The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1938, Page 6, Image 6

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    Society Clubs
.News anil Featiires of Interest to Women
ilniormal Party
s Compliments j
TLf ice J?i-rnnr
Miss Cleo Rltner was surprised
at a bridal shower Sunday nlsht
, Doolittle entertained at the lat-
Rltner entrained from Portland
f last night for New Karen. Conn.,
'where she will become the bride
of Mr. Holly Cornell Saturday,
December 24 at the Dwlght cha-
jpel on the Tale unlTerslty cam
pus, v; j
. "TV hhIh timira wr anpnt
t informally - and linen shower
honored the bride-elect. The gifts
- were brought into the room on a
- sleigh. The rooms" were decorated
n IVU - W aw w -
tree' and tapers. Supper was
serred at a late hour by the host
esses. " " ; f
Those, honoring Miss Rltner
were Miss Margaret, wagner, miss
.Margaret Simms, Miss Caroyl Bra-
den, ; Miss Dorothy Alexander,
iIU 1MB IUCLU IkdUlOV J i . w
: Margaret Bell, - Miss Maxine ! Mc-
Killop, Miss Helen Wiedmer. Mrs.
; Kenneth Manning, Miss Doris
'Drager, Miss Jean Doolittle ; and
Mrs. Joseph Harvey.
Miss Barnes Hostess for
Annual Party j
' Miss Barbara Barnes was host
ess to her students in her dance
tiirlln RstnriliiT at the annual
Christmas party. Baskets of holly,
fir boughs and red bows decorated
-the room which was lighted by a
: Christmas tree.
CiTilla Reeher assisted Miss
Barnes with the games. Prizes
Tuesday, December SO
Book and -Thimble club, alii
day party with Mrs. 'red Ku
bin, no-host dinner. i
Westminster- Guild of First!
Presbyterian ehareh, with;
Mrs. L. 0. Clement, 345 North
17th street. . Program.
Writers dub with "Mrs. C.!
A. Lytle and Miss Renska
Swart at 625 North, 14th street;
7:30 p.m. ! - - - -
East Division of Ladies, Aid,
First Presbyterian church with I
Mrs. George Allen, 390 North
17 th street. ?;3.0rp.m. -
Laurel Social Hoar club'
Christmas party at Argo hotel,
1 p.m.
v War Mothers Christmas par
ty and gift exchange, with Mrs.!
J. J. Tallman, 2320 State
street, 2 p.m. j
Credit Women's Breakfast!
club, dinner at Golden Pheas
ant. 6:15 p.m.. Gift exchange.!
Etokta , Women's club, 1:15
luncheon, Mrs. Godfrey's then i
to Mrs. H. G. Carl's, 965 E.j
street; j
Hollywood club, 6:30, Argo.
Wednesday, December 21 j
West Central, circle. First j
Methodist church, with Mrs. j
Ronald Glover, 635 North
Commercial street, 2:30 p.m.
Gift exchange.
Salem Music Teachers' asso
ciation. Argo noon. ,
White Shrine Christmas par
ty and exchange of gifts, 8 p.m., j
Cherry City auditorium
Styles . .Food
MAXINE BimENWomen'i Editor-
Alumnaefiroup Is
Entertained at
Myers Hume
The home of frr- and Mrs. Bur
ton Myers on Jfprth 24th street;
was the , scene M a . smartly ar
ranged affair laa night when the
alumnae of Alphi Chi Omega en
tertained their u8band3 at the
annual Chrlstma party. Assisting .
the hostess was&frs. Lewis Grif
fith.' . . I ' . - ;
A no-host dinner, was served;
and guests . wer seated ' at .two ;
long tables whicJi were .attractive
with greenery, jj&rnations, holly'
end Christmas candles. A lighted ;
tree and taperr decorated the ;
guest room. Th evening hours'
were spent in games, dancing and
cards. v
Covers were pced for Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Buckley of Silverton,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hadley of
Independence, Mp.- and .Mrs. Ver
non Gilmoro, M and Mrs. John
Mlnto, Mr. and?; Mrs. James B.
Young, ; Mr. ami' Mrs. - Robert
Shinn.Mr. and fIrs. Paul Bales,
Dr. and Mrs. BarlowMlss
Dorothea Steusl&h, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Steusloff ,Mr. and Mrs.. G.
F. Chambers,, Dg. and Mrs. Wil
liam Cole, Miss tkarjorie Marcus,
Miss Beth Holcofab, Mr. and Mrs. '
Monroe Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.
Gardner Knappf Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Griffith aid Dr. and Mrs.
Burton Myers, ff
jSttfL - SmiUi - - - (ftf (ftetcktn
foe Christmas party, with Mrs. HuniDhiSevs Hostess
Mrs. Eva Nixon, 2630 Maple; . 3C
avenue, 2 p.m. ! To AllXlliar)
Thursday, December 22
Puppet Show, Salem public
library, 10 and 11:15 o'clock.
Christmas Tree
were awarded to Sarah Ann Ohl- t 4. J J
ing in the peanut hunt; Jane Car- UCCOl dlCU 12
son in the movie contest; Judith j JTT
Page In the Santa Claus game; KjidGIl W 3y
Marian Carson in the musical
square game and Betty June Kelly The Women of Rotary met for
ln.tne s unease reiay. viTiua xiee- iu regular muuiui? mucueua stryker. Mtsa Ellen Thomp-
ner acieu aa uiiaiicas vi vc emu- muuuj uuu k . BOn jjra r loreiage jjucaies, Mrs.
nies. - i This was the Christmas party for Edith Bane, Mrs. Lei a Kuhn, Ann Jlldson Circle
Those participating in the pro- the group and a Christmas tree MrB Frank Hele, Mrs. Bessie . ,
gram were: , and exchange of gifts was en- Baker Mr8. w.H. Nelson, Mrs. At INewIand S
PIriB( 1J . Jane jteioiiuat jujeu. ."emueis jbo uruugui. Marie Nelson. Mrs. Jessie Ber
Mrs. Lulu Humphrey with her
assistants, Miss!;' Chloe Holden,
Miss Helen Cfaig and Ethel
Welch, entertained Hal Hibbard
auxiliary at a vered-dish lun
cheon in her hme on F 'day.
The rooms wer decorated with
greenery and ai Christmas tree.
Those presentijwere Mrs. Geor
gia Davis, Mrs. SjEdith Woolpert,
Mrs. Maude Cb4gnoti MrB. Pan
sy Inman, Mrs.f Amy LaCombe,
Mrs. Maud Dunljan, Mrs. Kath-
.--,-- 1 ASS
'You'd have a hard time convincing Harry now that crime doesn't
pay he finally sold one of his detective stories!"
So that explained her stunning new coat, thought we. A coat that
looked as if the story had brought a pretty stiff price, too, if we
, didn't know what glorious surprises this year's price tags are on
coats. Of brown wool, the Persian lamb bordering it, reappears in
tiny cuff and band up to the elbow and for extra good measure,
round the high neck of the dress beneath. A grosgrain ribbon bow
is a delightful dressmaker touch on the youthful short length car
acul on the right. Copyright, 1938, Esquire Features, Inc.
Christmas Party
Is Enjoyed by
Rotary Women
Edible gifts, bang on the
Christmas tree, will make unex
pected company happy, especially
youngsters who like a cookie or
popcorn ball oft each tree they
Tislt. - -
Gingerbread ; men are easy to
make, and look attractive when
hung on the tree. Make a large
enough hole in the unbaked
cookies so they'll hold a bit of
red ribbon lor a hanger.
3 cups flour
1 teasp. baking powder
4 teasp. soda
Vt teasp. salt
,2. teasp. ginger
1 cup brown sugar
cup shortening
cup molasses
hi cup sour milk -
Today's Menu Little Shop on
Hiehwav new
Tn .oil Mil nA O T
and spice nut cake.
Endive alad
Veal pie-biscuit crust
Mot biscuits
Green beans
Spice nut cake
Canned fruit
cup shortening -
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons double acting
baking powder
S eggs .
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon allspice
teaspoon salt
Vi cup milk
Work flour and butter togeth-
Atter all. leave it to the ladies
l do things. There's a new shop
opening up on the Dallas highway
at Eola, and it's a woman's enter
prise. Mrs. B. O.-tSclraclrmg. who
for years has "enjoyed quite a
, business in plants and shrubs
:and has. a reputation for arrang
ing beautiful Christmas greens,
has opened up the small place she
calls Oak Tree shop: .
It's one of those cute plaees
with a fireplace.-some-maple fur
niture and raw. hide chairs. and
red door.. Ton ring the trass .bell
for the proprietress who's prob
ably np at the ahotMe . making
wreaths, re-setUng Trr I m r o .e
plants or keeping 'hotrse.
She's specializing in Christmas
er until like coarse cornmeal, add
dry ingredients sifted .together, i,ht mTll. hp.
and add half the milk. Stir well, aortment of nnuaual things. For
drop In unbeaten eggs, remaining , jBtncp thre'a a almnle nnrav
Sift dry ingredients together milk and bake in a sheet pan with nf . -iiTPrp Vnriit in in th
and pour milk in center. Pour, in oven set at 875, reduce heat lm- mantlepiecse; a spray of fir
molasses and melted shortening mediately to 350 and bake about onghg and cones enhanced .by
and mix well. .Roll, cut and bake 35 minutes in all. g0id iaurei leaves; a wreath of
15 to 20 minues in 350 degree hemlock.
oven- t t -a m Home made peach conserve,
Popcorn balls are an ever- Peanut Butter Makes wild plum Jam and plum-peach
popular decoration for the tree butter are on the shelves. A dls-
and the modern version is one Holiday SWeetS piay ef primroses, around the
that's wrapped with red cello- walls gives color to the shop, a
phane to keep it clean and make Holiday tarts take an nnexpect- few hand-made pewter plates and
ii more coioriui. wnue you re lutimnui i"""- uunci. xlJ p0uniei copper buttons are
at it, let youngsters sring some this novel recipe for:
popcorn on red twine, an old fash
ioned and attractive ornament in
these modern days of sophisticat
ed tree decorations.
Another edible gift that can
hang on the tree, for each visit
ing neighbor who Is entitled to a
small present, is a plum pudding.
Make the puddings in small bak
ing powder cans, then wrap them
in cellophane and hang each on
the tree.
cup peanut butter
2 cups milk
V4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
M teaspoon cinnamon
hi teaspoon nutmeg
V4 teaspoon allspice
2 eggs beaten separately
Later on Mrs. Schucking plans
to have other products of the farm
on sale fruits, shrubs and flow
ers and we hope, herbs.
Appetizers Include
Unexpected Things
Here are some rather novel ap-
Ilealth Staff Members
To Enjoy Party
To Somber BUy June Kelly Ki8 an(j fOQA ror the
Swtm IWm Janatt I .inriW
Tmp Routine Betty Zoe Allen 7. 6 ,
Santa Oaaa Is Cominc Tonight .. u helps each Christmas. The long
arious teiS011t Mrs. Efjzabeth Greene, The Ann Judson circle of the Miss Margaret McAlpine and
Mrs Ruth Branfl Mrs. Catherine irsi uapusi cnurcn was enter- n. wuocyu iuuiis wui enier-
..Jo ABne Windihr tables were festive with the holi-
'?1mIJSZ derations and burning ta-
Sonf, Ine and gtmt i. Pers.
.- ?.Fiora Johnson covers were placed "or Mrs.
Aivcr no vis;"' Carle Abrams, Mrs. George U
W. S. Lukins.
tained at the home of Mrs. Glen tain staff members of the Mar-
Newland on Friday night. Ion county department of health
Mrs. Ed Lucas lead devotions tonight at a delightful Chrlst-
and the book "Ann of Ava," was mas party at the former's home
reviewed by Mrs. Clyde Crawford, on East Nob Hill. The evening
Assistant hostesses were Mrs. hours win be spent informally
Hewlett, Mrs. fe. M. Bumgard
ner, Mrs. Frarttes Long, Mrs.
Barbara' Arnold Mrs. Elsie Mc
Clung, Mrs. Pal Shawver, Mrs.
Bernice ClintonJMrs. Ida Girod,
exchanged and refreshments serv- Arbuckle Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs, ler. Michael Crafg, Wayne Shaw- Russell Mille'tt, Mrs. Gilbert Stein, nd at a late hour refreshments
ed by the hostess who was assist- Clarence . Byrd. Mrs. Chester A. ver. Joanne Sallow and Sally Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mrs. Fred will be served. The Christmas
r I "r!'1ls- Jnnson ana mrs. DownSf Mr8. o. F. Franklin. Mrs, Heide. 1 Broer. Jr. motif will be used in the table
wamei rry, sr., Mrs. anas uaiser, " f " Those present were Mesdames 7C2 t,AA
Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Mrs, I . . . othello Purvlne. Ron Crawford. Those .bliden " Dr. Mrs.
Walter E. Holts. Mrs. Paul Jack- T TJ.v riK -r-,.j- vernon a. uougias, ur. and Mrs
Club Members Honored
At Christmas Dinner
Trudy Cates, Bessie Reimann, rI, T7t' 7 1' V, , '
r..-n t nt.n.. Bruce Titus, Mr. and Mrs. John
Caroline Lucas, Ava Blume, Beth
Ann Ansdell, Muriel Curry, Olive
L. Geren, Mr. and Mrs. George
R. K. Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs.
... Gritton, Bernadette Broer, Wilma rt ' rr. J , ?
wiU Min. M.r, ti nmr Batty Cooper, Miss Grace L. Tay-
nKKi. t 7ih. - Z lor, lMss Beatrice Taylor. Miss
son. Airs. w. r. j e n r s. Mrs.
Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Ralph Mar- Be Entert
tin, Mrs. James t.. Mimgan, Mra-
. . .. . " ......... Madison, Mrs. T. R. Paulus, Mrs. Milton if: Meyers
a aeugnuui anair oi lasi mini Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. E. Ro- be hostess to Members of the Qribble Lillian From ,m Betty Zo- i01"'.,, BeatrlC6 Taylor. Mis
" gers, airs. n. a. aimmons, Mrs. Leisure Hour in weanesaay vpi MnrtmrPt paHr Hrotn T?nth
Mrs. Elmer Daue. Mrs. Mose rwln P Smithf Mrs. Homer H. llternoon at hJ home on Court i?:,? ert. Mis. MarJorie pelting. Miss
Aflams, Airs, trie sutler 1 ana Sniith. sr.. Mrs. Charles A. trt ARsiaMn.-hostesses will be rt;,T. niLZ, i "V..." t' ertna aecaer, Miss Kathryn
Sprague, Mrs. J. Lyman Steed. Mrs. R. E. Leelteiner and Mrs. Snrham- Lo U np.Mr' ?"":..? G' .Ler
Mrs. Ivan Stewart Mrs. Ellis w. W. Moore, dessert luncheon MiUett Theresa Kle,n Eg8,e
Von Eschen and Mrs. Kenneth will be served flowed by an in- Nash Blanche Zahara Ruth New.
Wilson. formal afternoons Christmas guts
.v3 """1U'"5. "Clio
Mrs. F. G. DeLano were hostess
es at Schneider's - dining room
in compliment
their club and
to members
husbands, i
Later the group enjoyed an
evening of cards and exchange
fUJir Mrs. Eason Entertains
will be. exchanged, later to be Edith Mmel.( Dr. and Mr8- Irving
mon, Miss Marie Baumgartner,
Miss Margaret McAlpine and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young.
1 teaspoon vanilla
Place peanut butter In bowl, netiier sneeestions. provided bv
Here's an old fashioned plum add milk, cup at a time, beat- the manufacturers- of condensed
pudding, the carrot variety has ing with a rotary beater until soups. A rather unexpected place
appeared before in these columns, smooth. Blend thoroughly sugar, t0 tind. soup as an ingredient but
sail ana apices, aoq to egg yoiKs, adding a practical touch never
beat until light. Combine with theless.
peanut butter mixture; blend. SMOKY CELERY CANAPES
Add vanilla. Fold in egg whites.
Pour into shells. Bake in hot oven
(450 degrees) 15 minutes; then
decrease . heat to slow (325 de
grees) and bake 30 minutes long-
2 cups stale bread crumbs
2 cups milk
1 pound each raisins and
pound citron
8 eggs
1 pound suet, ground
teaspoon each nutmeg, cinna
mon, mace and cloves
IVi cups brown sugar
1 Vg cups flour
4 teaspoons salt
Mix and steam in C medium
sized tins for 4 hours. This recipe
1 package cream cheese
4 cup condensed celery soup
1 cup salami, ground
Cream the cheese and add the
celery soup. Then add the ground
er. Cool. Serve plain or topped aftlaml and mix well. KnrM.d mix
with whipped cream. ture on toast or crackers and heat
under the broiler until golden
c re' , brown.
stuffing for Roasts peanut butter canapes
m i r . T . Vt cup peanut butter
lakes fruit Juice CuP chin sauce
Cream the peanut butter. Then
A fruity stuffing for roasts
Saginaw street. 1 The rooms were
festive with Christmas decora- Music Pupils
tinn and 4anrilM. "
tions and candles.
Covers were placed
for : Mr.
Elijah Kurtz and T. and Mrs.
'-. ' . . were Margaret Hood of rervals.
The Westminster guild of the 0T?tnJ Mlller of McMinnville,
Mrs.; Wil-
w t - ir.. j J
r:Vr,r,"u"v."la iI P of Berta Kirk Barker,
iaiu Auuuiyouji ib iu kunifev a a a
tea hour. Guests are to bring food
for a Christmas Dasket. . The Business and Professional mittees for the evening are: Din- T TT
IL''. .1nK mill annnsnv a In,. w.i'Ti y-. - J If.. ftlFS. I OnTI flTl HnnHrS
vunu a vjuu nit oyvuou. a ner. AirS. MSUiH VjttI UUCI , IO. " " " v
course it must be served, within a
day or so, but it adds novelty to
the gift.
1 egg
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon -lemon Juice
1 cup whipped cream
Cream butter and sugar, add
well beaten egg and lemon juice,
just before serving add the
whipped cream.
In the Valley
Social Realm
STAYTON The Lady Fores
ters held their annual Christmas
party at the Foresters' hall re
cently. Tables were made up for
cards and the players were di
vided itno two teams, the red
and the green. Mrs. John Gries
and Mrs. Leo Odenthal won high
scores for the green side and
Mrs. Frank Schumacher and
'uw iaue xiuuei, in o - ' t woo Vlv t-
. arranging a play to be presented win be held with exchange of " " . "I ?" '
and nohhl Ram will .inr i gifts. The committee in charge AUl luc ieu
The Past Nohje Grans assocla- numbers. Mr. Ralph Gustafson of the gifts include Miss Leila e'y Jvn ff. .v.
evening program and a feature
of the evening was a Christmas
tree and an exchange of gifts.
Hostesses wer): Mrs. Alva
Fery, Mrs. Gilbert Wourms, Mrs.
George Frichtl and
mar h rut in half if dpalrpd
Some generous cooks Include such as veal, lamb and beef or Cut crusts from bread, toast and
a small bottle of the following Ior loTX.. one that takes cut in triangles or squares. Spread
sauce with their puddings. Of , j " with peanut butter mixture
Eastern Star to Hold
Last Meeting of Year
Chadwick chapter No. 37, Or
der of the Eastern Star, will hold
a short- business meeting Tues-
turned over toan organlzaUon F Mrs. Flovd White and Mra
for charity purposes. Mack McCullah.
Those bidden? are Mrs. E. T.
Barnes, Mrs. Fijnk Pover. Mrs.
John Albert. ms. J. w. Bever- Church rartv blated
j A. . - . . m T)
V ;r , r ' : : ; , Jira. umiu iun was uusiess iage, Mrs, Aiaxaiuren, -n s. ivc t? t? j ivy t .
and Mrs. Fred ,S Anunsen, Mr for a Christmas mug!c paTty yes. w jjavis, Mrs. f. A. Hodge, Mrs. For Friday Night
and Mrs. Harley White, Mr, and terdav afternoon in comnliment nT,0i Vrv r SMr. Kittie Gra-
Mrs. David Wright, Mr. and Mrs. to the members of the Monday fr rh4a waller. Mrs. An all church party and Christ- day night at the Masonic Temple,
Elmer Daue, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. piayjng ciag8 which is a member c S Ha'miltonl Mrs Georre mas celebration will be held at which wtll be the last meeting
Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Butler, of tne Junior Federated group, p'earce Mrs H W. Steusloff. the First Methodist church Frl- the 1938 officers will preside
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Vlbbert, Mr. Tne motiH;rs 0f the pupils were Mrs U G ShSiley Mrs. J. H. day night with a no-host dinner over. The installation of new of-
and Mrs. Leon Gleason, Mr. and bidden a8 8peclai gUe8ts. An in- Scott, Miss Odf Chapman, Mrs. served at 6 o'clock. An informal fleers will take place Thursday,
Mrs. Mose Adams, Mr. and Mrs. formai Droeram was presented w xi unn lun Tf E. Lee program and games will be eniov- December 29.
F. G. DeLano, Mr. and Mrs. -n1 refreshments were served. cli.' t,h Milton L Mev- ed during the eveninsr. Following the business meet
. flca Martha Tana
Aonearinz on tne urogram ers. v
Miss Martha Jane Hottel, Is lnS the annual Christmas party
" . . , Bettv Ann Swanson Jovce Peter- Ane 1 "1 " numoers. Mr. itaipn uustalson U1 l" ,llB 'uuuuo 1S
First Presbyterian church ;'wUl Ree'ves Marjwfe tlon wyi meet fjr a 6:30 no-host will lead the group in carols. Mr. Johnson, Dr. Gussie Niles and
meet at 2 o clock with Mrs. L. O. . Irl n.. v dinner in the difcing room of the Marion Moore is in charre nf tha Ira Darby. Refreshments will be
Clement on Tuesday afternoon. A Elizabeth Odd Fellows tttall- Wednesday party and Is assisted by Dr. Ro- served in the dining room with
Christmas program will include Nelaon' John' Wellerf John 3eak- night. The dinnr is for members bert M Gatke. superintendent of Mr- n,d MrB- Panl Hauser head"
T,HrtnTirhv Mra riTdvT mo" Diane stoody. Horace Beldin, of the club a their families. the Sunday 8cnooL MrfJ D H Ing this committee
club trio, solos by Mrs. Gladys Mc- . r-i tui. wtt Followine the dinner will be the Misher is in char f th fond
WrilhJand" Christmas nadlns Patricia-Zosel,' Betty Gene Sim- regular busings meeting and committee, Mr. Paul Acton, hospi- Bridge Party Monday
- ill 1 1 f I K n 1 1 1 1 jrnrii uueiiru,. jl uu- a . " r . waaslj . .ix i . aiiuui ijbiu&a hiiu i i in
baked alone in a casserole, add
ing some butter.
2 cups pared sliced cooking
2 sliced onions
Vl cup cut celery
cup chopped ripe olives
Salt and pepper to taste
2 quarts toasted bread cubes
hi cup chopped parsley
lhi cups plum nectar
Saute apple, onion and celery
in fat until apples are tender
and vegetables are wilted. Com
bine all ingredients and stir to
blend. This recipe may be) varied
by the substitution of apricot,
peach-nectarine, pear or peach
neciar oi me wnoie-iruit variety
Serves 6 to 8.
Hot Sauce for Pudding
Is Popular
Hot sauce to serve over Christ-
pudding combines lemons
Vt cup Roquefort cream spread
2 tablespoons condensed toma
to soup
Cream the cheese with' the con
densed tomato soup. Use the crisp,
tender white stalks at celery.
Wash well and drain. Then fill the
grooves with the cheese-tomato
filling. T Makes about 15 stalks
stuffed celery 3-inch lengths.
1 cup boiled ham, grountl
cup cheese, ground or gra
ted Vt teaspoon grated horseradish
Vt teaspoon prepared mustard
k cup condensed tomato soup
5 slices bread, toasted
Mix the ground ham, eheese.
horseradish , mustard and con
densed tomato soup together.
Toast the bread, trim off crusts
and cut each slice Into 3 or 4
strips. Spread with the mixture,
then toast under broiler until del
icately browned.
and butter and Is a bit less rich ened. Add, and blend well, 3
than hard sauce. tablespoons lemon juice, rind of
HOT LEMON SAUCE 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons butter.
Combine, then mix thorough- Pinch of salt and V4 teaspoon
ly. cup sugar and 2 table- vanilla. Serve hot over puddings,
spoons cornstarch. Add slowly Serves 6.
1 4 cups boiling water and cook. Then there's whipped cream
stirring constantly, until thick- concoction that looks attractive
and tastes good too.
Members of the Salem Credit ture on oriental
rues DV Air. t i n.ra.Unii Un Viippha i . t i
Women's Breakfast club will meet Aram rnrtmian nf Portland on w r. tXL -!.- Mr. dlllD at LiUncneon
. ... . . - - inurse, mio. uvia vivo,
for a Christmas dinner and party January 19 at the chamber of Malissa Persons, Mrs. Charlotte
- tonight at the Golden Pheasant at commerce. The speaker will dis- Gladden, : Mrs. pyrta Tyrell and
t;i o ciwva. luers win ire au ex- cuss weaving ana coloring.
A vr tt,i l.T.nd Thorn will be . " cards
change of gifts among the mem- master weaver will illustrate the J-. nanal exchSige of gifts with "l 00" " n7 noml n Members of the club are Mrs
bera ana canned goods and rood- talk. There will be a collection - ir,a5n Twnd and Bessie " luu:uu
stuffs will be brought for charity, of rare pieces on display,
Mrs. Bill 7 a D T V Beat 1 eg Tolk. Add.
he home of Mrs. 0. B Lyday f or then mix well 2 tablespoons pow
lts Christmas party and exchange mrtl. toa.i:'
ELDRIEDGE A surprise r.ift of gifts. Members are: Mrs. P. U Tanilla. Whlp cup whipping
shower was held Thursday after- "edges, Mrs. Bliss Byers, Mrs. cream untli BtJjff foid jnt0 yolk
noon at the home of Mrs. A. tW. fail Sterling . Mrs. Burris Rose. mIxture and fold In 1 egg white.
Sahli for Mrs. Roy Lenhart of Mr- Clyde Hunnlcutt. Mrs. O. B. stiffly beaten. Serve over pud-
this place. Lyday' Mra. Lee O Kelley and dIng8.
Othra nrPBPnt were Mesdames Mrs. Harding Of Valsetz.
wa- the annual Christmas party Mar,on Schindler. F. P. Run- , 3
Mrs. Grace Johnson was host- an,d a dessrt 8upper, wa 8enred, corn. Ed Veveto. Craber, George DAYTON Mrs. Jennie Mur- gOV TrAf 9Vinn
to members of her club Mon- Allowed by several hours of Bro' KaTl BrowIlf C- A Han. phey was hostess to the Dayton WWOK ire OIlOp
. wiiu , A 1 - A1LUU1 XjCIUl&a HIIU Jl IB . , r -r
tees during thf new year, with 8Couts, Ubles; and Mrs. Marion At ArOlden ilOme
the re-elected piiesiaent, Mrs. n- Moore, decorations.
bel Gardner presiding. The com- Mrs. Virgil Golden entertained
informally last night at her home
on Saginaw street in compliment
to members of her club. This
was the annual Christmas party
Cross and Outline Stitch Form
Laura Wheeler Nursery Motifs
Mrs. Elsie Towlisend and Bessie B. 0j fiw,i v .
jg w av v v ivMvnvu VJ saaa, unci-
Edwards In chage. ' coon 0f cardi.
' ' Guests were Mrs. Frank G.
The Three Lnk club met Fri- Myers, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs. R.
day for the annaal Christmas tree c Hunter, Mrs. Frant, Loose,
and exchange of! gifts; musical se- Mr8, T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Rex
lections were given by Miss Ale- Davis, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs.
na Bremmer; Christmas songs w. E. Hanson, Mrs. W. J. Lilje-
bys the group, xne Qui8t, Mrs W.
by several hours of Brown KaTl Brown, C. A. Han- Phey was hostess to the Dayton
negan, Grant Loy, Conklln, Car- fieasant nour tteaaing ciud s
ter Keene, A. C. Keene, Gilbert annual Christmas meeting, pro
Smith, Arthur Banyard, Jean rram, tree and exchange of gifts
Goldade, Virgil Fahey, Joe Klen- Friday afternoon. Mrs. P. B.
ski. Ray Weidner: also the Miss- Sweeney and Mrs. W. S. U'Ren
es Lela Runcorn, Lorraine und assisted Mrs. Murphey
Dorothy Sahli
Kenneth Murdock, Mrs. L. J.
Stewart, Mrs. Albert Cohen, Mrs.
Paul Morse, Mrs. H. R. Robin
son, Mrs. John H. Bagley, Jr.,
Mrs. Elmer Berg and Mrs. Virgil
Mrs. B. O. Schueklnr
Eola . Ph. 5730,
Silver Leaves - Potted
riants - unnstmas f&
Wreaths J
STAYTON The Christmas
nftvf s4 ft V a TlTAman' i1nK wo si
turn from Walla Walla college to Touse' Thursy"
Miss Millicent Kanfer will re-
Mi. n rr t9& T 11 A VTrnn 1 n II.. TTT - 0 T r
election of officers were: Presi- Jesse Campbell and Mrs. Grace !f,?? i. -rf. TtV JIW mT afternoon. Each member brought
with her parents, Mr
C. W. Kaufer.
dent, Mrs. Lol McFarlane; vice- Johnson
president, Mrs Pearl Swanson;
aecretary-treasi-er, Mrs. Anna The annual Christmas tree of
Hunsaker; fod stuffs were the Disabled American Veterans
.!t , , u,:rc" 1W ' . v . v. ed meetings until after the holi
a night. The next meeting is on
The Beta Cu alumnae will be January 9th.
nlortalnni ttii Mnnnil Phrlnt-
a gut ior a cmia ai me tnu
dren's Farm Home at Corvallls.
The book review class of the and recltatlons was presented by
students of the Parochial school.
Motion pictures of the club's ac
tivities and some sceneic viewa
was presented by Mrs. Virgil R.
Salem Woman's club has suspend-
Henry Stor- Tuel.
were Miss Harriet
mo natv WuIhiIit nicht at ttiA Misa F.iln T,. fititnD, nt Sj lie was elected nresident of Trln.
chapter houses on State street, attle will arrive in the capital Fri- ity Dorcas society at a meetirg Pacha, Mrs. Fred Berger and
Hostesses wil bHe Mrs. Merrill Oh- day to be the holiday rueBt of Tuesday night. Other officers Mrs. Wilbur Porter.
ling, Miss (jroyl Braden and Mr. and Mrs. Paul B, Wallace at elected are: Vice president, Mrs.
Mrs. Paul Mori. their home In Wallace orchards. Mrs. Oswald Johnson; secretary,
s a fra. Dan Riveness: treasurer.
Miss Ruth &ck has arrived in Mrs. Donald C. Roberts was Mrs. M. G. Gunderson; assist- nt cial Service club at its annual
the capital to pend the holidays hostess to members of the Mon- treasurer, Mrs. L. M. Larson. Christmas ptogram at the home
with , mfw Mra. NnHnA dav stndv raiib Mondav at hr For th social hour, Mrs. G. E. of Mrs. Fred Lyman. Mrs. C. b.
VlV Xtloa PtVr u r.nit mhi.rh.Ti nnm- Moberz and Mrs. Elmer Olsen Lewis will be the
were Hostesses. iuo umi u,ci.ue.
DAYTON Mrs. Tommy Ly
man entertained the Webfoot So-
hostsss for
of the Multnosjah. grade school In
The 4-tctha-lnchosses "nelp"nt,IH Inches to H 6 inches:
you to decorate lbs, pUIows and materials required; Illustrations
m v-v- n or sutcnes. - , -
other accessories for bahy m gend ten nts In coin for this
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bib and 1 motifs ranging from . ano auunwa, .
Mrs. F. A. $lliott of Portland,
formerly of Sapem, has arrived in
the ' capital tog spend the Christ
mas holidays gwith her son and
daughter-in-laf, Mr. and Mrs.
John J. Elliot
Salem's fnest Showing
in Exclusive Boxes
Thtl S1PA
Do Yon Wear v
Western ; Electrlc's New. OR-THO-TECHNIC
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light! Scientlfaclly fitted. Pow
erful - Dependable Eco
nomical. Write or call for
FREE Booklet. -
Optometrists Opticians
Complete Optical Service
Oregon Agate Novelties 25
& , a. Pniieiii AcrafM ..; Agate jewelry
vur w . - . . - iu. w.
- - ; W IVlUgS, jMWlvuca, , lie
Petrified Woods ping, etc . . ;
Slake Beautiful Christmas Gifts
Drive out to Agate Shop and Museum, Portland highway,
2 miles north of railway underpass. Visitors welcome.
Route 7, Box 302
Phone 0978 . ti
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