The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local News Briefs
T Build f7000 Home A build
ing lcrmlt was granted C H. Os-
trin yesterday, to erect a one-
story dwelling and garage at 1950
- Chemeketa street,-to cost $7000.
Other permits were to: A. J.
Flint, to erect a one-story dwell
ing ana garage at 195 North 24tn,
11950; Harry L. Bancroft, to alter
and repair an apartment house at
'36 North Church,. $50; Mrs. L.
Mae Green, to alter and repair a
dwelling at 1050 North 18th, 150;
W. F. Brown, to erect a shed at
TU South 21st, $15; Day & Co.,
to alter and repair a service sta
tion at 475 Chemeketa, $800; Ga
briel Powder & Supply Co., to re
pair a warehouse at 610 North
Capitol, $150; H. F. Batterman.
to aiter and repair a dwelling at
21C Mill, $600.
Lut Florist. 1276 N. Lib. 9592.
T Honor Spragne Governor
elect Charles A. Sprague will be
honored at the Portland East Side
Commercial Club's anniversary
bacquet to. be held at the WOW
auditorium in the rose city De
cember 15 at 6:30 p.m.,according
to Adolph Gerwin, president of
the civic group. Mrs.Spragne will
be honored during the evening by
he ladles' auxiliary. S. W. Law
rence will be chairman and Ger
wirr will act as toastmaater.
Rome Craftsmen Work Tf.o
Saieni amateur home workshop
club will work on Christmas
toy p. to be distributed y the
. eiiy firemen soon, tonight at th
Robinette home, 1145 North 21st.
At a similar meeting last wek
eutting out of toys was begun
and all interested in this -voik
are cordially invited to attJi'l
FAWK Studio, 615 N. 14th St.
Galser Gets Appointment City
School Superintendent. Silas Gal
ser was yesterday notified of his
appointment to the advisory com
mitter of the legislative commis
sion of the National Education as
sociation. His appointment was
made by Dr. Reuben Shaw, res
ident of NEA.
Forum Wednesday B a s k 1 n
Wrirht will conduct the second of
a series of public forums Wednes
day illght at 7:30 in the chamber
of commerce dining room. His
subject will be: "The Riddle of
European Alliances."
Andrew Jackson Anderson, at
the residence, 497 South Capitol
street, November 27, at the age of
31 years. Survived by widow, Mrs
Mattier Anderson; daughters, Mrs.
ellie rearce, Mrs. Geneva Phil
lips, both of San Diego, Mrs. Kar-
man of Woodland, Calif., Mrs
.'. ae Conway of Salem, Mrs. Kate
Nelsoa of Minneapolis; ten grand
i hildreo and four great grandchll
urea. Services will be held from
the- Clough-Barrick chapel Wed
nesday, November 20, at 1:30 p.
m., with Rev. Guy L. Drill officl
Morris' ,
Robert E. Morris, 69, late resi
dent of Mehama, November 27
Survived by sisters, Mrs. W. S. Al
len of Dundee, Mrs. Sarah Pettyes
of Portland, Mrs. Mary Buckler of
Boise, Mrs. Clara Jewett of Libby,
MouC; brothers, John Morris of
Oakland, James Morris of Hunt
incum, Idaho. Services will be
held at the La Fayette Masonic
i-emtery Tuesday, November 29,
at 3 'p.m., under the direction of
the Clough-Barrick company.
At the residence on South Win
ter street Monday, November 28,
Llarence L. Stutesman at the ate
of 58 years. Survived by widow,
.Mrs: .ora Stutesman of Salem;
daughter, Mrs. Marie Tate and
brother, William Stutesman, both
or .Portland. Funeral announce
mente later by the Clough-Barrick
At the residence on routefour.
.ieia, November 28, William R,
Grow, at the age of 87 years. Sur-
vlve by sons, Edward LeRoy and
William Francis Grove, both of
-ain, and Harry Grove of Long
Beaeh, Cilit; daughters. Mrs.
Opa! Sarcoma of Long Beach.
Calif:, and Mrs. Bertha Elder of
jt. Joseph, Mo. Announcement of
soroces later by Walker ft How
Puneral home.
AV the residence. 320 twen
tret, November 28, LeMer J.
Vibtwt. Sunived by widow, 15m
nK sen C. A. Vlbbert and grand-;
daughter, Leota Clare, all of Sa
lens-sister, Mrs. Bessie J. Hayes
sne-arotners, Delbert and James
Vibm, all of Brooks. Announce
iwrttte later by 'the Terwilliger
FwYal homo, 770 Chemeketa.
- Moo res
A Portland. November 27, Cora
Lv Metres, aged 80 years, late
lpaideat of 855 Chemeketa street
Mother of Ralph D. Moores ol
Portland, Mrs. Robert Kinney of
Gear hart. Ore., and Kenneth A.
Mfcore of Seattle, Wash.: sister
of - Mrs. Edna Raymond of Santa
MeMea, Calif.: grandmother ol
Mtnta- and Molley Moores of Port
land. Gordon and Mary Charlotte
Kitfney of Gearhart. Ore., Ken
nctnC Madison, and Richard Moores
or Seattle, Wash. Funeral services
wfll-be held from the W. T. Rig
dotf company chapel Tuesday. No
vettter 29 at t p.m. Interment
I OOF cemetery. Rev.- Robert A.
vHatchlnson will offlcUte. .
. Bobbj Breen
"Breaking the Ice"
Wednesday asd Thursday'
Two Features
"The Saint is
Bob Baker
With Loals
Kay Satto '
crash Injures Four Four per
sona sastained Injuries Sunday In
an' automobile crash between two
Portland cars northbound on the
Pacific highway near Gervais.
They were: Xhomas Alfred Lay
cock of 6715 North Missouri ave
nue, Portland, who sustained cut
ana cruises; his wife, Julia, who
sustained a fractured arm; their
daughter, Alberta, who received
cuts aDout the head; and Ethel
Houghton of 73 Northeast 4 3ri
avenue, Portland, who suffered
bruises and shock. Mrs. Houghton
war riding with her husband. Hr.
inald, and a son, Rodney, 14,
ueiinqtient Cases Liitcd
County Clerk U. G. Boyer was 1S irain at the Aumsville cross
preparing, 155 notices yesterdar Ing last June 17.
to go to attorneys In as manv
cases or which no action to ad-
vance prosecution has been tateu
wara Th.? . i rear; The aotices
to kee r!llSiT Ukfa
euit rnnrt ,oi. ,
set for Janrv tl ? J Ba,OQ3
set for January 3 in department
two and January 7
in depart-
iuent one. Fifty of the cases ara
in the former and 105 :n the
latter aepartment.
uauis, Accounts Filed Oatha
oi otnee and campaign expense
accounts ruea with the countv
clerk yesterdar lnrlnrtorf- Hrio
Johnson, constable, Meha.-na 5i) that they had reached a settle
cents paid to H. C. Bass fcr 'lec- ment-
tloneering; E. E. Howell. Justice
of the peace, and J. T. Jone3.
constable, both of Jefferson,
nothing spent; W. C, Miller, -on-
stable, Woodburn, nothing spent;
Jim jk. smitn, county commis-
sioner, oath filed.
. . n
Country store, rummage, cards,
Vk TsV Ir9'" ? x;'
ov. uouk opiruuaiist SO-
cieiy. x-udjic inviiea.
tne city police blotter yesterday
were Leo Siegler, charged with
vagrancy; John Ramlck. 144
North Front street, chared with
drunkenness; Edwin Ole Everson,
344 North Front street, charged
with failure to stop at a atop
strppt- ani Tmmv n.n.
charged with drunkenness and'
held for investigation.
car officers Sunday treated Fire- account of J. P. Wtlquet," former
man Lee Cross for a badly cut administrator; supporting affida
finger. sustained while usinr an Tlt by John H. Heltzel. attorney
axe at his home at 1045 North I
17th street. Howard Liezhty, Sil-
verton, was treated for a cut fin-
ger. sustained when he shoved a I
knife blade through It.
ment in court; estate has been al
Play w e dn e s d a y "Sunny ready held uo by litlitation for
Acres, said to be an uproarious
comeay, win ne sponsored Wed-
iu u 4 5 clock '
uuiu oiuuui auaitorium dt i
lownsend club No. 3. Members
and friends of the club are urged
lw oco mc euienainmem.
PERM, wave 95c. Beauty Nook.
Postpone Camoairai Rvirai I
meetings scheduled to hein" t
the Highland Friends rhnrrh
here Sunday were postponed one
wees, and will beeln Decern her
4, Evangelist Edward Mott be-
ing unable to aotear thin wev
, i
wuiu( jureauu a1 wa-ers Alar-1
ian Chase, violinist studying at I
winamette university, sustained
uiuaea lingers ana cruises wnen
an automooiie ariven ny Lr. G. W.
owe overturned on the ML
'-""t' "'S") sunanY M's. I
Howe sustained cuts about the
Vn ion High Liable When hieh
scLool districts are conaolidat..
the new district become. Malll;
for the. Indebtedness of each of
the old districts. Attorney ttn.
eral I. H. Van Wrlnkle ruled yes
Two Meets Slated Meetings
slated for tonight at the cham
ber of commerce Include the
organization meeting of the jun
ior cnamDer oi commerce at
7:30 o'clock and- the Santiam
Ski club at 8 o'clock.
Finger wave 25c. Beauty Nook.
Salem Girl to Wed James Gib
bons of Chehalis and Doris Knox
of Salem have been issued a mar
riage license at Vancouver. Wash..
according to an Associated Press
dispatch received here yesterday.
w a. . . .
uarweii at juwanu Kt. Kev.
Benjamin D. Dagwell. blshon of
ma fipucopii aiocese- ot Oregon,
win oe tne speaaer at toe Sa-
lem Kiwanis club luncheon today
uoon. i
fink PA.nAn1 Tt T. .il
of Roberts has postponed its
meetinr from Decern Kf -1 t a
The meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Carl Heyden as pre-
viously arranged. -
Tr ,
Has Operation Mrs. E. E. Rob-I
"ftl!! VJi1,1"'
-' - UBBB1
""-' iren m ey-j
Beer license . Okehed Tit
county court baa endorsed ap
plication of Graham Wells.
MI1L City, for a oackaca nr. I
beer license. ,
Ait ik ciao -Age Retirement i
and Touth Employment c-lah No.
1Z meets tonight at 7:30 in Wes
ley hall. -; - ;:,s' :
Chimney Fire A flae fire t
34$ Richmond avenue waa extin
guished by city firemen yesterday.
Davie To Mr. and Mrs. . Fred
erics: a. uavie. stayton. a son. I
Lewis Allen, born November 14 at 1
-- """V-- - , I
ane W. Griffith.' Rt , Salem, a
son, Dennis Duane. born Novem
ber It at the Salem General hos
pital. - - ,
ShutsTo Mr. and Mrs. Carl
J. Shantz. 737 Center, a son. Carl
Michael, born November 18 at the
Salem General hospital.
' : Salltvn
I Fever and
aa to Col da
' Liaaia. TaMeta
SUva, U Drcpt
na-My-TUia" a Wuaartal
Irwin Damage
Suit on Trial
Jury Visits Crash Scene
at Aumsville During
First Session
The William K. Irwin esUta's
110,000 damage suit against tha
outnern Pacific company will
continue on trial in circuit ourt
inis morning with testimony for
the Plaintiff still being presented,
Agnes R. Irwin, administratrix, la
seeking the damages for the death
or ner husband resulting when hla
truck ttrnck Snnthtm Paifi
Th i
wa vl A,,rZ.-uL "
the accent scene' "rawn to
serve case were Rachel 1!
DeEt' Henry A. Leavenworth, WU-
I xnie, x.agar a. rerrine,
Uissouri A. Stapleton, Ina Mills
Otis B. Darlin N 1 1 1 Rai.
I Elva M A anlnn-all nn A TCIIK.n. tl
Scheduled return of Judge L.J.
Lewelling here Wednesday from
Albany was canceled when attor
neys in the case of Parsons vs.
Papln, which had been set for trial
that day, announced yesterday
UfCOlt Court
Guy Dow vs. Elizabeth Cuts-
forth; order substituting Jarvis
E- Cutsforth, administrator of the
I Elizabeth Cutsforth estate, as de-
Percy Kleeman vs. Roland
Hughes et al; demurrer of de-
fendant Emil C. Hoffman and mo-
tion of defendant W. L. Lewis to
make nmnl,in mvi-a ofir,t
Ahrim H .nH Vll M. P.ll..
- wu m Mlica
vs. William Herfurth et al; de-
u"c Vl xnsriunu;
motlon ot plaintiffs for trial date.
. nna ravage vs. a. t. savage.
Jr- et al: demurrer to defendants'
answer ln one case and to "P"
c ""tr Ul - svage as
ex,e,cutr la second case.
luary r. uregoire estate: motion
& Bu8tt Tru8t company.
um.uu.iraior, ior court to aeter-
Iuiuie uu il3 uieriis appeal irom
county court order settling: tlnal
ror the trust company, asserts ap-
penants' attorney has had four
months in which to file his reply
l)r,eI and now wants oral argu-
ments contrary to past agree-
eight years, Heltzel points out.
Probate Court
Jessie LaFore estate; closing or-
opf mntj J aAA t. t,.i
company, executor; distributive
receipts show $15,616.26 in cash,
securitipa nri ntr
Donald, Ethel McDonald Lindley
and Nellie McDonald Smith
Mary H. Davenport estate: clos
ing order granted Lloyd Daven
V", administrator.
Bessie Jane Temple estate; or-
der for hearing December 1 on
nnai account oi Aveni j. Mitchell,
adminlstratriT ihov nv ft
ly settled.
Lewis G. Pefley guardianship;
closing: order eranted Frances 1
Ackley, guardian
Justice Court
Norman Rav Tptfa- trial nn
Ji? I i!"6-' A
p.m. today.
tester Butler; pleaded lnno-
cni J. arge or burglarizing
Roy Fukuda store July 23, 1938;
, 1 " default of $500 bail pend
v"'"""ry neanng,
Harry J. Whaley; $10 fine, vio
lation of motor transportation act.
harvey E. Messengill; case con
tinued to November 30 for sen
tence, no tail light.
Christine K. McFarland: $1
fine, defective brakes.
Hollis Tildon Painter, 17; cer
tified to juvenile court on charge
or driving car with defective
Theodore E. White; $5 fine, im
proper license plates.
Municipal Court
Jim McCarty, drunk; forfeited
$iu ban.
Glen R. Linn, failed to stoo: for
feited J 2.50 ball.
Glen R. Linn, failed to ntnn-
I. ., " r '
torreited 12.50 hail.
Theodore E. Smallev. vialatinn
or tne haslc speed rule; forfeited
Ball collected on overtime park-
nr taes. 15.
r Olllier OllVertOll
WoiTiail Iflft Hipfi
v ulIiail9 Xf ICS
SILVERTON Silverton rela
Ues have received word of the
death of Mr. M.ri. i.o- ia
t Brookvllle. Kan., November 2o!
loiiowing a broken hip.
Mrs. Larsen was the widow of
M. P. Larsen. who died here in
1921. She lived here for a num
ber of years but returned to Kan
sas to be near her own children.
. iep-cnnaren at Silverton ln-
ciuoe Mrs. E. O. Nelson, Mrs. Carl
a. censon, L.-M. Larson. R F.
na waiter C Larson.
Rasmussen Hosts
For Gird Party
ftuuKiiiuui; Mr. and Mrs
Artnur Rasmussen ot Labish Cen
ter entertained recently for a
group from this and neighboring
c nmnnitiea.
Cards were played with high
itafm w!,
Breimier vn p..,i, x....
oy Mrs. Harry
AUjn IMlSOm and Pearl PaMr.nn
r mt 2S yaara fcaa aae.
caasfully traatad thiaila
f paopla for tba aitiaaata
w ipccialiM ia. Btctal
aad Coloa tad Stomach aiU
saaata cooiajataly aoaa away
wit without hospital
waaratiaav M rnafiaaiaiar
M lesa of tiraa iron romr work. Call
r writ for FKSS Bookltt today.
HI Car. K. Bora si da aad Grasd Ava.
Tlvhoaa Mkt StlS Portland. Oraaa
' J ' " f - " X 3 v ' V 4 "
c XN v ' - , - , A , -ju' r; i 1
er :-Ji;-' ' 1 -
I 4 -A r"u ' , S x
L - .--- wc-r '$r
p ' " - A. 'JT- , ,
i "S -
j--w. 1i
While nnilrlw hnnr
cammiV .t P-T AUn, r.i KtrL, , ' IQlu1nl' uie
Brown Cleans
In Lawyer's Fees
Attorney Named by Cour
in 11 Cases Awarded
Check by County
Formal orders appointing Law
rence N. Brown as attorney In 11
criminal cases disposed of in the
last year and allowing him a $15
roe ror each or a total of $16!
were filed in circuit court yester
day over the signature of Judge
L. H. McMahan. A $15 ner day fee
is allowed by law to attorneys ap
pointed to represent indigent de
The 11 cases, in which each de
fendant pleaded guilty, were as
Jess A. Webb, foreerv. Auenst
15, 1938; William Lama, embez
zlement. April 14, 1938; John
Heizer, burglary not In a dwelling,
January id, 1938; Orson Lewis
burglary not in a dwelHn. Jann-
ary 3. 1938: Tr Rn fnrirara
August 15, 1938; Ernest Leonard
Chapman, larceny by bailee, Oc
tober 7, 1938; E. T. Osborne, for-
gery. November 27, 1938; Andrew
Sedar, forgery, March 23, 1938;
Donald Willis Carson, larceny,
August xs, 1935; Clarence DeHut,
uurgiary not in a Owelllnr. Febrn.
ary 16, 1938; William Welshans,
iorgery, August 15. 1938.
The orders will be submitted to
the county court for payment of
me xees prescribed. The court re
cently approved bills for $45 each
ior Brown and John F. Steelham
mer, attorneys appointed to renre-
sent Mart Broom, recently con-
victea on a charge of burglary not
ia aweinng. Broom was senfen
cea io one year In the peniten
G0F at Woodburn
Has Usual Meet
WOODBURN St. Marv's court
No. 593, Women's Catholic Or
der of Foresters, held Its Novem-
Der meeting Tuesday afternoon at
tne home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Henny at Brooks.
Mrs. v. W. Tremaine, chief
ranger, presided over the busi
ness meeting, after which the hus
bands of members Joined for
cards. Five tables of "500" were
in play with the prizes for high
score going to Mrs. LaVerne Ot
Jen and V. W. Tremaine.
The December meeting will be
held at the IOOF hall in Wood
burn December 27 at which time
there will be a Christmas pro
gram, exchange of gifts and a
no-host supper will be served.
Art Group Plans
Sale and Exhibit
As a holiday feature, the Rem-
nrandt Artists' Guild is conduct
ing a city-wide exhibition and
sale of miscellaneous original
paintings, December 1 to
Unlike the usual exhibition, the
entire downtown district will
serve as a gallery, in that various
stores will exhibit and handle the
sale of the paintings. Water col
ors, oils and pencil sketches will
be featured at low prices to en
able everyone to buy a suitable
gltt as well aa assist a worthy
During the first year ot the
guild a existence several fine
shows have been presented. A
number of the artists nave re
ceived favorable comment and
honors at exhibitions in Oregon,
Washington California and New
N. K. Comer ComX A State St.
The Kind
I You Want' I
the Way You I
V- Likelt"7
Oregon, Tuesday Moraln. Noreraber 29, 19M
Famed Clover Leaf Club Razed by Fire
r . 5
A ... a .... .
Paper Published
By Suver Pupils
SUVER A group of upper
grada children ln Suver school
are publishing a school paper each
month which is distributed to par
ents and friends. Marjorie Woods
acted as editor last month and
Melvin Couey edited the paper
distributed last week. Their
teacher, Miss Moehnks is critic
and adviser.
The Valley View club met with
Mrs. C. A. Voss Thursday after
noon. Each member will bring a
toy or other gift for a box to be
sent to the children's farm home
instead of the usual gift exchange.
Mrs. Dick Tom is to be hostess for
the December meeting.
Mrs. Cora Moores
Funeral Is Today
Funeral services for Mrs. Cora
Dickenson Moores, SO, widow of
Albert N. Moores, and lifelong
resident ot Salem, will be held
at 2 p.m. today from the W. T.
Rigdon chapel. Mrs. Moore died
at Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Moores waa born in Sa
lem on December 7, 1857, fh9
daughter of Rev. Obed Dickenson
and Charlotte Humphrey Dick
enson, missionaries who came to
Oregon ln a clipper ship around
the horn in 1852 to found the
Congregational church in Salem.
Her father was also a pioneer
seed merchant here. In 1878
Mrs. Moores was graduated from
Willamette university and sh
married Albert N. Moores in
She is survived by a sister,
Mrs. Edna Raymond, Santa Mou:
ica, Calif., and by Kenneth A.
Moores ot Seattle, Wash.: Mrs.
Althea E. Kinney of Gearhart.
Ore.: and Ralph D. Moores o!
Portland: and the following
grandchildren: Kenneth, Madison
and Richard Moores, Seattle:
Gordon and Mary Charlotte TCln
ney, Gearhart: Minta and M0P.7
Moores, Portland.
Crawford Folks
o r m
sign ior rower
TURNER A number of the
Crawford district residents are
signing up for an electric power
line, hoping to be served with
electricity ln the near future.
Mrs. Mayro McKlnney haa re
turned from Los Angeles where
she was summoned several weeks
ago to be with her son, Milton,
who has been seriously ill. While
improving, he is still confined to
his room.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spiers en
tertained with Thanksgiving din
ner for their family. Mis Esther
of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Spiers of Salem.
Giveng Opens Revivals
Tonight, Turner Church
TURNER Walter G 1 v e n s.
evangelist, will arrive from Seat
tle ready to open evangelistic
services at the local Christian
church Tuesday night, November
29, at 7: SO o'clock, to continue
each night excepting Monday
nights for at least three weeks.
Evangelist Givens comes well
recommended in his line of work
and the public is cordially invited
to hear him.
TkU Old Trwatmamt Oftoa
. , Briags Happy RalUf
Maav anfTw nlm
arftroubla Kay ba tUwJUdaaya.
Taa aviaara an Natora'a attaf way of taUaa
oaawa awita aad wwjta ont f tk yaZT
f ori Knty , p-Maco. with amartiaf
and bununc ahaira tkaro ma Km m-CZZ
wren wita yon kidaaya or Madoar. .
Aa osMaa at aeida or poiaoaa ia row blood.
ki doo to fuaetioaal C37iday
ba th eaaca of
haeiacaa. taawmatia
: 1
PP aad aaorrr, at-
iat w bicBta, awetliaa. aiiffinaw nSlr
ViULt fwt for Doaa'a
aata fiwa yoor blood. Oct Doaa'a tST
r ' a.. y.
" "'m
Clover Leaf club, near the Stanford
Stayton Residents
Hosts on Holiday
Several Family Gatherings
and Lodge Social Are
STAYTON Many Thanksgiv
ing dinners were enjoyed by Stay
ton folk both here and elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weddle en
tertained with a family dinner
at their home. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Heater and
their son and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Bean Smith and son Jack of
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Keyes,
Miss Bula Weddle and Fernando
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller en
tertained with a family dinner
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Miller of
Eugene, and Miss Lulu Arnheart
of Gervais.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hottinger
entertained with a family dinner.
Pintlers Are Hosts
Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Pintler en
tertained with a family dinner
the following: Mr. and Mrs. B. S.
Clarke and son Paul, Miss Elea
nor Crawford ot Salem, Mrs. C. E.
Kramer and Mrs. John Fergnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frey n
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ward In
glis and family, Mr. and Mrs: Dale
Crabtree of Portland and Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Inglis of Salem.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Shelton were Mr. and
Mrs. Deryl Shelton of Brownsville.
Lodge Group Gathers
Members of the IOOF and Re
bekah lodges and their families
and friends gathered at the lodge
hall for a turkey dinner et noon
and a social afternoon and night.
Supper also was served.
Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Dozer had
as their guests their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Dozer and Mr. and
Mrs. Avery Murphy, Mrs. Clara
Rauscher and sons of Sublimity,
airs, iieroid Church and daughter
of Reed and Mrs. Eleanor Stewart
and sons.
Local folks spending the day
with friends and relatives else
where were: Mr. and Mrs. How
ard George and sons in Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. James Say in Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruet and
Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan end
son Richard in Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Smith and daugh
ters in Estacada; Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Rowe and son Kennard in
McMinnville; Vera Smith In Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Cuffel and
son in White Salmon, Wash.
Clark to Piiblisli
Yew Park Paper
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Clark, publishers of the Turner
iriDune ror the past eight years,
are moving to 1290 Cross street,
Salem, where they will continue
publishing a weekly paper, the
Yew Park Reveille.
Turner news and advertising
will be continued as a prominent
pert of the enlarged publication.
The family will be missed from
community activities.
To Los Angeles
sen, who has been spending the
past several months at Portland
where he is employed, with a bulb
linn, left for Los Angeles Mon
day morning. Hansen has been
Visiting hla COUsln. L. H. afevar
here this week. Mr. Hansen for
merly lived here.
. Caaa. D.
Herbal remedies for ailments
of stomach. liver, kidney, skin.
Diooa, glands, it urinary sys
tem of men & women. 21 years
in service. Nalnrooathle Physi
cians. Ask your Neighbors
aoout CHArl L&M.
Dn. ennn wim
39 S Court St.. Corner Liber
ty. Office open Tuesday A Sat-j
uraay only. 18 A. M. to 1 P. M
6 to 7 P. M. Consultation, blood
pressure & urlna tests arc free
of charge. . 1
I XV T. Ua, B. IX
Lebanon Civic
Group Visits
I Linn City's Chamber of
Commerce Meets With
Local Chamber
The progressive spirit of L3b-
anon, fast-growing city iu ast-
ern Linn county, was well exem
plified when a group represent
ing the Lebanon chamber of com
merce presented the program at
the Salem chamber's regular
Monday luncheon. About 20 Leb
anon people attended, tnciuditg
a group of talented vocalists
from the Lebanon hich school.
Miss Lena Medler sang two solos
and the regional champion girls'
quartet sang two numbers wth
Miss Irene Moore, director, as
Invite Salem There
T. W. Munyan, mayor -elect of
Lebanon, was In charge of the
program, substituting for Harry
Fredericks, publisher of the 7eb-
anon Express, who "lost his
voice", at .' the Oregon-O r e g o n
Stat game. Munyan invited the
Salem people to attend the an
nual strawberry fair the first
weekend in June, and also men
tioned . winter sports attractions
of the Santiam country and the
prospect of a new plywood fac
tory employing 100 or more per
sons, being established in Leb
anon soon.
Fruit, Turkeys Thrive
C. B. Spencer, formerly of Sa
lem,, mentioned the already ex
tensive" fruit production of the
Lebanon vicinity, where there
are 5000 acres in tree fruits and
2500 iri In mull fruitn and
the i&ssibllity of further "evV-,
opment there.
L. E. Arnold described the tur
key industry, made possible
in western Oregon through the
use of incubators and brooders.
Linn county has forged to the
front among Oregon counties and
the eastern part - of the county
is in especially favored position
because land prices there ara
relatively low, he : pointed out.
Sam Garland, former state sen
ator, spoke briefly in lighter
Burial Wednesday
For Mrs. Catron
ALBANY- Funeral services for
Mrs. Barbara Rex Catron, 31, who
died at the Albany hospital Satur
day following Injuries received ln
an automobile accident earlier
the same morning, will be held
from the Fisher funeral home
Wednesday at 2:30. Burial will be
in Willamette Memorial park.
The accident which caused Mrs.
Catron's death occurred near the
Albany airport when tha car. driv
en by Catron, failed to make a
turn. Mr. Catron sustained only
minor Injuries.
The Catrons came to Albany
six months ago from Eugene. Cat
ron is employed as a meat cutter
Mrs. Catron was born ln
Chayne. Wash., November 26,
1907. She was married to Jasper
u. catron ln Tacoma, Wash. Sur
viving are the widower, three chil
dren, a daughter, Jackie Richert,
two sons, Herbert Richert and
Junior Catron, all of Albany, her
niother, Mrs. Lora Rex of Ta
coma, and a brother, Willard Rex
of Los Angeles, Calif.
Property Owners
Favor Road Work
BRUSH CREEK P r o p e r t y
owners in the Brush Creek dis
trict expressed themselves In fa.
cor of. donating necessarv rla-ht
of ways to secure the Salem-Sll-
verton highway over its present
route. To Improve the highwav.
it must be made into a 60-foot
road. In most cases this will mean
the donating of 10 feet on both
sides. The county has no funds
ror right of ways.
These mattera were explained
at th Friday night meeting of
the Booster club by Dr. P. A. Loar
and George Steelhammer of the
an verton chamber of commerce.
John Goplerud, Booster club pres
ident, was Instructed to annolnt
a committee to have charge of
ma matter locally. Mr. Goplerud
will appoint the committee at his
- A puppet show and songs by
the school children under the di
rection of the teacher, Mrs. Thor
Thorklldson, formed the program.
Plans were laid for the Christ
mas program to be held Decem
ber 23.
flight limited : :
Observation dab car, with loungt, fountaia, barber bath,
penodicala. cards. Latest typss of staiidad and tonrilt
alteping carspejux. coaches, with lonnges f or mtiTaS
women, deep individual saats, porter MMra "Sows!
Dav Exnress in . . . . . t:3o am.
JS?J ZF Arrires Spokane . . .... grfn p.u.
rE75!?? re,.enrd Mlt coach, widt windows, individual
3cS-iSi p- coa7 meals, sundard coach. Scenery
t Columbia River and Cascade Range, Bonneville Dana.
$ 7.50 one way, $14.25 roundtrip .
1.43 one way, 16.05 roundtrip
-24 ona way, 18.90 roundtrip
Coach .
j ioti ua mttrW mm
taatkara Paciit's beats S(at
ta coaati- with tb IP.It
nTiw ,oW" wiU
?1 f"
I Plwood Plant
Will Be Built
Mrs. Frank C. Ballard Rites
Held Saturday at
Albany Chapel
ALBANY In preparation for
opening a plywood manufactur
ing plant, the Central Sash and
Door company has asked permis
sion of the city council to con
struct a private power line and
inter-communication lines be
tween the present plant and the
new plant.
The company has taken over
the 'former cannery buildings of
the Hunt Brothers Packing com
pany.' The present factory gives em
ployment to around a 100 man
and the new plant will give em
ployment to possibly 50 at the
start. Part of the machinery is
already installed for the plywood
Mrs. F. C. Ballard
ALBANY Funeral services for
Mrs. Frank C. Ballard, who died
at her home here Thursday night,
were held from the FortmHler
Funeral Home Saturday after
noon with Dr. J. D. Ferguson in
charge. Mrs. Ballard came to Al
bany 16 years ago from Montana.
In March of this year she and
Mr. Ballard celebrated their m.A.
en wedding anniversary at a large
reception at the "Presbyterian
church, of which she was an ac
tive worker. She waa imhr
of the Eastern Star for 40 years.
ana or tne Royal Neighbors.
Surviving is the h unhand th
daughters. Mrs. D. E. Rmntvni
and Mrs. Erma Hoge of Albany
and Mrs. A. C. Schoeneman of
Sioux Falls. S. D twn ali or.
a brother and seven rrandohii!
Windishar Named
Scout Meet Head
T. A. Windishar has been ap
pointed chairman of the annual
meeting of Cascade Area Council
of Boy Scouts by A. C. Haas
president. The tentative date for
the meeting Is January 20.
A nominating committee ap
pointed includes Charles Hud
kins, chairman. J. Deo Mcriain
Fred Johannsen, Lebanon, 7j. C.
Buchner, Woodburn. and Dr. A.
S. Jensen, Monmoath. The com
mittee will report at the Decem
ber meeting.
Ten scouts in the area hav
made the eagle scout rank during
th year 1938 and will be
nized at the annual meeting iu
January at which time they will
be presented with badges and
pins. Scouts to receive this hon
or are Edwin Stortx, Teddy Coch
ran, Leonard Beaman, Fred Tar
tarinl, Don Pinkerton, Dalla.
and George Rowell, Dallas, War
ren Wlckman, Albany. Clarence
Wicks, Albany. Harold Blakelr
and Robert East.
I am pleased to announce
that after December
1st I will be associated
with the-
I ?- ' i
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DAT Ol NiGirr
cstr, M rfiifti; ,
wilt salt tarautk, tickets "
Ry. at proportial UnZ
w. loraiaawJ aa 4at E. H.
Aariaa ButBU. Pwjtiam4