The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1938, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 23, 1938
Last Rites Held
For two Women
Sirs. Amelia Marquardt,
Leuna Goltra Are
Called Beyond
ALBANY Mrs. Amalie Mar
Quardt, 85, who died at the home
'of ber daughter, Mrs. Oscar H.
Ehrlich, was buried from the
Albany Lutheran church Thurs
day afternoon, ReT. Ralph Hetns
.officiating. Burial was in the
Lebanon IOOF cemetery.
, Mrs. Marquardt was born July
10, 1853, in Mehlawken, Ger
many. On November 8, 1881, she
- was married to Gustar Marquardt
In Germany. In 1889 they came
to the United States, first to Ne
braska,, then to Pros8er,' Wash.,
and in 1909 to Albany. He died
in 1922.
Surviving- are six - children,
Fred of Wolf Creek, Mrs. Johana
Remter of Bristow, Neb., Ernest
; f Thorp, Wash., Mrs. Emma
Ehrlich of Albany, Frank of Leb
anon, and Mrs. Ida Sturm 'ot
: Portland.
Lenna Goltra
'-' ALBANY- Mrs. Lenna ' Goltra,
68, died here Tuesday night, fol
lowing an illness extending over
number of years. Funeral services-were
held from the Fort
'miller funeral h o m e - Thursday
'Afternoon, Rev. Charles, Whelcbel
preaching and the Pythian Sis
- ters in charge. B u r i a 1 was in
Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Goltra
was born in Parsons, Kansas, and
had been a resident of Albany
lor 30 years. She was a member
of the Ladies of the GAR, Daugh
ters of the Confederacy, Pythian
Sisters and the Evangelical
- church.
Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.
, May Wagnor. and Mrs. Maggie
Goltra, both of Parsons, Kansas.
Mr. Goltra died in 1924. Charles
R. Goltra of Albany is a nephew
and Mrs. J. G. Hall a cousin.
Mt. Angel Pupils
Leave for Homes
MT. ANGEL A large number
of resident students of Mt. Angel
normal and academy left for scat
tered points ,in the Northwest
Wednesday and Thursday to spend
the Christmas- holidays at their
i The students began their Christ
inas festivities Monday night at a
dinner in their honor which fea
tured the Yuletide theme. Later
they met in the college homeroom
lor an informal Christmas party
around a brightly decorated tree.
Both high school and college stu
dents contributed musical num
bers, songs, readings, and novelty
numbers to the entertainment.
The special feature of the evening
was the arrival of Santa Claus and
the distribution of gifts. Ida Kerr,
Seaside, Florence Greiner, Prine
yille, and Anna Lulay, Sublimity,
arranged the program
Christmas programs were given
in the various departments on
three successive days.
14-Pound Head of
Cabbage Exhibited
SCI O A 14-pound head of
cabbage, grown west of Scio by
Philippi and Stone on their truck
experiment this season, was
Shown in Scio Wednesday.
A 9 -pound daughter was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walter
ef Rodgers Mountain December
No activity in the proposed city
water reconstruction was in evi
dence here Wednesday morning.
Work is progressing slowly on
the new high school building.
Silverton Future Farmers
Enjoy Christmas Activity
SILVERTON Forty-eight Fu
ture Farmers ot America enjoyed
a Christmas party and lunch
Thursday noon at the shop. Their
' instructor is Leonard Hudson.
XL W. Adams; superintendent of
I Bilterton schools, was a special
guest and handed out the gifts
exchanged by the boys. -
Union News
LIBERTY-4-The . Liberty local
of the Farmer's Union htld an
nual election of officers - at its
regular meeting Tuesday night,
resulting as jfollows: John Crab
tree, president; E. G. Clark, vice
president; Mrs. J. K. ' rabtree,
secretaary-treasurer, reelected ;
Lewis Judson, . chaplain; G. L.
Weave, conductor; Harry Evans,
doorkeeper; Fred Browning, W.
D Olden, Oscar Dencer, execu
tive committee. John Dasch, pres
ident for three terms since or
ganization, was not a candidate
for reelection.
The Marion county F.U. con
vention will bo held here n an
all day session January 7- Elec
tion of county officers is sched
uled that day. Speakers will be
Peter Zimmerman and Sam H.
Blown. Delerates 1 to epresent
this local will be Lewis Judson,
O. L. Dencer, John Dasch, G. L.
Weaver, J. K. Crabtree, Thomas
Neilon. ' j
A vote carried favoring that
the national I FU constitution be
amended to allow three locals to
form a county organization in
stead of five! as at present This
1b to benefit eastern Oregon lo
cals.. ' : '
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Dierks were
given membership obligation.
Short talks were ' made by Oscar
Dencer and Lewis Judson. John
Dasch was in charge of the en
tertainment for the hard times
party which ( followed the meet
lng Music was furnished by L.
L Norton and the Naugle family.
A decorated I tree was a pretty
feature of the party and those
attending brought articles to
make up a Christmas basket for
a needy family.
W. D. Olden, won the prize in
a "biggest lie" contest.
Height School
Begins Vacation
ful Christmas operetta "The Mi
ser's Dream" was dramatized
Thursday night at the hall here by
a cast of 120 school boys and
Leading characters were: May
nard Drawson, Geraldine Nelson,
Walter Bowman, Philip Blanken
ship, Wilma Gorton, Donald Bur
ger, Buena Stewart, Shirley Bo
sell, Dorothea Wells, and Maxine
Gowan. Thei operetta was well
given and colorful. '
Violin solos were played by
Merle Harnsberger, accompanied
by Charlotte; Jones, and Philip
Blankenship, accompanied by Paul
The program was directed by
the teachers, Margaret Barquist,
Lillian Geiger, Charlotte Jones,
Elizabeth Smith and Principal Ag
ness Booth.
School closed Friday until Jan
uary 3.
Pastor Is Burned
In Using Kerosene
SHELBURN A ; tragedy was
narrowly averted Sunday mor
ing when the pastor, Ralph Walk
er, poured ! oil In the stove,
thinking the fire had gone out.
Instantly an explosion enveloped
Rev. Walker in flames. The oil
can 'was blown to 1 bits, he win
dow near the rtove broken and
the floor caught fire..
Rev. Walker will be off duty
for at least j three weeks.
Shelburn school will have only
Monday after Christmas and New
Year's for their vacation. The
Christmas program was held
Thursday, j
Hubbard Folks Facing
Illness Over Holidays;
Young People Returning
HUBBARD--Mrs. Coble deLes
pinasse is confined to her home
with a severe cold.
Mr. A. Peebles is coniined to
his home on account of a com
plication of: ailments.
Among the young people home
for the Christmas vacation are
Miss Frances Friend, who is
teaching . at Bend, Miss Helen
Knight, a teacher, Doris Boyd,
Boyd Brown and Betty Brown,
who are attending UO.
Kay to Wed Baron in February
" f '
, C Eay Francis and Baron Erie Eavea Barnekow
Quieting rumors that her wedding plans had teen Indefinitely post
poned. Screen Actress Kay Francia has announced that she and
Baron Eric Raven Barnekow, with whom she is shown in. this new
Picture taken in Hollywood, will wed in; February.' Miss Francis
' only recently returned from a South American Taxation.
Gervais Program
Slated Tonight
Entire Community Back of
Entertainment at
G E R V A IS The community
Christmas program will be givea
at the high school auditorium Fri
day night beginning at 7: JO and
will be as follows:
Song, parochial school; play,
pupils of St. Louis school; Christ
mas songs, modern and old, high
school girls' chorus; short skit,
pupils of the Parkersville school;
pantomime, sophomore class; folk
dance. Intermediate grades Ger
vais grade school; rhythm band,
primary grades, Gervais grade
A lighted Christmas tree and
treats for the school children will
be added features.
Church Program
The Presbyterian Sunday school
will hold its Christmas exercises
at the church Saturday night.
The homecoming meeting held
Jointly by the IOOF and Rebekah
lodge at their rooms in the grade
school building Saturday was at
tended by 70 members and visi
tors. A short program was givea.
Grand Master Joseph F. Eckley of
Portland was the-main speaker.
Christmas treats were distributed
to all.
Holiday Party Is
Held at Mehama
MEHAMA The Mehama
Women's club met at the home of
Mrs. Ercill Wilson for the Christ
mas meeting with Mrs. Willard
Johnson as joint hostess. The
program consisted of carols, also
a reading by Mrs. Alma Kirsch.
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Margaret Kimsey, Mrs. Es
telle Pnilippl, Mrs. Aleen Wilson,
Mra. Margaret Phillips, Mrs. Ma
bel Boyington, Mrs. Bill Evans,
Mrs. Blanche Wagner. Mrs. Es
telle Spiva, Mrs. Vivian White,
Mrs. Dorotthy Reid, Mrs. Inez
Crook, Mrs. Mabel Smith, Mrs.
Alma Kirsch, Mrs. Jean Ryland,
Mrs. Ed Burgess, Mrs. Winnifred
Branch, and the hostesses Mrs.
Wilson and Mrs. Betty Johnson.
- The women all gave gifts to
help three needy families for
Christmas. The next meeting, will
be held at the home of Mrs. Win
nifred Branch witb Mrs. Estelle
Spiva as Joint hostess.
Dayton Post, Auxiliary
Hold Joint Gathering
About 25 members
attended the regular joint meet
ing of the Dayton American Le
gion post and auxiliary Tuesday
right at the Civic club, rooms.
An enjoyable social time follow
ed business. Assisting with
Christmas cheer for , needy peo
ple in the community was en
dorsed and will be sponsored by
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