The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 07, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    . ' : rfl t tir-,f. i ... 1 ",'1 f L
They're getting thicker than
cold country; gravy, and if
something isn't done about It
the nation trill be andernLned,
the government overthrown :
and cheese will drop to 2 Js
cents pounvd, retail. '
This, demon that is spread-;
ing like - morning glories over j
high country wheat field
knows no scruples. It is mak
ing inroads' into our high
schools, -our community life
even into bur XMCA and f
cbnrches. 5 . . .
These "noisy, unrestrained
carousals," (I got that right
out of Webster), are current
ly So. 2 on Mr. Dies' long l'st
of unAmerican activities. "Com
munism," said Dies yesterday
. in long-distance conversrtion
with your correspondent, (he'
lisps something terrible),
"communism t has - had back
ward growths - in - this country
in comparison with this new
plague." -
- .
Win From Oihr (Quint 443
Defile Courts.
- That these corruptions have
originated in the minds of oar
foremost educators is fully
known. Yet the great American
public sits humbly by and lets
this unwholesome, - indoor bac
teria continue to multipl- rnd
cast its shadow before it.
Our whole religious, economic
and political life ' is threatened,
but not one hand has been raised
in an effort to put a stop to
this conflagration that will soon,
if the current rate of gipwth
continues, smother out our very
existence. ' .j .
They come together in these
orgies and what happens? They
defile the courts of our free
land; they worship at the feet
of nearly nude youth, and hurl
semi-vile epithets when a point
Is missed; they bring the cream
of Judges into the conflict, de
mand constant watchfulness aad
nay them not one cent. (Both
CIO and AFL have overlooked
a bet here).
Basis: Euchre.
All the time these carousals
continue the instigators, (yes, j
those very I people in whose
hands. we puce our children), I
are busy taking notes on Low
to undermine their constitu
ents when they force them into
a corner on. single issues in
other courts.
The very name 'these edu
cators have : used with which
to christen these carousals is
based on euchre. Our lifelong
friend, WVbster, says of this
work: "In euchre, a hand con
taining the five highest trumps,
which when announced and
shown entitles the holder to
score 15 points."
Institutions Implicated.
Do you realize what institu
tions are implicated in these,
atrocities that are sweeping the
country at even a more ah ming
rate than are ear muffs?
Tere is mi list that. was. en
tirely accurate, as this was be
ing written-but which will prob
ably have doubled 'ere it is
rushed, (yes; I said "rushed"),
into type and reaches you:
1. The "No-Name" league,
which , takes in our own Salem
high school and includes leading
prep schools in six counties.
2. The WVI league, which
embraces the; high points of the
entire Willamette valley.
3. The North Marlon county
"B" league, entailing such saint
ly places as St. Paul and Mt.
4. Salem's YMCA-sponsored
church leagues, containing near
ly every religious organization In
Salem. - ' j
5. The Salem city leagues, in
which the personnel is drawn
from laboring ranks, vhite r -.1-lared
pencil f pushers, executives,
and ordinary members of the
commonwealth. .(The latter is
no relation to the Commonwealth
Call to Arms.
It is readily seen, by the
foregoing list, that the whole
of humanity will soon be con
ta animated by this scourge if
we, as - red-blooded American
dtisens, del not put our feet
down. There is still time to
act. We can save the country
from complete inundation if
we organize promptly and elect
leader strong of heart and un
swerving of purpose. .
I hereby' take it upon my
self to call the initial gather
ing. I urge all of yon who call
yourselves Americans to do
present. ; -" -.''''.
The place: Candeleria
Heights. : .:. ";
The time. Five minutes to
midnight; j -i r
The purpose. To bring a halt
to .basketball Jamborees.
Acliiu Is Winner
In Mat Fandango
Step-over toe holds gave Walt
. "Sneeze" Achlu two straight falls,
in the fast time of 21 minutes
and 31 seconds, over Pat Q'Dowdy
in the main I event of the armory
wrestling card last night.
Vera Clark succumbed to
"Mouthy" Donovan after taking
"the first fall, Donovan using re
Terse headlock to pin Clark la
the tiaal two falls. :
George Wagner ; and Jimmy
Londes tussled to a draw in the
opener. Londes. pinned Wagner in
the first tall with a body press
and Wagner: got even with a right
to the Jaw.
Elsie Herring Leader
For Dayton dub Meet
DAYTON Miss Elsie Herring
was lesson leader tor the meeting
of the Dayton Pleasant Hour
Reading club held Friday after
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Mitchell with about 20 mem
bers present. The next meeting
will be the Christmas meeting and
exchange of gifts, to be held at the
home of Mrs. Jennie Murphey, De
cember If. : .
Subs Give Win
Willamette Hard Pressed
but Pair of Seconds
Counter Threat
Some pot-shooting subs, name
ly Sum Gallaher, Dwight Cath
erwood and Glen Flavel, tacked
in enough pinch buckets t give
the Bearcats a 44 to 39 basket
ball win over the classy Signal
Oilers in the Willamette hoop
dive last night.
"Happy" Howard Maple's boys
were being hard-pressed, all
through the second canto, mainly
by the accurate aim of Ar Mer
ryman, ex-OSC expert, when
Catherwood and Gallaher reamed
hemp. Their points put the 'Cat
courtsters far enough in front
to make it necessary for the
Oilers to do a kit of intentional
fculing to get possession of the
Start Is Slow
From a slow start in the first
half, the tilt developed Into a
race horse ball game midway of
the second heat. Two and a half
minutes ticked by as the game
enfolded before anything dropped
in. Merryman's gifter broke the
ice only momentarily, and the
boys flipped in vain until Bill
Anton tossed a one-hander with
7 minutes gone. The first
quarter score was 4-3 for the
Howard Eberly, lanky forward,
combined with Anton to stave
off the efforts of Conkling,
Courtney and Patterson and give
the Bearcats a meagre 14-11
edge at halftime.
Pace Gets Torrid
The pace got torrid as the sec
ond half opened, jumping-Jack
Chuck Patterson tripping the
nets with a pivot shot and a
charity point on Anton's foul to
tic It up 14-14. Merryman poked
in a flat-footed, one-hander to
nullify Flavel's gifter and put
the Oilers out In front, 16-14,
for the first time since early In
the first quarter.
Quesseth, Eberly and Kolb
kept the Beat cats from two to
three points ahead for the next
five minutes. Though Chuck Pat
terson fouled out of the -game,
with Flavel converting n his.
fcurth infraction to put the
Maplemen out in front -7-24,
Art Merryman immediately drew
three gift tosses on a pair of
fouls that sent Quesseth to the
showers. Merryman canned all
three to knot the count at 27-27
with nine minutes gone.
'Cats Go Ahead
Flavel twisted in for a one-
hander, Merryman pocketed
another free toss of Catherwood's
infraction, and Gallaher swished
a long one to put a 31-28 score
In favor of the Bearcats on . ie
beard at the three-quarter nark
With Kolb, Catherwood, Specht
and Gallaher scoring seven points
between them while Merryman
and Conkling were scoring four,
the count stood 38-32 with five
minutes left. Maple inserted his
tri of veterans, Anton, Eberly
and Skopil, and they traded free
tosses with the Oilers for the
ensuing three minutes. rayley
canned a pair for the Oilers, An
ton one for the 'Cats and Mer
ryman missed two. Kolb and Eb
erly each sank cripples to put
the earns away at 43-35 "1th a
minute to go.
Quick baskets by Rayley and
Merryman and Kolb's free throw
on Merryman s intentional i-
fractlon put the final, 44-39,
score on the board.
It was the second straight win
for the Bearcats, who trounced
Bradford's Clothiers 43-28 in
their first start. Thursday night
Willamette plays the Pacific
Packards, last year's state AAU
Kolb, t 2
Eberly. f
Gallaher. f 2 0 0
Anton, c
Flavel, c .
Skopil, g . . ,
Robertson, g
Specht, g . .
Quesseth, g
Totals 16 12 If
Joe Bonn, 180, Gervais.
Paul Morris, 180, Seattle.
8 Rounds
(Four Rounds)
Al Nosaek, Gervais, vs. George
Goodman, Salem; Leo Wandrea.
Independence, vs. Scotty Camer
on, Salem; Tony Kahut,- Wood
burn, vs. Chuck Terry, Cottage
Grove; Paul Smith, Hubbard, vs.
Bobby Arnold, Salem.
Oregon's ex-h eavywelght
champ. Tiny Cooper of Hubbard,
points his mitts at a comeback
tonight in Salem's armory, with
Paul Williams, one-time sparring
partner of Joe Louis and Jack
Sharkey, the immediate object of
his lack of affection.
Williams Has Edge
The bout Is over the 10-round
route, with Leo "Frisco" Ed
wards the master of ring cere
monies. Williams, 200-pound ne
gro, comes from Chicago via Gust
Wests' Seattle fight barn. He's
reported to be a rugged, two-
handed punchers and is given the
edge over the Hubbard hurricane
tonight, chiefly because Cooper
has been on the "retired" list tor
better than a year.
Bonn Meets Morris
Salem fisticuff followers anti
cipate a whale of a battle in the
semi-wlndup match that features
their favorite, Joe Bonn, against
Seattle's Johnny Morris. Bonn's
following, a following gained by
the Gervais puncher's ability to
stow opponents In the daisy patch.
believes Morris will be the tough
est assignment he has yet faced.
Four prelims,- billing local boys
who are seeking advancements on
the ring ladder, finish the card.
These are all four - rounders.
bringing the card to a 34-round
The bouts begin at 8:30.
... 0
... 0
... 1
... 1
Bearcats' All-Star
Snubs Conference
Three football gents. Vallos of
Santa Barbara, Price of Whitman
and Enzler of Portland U, were
unanimously placed on the Bear
cat all-opponent team announced
But three Northwest conference
players were placed by the 'Cats,
Halfbacks Gilman and Pangle of
Pacific making it along with Whit
man's star guard. Price.
Here's how the 'Cats picked
1st Team 94 Ttaai
O' II a gen. Port. V. LE Baectta, Pacific
Palmer, 8. Barbara LT Meagher, Port. U
Valloi, B. Barbara I.O Morrl, Marine
Liiter, Port. U .C Neely, CPS
Price, Whitman ..RG.. Marsico, CPS
Roblc. If arises BT fielder. Idaho
Maaaeaa, 8. Barbara RE Cook. Uarinea
HoBowiti. Mar. Q Scaneidmilier, Wait
unman, Pacific ,.LH.. Maloney, Port U
Ptaile, Pacific ..RH... Hippi, LinfieU
Fszier, Port. U F. Westcott, Port. U
Parks, f .
Reynolds, f . ... .
Conkling, f ... .
Rayley, f ..
Pattersonc . . i.
Courtney,- "gr.. ., ... .
Mcrrrmin.' r . .
TcW ..12 15 10
Free - throws missed: Merry
mna, Conkling 2; Courtney, Sko
pil, Anton, Eberly 1.
Oficials: Max Allen and Tom
Cubs Swap Giants
A&Trading Opens
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 6-WP-Manager
Gabby Hartnett. in a
move to rebuild the National
league champion Chicago Cubs,
swapped off Shortstop Billy Jur
ges. Catcher Ken O'Dea and Out
fielder Frank Demaree today to
the New York Giants for hard
hitting Outfielder Hank Lieber,
Catcher Gua Mancuso and Short
atop Dick Baftell.
The deal was completed with
the Giants" Bill Terry here tonight
on the eve of the 37 th annual con
vention of the ' National Asaocia
t i o n of Professional - Baseball
Leagues, traditionally the scene
of a flurry of winter trading.
Throughout the day Terry had
hnddled with a number of dele
gates, giving rise to the possibili
ty of the Giants formulating a
working agreement with New Or
leans of the Southern association.
y The rumor wheel also said
Frankle Frlsch, former St Louis
Cardinal manager. Was slated ei
ther to take over managership of
Five Axemen Gain
All-Opponent Spot
Five of Eugene's Axemen, the
team that ended their victory
string, were picked by the Salem
high Viking footballers on their
all-opponent team yesterday.
The all-opponent team: Lem
mon, Corvallis. and Johnson, Eu
gene, ends; Bodner and Elliott,
Eugene, tackles; Bradshaw, Mil
waukie, and Bishop, Eugene,
guards; Torgerson, Silverton, cen
ter; Huckleberry, Tillamook,
quarten Boe, Milwaukie and Rob
ertson, Eugene, halfback; and
Parker, Astoria, flulback.
Honorable mention went to
Urel, BJork and Danielsoa of As
toria, Truax of Corvallis, Bailey
of Oregon City, Ramsey of MI1-
waukie and Fiske of Albany.
"Bill" Cissell Sold
To Hollywood Club
NEW YORK, Dec 6-tVpV-In ad
dition to their three-for-three
player deal with the Chicago Cubs.
the New York : Giants today an
nounced that Chalmer (Bill) Cis
sell, veteran second baseman, had
been sold to the Hollywood club
of the Pacific Coast league on a
straight cash deal. Cissell was se
cured from Baltimore last season
as "insurance" after Burgess
Whitehead failed to attain playing
, Game Plans Dropped
- SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. -P-Plans
of the San Jose State col
lege to hold a post-season football
game here Dec 28 were dropped
! New Orleans or Join the Giants today. Graduate Manager Gil
. - .... . ... . .
as coaco,. iiisaoy announcea.
Paul Morris
Tinv CooBer
Hubbard Man
Hits Comeback
Big Chicago Negro First
Opponent on Cooper's
Battling List
Tiny Cooper, 180, Hubbard.
Paul Williams. 200, Chicago.
10 Rounds
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, December 7, 1938
fl If jTiH
JDignts Ld
oan Toni
. I
l nf a -r. ' vv'
I a
tti . .,: I a . nil
He swings 'em against Joe Bonn
in the semi-final of the Vets'
armory card tonight. The Seat
tle negro, who exactly matches
Bonn's 180-pound scaling, is
expected to give the Gervais
youth the biggest batch of ring
trouble of bis career.
Dan Poulin, who last year was
admitted to bowlers' heaven when
he picked up a perfect "300"
game on the Bowl-Mor alleys,
last night narrowly missed a re
peat on the Perfection maples.
Poulin bowled nine straight
strikes but with the crowd surg
ing around' him could get but a
spare on his tenth frame and a
279 score. He was bowling for
Cline's against Parker's in the
City league.
Had he hit that tenth strike he
would have received a diamond
medal from the American Bowl
ing congress.
woodet ruBMiToaa CO.
Cm 201 1SS 158 528
Hart 148 157 181 8
Vaileraiix .188 1 181470
Swan 200 187 224 511
Q. Woodrr , 171 187 18 547
Tetals 888 822 934 263
Handle 14 14 14 43
Thrash 184 210 204 50S
Laraea - 171 144 189504
Kdwardi i 103 175 185 443
Patteron -.187 195 ; 159 541
Steinboca 157 202 222581
.816 940 953 2709
Kitchen 178 17 223 577
F. Foreman 205 15 171532
C. Foreman 168 160 144 472
Olina-er 179 177856
Adolph , 158 151 SO
Bone 139 160 299
Totala 848 822 875 2545
Ha man
161 175
147 156
156 45
799 877 894 2570
Whita . 185 165 180530
Phillip 2and S 184 169 851
1S1 131
Miller 188 182 189559
Karr , ifft 188 230544
Jeanincs 192 18S 192 567
Total 869 858 960 2684
Cliae. jr. 192 167 168527
Mardock 135 151 173 459
Bnreh 192 170 168 530
Hoflnnd 1H ITS 159 468
Austin 222 176 175571
Total ...
872 844 845 S557
Hartwell 200 286 167603
Phillip 147 . 147
Cltna 210 194404
Poulin 169 201 219649
Kertaoa 141 201 189531
Teanc 212 198 178 581
.869 1041 1007 2917
Kobba .
Victor .
46 4
180 168
.160 166
156 17T
.140 179
190 180
46 136
ISO 523
208 534
187 502
3D 8 527
Total -.-
.872 981 979 2782
C. Bump
E. Smidt
. Caldwell
U. Sannder
Totala ..
177 153
162 165
.,, 172
161. 157
131 168
170 497
135 470
....794 815 797 2406
Koch . -.167 169 171507
Gny 140 168 154461
Kliarer 118 1S6 159443
PatteraOK 150 178 ISO SOS
Julian 157 171 493
.73 S3S 835 2410
Lazzeri Is Given
Release by Cubs
CHICAGO, Dec -iP)-Tony
Laxieri received a birthday pres
ent from the Chicago Cubs today
a requested one which ended
his puzzling one-year connection
with the National league club.
The taciturn veteran, J 4 years
old today, who spent the ltss
season as a Cub utility In fielder
and pinch hitter after more than
a decade of stardom with the New
York Yankees, sent owner P. K.
Wrigley the following wire: "Am
making formal request for re
lease, appreciate same." To which
Wrigley immediately replied:
, From his home near San Fran
cisco, Lazzeri said he had "four
or five offers" to play with major
league teams and expects.' to ac
cept one within a vreek. What he
wants to do, he said, 'Ms play
none of this sitting on the bench
for me,
Leslie Quintet
Lacks Stature
Flesher Squad Hag Only
Pair of Six-Footers,
Rest Midgets
Light, limber and lacking ex
perience, but eager, willing and
learning last. That about sums
up the Leslie basketball squad re
ceiving daily attention from Coach
Gurnee Flesher despite the open
ing game being a month or so
Blidget Material '
With all of his crack quint that
last year pushed Parrish to, the
final gun in a playoff tilt for the
championship graduated into sen
ior high. Coach Flesher will. rely
chiefly on the "mldgety" eighth
grade five of last season, defeated
but twice.
On hand from' last year's
championship eighth grade team
are: Pete Swaggert and Wally
Gemmell, forwards; Dick Hatha
way, Morris Holt and Fred Vis-
naw, centers; Clarence Applegate,
Jerry Williams, Donald Shur and
Warren Downs, guards.
Maybe More
Two other youngsters expected
to make bids for the team are Ar
nold Kelly, eighth-grader of this
year, and Lloyd Straw, a left
hander who didn't turn out last
Visnaw, Hathaway and Holt
boast all the height on the squad,
with lsnaw and Hathaway at
the six-foot mark and Holt but an
inch shorter. Outside of this trio,
all potential pivoters, the Leslies
are a sawed-off crew.
By Jack Sords
"TAe AfeW ibRK
14 Are in Running
For Hank Varsity
35 Boys Still in Hopes of
Getting on First or
Bee Squad
Though 35 youngsters are still
Ivieing for positions on the two
and "B" squads. Coach Harold
Hauk last night announced but
14 still in the running for the var
Seniors who are unable to
make the first 10 will be dropped
from basketball entirely, Hauk
said, while sophomores and Jun
iors not able .to cut the mustard
at present will be shoved down to
the Bee squad from which they
may be elevated later in the sea
son. Page Impressive
Particularly impressed have
Coaches Hauk and Cranor been
with the work of diminutive
Frank Page, a youngster who saw
service in but two Bee team games
last year. Barnlck, a guard who
played but little with the Bee
string last year, and Russell Set
ter, a six-foot, three-inch center
who couldn't make the Bee string
last year, have also shown prom
ise. Named by Hauk as "still in the
running" include: Sebern, Page.
Kernes, Medley, Salstrom, Wil
son, Mudd and McKee at for
wards: Gosser. Satter and Cham
bers at center; Barnlck, McRae,
Quackenbush and Taylor at
Ten men will be retained on
the varsity squad under Hauk.
with a like number being relega
ted to the Bee squad under Cranor.
Bearkittens Gain
Win Over Dragons
The Bearkittens had a narrow
squeak last night, Coach Dwight
Adams Dallas five pushing them
to the final gun before they
bagged a 23 to It win.
Ken Lilly again paced the 'Kit
tens, bagging 12 points, while
Low, Dallas guard, gathered S. It
was a nip and tuck battle from
beginning to end, with the half
time score favoring the Bearkit
tens 8-7.
19, Dallas
t, Dornhecker
1, M. Peters
1, Jackson
8, Low
2, Williams
for Bearkittens:
Bearkittens, 23
Daggett, C
Hill, 1
Lilly, if
Ragsdale, 2
Lowe, 2. For Dallas: A. Peters, 1.
Maple Loses Star
Basketball Tosser
"Happy' Howard Maple was
sad yesterday. But he had ample
reason. " ;
Bob White, aggressive forward
oa Coach Maple's Bearcat basket
ball brigade, and who was expect
ed to take care of a lot of back
board work in the Maple system
yesterday underwent an appendix
operation and is probably out for
the season.
White, who was stricken about
2: a. m. -yesterday morning, was
operated ob at 1 p. m. at the Sa
lem General. The LaGrande
youngster's condition .was report'
ed by hospital attendants ; 9
Wrestling Tournament at Salem Hi
Reveals Many Prospects for Viking
Mat Team to Coach Vernon Gilmore
Two days of competition in the week-long, all-school
wrestling tournament has revealed at least five outstanding:
prospects for the Viking varsity wrestling team, according
to Coach Vern Gilmore, who is staging the tourney.
Three sophomores, Harland England, Dusty Rhodes
and Warren Miles, and a pair of juniors! Bob Lemon and Cy
Williams, are the quintet GilmoreO
names as most likely to make the
varsity team.
Today quarter - final matches
will be held in the 125 and 135
pound classes, and semi-final
matches in the 95, 105, 115, 145,
155 pound divisions. Thursday
semi-finals are scheduled for the
125, 135, 1S5 and heavyweight
divisions, and finals in the 95,
105, 11S and 125-pound classes.
Friday finals will be held in the
135, 145, 155, 165 and heavy
weight divisions.
Results to date:
Monday F o r s t e r, 115, fall
over Harriman; Barrett, 125, de
clsioned Murdoch; Rhodes, 125,
declsloned Thomas: Spalding,
135, declsloned McClaln; Jack
son, 135, fall over Leek in 2S
seconds; Willard ,135, fall over
Baton in 33 seconds; Summers,
140, declsloned Stelnka; Wil
liams, 145, declsloned Dalke;
Lemon, 145, fall over Blake In
2:50; Wilkinson, 155, fall over
Dalke in 29 seconds; Bedding
field. 155. fall over Putnam In 55
seconds; Miles, 155, fall over Dab
len in 2:42.
Tuesday Sun, 105, declsloned
Verhagen; Bower, 105, decl
sloned Humphries; Kaneko, 125,
fall over Castle in 1:05; Bosten,
125, fall over Leek in 2:20; RI
chards, 125, declsloned Barrett;
White, 135, faU over Rice in
2:52; Willard, 135, declsloned
O'Brien; Rhodes, 125, fall over
Frants in 1:07; England, 145.
fall over Baker in 1:15; Sum
mers, 145, fall over Wilson in 3
minutes; Lemon, 145, fall over
Williams in 2:20; Pyshney, 145,
declsloned Armstrong; Hofstet
ter, 145, fall over Gemmell in
2:19; Wilkinson, 155, declsloned
Hunt; Miles, 155, declsloned
Feller's Fast One
(Auto, not Pitch)
Brings Him Worry
DES MOINES, Iowa, Dee. 6-(Jf)
-Bob Feller's fast driving troubles
today promised to carry over in
the courts into the major league
baseball training season. ,
Turned dowa by Governor Nel
son G. Kraschel in aa effort to re
gain his driver's license, the Iowa
farm boy pitching ace of the
Cleveland Indians said he would
take his case t othe Iowa sapreme
Bob said his schedule In the
knlf e-and-fork banquet league
makes a car a, necessity.
"I need my license so I can
drive," he said ruefully. "I am
doing a lot of speaking now."
Whether; Feller rightfully can
appeal the lower court decision
now that he has paid his 1100
fine, was the subject of debate
among IOwa attorney general staff
members today. The discussion
centered around the possibility
that the payment ' might bare
closed the case.
21 Salem Gridders
Given Monograms
Ten of Lettermen Return
Next Year ; Nelson Sole
3-Time Winner
Twenty-one Viking footballers.
10 of whom will be back for next
year's campaign, earned the block
"S" this year. Coach Harold Hauk
announced yesterday.
Captain "Boomer" Butch Nel
son was the only three-stripe win
ner of the 21, and Tom Williams,
tackle, the only two-stripe earner.
For the rest it was the first let
, Letter earners who graduate
were: Carl Bates, Bill Carroll,
Glenn DeLapp, Bob Duke, Jack
Hannaman, Eugene Jarris, , Jim
Leedy, Stuart Nelson, Oscar Paul
son, Eugene. Wickham and Tom
Letter winners' back for anoth
er year include: Bill Butte, Larry
Doerfler, Ray Gottfried, Lester
Pearmlne, Bill Shlnn, Bill Thomp
son, David Traglio, Vernon Wads-
worth, Don Waller and Ed Yada.
Elect new Teacher ,
Magness has been elected to
teach the . Wheatland school, to
succeed 4Iiss Lorabelle Mitchell
of Daytoa. Mrs. Ivan ? Gnbser Subs, for Oregon City
taught the school last week. son 4. Streblg 2.
Inky Boe Tops
League Scores
Waller and Nelson Second
in No-Name Loop List
of Point-Getters
Only Milwaukie's fleet half
back. Ingvard "Inky" Boe, out
scored Vikings Don Waller and
Butch Nelson in the No-Name
league scoring race.
Sophomore Don Waller, scoring
nine touchdowns aad one conver
sion for a total of 65 points, land
ed in second position. He finished
but 7 points ahead of his team
mate. Nelson, who scored 7 touch
downs and 6 conversions for 48
Shortest touchdown dash of
Waller's nine was a 9 -yard scam
per against Oregon City. Longest
was a 68-yard gallop against Til
lamook. Waller's touchdown ram
ble averaged 40 yards Tor each
of the nine.
No-Name Individual scoring:
Td. Conv. Total
Boe, Mllwaukie .13 s
Waller, Salem 9 1
Nelson, Salem .. .. 7 5
Robertson, Eugene 7 1
Lemmon, Corvallis & 0
Cougiil, Eugene 4 3
Andrus, Tillamook 3 2
Shear,-Eugene . 3 0
Bates, Salem 2 1
Foidei, Milwaukie .. 2 0
Prater, McMinnv. 2 0
Hays, Tillamook 1 1
Ramsey, Milwaukie - 1
Ecklund, Milwaukie 1 7
Evans, Salem I 1
Toal. Oregon City 1 1
Doerfler, Salem 1 0
Jones, Milwaukie 1 0
Richardson, Milw... 1 0
Christensen, Tills. 1 0
Leatherberry, O. C. 1 0
Freeman. O. C 1
Burns, Milwaukie .. 1 0
Pearmlne, Salem .. 1 0
Shlnn, Salem 1 0
Brunlck, Milwaukie 0 .3
Morgan, Eugene 0 2
Donnelly, McMinnv. 0 1
Falkner, Milwaukie 0 1
Streaberg. O. C. 0 1
Traglio, Salem . 0 1
Owens, Salem .... 0 1
Milwaukie (Safety)
Tillamook (Safety)
Coast Conference
Prolongs Meeting
Football Schedules for
Next two Years to Be
PALM SPRINGS, Calif., Dee.
6.-CTV-Coafronted with a mase of
routine affairs, officials of the Pa
cific coast conference prolonged
their meeting tonight to take up
the football schedules for the
next two years after hearing that
the University of Southern Cali
fornia would defend the National
Collegiate Athletic association
track and field championship as
host school next June 16-18.
The coaches group adopted one
measure calling for a change in
the rule covering fouls on a
kicked ball. The recommenda
tion, to be placed before the na
tional rules committee, would
penalize the defending team 15
yards from the point of the foul
Instead of loss of the balL
Director of Athletics Willis O.
Hanter of USC. announced that
the Trojan track team would de
fend Its NCAA A A title this spring
as well as its NSCC championship.
Track dates approved included
the conference meet at Seattle
May 19-20, a tentative date of
June 10 for the big ten-coast meet
at Berkeley and the Fresno relays
May 13.
In other sports, the basketball
campaign in both northern aad
southern divisions will be con
cluded March 3-4 and the title
playoff between the two will te
March 10, 11, 13.
Chemawa Braves
Down Oregon fifty
CHEMAWA Scalpcane and
Woundedeye hemped " 10 points
each to lead Coach Jerry Gastla
eau's Braves to I 10 to 2 9 win
over the Oregon City Pioneers at
Oregon City Tuesday night.
. The game was close aad torrid
throughout, the invading Indians
holding but a 17-15 edge over the
Pioneers at balftime.
The Indian second team drop
ped a 38215 decision to Oregon
City's seconds. .
Chemawa SO
Scalpcane 10
Backbone ft
Woundedeye 19
Shoulderblade 2
SO Oregoat City
7 Boyce
4 O'Brtea
4 Talner
4 Newton
4 McKenzie
I V . J
S2 Uoracadc
G Bocatto
ISO lbs.-Habhard 200 lbs. - Seattle
173 lbs. - Gervais ; . ISO Iba. - Seattle
Ringside $1.00; General 75c Also 4 Snappy 4-Roaad Boats
Balcony 50c; Ladies and Students 25c sponsored nr