The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Uecember 9, 1938 PAGE SEVEN Vazakas Tells OfGreek C Thessalonicals Pictured to Lions by Savant of - Willamette Thessalonlca, home of Alexan der the Great, was described from historical and physical standpoints "by Je. A." A.' Vazakas, Willamette unirersity' languages-professor, 1b an address before the SalenvLions club yesterday noon. He'tlrst made his acquaintance with' the ancient; city, on the -Aegean sea when he -went there to assist a f scholar. In compiling a dictionary In 10 different languages, he said. City Near Sea The city extends back from the sea in the shape ot a great am phitheatre with sloping terraces on which may be seen examples of Greek, Roman, Byzantine ' and Turkish architecture, the speaker explained. Styles of construction changed with ; succeeding inta sions. - .- r - Among the great events for which TheBsalonica was the scene was the visit In the first century after Christ oy the apostle Paul, to whose subsequently written let ter to the Thessalonians Dr. Vaza kas attributed the spread of Chris tianity throughout the world. The little city nearly 300 years later sent emissaries to Bohemia and Moravia where the religious teach lags developed in the form that gave John Wesley bis inspirations as founder of the Methodist be lief, the speaker added. Tips Are Offered On Purchase of Goods for Home INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Azalea Sager, state homo economics leader of the extension division from OSC, . spoke at the Parent Teachers' association meeting Monday afternoon at the training Alice Swings but not Racquets t 5 if . is i i . J ; A- v.- - 7 1 Mh 1 1 -VI ; Emile Coleman and Alice Marble Blonde Alice Marble is still In there swinging: but now It's notes and not the tennis racquet. Miss Marble, who has held several XT. S. crowns, was surprised by the photographer as she rehearsed In New York for her singing debut at a New York hotel. Orchestra leader Emile Coleman la her accompanist. school on "Consumers' Educa tion." y She spoke especially on furs, blankets, labels, hosiery and silk materials. She urged members of the association to attend the state homeraakers' convention in Corvallis in February. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mac Gowan ' sang duet numbers, ac companied by Mrs. M. J. Butler. Mrs. Orley Brown, president, appointed Mrs. Howard Bennett as membership chairman. Mrs. W. F. McBee, principal ot the training school, Invited all to attend the children's Christmas program to be held next Friday afternoon. ' . Hostesses for the tea hour were Mrs. Joe Oberson, Mrs. D. Pomeroy and Mrs. Howard Bennett. Public Library's New Books Listed Fiction auid Non-Fiction Added to Shelves in Recent Purchases The Salem public library, has received a copy of. the "Book of Record of the Time Capsule"- pub lished by the Westlnghouse Elec tric company and given to a lim ited number ot libraries and mu seums for preservation. The book Is a guide to the . time capsule which is burled on the site of New York's world fair. " Recent additions to the library include Edmac's "Philosopher's Holiday," the" entertaining me; moirs of a Columbia! university professor of philosophy. "Fron tiers of Enchantment" by Leigh is the . story of the experiences in Africa ot an artist who accompa nied Carl Akeley on his last ex pedition. Lounsberry'a "Let's Set the Table" Is a 'practical and well Illustrated guide to table arrange ments. A much discussed book is Neuberger's "Our Promised Land which stresses the possibilities and resources of the Pacific-northwest and describes the effect on this country of the influx of dust bowl rerugees. Biographies Include a life of Emily Dickinson, "This Was a Poet" by Whicher, "An Autobiography" by Singer, and ' Edison's Open Door" by Tate. New fiction includes "Wisdom's Gate" by Barnes, "All This and Heaven too" by Field. "Christ mas Gift" by Hancock, "Journey of Tapiola" by Nathan and "Bak er's Dozen" by Norris. The work of a local author has been added to the library by the gift of "The Sage of Exeter" by Father Buck. WESTERN Extra Special! 1FESA0 Tualatin Brand No. 2 Cans Net weight 1 lb. 3-ox. tins if cans Q for Per case of 24 can tfi. Raycroft Short cuts No. 2 Cans Net weight 1 lb. 3-ox. tins -$149 FOOD'S SUPER VALUES $11.25 3s.( $145 A cans (i for Per case of 24 cans ... Now for a clean, economical fuel, per unit of 240 logs... : .. U for. (Sjjgisisgis czz n,. as QG 6 carton H tJ aim rJeaB No. 10 Bag Yellow or White 23 SENEI) E 12-oz.tins 2 for SQ (SaimelSeG SATIN MIX or CHOCOLATES Per Pound " ' . HOC Hand Dipped Fancy CHOCOLATES ! J 1L. box i SQs I J lb. box Choicest Navels . !lj$1.05 - ' !! ' AIRMAIL Lb.E5c3ibi:45c BIORNING STAR BREAKFAST Vacuum pack, ; lb. tins JLJLl. ..j- CARAVAN : Vacuum packed in Jjn glass jars, lb. j ujfa CLUB BORENE 9 Granulated SJedium Size 231C Large Size BJtiBtooira Giant Size CASTLE BRAND Montana Hardwheat g -- 99e EVERRIGHT . Oregon Hardwheat JaT. $1.03 KITCHEN QUEEN RED WHITE & BLUE Milled of blue stem wheat .$1.15 CROWN DRIFTED SNOW FISHER'S BLEND g?im$i3o Crackers Snowflake libpkg. U5 Krispy lb. pkg. Christmas Wrap VELVET Sir Walter Raleigh GRANGER ROUGH CUT or ' BIG BEN 1-Ib. tins 69s 49c GEO. WASHINGTON 1-lb. tins w.- CIGARETTES CAMELS ' LUCKIES OLD GOLDS : OIESTERFIELDS or RALEIGH Per Carton of 10 Pkgs. TaD Cans Oregon 3 cans for 2EC Per case of 48 cans 12.99 Orders of $2.00 and Up Deli?ered Free Open Until 9 P. M. Sat. Eve. 137 So. Commercial Phone 731 1 ii hi Jit i i I j I i t i ii i i inrviji rv a m a n "Backing High Prices '.- Independent Crocert 100 Home Otaied Tsaak Bros., Ouner$ Fireplace Wrong Dumping Site for Old Car Battery JEFERSON The W. J. looney family experienced .quite a scare a few days ago at their home just south of town, when they placed an old car battery In the fireplace, thinking it would burn out the flue. To their amazement, the battery exploded, throwing - acid on some of the furniture near by, and filling the room with fumes and smoke. Fortu nately no one was sitting in front of the fireplace , at the time. Strike Leader I S7 t Here fat the man leading that gen eral , French strike in which 5,000,000 persons "passively" stopped work in protest to Pre mier Edouard Daladiers economic decrees. He is Leon Jouhaux, head of the General Confedera tion of Labor. Qui) Attendance r Almost Perfect SILVERTON J. O. Gron, president of the Lions dab, points with pride to the ner perfect attendance (only one member missing) at the Tuesday night meeting, when Dr. P. A. Loar spoke on roads and road improvement. ... Dr. Loar pictured in interest ing fashion the growth of good roads in the county and especial ly about Silverton and also talked on the proposed changes In the EilTer ton-Sale m route. " The club, to which a charter was granted last month;, is look ing forward to active' participa tion in city betterment. The Lions meet each Tuesday nigbt at the SilTerton grille. A home talent program will feature the next meeting. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday," Decem ber 31, 1938, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the saleJ ot real property on execution, the following described real premises, to-wit: Lot 12, Block 23, Yew Park Airnex to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and Nellie A. Wait, a widow, and Marion County, a body poli tic, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 27606. .Dated and first published De cember 2, 1938. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By KENNETH L. RAN DALL, Deputy. D. 2-9-16-23-30 Ban Is Placed on Unfumigated Seed Oregon vetch seed will not be permitted entry into California this season unless certified to show that it has been fumigated with sodium cyanide, the Oregon department of agriculture an nounced here yesterday. Orders requiring the certifica tion hare heen issued - by -California officials as a precaution-' ary measure in Oregon this yer-r. The fumigation procedure re quires the use of 12 ounces of sodium cyanide per 100 cubic feet of air space. A temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or above must be maintained for 24 hours. The order by California offic ials is the first definite action taken against Oregon vetch seed since the -weevil was discovered in tbe Willamette valley.- Vetch seed growing is a three-orart r million dollar . industry, in this state. ; , ... Grangers' ' WOOPBURN Woodbnrn grange No. 79 is sponsoring a grass seed meeting to he held in the grange hall Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Harry Schoth, federal forage crop man, will be the speaker. FAIRFIELD The FalrfieM grange will meet at the hall here Friday night, with a Christmas program to be the feature. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Decem ber 31, 1938 at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem. Oregon, sell at public auction in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execu tion, the following described real premises, to-wit: Lot 6, Block 1, Cardwell Ad dition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the "State of Oregon for Marion County i l that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and E. Lehrer and Jane Doe Lehrer, his wife, are defendants, lhe same being Clerk's Register To. 27344. Dated and first published De cember 2, 1938. A. C. BCRK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By KENNETH L. RAN DALL, Deputy. D. 2-9-16-23-30. 1 Friday and Saturday BREAKFAST STICKS 6 for 20c Filled Danish Pastry Rolls ORANGE BLOSSOM DREAD loaf 15c Made with Fresh Oranges . Chocolate FUDGE BUTTER CAKE 34c & 49c White Boiled Frosting with Cream Filling Make Schoen's Your Headquarters for HOLIDAY FRUIT CAKES YULE BABE COOKIES a and Other Bakery Specialties All Our Pastries and Breads Baked in Salem ii 445 COURT ST. PHONE 7810 I Xinas Greeting Cards Large assortment of lat est designs. Select while stock Js complete. 2 for 5c 5c - 10c - 15c - 25c Box of 21 Ass'L Cards 80c s Coty Gift Sets The New Paris and Emeraude f.8S W0.5O to M U V '5 Give Societe BOX CANDY for Xmas l-Ib., 2-lb., 8-lb. and 6-lb. boxes. Beauti fully boxed and banded. 60C ,.'5 00 Big Special Xmas Box, 24 lbs., f 1.00 wnin-ii'Tiiiai Gift Inspirations At Prices That Will rJalce Your Christinas Talhl aeally .-ilt Kirlt-Guild mm The finest line of Soaps obtainable, ex c 1 u s 1 t e odors, smart colors and designs. Conventional numbers, Bath Balls, Wrist Balls and noTelty numbers priced at 25c $1.50 Put this item on your must-see list. Hi iinai jjr:. Ileelcer Leather Goods MEEKER MEANS ALL, LEATHER Zipper Billfolds 1 A p ft-Piece 6etalJM A up Leather Fitted Case-.: 3 A up Frank Medico Pipes Boxed 'or Xmas $1.00 Cntex r.Ianicnre Setsi'cs47c to 3.50 Evening In Paris PCTsre 55c to $2.75 April Showers Perfume 'L $1.00 Prince Albert Tobacco x':,! , 69c Evans lighters '"e 50c and up Peifnmes by Yardley, Coty, Hndnnt, Yantme, Lenygel Lacross rJanicnre Sets 59c to $3.50 Yardley Lien's Sets $2.35 to $5.50 Pal Wrist Watches Metal or Leather Straps $1.95 Compacts by Hudnut, Coty, Yardley and Vantine Prophylactic Brush Sets For Men 2, 3 4-Pece sets. 49c. .'3 PYHAUII Dicssei Sets 5, ,7-Plece Sets. $5.49 to $13J8 . S-Piece Sets ' . n.98. $2.98, ;&38 Xmas -Wrappings , and Tree Decorations - Cellophane, Tissue, fancy designed Den ison Papers, Seals, Tags, Ribbon, etc. Tinsel, Icicles and Tree Lights. Montags Gift Stationery Tbe finest gift sta tionery priced - BOc - and p."--x 5. I Inlaid Handicraft Wooden Boxes f 1. Pen & Pencil Sets ; Parker Pen M Pen . ell Bits $125, $1.05, $2.05 and op. ' Parker Desk . Sets - $20 and np. . J f' - ,, .. ..: - - -J"- CORNER COUOT ind HTCH SITU . m- -, - -