I The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 20, 1938 Dealers Featee Pre-QhiFitma Used Car Values PAGE NINB "Tib Statesman .. Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion vr line 10 Three Insertions per line 30e Six Insertion per Use 30e One month per Unt $1 00 Minimum charge .. ; He Copy tat UO page accepted aatu a the evening before pvollcatloe for etasaltlcatlen. Ospy wld iAh tint time wUl be n and? the hssdlng. Toe Late- to Oaa- - -The Statesman assumes ae flnan stal reeponalblllty for error which may apnea t la advertise meal pub lished to nm columns, a ad ta win rhere this paper is si fault will re ertat thsi part ef ss advertisement to which tbe typographical mistake secure, Tbs Ststesmsa reserves the right te rated or.eetkmatie dortlstna: It furthar reserves the right to place ail advarttstae under tba proper claaaiftcattoa. "BLIND ADS which give only a box number care ot Sis tea man mast be answered by letter. We cannot give any information, as to do to would lestroy their purpose. Livestock DEAD AND worthless , horses, cows. picked up free. Ph. collect stii. Mwm. Montgomery Rend. Wks SXrutllu'Ws" "i" y sasa.sa.saj m s as: smasaaSaataaaSi WEANER PIGS, rabbits, 1 ml. N, Pen 4 Cor. Rt 6. Bos 630. Auctions AUCTIONS AUCTION THURSDAY night. 7 :S0. and auction Sat- afternoon. 1 :30, at the K. K. WooUry Auction Market. A fine lot of new and used furniture, rugs, linoleum, elec. ranges, new indirect- floor lamps, lovely walnut bed room suite, davenports, studio couch. dressers, beds, springs A mattresses. Singer D. H. Bewlng machine, radios, breakfast sets, wal. dining room suite, and lots of miscellaneous articles to please you. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year by F. N. and ULKNN W'OODRY, the Auctioneers. We buy for cash or sell on commission. Ph. 6110 Yes, It's warm at Woodry'a. Help Wanted $30 CASH IN ON SPARE TIME WEEKLY OK MORE EARN Grow mushrooms HOME. Cel lar, shed suitable. Wa buy, 30c lb. Year roand business. f.-in made by Mr. S. to few weeks SPARE' TIME. Guaranteed Materials. Estab. 1911. Write for FREE BOOK. WasMacton Mushroom Indartries, Dept. 408. - 201 2nd. Seattle, Wash. Help Wanted Female YOUNG GIRL, wanted 'to work. noon evening In boarding bouse. Call 601 N. Winter St. Situations Wanted WHEN A CARPENTER Is wanted, call (183. ODD JOB of any kind. Call John Frank.' Leonard Hotel.1 . IRONING, RE AS. 732 Chemeketa. For Sate? Mis'llanrou CANARIES PAROKEETS, bird ta res sod supplies, gold fish and sup plies, aquarium nowia. frlces special lor unnsunas. CAPITOL FEED It SEED 1ST S. Com. Phone Kit. Money to Loan Money to Loan WRINGER ROU service on sB p makes or waahera. E. H. EHla Son. Nelson Bros. Appliance Dept P. 4149 essasasssmss)estsestses HAIRCUTS. 15c. MILLERS. S1 N Coml t- R(X)M BIZK on ctr heater. H price. 7 en ft. 6249 .0. Kelvlnator lec ref. 1. 1710 Fairgrounds R4. FULLER URU8HKS. Christinas elsl now en. 260 N. lird. Ph. 1391. PORTA RLE TTPE WRITERS make suitable Christmas sifts. New Royal. Underwood, Item. Corona. Price 62 1. 75 sad up. Used Una. 15, Rem., fit. Reen, 4S4 Court. BART ; JACKETS, i sises te 1 yeara. Wool knit Beautiful sad warm Christmas rifts. C7S N. High. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. pm. 201, First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4440 a-: i state License M-zzo BEAUTIFUL PERSIAN run 6x7. reaa. priced. 1C76 Broadway. ELEC RANGE. 2(80 Cherry Ave. SLIGHTLY USED etl heater, porce lain finish, thermostat control. Bar gain st 137.60. essy terms. Good Housekeeping, Inc., 452 Court, phone 9011. XMAS TREES. 18 in. to 8 ft. 33S South St. first house east of Produ cers cannery. N. Salem. Open every day, early and late, also all day Sun day. OIL HEATER largeIzConneX tions and 60 gal. tank. Ph. 7554. " i 'VV'awVsTrtjrfTu-jlJ-U WII., DP. yet canaries. 635 Belmont Miscellaneous TO GIVE away 2 small house doys, Tues., 10 a. m., J.647 N. Front For Rent Rooms LAlMha I'M 6671 690 N Cottage DESIrL SUP. im. prt ent 5977. CLOSE IN. heated, 254 N. Church C1SK IN, sieam heat. 607 N. Com WELL KURN. rooms, private home, 1C98 S. Lilerty. SLP. RMS., ft.rn.. heat. 633 N. High. FURN. ROOMS. 255 Division. Room and Board RM.. BD., steam heat 1190 Oak. TRT MA Bowen's famous meals, a real home1, 315 Bellevue. Ph. 8767. RM., BD.. laundry, 435 N. Cottage., DO TOUR CTlUSTSiAS SHOPPING WITHOUT d.. rr rrf. &t us help you with December Shopping. Instead of running up numerous ensrge accounts, pay cash and start January with a clean elate. Borrow bare on your auto, furnln-e. or other personal se curity end your own aignstura. u get the money prompt lythe fall amount of tba loan. Repay us In small, eaay-to-ineet amounts spread over a period of ss long ss 20 monthe. On loans made this month, no payment will be due until after the holidays. Don't hesitate to call on na when you need money for any necessitous purpose. If it la not convenient for you to come to our office telephone us or mail your Inquiry and we will esnd a courteous represcntstlvs to explain our service. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS To Buy the Things You Need Now! 3 e. e PRIVATE CONVENIENT FRIENDLY I C.03 mo. repays I (0 In 12 mos. I T.27 mo. repays $100 la IS mos $18.00 mo. repays $180 In IS mos. $18.18 no. repays $250 hi II mos. Personal Loans any smount up to $300 without the kind of security ordinarily required elsewhere. Co-makers not needed. No repayment for 30 days eren longer if you choose then Just small, convenient monthly amounts. Come In or phone TODAY. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Room 119, New Blitrh Bids., 2nd Floor 511 State Street at High In Salem, Oregon PHONE 2191 STATE LICENSE NUMBERS S-123 M ill For Sale Real Estate BUn.uirtO LOTS ? GOOD LOTS on paved street escel- lent location. Price $500 $25 down. $10 ler month. W. H- URABKNMimai SI REALTORS 34 a Liberty St Phone 4 SEE THIS AT SS4 5 I.EE Street. 6 room, plas- Mered house with basement nice lot. fruit and snaae trees, rnce omy Ivith $250 down, bal. $20 per mo. SEE Mrs. Ellis wttn CHILDS MILLER, Realtors I WS44 State Street Phone 9261. FOR SALE .'3 A. FINE SOIL, 5 room house A barn, electricity, on gravel road, 3 ml from city limits. Buildings will be ainted to suit purchaser only $:oou. Terms. HAWKINS 4 ROBERTS. U(U. BEAUTIFUL NEW home, suburban. $100 down, $35 month, right party. fCarle Abrams, 411 Masonic isiag. jPhone 6155-7654. MODERN S ROOM home, 3 bed- breakfast nook, automatic con trol heat full basement Double ga- -!-, . sftrw neat, iuu oaaeuicuw ror Kent Anartments ?run Reautifui shrubs and lawn, lo f rated 571 Rosemont Ave., West Salem, I rcrjojas. rumtshed. bata. Accem-fricad Jizuu oeiow cost, tteasouuuie inodaUons for trsiler house. 14401 terms. To see, call 6857. Wrllsr T sjjeyestsui n n n i ii i isiis"i CT.EAN 2 ROOM frrrn court antMi GOOD PIECE of property will sell with private bath, laundry, garageJo party who can do labor as part bus service. 1807 Lee St SMALL APT., adults only, canaries for sale. 21 S3 State St Goldetq 1-2-3 RMS.. $6 up. 1310 S. 13th. CLOSE IN, furn. 3-rm. apt., first floor. 1047 S. Com l. , SM. HTD. apt, 1333 State, Ph. "982. HOUSEWORK BY hr. Ref. P. 6250. LADY. 55. WISHES hskpe. for gen tleman, or light housework for elderly couple. Box 179, Statesman. -n.p.n.n.n.-i pr i i-ii - DAY NURSERY Children cared for while mother Christmas shops or works Rates by day, week, month. Tel. 4785. 840 Norway street HR. WORK by exp. woman, 6342. For Sale Miscellaneous SUN-FLAM b, OIL heater, $29.50 Hogg Bros, 225 Court aasssssas APRONS. CHRISTMAS gifts. N. High. 67V WOOD, XMAS Uses, 360 N. Church. - BELCREST. LESS than cost. 935$. GOLD FISH, 2025 S. 12th. BRICK, 1211 Broadway. Ph. 3253. FRESH FROZEN strawberries Shortcake on Xmas, $1.50 per gaL Phone orders early 1 Limited supply. Ramages. Ph. 875L GOOD PIANO snd cheap. 2479 Walker. . bench, very FOR SALE or trade for wood, large baby bed and 2-wheel trailer. P. K. McElroy. Rt. 6. Box 688, Auburn Rd. ONE TED. female collie pup, S ma old, $10.00. Curtis G. Coler Rt 2, Box 7 3, pnone 4 t. ONE 10-GALLON visible hand-operated gas pump, reasonable. States man box 185, care Statesman. 5-PIECE VANITY dresser set $25, Other furniture. 675 a 12th. SHELBY BALLOON tired bicycle, lots extras. Bargain. Call a. m. 180 Is. 21st. ORDER YOUR Christmas turkeys now. corn fed will deliver. Ph. 1F15. NO. 1 FRANQUETTE walnuts, state Insp. Lire., 20c, fancy 18c, med. 1 5c per lb. DeL in 6 lb, lots or more. Ph. 10S-K-11 before 5 p. ro. BlcrCLES, 2 , HIGH pressure tirea Z4 - balloon. Juvenile sizes. Ramsden, 143 S. Liberty. - SSasAsSkAsAAiWSaWMVSsSaWSS CHRISTMAS GIFTS of flowers. Phone 8637, Jay Morris, florist. GIRL'S BALLOON tired blcycle first class condition $20. Tel 3349. ALFALFA HAY. Walker ranch, 2 mi. soutn jm-uns's corner. 2 GARAGE DOORS, garage, tiseff lumber, toy shepherd pups Ph. 65F12 cj CDitsontatesiaau ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fencer-Han Ot. Ltd. Baa Freneisroi lxs Anseiee. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives -Bryant. Griffith ft B run son, tao. Chicago, New fork. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta gatertd ef se 'eateffsse el te tern Or0o es geeoed Cla Mmtt. Pse liiasd evenr SMretas eswest sfeaeee. Burin fftcm ajf govt CestetereisJ Wrest, . SUBSCKIPT1UN BATES: Uslt Subscription Rates to Advance Within Oregon: uatiy ana sMinoey Mo. 00 eenu; I Mo. 11.10: Ma $2.64 1 rear ft 00. Elsewhere 10 eenu per Mo. or Sleo.ror I year m aavaaee Par copy S cents Newsstands S cents Bv Clt Carrier : 40 cents a month 07 JO a year la advance la Marlon and adjacent eouaUes. 1 R. FURN. APT, 645 Ferry. 2 RM. FURN. apt, very reasonable. gar. available. 1290 Oak. Tel. 5276. 5 RMS. UXFURN, upstrs., 1109 Oak, h'Sases,sseM 3 RM. I7UATED, 444 S; High. 2 FURN. APTS. with bath. Water. lights, furn. $14 to $15. 824' N. Front J MOD. 3 R. APTS., adults, 244 Mar- Ion. SEE FISHER apts. Modernized. newly decorated and roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and S. : Commercial. CLEAN 1-RM. apt $39 N. Liberty. 2 ROOMS. Heat light water, ga rage, i:s. Vacant Jan. ' 1. 355 Is. Capitol. ! APT. ALSO attract he housekeeping room for working girL 1147 Oak. 2 ROOMS, partly furn, $8. Adults No dog. Hollywood dist. 1005 N, 22nd. VACANCY. ROBERTS apartments FURN. APT, bath.; 551 a 12th. FRN. LIGHT, wat. 1st fl. Ph. 6288. payment on purchase price. jf. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 f LARGK HOUSclose"' to "state of fice bldss. Nice lot $1200. terms ' R. H. STAHBAUOH hone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. 4 ROOMS. . BASEMENT, furnace. icor. lot, good location, a Salem, oak floors, price szs&o, terms. ira a REAL VALUE. SEE IT TODAY. 1 W. H. GRABENHORST CO, i REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. FOR SALE 2 acres, 7-room house with fireplace, basement, city water. Very close In on Wallace road. Federal losn $3000 st $35 per month to Include interest at 6. Reduced to $4000. 1 acre, new 5 -room bouse, basement furnace, fireplace, water system. $3500. Terms WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 477 Court Street 1500 DOWN 5-room unfinished attic, new home north, tile kitchen, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. XMAS SPECIAL, $4000: $30 per month. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 477 Court 5-ROOM HOUSE, ' north Salem, paved street. S1Z50: 1500 down. 1 acres, 6 miles north Salem, Just off 99E. Ideal country home for city employe. 7-room unfinished house. 1 Landscaped yard, 72-ft welt. 1400 cnicken nouse, cabin on rear in. beau tiful grove. Strawberries, boysenber 3r1it And r4 TflsnhrrfAa Tr-lr- S?1(1A V TT IK nn tit t """" r win vouv property. TS a Tf T Tr-VT17 T T fT 1Tt?ttTTrl T 4 T XT -DAAr if,IMt.LHs rv. . f WaTWXWiC-XV - AT. u c-Dxrv ' cr",itjir"'?f:,,y-'7ii853 n. capitoi Tet 3031 ss.r, lui uaci a iiiaie scsv Vsss N. Church St For Rent Honses FOR RENT " Large house near state buildings I2$ Suburban, modern I. 351 6 seres, 6 rooms , - 204 Slate Street home, oil! burner 45 South High Street. 6 rooms j 45 CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS 244 State Street Phone 9261 5 RM. FURN. house. 1067 a 13th. 5-ROOM FURN. Electric refriger ator, electric range, fireplace, furnace 1321 N. Capitol. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER Phone 3031 ' MODERN 7 ROOM dwelling,! Fair- mount Hill, choice location. ( Large landscaped yard, $45; Also 9: room dwelling. $25 ; also 2 acres and 8 room dwelling near Liberty, $17.50. IVAN G. MARTIN TeL 4419 2 A, 7 RM. HOUSE. Lights A water system, 4 miles out. $17.50 to right party. j E. II. STAMBAUOH Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. eejsis,asrfMas,,; 4 RM. HSE, sin. norch. bath, good location. 524 N. 17th. Ph. 512L 3 ROOM HOUSE for rent, $5 per mo. to party who takes furniture for $65. $35 cash. bal. $4 per mo. TeL 37F11. Will Grove, 1,-mi. S. Liberty schoet. ' i 3-RM. HOUSE, bsth, suburban, $15. Inq, 865 & 13th. , ' ROOMS snd bath with boilt-lns. On osvement near bus $15. Mrs, J. L. Ellis, 2011 State. J-ROOM FURN. house, garage, $25. 5-room furnished duplex, $45. 6-room Fsirmount Hill, $45. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN h , 477 Court Street i Exchange Real Estate 82 A. FARM. NO Incumbrance, to exchange for house and lot In good location. TU Umb, Rt 2. Box 151 B, Salem ! S-ROOM HOUSE on corner lot Will take trailer house In trade. A. C Jen sen, 228 Oregon Bldg. i FARM FOR SALEM HOME : 82 ACRE FARM, good soil, nearly all cultivated, located 12 miles north. Price $4400. clesr of debt Will ex- change for Salem home of equal value or less. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., 1 REALTORS si 24 a Liberty St . Phone 6468. For Sale Farms $100 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH 1 BUYS 5 GOOD acres northeast. Ideal to subdivide, good soil. Total price ?1100. ALSO 24 seres close In, several seres fine creek bottom, live stream, dandy spring, several hundred cords good fir wood timber. This is a fine piece of and. Price $2000. t CALL Mr. Bartlett with i CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 444 State Street Phone 9261 Wanted Real Estate s . wanted " BEST HOUSE in North Salem fen $2000 with $500 down. ' , CHILDS MILLER. Realtors $64 State Street. Phone 9261 Business Opportunities I FINE BUSINESS Iocs. Will sell or uild lease. Box 180, Statesman. tnassSSaasasaaSSaSSaSsBtekaaa- i ; FOR RENT 12 acres : excellent son. buildings with modern conveniences, $15 a month to party with good references. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 477 Court Street i "''" - - iissirinrtjaorunrir'sr 2 AND 4-ROOM cabins. 2860 South Commercial. Junction Auto Camp. MODERN 4-ROOM suburban home, pertly furnished. TeL 4579. - .J For Rent OFFICE Rim MS SSI State street inquire room SOe. Te. 17 12. : r For Sal2 Real Estate"" $250.00 DOWN BUYS new 4 R. house and 1 A. land. Tots! price 91000, Kelser Dist, Box 177. SUtesmaa. TOR SALE. cash. S-car repair shop snd tools, with ' long time lease - in Salem. Box 181, csre Statesman, !' GROCERY. LUNCH. 7 ft frigid 4ire ell for $350. Living quarters. ait. Kignt tot young couple. 3 C H. SANDERS, 118 a. High 4 Telephone 6131 For Sale Wood DRt 2nd GROWTH. Ph lllFlX. fXi 1 DRY OLD FIR. $6 00. Ph. S3S4 For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars SPECIALS-- Christmas Specials These Cars Are Really Reconditioned and Guaranteed PONTIACS 1037 Csbrietet Conpe See this one I OKLY . 19ST DeLaxe Conpe Lots of accessories. ONLY IKS r. lLax Sedan. ULX - .$675 660 . 205 BUICKS 1030 Kosdster 1081 4-doer Sedan 1982 4-deor DeLaxe Sedsa. ONLY PLYMOUTHS 19S7 DeLuxe Conpe. OXLT 1985 Conpe This is s Honey. OKLY- DODGES 1931 4 Door Sedan . 1929 4-Door Sedan This is the DA Model.. AHSCEIXANEOUS 1932 KASH 4 Door Sedan 1929 CHEVROLET Door Sedan 1928 1'OKD Coaps 125 195 265 575 S65 185 145 225 65 85 FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. (CHILDS tt MILLER'S OFFICE) S-214 Phone 9261 M-222 344 State Street Salem, Oregon It Is Our Aim to Merit Reputation For Used Car Values IP YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR VALUES GO TO CAPITAL PONTI AC Inc USED CAR LOT N. Commercial at Center Streets Phone 5646 SALES and SERVICE 339 N. High Street Phone 9109 OPEN SUNDAYS AND WEEK DAY EVENINGS For Loans $10 to $300 SEE General Finance Corp. SALEM'S OLDEST snd largest Inde pendent company, where your prob lems receive consideration after aa well as before the loan is made. In the past eleven yeara more than 20,000 borrowers have profited by our financial help and advice. Payment plan is arranged to fit .your income NO RED TAPE CASH AT ONCE Repay any day, week or month to reduce tbe cost 136 S. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon 8-138 First Door South of Ladd a Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Phone 9 168 FEDERAL BOUSING loans build lefinance homes business prop. Rates Abrams a Kins inc. vssonie Bldg Auto Loans. CONTRACTS REFINANCED Money to buy new or used cars. Private money st very low rates Ne red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 a Commercial St, Salem Phone 914$ Lie. "No. M-152 r'irvjv'Viis''isa"iiiiirri nrinnn n nn inatatn ian jtfi MONET TO LOAN On 1st mtgs. H. P. Grant 529 Court Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on seod Salem real es tate WIU pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS 184 & Uberty St Phone 0461 LOANS Wanttso en farm and city property. Before borrowing inanire at ms w sins a) Roberts Financial 4: WB Havk never mid less than this rate on savings and Investments Insured ta 61000. Mutual Federsl Ssvlngs Loan Affn Phone 4955 s umnj st. For Sale Wood BONE DRY WOOD. Ph. 6663. $2.75 LOAD 16 IN. mllL Dry mill $3.75. 16 In. dry 2nd grow in, s.v. 133 cu. ft bulk Ida Ph. 17F31. GOOD WOOD, sll kinds. Ph. 9560. DRY ASH oak. $5.75. Ph. 9702. lst TLASS MYwood TeL 6542. essassasaaaaaaasaaaasssssaasesss BONE DRY oak. $5.75. Ph. 4109. NO MONEY Oown, 5 mo. to pay on 4-cord lots, all kinds. W. L. Graen. 412 N. 2 1st Phone 5370. . FUEL ON easy payments. No down payment 6 months or longer to pay. First payment 30 days Any smount anv kind. Full measure. Chas. E. Smith, TeL 6221, 1150 N. Church. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, tOe, 16-ln. 2421 Lost and Found LOST CHRISTMAS package, Frt eve. Center near 13th. Ph. 5610, re ward. . . FOUND PURSE. Owner Identify and pay for ad. Statesman office. Personal loneltt -worthwhile" sweet- neart husband, wife for yea. Bos 76 lie Angelee p FOR DRY sec growth, phone 4527. BETTER DRT old fir. see tt st 117 it. 17th, E. HoUowsy. - $ DRY WOOa Phone 4S65. E. Boje MrleasaaTsassjasaesaesaeTajMest BONE DRT old fir. $5.60. Ph. 6370. OLD FIR, $5 ; ssh, $5 ; second Srowth, Si. Phone S156. Children of Rural School To Give Program on 21st NORTH HOWELL A ChrUt- mas program will be presented by the pupils of North Howell school at the grange ball Wed nesday night, December 21, -with the teachers, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hilfiker. In charge. Parents and friends art Invited. Special Values for USED CAR WEEK See them today. Pick out your choice and try it out. Then BUY it. 1938 1937 1937 1938 1936 1937 1934 1934 1931 1929 Plymouth Town. Sedan $715 Chrysler Six Town Sedan 715 Buick 40 Series Touring Sedan 765 Ford 85 Touring Sedan. 735 Terraplane Two-Door Sedan... i 445 Ford 85 Tudor Sedan 475 Pontiac Touring Sedan 375 Chrysler Sedan 365 Laick Sedan ... 165 Buick Two-Door Sedan..., 85 A LARGE SELECTION OF OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. EASY TERMS. OTTO J. WILSON 383 NORTH COMMERCIAL BUICK CARS PHONE 6451 SACRIFICE '3 FORD Coach. beater, $285.00. S69 N. Cottage. Phone 2779. 193$ GRAHAM SEDAN sale trade. Terms. 840 S. 25th. er CHEV. SEDAN. $7.50. 355 Bellevue. 1132 CHEVROLET COUPE. Excel lent condition. Guaranteed mileage of 38-000, two new tires, other tires good. Price $196.00 less accessories or $235 ss ts. Telephone 6682 after 6 p. m. or 5223. Ask for Edwards. 36 FORD TJL. Tudor. $365. Chev rolet '31 Coupe, $125, trade, terms, Rt 4. Salem, 2 miles So. old Pacinc high way, st mile post 56. EXTRA '35V-8 Coach $265 '34 Plymouth Coach 275 '33 Chev. Sedan 195 Hatfield's USED CAR STORE FOR A FEW DATS 256 NORTH LIBERTY STREET "Every Purchaser A Salesman" Business Directory Cards la this directory run on monthly basis only. Rate: SI per line per month. Antiques AND GLASS, mL N. Po-lland Rd. Auto Brakes Mflc Panes, 276 South Commercial. Auto Repairing LEWIE'S AUTO REPAIRING. Day and night service. Ford snd Chev. specialist Rsmseyer garage, 250 N. High. TeL 5189. Barber Service LOU LANE. 100S Broadway. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Ha-ry W. Scott 147 a Com L n. 4516 Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY tt FENDER repairs, auto trim, seat covers, glass replacement auto painting SEE the Herrall-Owen Co 235 & Com l St Phone 31 9. Cabinet Works Court St Cabinet Works, 219 Court St Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness Chiropractors DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 251 N. High. TeL Res. S578 Excavating EXCAVATING OF all Xli.de Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand aad Gravel Co Phone 9401 Florists Brelthaupt'a 447 Court. Phone 1904. W. SALEM Florists, 1400 Edvewstet Kalsomining and Painting RALSOM1NE, AS low ss $2 room. Winter prices. Painting. Phone 4926. laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 a High TeL 9121 Magazines SAVE MONEY on magazines. Ph. T SSI Mrs Paul H. Ilauser. 925 Saginaw. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF-RUG snd Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made te orde , old remade; carpet cleaning, sis- Ing: fluff rug weaving. 8. 13th a WII bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER Ett 1911. - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4062 Plnmbing 75a Ha HENRT Ruechel Ph. 1401 Printing FOR STATIONERT. cards, . rmphleti programs, books or any kind cf print Ing. call The Statesman Printing De partment 216 a Commercial. Tale phone 910L Radi Service SINGLETON, 157 8. Uberty. Ph. 4141 Refrigeration Service RELIABLE COMMERCIAL snd do mestic repair work. TeL 7622. Transfer CAPITAL CITY TrwnVer Co. 224 State St TeL T771 Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get ou rates FOR LOCAL or distant transfer ster age. burner on, call Sill. I ermer Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland daily Vacuum Service AUTHORIZED ' HOOVER sales snd service. All makes serviced. Vscuums to rent Mr. Wall, Hogg Bros. Well Prilling R A. WEST. Rt 6. Bos 445. 1I0F5 Wet Basements ROCKT1TH APPLIED arainst pres sure or seepage te all masonry. Ph. For Sale Used Cars Scalenus Finest Used Cars Better Cars! . . . . . Lower Prices! 37 Hudson DeLuxe Sedan 19.000 miles. 37 Terraplane DeLuxe Brougham 36 Terraplane Pick-up Overhauled snd guaranteed. 36 Plvmouth DeL. Coupe Only 1S.0O0 miles. Finish A in terior apotleaa. 35 Stude "First Series" Coupe Rumble seat Radio A heater. New tires 20.000 miles. 35 Buick Model 50 "First Series" Sed. Like new. 32 Dodse 6-Cvl. Sedan New tires, perfect shape. 31 Chevrolet Coupe With rumble seat Perfect shape. MANY OTHERS TERMS TRADES STATE MOTORS. INC. HUDSON ft PACKARD High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 Open Evenings 2S nTRTSf.TTT? TIlT R.ln .rr.l cond. Had finest care, owner,' 585 N. summer. Apt. 3U4. FOR D De LUX E ' 37 CouDfradlo. low mileage, $130 cash. Ph. 16F12. 27 STAR ROADSTEhT f 10 run ling. 1710 S. 13th. '28 CHEV. SEDAN. ir!n 99RI s Commercial cabin 3. BIDS WANTED Bids will be received up to December 27 by the Silverton Hills Cooperative Electric com pany for the construction ot ar proximately 17 miles of Jl.- 000 volt electric power line ex tending from the end of the Portland General Electric com lany's lines south of Silverton to the Hullt postoffice and branch lines thereto. Plans, specifications, contract and bid forms may be seen by prospective bidders at the Silver ton office of the Portland Gen eral Electric company. Bids should be mailed to Sil verton hills Cooperative Electric company, Hullt, and will be opened at 8 p.m., December 27, at the Silverton Hills community hsll. C. J. Towe, President. D 17- 18-20. NOTICE TO CRKDITORS No. 10025 In the- Matter of the Estate) ' of'"' ' - - ) FRANK W. SPENCER, . Deceased) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Frank W, Spencer. Deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and hag Qualified as such. All persons h a t i n g claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerlfed as required by. law, to the undersigned at the office of Page . and Page, Attor neys, Ladd ft Bush Bank Build ing, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first Legals NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALK On the 14th day ot January 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the West front; door of the Courthouse in Sa-; lem, Marion County, Oregon, l will sen at public auction, to the; highest bidder tor cash, the fol lowing described real property located in Marion County, Ore gon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the South line of the Wiilam W, Morgan DLC lt.01 chains South 8915' West from the Southeast Corner ot said Claim v in Township Six, South ot Range Two, West of the WH- J lamette Meridian, thence North 17.44 chains along the East line of Joseph Brumbaugh's ' land, thence South 8915' West 14.34 chains to the West line ;' of Joseph Brumbaugh's land, thence South 17.44 chains to the South line of the William W. Morgan Claim, thence North 8915' East 14.34 chains tQ the place beginning, and con taining 25 acres of land; .'. Sare and except land described in Volume 131,. page 45, deed records for Marlon County, Oregon; Also, beginning at the South-" east Corner ot the W. W. ' Morgan Donation Land Claim Number 72; thence South.' 8915' West 18.01 chains on . South line of said Clain No. 72; thence North 18.32 chains. thence North 8915' East .18.10 chains to the East line of aforesaid claim; thence South 0'35" West 10.51 chains to Quarter Section Corner be tween Sections Thirty-two and Thirty-three, thence South 7.81 chains to the place of be ginning, and containing 33.04 acres of land, more or K-63. and beins part of aforesaid Do--i nation Land Claim situated iu Township Six, South of Range v Two. West of the Willamette . Meridian, situated in Marion ,' County, State of Oregon, ; Together with tbe tenements, hereditaments and appurten.m-'( ces thereunto belonging or In t anywise appertaining; Said sale is made under exe cution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, to me directed in the case of THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SPOKANE, a corporation, vs. Carl H. Johnson and Julia John son, husband and wife; Louisa Johnson, a widow; Ladd & Bush, & corporation; Marion County, a municipal corporation; Mar-t ion-Polk National Farm Loan Association, a corporation. Dated this 12 th day of De cember, 1938. A. C.'BURK, Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon. First Publication December 13 1938. Last Publication January 10 1938 WM. L, BEATTY, 1207 Public Service Bldy., Portland, Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. D 13-20-27. J 3-10. publication of this notice, which is the 20th day of December. 1938 and the last is the 17th day of January, 1939. EVA A. SPENCER Executrix of the Last Will and Testament ot Frank W. Spencer, Deceased. PAGE AND PAGE, Attorneys for said Estate, Salem. Oregon. D 20-27 J 3-10-17 Cross Word Puzzle 12 15 20 23 2 3f 37 HO HI 21 3& 3W 16 I 35 3 77 'A 32 VTA W5 H& 2? I 22 L2 3T 21 I 36 'I I? 21 33 'A IH 17 30 23 Hf HI 26 v2 27 W3 HORIZONTAL 1 dry: said of wines 4 ether com pound 9 European sea-gull 12 since 13 porcelain 14 silkworm 15 holds 17 redact 18 grieved 19 attempts t ummutiTt 22 limbs 3 anoint (Archaic) 24 smsll cake . . 25 tree S etick 29 jnttins; rock . 30 woody plant 31 carpenter's , tool SS-labe! , 33 peeled : 34 soon 3 o describe 87 otisumed 39 fog-horn 0 entrance , 4U pite-perca 44 sea-worm 45 the muse of lyric poetry 46 air: com bining form 47 eagle 48 style of type 49 ecold VERTICAL 1 pooch 2 self Z cluster of stars 4 game of cards 6 river in Africa 6 minute 7 abstract existence 8 sun god i , sea . Herewith is the solution to Sator day's puzzle. i-p 10 Indian 11 mental faculties 16 cloth 17 before 19 decade 20 father 21 enough - (poet.) 22 hairy coat of an animal - 24 marsh 26 portion . 27 member of . the nncient . Aryan race 29 color . SO stories 32 measure of weight 33 individual 35 snare -S6 lasso ', 87 -relieve 38 Hebrew . month 89 bang I9IS. ta I !fMa abbr.) 42 verily ' 45 cnitof . work .. . " 45 comparative suffix