PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 31, 1938 Milk Board Head Upholds Policies Smith Asserts Agitation Against Law Started by Chain Stores PORTLAND, Dec, 30-(iP)-Ed-g&r W. Smith,- chairman of the iregon milk control board,' de clared today "the hue and cry against the board has been raised by chain stores seeking to re gain milk as a loss leader." In an address to the City club, Suuth said the milk control law was created to "end chaos" in tiie Industry by terminating con ditions which . lowered f prices, damaged producers, reduced quality and brought milk strikes an riots. The chief cause of difficulty, he asserted, came from "cash and carry stores" vhich had a une-cent differential . over serv ice stores, lo meet this situation, h. added, the latter were forced itno chiselint, and the producer was "the goat." Loss Leader Wanted Smith said the board's first ac: was to abolish the differen tial. , f "But," fye continued, "by hook or by crook, he chain stores are Determined to regain milk as a less leader." Smith said Oregon producers had gained a Jin.OCO.OOO in crease in incomes during the five years of the control law, as compared with states lacking such control. He tolc distribu tors tl.ey w -re given enough margin of profit if they would improve business methods, and that the law protected them from chiseling in addition to giving a stabilized market and supply. Italy, France Rush Troops to Disputed Area -fW X ? FRENCH COLONIAL PATROL kZVPS pkjj FRENCH I Uiomeoj ne(ier . iff! SOPf7f?AfD 1 ' Wt.tie both France and Italy rushed troops to the border lands of French SomaUland, fears were ex pressed in Paris that Premier Mussolini's tactics may be to seize the territory, virtually surrounded ' by Italian territory, in a sadden coup, patting France in tbe position of having to declare war or sub mit to mediation. The French-owned railroad from the French port of Djibouti to Addis Ababa Is the Only rail connection between the Ethiopian capital and the open sea. Map depicts the situation. Note that acquisition of French SomaUland would leave British SomaUland surrounded by Italian territory a goal advanced by some observers as a possible objective of Mussolini and reason for London's con cern. IIX service. Oriental Conflict Hits Lumber Here Decline, of 292,000,000 Board Feet Is Noted . in Shipments PORTLAND, Dec. 30.'-(i!P)-The Pacific lumber inspection bureau said today lumber exports to Japan and China declined nearly 292,000,000 board feet in the first 11 months of 1938, under the in fluence of the Oriental war. This decline was responsible for 53 per cent of the total loss In water shipments of lumber from the Pacific coast during the same neriod. Oregon. Washington and British Columbia shipped 3,062.648,278, board feet of lum ber to foreign1 and domestic ports In the 11-month span. - The bureau estimated the year's total shipments would be 15 per - cent under those of last year and II. per cent under 1936, with Oregon and Washington absorb ing most of the decline. Pillar Rock Tuna Cannery Reopens ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. 30.-(J)-The New England Fish company announced today the reopening of the Pillar Rock cannery for an experimental run in packing Alba core tuna. Theflrm said It expected to establish a 310,000 cold storage plant at Astoria to handle the fast-growing halibut and cod trade and the vastly expanding tuna industry. McKenzie Artery May not Reopen - EUGENE, Dec. 30-()-The Mc Kenxie pass highway, principal route between the upper Willam ette valley and the plateaus of 'central Oregon, was closed today by three feet of wet snow. State highway officials said they believed the pass definitely was closed for the winter. December 17 Car Crash Fatal to Albany Woman ALBANY, Dec. 3 0-VP)-In Juries ruffe red in an automobile accident December 17 were fatal today to f TTTI11I TT nu.... m who came to Oregon from Maine balf a century ago. Confessed Slayer Being Questioned SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 30-G33) -Police Captain J. L. Mullen of Minneapolis and Assistant Chief Charles Tierney of St. Paul ar rived here tonight and immediate ly started questioning James Leo Smith, 40, confessed slayer of Laura Kruse, 19, in Minneapolis in 1937. f "We are only starting to ques tion Smith," Captain Mullen said. "I'm not entirely satisfied with the story so far." The officials said they had checked Smith's record and found he had served six months for mo lesting a girl in a theatre, as he confessed in his story to Spokane police. They said also that he had been sentenced for drunkenness on a number of occasions and had served a term in federal, prison for stealing shoes while be was in the army. Colorado Coroner Signs Charge in Death Case CANON CITY, Colo., Dec. 31. -(Saturday)-(,)-Raynor Holmes, Jr., Fremont county coroner, Bigned early today a criminal com plaint charging Ray L. Atterberry, osteopathic physician, "killed and murdered" his attractive 31-year-old wife, whose strangled body was found in their home tbe night of December 21. Al Smith Passes 65th Anniversary Day Spent in Reminiscing About Active Past and "the Record" NEW YORK, Dec. ZO.-ypy-Al-fred E. Smith, the "happy war rior" of a day that has gone, cele brated his 65th birthday today in a mood of greater mellowness than in many years, looked back upon 1938 and found it good. The morning and most of the afternoon he spent in the lofty splendor of his snite in the Em pire State building, reminiscing with frequent recourse to "the record," as he used to call it and telling for tbe first time, per haps, the true legends of the brown derby and the sidewalks of New York. At 3 o'clock he went away to meet the numerous clan of Smith, including the 13 grandchildren, but before he left he announced to the world that he would make no New Year's resolutions. "I don't need to," he explained with a faint break in the harsh baritone of his voice. "If I go through 1939 as well as I did 1938 and in air the years before, then I'm satisfied." There were but two noticeable changes in him from other years at no time was there anger in his voice; and he pronounced it "radio" instead of "raddlo." Portland's Trade In Post-Yule Ebb PORTLAND, Dec. 30 - -Dun's review noted the usual after Christmas lull in retail Bales acti vities in the Portland area today. Transactions for the week in department and apparel stores, markets, drug stores and restau rants were at low ebb. The holi days also disrupted the normal flow of wholesale business and production. Earnings for the year generally were lower than In 1937. Let's ALL have A HAPPY NEW YEAR .our attention please ( We want to make a suggestion : Most of us will soon be on the road making the rounds of New Year's calls and celebra tions. Thousands of motorists and pedestrians will throng the thoroughfares ... Let's talce it easy. Let's avoid accidents. This year let's all have a Happy New Year but above all a safe one I Drive carefully ...... v Give the other fellow a break Take no chances ...... e wish you a Happy New Year . STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Old Brave Knows Chinook Enroute DE SMET, Idaho, Dec. ZHJPh Score another point for the In dian's weather lore. White workers at the agency recalled today while a Chinook wind rapidly melted a six-inch snowfall, the prediction of an aged Indian weather prophet as he listened to a radio report of a cold wave sweeping from Can ada. "Radio crazy, chinook on way," commented the seer. Today the chinook was here. Legals NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR MAKION COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Frances VAN LAANEN, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Min ion County, Executor of the Es tate of Frances Van Laanen, de ceased, end has qualified as such. All persons having claims agai-st said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the un dersigned at the office of Paul R. Hendricks, attorney, Ladd and Bush Bank Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publi cation of this notice. The date of the first publication of "-is notice is the 3rd day of Decem ber, 1938, and the last Is the 31st day of December, 1938. JOHN VAN LAANEN Executor of the Estate of Frances Van Laanen, De- PAUL R. HENDRICKS Attorney for said Estate Ladd and Bush Bank Building Salem, Oregon D. 3-10-17-24-31 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IHE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION No. 37451 A. Herbert, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) Hattle D. Phillies and M. E Phillips, her husband, Hazel) Bodding, Executrix of the Es-1 tate of A. Neppach. deceased.) Hazel Bodding, Executrix of the) Estate of Susan Rratx, deceased,) Hazel Bodding, and Nehalem) River Lumber Company, a cot-) poration. Anton T. Will and) Jane Doe Will, bis wife, de-) fendants. ) To Hattle D. Phillips and M. E Phillips, her husband, of the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon and each of yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of four weeks fron the date of the first publication of the summons which date of expiration Is fixed by order of the above entitled Court on the 3rd day of January, 1939, and if you fail to so appear and an swer plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entltlo Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit That the plaintiff recover on her first cause of action a Judg ment ana decree against yon for the sum of 3975.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 .er annum from the 31st day of Au gust, 1932, until paldi and m the second cause of action a judgment and decree against yon for the sum of $750.00 with In terest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from the 31st day of August, 1932, until paid, and her costs and disbursements herein incurred, and a : decree that plaintiffs mortgages on the fol lowing described real property situated in the County of Mar Ion, State of Oregon to-wit: "Beginning at an Iron pin in the center of the County Road at a point which is 45 feet North 5 and - 45' West and '.445 chains North 73 and 30' East from tha Northeast corner of Block No. 6 in the Town of An rora, ; Marion County, Oregon : and running thence North 73 and 30' East 4.635 chains tA th center of the Pudding river; thence South 7 and 30 East op the center of said Padding River,. 5.7 chains; thence West 5.16 chains to a steel bar: thenc- North '.39 chains to the point of be- g. and containing 2..S ac- t land, more or less, and COMMISSIONER'S y COURT The following la the offi- I clali publication of the record of claims before the Marion county commissioner's court for the December term; 1938. ith the amount allowed, ills continued, etc., accord- IlUg IU IUC iCIUIUS Ul HIS VI- lice of the county clerk. Assessor s uince acci.: raui Griebenow, deputy, $125; C. A. Lewis, do, 105; Alma Ackerman, do, 105; May Cleveland, do, 45; Myrtle Beecroft, do, 51. Clerk's Office Acct.: C. C. Ward, deputy, 115; H. A. Judd, do, 125; H. C Mattson, do, 125: A. M. Presnall, do. 125; Lee Ohmart, do, 65; L. S Peterson, do. 100. Co. Court & Commissioner's Acct: C. C. Ward. deputy, 35; Leroy Hewlett, sal ary, 120; Roy S. Melson. do, 105 Court House Acct.: J. H. Kirsch janitor, 84.70; Chas. McKinley. do, 84.70; Mark W. Baker, do, 84.70; Alice Dahlen, do. 44.77: Marie Robertson, do, 44.77. Sa lem Justice Court: Alma Johnson, stenog., 100. Juvenile Court Acct.: Nona White, probation or flcer, 119.70. Poor Acct.: Mrs, Elizabeth Krause, relief, 15. Poor- Health Service Acct.: V. A. Doug las, health officer, 125: John L. Geren, sanitary Inspector, 12.50: Marjorle Kelting, nurse, 125: Ethel Lermon, clerk, 85. Co. Property Acct.: H. Wm. Thielsen, clerk, 100. Recorder's . Office Acct; Eva C. Lenhardt, deputy. 100; Ava C. Sundborg. - do, 100; H. C. Schofleld, do, 100; Evelyn S. Bye, do, 80; Janice Henry, do, 80; E. M. Niles, do, 100. School Supts. Office Acct.: Cora E. Reid, assistant. 115; Wayne D. Har ding, supervisor, 115.46: Carma lite I. Weddle, secretary, 90. Sher iff's Office Acct.: Kenneth L. Randall, deputy, 149.70; B. R. Smith, do, 134.70; B. G. Honey cut, do, 134.70; H. H. Daniels, do, 109.70; T. J. Brabec, do, 14970: A. M. Dalrymple, do, 114.70; R. Glen Savage, do, 125; A. M. Ro ethlin, do, 115; Wm. McKinney, do. 115: R. M. Llvesley. do, 115. Treasurer's Office Acct.: Law rence A. Rich, deputy, 23; W. Y. Richardson, do, 53.67; Warren Richardson, do, 30.67. Dog Li cense Fund Acct: Lee Ohmart, clerk, 50; Paul Marnach, enforce ment officer, 124.70; Paul Mar nach, travel, exp., 50. Engineer's Office Acct.: N. C. Hubbs, engin eer, 149.76; M. Weiser, clerk, 70.97. District Attorney's Office Acct: Joseph B. Felton, deputy, 175; Mary Lou Whitehouse, sten ographer, 60. Registration & Elec tion Acct: Rev. O. E. Foster, rent of polling place, 5; St. Vincent de Paul church, do, 4; Chas. Wyse, do, 2.50. Court House Construc tion Acct: Wm. H. Trindle, prof, services, 200. Labor: Lee Atchi son, 5.58; A. W. Daily, 2.79; Zeph McFarland, 2.79; Sam Paris, 5. 58; O. E. Slocum, 2.19 Dick Buell, 49.88; Robert Cole, 25.93; T. L. Davidson, 55.86; A. J. Ev ans, 1.49; Grant Jones, 27.93; P. E. Jensen, 19.95; A. E. Burn ham, 72.95; Arthur Drake, 86. 11; F. M. Elsey, 84.40; J. J. Hol lett, 78.40; M. S. Ramp, 70.28; John Sacre, 85.72; W. C. DeRoss, 97.72; A. V. Fisher, 131.23; Har ry C. Apple, 21.37; Harry Chris tian, 65.73; R. E. Dorothy, 94.40; Fred Farrow, 89.39; Willis Hayes, 18.38; Ward Stahlman, 17.25; John Griesenauer, 7.47; Anton Schmit, 2.79; Clyde Brundage, 2.79; Anton Engelhart. 2.79; An drew Oster, 2.79; A. H. Hennies, 75.30; Don Blades, 58.72; Anton Feskens, 58.72; Lloyd Jarman, 54.36; Theodore Kuenzi, 60.97; Greg Robl, 64.36; Frank Scham pier, 37.52; L. O. Herrold, 105. 69; Lewis L. Brown, 21.98; Ed ward H. Hickey, 38.61; Chas. E. Holman, 19.49; Carroll Hunt, 46. 76; Geo. James. 64.71; Emll V. Larson, 21.98; Arthur Morgan, 101.63; Geo. J. McMillen, 21.98: Pies R. Orchard, 21.98; J. L. Prange, 66.98; Hugh Webb, 102. 63; Bertrand Iverson, 100.39; Frank Conroy, 64.10; K. Thorpe, 64.10; Ross Arthur, 7.68; H. C. Bailey, 10.63; A. M. Haugen, 30. 50; A. M. Haugen, 30.51; Jas. Mc cormick, 15.96; Geo. Gannon, 2.79; Gail Wengenroth. 5.23; Al bert Wengenroth, : 4J8; O. D. Needham, 7.98; Wm. Noot, 5.68; Jack Turnbull, 5.58; E. J. Rich ards, 41.26; H. O. Bevier, 84.87: Elton Brown, 89.77; Bertram Mombert, 2.79; Orville Nichols, 44.46; Geo. Schollenberger, 33.- belng a part of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 12 in Township 4 South of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian" be fore closed and that the mortgaged premises be sold in the manner provided by law and the practice of this Court and that the pro ceeds therefrom be applied to ward the amounts found to ? due, and tor a decree that you. and each of you, or either of you, be forever barred and fore closed from any right, title and Interest in and to said mortgaged real property hereinbefore des cribed and every part ther of except the statutory right of re demption and that plaintiff have such other and further relief as to a court of equity may sem meet and equitable. This summons is published oy order of the Hon. L. H. MrMa han, Judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on t' 29th day of November. 1938. directing publication of this au a mons once a week for four suc cessive weeks In the Oregon Statesman, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Marion County, Oregon. Date of first publication, Dec. 3rd, 1938 Date of last publication, Dec. 31 1938 JOHN P. HANNON Attorney for plaintiff Yeon Building Portland, Oregon D S-l 0-17-24-31 TRADE-MARK NOTICE The Pa. Pi. A Corporation, of New York City, N. Y., has used the trade-mark "VANTI PA. PI A" in connection with sale and distribution of papaya food prod uct and non-alcoholic beverage and syrup since August 26, 1938 and has applied to the Secretary of State of Oregon for registration of this trade-mark. THE PA. PI. A CORPORATION Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence, Attorneys. D-24-31-J-7. 48; Elmer Klutke, 9.97: Melvin Peck, 8.37; Carl Reid, 8.3 V. J. P. Aspinwall, 125.55; ,Lee Wells, 113.76; Omer Bartruff, 116.64; J. F, Bewley, 103.88; O. D. Bine- gar, 100.26; Ivan Brown, 97.77: J. A. Burns, 103.88; J. B. Chen- owth, 69.70; James Croker, 101. 27; F. A. Dutton, 98.14; Dewey Friedlund, 98.26; R. L. Green. 106.50; V. J. Herts. 114.99; Ray Johnson, 100.39; Henry L. Mar tin, 107.12; R. C. Martin, 28.27; Lester Mcllwain, 115.73; Bill Mc Hwain, 103.74; Hans Paulson, 95.54; C. E. Powell, 108.77; Nick Schab, 100.39; Dan Scharf, 123. 39; T. J. Vandecovering, 112.11: L. W. Webber, 104.38: Frank Woelke, 111.27: Clyde Woodruff. 114.39; W. C. Wooldridge, 99.03; Wm. R. King, 105.27; L. E. Hen nies. 55.86; Cecil Martin. 37.66; B. A. Snyder, 99.70; A. J. Taylor. .98; Roy LaFolIett, 84.70; Ken neth D. Snyder, 84.70; Harry Becker, use of truck, 135.83; Mel vin C. Blanton, do, 65.80; Lyle Castor, do, 141; Ben E. Gibson do, 78.96; E. E. Hedges, do. 79. 90; Wayne Hindman, do, 151.31; Harold Keppinger, do, 47.94; Carl Kirkwood, do, 18.80; V. C. Mc Donald, do. 47: Ed Ricks, do. 79 -90; Joe Uphoff, do, 79.90: Chas. Vincent, do, 39.95; C. E. Weisen house, do, 77.55; A. B. Wilson do, 81.15; Clarence L. Young, do. 37.60; P. J. Boettlcher, do, 47. 94; Lloyd A. Lebold, do, 51.70; John Anderson, hauling gravel, 3.48; Otto Boettlcher, sr., do, 269.64; P. J. Boettlcher, do, 148 80; L. M. Case, do, 147.48; L. H. Corey, do, 465.78: W. J. Daven port, do, 29.12; Kenith M. Dicken son, do, 312.06; Roy Dickenson, do, ,261.84; Chas. Glnther, do 29.12; Harold Keppinger, do, S7. 68; P. A. King, do, 273.96: Frank Layton, do, 150.42; R. Mason, do, 137.62; John Nag, do, 89.46; Joe F. Ringwald, do, 297.12; Trevor tayton, do, 183.54; Fred Stewart do, 109.84; L. R. . Tweedie, do. 322.42; A. B. Wilson, do, 180.88: W. P. Collard, gravel, 15.60: Ore gon Gravel Co., do, 1901.55; Sa lem Supply Co., do, 150.15; H. C Walling, do, 1673.50; Washed Sand & Graver Co., do, 224.57: Ralph Girod, labor, 71.82; Geo. E Allen Hdw., conduit, etc., 17.60; J. C. Bair, repair radiator, 6.50; Baker DeJardin Chev. Co., wash ers, 1.10; Ballou & Wright, rings etc., 67.64; M. J. Baughn, charge battery, 1; A. B. Bedell & Son. points, etc., 86.99; U. G. Boyer, postage, 168.53; Bradfield Smyth Lbr. Co., lumber, 23.79; A. C. Burk, use of car, 73.13; W. E. Burns, pump, etc., 84.95; E. H. Burrell, magneto, etc., 10.57; F. H. Cannard, kerosene, .80; Capital Lbr. Co. Inc., lumber, 36. 66; Columbia Equipment Co screens, etc., 679.21; Colyear Mo tor Sales Co., gaskets, etc., 3.48: Commercial Book Store, erasers, etc., 15.07; Cooke Stationery Co., tape, etc., 33.88; Doughton Hard ware, shovels, etc., 90.19; Walter J. Downs, glass, 1.80; D. G. Dra eer. freight. 11.97; Ray L. Far mer Hdw. Co., hammers, etc. 16.05; Feeraughty Mach. Co., grease gun, etc., 8.25; W. E. Fin zer & Co. Inc., stencils, etc., 4. 63; Firestone Auto Supply & Serv Stores, tires. 18 7.74; Fowler Tire Co., tires, 9.21; Gabriel Powder & Sun. Co.. powder. 149.30; The General Tool Co., shaft -machine, 54.45: Gilbert Bros. Inc., links. etc.. 37.53; Goodrich Silvertown Stores, tires, 102.17; J. E. Hasel tine & Co., bolts, etc., 47.18; H & L Company, shanks, etc., 30.50; Honeyman Hardware Co., files, etc., 40.74; Howard Cooper Corp., arm, 6.10; N. C. Hubbs, use of car, 67.69,; Carl Hultenburg, tire, 30.18; Ira Jorgensen, bearings, etc.. 236.11: Larmer Transf. & Storage, diesel, 18.21; The Geo. Lawrence Co., prestone, etc., 56. 62; Linn Lbr. Co., lumber, 368.- 06; Loggers & Cont. Mach. Co., elbows, etc.. 42.80; Jas H. Maden Co. Inc., repair parts, 14.04; Douglas McKay Chev. Co., gas kets. etc., 37.55; Mill City Motor Service, making shackle, .50; Mill City Senrice Station, gaskets, etc., 1.60; Multnomah Co., maps, 1.50; Needham's Book Store, books. etc., 308.38; Northern Life Ins, Co., Ins. prem., 104.34; Oregon Culv. & Pipe Co., iron, 143.82; Pacific Tel. & TeL Co., telephone. 148.73: J. C. Penney Co. Inc towels, etc., 8.66; Pohle Staver Co.. spikes, etc., 96.85: Portland Gen. Elec. Co., electricity, 200. 78; Rahn McWhorter Paper Co., paper, etc., 35; Salem Bargain House, rags, 11.02; Salem Steel tc Supply Co., cable, etc., 148.29; Shell Oil Co., gasoline, 96.03; Sil ver Fals Timber Co., lumber, 190 57; Standard Oil Co. of Cal., gas oline, etc., 155.01: H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.. shades etc., 24.70: Sunset Distributing Co., oil, 12: E. Q. Syron, lumber, 143; E. A. Taylor, labor. 1.99: Thatcher Printing Co., printing. 38; L. R. Tweedie, diesel, 18.20; Valley Motor Co., motor, etc., 110.13: Valley Welding Co., oxygen, etc., 52.14: Western Auto Supply Co.. knives, etc., .81; Western Union Tel. Co., tejegrams, 4.38: Wood bury Co., soanstone, etc., 105.73; R. D. Woodrow, battery, etc.. 279. 7J. Auditing Acct.: Secretary of State, audit, 2002.76. Circuit Court Acct.: Lawrence N. Brown attorney fees, 165: Hotel Argo. meals for Jurors, 14.50: Kathleen K. Miller, reporter, 75. Clerk's Office Acct.: Capital City Bind ery, binding book. 1.75: Remind ton Rand Inc., file cabinet, 145 -76. Coroner's Office Acct.: L. E Rarrick, telephone rails, 6.57; Dr Willard J. Chandler, examina tions, 5; Dr. B. F. Giesy, do. 6: Dr. H. A. Gueffroy, do, 10: Dr. R. E. Klelnsorge, do, 5: Dr. P. A. Loar, do. 6: Dr. Gerald B. Smith, do, 5; Dr. Chas. D. Wood, do, K: Hattle Bratzel, reporter, 5. Co. Court & Commissioner's Acct.: Capital Journal, publ. claims, 18 -80; Statesman Publ. Co., do. 20 -20; The Spa, meals for bud set com., 3.75. Court House Acct Blake Moffitt A Towne, towels, etc., 27.30: Capital City Laundry, laundry, 1.55; City Ice Works, ice, 5; Graber Bros., labor & re pairs, 27.19; Robert D. Lee, la bor, 8.19; R. E. Northness, do 29.92; Otis Elevator Co., eleva tor maint., 7.50; Salem Hardware Co., broom, etc., 6: Salem Water Commission, water, 18.10; Alvin B. Stewart, making keys, 1.25 : C. A. Vibbert. rubber cord, 3.77. Dist. Attys. Office Acct.: Joseph B. Felton, use of car, 4.68: Lyle J. Page, stamps, 5: The U. 8 Natl. Bank, rent, 25. . Co. Fair Fond Acct: Champion Display Studio, moulding, etc., 15.80 : Minnie Jenks, walnuts, 2.75: Roy Smith, apples, 49.90. Refund of Fees Acct: Conrad Hart, refund. 5. Herd Inspector's Acct: Dr. Fred W. Lange, assistant, 168.96: A. W. Simmons, do, 199.54. In demnity For Slaughter of Dls. Cattle Acct.: Warren, Gray, in demnity. 39.92; John Roth, do. 15. Indigent Soldier Relief Acct.? H. M. Austin, commander, relief of Geo. J. Duffield, 6; Geo. Man- olis. commander, relief of A. S. Howe, 15; Geo. Manolis. com mander, relief of A. H. Thomas, 15; Geo. Manolis, commander, re lief of N. A. Hansen, 15; Brazier C Small, commander, relief of Mrs. E. Beard, 20; Brazier C. Small, com., relief of Joel Burch. 20: Brazier C. Small, com., relief of S. Proctor, 20. Jail Acct: A. C. Burk, board of prisoners, 401.92; Hansen & Liljequist Inc., lumber. 1 41; Robert D. Lee, labor, 7.67: Red Cross Pharmacy, medicine. 11.77; Salem Deaconess Hosp.. care of. prisoner, 40.50; Sclera Laundry Co., laundry, 1.20: Sa lem Tent & Awning Co., canvas, 6; -Sanitary Service Co., removing garbage, 1.75; Dr. A. D. Wood mansee, extract teeth, 2. Salem Justice Court Afct.: Earl Adams travel, exp., 115.65: Capital City Bindery,- docket book, etc., 42. Outside Justice Court Acct.: A. M. Amo, constable, 28.20; Alf O. Nelson, Justice, 52.40; Walter H Bell, Justice, 21.55; Chas. R. Por ter, constable, 14.95; W. C. Mil ler, constable, 59.50; H. Over ton, Justice, 47.95. Juvenile Court Acct.: Nola Lee, typist, 5: Nona White, stamps, 2. Poor-Free Em ployment Bureau Acct: D. D. Dotson, cash adv. for lamps, etc. 2.90. Poor-Misc. Acct.: P. D. Pfaff, labor on house, 64.71; Sa lem . Deaconess Hosp., care of ju veniles, 83, Care of Poor-Farm Acct.: Lloyd W. Hill, care of pa tients, 310: I. W. Lewis, medi cine. 29.80; R. E. Northness, chimney sweep, 5; Portland Gas & Coke Co., gas, 10.59. Care of Poor-Health Service Acct: V. A. Douglas, use of car, 40.21; Hen drie Laboratories, lab. fee, 25: Marjorle Kelting, use of car, 40 -21; Marion Co. Dept. of Health, maint of unit, 67.27. Co. Proper ty Acct: H. Wm. Thielsen, use of ear, 19.44; J. C. Wageman, com mission, 3. Public Assistance Acct: State Relief Com. of Ore., public assistance, 1631.44. Regis tration & Election Acct.: Walter Dahlen, elevator operator, 3.19; Fisher's Parcel Delivery, deliv ery serrice, .50; J. T. Jones, rent of polling place, 1.50; McElroy Transfer, deliver ballot boxes, 73 ; G. J. Moisan, do, 10; Marie Rob ertson, elevator operator, 1.90; Chas. K. Spaulding Log. Co., win dow glass, 3.70; Woodburn Truck Line, deliver booths, 2; Gladys M. Barry, clerk, 85; H. C. Mattson do, 6.75; Del K. Neiderhlser, do, 25.50; P. E. Putnam, do, 53.75; G. E. White, do, 83.62; Helen Wright, 33. Scalp Bounty Acct: Harvey Syverson, bounty, 1. School Supts. Office Acct: W. H. Bachrodt, teachers conv. expense, 120; Mary L. Fulkerson, stamps, 194.40; Mary L. Fulkerson, use of car, 23.49; Wayne D. Harding, do, 38.61; Kraps & Long, print ing, 2.75; Carmalite I. Weddle, use of car, 1.12. Sheriff's Office Acct; T. J. Brabec, use of car, 4.41; A. C. Burk, stamps, 20; A. C. Burk, civil travel.-exp., 174. 50; Art Burnside & Co., siren, 8.60; Franklin Printing Co., printing, 4.10; B. G. Honeycut, travel, exp., 6.40; Evelyn Pillette, clerk, 4.90; J. P. Schimberg, maint. of register, 37.50. Survey or's Office Acct! Mrs. C. V. Allen, filing Burveys, 38.25; Keuffell & Esser Co., lettering template, 6. 46; Alford Nolan, filing surveys, 27.25. Treasurer's Office Acct: Roen Typewriter Exchange, clean machine, 6. Dog License Fund Acct.: Rue Drager, sheep killed by dogs, 10; A. F. Hayes, do, 7. 50; J. A. Kaiser, do, 10; Ben Lemery, do, 15; Henry E. Miller, do, 2.50; Elmer S. Phllippi, do, 4: E. A. Taylor, do, 5. Miscellaneous Accts.: Lawrence N. Brown, prof, services, 75; Guy O. Smith, do, 45; Ray Glatt, travel, exp., 3.24; A. A. Ulvin, do, 3.20; Mettle Hite, refund of fees', 62; Luclen Dever icks, com., relief of M. S. Chand ler, 15: Goodrich. Sllverton St, tires, 119.64; A. B. McLauchlin Co., repairs to ferry, 100.39; State Ind. Acc. Com., insurance, 491.10; Dr. A. W. Simmons, herd inspector, 27.07; B racier C. Small, commander, relief of S. Proctor, 12.50; Brazier C. Small, relief of Mrs. E. Beard, 10; Bra zier C. Small, relief of Joe Burch, 10; Capital City Bindery, ballots, etc., 453.40; A. C. Burk, civil tra vel expenses, 94.75; School Dist No. 11. rent of polling places, 5; Hermes Lodge No. 56, do, 5: Loa Rand, Clk. School Dist. 123, do, 3 ; Marie Bosch, Clk. S. D. 31, do, 5; IOOF Lodge, do, 2; Ed Rogers, treas., do, 5; Roberts Grange, do, 3; Donald Lodge No. 166 AF ft AM, do, 5; School Dist. No. 78, do. 5; Fairfield Grange No. 720, do. 5; O. H. Hllfiker. Clk. -6. D. 3, do, 5; Union High Schotl No. 1. do, 6; Bertha Hoxsey. do, 5; W. R. Powers. Clk. S. D. No. 99, do, 5; E. J. Richards, do, 5; D. A. Stef fen. Clk. S. D. No. 40, do. 5; North Howell Grange, do, 5; City of Hubbard, do, 5: II. C. Mack, do, 5; AF & AM Lodge Jefferson, do, 5; Mary E. Bishop, Clk. S. D. No. 71, do, 5; Macleay Grange, rent of nolling places. 5: WOW Lode. do, 5; Gladys Miller, Clk. S. D. 34, do. 5; Wm. P. Mulke, do, 5; Mill City State Bank. do. 5; G. C. Pomeroy, Sec., do, 5; Mt Angel Motor Co., do, 5; School Dist No. 22, do, 5; C. E. Robertson, do, 5; Lesta Bates. Clk. S. D. No. 5, do, 5; United Brethern Church, do, 5; Court St. Christian Church, do. 5; Four Square Gospel Church, do, 5 : Rev. Louis Magin. do. 5 ; Mrs. Pauline Lewis, do. 5 : St Vin cent de Paul Church, do, 5; Jason Lee Mem. Church, do, 5; German Baptist Church, do, 5; Salem Women's club, do, 5; Hotel Sen ator, do, 5; Immanuel Baptist Church, do, 5; Hunt Bros. Pack. Co., 5; Hotel Marion, do, 5; Les lie M. E. Church, do, 5; Chas. Wyse, do, 5; Church ofGod, do. 5; S. Salem Friend's Church, do, 5 ; R. H. Mercer, Clk. S. D. No. 8, do, 6; Dr. Fred Burger, Clk. S. D. 128. do, 5; St Paul City Hall, do, 6; Wm. Wengenroth, do, 5; Butte Lodge IOOF 126, do, 5; Frank Masser, do, 5 ; Ankeny Grange, do,, 5; Silverton Hills Com. club, do, 5; St. Paul's Church, do, 5; Ella J. Knight, Clk. S. D. 10, do. 5; Scott McPike, do, 6; Grant Mur phy, do. 5; Stayton Grange, do, 5; Leonard Walker, Clk. S. D. 61, rent of polling places, 5; COP Hall Association, do, 5; Pearl Lodge No. 66 AF & AM, do, S. Union Hill Grange, do, 5; Britt Aspinwall, do, 6; First M. E. Church Woodburn, do, 5; Gladys Clark, kerosene, .35; Jas. J. Hall, Betting up booths, 1.30; Edith B. McCord, cash adv. for telephone call, .25; Lawrence N. Brown, at. torney's fees, 75; Glenn R. Jack, do, 15; John F. Steelhammer, do, 45; Fred Dentel, janitor fees, 1. 50; State Ind. Acc. Commission, insurance, 373.45; Willis R. Short, lumber, 15.12;H. M. Aus tin, com., relief of Jas. Porter, 18; H. M. Austin, com., relief of E. E. Miller, 15; H. M. Austin, com., re lief of Adam Paris, 20; State Re lief Com. of Ore., aid to depend ent children, 1796.17; State Re lief Com. of Ore., blind assistance, 186.24; State Relief Com. of Ore, old age assistance. 80 76.51! ; Ken ith M. Dickenson, hauling gravel, 566.51; Roy Dickenson, do, 519. 84; Trevor Stayton, do, 9.72; L. R. Tweedie, do, 605.08; A. A. Ross, special guard, disallowed; Humbolt County Hospital, care of A. Puckett, disallowed; City of Jefferson, refund of overpayment, RR IK- Citv rt inmn tin Of t 1938 two mill rd. tax, 74.78; City of Hubbard, 50 of 1938 2-mill rd., 119.06; City of Jeffersonido, 158.77; City of Mt. Angel, 'do, 382.87; City of Scotts Mills, do, 36.82; City of Silverton, do, 1, 020.67; City of Stayton, do, 330. 33; City of Turner, do, 104.67; City of Woodburn, do, 249.07. Cross Word Puzzle is 16 W 17 . ie 72 33 2 25 26 21 31 32 33 3W 7 35 36" 3738 " WO " " " 2 "" " 3 T" T IlrlllltlZIZII H. I IH I 1 1 IM. I HORIZONTAL 1 alt 4 crippled 9 encountered 12 beverage containing alcohol 13 crest of a mountain range 14 period 15 flounder 17 exact satis faction for 19 vision 21 tnasculina came 22 easily understood 24 oriental 28 period of fasting 29 sleeveless , garment 30 regret 31 part of I'tobe" 32 beetles 35 note of . the scale 36 protuber ance 38-dry 89 declare 41 gTope 43 agitates 44 thing; in law 45- -sountJs norms breathing 47 dried grape 50- -chaste 53- -eagle 54 cmelled 56 masculine Dame 57 support M vulgar ' 69- -heaven VERTICAL 1 undermine 2- -everything sluggish 4 one who intertwines 6 plane surface . 6 myself 7- -Greek letter Herewith is the solution to yester day puzzJe. ft i A. E eImTiTr T O w s u 5 IMfoTg cklul TlE 1(11.1 8 contriver 9 fashion 10- -urge on -11 golf mound 16 angry ? 18 dine 20 having more ' substance 22 loud ringing sound 23 nocturnal mammal 25 imitated 26 sovereign : 27 approaches 29 masculine name . S3 falling into ' abeyance 34 satisfies . 87 revealing 40- -outlooks 42 footltke part 43 vehicles -with runners - 46 birds 47 cloth 48 metric measure of area 43 correlative . of neither 61 inquire 52- -secular 65 therefore