa, Wasn baL S26aO. peyaoie 2j.a per ino. i : roa, -rt wuca nmu mgwii. 4 vU,vV a.4.vu uuwn uu i.vw yvi W. II. GRABENHORST A CO-'. I 100 A. DAIRY OR grata farm near REALTORS I town. Priced to sell at one. Terms. 114 a Liberty Street Care Statesman. Box 347, Ph. T240. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A LOVELY room, modern home In South Salem, hot water heat, double garage, lot 75x150 ft Formerly sold for $7500. Today s price is aou. Small , trade acceptable. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 2$L NEW YEAR SPECIAL , ROOM PLASTERED houaa In A-l condition, bedrooms on main floor. basement large lot with many fruit and shade trees. A real buy ror 25 with $500 down. baL $25 per month. .. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 144 Stat Street . Phono 826L T.T RinniTM ' I CREEK PROPERTY BIG LOT located on Falrmount Hill 10 ACRES LOCATED 6tt miles from oaiem, year rouna ireiii, auriia timber, all bottom land, price $1, - 250.00, $500.00 down. See a H. GRABENHORST. Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS " 134 S. Liberty Street - on paved Bt 50x150. Se this lot Price 1000. See O. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. , REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone (168 PRICE AND LOCATION EXCELLENT - 6 ROOM MODERN with unfln. up LOOKING FOR A REAL BUT? NEAT NEW 3-rraa. finished, for stairs, located 465 Marion, heart of $525. H to 3 A. ex. sou at $aee per A. Salem. I $35 cash, baL like rent. C H. SANDERS. Ill So. High I ROBERT r. buukuw neai a,8tate Phon 5131 iz Laaa eusa mate. ruone . OWNER MUST SACRIFICE 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE. If you're look lng for a good as new used car. new tires, and low mileage, at a remark able saving, see this buy today. Small monthly payments can b arranged u desired. Ph. 444S or stop at Km. zsi. First National Bank" Building. CARTER MOTOR CO. USED CAR CENTER 240 CENTER ST. NASH-LAFAYETTE DEALER PHONE 3734 NEW CAR SALESROOM 365 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM AUTO CO. ALWAYS LEADS IN GREATER VALUES NEW CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH SALES ARE INCREASING BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. AND OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT HAS A LARGE STOCK OF LATE MODEL CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. THRIFTY BUYERS ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THESE $$ SAVINGS. BUY NOW AND SAVE THAT FIRST BIG DEPRECIATION All Salem Auto Co.'s Used Cars Must Look and Run Like New CHEVROLETS 1937 Master Coach 1933 Master Coach 1933 Conv. Coupe 19ZS sed. spt. 1929 Sedan 1929 Coach CHRYSLERS 1938 Royal Sedan 1937 Royal Coupe 1937 Royal Coupe 1936 Royal Sedan 1933 Spt Sedan FORDS 1937 Tr. Sed. 85 1934 DeLuxe Coupe 1930 DeLuxe Coupe , lZ9 uei. coup .$595.00 285.00 325.00 135.00 75.00 60.00 " PLYMOUTH3 1937 Tour. Sedan $645.00 3 of these to choose from 1929 Coach, new rubber .$335.00 . 745.00 . 785.00 . 550.00 . 325.00 ..$575.00 . 265.00 . 165.00 . 95.09 . 125.00 1937 Standard Sedan 1937 DeLuxe Coup 1S35 Sedan 1936 Coupe Std. 19 Zi Sedan Tour. . DeSOTOS 1927 Tr. Sedan 1937 Tr. Sedan 1936 Tr. Sedan 1935 RbL Seat Coup MISC. MAKES 1927 Willys-Knight Sedan, oeauty 1328 Olds. Sed.. trunk 565.00 565.00 365.00 . 375.00 . 425.00 .$725.00 . 745.00 . 595.00 . 475.00 ..$ 50.00 95.09 436 NORTH COMMERCIAL 40 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Open Evenings and Sundays PHONE 4673 ft 4915 38 LAFAYETTE 4-DR. Sedan. $345, A-L Take cheaper car. 815 S. 22nd. Wanted Used Cars USED CARS WANTED Highest Prices Paid ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER ft CHURCH STREET For Sale Farms TOUR OPPORTUNITY IS ACRES 4 MILES from Satom. good location, well settled commun ity, light-line, some orchard, sev eral acres plow land, timber and pasture. There Is a large building located on thia property and the building could be wrecked .and used to frame a house and out buildings. Here Is your chance to get started owning this fine 10 acre tract Price $1650.00, $250.00 down and balance $20.00 per month, lnt percent See G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 & Liberty Street Business Opportunities GROCERY" STOCK, fixtures and lease, bargain If sold at once, 696 N. 14th. Scrooge Comes to Elsinore Sunday in' 1 ItlM Kim llreatbing ita Christmas message of Peace oa Earth, Good Will To ward Men, Charles Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol cornea to the Eblnore Sunday with Reginald Owes playing the role of Eben exer Scrooge and Terry KITbsm a Tiny Tim. Others ia the above picture are June Lockhart, Barry Mackay and Lynae Carver. Oa the same program are Dick Powell and Anita Louise la "Golag Places 1937 FORD 2-DOOR. A-l condition. If taken today. $150 will handle. Inq DeWltts Fruit Market. Cottage at Ferry. Acreage FOR SALE 40 A. on coast highway at Willamlna ; 2 sets bldgs.. frontage for several more houses; city water, elec 30 A. river bottom, can be Irri gated from Yamhill river. Stocked ft equipped. Only $4300.00. Soma terms. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC NOTICE OP HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FINAL AC COUNT. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN (hat ETHEL B. BOLLIER, as' the duly appointed, qualified and act ing administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of SOPHIA D. BOLLIER, deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settle-, ment and filed in the County Court of the County of Marion. State of Oregon, a final account of her administration of said estate; and that Tuesday, the tenth day of January, 1939. at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said court, in the Marion County Courthouse, in the City cf Salem, Marion County, Oregon,' have been duly fixed and ap pointed by said court as the time end the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the tenth day of December, 193S. ETHEL B. BOLLIER, as Administratrix With the Will Annexed of the Estate of SOPHIA D. BOLLIER, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON Attorneys for Administratrix With the Will Annexed. D 10-17-24-31 J 7. Semi-Weekly Jag Held no Grounds SPOKANE. Dec. 30 --Supe rior Judge William Huneke ruled today a husband's drunkenness and refusal to provide milk for his baby did not constitute grounds for divorce. Mrs. Lillie Clukey testified her husband, George F. Clukey, jr., got drunk twice a week, refused to buy milk or cod liver oil for the baby and refused to provide a baby bed or crib. "You took each other for bet ter or for worse. That Is not grounds for divorce," the judge ruled. For Sal? Wood GOOD WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 95C0. 3 CORDS OF good -dry 4 ft. growth for $11.50. Ph. 7860. Snd DRY ASH ft oak, $5.75. Ph. 9703. NO MONE1 flown, 5 mo. to pay oo 4 -cord lots, alt kinds. W. U Graen, 413 N. 21st Phon 5370. FUEL ON easy payments. .No down payment 5 months or longer to pay. First payment 30 days. Any amount any kind. Full measure; Chas, E. Smith. Tel. 6221. 1150 N. Church. . DRY 16" FIR, $5. Ph. 7153. ii iiirVssrVfvsisry Ottt 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 1I7F13. A-I DRY OLD FIR. $6 00. Ph. 3354 --------- Y-y-a l s ij u'u'j'n.runjiiLn FOR DRY sec growth. Vhons 4521. r rjr LOA .IO $3.75 DRT WOOD. Phon 4 885. E. Boje, LOAD 1$ IN. mill. Dry mill 5. 16 In, dry 2nd growth. $4.00. 133 cu. ft bulk Ids. P.h. 17F3L OLD FIR. $5; 2nd gwth. 4-ft limb. $5. Oak. $6.50, ash, $5, knots, $4.5. Phone 9456. GET YOUR dry old fir, 1175 N. 17th. E. Holloway. DRY OLD fir. $5.00 sawed knots. $6.00 r 16 In. old fir limbs. $1.09 hardwood all kinds. Ph. 6370. Prompt delivery. WOOD. 360 N. CHURCH. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. 60c. 16 In. TI2L WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. 6888. iVraonal LONEl.TT -WORTHWHILE sweet heart husband, wif for rou. Box 76. I .os Angeles For Sale Wood J 1SSSJlS here for a limited time only. 444 8. BONE DRY WOOD, Ph. $68$. High. TeL 4508. Business Directory BasasBBBBBBBSSBaaaaBBBBBBBBBaaaBsssBaassssaasBa aBaassasasaaaaiBaaassssaaaaaaassasasssassBsn Cards ta this directory ma Laundries " oa a monthly basis only. 1 Rate: 91 per line per month. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY . - m H.Eb Tel. m Antiques AND GLASS. H ml N.- Portland Rd. - Magazines . . . i SAVE MONEY on magazines, Ph. T 82 8. AniO UraKes Mra ptul h. Hauser. 926 Saginaw. Mlk Panek. 276 South Commercial ? n . . Mattresses Auto Repairing 1 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Jnattreso LEWIE'S AUTO REPAIRING. Day factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to and night service. Ford and Chev. ordt . old remade: carpet cleaning, sls- speclaltst Ramseyar garag. 25 N. lng; fluff rug -weaving. & t3th ft Wll- High. TeL 61$$. bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. Z WICKER. - Et. 191L . Barber Service capitol bedding co. ben 403. LOU LANE. 1608 Broadway. "" ' 1 R. j ; r Painting and Kalsomining " KALSOMINE.. AS kw as $ room. BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Winter prices.. Painting. Phon 4928. Ha-ry W. Scott 147 a Cora l nL 4616 - Body & Fender Repair Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards. rmphUta FOR BODY A FENDER repairs, sUe programs, books or any kind ft print, trim, seat covers, glass replacement urs. call Th Statesman Printing Do auto painting SEE th Herrall-Owoa partmcnt 316 S. ComroerciaL Tel Co, 835 & Com'! St Phon 319. phon 910L Cabinet, Works . .. .. Xransfer Court St Cabins W.rks, 31. Court BL TclTl warding and storage our sportalty. Get Chimney Sweep oo rates. -. , . : ,- -: . . .. . .; TELEPHONE 4450. Ft E. Northness f" . . -- - - '- sge, burner oIL call 1111 I armor ' 1 . Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally Chiropractors ' Da a u scott. psa chiropractor Vacuum Service 16$ N. High. TeL Res. 157$ - -' - ' -. . .. ' - - - ' AUTHORIZED HOOVER sales and fMaBaiinn servlc. All makes serviced. Vacuums Excavating to rent. Mr. Wall. Hogg Bros, EXCAVATING Of aU Wnds Bass- bmi ri-lll:-. menu dug Dirt hauled or moved Din ? Wfli UrilllDg ' for sal. Salem Sand and Gravel Co , Phono 9498. R A. WEST. Rt . Box 445 . 110F6 Florists Wet Basements Brlthaupfa 44T Court Phon 6904. ROCKTITE APPLIED against preo." I in. tare or seepage to all masonry. Ph. W. SALEM Florists. 1400 Edgewstet 7521