ML anon County- Tie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Moraing, December 31, 1938 , PAGE THREE Fur Farmers- Find: M Price Mi ts new mow. Mink Market Is Up Sliptly , : i Experimental Proce? , ,Is Sucefss in Improving. ; Pelfs of Foes LIBERTY This Is a good year to boy furs or fur coatsfox-fur anyway from - a purcbairi standpoint.-For never has the qna- lity been higher,'' and rria'af the lowest In history of the bi2 In ess, says a local fur farmer -who that pelts from this vicln- Ity are of Better quality. than ever before, due to the .."turrint? on? process" being; used. Market con ditlon la held responsible for somewhat lower prices. 1 Most of the Marlon "county pelt? have already been shipped to Se attle, where the fnr auction fcarul led between 29,000 -and 30.00 P"Ua. It la estimated that at least 2,000 fox pelts from the county will go to market. ' Fwr Pricp Iflwpr Prlre range- for -the law fur f froni $10 to $100 this year; low for last year was ?20; with ave rage at $40 or $50. For mink, average price Is about, sam as last year with qnality ntnff .hrinfin? a little more. Prices at Shuttle Fnr Exchange were $7 to $2S.50 a top for the raw fnr. Two years aero milk prices ranged from $25 to $38, last year's were much low er than this season's prices. It la estimated that only about 300 mink will be pelted In Marion county, as mink termers held most of their Increase. Stacey Pelt RT.rt In this district aVne the C. W. Stacey farm pelted 550 foxes R. D. Gibson 125. W. D. Olden 35. The Finlay and Glaser farms In Jefferson prodnce each" nearly as many as the Stacey ranrn. N The improvement In finality of local pelts is the result of the ex perimental "furring ort" process 'started as an experiment a year or two ago and which has proven highly successful. Special larcr sbeds were built for furring out the young foxes, in which they are kept during the daytime In the hot part of snmmer to keep the hot sunshine from damaging the pelts. At nlfht the animals are liberated in large runs. The prac tice is coming into general use In Oregon. Night School for Farmers Will Be Held at Silverton, Opening Jan. 5 Death Claims- 3 at Lebanon SILVERTON Farmers' evening school, under the di rection of the Silverton Smith-Hughes Agricultural depart ment, will own ao-ain at Silvprf nn Tho five muMno il K held January 5, 8 p. m., at the high school agricultural shop. ePlr ;,Die itie meetings win iouow eacn weeK lor at least ten weeks. J t .;; Suddenly; Portland r ouup sciiuui wm ue conuauea as in iormer : years trotl Woman Called Motlier and Babe Community Prizes Awaiting First 1939 Babv v, SILVERTON Following: a cus tom of several years Silverton merchants and business house are again offering prizes to the first New Year's baby born in the Sil verton territory. . : It is being recalled that the on born to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tschanti a year ago, was the recipient of the 1938 gifts. Honored at Party . , .... Firfiii-r'ii's B?ll Proceeds to. Provide Additional - Equipment - AUMSViLLxS Mi8. Walter and .11. -lit da jgater, Aiary a.Uiu .u, ete the; inspiration tOi; a. tfo.'-ui paiiy held at the hc;;ie vi uer miida, Mrs. Olive .L, ii-.-i .vcUnaay aUernoon. rictnt fcoi-c !tkt3. Jennie Van N"ui-, il.o. . it f a. tser. Mis. Kuy v.jlccij .virs. Harvey Sny der, Mrs. O.a.1 autk, Urr. Hoyt Cupp, .Mliia LaVern iiiijey, Mrs. F. L. Macivlo-nnian, Aiarleue Rol ler, Patricia Willard, Loris June Wiilai d. Mi&s Alaugw Wilcox, Mrs. I; rri' SL Keith, iru. Fred Potter, Mim Jean Keith, Miss Marcel la Frank. Mrs. C. H. Willard, Mary Elizabeth Frank, Mrs. Olive Sny der, Mrs. Walter Frank, Misd Betty McKee and Mrs. T. C. .Mountain. McKee Out of Hospital Sam McKee of Salem a for ner resident of this place is able to be about again after having been in a h'alem hospital for the past month following a major upcrat'nn. Mr. and Mrs. McKee spend their summers at a rented tract of land here, where they laire thousands of turkeys. A fireman's holiday ball was hold at the city hall Wednesday ni,ht with a good attendance. Proceeds will be used by the fire department here to defray the expense of fire equipment. Mrs. Ef fie Barber Is Holiday Hostess MARION r-irs. Effie Barter entertained with a. dinner Mon day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Boyce and family, Mr. and Mrs. ?.rar?hall Snyder, Mrs. Har riette Barker, Mrs. Joh" Paint er and Delbt-rt Kurts, Salem; .Mr. and Mr 3. Wayne Barber and Tain fly, Ilalsey; and M and Mrs. Mac Robb'.ns and .amlly- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Spencer are spending the holidays with Mrs. Spencer's parents at Camas, Wash. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schermacher ere Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ren shaw of Corvallis. Mr and Mrs. Charlea Lf and daughter Shir ley of Calem and Enil Scber-n;acher. Last Times ? Today Joan Oawforrt Margaret Snllavan , Robert Young Slelrvn Douglas h "Shining Hour" also "Orphans of the Street tol;'l:H I tlAXi ' ' , - - Starts Sunday illii x itiW SALEM'S LEADING THEATRE Continuous Sunday & Monlav 2 to 11 P. M. U DON'T SPAR THE HORSE-LAFFS! V TV? " j'1 1 v-v Whaa race! Whatta man! ' ;V Whatta show! It's the enter- a lammeni lonn-snoi oi mc- w- ""l son ! One hundred la us: ha to rvrry ; iarurw wmam ivlnnins by a neekl r1 . .... J J-1 " - p , ' 4- ' -1 ANITA LOUISE ronald reagan allen jenkins dick powell Walter catlett Dirac4 Wy RAY ENRIGHT . PraMatW k WARNER BROS. A COSMOPOLITAN MODUCTION 'WiMKG t'iWil!t nHBwK.rTTWM.fiMUUiWf.-TWII iii-.WVW lTM&.fcMilitlfctwtlil i iMim ntBwIKII COMPANION FEATURE Open your heart to the most soul-stirring story ever penned . .-. now a great picture! ' Charles Dickens' "A Christmas ; Carol" With . Reginald Owen, Genel - Lockhart, Kathleen Lockhart.i " . fl Terry Kllbnrn, Harry Mackay.l Lynne Carver. . 0' V I I !?ural Club Hold's v i Meeting Named hy -President, Mrs. Van Hodden faTW Vrrrrr"l Lebanon Death cam aud- servatlon ant awin production ?enly Thwsday to Henry Knap will also be given should any per, 81; .Tesident of this com demand arise. Anyone interested munitv the nast: 41 vears. -He a any oi inese auoiects nrted r,n v to attend the first class so tht -- - an outline ran h m&rf. I daily walk and waa taken to Leonard : Hudson, in charge of I the hospital but lived, only aew be local Suith-Hoghes depart. minutes. He was bora In Fenn ment, is also In charge of ar- I sylvania, November C, 1857. rangemenu for the adalt elaases. I June ZO, 1878 be was married in Missouri to Alice Harris, now deceased. They came In 1897 to Waterloo, Ore., and in 1906 moved to Lebanoii wbere be was employed in the paper mill nnti retired' on a pension. Surviving are one daughter. C. 1: r ! Mrs. usear Ingram or ieDanon; standing Committees Are three grandchildren and five great granaenwaren. runera services will be conducted by a minister of the Brethren church, at the Harry C. Howe funeral OAK POINT Mrs. Josephine Dom Saturday at 1 p. m waiter, formerly of Oak Point. entertained the Independence I lira. Alice Borchers tturai w oman b ciuh at ter home I LEBANON Mr. Alice Kor- in Salem Tuesday afternoon. An- chers, last member of the Rich unal reports were gl-en by re- Urd Cheadle family, prominent wring umcwrs ana cnairman. fLlnn eonntv nioneera. -lied Thnrs- The president, on behalf of I oay morning in her sleep at the the club, presented a framed I home of her brother-in-law, motto to Mrs. Walker on her Frank Hall, where she was mak- departure from the community. I ing a holiday visit. She lived Mrs. Grove Peterson installed the I the paat 10 years in Portland incoming officers for 1939. 1 She was horn on the Cheadle do- Awards were presented to Mrs. I nation land claim near Lebanon C. O. Allen as first price for best 1 in February,' 1854 and spent book of poems gathered during I most of her girlhood there. the year with Mrs. T.Auderback I About 45 years ago -he was mar receiving second. The program I ried to Henry Borchers who consisted of current events and I died several years ago. She was -New Year's resolutions for the I an accomplished musician. betterment of the club. Surviving are one son. Wil Committees Aained ii.m Borchers of San Francisco: Mrs. Stephen Van Houten, the I three rrandehildren and many new preside t, appointed these I other relatives: Claralee Cheadle. committees: lxfoaout, Airs. u. u. Lebanon teacher, is a niece. Allen, Miss Fay Block, Mrs. Ed Funeral arranitementa. in charge ward Hornsberger; program, I or the N. C. Lowe mortuary, Mrs. Bert uwin. Mrs. Orley I await th arrival of relatives urown, Mrs. Josephine Walker: membership, Miss Hazel Hughes, Mary Viola Peoerson Mrs. Hattie J. Black, Mrs. Lena I LEBANON Funeral services Whipple, Mrs. Byron Ruddell. I tor Mary Viola Pederson, 59, Mrs. Lavant Pease; house, Mrs. ere conducted by Rev. Law C C. Comstock, Mrs. G. A. Pe-1 rence Bixler of the Church of terson, sr., airs. Charles Wilson; I Christ at 2 p. m. at the Lowe ays and meaDs, Mrs. Lauder- I mortuary chapel Friday. She waa back, Mrs. Dale Green, Mrs irn near Lebanon August 19, Hugh Rogers, Miss Haze 1379 anj in 1899 waa married Hughes, Mrs. Earl Gwin; health, to Jack Keebler who died in Mrs. Grove Peterson, Mrs. Com-1 1906; she was married to Sigurd stock, Mrs. Lauderback. Pederson in 1908 and with the Mrs. Orley Brown was appoint- exception of three years had ea pianist and Mrs. Earl Uwin Boent her life in Lebanon to lead the flag salute. The Jan-1 Surviving are a son. Aubry cary 10 meeting will he held at Keebler, Camas, Wash., and a tne nome 01 Mrs. tiari uwin. 1 daughter. Mrs. Jessie Norma Smith of Lebanon: a brother. Tod Shearer, Klamath Falls; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Tetzle, Mehama and one grandchild. Lloyd Whitcomb Weds Banks Girl W1LLAMINA Mr. and Mrs J. R. Whitcomb attended the wedding of their son, Lloyd E. The reeular monthlv meetine of Whitcomb of Forest Grove and the Amity city council will meet Miss Hatel Paetach of Banks at Tuesday nteht as Monday, the reg- the Firat congregational cnurcn niar Hate of the meetine. i a hoi- in orest urove uecemoer il. Hav I it. rJ. fcinngswonn was iaaen The community commercial club to tne MCAimnvuie nospiia iu will meet WTednesday noon in the Cay after it waa determined he social rooms of the Methodist was more seriously hurt that It McNeleys Reach 54th Anniversary AMITY Mayor and Mrs. Ar thur McNeley will celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary this Saturday night at their home on Jellison street. An oyster supper will be served which has been their custom on every anniversary since their marriage. church. was first thought when hia car skidded on wet pavement and turned over, when the brakes were applied in passing a truck. Eronchial hemorrhage eaused alarm but that has subsided and home Thursday Epworth League ww fT a 1 T"1 I alarm dui mai 1 Has Holiday tete keorw!"brought The Townsend club aponsored LYONS The young people of a children's party at the Rebekah the Epworth League from the hall Wednesday night with about Methodist church held a party at 35 children and 20 adults in at the clnb house Wednesday night, tendance. An impromptu pro- Games and songs furnished the gram was enjoyed. run lor violet weitman, rieieu SPRING. VALLEY A most de lightful Christmas program - waa aponsored-; by.', the . Spring .Valley community club; with a record crowd . in attendance. Mrs. Jesse Bonn announced the program. Jesse Sohn, aa Santa Clans, passed gifts and candy. -.BRUSH CREEK "Skip to Ma W and ''Rats In the Sugar Bowl. Two by Two," along with, a host of other swing-games recalling the yonth of - some years ago. were played, aad song at a homecoming party at the Brush Creek school Thursday night Older and young er peapU of the district a 1 k Joined in. the game aad remained for the late midnight enpper. Brush Creek as & rule, has a homecoming dance between the Christmas and New Year's holi days. But because a number of folk in the district do not dance, the group voted- thia year to have an old-time party with "swing- games.' The affair proved a suc cess. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krng were the instigators of the. affair. John Gcplerud is president of the Booster club, which is the Brush Creek Community club.- Iowa and Idaho Residents Visit OAK POINT Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Primus have as holiday guests his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. Primua and fam ily of Nes Perce, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Park Franks of Clear Lake, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Franks were former residents here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson of San Carlos, Calif., were dinner guests of her slater, Mrs. M. R. Black, Tuesday. They are house guests over the holidays of Mrs. Carlson's mother, Mrs. Flora Mix In Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lou left Tuesday morning for their home in Huron,' S. D., after visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davia. Announce Winners Lighting Contest WOODBURN Judging of the Rotary club Christmas lighting contest was completed Thursday night and A r 1 a t a Nendel was judged as winner of the general outdoor lighting division with J. F. Lacey second and C. C Settlemier third. The entrance and window lighting division waa won by Keith O'Hair with John Shaw second and H. M. Austin third. Judges were George ' D. Jones of the Woodburn Garden club, Maude Mochel of the Woman's club, G e 1 1 a Mae Hunt of the Junior Woman's club and Mary B. Scollard of the American Legion auxiliary. Large Crowd Appears For Program at Zena ZENA A large crowd waa well entertained at the Chris mas program given by the Zena school and Christian Endeavor at the Zena church. The part of Santa Clans was enacted by Sam Barker who passed out the gifts and presents. Lucille Greer an nounced the program. Dance New Year In SILVERTON The Howitzer company, Oregon national guard, will sponsor the New Year's Eve dance at the armory with a Sa lem orchestra to furnish the mu sic. Thor Thoklldson, Ted Wills and Harland Anderson are in charge of arrangements. mner Event Ended J. D. BlkUe Main Speaker 'for Creamery Second. " " Day's Program .r. " MT. ANGEL The second day of the Mf Angel cooperative creamery patrons1- meeting eon tinned Thursday 'with a -program. similar to that or " Wednesday; The number of people eerved at the noon dinner for members of the coop exceeded even the 1200 of the day before. The second oay of celebration was neces- eary to permit: all of the 2200 patrons to attend tne meet. As on the opening day, Presi dent R. J. Berning in his ad ores of welcome to the - mem bers told of ' the wonderful prog ress and expansion of the cream ery during 1938. , Prof. J. H. Wilster, head of the dairy manufacturing depart ment, of Oregon State college; told of the improvement in the evaUty of butter in the last eight or nine years. -.-The - average score of Oregon butter at that time, said " Prof. Wilster, was less than 90 while today the tcore is nearly 92. At market value and the amount of butter shipped to California this means about $175,000 per year. Stresses Marketing J. D. Mickle, state director of agriculture, stressed the im portance of marketing in the main address of the day. He said the problem is no longer one of production in Oregon but rather one of marketing. Oregon ex porta 16,000 carloads of farm products, including potatoes. grain, dairy products, eggs and- vegetables. He advocated en couraglng new industries to take care of the surplus and eliminate the cost of transporting it. Father Alcuin again held the crowd spellbound as he told of conditions in Europe and of the comparative great blessings of the American i y a t e m of gov ernment. Mt. Angel business men and their sons served the dinner. A ton of sausage, into the makings of which went two beefs and six large hogs, was used for the two days. This most talked of Item on the hill of fare was made in the creamery's own plant. So was the ice cream, over 800 gal lons of It, and the delicious fresh strawberries came from the cold storage lockers in the old creamery. The annual business meeting of the creamery at which elec tions will be held will take place on January 30. William Vitek Is Accident Victim LEBANON William Vitek, employe of the Underwood Lum ber company of Brownsville, in trying to dodge a 20-foot log Thursday was caught by a 16- foot log which broke his right leg between the knee and ankle and severely lacerated his left. leg. He is being treated in the Lebanon hospital. Harry Wiley, representative elect, addressed, the Lions' club Thursday on political and eco nomic questions following the 1 o'clock luncheon at Hotel Leba non. Dry goods and variety stores report unusually heavy sales dur "ing Christmas week. Only places not catering to Christmas goods saw no increase but held their own with aood prospects for r.ext year. Unioiv News Fractures Ankles SILVERTON Allen Ludvlck sen la at the Silverton hospital following the fracture of both his ankles while sliding down a chute, turning his ankles as he struck the ground. and Marian Nye, Dorothy Ayres, Lucille and Beulah Lewis, Con stance and Betty Jean Bodeker. Charlotte Burke, Virginia John son, Lois Tolland, Evelyn and Elaine Cliptell, Gordon and Har vey Weitman, Donnis Huber, Leo nard Surry, Charles Burke, Vlr-1 gil Nye, Bill Richardson, Delbert Berry, Donald Crooks, Leland Manning and George ClipfelL Mrs. Pearl Smith was hostess to the "500" card club Wednesday afternoon at her home. High hon ors went to Mrs. Earl Allen and traveling to Mrs. Everett Crab- tree. Frank Friedriehs Are Parents of Son Born At Home in .'Heights SALEM HEIGHTS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friedrich. December 20, at the home, a son weighing 7 pounds, named Ray Allen. i . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Iufer are entertaining - for the week,' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Iufer and sons, Theodore, Jr., and Robert j of Tacoma. - - Mrs. Guy Trenary and sons. Eldon and Ralph are moving to Ocean Park, WTash. A GRAND CAST OF vnim p Avnnrrrs! w . V7V sr" A Insndied chuckles! ix A thousand Unas! v Swell nusic... in fact EVERYTHEt'G that spells ter rinc entextaxa- u -v Eicm. 'lb W '-Ss Home From Iowa BRUSH CREEK Miss Theo! Jensen has Just returned to. Sil verton from a short business trip to the midwest and California. Miss Jensen went as far east as Iowa.-;' . .-- 4 V 311; lrang er s News MM 1)Y LIBERTY The Red Hills I grange gave over its regular meeting night to a Christmas I party Tuesday. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed followed by music and games and gift ex change. About 40 attended. 1 JEFFERSON There waa a good attendance at the card party Wed neaday: nlghf in the Odd- Fellows half, sponsored by the Marlon Farmers union. Eight Ublea of "5 00" were play ed and - prizes! were awarded to Mrs.; Ida Bn tie r. of Raymond, Wash.; Mrs.; J. L. Calavah, Charles C. Kart,' and William Bauman. . Six tables of. pinochle were in pla, with prizes going to Mrs. Dick Vose, Mrs. Gilbert Zimmer man, Homer Davis, and W. L. Jones." . .... The Marion Furmers will give a card party and dauce In tne ball New Year'a eve. to-which the pub lic is invited to attend. This is not one of the eerk-a sponsored by the Marion group. t' Lambs Appearing Unusually Early Suver Teacher' ; Marries Kenneth Dodson at .1 Vancouver SUVER Steve Benedict re ports that he has over 30 lambs already,-which establishes a rec ord here for the earliest lambs. He also reports that Thursday night someone helped themselves to several sacks of grain, some empty sacks and tractor tools which were in his barn. Rhoma Moehnke, teacher of the Suver school, ' and ' Kenneth Dodson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dodson of Airlie, were mar ried at Vancouver, Wash., Satur day afternoon. The young couple will live in the Rice houae in Fuver. Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter Vander- I.00I have returned from north ern California where they visited her father, L. A. Hamner. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Small ana two children of Summner Lake, Ore., arrived Monday and will spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dodson and her brothers, Maurice and Ken neth. Merjysdde 51 Years Today George Webbeiand Gays ;Also: Will - (Sebrate - Anniversaries ....... -.....--.'.. ; . SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. C. -D. . Matheny ...will observe . their 54th wedding anniversary Batur-; day. Mrs. Matheny was. the former Lilly D. Hall. The two. were mar-, rf ed Decern ber . S 1, .1 8 8 4 , by Rev. John Osburn at .the Christian church at jScio. . Mrs. Matheny was born in East Hartford; Conn.; February 25. 1864, and cam to;. Oregon to 1870. Matheny was- bora at Wheatland-on May 24, 18S. '' In Sllrerton 23 Tears T,he two 'came to Silverton in ' Novemben. of 191S. Children In clude Vine of Portland, Mark of Newport, Wren and Armond and; Paiijy, Gustaffon of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. George Webber will observe their 64th wedding anniversary New Year's day,' and Mr.-and-Mrs. 8. A. Gay will ob serve their 26th wedding anni versary on New Year's day. Txnynsend Croup Planning Party SILVERTON The 72nd birth-, day anniversary of Dr. Townsend will be observedTat an oyster sup per to be given January 10 by the local Townsend club. The aux iliary will meet Monday afternoon at the home of Dora Whitney, to make plans for the supper. The report of the nominating committee for election of officers will be held January 10 also, and election will be held at the last meeting In January. J. E. Hosmer is present presi dent of the club with Mrs. Will Vol gam ore of the auxiliary. Takes Over Shoe Shop TURNER Bud McCully will take over the shoe repair shop of Mr. Atter, who is moving to Sweet Home. BIG 3 UNIT SHOW TONIGHT (I H if Tl Yoifse Guys Nv 1 m J I A( j And You'se Gals 1 sUl I I Cnn9t Beat 0ur ?4H f)ew Year"s lift HATS ?G& HORNS Thr : . o FUN and 4 ,'rr-7 o FROLIC 4 jLl a Reels f Disney Cartoons 4 : BOX OFFICE Opens 10:30 P. L For Blidnite Frolic . Tickets oa Sale Now Get Yours Early The Adventures DONALD DUCk LOVE FINDS "DON DONALD The Star of "Mickey's Amateurs' For the Best of Luck in 1939, Start the New 1 ear under a 11 a V .T.-.i-. V "1 "Lucky Star" , , U , f tr ........ 1 - 1. I Price 1 sPtZl-? v V Special . Frolle 39s W " Cf-M I A Mvl r , V i A 1 t If P