- PAGE TWO NewWardenls Lewis Admirer! Alexander yill Strive to Carry on Work of His"'" Late Predecessor Soft-spoken, youngish George Alexander, who looks several years younger than his 54 years, wants to carry on In the tradition of the late James. W. Lewis when he be comes warden of the state peni tentiary two weeks from today. Alexander, a heavy-set man With. aravlna- hair and hn win gold rimmed glasses, wants to be j strict and fair, traits that caused convicts to call Lewis "Square Deal Jim' To Retain Staff ' The new warden, with 22 tmm of law enforcement experience be- nind him, said he would keep the present- - prison staff. Including Acting Warden E. C. Halley. who win oe Alexander s deputy. The only thing that worries Alexander is whether his 10-year-old daughter will like liTing in the warden's colonial house on the prison grounds. He is afraid it eight affect her adversely. : He is pleasant to talk to. but behind his exterior is a sternness tempered by sympathy. Alexan der believes in trying to rehabili tate criminals, but adds that most rimlnals are beyond redemption when they enter prison walls. . Won't Coddle Criminals "t was raised to believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a iootn.- he said. 'Tor this reason, I believe strongly In capital pun ishment. T don't .believe in coddling criminals, and I have no urmnnlhw for -organizations which do any coddling, some organizations send representatives to call nn nri.nn. ; ers they don't even know. I don't uxe -mat and the convicts don't like- it either." The new job will not be so arrange to Alexander, since he comes in daily contact with" most of the prison staff. Alexander's fondness for the j te warden dates back 16 years wheb Alexander, then Washlnrton county sheriff, brought prisoners . to tne penitentiary, which Lewis then headed. Experience Lengthy Alexander's police career began tn 916 when he was appointed sheriff of Washington county. Two yeare later he was elected sheriff, serving untll 1927 when he was appointed head of the state's pro hibition enforcement officers. Ha held this Job until 1931, then becoming deputy superin tendent -of state police, the Job be now holds. He dislikes politics, his police experience convincing him that politics and police work don't mix. H plans to tour son , in an inspection of state po nce oeiore ne takes over at the penitentiary. Yamhill" County's Relief Funds Ebb McMINNVILLE, Nov. 30-n-Glen- C. Macy. relief committee chairman, said today Yamhill county was "through with relief for the rest of the year" because budgeted funds were exhahstc i and .WPA projects at an end. The last WPA operations, a 50 nun! job at Newberg. will close tk is week. The chairman advised the fconnty court only immediate steps to gain new projects would remedy, the situation. .r;fMtr.tt,d " WM 'mpoasible 'o add the 50 men af v..v... 01 80 Ployables receiv T" direct or indirect relief be cause It would curtail assistance for unemployables. Portland Fugitive Is Captured Here 8alem Officer Hobart Klggins yesterday noon cut abort the wuuam Brnmbough from Portland police, picking the zs-year-old man wanted by Port and police bn charges of assault and robbery, burglary and lar ceny, off the rnmmr- nf Win- - - . 'U1W tuu South Commercial stceeu after """""w naa mtch-hlked here uvui.rorutna. Said to hav mmmiI v- room at the Portland police uiuiuriers, urnmbongh at tempted to flee the car of Officer KiMina at he was being taken to :he local headquarters. Brumbough, who was later yes terday tarned awmr- tn. Drti..i - v w All u ofticerg, gave his home aa Toledo. 'Jregon. Abduction Count Gives Five Years OSHAWA. Ont, Nor. 3 0-CP)-Albert J. Hubbell was sentenced to five years in penitentiary when te appeared in police court here ioday oa a charge of abduction. He was sentenced to three years' tmprUonment on a second degree charge of false pretenses, both v sentences to run concurrenUy. Hubbell. taken into custody at Portland. Ore., after a six-weeks' search, orevlonsiv ;-,uilty to the charges. With him , 'hen arrested was EUzabeth ijymes, 22, a graduate nurse, who ihe crown alleged had been ab Jucted. .v,., Late Sports -Litae Dado won a 10-ronnd de cision and CaUfornU recognition was the flyweight champion of VuWOrId la her tonight with 'a Tilipino compatriot, the veteran Small Montana. Youta and speed were too much for Montana, : who won njy ' the first round. Dado was credited with seven rounds and two were even. Two Saved, -w r 4 i . ;-f rr irr--""- Wage-Hour Chief Asks Compliance (Continued from page 1) rather than by spreading employ ment, congress may enact further legislation. I will not attempt to predict what its attitude might be, but the record shows that previous to the national Industrial recovery act, a 30-hour work week am passed the senate of the United States ..." Andrews estimated the act had Increased wages of 760,000 per sons ana snortened the work week 'tor 1. 500.000. H warned employes, particularly labor un ions, to avoid lor cm g the compli ance issue until contracts with employers had expired. Of the 1200 complaints handled Dy nis start, Andrews estimated oniy z& per cent appeared valid. Still nursing a stomach ache en gendered by his hurried "fact finding" tour of the nation, An drews left this evening for San Francisco. Ford Acceptance Doesn't Mean He Likes Nazi Ideas DETROIT, Nor. 20-ff-Henry rora Mia in a statement tonight mat nu acceptance of a decora tlon from the Germany govern ment "does not .. ; involve any sympauy on my part with nasi lam." The motor magnate added that "it is my opinion that the Ger man people, as a whole, are not in sympathy with their rulers in their anti-Jewish policies, which is the work of a few war-makers at the top." The statement was Issued after a conference between Ford and Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, of Tem ple Beth EL Detroit. Church Burglar's lerm Four Years PORTLAND, . Not. 30 - (P) -Losses r exceeded, profits today when Anderson F. Collins- 28. i sentenced In circuit court after pleading guilty to burglarizing a church. He netted $141 in a thnrch robbery here and was sen tenced to four years in prison. ; He also admitted robbing about a dozen other Portland churches and two at Oregon City. Five Missing After Airliner Forced Down Near Cliff -Ky:-:.,.;'. ''' 4 O Upper picture, view from top of cliff v waiiH mmm iunxu uuwn in me uuic nunu 01 san xTancisco, eariy x n e s a a j morning. Captain Charles Stead and Isadore R. Edelsteln, a passenger, were the only aurrlvors. Lower picture, closenp showing all that was left of the fuselage of the luxury airliner, which was successfully set down on 1. A 1J . m . . " iriTen asuore ana vi mc lumurs, wiui a propeuor Diane sucaing apv iin photo. Ghost Beam Gets Blame for Crash (Continued from page iy Rukema," associate professor of radio engineering at the Univer sity of California, suggested the "ghost wave" and sunspot factors as a theory of the tragedy. Pointing to the flight log show ing Stead as believing there was "something wrong" with the ra dio beam long before the plane got Into actual trouble. Dr. Rukema aaid the difficulty possibly was due to the peculiarity of overlap ping of directional radio signals. Pilots refer to these overlapping signals as gnost beams." Sunspot activity, which fre quently plays tricks with radio traiiic, couia easily have account ed for the "too good" radio re ception which reDntedlv rm th plane strong signals from Salt iaae mty and other distant sta tions but anoarentlT nothlnr frnm nearbr Oakland, tha atari An wnna beam Stead was trying frantically io una. Lloyd Jones. CO-nllot whn mat ms aeain in tne crash of the United Airliner off the California coast Tuesdar. vu Aaitat night by Harry B. Read of Salem as the fourth of his former flying instructors who have In the past seven years. Reed, a nying enthusiast, is owner of ra dio station KSLM. Coyote Hunter Is Faster Than Prey PORTLAND. Or v -Oacar ,W. Ehn. federal hnnt.i in Clatsop county. Isn't aa fast as a COTOtO h'B tmtar ' . Roy Fugate, biological surrey predatory animal control head here, said Ehn renortd a rnvnia broke loose from a trap as he approached. , . : -"As I had no gun or anything else to kill her with, it nn to me to run her down, so I did," i!.ra reportea. -x caught her by the neck With mv har hanrta within JO feet ot the trap." The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, "J 5 S, HAKMMtMoaetspau to the airliner which, with sevenO jracmc ocean at foint iveyes. 84 torn to pieces. At upper left Is No Property Tax For State's Uses (Continued from page 1) 1939. An additional 1178 77 saving to the county's taxpay ers was affected when the tax commission announced the ele mentary school tax levy would be IJ3.721.23, as against the s9.ouv estimate made In the budget. These savings and elimination 01 tne t,ooo courthouse con struction levy which the voters rejected last month rrfnpwi tv. county tax budget to 3677,494.- 3. Because or the increasing de mand for relief and social se curity funds, the county court expects to add 14000 to that amount, however, since It can do so without exceeding the six per cent limitation. Tree Break Fatal For High Climber ROSEBURO. Not. 20-JPV-The kind of accident all high climbers fear killed Cecil Calkins. SO. to day. Calkins, tree-tooner for tfca Harmsen-Wakefield Logging com pany, had Just taken off the top of a tree for ase as a soar nole when the tree, snapping free from ue weignt or tne falling top, kicked back and struck Calkins with such force that hla aaft belt was broken and be fell to the ground, '.fatally injured. Early Model Auto Is Located Here One Of the first ntnmn),n. to come to Oregon was found jeaieraav m an upstairs store room In the downtown district here.' The car was flrat .i.t... July 20, 1909. It bears its orig inal tires. Old-timers here said the auto mobile, a steamer, was purchased by the Willamette Pulp and ra- per company for the use nf it. I officials. OregoV Thursday Monringv ft' ' - Notice of Appeal Filed by Nelson TOLEDO, Ore., Not. 30-)- uenry s. neison. Portland sales man seniencea uctober s to nine years in the state prison for the slaying of Richard Earle, Depoe Bay excursion boat captain, tiled notice or appeal to the state su Dreme court todar. Nelson is held in Jail here on a stay of execution order granted by Circuit Judges James Brand of Marshfleld. Earle was shot to death last summer in an argument over payment for a deep-sea excur sion. Driver Convicted Of Manslaughter ROSE BURG, Not. 30-(p)-A noaaible sentence of on tn , 1 K years in prison was faced today by wuuam Mayer, eiaeriy retired hntcher. who was convicted hv a circuit court Jury of involuntary manslaughter. Mayer pleaded Insanity and lapse of memory in connection with a wild automobile ride last October 22 which ended when he collided with another machine killing Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore. District Attorney 3. V. Long as serted that Mayer, la a dispute with his wife, flew into a blind rage and drove recklessly. Machinery Firm's Budding Damaged POBTI.lKn Om.. Not. A two-aiarm nre in roruana'a antiquated First and Oak streets district tonight damaged the Portland Machinery company's three-story building and burned m.olilnarr nf that TTnllT Ptmh Damage was estimated at 325, 000. VlimM ahnt 100 feet Into tha air after the fire .broke out on the secona iioor, occupiea oy the Holly Press. Sprague Heart Andrews $ To Attend Dalles Event DiirlM A. Rnranie. rovemor- mnAAA tha TTiAAti-na at whirh Rimer F. Andrews, federal wage and hour law administrator, spoke .in Portland Wednesday. Sprague will attend tne Eastern Oregon Wheat 'leagne meeting in The Dalles Friday and Saturday. One-Woman Show Pleases Audience Dorothy Crawford Artist in Multiple Roles on Stage at Leslie By MAXINE BUREN Dorothy Crawford gave some thing new in entertainment to a Salem audience last night when she appeared in a program of character sketches at Leslie audi. torium under the sponsorship of tne baiem community concert association. Her success was proven by the spellbound attention with which the audience listened throughout the complete program. One wom an alone on the stage, acting the parts of a dozen characters, must be a real actress to hold the au dience. Her parts ranged from that of an American woman trying to make the waiter in a French cafe understand her French-in-fifteen-leesons, to a woman accused of murder. The artist writes her own saeicnes. The sketch of an Italian fish erman'a wife . waiting anxiously lor her Tony to come home, through the tog was especially annreciated. Her fear- for his aafetv contrasting with her and aen anger wnen ne arrived, with out fish, was characteristic of the fine dramatic work done by Miss Crawford. Sosnect la Cleared The second aketch was that of three witnesses and a woman ac cused of murder. Her witnesses were a plain English maid, a frivolous friend of the accused and a self assured, eum-chewinr telephone operatog. The dramatic climax wnicn nroved an unex pected alibi for the accused was effectively done. A studio evening, with the hostess introducing three dis tinguished guests concluded the evening's nerformance. The noet- ess who compared her own and others' poems, the princess who toia eu aoout Kussia in five min utes: and the singer with the sniffles who brourht hark a new method of singing from Europe each summer, were characters portrayed. A m par A ehanfru nf nostrf vl? or hat only prepares the listener for the difference in character which is actuallv produced by ex pression and voice. Piano interludes by Morgan Rees added to the Interest of the evening and he was applaud ed after his group of solo num bers. His encore was a Brahms waltz. McCarthy to Be sentenced Again PORTLAND. Ore.. Nnv. So-ZiP -Circuit Judge John P. Winter said today he would resentence Leroy Hershel McCarthy, 28, to die in Oregon's new lethal gas chamber at Salem for the slaying of Floyd Fuelner. service station attendant during a holdup. Sentence will be pronounced Saturday, the judge said. McCar thy was convicted and sentenced to die last January, but his ap peal to the state supreme court delayed the execution. The court affirmed his conviction. McCarthy will be the first man to die in the gas chamber. Aero Club Ruled Not Tax Exempt PORTLAND. Not. SO-UPWThe Aero club of Oregon will do for "hangar flying" but not for scien tific functions. Circuit Judra Al fred P. Dobson decided today in rejecting a petition tor tax ex emotion. In place of laboratories and re search bureaus, the Judge aaid he round the club fitted with lounges, ballroom, bar, restau rant and numerous other ad juncts more conducive to what is anowa to aviators as "hangar nying" than to the pursuits of aeronautics as a science." Willamette Wins 2 Drake Debates Both men's and women's debate teams of Willamette nnlr.r.it. won victories over the traveling T"v 1 a . a. vraKe university teams from Dea Haines Iowa, Wednesday night In Waller hall. Donald Gahhrt the Judge. Helen Newland and Doris Dr.r nielle composed the Willamette women's team, onnosin- Rmv Frisby and Jane Gibson of Drake. Aldus Smith and Bill Thomas of Willamette onnosed and William Wisdom of th tw. school. Last Survivor of 1852 Party Dies -. - . v "a' " ,--- PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov xnri -Mr. Laura Gibson, t Jt, last sur vivor of a group of pioneers who crossed the plains to Oregon in ioax, aiea here today. t Why Suffer Any Longer? VBZM mmi Warn SP Cnlnea nmtdiaa. amasinii aoccKsa for 0000 mm Cera. Ho matter with what Uaaant yog a tfTUCRa. ?.1"ort?T. suroaltn, heart, tuna. Uver. kktnay. stomach, ru. eno-P"OB- aloera, dlibetu, rhw matlam, ran an4 bUuklar. smc f-maleeoiaplain Charlie Chan Chlajf Herb Ca, , & B. Fane, I yan practice la China, omeaiioun to o Vja. xcmpt ana oy and Wdna Uy. o 1 aaa. " Va M. CmmX ML 1 LA! -41 VvaaaMHal a On. dditics . .jnthe Neui m v t h A Rflociated Press ) LINCOLN, Neb., Not. 30.-JP)- Capt. R. F. Weller of tne Neoras- ka state highway patrol has In dlan trnnhlos" Returning from the Winnebago Indian reservation in northeast Nebraska. CaDt. Weller said: "We've got to figure out some way of keeping these Indian pe destrians from walking down the middle of hiahwavs. and especial ly keeping them from going to sleep on the highways wnen iney get urea." ; . WASHINGTON. A'ov. SO. - Farflnra rit m ronntrrf eitrr to observe traffic regulations may land him in fail. Assistant Postmaster General It a m s e y- 8. ' Black : cautioned postmasters throughout the country today against accept ing newiy-reportea roumrmn I1U DllIS. The bills are of "fairly good workmanship." Black said, but " the counterfeiter forgot to en grave a license Dlate on an au tomobile appearing in a picture or tne treasury. NEW YORK, Not. SO. Johnny Jones, who flew into New York non-stop from Los Angeles today in a plane which could be parked in the backyard, tried to take off without his mother s knowledge, u was learned here; Monday morn in r sh walked In. to his bedroom with a newspaper in ner nana. "Going some place?" asked Mrs Bertha Jones, of Van Nuys, Calif Here s a piece In the paper. Yeah." h renlied. Thniifhf T J . ..... . . a maae a nine trip." He waited fbr her to protest. nvii, sne commented, "m aneaa, out aon't get hurt." . .. . ' Martin to Write Legislature Talk Retiring Executive and , Governor - Elect Will Offer Messages The work of nrenarlne- r.i. nor Charles H. Martin's message to the 1939 legislature Will eet nnaer way within the next few aays, Wallace S. whartnn tive secretary, announced Wed nesday. Wharton said the message would not be as lenathv aa t,. one presented to the legislature iwo years ago, due to the fact that governor Martin retires from of- uce January 9. Sorairne ta KnonV . Charles A. Spraeue. governor, also will present a mes- aKe 10 me 1939 letlslatnro Jt was expected that Governor Mar tin and Governor-elect Sprague would confer on a number of im portant legislative subjects prior .v mo session. Both Governor Martin and r- ernor-elect Sprague will probably have considerable to say in their mrassw regaramg relief. David Johnson Is To Be "-Secretary To Idaho's Qiief BOISE, Not. ZJF-Gov. elect C. A. Bottolfaon j tonight appointment of David N Johnson, 2 . Boise newspaperman," I uio accreiary. Tfif11' ldano manaer of the Lnited Press for the last year and - menaea Willamette unt- rersity at Salem. rr city editor of Th n.n. -rm at Ashland, Ore., and formerly o".emp ?yed b7 th Southern rauroaa at San Francisco. Medford Family Flees Home Fire MEDFonn xr -a , 52 wTS IWO Children narrnvl o e"lT lr from a fire which de- ;V"'fu neir nome, Talued at vug uorrm was burned about tne head, arms and in vt. ... , .vo uv .Mia. coffin, a teacher, suffered foot UUI" mey ned, unable to sare a thing. The children were not m j urea. 1 8 ntrnd '"7.. 15 i 5 . Select Your Christmas Cards Now A real buy, 25 Christmas flTl TTiTK Cards for only $19 with your V iJClTl name imprinted. XLOQjy QJ it Also another, large variety of Christmas Cards at a reasonable price of 11.69 with your nam im printed on them. Come In Today and See the Large Assortment of . . . - - Party Gaines of Every Description Children's Books 15c and up Counter Cards for Every Occasion Boxed Christmas Cards Starting at 49c Shaefer and Parker Pen and Pencil Sets Good-Looking Leather Notebooks Reason ably Priced A,Whole Store Full of Gifts for You at Cooke's Stxitioncr y Co. 12 SI if Uniform Rate Is Favored by Ross Tax Problem Is Viewed at Conference; to Seek Funds for Lines CENTRA LIA. Nov. 30-kFi- Bonneville Administrator J. D. Ross, meeting here today with commissioners of 28 Washington and 14 Oregon public utility dis tricts, decided to poll each district board to determine what "reason able taxes" these power, systems should pay toward support of lo cal government. No agreement was reached to day, except that taxes, donations and free service should be includ ed in a single levy. Ross said he would send ques tionnaires to each district board. The administrator said the levy would be on gross revenues. Ross announced he planned to visit Washington, D. C, early in 1939 to seek additional funds for transmission lines to radial cen ters in the Bonneville area. Each district Durchasinr Bonne ville power will pay the same rate $17.50 per kilowatt year he said. The administrator esti mated transmission lines could be completed within 18 months. He advised districts to build competing lines if they cannot acquire existing systems at a fair price.' Mrs. Brickell Is Accident Victim Mrs. Louise F. Brickell. 60. for mer Salem resident when she was in the government Indian service at Chemawa, died Tuesday in Portland of injuries received when struck br an automnhilo them las Thursday. Mrs. Brickell's death was the 60th-auto tarality of the year in Portland, and oc curred under mysterious circum stances since the injured woman was round later by her sister in her apartment. Services will nrohahlv h hM in Portland today. Mrs. Brickell was home eco nomics department head at Che mawa from 1919 until HPVfr.nl years ago when she was sent to the Genoa, Neb., Indian school as custodian. She retired and came to Portland to reside with her daughter, Miss Virginia Brickell. sne was a member of Chapter G, PEO sisterhood. Survivors include her daugh ter and a son. Kldon RHcfeeii nt San Francisco, formerly of Salem; two sisters. Mrs. Mrrtle Waddeii and Miss Ermine Freeland, both of Portland: brother Horkort Freeland of Fresno, Calif. Punchboard Count Jails Depoe Trio TOLEDO, Nov. 30-ftPl-Twn men. and a woman -or n i-.m today accused of outsmarting the punchboard averages. Police asserted the trio punched out -several holes and l'onf ih. winning numbers, then returned and produced more winners. Offi cers claimed they forged the pxlze numbers on duplicate slips, took them back to the boards and anh. stituted them for the numbers ac tually punched. They were arrested whn a Depoe bay tavern owner detected the alleged forgeries. t T tha first sign, of a a. Cold- maka tin mn mind to avoid as much 'of the sniffling, sneezing, sore xtess and stuffy condition your noscrus as posstoie. Insert Mentholatum in each nostril. Also rub It TlsnroualT on vmh riixl Toull be delighted with the way aaeninoiatum comoats cold miserv and helna ra store comfort. i ft I ft mm (f Chech vv EGDIL! )) A. MSCOMrVtTS JL