The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    .'its OKi,;. S7t::lA7 .t,5r.t, tr(uyu; is-msy .Vcir-.?. tcert r .LMtfsn -..
nponT npnnno
You call It: The football Bears
of California had a. 168-pound
center, probably the lightest plv
cter to ever make the grade la
the PCL . ... and now the bas
ketball Bears are parading big
Bill Ogllvie, 220-pound, 6 foot
6 lncher. . . . . Bill Ross, the
loy who fights Jack Mibbard in
one of the semi-finals of the
Vets' armory card next, Monday
eight, is yet another colored boy
from the Guest West stable in
Seattle .... he originally hailed
from Chicago, where he took
I art la 42 unateur tangles be
fore rturnlug pro . . . . he has
bad 'IS' battles in cash circles,
winning 18 and getting draws
in t'other "two. . . . . Ross wants
a. crack at the winner of the
Peterson-Watson championship
go, providing it's Petersen. . . .
he doesn't want to battle Wat
son, as they are palsywalsy, be
Icg stablemates and sech.
Volk'Polk" Coffin.
If poke was spelled "polk,"
and if 1 was a poet, I'd write
at , least a couple of stanans
about Billy Volk, the MAC boy
who very definitely ont-mitted
.our Wally Larios. . . 1 liaven't
Wen a busier left haud since
the last time I was affiliated
with the itch as that displayed
"by Volk. . . . Lester kappel
nin, Kansas f arklty hoop
guard has never miesed a free
throw In college competition. . .
one might say the lad han gift
for gift era. ... An Oregon
state forester has figured out
that it takes 00,000,000 board
feet of lumber to make the
stocks and barrel guards for
the third Keith's 5,000,000
rifles, an amount equal to the
yearly cut of Port Orford ce
dar in Coos county .... no
figures arc available on the
. board feet it'd take for a cof
fin for Hitler. . .'.
Gordon Given "Go" Sign.
"There are a few things about
this club which will call for
close Inspection at St. Peters
burg, but there are many other
things about which I am very
sure," has 'said Manager Joe
McCarthy, who has also predicted
another pennant for the Yankees
in 1939 .... "One of them is
that Joe Gordon will be the No.
1 second baseman of the major
leagues in 1939. He had it right
from the start last season, but
had to get over a feeling of
awe. He could not quite get it
into his head that in hi3 third
season in baseball he could be
the successor of Lazzeri. Well,
Gordon showed me plenty. He'll
go at it .with greater confidence
than ever and if he doesn't hit
SO homers and .300 I'll be very
much disappointed" .... and
i.. looks like Mr. McCarthy has
set a mark for Joe-Jce, which
Cordon's new contract will prob
ably reveal ....
' O
Hawk Signers.
Both Billy Beard and Phil
Salstrom have signed with the
Spokane Jfawksl. . .'Congrats
and more' - the power to
"Whiskers" and Phlashin Phil
.".'. .'tis also possible Ken
'Manning might do a hitch in
the Western International. . .
By the by, the Seattle ltainiers
have bow hooked up the Hawks
and their subsidiary Twin Falls
club as farm stations. . . How
ard Staple won't be available
as a player-manager-c o a c h
hereabouts next summer, for
reasons and reasons ... Tom-
, .
Portland, Is currently trying
to figure out a defense for Joe
Bonn's right hand. . . Orrin
Mopped Bonn's port side duke
with his, chin last time and
doesn't think so very much of
that form of halting it. . . .
Shrine O'Brien Oilers.
They're building up a Bottari
versus Goldberg duel for the
East-West wangle . . . and In so
doing have both grid greats on
the hot seat .... A pair of
Pauls, Hauser and Stnrges, and
Leighton Blake left yestiddy
morning for the Shrine contest.
Da vey O'Brien, TeeSeeYou's
passing phenom, has received
over 2000 pieces of fan mail this
reason . . . . a great batch of it
was female fan mail, and it's
been up to Davey's t,al friend,
Frances Buster, to bust the seals
on that . . . . Current elimin
ations to select a contender for
Joe Louis has caused the Sepia
Slayer to fear nobody bnt Uncle
Sam's tax collector . . . The
"women free" sign is to be dis
played . for the Bearcat-Signal
Oil game next Tuesday night, ac
cording to "Happy" Howard
Maple . . . Fresh from a win
over the -Oregon Siaters, Ray
Smith's Oilers are bent on snatch
ing a 'Cat court scalp . . . they
always succeed in getting up the
dander ...
Bout Called Off
Pickers Pwssd
't '. f t f . V;
Fr ankle Klick, San Francisco
lightweight, whose bout with
, - Clerer Henry of Honolulu was
Indefinitely postponed by the
Honolulu b o x i n g commission
after Klick received threatening
notea. Unlem he "laid down" to
Henry, Klick was told he would
meet with violence, the iijjassr
disclosed. -
Experts Begin
Climbing Limb
All Take Parachutes With
'Em as Duke and USC
Comparisons Baffle
PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 30
(itfVAs the Duke end Southern
California football teams slacked
down today in preparing for
their encounter in the Rose
Bowl, the gridiron experts, fully
equipped with parachutes, be
gan the long crawl that leads to
the end of a limb.
Confidence, muted like a trum
peteer's Instruments, issued from
the rival camps after today's
workout, but predictions on the
outcome of this twenty-fourth
annual struggle were pVased
with caution and carefully wrap
ped with reservations.
Odd Theories Advanced
Many theories hare been con
cocted to base comparisons on
the strength of the Immovable
Dukes and the mighty Trojans.
The oddest seemed to be the one
that dealt USC an edge because
the Trojan war horse kicked over
California. 13 to 7, California
defeated Georgia Tech, 13 to 0,
and the best the Dukes could
l,et over the Tech eleven was a
6-0 decision.
Just how that should make
CSC the favorite over Duke
seems remote, in xlexr of among
other important trifles, the fact
that Duke played Tech last No
vember 15, the USC-California
gane was November f, and the
Cal-Georgia Tech atfair was
staged December 26, a month
after both had finished their
i ormal seasons.
Just as logical, because it
doesn't make any more sense,
would be to say Duke has an
edge because they defeated Geor
gia Tech, Tech tied Alabama and
Alabama walloped CSC.
Comparative Scores Confusing
To add that California whip
ped Alabama last January 2 and
USC slapped down California con
tributes nothing but more con
fusion to the matter.
Someone figured out a USC
victory because the Trojans went
up against 10 opponents who
von 51 games out of 91 played,
while the Duke foes won 36 out
of 73 games, which, they claim
ed, gave tougher aspects to the
USC -schedule than that waded
through by the Dukes.
Everyone agreed on one thing.
It will be a hard fought battle.
Sporl Netcs
Complete reports of local
and national sports events
tvery day.
Complete reports of the
city and church leagues
first in tha Statesman.
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 31, 1938
Portland Swim
Team to Come
Portland's Arrow club swinV
mers will engage the, Salem
YMCA splashers in the local pool
next Monday afternoon, it was
announced here yesterday.
The visitirg squad, under
der Coach Al Sehorn, will bring
with it a few 14-year-old boys
to provide competition for young
er YMCA boys, as veil as a full
senior team.
(Perfection alleys)
Kar.dip .. 4 4 4 16
Grmham 201 171 181 553
Herbergfr 158 128 150436
Needlum 166 161 131459
Parkrr , 167 157 145 469
Wolt 19J 162 168523
Totals 88S 783 779 2451
Cooke . 121 166 192 479
Knapp 100 159 114 379
Morgan 17 124 167428
Richett. 228 123 . 143 49
Newmaa 171 160 166 97
Totali . -738 732 782 2272
CofffV - 144 139 110 383
Barton 139 109 109 357
Zabare 168 148 133 450
Kinf . 154 150 163 167
Master 179 189 170538
TotaU -785 735 685 2195
Handicap S S 3 9
White 200 147 172 519
L Barr ...146 131 87384
Welch 156 147 166469
H. Ban 11 215 181 557 1S1 109 166406
-Totals 797 752 775 2344
Guatafaon 157 142 141440
Parker 159 134 170 463
Hill . 131 203 174 508
Pratt 138 152 212502
Caoiey. 157 123 180462
Total 742 756 877 2375
Handicap .....- 49 67 49-165
Wheeler ... 157 129 146432
XrCaftrer 2 10i 102
Kcker 1-3 123 154292
Srbei 2 98 9.1
Patterson 18 108 154282
N,r 153 153 182440
iioa, .....1?3 154 182 528
Totals -789 703 817 2309
(Perfection alleys)
Handicap . 28 28 28 84
Howell I 131 199 118468
Ring 123 143 135 4K
Barm ,133 127 121883
Hartweli -164 174 803641
Cherrinsto" 139 182316
Totals : 776 829 787 2386
Greene, sr. w -179 183 182826
Clark 171 17 139489
IaBie!, ar. 154 179 157481
Daniels, jr. 155 113 135402
Baraholt . i"0 158 157485
TtaU , 829 784 770 2383
Ward . .w 167 171 156 497
Kevmver 118 141 97850
Foster ... , --j 141 129416
Beecroft t 12 . 104821
Deckebaek. .. 183 178 147490
Totals Wt' 760 638 2074
Handicap ; 41 4t 4t 123
Iris ..118 148 111 878
Lano .117 200 102419
Karneat 157 131 US 40
Path 17 14 131404
Greene, jr. , .18 164 141461
Totals 7'7 788 '844 SIM
East West Do
Light Workout
Bill Osmanski on Injury
List as Charity Tilt
Practice Ending
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 30-tfr-Light
workouts replaced havy
training today as the Eastern and
Western football stars began tap
ering off in practice for the an
nual charity game here Jan. 2.
Bill Osmanski, line cracking
fullback from Holy Cross, was still
out of uniform as coaches Bernie
Bierman and Andy Kerr sent the
Eastern boys through signal drill
In a single workout.
Osmanski'8 shoulder, badly
bruised during scrimmage a few
days ago, continued to respond to
treatment but it was considered
doubtful he would be of much val
ue to the team Monday.
East's Kicking Specialists
The duties of place kicking for
points after touchdown will be
shared by Louis "Bill" Daddlo,
Pittsburgh end, and George Faust,
Minnesota quarterback. They also
will be called upon for any field
goals attempted. The two pat In
a long session at their specialty,
hitting the mark well above aver
age. Although lineups were not an
nounced, it was pretty well estab
lished Marshall Goldberg, Pitts
burgh ail-American, would open
the game at his favorite position,
left half. ,
Bottari Left Half
In the same spot on the West
ern team will be Vic Bottari of
The western squad, drilling at
Palo Alto, spent two hours polish
ing its offense and defense. Orin
Hollingbery, co-coach with "Biff"
Jones, said the players had
learned their assignments thor
oughly and that from now until
game time it was merely a matter
of ironing out the rough spots.
Between 5 and 30 plays will be
employed in the West's attack.
Meanwhile, officials of the game
predicted it would attract close to
the 59,000 capacity of Kezar sta
dium. The advance sale was far
ahead of any previous contest.
Beavers Trounce
Pacific Packards
Orange's Pre-Season Cage
Campaign Closed With
53 to 22 Win
CORVALLIS, Ore.. Dec. 30.
(jP) Oregon State college closed
an eight-game pre-season cage
schedule tonight by swamping
the Pacific Packards of Portland,
53-22. The Beavers won seven
out of eight warm-up games.
It took the Orangemen 15 min
utes to get the range but from
then on they scored at will and
led at half time 21-10.
Pflugrad Leads
Pflugrad led the scorers with
12 points. Helser got five of the
Packards seven field goals.
The Staters open their coast
conference schedule next Tuesday
against Washington State here.
Painters Defeat
Deaf School Five
Dunsmoor's Painters sloshed
ever the Deaf school faculty five
45 to 38 last night with R. Lind
strom looping 22 counters.
Itnnsmoor's 45 38 Facnlty
F. Lindstrom 10 6 Hokie
It. Lindstrom 22 10 McGowan
Olson 12 S Moxley
Williams 1 $ Ulmer
Forrest 8 Stortz
East Team Won First Bowl Game
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Barbara Dongall, Pasadena, Cal., Junior college co-ed and queen of
the annual 'Tournament of Roees," who was recently presented
with a photograph of the first eastern team to compete in the Rose
BowL Tlie team was Yost's "point a minute" eleven from Michigan.
In 1903 they defeated Stanford, 49 to 0. The picture waa presented
to the queen from the collection of K. H. Rathbun, Michigan alum
nus. IIX photo.
Ramblers, Hauks
Wildcats Champs
Unbeaten Teams Romp off
With Vacation League
Sectional Titles
Three unbeaten teams carried
off sectional championships in the
YMCA open house basketball loop
as the result of victories scored
Friday afternoon. The Ramblers
won the high school title. The
Hauks were tops in the junior
high circuit and the Wildcats won
the midget crown.
More Games Monday
. Next Monday afternoon's hoop
program will feature the Wildcats
against the runners-up Tiger
team, the Hauks ' against Leslie
All-Stars and the R a m b 1 e rs
against a Church league team.
Scores Friday were: Ramblers
38, Trotters 9; Wildcats 18, Hoop
ers 5; Buckaroos 18, Wildcats 21;
Tigers 21, Eagles 13; Hauks 41,
Jeeps 12.
(By the Associated Press)
Lincoln (Portland) 14, Astoria
t .
Marshfield 26, Ashland 12.
Grant (Portland) 22, Silverton
VancouTer, Wash., 35, Benson
Tech, (Portland) 25.
Grant (Portland) 22, Silver
ten 18.
Molalla 22, Milwaukle 20.
Joseph 49, Beaverton 31.
Sherwood 28, Rainier 25.
Jefferson (Portland) 27, Kel
so, Wash., 13.
Oregon City 49, Washington
(Portland) 29.
Linfield 37, Multnomah col
lege 32.
Oregon State 53, Pacific Pack
ards 22.
1938 Sports Parade By Jack Sords
- .dT m . ' n lBMlaTMK. Jala.
fiGvt COaJlfeACf AS
utMAeen OF TME
CHICAGO coes dA K9
v-v-vSj scorcoatboWicau 1
jf Kactwr victory
jiKi: y iMTMeTriu!DoiWD
PAWE- 13
bay packers
X3 o 17
frtASACrtOM Of
AO IbM 6AKCR, Aalp
Ski Wax
What? You haven't recuperat
ed yet from last week-end? Why
50U big sissy! (Yeah, me too).
Yousah, what perfect skiing
over the Christmas holidays, with
just the right amount of new
powder snow, and fast wow !
The leading financial experts
of the world claim supply and
demand govern prices of all com
rrodities. Well, I guess that the
hundreds of skiers who waited
for bus rides at Government
Camp from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. last
Monday can explain why prices
raised from 3-for-$l to 50 cents
Skierj wouldn't mind bo much
the price, but when they have to
stand around six or seven hours
waiting for a chance to spend
iourbits you can hear plenty of
grumbling in many a language.
No foolin'.
Yes sir, it's hard to wake up
and go to work during the week,
but just try and keep a skier in
bed on Sunday. Some of the boys
are looking for twin alarm clocks
one for Stevie and the other
for Egan. Are their faces red!
A couple of our local fans had
a little tough luck a few dajs
back and got battered up some,
t-ut you can't keep a good skier
down. Sorry fellows. But there's
lots of time left and we'll be
"skiing" you again soon.
Who said something about the
weaker sex? Horse feathers.
None of the girls have been hurt
yet. Keep it up, gals, make it a
If you want to see some real
thrills, action and high speed
skiing, don't miss the events of
the Portland day tournament
blated for next Monday. The
races will start from Lone Fir
and run into the Alpine trail at
the west end of the Lodge, fol
low the Alpine to Corkscrew
canyon where they will branch
eff onto the Blossom trail, then to the upper creek which
will mark the finish.
Grid Gambler
Held Parasite
Coaches9 Meeting Is Told
Practice Harmful but
Can't Be Helped
CHICAGO, Dec. S0-(i!P)-Gam-bling
la Intercollegiate football's
-No. 1 parasite," the nation's
gridiron coaches were told today
at the closing session of their
18th annual meeting.
The public relations committee
of the ' coaches association, in a
report presented by L. P. Jordan
of Amherst college, said the wide
spread distribution of odds cards
is harmful to the collegiate sport,
but added: "There is little we can
do other than refsse to predict
winners of games."
Player Insurance Urged
The committee also reported a
"callous indifference" in some lo
calities to the problem of taking
cars of football injuries and urged
coaches consult with athletic di
rectors on the possibility of taking
out liability insurance. The re
commendation also was made
that five association coaches col
laborate in writing a series of ar
ticles on the sport next fall, with
earnings to go to the association's
Glenn F. Thistlethwaite of the
University of Richmond, chairman
of the association's stabilizing
committee, reported coaches gen
erally apathetic toward a study of
ways whereby their positions
could be made more secure. Only
12 coaches of 60 polled sent re
plies to the question.
Zuppke Retention Lauded
The report commented on the
"Zuppke case," pointing out that
the recent refusal of the board of
trustees at Illinois to accept the
resignation of Bob Zuppke, veter
an Illini coach, indicates that
schools generally are taking long
and loyal service into considera
tion when attempts are made to
oust football mentors.
There is a general conviction,
Thistlethwaite said, that recent
years have shown an increase in
the number of coaches given fac
nlty rating and a decrease in the
number of dismissals.
Lou Little, Columbia university
coach, was elevated from the first
vice presidency to the position of
president of the association, the
post held through 1938 by Harry
Stuhldreher of Wisconsin.
The National Collegiate Athlet
ic association wound up its three
day session by re-electing Presi
dent William Owens, professor at
Stanford university, and Dean F.
W. Nicolson of Wesleyan univer
sity, Middleton, Conn., who has
been secretary-treasurer for about
30 years.
Gates Mountaineers
Lose Tilt to Mill City
GATES The Gates Mountain
eers basketball team met the
Mill City Hot Shots here Monday
night in the first tame of the
season, he game ended 39 to 34
in favor of Mill City.
Top Flight Horses Await Opener
1 fv' let
As the day for the grand opening of Santa Anita comes round the bend
into the home stretch, many fine horses are being limbered mp for
the southern California meet. Inaugural feature on December SI
is the S 10,000 California breeders' championship. Among the high
ranking steeds to compete during the season will be Dauber, above.
Preps Will Start
Practices Monday
College Team to Play two
Washington Schools
Next Week
will report at school for basket
ball practice Monday in prepara
tion for the opening of the "B"
league on January 6. Hub Saal
f!eld, assistant high school coach,
will have charge during the ab
sence of Rev. Urbaa Keber, Prep
coach and athletic director of
the school. .Father Urban will
accomnay the college team on its
trip to Washington to tangle
with Ellenburg normal and Gon
zaga university on January 4,
5 and 6.
In the league opener, the
Preps will meet Hubbard high
school, coached by Charles Chris
tensen, former Angel star. Chris
tensen graduated from Mt. An
gel college last June.
The complete. "B" league sched
ule follows
Jan. 6 St. Paul at Scotts
Mills; Mt. Angel at Hubbard;
Sacred Heart at Gervais.
Jan. 10 Hubbard at St. Paul;
Scotts Mills at Sacred Heart;
Gervais at Mt. Angel.
Jan. 12-Mt. Angel at St. Paul.
Jan. 13 Scotts Mills at Ger
vais; Sacred Heart at Hubbard.
Jan. 17 St. Paul at Sacred
Heart; Scotts Mills at Mt. Angel;
Gervais at Hubbard.
Jan. 20 St. Paul at Gervais;
Hubbard at Scotts Mills; Mt.
Angel at Sacred Heart.
Jan. 27 Scotts Mills at St.
Paul: Hubbard at Mt -Angel;
Gervais at Sacred Heart.
Jan. 28 St. Paul at Mt. An
gel. Jan. 31 St. Paul at Hubbard;
Sacred Heart at Scotts Mills;
Mt. Angel at Gervais.
Feb. 3 Gervais at Scotts
Mills: Hubbard at Sacred Heart.
Feb. 10 Sacred Heart at St.
Paul; Mt. Angel at Scotts Mills;
Hubbard at Gervais'.
Feb. 17 Gervais at St. Paul;
Scotts Mills at Hubbard.
Feb. 19 Sacred Heart at Mt.
Huskies Win Easily
Pat Dorsey came back to his old
home town tonight to score 10
points and spark the University
of Washington's basketball speed
merchants to an easy 51 to 21
victory over the Central Washing
ton College of Education.
Silverton Shaded
By Grant 22 -18
Portlanders Hold Leads
Nearly All Through
Court Thriller .
SILVERTON The Silver Fox
ts bowed to Grant High of Port
land here Friday night, 22 to
18, in a fast, close-checking
court game from start to finish.
With tha exception of a two
pointer whistled in by Peavy at
the start of the tilt. Grant led
all the way. he t'rst quarter
score read 8-4, at the half It was
10-7 and at the three-quarter
nark 17-6, with Johnson of
Silverton bringing It that close
with a basket at the whistle.
The Foxes open their WVI
league play here ne. t Tuesday
night, opposing Lebanon. The
game starts at 7:30.
Silverton 18 2- Grant
Johnson 4 6 Roth
Peavy 5 3 Edwards
Strickland 3 4 Cain
Adams 2 4 Lund
Torgerson 4 4 Dunn
1 Cordes
Canzoneri Starts
Comeback by Win
NEW YORK, Dec. .JO--Tough
Tony Canzoneri, looking
like a pocket-sized Tony Galento
instead of the sleek champion he
once was, battered- out a ten
round decision over Eddie Zivio
of Pittsburgh tonight in the Hip
podrome. Canzoneri weighed
14i1,i. a quarter of a pound more
than Zivic.
Embarked again on the come
back trail ho has trod frequently
in the past, Canzoneri controlled
the bout at his own pace and won"
every round except the fourth,
which Referee Arthur Donovan
took away for low blows.
It was an Important hurdle for
the scrappy Italian who at one
time or another held the world's
featherweight. Junior welter
weight and lightweight champion
ships, because three months ago
when he started a comeback, Zivic
won a disputed ten round deci
sion from him at Scranton, Pa.
Roads Official Weds
SEATTLE, Dec. SO.-C-Wil-liam
H. Lynch. Portland, district
engineer for the U. S. bureau of
public roads for more than a dec
ade, ajad Alice I. Davidson, Port
land, were married at the home
of friends here today.
The Santiam downhill ladder
remains the same, . for, due to
lack of bus service, come of the
trailburners didn't get to Tim
berline till nearly dark.
Make yourselves at home In
the new quarters, Santlamers.
You can't help bnt see that large
emblem on the front of the build
ing, and it surely is a warm and
comfortable place to meet your
friends, warm up, eat your lunch
or Just talk over the day's fun.
Do you know:
Christie Contraction of Chris
tiana turn.'
Fall line Straight d o w n a
slope. Direction a ball would
Downhill races R ace over
;ong steep slopes, either trail or
open. Speed is the xnaia requi
site. Flash Series of closed gates
in a slalam race.
With around SO inches of
snow at Timberllne and 14 at
Government Camp, tl ere won't
be enough people left in town to
keep the home tires burning.
Hey! Wait for us, well all go.
- Happy New Year folks and
Baker High Quint
Falls to Champs
BAKER, Dee. 30.-;p)-Bakers
state high school basketball cham
pions of last winter proved too
much for the present school team
in a game last night. The former
champions won, 44 to, 14, with
Wallace Sowers, at preient a
member of the Oregon State col
lege freshman squad, firing with
machinelike regularity to claim 16
We believe you can manage your
own social affairs, so we have no
Classified "heartthrob column.'
But we do have classifieds for
Lost & Found for Wanted, and
For Sale; for Apartment hunting
and Real Estate ... so you need
not search blindly!
lust Dial 9101