The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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    RPonT npnnno
This Is the year a duke becam
king overnight, as far as the Rost
Bowl , papas were concerned.
While lb A. fana have howled dis
approval ot the selection of the
Tobacco Roadists for the little old
Pasadena tussle, They'd beller if
El Trojan had invited the Horned
Frogs, Tennessee, Duke and the
Skiboes to scamper a quarter each
against their wooden war horse.
Personally I think the Trojan
brain department is to be highly
commended on its selection for a
Rose Bowl opponent, especially in
getting the biz over promptly and
with dispatch.' Can you, mister,
think of any team playing a rep
resentative schedule in recent
years that hasn't been scored on
once daring that schedule?
When a team like Pitt's Pan
thers, rated by eastern experts as
the most powerful offensive ma
chine In the US, (which automat
ically takes in the whole globe,
can't score against 'em the Dukers
must have something in the way
of a defense. .
- o '
Action the Key.
Yes, they undoubtedly have.
That Is what Is mainly nt irking
In the collective craw of Archie
and Agnes Fan of Los Angeles.
Archie and Agnes, and even lit
tle Eggbert, had their hearts
set on seeing the Christians of
Texas In action. Get It? Action.
That's the. key word. Action.
Somehow or other I. A. foot
ball fans are almost as tinman
as their cousins hereabouts.
They don't relish, though they'll
fill the Tasadena bowl to its
rim, watching their Trojan
troops butting their heads
against a stone wall all after
noon come Jan. 2. What they'd
much rather see is Davie
O'Brien whipping passes to all
parts of the rectangle, "Gran
ny" Lansdell doing likewise,
and to be more explicit, a wide
open football spectacle In which
-.. tier
LAs Like Local Loyals.
In a way you can't blame Los
Angeles' multitudes. Football be
longs to the paying public In this
era. John Public pays, and is
rightfully Indignant when he does
not see anything but a butting
match for his sheckels. L. A. lay-ers-on-the-line
have as much right
to be disgruntled as were local
loyals who felt that the first three
Quarters of th Oregon-OSC game
in Portland could just as well
been left out.
On the latter score, several Sa
lem SDectatorS tn lout Ratnrriav'a
three-quarter standoff were quick
to second this column's relegation
of those three heats to the "lousy"
Said Don Poujade, local police
radio operator who has more
weird ideas than Orson Welles:
"Though it breaks a precedent I'm
forced to agree "with your senti
ments for once."
Writes Bob Patton, former foot
ball official hereabouts: "I cer
tainly agree with your statement
that the tilt between Oregon and
OSC was lousy. I haven't had the
opportunity of seeing many coast
conferenc e games, this year or
previous years, but as the weather
was perfect this looked like a nat
ural. And was I' disappointed! Not
a thrill In a carload. Looked as if
one was 'scared and the other
'dassen't. It seems as if the only
good football one can see these
days Is during the last five min
utes of the final quarter."
Wade no Stranger.
Coach- Wallace Wade won't
have to ask his way about when
he hits Los Angeles with his to
bacco toughies. The Duke tutor
will be cracking the Pasadena
portals for his fifth time. His
first Rose Bowl appearance was
as m guard on Brqwn univer
sity's 1910 team. Xater, as a
coach, be carried three Ala
bama teams to Pasadena, gain
ing two victories and a tie.
Though there Is something awe
some about a team'that has nego
tiated a nine-game schedule un
rnrct nnnn wtitMi
r M hue uivi-
impressive: Duke's 114 points to
nary a one for, Us nine opponents
or Texas Christian's 254 as against
5 J for the Horned Frogs' ten ad
versaries? Dnke has averaged 12.1
points per game. TCU has ave
raged 25.4. Deducting the 62
polnti scored against them from
their own scoring oclumn, the
Frogs would still have a total of
201 points or an average of 21 per
game to none for the opposition;
Okeh, I'll shut up. Dnke right
fully got the nomination. But,
wouldn't yon like to have seen
those TCU's In a-c-t-i-o-n?
Duck Hunting Was
Best in Interior
PORTLAND, Nov. 30.-y-Cen-tral
Oregon duck hunters surveyed
their limits at the end of the sea
son this week and found them sat
isfactory but coastal sportsmen
said the shooting was the poorest
in years.
Duck and goosehunters In the
Bend and Klamath Falls areas
said the bags were the biggest and
most consistent In several seasons
Except for . the first few days,
about 100 sportsmen tn Clatsop
county returned from the marshes
empty-handed. They said a storm
drove the birds inland.
League Financial .
Problems Solved
SEATTLE, Not. S0-aVPacI-fic
coast hockey league. President
Fred Taylor of Vancouver, B.C.,
said tonight. a meeting of league
officials today "adjusted financial
arrangements to the entire satis
faction of Spokane."
Taylor would not say what ad
justments were made, but it was
understood from other sources
Spokane wm its- request tor 10
per cent of- the gat on road
Tonight's Card
Holds Promise
Bird Subs for Twombley;
Shoulder-blade - Sabbe
Scrap to Be Good
128 lbs, Wally Larlos Vs.
Adam Bird (Main Event)
147 lbs., 8m Shoulderblade
Vs. Walt Sabbe (Semi Final)
180 lbs, Zeb Smith Vs. K.
Falls man
135 !bs, D. rient hoops Vs.
Jack Provo
163 lbs.. Mat Mlrean Vs.
Don Kinsley
147 lbs., Red Arnold Vs. Van
114 lbs, Harold Eastman
Vs. Gordon Harold
160 lbs, H. Redelk Vs. John
118 lbs, Don Snipe Vs. Bob
80- lbs, OAAC entry Vs.
. Clieraawa entry
Though Royal Twombley, the
Oregon Amateur Athletic club of
Portland boy who was to have
fcught Wally Larios in the main
event, cracked a hand in the fi
nals of Seattle's Golden Gloves
tourney Tuesday night and will
bo unable to show, the first local
cmateur card of the season will
go on tonightat the armory, be
ginning at 8:30.
Replacing Twombley on the
card, as Larios opponent, is
Adam Bird of Chemawa. Bird,
with more experience than either
Twombley or Larios, Is expected
to give the latter plenty of
Semi-Final Is Hot
The semi-final bout, featuring
Sammy Shoulderblade and Walte
Sabbe, is expected to be the most
hotly contested on the card.
Shoulderblade, fighting last year
for Chemawa, gave a good ac
count of himself in the vOregon
AAU tourney in Portland. This
year a student at Willamette, he
is fighting out of the local CYO
barn. . Sabbe advanced to the
semi-finals of the Seattle tourna
ment this week.
The final, semi-final and heavy
weight joust, between CYO's Zeb
Smith and an unknown Klamat .
Falls fighter, are all over the
four two-minute rounds route.
The balance of the bouts will be
over the three two-minute rounds
Jeff of Portland
May Get Grid Nod
Few to Be Satisfied When
Final Choice Made for
High School Clash
BATON ROUGE," La., Nov. 30
(iP)-Sponsors of a national cham
pionship high school football
game received arguments from
governors to shoe shine boys to
day urging selection of favorite
teams for the December 31 prep
classic. l
Governor Richard W. Leche is
sponsoring the game. The Loui
siana sports association will se
lect the two teams "not later
than December 10," hut the se
lection committee found its task
growing harder as letters poured
in from backers of strong high
school squads.
Governor Leche received a rec
ommendation from Governor El
mer A. Benson of Minesota that
Creting high of St. Paul, cham
pion Cathotic high school team
of Minnesota, be placed high on
the list ot contenders.
Officials of the sports asso
ciation said the game would be
the first ever staged to decide a
national high school champion.
Standouts among the crack
prep elevens being considered
included Jefferson of Portland,
Brooks- Townies
Defeat Ramblers
Kurre hemped 17 points to lead
the Brooks Townies to a 54 to 30
basketball victory over the Capt
tola Ramblers Tuesday night.
Both clubs are in the market
for ball games. Prospects may con
tact Daryl Colwell for games with
the Ramblers, and Jack Steiger.
phone 9922 of Brooks.
Ramblers (SO) (54) Brooks
Pro 2 6 B. Gallagher
Satter 8 8 Batchelor
James 6 ,17 Kurre
Wilkinson 9 10 Steiger
Clark 2 4 R. Gallagher
Subs, for Ramblers: Colwell 4.
For Brooks; Lowry 2, Ramp 5,
Jensen .
Alpha Psi Winner
In 'Mural Tussle
Alpha Psi .Delta yesterday
trounced Sigma Tau 4 matches to
2 in Willamette intramural table
tennis play to continue as the
league's only unbeaten team.
Results :
Singles-Dan Moses beat Art Ol
son 21-9, 21-; Bill Anton lost to
Otto Wilson 21-14, 11-21, 18-21;
Wayne Brainard beat Bill Kilken
ny 21-17, 21-11; Gordy William
son beat George LaBatta 21-8,
21-8; Dean Tate lost to Tom Hill
10-21, 11-21.
Doubles Moses and Brainard
beat Olson and Kilkenny 19-21,
21-24, 2118.
" New Barn Finished
PIONEER William This ales
Monday completed building a new
Big Ten Scans
Rose Bowl Bid
Monopoly on Selection Is
Possible; Would Add
to Its Prestige
CHICAGO, Nov. 30-P)-A pos
sible monopoly on Rose Bowl foot
ball games through an arrange
ment which would confine the
event to battles between Big Ten
and Pacific coast teams will be
discussed by western conference
athletic representatives who to
morrow will open their annual
December meeting.
Pacific coast conference author
ities have let it be known that
their attitude toward the idea Is
favorable, and several Big Ten
athletic directors see good points
in such a reciprocal agreement
one similar to the annual track
and field meet In which teams
from the two big conferences now
annually engage. -
The principal drawback, as one
athletic director pointed out, is
that Big Ten teams have to con
tinue practice through cold, Bnowy
weather before playing the contest
in midsummer temperatures. No
bis Kizer, Purdue's athletic direc
tor, has suggested that the Rose
Bowi game be advanced, possibly
to an early December date.
One argument advanced for the
idea is that It would eliminate
much bickering which often
marks selection of an eastern or
southern opponent. Southern
California will meet Duke in the
bowl extravaganza January 2, but
many California fans had hoped
Texas Christian would get the in
Athletic directors and football
coaches meet tomorrow, with ex
ecutives of other sports slated to
get together Friday and Saturday,
Dr. Eddie Anderson, newly signed
Iowa football coach, will be wel
comed by his new colleagues. Bob
Zuppke, still football coach at Il
linois as the result of timely sup
port by illini trustees who refused
to accept the resignation he gave
to the athletic board. Is certain to
come in for many congratulatory
Leslie Gridsters
Hold Annual Feed
Team's Record. Wins and
Sportsmanship, Gains
Speakers' Jraise
N Vitamin yardage was digested
in generous proportions and no
offsides penalties were Imposed,
as 28 Leslie gridders were ban
queted at the Quelle cafe last
Guests, all of whom lauded the
team and Coaches Lloyd Glrod.
Gurnee Flesher and Bob Swisher
for their season's showing, both
in the percentage and sportsman
ship columns. Included: Superin
tendent of Schools Silas Gaiser:
Mrs. LaMoine Clark, retiring prin
cipal; R, W. Tavenner, principal
elect; Vern Gilmore, director of
athletics; and Dr. L. E. Barrlck.
Coach Glrod, who leaves Leslie
to become principal of Richmond,
heartily endorsed the 1938 club as
the best he has ever coached.
Roland Haag, who was the stel
lar pivoter of the second-place
club In the intramural circuit, act
ed as spokesman .for the boys.
SONS Win Opener
By Margin of On,e
ASHLAND, Ore., Not. 30-(tf)
-The Southern Oregon Normal
school basketball squad opened Its
practice session with a 33 to 32
victory over Signal Oil of Klam
ath Falls tonight. Sether, SONS,
scored 11 points, while BuUion,
SONS, and Bishop, Oilers, tied
with 10 each.
He's Still Double Champion
1 I
Th hand of Henry Armstrong, of Calif crida, Is raised la tokaef victory
iter h successfully defended his world's welterweight title ia New York,
against Cef etino Card a, who is at right. Armstrong is also holder of th
world's lifctweight championship. .
Shoots 'em in Semi
Slugging Sammy Shonderblade, 147-pound Indian who last year
fought under the Chemawa colors. Tonight Sammy wears CYO
trunks In a four-roojid semi-wlndup boat against Walt Sabbe of
Portland's OAAC.
Kokko, Gregg Boys, Hansen, Leavins
And McGinnis Are Among Notables
Coming for Friday's Hoop Opener
Some talented casaba tossers make ud the Bradford
Clothier's crew which faces "Happy" Howard Maple's Bear-
i. i l a l ii a l n , .
cat uasiteiuauers in me initial
sle here tomorrow night.
En toto they are :
Don Hansen, ex-Lincoln
star; Harom Salvador, ex-L.mcoino
high and Portland's amateur golf
champ in 1937; George Kokko,
lanky pivoter from Astoria who
was last seen in action here during
the 1935 state high school tour
ney; Paul McGinnis, ex-TJnlver-sity
of Portland captain; E. and A.
Gregg, ex-Jefferson high hoopers:
Maurie Stremlck, ex-Oregon Nor
mal; and Don Leavins, last year's
SONS sparkplug.
, It's a double-billing beginning
at 7:30 tomorrow night, with the
rookie contingent of Maple's var
sity facing Coach Jerry Gastin
eau's Chemawas in a preliminary.
Mesdames and misses will be ad
mitted free, and the tax on trous
ered fans has been cut to a new
low. Coach Maple announces.
Seniors Win out
In Hoop Tournfey
Salem high Seniors yesterday
captured the lnterclass basketball
championship by besting the Jun
iors 24 to 23 in a hard-fought tilt
Jack BurriS led the Seniors with
12 points.
Seniors (24) - (23) Juniors
Chambers S 2 McKee
Burris 12 1 Kerns
Wilkenson 4 6 Cameron
Hinges 2 - 2 Henery
Paige 1 2 Barnick
9 Medley
Rifle Tourney Looms
SPOKANE, Nov. 3 0-UP-Forty
six rifle clubs from Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Montana
will start the seventh annual la
land empire telegraphic small
bore rifle tournament Sunday.
...-JC Ml' :. : ;;-:; X
Salom Hrannii TknJ If 2 v a - - n n
v4i6" xuuisudy morning, aiecemoer l, 1938
on Amateur Card
cuiiegia te noop-ana-nemp tus
high and all-city of Portland
"cuff pabjker-s
Petarsoa 164 151 202 517
Htndru 1J 159 131419
Blatchford 155 124 15 435
Lindtrn 155 155 155 465
H&ncUcap S S S 18
TotU 609 595 650 1854
hash rmmrvKE co.
Jennint 128 148 147421
C. Heath 131 150 172 453
B. Coon l 187 159 172498
Jorejird 118 144 152412
ToUla 542 599 643 1784
GIUfhr 170 162 152 481
Lam 126 17 16 432
Menmis 133 141 185450
Cli, jr.
.146 214 160 520
.189 155 179523
Totals 764 809 836 2409
Clark 195 1 65 1 65 525
Kiekara 1AJ 15S 126 112
Farmer .
-.149 159 106414
162 230 159 551
160 202 153 515
ZS 22 22 6
Totali f21 931 7J1 2483
(Perfection Alleys)
woopBuajr xotabt
Rebner .191 149 123463
Bash 10 159 188 425
Koilinj 208 161 136 600
K. O. Zbaor 209 165 158 532
Smith 136 S23 181 540
Totali 869 857 731 3460
Handicap . 37 37 37 111
Arebart 150 126 162468
Witteabercer 99 129 103830
Pawall . 128 120 160408
Ball 153 150 148451
Forward 200 185 129 514
Total 767 747 738 S252
Elliott 171 209 151 531
Vaa Fattaa
150 176 123 449
200 180 161 541
209 190 158556
199 135 174508
C-eorte .
Tatals 926 890 767 2585
Aadartoa 153 135 193481
Brfer 134 176
Greese, jr.
04 152 172 528
.151 144 145 440
.160 132 181 123
5 85 65 195
Totala 867 S04 836 2S07
Haadlea 28 28 28 84
Kickctti 125 160 206 501
Sillnr - 19 130 144402
Kajer 148 147 154449
Boeach 184 127 147408
Mclia 144 134 144 422
Totali .707 726 823 2256
HeAfea ; 159 158 122 439
Pabnaleer " 146 103 860
Herwood 158 180 120 453
Canninfhsm 159 167 117 443
Ayer . 117 173 146436
ToJaU ..699 824 70S 2131
Klatt . ,.. .,, 157 114 167 438
Daniel 14t 114 139402
Greet! 130 142 151423
Bockmaa ..160 109 165434
Lorealaf 115 141 181437
Total 711 620 803 2134
Haadieay SO 30 30 00
Klemka . ,, 161 158 174488
Mapos 154 180 143429
Xn , , L . i 1a 201 145 534
MeCtarr , , , 14 159 435
Waitehonaa 128 120 187880
Totals 800 V68 788 2356
B. Bnrrell 159 198 124486
KiftoU 127 173 115515
Gribblo i 195 168 157 445
J. BtemU 124 161 146431
aUajtiag 146 185 167 198
Totali .LS81 880 , 809 2370
Haadieay . ..... 116 115 115 - 845
Kit 2 8 158' 186422
FiHe 187 124 118424
146 110 125381
la 15S 148475
, ,.,214 106 10 510
.959 771 827 2557
el ' - - " " ' , ' i - -
Troy Hopes to
Vanquish Irish
Starting Backfield Same
aa Year Ago; Carnegie
Sugar Bowl Choice
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 30--Eight
Southern California Tro
jan football players who started
the game against Notre Dame
last rear will be in the lineup
when the whistle blows for the
Irish-USC intersections! clash
here Saturday.
Three other Trojans who got
into the game in 1937 will round
out the starting eleven, judging
by Indications today aa Coach
Howard Jones schooled the team
for the coming battle.
The same starting backfield
will so Into immediate action
Saturday for the second strate-hr
year against the Irish. The four
are Grenville Lansdell at quar
terback, blocking Bob Hoffman
at left half, Red Morgan at right
nair, and Bill Sangster at full
back. Notre Dame remained the bet
ting favorite today, but the Tro
jans' supporters, keyed Into wild
eyed fervor over th Rnnn Rnwl
date with Duke, clung tenaciously
10 nopes or a victory over the
South Bend team.
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 30-(P)-Bie
Bill Kern, the stogie-chewr
ing coach who in two years lift
ed Carnegie Tech from the foot
ball shadows Into the glare of
the : post-season bowl spotlight,
received a victor's toast today.
The selection of Texas Chris
tian and Carnegie to clash in the
Sugar Bowl at New Orleans Jan
uary 2, fulfilled the fondest
hopes of Kern and his team. "We
wanted to play Texas Christian
wherever they played," Kern
Prospects Better
Tor Cone's Quint
Turnout Is Boosted to 30,
With Tall Arch Nelson
Among Aspirants
WOODBURN The haakathall
turnout at Woodburn high school
was increased from 20 to 3ft this
week when members of the foot
ball team took to' the maple
boards. Coach Cone will probably
cut the squad aoon to 20, 10 ot
wnom will be Bee team players.
Several good nrosnects mad a
their opening appearance for the
nrst time this week and pros
pects nave brightened consider
ably. Archie Nelson, who has had
some . basketball experience, is
the tallest man out, being six
feet, three inches in heirfct. Mr.
lin and Melvin Sprouse have also
put in their initial appearance
to add fire to the team.
The opening game of the sea
son tor tbe 'Dogs will be on
Friday night, December 9, when
Coach Cone will take his hoon-
sters to Mllwaukie for the open
ing or a two game series, the
second to be played on the
Woodburn floor the following
Fourteen WVI league games
hare been arranged for th A-
fending champion Bulldogs, op
ening January 3 with Chemawa
here. The balance ot the league
program Includes January C,
Woodburn at Independence; Jan
uary 10, Silverton at Woodburn;
January 13. Molalla at Wood
burn; January 17, Woodburn at
Dallas; January 20, Woodburn
at Lebanon; January 24,, West
Linn at Woodburn: January 11.
Woodburn at Chemawa; Febru
ary 3, Independence at Wood
burn: February 7. Woodburn at
Silverton; February 10. Wood
burn at Molalla: February 14,
Dallas at Woodburn; February
17. Lebanon at Woodburn: Feb
ruary 24, Woodburn at West
Cougars Repeat
Win Oyer Normal
PULLMAN. Wash., Nov. 30-
yp-Using nearly three- full
teams, the Washington State
Cougars powerhoused the Lewis
ten Normal basketball team here
tonight for a 52 to 25 victory
in a pre-season exhibition game.
It was'the Cougars second vie-'
tory of the week over the Nor
mal squad. N
Coach Jack Frlel, working to
build his conference squad, sent
in WSC substitutes five at a
time, using a total of 14 men.
Vern Butts, WSC sophomore.
was high scorer with 10 points.
Baldock Is Given
Pan-American Bid
R. H. . Baldock. state highway
engineer, Wednesday received an
invitation from Thomas H. Mae-
Donald, chief ot the bureau ot
public roads, to accept member
ship in the United States delega
tion to attend the Pan-American
Highway congress to be held at
Santiago, Chile, next January. .
Baldock indicated that he
would accept the invitation, pro
vided he continues In office next
The state highway engineer
left for Dallas, Tex., last night to
attend tbe annual convention of
the American Association of state
highway officials.
Stratum Better
But Career Ended
After Amputation
DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 30--Raw-boned,
six and a half foot
Monty Stratton, a fellow they lit
erally dragged from a Texas corn
field to major league baseball
fame, has struck out at 25.
One leg, the powerful right leg
f weii
iZ r
fa.? Wi,
Cench Say
A good tool for starting a
hop. Any boy would , b de
lighted to get ens this Xmasl
Eleetrle Motor
Wits Con. Onlr
Operates for less than WtC per
hour at average rates! A record
value. -Buy now save money I
12-inch Jig Saw
Cuts to center of 24" circle
... 2 Inches more than most
others I Table tilta to 45
m at) Krardp
X. Liberty
I 1 Mill II I i
mm . m ti 3a,-v-',
aat-v,-.-.- --r;...--....r.y;J1)BJ(
-." '....J.1. 1 nnami. mm i
.i': ,:- T. 1 . ' x -1
he dug into the" pitcher's box for
the Chicago White Sox ia gone.
His off-season hobby," hunting,
cost him his career. A pistol dan
gling in a scabbard at his hip dis
charged last Sunday as Monty
trudged along looking for rabbits.
The bullet clipped an artery and
physicians amputated his leg 48
hours later.
Hospital attendants said today
Stratton was improving and ap
parently was out of danger.
Sea hawks Beat Clippers
SEATTLE. Nov. 30-UP-The
Seattle Seahawks held off a third
period rush and defeated the hap
less Spokane Clippers 3 to 2 here
tonight in a Pacific Coast leaeue
ice hockey game.
Q. o,Ve ,
a toe
',u r wr
in m i. " t -
'nie.i!:. Merit".
Derwt PUer.
Pi faca Casctty
Band Saw
Does the work of much higher
priced saws I Cots te the center
of a 19-inch circle.
fittosy Vist.SMtorsrfistsl ,
Flexible Shaft
Specially tempered core, cad
mium plated outer casing. 53
inches overall. -
4-Spced Lathe
The ideal gift for the man or
boy whose hobby is woodwork,
uig. 1x27-40. capacity. Value I :
d m jkiws
' i T r i i n in nimiimiiii.T 1 1 .iiy, ,
- rr ri Hi unir-, -- - J