The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 21, 1938
Angel Co Plaque . .to; igrapr. Martin
Test SF-Oakland Railway Line
f -f - ,
Luncheon Held
For Executive
. . v. .
Civic Croups Voice Thanks
for Work in Behalf
. State and Tovro
MT.' ANGEL The people of
Mt. Angel showed their pprecl
ation to Governor Charles H.
Martin for Uie great work ac
complished for the state and for
this community during b ad
ministration by giving , an In
formal luncheon In his honor at
the Mt. Angel hotel Monday
afternoon, when he was present
ed with an illuminated parch
ment plaque.
The plaque' made by' Sister
Theresa Marie of the Benedic
tine convent, was ' Inscribed with
the following words:
"Governor and Mrs..; Charles
II. Martin. This tribute o ap
preciation is presented - to you
by the Benedictine Fathers, Ben
edictine1 Sisters, and people of
the Mt. Angel community as a
public acknowledgment that dur
ing your period of office as
.leader you have shown the finest
example of true American citi
zenship in our beloved state of
Oregon, 1935-1939."
The governor was accompanied
by Senator-elect Rufus Hglnfan.
About 35 citizens, representing
the various local organization,
were present and each voiced
the appreciation of his group to
the governor.
Organizations Represented
fThe Benedictine Fathers and
Mt. Angel college were repre
sented by the Very Rev. Cyril
., Lebold, OSB; the town proper by
' Mayor Jacob Berchtold And two
councilmen; Business Men's club
by Leonard Fisher who substi
tuted for Dr. A. F E. Schler-
baum, president,, who was called
awavr' school board by Joseph
J - Keherr Mt. An eel cooDerativa I local grange officers by Jim Dar
creamery by Rudolf Bernirg. by and his team, Mrs. Darby, Mr.
president; MC Angel Flax com- and Mrs. Merton Gilmour, Mr.
pany, by Joseph Bernt, presi- and Mrs. Clarence Jones, M. and
dent- Farmers' union by MI- Mrs. George Scott and Mr. and
chael Veinacht and Enest Wer- Mrs. W. F. Kre nz from Union
her Qf Central Howell; American Hill grange, was a fine piece of
Legion by Dr. J. E. Webb, com- floor work.
mander; pand American jegion Ed Clymer, E. A. Rhoten and
auxiliary ' by President Georgia Mrs. Nan Pettyjohn were elected
Webb; Flaxarians by .President on executive committee. Mrs. S.
Ed Unger; Red Cross by Mrs. L. Minard was reappointed chair
Marc Hungate and . Mrs. Leg, man of home economics corn-
Withers: Marion County Health mlttee
if N
Wood Pile Falls
On Woman's Foot
Missionary Societies Hold
Joint Gathering at
Christian Church
talne met with a painful accident
Saturday at her home on Church
street. She went to the basement
to get some wood, and some of the
piled wood fell on her foot mash
ing her great toe.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ammon,
Clausle and Eddie Ammon, Billle
! Grenz and Wilbur Hess attended
I the FFA banquet held at River
side Friday night. Eddie, Billle
and Wilbur are all members of
the FFA and Ammon was taken
into FFA as an honorary member,
Eddie Ammon, president was
The two groups of the Mission
ary society of the Christian church
held a joint meeting in the church
Friday afternoon. A covered dish
luncheon was served followed by
I the study topic. Mrs. P. R. Camp
beir and Mrs. Inrine Wright are
leaders of the two groups, and led
In the discussion,
Miss Myrtle Myers entertained
13 members of the Brownsville
Christian Missionary society at
her home on Second street. A
covered dish luncheon was served
at the noon hour. The program
consisted of devotionals led by
Glidinsr triumphantly over the San Franclsco-rtakland Bay bridge. Mrs. Jessie Spla a and a round
the first of the new streamlined interurban grains recently began taoie discussion, miss xuyrue
new era in transportation between San FrjJncisco and East Bay Myers formerly lived in Browns-
ftnmtilml rtun I ville.
the train reached the terminal. The power wajnot turned on. Photo The Christmas meeting of the
shows several workmen pushing the train lnt? the terminal station Jefferson Woman's club was held
on the San Francisco side. (IIN). $ at the home of Mrs. A. B. Hinz on
Second street. Holly ana red ta
pe r b carried out the Christmas
motif in decorations. Program
numbers were by Mrs. Fred Wled,
Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. E. B. Red
mond. Miss Josephine Getchell
ROBERTS--The installation of l Henderson Sn charge. Numbers I and the high school girls sextette.
were by Doijy Henderson, Rich- Mrs. Wied and Miss Helen Hinz
ard William Jimmie Henderson, assisted Mrs. Hinz in serving re-
wayne jotjaston, Gaynell and freshments. Each member brought
Donald Coland Donna Wieder- a gift for the Children's Farm
kenr. Home at Corvallis
FALLS CTY The Home Eco-
Dozen Japanese Cherry Trees Are?
Presented to Oregon TB Hospital
HAZEL GREEN Y. Kaneko has made the state tuber
culosis hospital a gift of 12 Japanese cherry trees of two
varieties. The trees will be planted opposite of the hospital
on the north side of the highway. The trees, now four years
old, in a year or two will be worth going miles to see. The
trees are from the nursery of Kaneko's son-in-law, at Mil
waukee, o i
Six trees are being planted on
1? f
the Japanese church grounds
here. Seven years ago Mr. and
Mrs. James Yada gave the lazel
Green- school several trees that
died, being planted too. near the
ball ground. The tree riven the
church at that time, grew as did
one given G. G. Looney.
Grangers' Njbws
Program Thursday Night
iCn uat ?l me l Sunday School to Give
Thursday atjernoon.
These neil officers were elect
ed: v ice-prejident, Mrs. J. Dick
enson; sectary, Mrs. C. A
Holmes; tr&asnrer, Mrs
Salvation Army
Worker in China
Tells Conditions
Mrs. C. F. Skelton have just re
ceived a letter dated October 23,
from their daughter Ruby, who is
a Salvation Army worker at Can
ton, China.
Because of the bombing and
firing of Canton the foreigners
took refuge in Chameen island in
the river, a British possession
which had foodstuff and fuel to
last several months, but no vege
tables or fruit.
She says "There is not much
sleep or res tfor any one all are
in suspense. No mail except as it
can be brought from Hong Kong.
The Salvation Army is establish
ing food kitchens for those who
fled the country from Canton, also
refugee camps."
Men and women were fighting
day and night to keep Canton's
fires off the Island. The Army
quarters and all buildings In Can
ton have burned and the Army
expects much relief work to be
done when the Inhabitants return
to find everything gone, homes,
food, clothing and business.
Canton is in a terribly lawless
state of looting and burning and
Japanese troops would almost be
welcomed to restore order, she
association by Mrs. R. O. Apple
by, and the Mt. Angel firemen
by Chief Glen Butsch.
Father Alculn. chairman ior
cey Fergus. Mrs. Fay Wilson
me lecturer presented in is waB eiectedfgpresident at a pre-
Chrfstmas .program: Christmas vious meeting,
carols; vocal duet, Mrs. juouis Committers annointed
UNIONVALB The Christmas
program to be given by the
Unionvale school and the Union-
vale Sunday school will be held
at the church Thursday night,
December 22.
nev. u. ti. Hacneuer, a re
turned missionary from Hawaii,
jratner Aicuin, cnairman iui Johnston and Mrs. E. A. Good- Charge of l&ker and eaulnment lurnea missionary irom nawan
the affair, was-toastmaster and rlch with Paul Johnston at the Mrs Fay Ivilson Mrs Carrie wiU 8peak at the Unlle Evan
ty. nonsHlctlriA Slater I . . j..-. I. . '"BUU Jrrle I ohnrnh SitnHav
spoke Xor tne tieneaiciine aisiera i pjan0;
ot Mt. Angel Mormai and acaa- phiiuo
violin and piano
Blankenship ard
duet. JnhPH Mra Jr-io- hi,.M geacai cnurcn bunday.
ram Mrs. C. A. ffTolmanv titrhen r.
emy. Kev. Vincent jvopperi, Johnston; farce, Mrs. G. S. Hig- raneementsMlr- Bessie Lorlmnr Foote: overseer. Robert Tulare
1IT01I. I It f T TT.I -mm -r I d. a , m
dean of the school, was unable
to attend.
Sunator-elect Holman added, a
fine tribute to the grateful sen
timents expressed by the local
speakers, and Governor Martin
responded to all the speeches
with a short but sincere address.
Mt. Angel has cause I to feel
rrateful to the energetic execu
tive, especially for the help he
has given In the flax project.
Large Crowd out
To Enjoy Dallas
High School Play
DALLAS A large crowd was
present Friday night for the,
play, "Early to Bed, Early to
Rise," presented by the Dallas
high school student body.
The play was directed oy miss
gins and Mrs. Albert Blanken
ship; and numbers by grange
Gifts were distributed from
a beautiful decorated Christmas
UNION HILL The following Mrs. C. M. Erice win conduct the
candidates were initiated in the study hournd Mrs. C. M. Barn
first and second degrees s.t the I hart and Xrs. Chester Benefiel
regular meeting of the union will be assfiting hostesses.
Hill grange Friday night by the
Union Hill degree team: Mr. and FALLS 4TY The new of fl
airs, iee seeiey, waner jucci- i cers ior mr year installed oy Mr,
haney, Donald J a q u e t , Fran and Mrs. (Hen Adams of Brush
Rosenbalm, Mary -Rose.i balm, I College grange Monday night
Wesley Darby or Union Hill. Mr. t were:
Mrs. R. Ei Helm. Mrs. D. J. secretary - treasurer. Dorothy
Oram and Mrs. J. Dickenson. Towe; lecturer, Fred West; chap
Mrs. Leo ffCatherlner talked on I lain, Alvin Foot; steward, Tom-
LemonB trtgd Their Numerous my Hartly; assistant steward,
Uses." Themext meeting will be Bob ChristoDherson: lady assist
Friday afteMoon, January 13. at ant steward, Patricia- Maulding;
the home op Mrs. C. "A. Holman. gatekeeper, Harold Loron; Ceres,
Jean Murray; Pomona, Dorothy
The juveniles now have their
own club rooms In the grange
Stupfel Is President
Of Mutual Phone Line
Serving Wide District
HAZEL GREEN At the ann
al meeting at the hall near Che
mawa, the Chemawa Mutual Tel
ephone association reelected C. J.
Stupfel, president and Mr. Jensen
of Hayesville, secretary-treasurer,
Linemen for the three lines serv
ing this district are Archie Mc
Corckle. 44; Melvln Van Cleave
104; Joseph Ziellnskl, 117.
The association comprises lines
in Middle Grove, Qulnaby, Keizer,
Brooks and Hayesville.
Holiday Program
Scheduled Friday
MEHAMA A Christmas pro
gram will be held at the church
Friday night followed by a tree
with bags of candy for the child
ren. The program will consist of
recitations and Bhort subjects and
musical numbers under the man
agement of Mrs. Erclll Wilson
and Mrs. Giles Wagner, and also
a play by the older people under
the management of Mrs. Elisa
beth Hughes.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mrs. Jennie Moe included Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Anderson and daugh
ter, Verna of Lebanon, and Mrs.
Anderson's sister, Mrs. Eva Sell
ing of White Swan, Wash. Both
women were girlhood chums of
Mrs. Moe when they all lived in
Wisconsin years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ericksoh
and daughter Evelyn and Mrs.
Chris McDonald and daughter.
Aladeen, are driving to Colorado
and Nebraska where both have
relatives. They intend to be back
there by Christmas to stay for sev
eral weeks.
Use Bell for Yule
At Sunday School
RICKREALL A splendid p 0
gram was presented by the mem
bers of the Sunday school Sun
day morning, under the direction
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Biers. ,
It included an exercise by the
primary tots; song by junior
choir: recitation. Rodeer Gookin:
exercises by Elsie and Rebecca! only for Sunday services and
Walker; vocal duet. All e and the event of a lire.
Doris Smidt; reading, Charlotte
Ross; story, Joyce Van Dy'e:
solo, Mrs. Van Dyke with the
choir; reading, Edith and Patsy
Doss; readings, Jimmy McClel
lan, Doris Smidt and Janette
Day; songs by choir, and "Christ
mas Gift,' Donna Jane Van
Dyke. Presents were distributed
by each teacher to their classea
and a large bag ot candy to
every person present.
The church bell rang for serv
ice, having been hung Saturday.
Supt Smith said it is to be usea
X )
it's only 4
Entertainment of
Combined Groups
Is Fine Success
TURNER The bazaar, supper
and entertainment held at the
schoolhouse Friday afternoon and
night, proved to be a success
for all organizations taking part.
The PTA, Garden club, Rebekah
lodge, and grange arranged
booths which netted each from
$18 to 1 20. The supper netted
The three-act play, "Sunny
Acres" put on by ' the players
of Knight Memorial Congrega
tional church, Salem, with Rev.
Howard C. Stover in charge, was
appreciated by a full auditorium,
the proceeds going to the 4H
clubs' summer school scholarship
fund. Music wa sfurnished by
the school orchestra, directed by
L. W. Robertson.
Hartley 4H Leader
Hartley has beek selected as lea
er of the SilvertTHllls 4-H sheep
club. The club numbers seven
Yes, Folks,
more shopping day
until Christmas but there is still
plenty of time to find what you
want at
Brief Cases
Loose-Leaf Books
Traveling: Sets
Zipper Cases
Chemistry Sets
Chinese Checkers
Croquinole Boards
Game Boards
Microscope Sets
Book Ends
Desk Sets
Pens - Pencils
Scrap Books
Christmas Cards Magazine
Diaries, 5-year
Gift Wrappings
Photo Albums
Commercial look Store
163 N. Commercial St.
Phone 4531
Open Evenings Until Christmas
and Mrs. Merrill Lucas, M. and
Mrs. Ed Veteto of Fairfield
Standing committees appointed
for 1939 are: Musician, Mrs. J.
O. Darby; drill captain, C. C
Carter; agriculture, W. M.; Tate,
chairman, C. E. Heater and Clif
ford. White; legislative, G a r y
Neal, chairman, Mrs. O. V. Hum-
seer, Ralpi
Ross Bowi
M. Price:
a. Holman; over-
Johnson; ' steward,
in; lecturer, Mrs. C.
ssistant steward, Ed
Gilmore; cMplain. Carrie Jobes:
treasurer, R E. Helm; secretary,
Bessie Korlmor; gatekeeper.
Ralph Harrlfs; Ceres, Mrs. John
Richmond; BPomona, Mrs. Ross
Bowman; Mora, Mrs. J. Eicken-
McEl- son; executive committee. Leo
Katherlner.gClay Guthrldgo and
O. la. Frlnkft Janitor. O. L. Prink
R. t. Helm, program chair
man, anouijed numbers by the
high school- male quartet, Roy
Gardner. Ea York, Harvey and
Haiei Henry rand the characters phreys and J. C. Krenz; hall,
were: Margaret Joslln as Abble I John Steinberger, Byron
Fuller; .Tom Bowman as Bobby haney and Jimi iexDarby; relief.
Fuller; La Von Ford , as, Marian Mrs. John Steinberger, Mrs. C. C.
Fuller; Charles Lynn as Everett Jones and' Mrs. C. C. Carter;
Fuller; Zerlta Pltner as Spanky home economics, Mrs. Paul ."a-
Mlnuti; Frank Harris as Jim quet, chairman, Mrs. M. M. Gil-
Griggs; Verna- Caroline as Patsy m0ur, vice-chairman; Mrs. John
Fuller; Arlene Tull as Daisy steinberger, secretary; Mrs. J. C.
Fairfax; Harold Hamm as Otto Krenz, treasurer, and Mrs. W. F.
Kirschmeier; John Frlesen as Krenz; Janitor, John Steinberger.
Mr. Conkle and Eileen Tarpley The juvenile officers were in-
as Laura Montgomery. stalled by Robert Humphreys,
The production staff Imlud- Bernadine i White and Wesley
ai Mi Hazel Henrv director: nrhv Tha new officers are: Don-
Clark Robb, H. E. Beaupre, . &i- aid Peters, master; Mar jorie grange wifl hold Its
don Kliever, Miss Duth Duerk-1 Tate, secretary; Guy Scott, treas- meeting Fifday night.
son, Miss imogene nwie-y, mw urer; ttooen risner, jet-iurer.
Rosalie White, chaplain; rloyd
FoxJr., gatekeeper; Gene Terry,
steward; Charles Morley, assist
ant steward; Edna Morley, lady
assistant steward; Richard Krenz.
overseer; Jean Darby, ceres; Ln
Adopt Resolutions
ton Hills grange passed two reso
lutions at its recent meeting,
one a petition addressed to the
state committee of, soil conser
vation, asking that in 1939 pay
ments be made, for maintaining
the acreage of perennial grasses
and perennial legumes.
No payments have lo far been
made for maintenance. Only
payments have been made for
seeding. This, grangers felt rath
er defeated the purpose of the
conservation act, as It left a
temptation to plough up the
crops and reseed so that collec
tion could be made again.
The other petition was ad
dressed to the federal communi-
James Mariw reading, Ralph Har- cation committee requesting that
Margaret Livesay, Patricia -Murray
and Clifford Smith, Jean
Howard and Leeanna Severson.
Preceding the play the school
orchestra directed by' ; H. N.
Stoudenmeyer played one selec
tion and between the different
acts the high school mixed chor
ns, directed by Bruce Eckman,
cile Jaquet, Pomona;
Jaquet, Flora.
ris; plane $$lo, Fay Wilson; vio
lin ana pljmo duet, Hilda and
Eugene KQHs.
The men served refreshments.
LYONS JChe Santiam valley
The so
cial hour Included a Christmas 1
party witl a gift exchange,
games, readings and carols.
i -
tAXTU.N-About 100 mem
bers and f lends of the Dayton
Webfoot ij-ange attended the
not interference be male by
placing the same radio wave
length on station KOY of Ari
zona as that now on station
KOAC of Oregon.
Victor Hadley of the Silverton
Hills grange has appointed his
standing committee for the com
ing year to include:
Social, Mrs. E. A. Beugli, Os
car Loe, Maurice Benson, James
Bonner and John Rinehard;
legislative., Mary Murray. Elsia
Vtvlenne j regular soilal meeting held Sat- Christopherson, Anna Hadley,
Liberty School to Give
Christmas - Pageant at
TALBOT Mrs. J. O. Farr en
tertained members of the Ankeny
Home Economics club j at her
home recently. Mrs. George Hen
derson was appointed to r make
r T rri...-. i:1.t up i year oooas. mm.
oyra un inmsua; i"f, Hartley was appointed to make
LIBERTY A Christmas page-j a scrapbook, containing the hls-
a n t , "The Bells ot Betnienem, i tory of the grange.
will be presented by the school on
Thursday. December 22, at 8 "p. I TALBOT Ankeny grange
m. In the auditorium ot the gym J members met Saturday for an
huildinz. 1 all-day meeting and Installation
A group of 25 mothers met Frl- j of officers with Red Hills grang
day to make costumes ior many i as guests. Tne nan was cievenv
of the characters in the pageant. decorated with holly and . green-
Several more group sewing beesjery and a beautifully decorated
win be held at various homes to I Christmas tree.
, complete the outfits for the entire j After the i dinner hour, Mrs.
cast. i Helen J-AmDert or atayton aciea
as installing orricer. xnose in
stalled from Ankeny were: Mas
ter, Rex Hartley; overseer, C. F.
Johnston: secretary. Mrs.! C F.
Johnston; treasurer, ! Edwin
Swartc: chaplain. Mrs. i Albert
Cole; assistant steward, Walter
Wolff; lady assistant steward,
Mrs. Rex -i Hartley; steward.
George Henderson: Ceres, Mrs.
Edna Reeves; Pomona, E t h e i
Flora, Mrs..: Maggie
and Alfred Loe!
Olive Bonner,
Ruth Hadley,
Jerry Howard.
Contact committee, Ida Ben
son, Mary Loe, E. A. Beugli, El-
i sie Christopherson ; relief, Sara
Juveniles Elect i Maulding. Ira Loron, Mrs. Frank
SILVERtlDN HILLS Recent Tulare; finance, E. TIppner.
election off Juvenile grange of fi-1 George Gerdes, Victor Howard;
cers resulted in master, Kenneth insurance agent, Ira Loron.
crday night at the Webfoot hall. Don Magill
The senior of Dayton union! home economics,
high schoot-gave their class play, I Emma ' Magill,
Mama's mby Boy" which net-
. J . a CA.!l a. t J li j r A r a I
ieu fiu.ju. iu ue uiviucu ou-ou
between grange and high school.
BETHEL The Christmas en
tertainment to be presented by
th nuDils and Mrs. Kelcher, will
be given in connection with the I Blinston;
December community club meet
ing on Thursday night. Please
note the change of date. All are
MARION The annual Christ
mam nartv of the Marion com
nif. iih win ia held Thnrs-I mortal services were
av niht in the WOW hall. I Mrs. Nellie Simpson,
The program by the school
children and directed by the
teachers. Miss Mary Gibson, Miss
Hoheycutt and Mrs. Leota Sloan,
will consist of Christmas carols,
readings and short plays.
Treats will - be distributed to
the children of, the district.
Marlott; executive board, J. D.
Farr and D. E. Blinston.
Mrs. George Henderson was
nianist and Mrs. Nan Pettyjohn
and Mrs.. Barker of the Ttoberts
grange gave several songs.
Following the installation ne-
held for
i charter
member, who died recently.
y In the evening a homecoming
dinner was served to about 38
members and past members and
their families, followed by the
grange Christmas tree. The pro
gram was announced ln the form
of telegrams, with Mrs. George
k a !!
Get Your Quality
. . . During this
For A Limited Time Only. - : :'' ' : '
Hundreds of Pairs Must Go!!
Here's Your Chance to Get Your. . . . ,
MATiunaAiLnsiEiRis - '
Unster Brown Shoe Store
Next Masonic Temple Bldg