The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1938, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, December 9, 1938
Settle Protest
On Water Bid
New Award Made to Eugene
Company at Slightly
" Smaller Figure P
. i ;.
SCIO Solving the protest filed
by a f eattle j water pipe concern
to the action Of the Sclo city coun
cil in awarding the proposed $19.-
000 waterworks project here, the
successful ' bidder. - the ' .Eugene
Ruedy company of Portland, has
brought Its proposal within : s pa
cifications sought and a new
award for a slightly less amount
was this week made by-the- local
city council. ; . v - i
Work was to hare started on the
project on December 5 but an ex
tension of time to the 10th has
been granted by Portland PWA.r
Proceedings ... for the ; sale of
(12,000 bonds authorised by
voters here to assist PWA grant
of approximately $10,000 are ad
vancing toward fruition. These
matters have been handled at sev
eral recent, regular and speeial
sessions of the city council.
Approvei Beer Request ;
Among other public business
transacted .at ? the December reg
ular meeting j of the city board
was the. allowance of Max Wes
ely's applications for renewal for
19M of his beer class B and his
package store class B licenses.
Salary of ;the city treasurer,
which. has been $25 a year was
increased to 60 a. year. E. D.
Myers, cashier of the Scio State
bank,' has been city treasurer for
more than 25 years.
McGlinnVName j
Goes on Cup as
Valuable Plaver
"--: -. . '. '' I
MONMOUTH Floyd McGlinn
of St. Helen? was awarded the
honor of having his name en
graved on the president's cup as
most valuable player in the
Wolves' football, season, Just
closed. ;
Nineteen squad members have
earned letters, as follows:
Jimmy j Davies, Nehalem;
George Sullens, Haines; Kenneth
Bach, Portland; James .1 llings
worth, Nehalem; Jason Miller
and Floyd McGlinn, St. Helens?
Glenn Peterson, North Bend;
Charles Meyer, Portland; Hal
Henkel, Sheridan;-! Stanley Bor
den, North Bend; LeRoy Mason,
St. Helens; George ' Jesse, Rain
ier; Fred Henderson and Ever
ett Meeker, . Vernonia; and Wil
liam Emighi; Lloyd Lewis, and
Joe and Ted Jaross and Anthol
Rlney, all. of Monmouth.
- i " '." ' ' '' r "
Norman Ho to Address ;
- Waldo Hills Community i
Anniversary Program
WALDO HILLS--Nof man Ho,
Willamette university student,
who left China but two months
ago, will be" guest speaker at
the 8 o'clock anniversary pro
gram at the Waldo Hills com
munity club Friday night. Other
numbers on the program include
reading. Dr. A. L. V. Smith;
violin solo. Irene Morley Frank;
reading, Mrs. Will - Egan and
Mrs. Mary Kleeman.
At a no-host 6:30 supper Max
Scriber, president, "will briefly
review the history of the club.
Frank Bowers will be toastmas-
School Board to Ask
PWA for Part of Fund;
- Give Diploma Contract
SILVERTON At the Decem
ber meeting of the Silverton
school district board the chairman,
O. E. Lee, and the clerk,' Harold
W. Adams, were authorized to ap
ply for an advance grant of the
federal fund to be used in the
new building now underway.' The
first grant asked for is approxi
mately $34,000.
j The school board also awarded
a three-year diploma contract to
the Master Engravers of Portland.
Garden Club Has
New Set Officers
- SCIO Mrs. W. F. Gill is the
new president of the Scio Garden
club. Mrs. Hobart Hoagland.
vice-president; Mrs. John Leff
ler, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Hoy
Shelton is chairman of the. pro
gram committee for the coming
year. The first meeting in the
new year will be January 5 with
Mrs. P. W. Schrunk.
' A large party of .relatives and,
friends gathered at the B. I.
Arnold farm home near Scio a
few days ago in honor rf the
25th wedding 'anniversary of the
Arnolds, who are descendants of
a widely-known pioneer family
of this community.
Council Retains
All Appointives
WOODBURN All present city
officers were chosen to c cceed
themselves when the Woodburn
city council met Tuesday night.
Alfred Ashland was chosen city
marshal; Dr. Gerald B. Smith,
health officer; John Muir, street
commissioner and day marshal;
and E. N. Soule, water superintendent.
Frank Wright, councilman
from the west side, was reelected
president of the council. A
Portland firm was selected to
audit the city books.
Beer license applications were
approved for George and John
Becker, George Crimmins, M. D.
Perd, Tom Renn, Leo Zuber and
the Safeway store.
Council Proposes
More Stop Signs
DALLAS At the regular meet
ing of the Dallas city council
held Monday night, an ordinance
providing for the placing of mcrre
stop street signs on Ellis street
and ' Main street, was read for
the first" time.
The council approved nine ap
plications to the Oregon liquor
control board for beverage li
censes. They were J. T. Primus,
Safeway stores, Eva Charas, J. B.
Violette, W. D. Collins, Charles
Bilyeu, William C. Budke, Wil
liam Sanders and C. L. Crider.
Miss Emma Bruckman
Summoned at Albany
ALBANY Miss Emma Bruck
man, 81, died at her home Mon
day following a heart attack.
Miss Bruckman had been a resi
dent here for 50 years. She was
born in Tioga, 111., in May,
Surviving are two brothers,
Fred Bruckman of Portland, and
John Eruckman of Albany; also
four nieces and two nephews.
Remains are at the Fisher fun
eral home.
'. 1 '. .
J" Phone 5197 or 7023
Sole Agent Penslar Remedies in Marion County
- Shaeffer A
PEN and
Desk Seta
8 A 4-plece sets,
$1.00 to $2.98
Fitted Case
$1.49 -to $4.98
i -
Give Him aa ;
Schick $12.50
Packard S7.50
. fc't;
S 12.00 . .
Suabcam S 15.00
IC-T. Ja - 3
. Eastman
$1.00 to $25.00
Agfa Cameras -
$U5 to $15.00
We have a large
' - selection of
Electric - A
Spring Wind
; Clock " ;
104-90; ;
All leather '
- tipper type,
i Amity, Cameo
f 0a tv06
Glictnas Hard Candy
. i ' 15c lb. 4 lbs. 50c
. : Onr Own Formulas for Your Protection
Human Toys Are
: Program Feature
Bliss Edith Norton Speaks
About Playthings at
Women's Club ,
INDEPENDENCE ! ' C h i 1 -dren's
Toys" was the , topic dis
cussed Tuesday afternoon at the
meeting of the Woman's club.
Miss Edith Norton, sectond grain
supervisor, was the speakers She
brought her second grade chil
dren to demonstrate human Jack-in-the-box,
' wind-up dolls, rock
ing horses, blowing bubbles,
drums and Jumping jacks.
-Miss Norton spoke on toys
appropriate to children from 6
months to 12 years old. She il
lustrated her talk with an ex
hibit of jtoys.
i An invitation .was accepted
to meet with the Monmouth
civic club in April, when they
have the state president, Mrs. H.
D. Peterson as guest speaker. ;.
Plant Vole- Program
A Christmas program will be
given at the next meeting, De
cember 20, with Mrs. M. J. Bai
ter in charge. ,
Hostesses for the tea hour
were Mrs. W. A. Barnum, Mrs.
'Meiford Nelson and Mrs. Lester
Dyer, Mrs. Ralph Kletzing and
Mrs. Ira' D. Mix poured.
OES Election Is
Slated on
new officer will be held at Adah
chapter No. 34 Order of the
Eastern Star Tuesday night, De
cember 13.
The meeting will be preceded
by a :30 o'clock dinner. Follow
ing this . meeting there will be
two remaining meetings for the
1938 officers. On December 27
a Christmas party will be held
and cn January 10 a short meet
ing will precede the installation.
Missionary Field Will
Be Theme of Addresses
SILVERTON A year in Si
beria," two years In the Belgian
Congo -will be describedvby word
and illustration at the Friday.
and Saturday 7:30 o'clock night
lectures by Mr. .and Mrs. - A. J
Princic at the Calvary Pente
costal church of the Assemblies;
of God, at 235 Lewis street.
Halt Revetment Work
WHEATLAND Because of rise
in Willamette river following the
rain the first of the week rock
hauling for revetment work on
the. banks at Wheatland hae been
temporarily. euspendecL ,
ni r
tew J I jr i rfl J lit
L1 H A: I
u l IMA I?
fecial oR.. .
r;Tl only 98c f
or wijt.
1 - v '""WKjwm
v on oift,t
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ur "ew Win rY. Jor.
org 1 e.con, t. , Brand
' 36 '"Che, wjg,Wt col-
. jx v.'.-v.- 2f t r ..t Mh.
- aa
vOOl Datt
id -
Sale! Men's Fine Shirts . .
Woven-in patterns!. Precise tailoring! Typical 1.98
values in pre-shrunk cotton broadcloth
Handsome Gift Handbags . .
Values up to 31.49! Every one outstanding! Sculp
tured styles in calf finish. Also genuine leather
Sale!. Girls' 59c Dresses . . .
Sturdy percales, tubfast, full cut! Many dirndls
with Lastex that will not break! 2-6, 7-14 ...
Sale! Men's Gift Ties . . . .
Sparkling new patterns in sturdy rayon and cotton!
Fully lined, they'll knot better than ever .
Sale! Men's Dress Socks ....
A welcome gift! Checks, plaids or stripes in rayon
and cotton mixtures. Well-reinforced !
Men's No-Tare Fly Shorts . . .
Special Christmas cellophane package ready for
holiday giving! Also mercerized cotton Shirts
Boys' 3-pc. Shirt Sets .
Usually 98c! The perfect gift!' A fast color shirt,
colorful tie and a tieclip in a gift box.... .t
Dress Lengths, $1.98 Values . . .
Rayon and rayon acetate in prints and plain col
ors. 3 to 4 yds. in gift package -
Sale! Rayon Satin Slips . .
4 days only save an extra 13c! Dainty embroidery
or fine laces trim these bias cut slips!.......
Sale! Chenille Spreads ....
Regularly 3.98! A beautiful home gift! Colored
muslin covered with thick, cotton tufts
Cannon Christmas Box Set j . .
Gift values! One bath towel and two matching
face cloths in the new Victoria Rose pattern!
Gift Slippers for Men ' . . .
Values! His favorite styles! Handsome leather
operas . . . everette . .........
Men's Warm Mufflers . .
From all-wool plaids to dressy rayon crepe pais
leys! You'll find his favorite at Wards
Sale! 5 Wool Blankets
Regular $1.98 pairs! A practical gift! Wool and
China cotton! Sateen-bound, 70x80 Inch..'.
Men's All-Wool Overcoats
Wear the newest models and patterns . . . and pay
less at Wards! Use Monthly Payment Plan
Sale ! Boys' Plaid Jackets . . . .
Regularly $2.98! Heaviest (24 oz.) all wool. This
mart sport back is his favorite style. Sizes 6-18....
Sale! Men's Wool Jackets . .
Regularly $2.98! More protection in this slide fas
tener style. Warm water-repellant plaid extra
Men's New Sweaters . . .
Give - him a serviceable, smart gift! Two-tone
"herringbone" and solid patterns. Sport backs
Sale! 39c Cannon Towels .
"Bell-Ringer" values! Reversible turkish towels!
Extra large, extra heavy and absorbent! 22x44"
Sale! Gift Aprons . . .
Worth 59c! Gayly trimmed percales and sheers!
Semi-permanent finish organdies! All tubfast
Radiant Rayon Satin Gowns . . .
A compliment to any woman who receives them!
Plain or novelty woven fabric in many styles
Men's Jacquard Robes . .
He'll like the shawl collar and easy, comfortable
fit. .Pine quality rayon and cotton mixture .
3-Thread Crepe Chiffon Hose . .
Pure silk, flattering sheers, Individually gift
packed! Newest colors. Special, 2 pair $1.5 0.."
Women's Gift Slippers ...
Every pair a $1 value! Luxurious rayon satin!
Flowered crepe! Platforms! Wedgees! Newest
fir irmv w 'r jt W." v-"'- V.v"f -"?-'-"" ,"T-w 'V--".' 1
-TJ44 y vc c-v
4T hi C .. iH,
I ,aer"i 9 P It L" '
I ft
Salel Turkish Bath Towels
Regularly. 15e! Make your own sets
.plain-colored towels! Very rarge size, 20x40 inches
minis I
afe STB) f" i in in. . n
-non trAvh
g98 k S
nes 1 i vWe
4 -SSWK-
-7 r uroteD,
4iW'y tar em.
eafcia,"Ced 'Wt 0
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: k
nirr-mL c. w.."
of plaid or -1 I
0x40 inches i 'J-LtV. ;,.
.... . Voib-m. Jf m..
. i.: win. .
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wwmyiw.;.iamiiigj -J!. n 1. 1 1 j r
Wead W Mwt Cftif
Carfiage Robes -
Sav.-tW-A )
A low price for a warm, soft
gift robe! Generously fringed.
, cotton, appltqued design. 30x36. '
Coat Sweaters
Smart, warm gifts! All wool In
attractive self design! Many
popular new colors. Sizes 8
to 16. i . -
' rnirr'iu huiliuiil rnn - v ' " ' ' ' ' - j
. .... I i mwnrii V
PHONE 3194