PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 27, 1933 Military Aid J For Colombia US Naval and Air Mission Will Be Sent Central J American Land l : j WASHINGTON, Not. 2$-(The United States government an bounced today that naral and mil Stkry air mission! would go to the Republic of Colombia soon to co operate with that country In lm proving ita defensive forces. The step symbolized, to some students of Pan-American affairs. growing bonds between the Unit- fd States and Latin Anteiica (or tine common defense of the new world against any foreign aggres sor. Fire such missions already are on duty in other Latin Amer ican countries. State Department Pleased "The department of it a t e is blessed to announce," a formal tatement said, "that In response to the request of the government tf Colombia, agreements were Signed November 23 providing for .he furnishing by the United States of a naval' mission and a military aviation mission to coop erate with .the Colombian minis try of war. The two missions will function in an advisory capacity to the Colombian navy and military air fortes." I The action Is of particular Im portance to the United States be cause of Colombia a proximity to the Panama canal, a vital artery .n the American defense system. The Panama Canal Zone, now owned by the United States, for merly 'was part of Colombia. . The' announcement was accom panied, by publication of a friend ly exchange of notes between Pres ident Roosevelt and the Colom bian senate. Bridge Replacement Is Authorized by County I Replacement of a C 5-foot bridge Ion the Abiqua road half a mile above Syron's mill has been au thorized by the county court. A culvert and fill will be constructed in place of the old structure, which has become a hazard. The court also has directed the laying of tile at the North Santlam school to eliminate a water condi tion and the cnttlng of a hazard ous corner there. Oiling Is Requested The county court yesterday was j asked to complete the oiling of the I Chemawa-Hazel Green road by j surfacing the 3 -mile section be i tween the Hazel .Green church and the SUverton road. The request was made in a petition signed by Or. P. A. Loar and 194 others. Jobless Orchestra Plays Music by Harrlman's orchestra, which played at party meetings in the recent election campaign, was provided at the Marion County Democratic society meeting here last night. The players are unem ployed young men. Fmckodlm 2 Layart m V V-v m Sond to Eastern 'Relatives, Friends! Host Vclcomo! Most Unusual! The perfect gift! Impressive and inexpensive! Per fect Diamond Brand Apples & Pears the finest from world-famous Hood River Valley in Oregon. ORDER NO Wt Send us your list with check or money order. Wt do the rest. Include your own greeting cards, If you wish. 1.45 1.70 . 1.85 ... 1.95 . 2.10 2J2S m V APPLE GROWERS ASS'N, hood kvek, oxegon ...USE THIS COUPON i APPLE GROWERS, ASS'N, Hocd River, Orefon Enclosed puss Sod checx U flKIVIVU iarsMV a - - w " m-lt Wmmm Isuwf J?wsr A finaw .mil' Jrm IVr UJ lALtUSM a awv I Pletse ship to tb Mtttched list. (B gait to typo or print a mmes, strttt addresses, citiet, states.) dditics . . . in the Neus B The Associated Press BOSTON, Mass.w Not. 28 The 13th step brousht ill luck to Dis ney Morrisey. Morrlssey told hospital attaches ho had reached the 13 th step of a- nubile building, with a 100- pound sack of coal on his back, when he toppled backward to the bottom. He suffered a possible fracture of the skull. HURLEY, Wis.,- Not. 26. Now that deer hunting season Is over, Iron county WPA farm to-market road and conserva tion projects resumed today. About 425 men returned to jobs which suspended to prevent workers being shot accidentally. GREENVILLE, Pa., Not, 26 John Becker, 68, a transient from Cleveland, O., was treated at a hospital for lacerations of , the right thumb. Becker was "thumbing" a ride when an automobile struck the digit HUMBOLDT, la., Nov. 2 The wolf didn't stop at the door when he reached the Ed Zeman farm home. In this case, however, it was n't a wolf bat his counterpart, Reynard, the fox, who, when routed by the Zeman family from the chicken yard, dashed through' the open kitchen door and was found devouring the Zeman 's morning pancakes, lie was captured and put to rest. Grangers' News MONMOUTH Local grange members who attended sessions of the National Grange in Port land last weekend, reoort an at tendance of 58 from Polk county, representing each grange organ ization. Friday noon, a dinner ar ranged for by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams of Brush Colylege was held in the Multnomah county building, served by . members of the Woman's Relief Corps. Adams is Polk Pomona master. Special guests at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore, of Texas. Moore is state master there. He addressed the group at dinner. Moore was presented by Adams with a walnut gavel; and Mrs. Moore with a myrtlewood tray, on behalf of the Polk county aggregation. Those attending from Mon mouth grange were: Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ruddell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rog ers, sr. Mrs. Dora Goodman, Mrs. Addle 'Calbreath, Mrs. W. L. Smith, Mrs. John Scott, W. J. Stockholm, Mr. and Mrs. William Riddell, Mr. and -Mrs. L. I. Bttr sell end Mr. and Mrs. R. B. S wen son. CHRISTMAS GIFT-BOXED COMPLETE with Creating LABEL CONTAINS 35 to 40 APPLES & PEAKS DOJVEXEO ANYWHERE INt j Oregon, Washington CaliL, Ncv,LfaL, Mont, Utah Ariiona, New If ex, Colo, Wyo. Jf. D, S.D, IfiniL, Neb. Arkansas, I1L Iowa, Kansas, Mo. Okla, Texas, Wis. x All other states. or money eraet u tor x 1 CCC Employe Held In Extortion Plot Youth Wrote Threatening Letters to Child Star . Shirley Temple PORTLAND, Not. 2S-6?VHin ton C. Hardlson, 22, CCC employe near Gallce, Ore., was arrested by federal nrean . of Investigation agents today on a charge of at tempting to extort 910,000 from snirley Temple, juvenile film star. J. D. Swenson, agent In charge of the Portland district FBI of fice, announced the arrest and said Hardlson had admitted mail ing the alleged extortion note on Nor. 17. Swenson said Hardlson threatened death for the tiny film player if the money was not paid. Hardlson formerly lived at Al bany, Ga., Swenson said. Hardlson waived preliminary hearing at Medtora late today and was or dered held for the federal grand Jury with ball fixed at $50,000. CarlXkmaugh, United States dis trict attorney, said a formal com plaint charging the youth with use of the malls in an attempt to ex tort money bad been prepared. Howard King and W. F. Wood. FBI agents, made the' arrest and took Hardlson to Medford. Lebanon Provides Chamber Program A delegation from the Lebanon Commercial club and one repre sentative of the Sweet Home chamber of commerce will provide tne program at the Salem cham ber of commerce luncheon Morula noon. The discussion will include mention of a proposed highway improvement between Salem and Lebanon. Speakers will be Elmer Fitx- Bff'5caePW I ... p 4 Thorough $ $ T 1 TaT juocai Coverage Accident Insurance Protection SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CITY CARRIER 60c Per Month $7.20.Per Year By Mail in Oregon 50c per Mo., 6 Mo. $2.50, 1 Yr. $5.00 Ontside Oregon, 50c per Mo., $6.00 Yr. gerald, president of the Lebanon Commercial club; L. E. Arnold and C. B. Spencer of Lebanon and N. J. Nye of Sweet Home. Miss Irene Moors and a quarter of Leb anon girls will provide music. Fresh Wind Cause Of Fire's Spread Encino Threatened but Most of Blaze Under Control now LOS ANGELES, Nov. 26-P)-Fresh winds from the Pacific spread a brush fire tonight over the ridge of the Rant MnniM mountains across a highway to en danger Encino, where many film notables live. In tWO or three nlarea iht flames were within a mile of the Homes or Al Jolson and Joel Mc- Crea, actors: Edgar Rica Bur- roughs, creator of Ta nan onrt Phil Harris, orchestra leader. Rain Scott Loa A nrolci fir chief, threw lfOO reserve firemen into the fight along the moun tain ridge and county fire war den Spence Turner brought sev eral tracttors to clear new tire breaks. Elsewhere In Lob a nmpi n.-l San Bernardino counties, where damage possibly reaching S5- 000,000 has been done, the brush and forest fires were held ill in check, and may be brought ccjapletely under control tomor row. Sheriff's deputies In th Roo sevelt highwa yarea near tha ocean arrested three men on charges of petty theft of metal objects from the ruins of homes. One of them. Charles C. Fraw- ley, 32, was accused of taking an eiectnc refrigerator motor, twa wasn iuds, a sins and some cop per wire. WHaomi YaDiinir (Enfiit 5 si Delivered by carrier the year 'round except : Mondays-(by mail, if outside Salem) -a daily reminder of Your Thoughtfulness! STATESMAN FEATURES DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MA2IMUW OF MFORfflATION AND EFJTERTAirJWErJT FOR All THE FAMILY: Associated Press Wire News news i Lively Sports Pages Stockyards Strike Parley Suspended AFL Local Offers Yards all Men Needed for Running Plant- CHICAGO, Not. IC-Nego-Uations for a settlement of the CIO strike In Chicago's sprawling stockyards were suspended today until Monday, with the prospect that before they were resumed a crew of rival unionists would be at work. Orvis T. Henkle, general man ager of the Union Stock Yard and Transit company, stated today's initial peace parley had not al tered his determination to have trading resumed in the yards next week. A stock handlers local affiliated with the AFL has offered the com Why Suffer Any Longer? WREN OTHKK3 rAXLI o our SUCCESS for 6000 rw In CHINA. He nutter with what ailment yea an AFFLICTED dunrdari, amudtla, heart, lung, liver, kidney, stomach, gas, coa sttpatioa. meats. diabtUa rhcu matlam. sU and bladder. fTW, akin, female complaint Charlie Chan Oimese Berk Ce. 8. B. Fans, tyeam practice in China. Offlos hours t to C pjn. except Sua day and Wadnee. day. S W 10 aja, US K. OaafL St. H Sales. Ova. E IKY Best Guide to Your Buying If i Salem's Only Sunday Paper . . pany all the men needed to oper ate the yards. Henkle said that between ISO and 200 of them would be put on the payroll at a.m. Monday.' Representatives of the packing house workers organizing com mittee, the CIO affiliate, declined to disclose what measures, if any, they would take to prevent their picket lines from being broken. Their next conference with the company was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Monday. AT w m aaw W M -fcw M IX. i JSSS : Christmas Cards We have a large assortment of Individual and boxed .cards that are unique and pleasing. SPECIAL! 50 Cards With Name Imprinted $1.20 25 Cards Larger and More Colorful With Name $1.45 Complete Valley News D. H. Talmadge "Sage of ff JSalem" Court Asked to Rename Sunnyvietc Road Region A petition asking that the sec tion of Sunnyview avenue from Garden road north, to the first turn be renamed Park avenue was filed with the county court yester day. The court filed the petition pending decisions on a large num ber of name-changing petitions re cently received. Onrlsitiniiaos mul From Commercial o o Zipper Cases Billfolds Brief Cases Book Ends Games for Kiddies Illuminated Globes Stationery of All Styles Loads of Xmas Wrappings Dictionarys o o A Host of Clever and Beau tiful Gifts of Every Sort SA.GUEfTROT-. PROP SALEM .OREGON Ysmo9 d Daily Women's j Pages I Daily Comics, Four Pages Sundays if USE THIS COUPON ITS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE The Oregon Statesman, 215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. . Phone 9101 or mail to the! above address for starts. I - Nam i i I, Street or R. T. D. No. City. I Carrier will collect at end of month for city starts. Mail orders are Jack Cutler Again Leads Missouri Club Officers Jack Cutler, who has served in the same office three former years, Friday night, was electel to head the local Missouri club for the ensuing year. Other officers chosen -were: Charles Weather, rice president; Mary Purvis, secretary; and Har rison R. McWhorter, treasurer. Pen Sets The finest line of Pen Sets and Pencil Sets we have ever offered a Xmas shopping folk . . . and very reasonable in price, too. State . payable in advance. 1 Signed i Address it -i