The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon,' Friday Morning, December . 23, 1938
Decorate T$nf
Cookies iof. . I
fs in the Bag
Much of the fan in slaking hol
iday cookies is their ecor at Ion,
end an inexpensive suar cookie
can look like a mifl6n when
dressed up a bit wtt if chocolate
or icing. - I
Make several batches of sugar
Cookies, or of molas&s cookies,
( and cut them in, as pd shapes as
your imagination tvilg allow. If
sizes are too big, cut tem in two.
Some women even use She cuttings
to provide variety in Shape.
There are two classes of decora
tion for cookies, taatfgwhlch goes
on before baking, . abP that which
tops the cookies afteif baked. -
Most grocery stored carry col
ored sugars and candies that can
be used to top cookkij and which
stand the heat. Brushed with egg
white and dipped ing the candies
that have been spreain a saucer,
the cookies will holdlhetr decora
tion and have a slight glaze. '
Silver dragees wi also stand
the heat" and will be slowy decora
tion. Nuts, of course, iare good and
can be stuck on with (he egg white
glaze. 5 J ;.
hi 3 )i' : ) . .
'rV. ii - I
1'", . ' V - 11 ic!w...IM v , i'Ssf
Reading left to right, Jane Bryan, currently featured in "Brother Rat," lends a smart accent to her
sport costume with' her square "luggage" typo bag. Rosemary Lane, soon to play in "Oklahoma Kid'
chooses a pouch bag of softest antelope to key her wool suit. Marie Wilson is coyly admiring a hugo
leather purse, modelled after on old-time saddle boa. Mario will be seen next in Warners' "Sweep-
stales Winner.'
Bags are important accessories to winter styles, as shown by screen stars who model featured
Items. Left is Jane Bryan with a sports type bag. Center is Rosemary Lane who shows an, antelope bag
For decorations to be 'put on with a wool suit. Right is pictured Marie Wilson with a saddle-bag type handbag,
cookies after baked, use melted :
chocolate. Heat carefully, dipping s't
chocoUte-or regular take choqo- Last MlTMt Gift
late. Whip with a fork until be- f
ginning to cool Dip amaU cookfea Often AmOUg
in the chocolate, down halfway,
leaving the other half plain. ; vGW BeSt
Or make a small cornucopia of J
white paper, fill it with the choco
late and make tiny drops as dec
orations around the edge.' The
chocolate may be made in spirals
on round cookies, criss-cross on
Bring Typewriter
For Wrist Watch
son, whose wrist watch disap
peared from her home last week.
has not recovered, it. A strange
woman, who said she was from
Salem, left a typewriter with
Nelson at his service station, ."in
lieu of the missing watch." Asked
by Mrs. Nelson what her connec
tion was with Loren Caulkins, a
prowler arrested here last week.
the woman replied that she was
merely a friend of his family.
Caulkins. who had been lirisg
for two weeks at Young's auto
camp here, has been discovered
to have a penitentiary record. He
is detained in the county Jail. He
had entered the homes of Mrs.
G. W. Chesebro and Mrs. Marion
Fresh, and had been seen prowl
ing around the Nelson home the
day the place was ransacked and
Mrs. Nelson's watch disappeared.
State police took charge of the
typewrite;-. It is thought Caulkins
may have been connected with
a ring of thieves operating In
nearby towns.
Today's Menu
There are always last - minute
gifts to buy, because only a super-
woman could really do all her
shopping ahead. Often the woman
hn ahnni lntp epts the best bar-
Other shapes, and even can be gains, and sometimes even a bet
ter selection of small things.
Even little boys like some he
man soap that is in the shape of
pine cones and smacks of the
Seedums and small cacti are to
be found at the florists in small
pots from practically nothing up.
used to write a ereetlne.
Frosting can be tinted and used
to decorate the cookies. A tree
shape can be outlined with green
icing and silver balls put on with
tiny drops of the Icing.
i -
Cottage Cheese Torte
Is Gala Dish
Zwelbacu begins an elegant
dessert dish that includes prac
tical all cottage cheese.
1 package grated sweibach
! V cup melted fat
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons floor
j';. 'teaspoon cinnamon
, V teaspoon nutmeg
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites
2 pounds cottage cheese
Vz pint cream
1 teaspoon lemon extract
Mix sugar, spices and melted
fat, add zweibach. Line a but
tered mold with mixture reserv
ing 1 cup for top. Beat yolks
until lemon colored, and add
flour. Add cottage cheese, cream
and lemon extract. .Fold In stiff
ly beaten whites. Pour in a mold
lined with crumbs and top with
remaining crumbs. Bake at 350
for 45 minutes.
Artichokes Stuffed
Good Dish
.. French artichokes are In mar
kets in earnest these days
Artichokes and kippered sal
mon wJU be on the menu for to
day. Artichoke salad
Kippered salmon
Steamed parsleyed potatoes '
Buttered spinach with lemon
Mince pie
Heat the kippered salmon in
the oven until thoroughly hot.
You can suit aAy purse and any, sprinkle with butter and cem
agtiJ,. 'm' , -hHe still hot.
a new gift, but always an appre
ciated one. Five cents up to a dol
lar ones are found now and even
the inexpensive ones have attract
ive color these days.
The ten-cent store will yield j
any number of dime gifts for a
bousewife. Apple corers, measur
ing cups, mixing spoons, salt
shakers, dish rags, pot holders,
and any other of the dozens of
little things that will make more
packages under the tree.
An assortment of canned Jelly
and Jam from your own basement
will make an excellent gift to ar
range in a small basket. Just
good old ginger cookies will please
youngsters. .
Large Crowd Reports
To View Senior Class
Drama at Willamina
WILL AMINA The Willamina
high school seniors presented
their three-act class play, "What
Wright Left," Thursday night at
the school gymnasium. A large
crowd was present to enjoy the
fine acting of the young people
Those taking part were Deb Mor
ris, John Bu8well, Wayne Rlckert,
Jeanne Talbot, Louise Lentx, Ar
len Gillespie, Dale Snow, Meredith
Flanery, Dorothy Myers, Helen
Parrett and Charles Colburn.
Selections by the high school
orchestra were also much ap
For Company
Bonneville Dam
Subject of Open
Meet, Silver ton
SILVERTON Dr. Carl Thomp
son, repersenting the Bonneville
dam project, will speak at an
open meeting at Silverton at 8
o'clock p.m., December 28.
The meeting is being spon
sored by the Silverton Lions club.
Dr. Thompson's subject will be,
"Facts about the Bonneville Pro
ject." Friends have received word
of the death of the mother of
Warren E. Crabtree at her home
in the American colony near
Mexico City. Mr. Crabtrr.e was
for 12 years Smith-Hughes in
structor In the Silverton high
school and is now with 'he high
school faculty of Salinas, Calif.
- 'f -
State Officers at
Veterans' Meet
SCIO John H. Schum, senior
vice commander of the Oregon de
partment of Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Department Service Officer
O. Pike, Department Adjutant
Quartermaster W. E. McGuffln,
and District Commander Jack
Hayes spoke in Scio recently to
meetings of Cascade post and auxiliary.
Mrs. Anna Chladek : and Mrs.
Pearl Zink were initiated into the
Scio unit by a degree team from
Silverton. Members also were
present from Portland and Dallas.
Scio post and auxiliary attend
ed a Christmas party by the Sil
verton organisations Wednesday
Tnrkev or chicken and mnshroom pie served Individually will
make a fine dish to set before your very best guests during the hol
idays. - '
Rebekahs Enjoy
Christmas Tree
SCIO A Christmas tree, ex
change of presents, refreshments
and a social hour featured the
regular meeting of Leone Rebe
kah Lodge No. 84, IOOF, at Scio
Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott (An
geline Wesely) plan to return
soon after Christmas for their
home at San Francisco, where
both have been employed for some
Seasonal Christmas boxes for
some of the forgotten needy fam
ilies in the Scio area were arran
ged by Mrs. Carl Warren's Chris
tian Sunday school at her home
in South Scio Tuesday night. An
Informal yuletlde- party for her
class also was given by Mrs. War
Eunice Fuhr Is
IM's President
BETHANY Lois Frink was
hostess Tuesday night to mem
bers of the LDR. The group elect
ed officers to include president,
Eunice Fuhr; vice-president. Pa
tience Moberg; secretary-treas
urer. Vernice Tollestrud: treas
urer, Oriet Moen. j
The club also voted to give $40
to Trinity organ fund and $2?
to mission and charity.
The group enjoyed a social
hour during which gifts were ex
changed. Members will spend
Monday night of next week id
Leaves Hospital
TALBOT Mrs. Mary Petty
John of Roberts, who underwent
a major operation recently at the
Deaconess hospital in Salem, has
Hubbard Women's
Club Entertained
HUBBARD Mrs. John Friend
and Mrs. Herman Bontrager en
tertained the Hubbard Woman's
club Wednesday afternoon with
27 of the 39 members present.
The program included readings by
Sally Ann Bontrager; piano solo.
Miss Naomi Friend; a skit "Rat-a-tat-tat,
by Mrs. Ora Soderholm,
Mrs. Flossie Bontrager. Mrs.
Kathryn Will and Mrs. Sadie
Scholl; quartet, by Naomi Friend,
Norma Sanders, Lois and Dorothy
The program was followed by
an exchange of gifts. The next
Qieeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. George Pardy Wednesday
afternoon, January 4.
Beringer on Trip
MEHAMA William Beringer
is spending several weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balrd at
their home in Grapeview, Wash.
recovered sufficiently to be moved
to the home of her mother, Mrs.
Charles Meier.
Artichokes taste much better
when carefullj cooked. Drop them
into boiling water, add a half lem
on, a little olive oil or cooking
oil. and a handful of pickling
spices. Cook until the leaves are
tender when tested, and all starch-
iness is gone.
Italians like to carefully pull
the leaves back from the center of
but the cooked vegetable, remove the
many women who like them for a center or "choke" and .fill it with
hot vegetable or as salad know a dressing made from sweet herbs
little about cooking this odd veg- and fine breadcrumbs, seasoned
etable from the foggy valleys of with garlic and moistened with
California. olive oiL
"Dawn Patrol," Elsinore Soon
. 1
tQMy (L mm inp w wm &
wmj 1 ffsffiw I K pecia J
W ""r Tii bM m i, TBsjW linili V itiiHil I miiti Wfim ri-AA-frtt . itlli niQu mitkim:i. jik in r w ""I i sl'ii I
PatHnu Mm Lie to Wnrl
Dress Socks
Many of the designs are copies
of higher priced socks I Ribbed
tops; cotton and rayon mixtures.
-Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone. la a tense scene from the 'Warner
Bros, drama of wartime aviation, "The Dawn Patrol, starting Fri
day at the Elsinore theatre, pins on this same bill "Spring Mad
ess, with Maoreca O'Solllvan and Lew Ayres; also a Walt Disney
color cartoon, "ilother Goose Goes Hollywood."
A AwcfW Gtt for ftoys
2-Tono Sweater
Uok tti Soring t
4 '.-."
'i J- i
. v- -'
. if" Jy
v V f ,
' f.
Roomy raglan honldera for ac
tive boys. Neat military neck
with slide fastener.
" " mm . "im,.iwp i
tlWarwslomtl -'
Men's 3Inlflers
Wards has every kind of muf
fler from all wool plaids to
dressy rayon crepe Paisleys.
Coat Sweaters
For Mm
Selling; elsewhere for $3 and
more I Full sizes, tailored to fit
perfectly. A wise gift I
lyrorottpaisBss W:
Sr cnbk, Smart GM
Men9s Sweaters
APrice Tlaff
Almost m Gift
New ttylea with porta back!
Two-tones with herringbone
front, or brushed plain colors,
fMt to Omom Froaf
Gift Shirts
Fast color patterns (all new!)
... whites . . . plain blues
they're a at Wards low price.
Or Him Shirts & Skortil
Words Sp.c of
Famous No-Tare Fly shorts and
mercerised shirts, each in a cel
lophane holiday package
" 4
Wormi Lma wmarlna
Felt Slippers
Ooiof4 Coon
Perfect for keeping feet warm
as toast! First quality felt.
Rose, blue, grey, brown. 4 to S.
TkrHHnt to Mo Anl
Uoya9 Shirts
Give him several this. Christ
mas they're so low priced I
Fast color patterns; fall aixedl
HomdRclndi Low Priest
Cotton Frocks
Atl Tobfatt
Percales and poplins in fay
prints. Smart tailored styles I
Contrasting trims. Sizes 12-52.
ii -wit- 1f i,-vil.iik 1- .arn-r 1
Printed Gowns
Rayom Smtinl
Gift news at this low price I
Strap back style, floral prists.
Women's 2 Pc. Pajamas OCc
. -v. ri
Give a Popular Dirndl!
Gixls' Dresses .
Many with Lastex waistbands!
All sturdy, tubfast percales!
Full cut, well made! 1-f, 7-14.
Lmgwoar Gift Packago I
3-Pe. Sheet Sets
A Ward low price 1 One 81x99
inch sheet. Two 42x36-inch pil
low cases. Longwearingl
Worm Kayos Satis Sir pot
Gift Panties
f wGrttoftfr
Stripes or jacquard design In a
rayon crepe panty yon know
wiU fit I Reinforced. 36-40.
"SoR-Kmgor-Sam IGoymCmBo
Fancy Aprons
Semi-permanent . finish organ
dies I Brightly trimmed per
cales and sheers. All Tubfast.
StyW with Imagtfiotioa I
Gift Handbags
So unusual, yonll buy them for
yourself, too! Artificial calf.
sporty grains and -modern art.'
, t. . - a v a
Felt Slippers
Fewer colds with theso wan
bin felts! Padded leather long
wearing soles.
Gift Towel Set
; 949
' el
Two Jacquard reversible bath
towels, two hand towels and
two face cloths! Eich Pastals!
It's a mad marathon of mirth and murder; the roving reporters, GIo
ehi4 iui f irhl ixii1ii. ir at th State theatre todav. Fri
day and Saturday la Time Out For Murder, co-featured with the
sucrry mad Jones famllj In "Sarctj in AumDers."
PHONE 3194