The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, .December 9, 1JKJ8 PAGE NINETEEN. Buy and Sell the Bargain Way With. a. Classified Ad Statesman . j Classified Ads Call 9101 l C!amM4 Advrrtlsiag j Single lnscrtioa v line 10e Tare Insertions per line .20c Sii Insertion per lint tOe On month per line , f1 0 Minimum charge He Copy fa Ui pa wittil ottl 4 :39 the (fMtaf before pubJIcatlo for etasalftcam. Copy relvd tfter Uiis time win be m extof th beading, "Too La to to Cloo- ; r V; ., - Tfto tataama oaoamoo oo nmi stal responsibility for errors which may spft to o4rtlomoU pub lished la It solum na, and to esesw wber this paper k at will re print that part of ait advertlsement la which the typographic! mistake occur. ; .V Tho Stilt oamaa re rvts th right to celect noatloMblo advertising : It- fart hot : ceservs tho right to ploco ail advertising end tbo proper classification. BLIND ADS Which glv only : a boi number ear oi SUUiman mtit be snewered. by latter. We cannot giro any information, aa to da ao would ieetroy Uwlr purpose ; Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, cow picked up freo- Ph. collect 94 It. Salem. Montgomery? Rend. Wk, ; FOR SALE Purebred Chester White boars and bred gilts. Ph. 14F18. A. A, Nafslger, Rt. 8, Box 404. Auctions AUCTION SAT, Dec. 10, 1 :$9 P. uctlon Thura. night. Dee. 15, ra. AucUon Thura. night, Dee. i. at F. N. Woodrya Auction Mart, ill is. Summer, in Hollywood. Furniture, tools, ' nigs, linoleum, miscellaneous ' articles. Ed Esterllne and others, own ers. F. N. A Glenn Woodryy Auction eers. Phone 1110 If you have anything to sell. See ua. - Help Wanted ' EARK $39 WEEKLY, or more. Grow mushrooms In cellar, shed. We buy. 80e lb. Tsar round business. Mr. 8 mads $419 la few weeks spar time. Estab lished Write .for free book Washington Mushroom Ind., Dept. 40. 2919 Ind Artv Seattle, Wash. .: Help Wanted Male MANUFACTURER OF ' farm ma chinery In Portland can offer splendid opportunity for money making, pro vided parties interested can ' advance five to ten thousand dollars cash. Mon ey will be secured. Box 169, Statesman. Help Wanted Female ' WANTED WOMAN for part time housework, living In the neighbor hood Of SI 85 S. Church. wf4j00jjj00jj000000000 WANTED, EXPERIENCED beauty operator in town of 4000 population. No smoker, give reference" A details. Address Box ICS. fo Statesman. - Salesmen Wanted TWO LADIES to sell Christmas novelties. Salem and vicinity. Box 350, Statesman. " " ' Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK BT nr. Ret P. MSB. For Sale- Miscellaneous BURBANK POTATOES. 76c per 100. Geo. Christpf fersoo. Pacific highway north.. OR TRADE, wlra fencing. Also 1 acre-ground. Rt. S, Box 12. REPOSSESSED WESTING HOCSK refrigerator, used only S months, $S9 discount Tester a Rush Cou'129 N. Com'l. Phone HIL 7 HOLLY HOLU ft eedar wreath, also other greens, cut flowers and pot plants, Jay- Morris, Florist. Phono MS?. - BARGAINS range. USED ST. CLAIR wood $14.96: used Estate wood rang. 919. 95; used Thor washer. tt.$: used wood heater, $14.S uaed DC OB mo tor, lis: SsO.SO Duo-Therm oil circu lator, (9.IS: Thor Ironer. wringer head MOU III.S: used Frhrldalre. tO.SS; used gas range. 910: used Split Basket washer. $1035 ; double coil gas side arm, water htr, IT.60 ; Cole man gasoline range, NELSON BROS INC.. SSI Chemeketa LARGE DATE prunes. Packed, ready for shipping. Geo. "N. Thompson. Rt J. Box 102. Knlem. 2nd hotise wast Kelser school, left side of road. CALL WEST SALEM Box factory for Xuiaa trees. DeL mmde ob. day de sired. Ph. 18S. MAYTAG WASHER, fine condition, S20.50. Tester A Rush Co, 129 N. Com'L. phone 4111. FOR SALE Good - looking Chow male. months old, 24 S Marion. Apt 1. - - - - - -- -iii.ii-w'wirnri iri Money lo Loan Money to Loan DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WITHOUT "Running Up" Bills ' Let ua help you with December Shopping; Instead of running up numerous charge accounts, pay cash and start January with a clean slate. ....... Borrow here on your auto, furniture, or other personal se curity and your own signature. You get the money prompt- . ly tbo full amount of the loan. Repay ua In soiali,'asy-to- neet amouota spread arar a period of aa kmc an 19 months. c On loans made this month, no payment will bo duo until , after tho holidays. ' . ' Don't hesitate to call on ua when you need money for any -necessitous purpose. If K la not convenient for you to coma to our office telephone us or mall your Inquiry and we will send a courteous representative to explain our service. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon 8-21S State License M-229 Phone 4441 QUICK ACTION ON LOANS To Bu the Things You Need Now! PRIVATE CONVENIENT FRIENDLY 9 9.0 1 mo. renara t 99 In $-7.27 mo. repays $100 in 11 mot. $12.09 mo, repays $180 In 1$ mos. $1S.1S mo. repays $159 In 1$ moa. Personal Loans any amount up to $300 without tho kind of security ordinarily required elsewhere. Co-makers not needed. No repayment for SO days even longer It you choose then Just small convenient monthly amounts. Come in or phone TODAY. ZIESS TKONTA B F. J. S lens Com pur Rapid Shutter 'St model trade In TeL 7577. PERSONAL- FINANCE CO. . TRAILER RESTAURANT operat ing, house trailers, $35 a up. S19 N. Front BUT ELECTRICAL GIFTS AT YEATER -Jk RUSH CO.. Westlnghouse Appliances. 129 N. Com. Phone 4311. MODERN 4 RuoMS and bath fur nished or unturn 1947 Waller. S ROOM HOUSE. TeL 597 9. CHILD'S 9C39. G VIOUN, half price. FURNITURE AND canned goods must be sold by Dec. 11. 1294 N. Winter. ' BABY JACKETS, sixes to 1H years. Wool knit. Beautiful and warm Chrlatmaa gifts. 479 N. High. S GALLONS LIGHT cream paint, worth SIMS. Will take $12.00. Call at 1511 S.. Lfberty. 4 RM. FURN. duplex, lights, water. garare, aauita oniy. 995 pi. xibu ljXfXiCTJUfafVVVVr'r-i- 7 RU. DWELLING, large land scaped yard, Fatrmount Bill, 145 00. 8 rm. dwelling. X A., IVAN G. MARTIN Phone 4419 UNFURN. HOUSE, also trailer house. Ph. 723S. XMAS TREES 909 N. COMMERCIAL JUST a few blocks from high prices. Get. yours early for choice, trees. CHRISTMAS TREES Cor. N. Com'l. and Chemeketa. also at Saf way. Pay and Take It. S. Com'l. See Cable Bros. 114 H P. FAIRBANKS MORSE engine. Phone 126F4. Z" SPECIAL THIS weekend, used and repossessed oil circulators. price. Montgomery Ward Co.. Salem, Oreg. OAT V XETCH hay mostly oats, 115-00 Call Mr. Lambeth. 8400. DANDY SUPERIOR wood rance. $27.50. Yeater A Rush. Co., 129 N. Com'L Phone 4311. 4 R. HSE. UNFURN., well-located. Completely mod. except burnt., fire place. Will lease by tne year to nscu party. Also have 5 K. luuy moa nse. wun bsmt., hdwd. flrs plenty of bullt-lns, shrubbery A a nice lawn. 8 R. in N. Salem, completely moa. Hdwd. firs. In llv. A dining rms. 4 R furnished apartment I also have a good hse. nr. Leslie Jr. high school for lease or by the month. Available about the 20th. Call me for any further details and prices. . . F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Trade Miscellaneous WILL TRADE 7-Jewel Ebjtn watch and "38 Goodyear bicycle for light car 11S5 Norway. BUILD, KEMODEL, repair. Mo Cattery. Ph. ?44. HOUSEWORK BY hr. Ret P. 4527. CARPENTER. COST, or day, 4369 yvinjV"iAri-rviri"iiriYirtii' MAN WANTS work, any kind. 8052. BOOKKEEPER, accountant Exp. Ref. Some typing. Box 1 91. SUtestnan. WHEN A CARPENTER is wanted, call SS83. RELIABLE GIRL wanU clerking or hsewk. Call 7585. GIRL WANTS housekeeping A car of children.; No serving. Box 187, Statesman. . RELIABLE, PAST middle age Ger man lady, wants housekeeping for ad ults Minnie : Alwine, Lyons, Oregon, Box 142. FARM OR dairy job, wanted, mar ried man. Rt S, Box 878, Salem. GIRL WANTS part time work for rm., ba. 245 Division. Call a, m. WILL CARE for children In your home. Teacher, refined. Ret P. 8808. For Sale Miscellaneous VACUUM CLEANER ' SERVICE CO.. SALEM, OREGON NEW A USED ALL MAKES - 479 N. COM U PHONE 5UX. Miscellaneous KALSOMINE, AS low as $3 room. Winter -prices. Painting. Phone 4926. For Rent Rooms LAIHK8 'H 9479 990 N Cottage DESIR. SI.P. rtru. prL ent 6977. SLP. RM, close In. ph. 4498. CLOSE IN, heated, 254 N. Church. CLOSE IN. sieam heat 807 N. Com. ass'W'MaaaWaaaaaaaaa1a LADY TO share my home. P. 8229, SLEEPING ROOMS, 3 blocks from town. 83a Chemeketa. PORCH ROOM in modern home; $5. u & i4tn. If desired 790 N. Com' t Room and Board RM, BD car. 1090 N. Summer. 00000000000Jt0f0j40j0000JfSjM THE BEST, oiks, from business center. SIS Belle vue. Ph. 8767. 00t00000000000m000000000000 ENJOY ACTO. heat hot A cold water ia rm.. shower a bath, eze, be. sad Mer le a. fhoAe 8518. ROOM AND , BOARD, in private home. TeL fa7. RM.. BD.. steam heat 1190 Oak. RM.. BD laundry, $25. 459 N. Cot SUN-FLAM h. OIL heater. Bogg Bros 325 Court 290 APRONS,, CHRISTMAS "girts. N. High. 979 UPHOLSTERING, SPECIAL prices on rebuilding cushions, McDowell TeL 965S. WRINGER ROLLS A service on all makes of washers. E. H. Ellis A Son. Nelson Bros. Appliance Dept P. 4149. HAIRCUTS, 25c, MILLER'S, 841 N. Com'L ! 9-9 ROOM SIZE ell clr. heater. price, 1H n ft 9249.80. Kelvlnator elec. ref, $100. 1799 Fairgrounds Rd. DRESSED PRIME tnrka. 47FS. FULLER URUSHES, Christmas spe cials now on. 280 N. 23rd. Ph. 9391. BKLCREST. LESS than cost 9358. PIANO. BAH. 2479 Walker. S991, PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS make suitable Christmas gifts. New RoyaL Underwood. Rem. Corona. Price $29 75 and up. Housed Und. $15.. Ram, $19. Roen, 459 Court : . ! . DVERTISINQ v-V Western Advertising -.1 Repreaeotatlvea 4 Fonaer-Han Co-' Ltd. Saa Francisco. Los Anaelea, ateattta . I' .: : .- - ' Eastern Ad rerualns ' . Bepraaentativa Bryant. ! Orlffttli A Branson, lae, Chicago, New lark. Detroit, i Boston. Atlanta filtered at Us foMofftet mt Sales Ore., as Aeoosid Ckut Afsft. Paa lisfcetf every moraine eeeyC aYoadep. Kssiasse ewe. SJl ImU Corns sreioi '. cj r- --:.:-:J"--? ' SUBSCK1PTION RATES! Mall Subscrtptloa Rates- ta Advance Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday; Mo. 19 cents; S Mo. $1.60 : 9 Ma $2.50: 1 year $5 09. Elsewhere 99 cents per Mo. or $9 99 for I year In advance Per copy S cents. Newsstands t cento. By City Carrier: 99 cents a month, $7.29 a year In advance la Marlon and adjacent sounUaa. BOARD AND rm. reaa. 441 N. High. For Rent Apartments FURN. S RMS.. 1st a orivaU apt. 315Ulvlsion, adults. 0000000000j0000000000J00000 I ROOM, 9S9 N. LIBERTY. VACANCY. HAWTHORNE 1009 N. Capitol Court 2 ROOMS, furnished, bath. Accom modations rot trailer bouse. i44e Waller. CLEAN 2 ROOM font, court apt with private bath, laundry, garage. boa service. 1997 Lee St 00000000000010100000000000000I DUP. APT, unfunu 951 N. Winter. SMALL APT adults only. Golden canaries lor sale, 2182 State St S-ROOM FURN. modern apt. heat and water. $39. 999 Union. Phone 7381 S-ROOM FURN. apt, garage, adulta. isa w. j ist - ....... . HEAT, AIR cond, hot water, priy. nata. gar, azx. stats. - SMALL, FURN. light bskp. rm. Lights, water, f 3 wk. 485 S. Commer cial. - .... - ., 4 RM, WAT, lights. 1591 Broadway. NICE FRN. apt. Adults. 199 Union. NEWLY FURN. 4 room apt, adults only close in. laq. hi n. Mish, S RM. FURN, 1719 N. CapltoL 2 ROOM FURN. apt, electricity for range, garage, an rt. unurcn. EXCLUSIVE 4 ROOM apt. Bear completion, phono esse. " 1-2-8 RMS, $9 UP. 1319 8. 13th. WELL FURN. S rm. apt Lta, wat, gar. uround nr. Adults, 28S. I RM. UNFURN. upstairs, 1199 Oak. For Rent House NEW 4 ROOM air conditioned house. Automatic heat' HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. NEW $ R. SUBURBAN. $35. S R $39. 8 R. furn, $25. Carle Abrama, Ph. FURN. MOD. a rm. court bungalow. elec. rerrig, garage. $26. Ph, 941s. 000j00000j0000f00000000000 FURN. COT1AU8, elec. equip, bed rm, $25. Inq, 1849 Frederlek St, Room 119, New Bligh Bldg, 2nd Floor State Street at High In Salem, Oregon PHONE S191 STATS LICENSE NUMBERS S-1J2 M164 For Rent Houses 8 R, 745 MARKET. CALL 7929. 00000000000000000000 FURNITURE LOANS UP TO $300.00 Repay by Week or Month 20 MONTHS TO REPAY Also Loans on Personal Notes and Automobiles STATE FINANCE CO. (CHILDS A MILLER'S OFFICE) S-219 Phone 9261 M-222 344 State Street. Salem, Oregon Wanted to Rent RELIABLE COUPLE wants am. hse. or apt partly furn. about Dec 8 Prefer Fairish dist $15 to $Z. Box 68, Statesman. For Rent OKK1CB Ro)MS SII State street Inquire room 200 TeL 3711. For Sale Real Estate MOD HOMe CHpHola. tw pay ments.. Carle Abrama 41 1 Masonic Bldg. 1U A.. I ML OUT. New 4-rm. mod- house. Will sell or trade tor city prop erty. Rt 3 box 664. a Wallace builder and owner. -uuri.i-rju. -xi i ij ,- !- - Bbii. tit no lrTS nnnn I nTS nn naved street excel tent location. Price $509, 826 down. 810 per month. . RCAI.TORS 14 9. Liberty St Phone $468 VTrF.T.T- FURNISHED 8 house in South Salem for only $2580. Terms in reason. EAST SALEM HOME Eaoeciallv well-built 6 room bunga low with basement near highway shops and state forestry building. Price for quicx sale. zzaw wun av down. bal. 825 per month. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 8ZB1 SEfE THIS 10 ACRES FRUITLAND DISTRICT, good roll- Inx around. 4 room house, barn, elec tricity, 2 acres prunes, family orchard. water system, price reoucea to s.' 000 with $500 down, balance easy terms. 10 BEAUTIFUL ACRES Close In. northeast of Salem, of fered at the very low price of $1800. Uood sou, easy to sutxiiviae. Call Mr. Bartlett with J CHILDS A MILLER. Realtor 344 State Street . Phone 9261 WHY RENT? i $1950. S ROOM HOUSE, good con d it ton, basement ramjet, lot 89x150 Close all schools and bus; a H. SANDERS PH. 7288 BEST BUT IN TOWN 6 RM. HOUSE. S bedrms fireplace enclosed ysrd. garage. Half blk. off S Commercial. ' Forced sale at $1600, $675 down. Phone 6580. EXCLUSIVE. HILL VIEW T RM. MODERN. A l district. $6. 250. Some terms. SEE H. P. GRANT 629 Court Street Phone 9744. $290 DOWN. 9 RM. olnsterod house in good condition, bath, fireplace. wooflsned. 91850. 9499 down, 8 rms. mt one floor, plas tered, to good condition. Comer lot 90x160. lots of fmlt A nuts. $2009. $8250. 9 rm. English style home on r. Cottage . In gnod condition, ttase ment furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. MELVIN JOHNSONi REALTOR 1 725 Court Street . Phone 872S BTRICTTr MODERN 8 RMS. A NOOK, double plumb. Hedrma, new oil burner, hardwood floor. arae, paved allev. lot 175 ft neep. Most be sold to settle- an estate. Good term and reasonable nrlce. Lo cated close m on N. r"aptol St CARLETON E. LANE Phone 407$ 000 seasaaes s sk saw sa aa t000m eh saisa FINE LOT- 4.TTONS REAL BTTYS 9 RMS, GOOD rnnd, new roof, full "wmbi now 8ZROS. rean. terms. S rm. fully modern. 9250. terms. ROBERT: F. BUDROW Refil Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6985. RENT SAVER . IN EX PENSIVE. 7 RM. .home off South Commercial for $250 down, $2$ montn. - SEER. P. GRANT S29 Court Street Phone 8744. 8 R. HSE. AT edge of town. nrac. new 1H yrs. old not quit finished. Will sell to right party, $59 down A $29 per mo. at 9 Interest divided In monthly pvmts. This property to lo cated northeast of statehosp. F. BJ. WETR.HJ Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 SEE ME about the best business lot In Salem. Owner will build to suit or sell on easy terms. If you're looking for a reel opportunity, let me tell you about this. H. C Shields. OreC Bldg. Ph. $902. Acreage 19 ACRES ALL In fruit with small S room house, electricity. $4509.90, $109.99 down. $15.99 per month. S acres elose in, S room house, barn, garage, $1575.00. $700.09 cash. This Is a wonderful huy. Mew 4 room bungalow, one acre of ground, close to school, small down payment, balance like rent RICH L. RE I MANN, 167 S. High St Phone 3632 eMaeeaeeassAs4vntvB4Ms4MtfasVNBfNasatfaasasast -S A. ON INTERSECTIONS en Ideal location for service station A groe. store. This prop, can be bought for only $39 down A $90 per mo. to party who will place improvements on the place. Good references will be required. F. H. WEIR, $1$ Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 RiieitteMi Opnortnnities FURNITURE A LEASE apt house, dose In. 9 apta, 8 sleeping rms. Good Income. Priced reasonably for all cash. E. H, STAMBAUGK Phone 9411 218 Ore. Bldg. A REAL SNAP Confectionery A grocery at a sacrifice if sold before Dec 10th. 227 a Winter St- -, wwwwwMMwwMiiiwwiyMi HAVE CASH to pey for small bus iness, something man and wife can handle. What have you 7 Grocery, con fectionery. Give full particulars in your totter. All replies confidential No agents. Box 179, Statesman. . LARGE NEW service station and S cabins. About 1 A. land with room for more cabins. Store In connection. $2, 000 handles and balance easy. E. H. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. BUSINESS PARTNER wanted a man who has $800 for partnership to beer parlor, cards A lunch. Best bus iness In Salem. This business will stand strict Investigation. Also business partner wanted In wine, beer A restaurant $1000 will handle. See this at once. A. C. JENSEN 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3414. 0000000000000000000fjj0j00 S RENTALS WITH store and ras station on paved hi-way close to Sa lem. $300 handles. Very easy terms. All tented. E. H. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. A-l DRY OLD FIR. $6.00. Ph. S354. FOR DRY sec. growth, phone 4527. For Loans $10 to $300 SEE General Finance Corp. SALEM'S OLDEST and largest In dependent company, where your prob lems receive consideration after as well as before the loan Is made. In the past eleven years more than 20, 909 borrowers have profited by our financial help and advice. Payment plan is arranged to fit your income. NO RED TAPE CASH AT ONCE Repay any day. week or month to reduce the cost 136 S. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon S-I38 First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank, Convenient Ground Floor Loca tion Phone 9168. FEDERAL HOUSING loans build eflnancs home a buttnegs nroo Rates Abrams m Eltla Inc.. Masnnlo Bldg wrrVwVeaVVwVMwVwVWVw Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used car. Private money at very lew ratea No red tape I to 30 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 11C fl pAmiMAMla I C 6Um la Phone 9168 Lie No. M-1S2 00000000000000000f0jJjjfjf0f MONEY TO LOAN On 1st mtga. H. P. Grant, 629 Court Financial Jft rWB Havk II V than this i aVJb A and Invest WtO $6000. never paid less rste on savings Investments. Insured Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Afn Phone 4988 I v l.iony oi. Loans Wanted WANTED Fill V ATE MONET TO LOAN aa good Salem real ae tata. Wis) pay miere. . W. H. iRABKNmnuii at a W A I. TORS 114 S. Liberty St , Pnooe.siss t rA nq k & hiicu m farm and cttv property Before oorrewins uauir - Hawkins Rooen. For Sale Real Estate rrvra Tvrs LOTS AT.T. LQCATION8 and price 8200 up. C H. SANDERS trn. H DOWN, LOT on Haxel Ave, pav lag pd, $260. " list n lot I blk. from Rich unit a.lvnnl TEtICO. Bavin Td. $425 lot on corner oi laursj ato Academy, nice location. , " $550, nlc lot oa East Ave. A 17th St, paving pd. A walk to. Lots In all parts or the city. . un.vtv JOHVfiON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 87SS VI-ATI WArROROTTNDS 99 A, SOME IMPROVEMENTS, S00, $119 down. $16 mo. - H. V. GRANT 829 Court Phoae 6744. Excbntrr; Real Estate MODERN $ R. HOUSE la Albany, to exchange for bouse to Salem. t 1 acre. 7 R. bouse, good welL fruit. oa pavement Priced at $9 lor quic VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. - 49 A. FINE SOIL, nice creek, tim ber, aew buildings, elec, close Salem. Trade for smaller place. C. H. 8ANDERS PH. T238 MODERN SERVICE station A 8 R. mod. houM. t A. around. Located at Grand. View, Wnsh. $9609 or will trade for service station near or in suem. EL H- STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 312 Oregon Bldg, 0000m0000000j00000000 WILL TRADE smalt country bom near Kelxer school aa down pymu en house to town. Phone owner 4811. - For Sale Farms I ' CLAXTER ROAD CLOSE TO Pacific highway, very good 9-rm. mod. bouse and other build ings. 2H acres land, best of son. all la cutt. Filberts, berriea A ether fruit Good terms. CARLETON E. LANE Phone 4071 For Sale Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH Ph IS7F1S. 000000000000000000 BETTER DKT old fir. sea It at 1176 N. 17th. E. Holloway. 000000000000000000j000 U- OLD FIR. $5.90. Ph. 7t0. 000000000000j0j00f0f0f40Jk OLD FIR del, $6 A $5.50. Ph. 4766. 000m000m0000000000000j00M DRY WOOD. Phone 4865. E. Boje 000000000000j00j0000jjj0f00 GREEN INSIDE mill blocks. IS In. 84. 16 In. 83.75. Phone S86. 16" OLD Flk 85-85.50: 16" 2nd grth. $5. 4 -ft. 2nd. $4: 16" oak. $6.50 4-ft oak $5.75. Phono 9459. 00000000000f00000000000000 BONE DRY old fir. $5.59. Ph. 6379. aMeAAAMAMeVWwVMWMVWWVWWeea DRY WOOD. TeL 3880. Ashcraft 0S000 NO MONEY down. 6 mo. to pay on 4-cord lots, all kinds. W. L Graen. 412 N. 21st Phone 6370. BONE DRY oak. $5.75. Ph. 4109. DRY WOOD, all kind. Ph. 8052. FUEL ON easy payments. No down payment 6 months or longer to pay. First payment 30 days. Any amount any kind. Full measure. Chas. E. Smith, TeL 4221. 1150 N. Church. 000000000fS00000000000 For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars SHOP McKAY'S FOR USED CARS You Can Bring the Wife and Kiddies Along Because It's Always Warm and Dry in Our Steam-Heated Showroom ' 1937 Chev. Mast. DeL. Spt. Sed.. $64$ Low mileage, everythln; tip-top. 4 1936 Cher. Mst. DeL. Spt. Sed.. $495 Original guometal finish, mohair upholstery, good rubber. Really it's a buy. . 1937 Chev. Master Town Sed $545 A beautiful brown finish A fully guaranteed. 1936 Chev. Mast. DeL. Bus. Cpe. $465 And boy I this I a honey. Look It over. 1936 Chev. H-Ton Panel DeL...$445 1936 Ford 34-Ton Panel DeL..'...$425 Ann rrt 1 V 1 4 C 1930 Chevrolet: Coack.... . $145 Ayzo vjievroiei oacn . w WE HAVE MORE THAN 29 OTHER GOOD BUYS NOT LISTED HERE. ONE OF THESE SALESMEN ARE ALWAYS READY TO HELP YOU-WALT HOLMAN JIMMIB DAVIS LAWRENCE FLATHERS. . r McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 1937 Ford V-8.M85" 4-Dr. Sed...$495 ' Low mileage, inns A looks like new. 1936 Ford V-8 Business Coupe.. $325 New motor, new clutch, pew tires. t 1935 Ford V-8 Sport Coupe ;$285 ' 'Has rumVle seat A very dean car. 1936 Bmcklight 8 Business Cpe. $525 Or ALL BARGAINS THIS IS TOPS. BEAU TIFUL BLACK FINISH. DON'T WAIT, FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED. 1937 Plymouth DeL. Tour. Sed...$645 ANOTHER FINE CHRYSLER-BUILT AUTO MOBILE, LOW MILEAGE. A DANDY. 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan. $345 33S CENTER STREET - PHONE 3188 OPEN EVENINGS A SUNDAYS 439 N. COMMERCIAL USED CAR LOT FRIDAY SPECIALS 1929 Model A Fords $50 to $85 take your choice VALLEY MOTOR CO. 20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Herb Misson - j Lot: Marion & Liberty - Ben Drager jjf010000000000000000000000 DRY ASH A oak, $5.75. Ph. 9703. 000000000J00j0000jf0f00 BONE DRY wood. Ph. 9560. 000000000000H0j00 WOOD. DRY. all kinds. 6663. 10000m0000000S0000000000M NO. 1 16 IN. 2nd irwth.. 34.50 cd.. 2-cd. lots, 2380 Broadway. Wood Sawins WOOD SAWlNO. 60c 16-tn. 7421 WOOD SAWING. Hllke Broa, 6322. Lost and Found LOST BROWN leather puree. Keep money and return contents glasses. sorority pin, notebook. Tel. 4149. Persona' LONELYT -WORTHWHILE" sweet- neart husband, wife for you. Bos 76 Los Angelea. For Salts Used Cars EXTRA! EXTRA! 3-Day Specials '37 Plymouth Cpe. -$510 '35 Plymouth Sed. 385 '34 Chevrolet Cch. 1. 295 '33 Chevrolet Sed 210 Hatfield's Used Car jStore 33i north Liberty m Jcivery .rurciiMser WILL HELP ou on down pay ment of a '39 Ford, aay model. Never driven. 1138 S. Commercial. ESTATE 1929 BUICK STANDARD 6 Sedan fine condition. Comer 12th A Mission. 1932 CHEV. SPORT; roadster, radio, heater, new top. 1819 S. 13th. 34 DeLUXE TERRAPLANE Coupe, low mileage. Runs and looks like new $350 cash. Tourist Camp Jay, Cabin 6, Portland Road. ' i FOR SALE rontiac Coupe. 1929. Gilbert liallsted, near; HopcwelL LATE 37 OLpSMOBILE Coupe by owner excellent condition low mileage $595.00, terms. Mrs. Staf ford. 3151 or see at No. 2, 319 Leslie after 9, or Sunday. j. YOUR CAR or 975.00 down on 1933 Ford V I Pickup, fine cond. Bat $14.00 . w- ma 1790 Fairgrounds Rd. Airlie Is Defeated AIRLIE The high school boys and Sjirla -went to Monmouth Tuesday afternoon to play basket- hall and volleyball. Monmoutu Business Directory Card La this directory ru oa a monthly basis only. Rate: f 1 per line per month. Antiques AND GLASS, U mt N. Portland Rd. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 276 South CommarcJaL Barber Service LOU LANE. 1995 Broadway. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 S. Com'L Fh. 4514 Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY A FENDER repairs, act trim, seat covers, glass reptacasneat auto painting SEE the Brrn-Owee Co, SS5 S. Com'l St Phone 3149. Cabinet Works O K. CABINET WORKS. S19 Court Phone 9143. -Anything of Wood. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northness Chiropractors DR. a L. SCOTT, PsG Chlropraetot 155 N. High. TeL Rea. S57S Excavating EXCAVATING OF all ? khtd' Base ments dog Dirt hauled or moved. Otrt for aale. saiam Band ana uravei mo Phone 949S. -. Florists Brelthaupt'a, 447 Court. Phone 1994. W. SALEM Florist, 1409 Bdgewate Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 26$ & High . Tel. I12S Magazines SAVE MONEY on maguxines. Ph. 782$. Mrs. Paul H. iiauser, in Baginaw, Mattresses SALEM FLOFF-RUG and Mattress f.otnrv. NEW MATTRESS made to nrH.r nM wiuji: caroet cleaning, sis- tng ; Huff rug weaving. . hur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911.. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4498. Plumbing 75o HR. HENRY RuecheL Ph. $49$, Printing for STATIONERY, cards, rrapbleta. programs, books or any kihd ot print ing, call The Statesman Printing Da- nartmant. Ill . uommerruu. w phone 9191. j Private Detective N. WTLLIAMS. Ph. 8719. PO tea 7S1 Radi Service SINGLETON, 1ST 8. jUberty. Ph. 464L Refrigeration Service ftrr.TATtrja COMMERCIAL and do- mestio repair work. TeL 76X3. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 298 State St TeL 1 772. Distributing, for warding and- storage our specialty. Get o rats. FOR rrmAT. or distant transfer ator- ars. burner IL call $131. I armer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally Vacuum Service AUTHORIZED 1 HOOVER salee ' and service. AU makes serviced. Vacuums to rent Mr. Wall. Hogg sroa. Well Drilling R "A. WEST, Rt 9, Bos 44$. 119FS Wet Basements K.OCKTTTE . APPLIED aaalast pres sure or aeepaca to aO asasoary. Ph. T52S. ' OF JOY MOSES TURNER NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County rrobate Department Notice is hereby given that he undersigned have been appointed oint-executricea of the estate of Joy Turner Moses, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and have qualified. . All persona hav ing claims against said esta'.e are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 302 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon; within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published, De cember 2, 1938. Last publication, December 20, 1938. ARVILLA M. TURNER, HANNAH MARTIN, Executrices. HANNAH MARTIN, Attorney, Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. D. 2-9-16-23-30 NOTICE TO CllEDrTORS Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State ot Oregon for the County ot Marion, duly made and entered on the 26th day of November, 1938, was. appointed Administrator ot the Estate of Helene Lafky, deceased, and has duly qualified aa inch. All persons having ahn against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, dujy verified aa required by lair': anrj with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned , Administrator " at Poom number 309 of the Masonic Building, Salem, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this no tice, aald first publication being made the 2nd day ot December, 1938. RAT H. LAFKY. Administrator of the Es tate of Helene Lafky, deceased. First publication, December 2, 1938. Last publication, December 10, 1938. December 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 1938. Hob Nichols Buys Brubaker's Farm BETHEIj An Important real estate transaction, was closed this week when O. L. Brubaker sold his 50-acre f a r m" to Madison (Hob) Nichols of Bonnera Ferry? Idaho. It is reported that it was practically a cash deal. Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker,' -who will retain possession of the farm until March, have not as yet made any definite plans. Madison Nichols is a boq of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nichols and grew up In Bethel community. J. M. Nichols, and his son, Cass A. Nichols, will work the place in connection with their other farm ing operation. Gross Word Puzzle 12 id 21 27 31 W4t 33 22 Hi H2 37 72 23 32 H3 54V 'A 11 21 YM 51 'A 13 16 Y4 'A 3d "43 2H 33 HH 57 51 2o 30 3t 1 41 IO II VT7K '0 34 15 35 53 34V Uj ELJUENL SHtKr EK - OStTXONTAI, 1 What si sail IWe rati "What at ta largest ef aitfele 19 OaltHste IS Wrk 89 Ar dills 16 A n aw i IS Cm l ava SV-WkM Greek aal was Iks ttsaf thsrssitswT tefiosrbr l -Ta um mm awMa at ssssa mmwm aasSyswS-. . 99 Beast - SI Whe Oman jriillist f tk CssdasV . as lent . . 49 fslw leaf 49 alaaiatr Jls ef Atttaa 41 Psdy mt watar. . 44 ... ti $jaaes 99 Mstive of Dsaatark 9V Kin ar Basha 91 PaHna a aUlky ST At SB'S 99-Msrratss XSTTCAL S Metrls ii isr mt are - S CafntMK 9 Was Teaesads gad rlsi ball sstd earth T I CUw 9 What 9ty nil 1981 sepal see efts 9 mails 4 Beam! IS Rwrta Aatarle U Ta4 CjrsasftaT ttCoaatv la Artsoaa $11 vehiBhwi twiteaiag SS PerW" " . 94 OWisrasB (.$ T4sv W a S4 Threw efcjeet 91 AimasHs 1 41 Jt 49 91nrt frails f Iietfr 47 Ttao 49 si at an Ira 91 (Jatt -68 8w 94 Onward eat 64 fiia efCbs f epkah Herewith is the solutkei te yeater day's pazzla. r - , Hv l& lo Ia Vi c l la iJ c I a la It I l.i I s ItiPk. w I sr W i Ahwri rrii al I w , i 1. , 1 l-'l- I 'l I - I 1 I k L 1 1 5 L 2. a i 1MB, I