The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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.-Tli OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 26, 1938
Bank Night Is
Ruled Lottery
Multnomah Judge Declines
to Accept : Test Suit
v for Injunction
PORTLAND Not. 25-(iip-Cir-
cuit Judge Robert Tucker, declin
ing to accept a test suit request to
restrain, the sheriff and district
attorney, ruled today theatres off
ering cash premiums to attract pa
tronage riolated the lottery statutes.-..
The action was brought by Carl
R. McFadden, theatre operator,
against District Attorney James
JJain and Sheriff Martin Pratt
A boat a dozen theatres hare pro
moted the plan, known generally
as bank or cash nights.
Not Lottery Is Claim
McFadden asserted the lottery
element was not Involved because
no, consideration was necessary to
ener the drawings.
"The mere fact that some cou
pons are given to non paying pa
trons does not alter the fact that
these people who come to the the
atre and wait on- the outside
hare contributed a consideration
in the lnvonvenence and trouble
in coming to the theatre and wait
ing until the award is made and
they In large measure aid In the
general advertising scheme which
is the purpose of the bank night."
the Judge said. .
."' Some Change Minds
He added that many people
who did not plan to pay admis
sion later changed their minds.
The federal and state courts had
found, he continued, there was
"present a valuable consideration
... and all the elements going to
make up a lottery . . . namely,
prize chance and consideration."
More Venom Need
For Curing Child
Kansas city, not. 25.-;p)-
Six u-ore drop3 of venom from the
poisonous Cottonmoulh water
moccasin vrill be injected tomor
row into the blood stream of 3
year old Donald Richardson.
Donald has been 'showing im
provement since three drops of the
venom were administered Wednes
day by physicians fighting a rare
ailment that causes hemorrhages
among the tiny blood capillaries
in.the child's arm.
Ona of the physicians treating
him' said the small doses of the
snake poison tend to strengthen
the Walls of the capillaries.
Youth Is Charged
As Man's Slayer
XAKIMA, Not. J5.-(P)-A
charge of first degree murder was
filed in superior court today by
Prosecutor Lloyd Wlehl against
Roy Wright, 18, of WaUonville,
Cat., charging Wright killed John
Dee; Moore, Yakima automobile
dealer, November 7 during a rob
bery attempt. T
jWlehl said he will ask the court
to docket the case for early Jan
uary and will ask the death pen
alty for Wright. . -
i '
Tijuana District
Has $200,000 Fire
TIJUANA, Mex., Not. 25-;P)-A
block of buildings in the heart of
Tijuana's business district was de
stroyed by fire today, causing a
loss estimated in excess of $209 -
'Embers glowed throughout the
Ight In the ruined block on Av
eoida Revolucion (Tijuana's main
. afreet) between Second and Third
.Heavily armed soldiers were on
patrol to prevent lotlng the piles
of, merchandise and equipment re
moved from buildings.
McCormick Bride Visit Coast
V Harold F. BlcCormick, 667 harvester millionaire, and his bride of six
, months are pictured as they recently arrived in Los Angeles for a
brief stay. - They did not open either the Pasadena or the Bel-Air
estates, 'lira. JfcCormlck was formerly a nurse. She nursed Mc
Cormick through an illness and later married him. US Phata.
Army Leaders
if f i
5 ' -
At- '- l :
Commissioner and Mrs. B. J. Orames of San Francisco, western ter
ritorial commanders of the Salvation Army, who win speak tonight
and .Sunday at services la connection with dedication of the Army
Citadel here. Formal dedication rites are tonight at 7:80 o'clock.
Two Little Mites
Are Both Thriving
Canadian Baby Weighs 22
Ounces; Florida Child
but 18 Ounces
DRUMHPLLER, Alia., Nov. 25.
-(CP)-Canada's tiniest baby was
112 hours old tonight and the
modest, rural practitioner who
brought her into the world said
she is "still thriving."
"That's all we want," said Dr.
G. M. Gibson as another half hour
feeding time came round for Mol
lie Alice Carruthers who tipped
the scales only to the 22-ounce
mark at birth.
She lost an ounce but tt was
considered normal and caused no
PLANT CITY, Fla.. Nov. 25-P)
-Gloria Sue Jones' weight dropped
to IS ounces today two ounces
less than when she was born, Nov.
16 but her attending physician
said he wasn't concerned about it.
The child, whose head could be
covered with a silver dollar, was
born at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Jones, in Rural
Coronet, near here. They have few
of the modern contraptions for
caring for such small infants.
The attending physician said he
believed the baby had a good
chance to survive. There Is no
nurse in attendance. Neighbors
have pitched in and helped with
the baby's care.
Bedroom Burglar
Hit Dewitt Home
Whether it was the "deluxe"
burglar who Thursday night got
himself a tuxedo and diamond
stickpin by the same means, local
police aren't certain, but a burg
lar of some description broke Into
the Frank DeWitt home at 760 E
street sometime between 4 and
6:30 p.m. yesterday and walked
away with a woman's wrist watch.
The house was vacant between
those hours. The burglar entered
through a rear bedroom window
in precisely the same manner as
the two homes were entered
Thursday night and robbed of a
tuxedo and a diamond stickpin
said to be worth 250.
The tact that there was prac
tically no 'wind saved the rest of
the town.
Preaching Here
: M
Socolofsky Named
As Realty Leader
Steelhammer Says Labor,
Pensions and Power
Session Issues
Walter Socolofsky was nomin
ated for election to the presidency
of the Salem Realty board at that
organization's Friday luncheon,
by the nominating committee ap
pointed a week earlier. Other
nominations Include Leo N. Childs
for vice-president, Mrs. Winnie
Pettyjohn for secretary, William
McGilchrist, Jr., for treasurer,
E. B. Grabenhorst for three-year
term on appraisal board.
Labor, old age security and
power will be the leading issues
of the legislative session, the real
tors were informed by John Steel
hammer, legislator-elect who was
Friday's speaker. He predicted
considerable pressure would be
brought for modification of the
anti-picketing'bill enacted by the
people at the general election.
Discussing the uncertainties of
the initiative and referendum,
Steelhammer declared the slot ma
chine bill enacted at the same time
actually loosens the ban on these
devices because it bans them only
If they involve no element of skill,
whereas the previous law forbade
their operation if there was any el
ement of chance. He said how
ever that the recent supreme
court ruling on lotte;s would
still make these machines Illegal,
In his belief.
The realty board adopted by
standing vote a resolution of sym
pathy for William E. Moses, a
member, because of the death of
his wife, Joy Turner Moses.
$150,000 Damages
Asked Guy Smith
Suit for $150,000 damages was
filed In cireult court yesterday
against Guy O. Smith, local attor
ney, by 8. Miller for alleged fail
ure to carry on a damage action
for the same sum in Multnomah
county in 1935. Miller avers he
paid Smith a 6100 retainer fee
and that, while Smith did file the
action, he did not deliver summons
to the sheriff or authorise service
and now time for prosecuting the
case has expired.
The suit Miller allege was al
lowed to die was against O. Heath
and others alleged to have sup
plied him with methyl or wood
alcohol in containers labeled as
denatured alcohol No. 1, the type
he ordered from them. Relying on
the label, he asserted in that ac
tion, he resold the alcohol tn tht.
puhjic and certain customers drank
it with fatal results and as a re
sult of which he was held re
sponsible. Estate No. 10,000
In Probate Court
Already crowded filing cases In
County Clerk U. O. Boyer'a record
rault may have groaned yesterday
as they were called on to store
the 10,000th estate probated tn
Marion county. Fire new estates
were entered in probate during the
Estate number 1999 was that of
C. D. Hartman, estimated orth
12000; number 10,000 was that
of Joseph Hortsch, worth 11750 as
to assets in this state; number 10,-
001. that of Joy Turner Moses,
valued at $43,800; number 10,-
002, that of Frances Van Laanen,
estimated worth $800, and num
ber 10,003, that of Helene Lafky,
consisting of an unlianldated
death claim.
200 Refugees Are
Safe, Navy Advises
SHANGHAI, Not. 2 '.(Satur
day )-fl,)-Lleut. C. T. Caufleld of
the United States gunboat Monaca
cy reported todar that ana' fnr.
elgners marooned at Ruling since
raw-summer were well, compara
tively safe, . and provided with
sufficient food, v ,
Caufleld returned to the 'ran.
boat after leading an expedition
to establish contact with the
group, which included 14 Ameri
cans. Warfare has raged about
their refuge, on Kullng mountain
Rites Tonight
Commissioner Orames to
Dedicate Building .to -r
Soeial Service -
Complete urogram for the. Sal
ration. Army Citadel dedication
ceremonies t o n 1 r h t " at 7;io
o'clock, featuring an address by
commissioner Benjamin Orames
of San Francisco, waa announced
yesterday. The public ts Invited to
attend. ..
The Portland Citadel band will
present a concert, .followed: bT
opening- ceremonies by Major Ron
ald M.Eberhart, Oregon and
southern Idaho divisional com-
manderr Lieut. Colonel William
P. Bansom, fld secretary: and
Lieut. Colonel A. Layman, prop
erty ana men's social aerrlce sec
McKay to Preside
State Senator Douxlas McKar
will preside at the program, dur
ing wnica greetings will be ex
tended hr Rev. Irrinr A. S7.
president of the Ministerial asso
ciation; William Hamilton, presi
dent ox ine community chest; T.
R. Paulus exalted ruler Salem
Elks lodge: Dr. Bruce Baxter, nr.
sldent Willamette university; Y.
xn. nunn, mayor; and Rufus C.
Holman. state treasurer and TJS
Key Ceremony Set
Presentation of kevs will h
made by Leo N. Childs, chairman
of the building committee. Lvla
Bartholomew, architect, and Wil
liam McGilchrist. Jr.. chairman
advisory board following which
Commissioner drames will deliver
the dedicatory address.
visiting leaders, in addition to
those already mentioned, who will
assist in the program and Sunday
meetings to follow, will include:
Brigadier Russel E. Clarke, divi
sional commander northwest divi
sion: Brigadier Paul Heisinger,
district officer, men's social serv
ice, Portland; Major Rosa C.
Morsch, superintendent Portland
White Shield home.
In charge of the Salem corps
are: Adjutant John Allen com
manding officer, and Lieut. Ivan
Estes, assistant.
Highland Friends
Schedule Revival
The public is Invited to hear
Edward Mott, Bible teacher and
expositor, at the Highland Friends
, church every
night at 7:30
o'clock from
November 27
to December
7. He! will
also speak
on Sun day
mornings at
11 and each
wees; day at
10 except
Saturday an
nounces T.
Clio Brown,
The follow.
ing are some
of the sub-
S4wat mo jects to be
discussed under the general theme
"The Kingdom": The Natnre of
the Kingdom, Entrance to the
Kingdom, Repentence, Justifica
tion, Regeneration, Baptism with
the Holy Spirit, The Kingdom of
arables, The Coming of the King
and the Final Form of the King
dom. Also these subjects from the
gospel of John: "Eternity of
Christ," "His Deity and Sonship."
"Salvation Through the Blood,"
"Testimony of Miracles," "The
Promise of the Comforter."
Musical Worship
Set for Sunday
The Knight Memorial Congre
gational church will present a
Thanksgiving musical worship
service Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, augmented by a brief
address by Rev. H. C. Stover,
pastor, on "America, the World's
Musical numbers will be: An
them, "Give Unto the Lord,"
Cadman, by the chorus choir
with Incidental . solo, Harriett
Smart; trio, "Because of Thy
Great Bounty," Hotfmeslter, Le
neltta Harland, Harriett Fmart,
H. C. Stover; solo, -"The beati
tudes," Malotte, 'Allene Moored;'
anthem, "Praise the Lord of Je
rusalem," Maunder; women's
chorus, "Prayer of Thanksgiv
ing," Kremser; solo, "Pilgrim
Song," Tschaikowsky, Everett
C r a r e n , Portland ; anthem,
"America, God Shed His Crace
on Thee," Lorens, with obligato
solps by Ailene Moored and Join
Revival Sessions
Draw big Crowds
The revival meeting now in pro
gress at the Church of the Nas
arene, 13th and Center streets, is
drawing capacity crowds with
many being turned away because
of lack of room. The Internation
ally famous colored quintet of
Cleveland. Ohio, are pleasing the
people with their orchestrations
and special vocal numbers.
Dr. Russell T. DeLong; presi
dent of the Northwest Naxarene
college of Nam pa, Idaho, la the
special speaker for this campaign.
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 a great
mass meeting will be featured
with the colored quintet singing
many negro songs and Dr. DeLong
bringing a timely address. The
special campaign continues each
night next week at 7:30 o'clock
Including Saturday.
about 130 mil e a southeast of
Hankow, In recent months. Ar
rangements to bring them out
through Japanese lines were being
i 1
. " Ail
r Formal Dedication Tonight
; -
! 5
The new Salration Army CitadeL'241 State street, representing a cost
of 918,000, which will be dedicated tonight, at 7:30 o'clock in fit
tins; ceremony to which the public is Inrlted.
Korth Liberty atraet t Marion. Irvine
A. Fox, D. IX, paitor. Bible school, 0:45
a. m : morninz worship, 11 o'clock, sub
ject: "Three Classes of Men;" senior
BYPU service, 6:15 p. m. ; high school
BH'O service, C:30 p. m. ; prayer froup,
7 p. m. ; evening gospel service, 7:30 p.
m., subject: Satan, Does He Exist! Who
I He I Where Does He Dwell V This
oictfage broadcast over KSLM at 8
o'clock, third in the series oa "Immor
tal Questions."
Miller and South Liberty Sts., Rev.
Arno Q. Wenigcr, pastor. Bible school,
9:45 a. m. ; morning worship, 11 o'clock.
Vocal solo: "Others," Jack Billeter, jr.;
junior church simultaneous with sermon.
Young people's meeting, 6:15 p. m. ; eve
ning worship, 7:30 o'clock, sermon:
"The Eves o( Christ;" midweek service
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m,
North Cottage and D Stj, J. T. Oh
thtff, pastor. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. ;
mort'ng worship in German at 11 o'clock,
lerzron: "Our Thsnkoff eriog." Young
people's meeting at &:30 p. m. ; evening
service at 7:30 p. m., sermon: "A Wom
an Saved Oat of a Condemned City."
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
7:45 o'clock; choir practice at 8:45.
Hazel and Academy. Sunday school,
13 a. m.; church, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Rev. Whitwell in charge. Prayer meeting
Thursday, 7 :30 p. m.
Cirter and High Sts., Guy L. Drill,
minister. Church school, 9:30 a. m.;
Lord's fcupper and morning worship at
10:45 o'clock, sermon: "Building To
morrow's Church Today;" four CK soci
eties meet at 6:15 p. m. ; parent's open
Jorum at 6:15 p. a.; evangelistic serv
ice at 7:45 o'clock, sermon: "What la
New in the 'ew Testament t" Midweek
meeting Wednesday night at 7!45 o'clock.
Cart will cill for those who 'will inform
the office that they have bo means of
Cottage and Shipping streets. Bible
classes, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m.,
subjeet: "What Is Christ Worth to
You!" (Illustrated.) Young poopU's
stndy, 6:45 p. m.: evening service, 7:30
o'clock, subject: '"The Gospel Christ
in all Ages." (Illustrated.) Gospel song
hoar, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. H. &.
Thornhill, minister.
17th. and Court Sts., W. H. Lyman,
minister. Bible school assembly, 9:45
a. m.; morning worship and communion
at 10:45 o'clock; mala (jnartet, "When
Awayt" Sermoa abjact: "The Springs
of Stewardship." Evening service, 7:0
o'clock; woman's qnartet: "Let the
Lower Lights Be Bvraing;" sermon:
"Wtat Christ Hates Most;" Christian
Endeavor meetings, S :45 p. m.
Terry street and Commercial, Panl A.
Collord, pastor. Sunday. 9:45 a. m bible
school; 11 a. m., worship, sermon:
"Pant's Ufa Motto." Tneeday, 7:45 p.
itt sermon: "The Glory of the Cross.1'
TnveEday, S p. m., missionary prayer band
at 1910 Sooth CommareUl street. Wed
nesday. 7:49 p. m., cottage meeting. Fri
day. 7:4 p. m. choir rehearsal.
nasi corqrroatioval
Liberty at Center Bts., Robert A.
Hutchinson, minister. Church school
meets at 9:45 s. . ; worship service at
It a. m., sermon theme: "Isn't Religion
a Nuisance!" Anthem: "Praise To the
Father." League of Youth meets at 1
p. m. F. R. Eley, adviaer.
TIOHAL 19th and Terry Sts., Howard C. Stover,
minister. Morning worship at 11. A
mcsical Thanksgiving service. Address:
"America, the World's Hope;" evening
service at 7:30 o'clock, sermon: "The
Trinity of Evil;" Sunday school at 10
a. m.; young people at 6:45 p. m.
Corner Marion and Summer Sts., Rev.
James E. Campbell, minister. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. ; morning worship
at 11 o'clock, sermon: "la Mr Lite My
Own I" .Youth groups will meet at 6:30
p. m.; evangelistic service at 7:80 p. m.,
sermon: "The Weight at Sin." Bible stu
dy Thursday, 7:SO p. m.
North Capitol and Marion Stt., Edwin
Horstman, pastor. School of Chriatian
religion, 10 a. m.; worship, 11 a. m. :
' Living Daily With God." Special music
by male qeartet.
19th a ad Brerman . Sts., Rev. Stewart
Q. and Jnanltn M. Billings. 9:45 a. as.,
Sunday aehool; 11 a. as. worship hour:
"Gcd's Looking Glass." 6:15 p. m..
Crusader and Berean services; 7:45 p. m,
evangelistic service. "A Ooed Life far
a Bad." Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., prayer
eervice; Friday, 7:45. p. m bible study.
Highland avenue at Church street, T.
Clio Brown, pastor. Early morning
prayer meeting at six. Bible aehool at
10 meeting for worship at 11. Ed
ward Blot t, evangelist, guest epeaker.
Young peopia'a CE at 6:30 p, as. and
evsngalistic servieee at 7 :30 p. m. with
Rev. Mott speaking; aehool in Christ iaa
education for grade children Thnraday at
3:30 p. m.; evangelistic services through
out the week at 10 a. m. aad 7:30 p. m.
8oath Commercial at Washington
atraet. Saadar .chool, 10 a. am.; morning
worship, 11 o'clock, eermon eubjeet:
"What Think Ya of Chriitt" Christian
Endeavor, 6:45 p. as.; evening meeting,
7:30 p. m. Dilloa W. Mills, paator.
18th and State 8U., Bar. Amos E.
Minnemsnn, A. M., pastor. English. 11
a. as.; in gathering of thank offering
bozea with Laborers in tho Lord's Vine
yard and the Junior Miaaion. Band la the
liturgical services. German, t a. as. A
tkaak offering mission service. v. L.
Lodwig. president at the northwehtem
district of tho American Latheraa church,
speakee at botk sorvieea. .Sondar school
at 19. a. as. ; chnrck conncil. Tawedny.
7:10 p. m.; Laborers in the Lord'a Vino
yard Mission study class Tuesday, 1 p. at.
(MUaouri Synod
16th and A Sts., H. W. Grose, pastor.
Sunday school nnd bible class, 9 a. m.;
aonicca at 19 a. an.; Lutheran radio hoar
over KSLM at 1:30 p. bl, speaker, Dr.
Walter A. Maier.
North Winter and Market Sts., D. A.
Cahag. t., pastor. Sui day school, 9:45 a.
m. ; church worship, 11 a. m. "class
meeting Sunday;" young people's meet
ing, 6:30 p. m., study of John's gospel;
evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. ; midweek
prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. as.
North Winter, Jefferson, Fairgrounds
Road. Lynn A. Wood, minister. Church
arbool, 9:45 a. m. ; worship,' 11 a. m.,
theme: "Having Eyes They See Not."
Christian Advocate Sunday. Epworth
Leajnes will join with Leslie and First
church g r o n p s at the First Methodist
church from 5 to 7:15 p. m.; covered
dish sapper at 5 p. m. ;meeting at 6 p.
nu Service, 7:30 p. m., theme: "Starved
South Commercial and Myers Sts.,
Dean C. Poindexter, minister' Church
school. 9:45 a. m. ; morning worship, 11
o'clock: "Food for Thought;" leagues
will meet at 6:30 p. m. ; evening service,
7:30 o'clock, message: "This Is the Vic
17th and Chemeketa streets. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m. ; morning worship, 11
o'clock; evening service, 7:30 o'clock;
radio brosdeast, KSLM, 9:30 p. m.; mid
week service, prayer meeting Wednesdsy,
7:30 p. m., pastor. Rev. A. P. Voth.
13th and Center Sts.. Leo Webster Col
lar, pastor. 6 a. m., revival prayer meet
ing; 9:45 a. m., Snnday bible aehool ral
ly; 11 a. m., revival worship; special mu
sic and aongs by the Cleveland colored
quiLtet; sermon. Dr. Russel V. DeLong,
firesideit of the Northwest Naurena eol
ege at Nampa, Idaho; 2:30 p. m., revival
mass meeting, sermon. Dr. DeLong; 6:30
p. m.. young people'a services in junior,
Hi-NY and aenior groups; 7:30 p. m.,
evangelistic service by colored quintet and
revival sermon. Dr. DeLong.
S15Vt North Commercial. Bible achooL.
2 p. m.; devotional, Ip. m; evsngelistic,
7:30 p. m.; special revival services every
night at 7:30 o'clock by Evangeliat Sam
Berkey with Evangelist and M r a . B.
Beck as helpers. J. C. and Daisy Wilson,
SEMBLY T76 Garth avenue. West Salem. Son
day aehool, 10 a. m.; morning worship,
11 a. as.; evangelistic service, 7:45 p. aa.
Midweek services, Wednesday and Fri
day. 7 : 4 5 p. m. W. A. Cnunpecker,
pes tor.
Winter and Chemeketa Sts., Bar. Hen
ry Marcotto, D. D., paktor. Church
school at 9:30 a. nv; morning worship,
11 o'clock, sermon: "Watched by Our
Friends in Heaven." Solo: "Tho King's
Highway" (O'Hara). Trot William
Wright; Chriatian Endeavor societies
meet at 6:30 p. m.; evening worship at
T 19 o'clock, aermoc: "The Ministry of
Reconciliation:' midweek eervice, Thnra
day at 7:80 p. m.
(United Brethren)
17th and Nebraska avenue, O. X. Fos
ter, minister. Snnday aehool, 9:45 a. m.;
morning worship, 11 a. m. ; termoa: "The
Cross oa the Door, the Door on the
Cross;" Christian Endeavor, 6:0 p. m.;
Woman's day program. 7:10 p. as. ; ad
drees by Norman Ho, Willamette student;
prajr meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. as.
841 State atreet. Adjutant and Mrs.
John Allen, commanding officers. Sunday
school 10 a. m. ; Holiness meeting. 11 a
ua. Commissioner Orames speaking; 1 v.
" . meeting at state prison; S:S0 p. an,
Oommiaaioner Orames speaks; S p. sa,
yonng people'a Legion service, CoL A.
Larmaa af San Francisco speaking; T v.
nu, open nir mooting, Stato and Commer
cial ; 7:80 p. m.. Commissioner Orames
First Baptist church of Hsyesviile
Snnday school, 0:45 a. m.; morning wor
ahip. 11 o'clock; Tracy Gipeea of Me
Mlnnvillo preaching; . prayer . meeting,
prayer .meeting. 7:80 p. m, Thursday.
Baker Editor Escapes
Death in Flaming Car
BAKER. Ore., Not. 25. -(fl3)-Kicking
out the window of a
flaming automobile, John Hogg,
city editor of the Baker Democrat
Herald, and Dee Dalley escaped
death near here yeBterdaj. The
car overturned several times and
caught fire.
Dalley was uninjured but Hogg
suffered back sprains and shock.
T. T. Lam. BT. D. - O. Chaa. V. D.
Herbal remedies tor. ailments
of stomach. Urer. kidney, akin,
blood, glands, ft urinary sys
tem of men women. 21 years
In service. Naturopathic Physi
cians. Ask your Neighbors
about CHAN LAM.
on. ennn Einm
392 Court St Corner Liber
ty. Office open Tuesday it Sat
urday only.. 10 A. &L to 1 P. M-,
I to 7 P. il. ConsultaUon blood
pressure & urine teats are tree
of charge.
Boys' Conclave
Three Groups to Promote
Meeting December 2-3
by Blaking Tour
Three groups of young men will
tour the Marion-Polk-Yamhill
counties district in the Interest
of the nth .annual older boys'
conference scheduled here Decem
ber 2 and 3, It was announced
from the local YMCA.
The tours will begin Monday
with high schools In the territory
the objectlre. Wallace Brown of
Hubbard, president of this year's
conference, will head one group,
Don Chriatensen of McMinnTille,
vice-president, will head a second,
and Gus Moore, boys' work secre
tary of the local YMCA, the third.
ISO Expectecr at Meet :
Accommodations for the more
than ISO boys who are. expected
to congregate here will be solicited
by the Hi-Y Mothers club, with
Mrs. George Otten chairman of the
committee that includes Mrs. Ray
Smith. Mrs. William Wood. Mrs.
H. G. Smith, Mrs. A. R. Ewlng,
Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. E. M. Me-
Kee, Mrs. C. S. McKlhinny, Mrs.
J. M. Hofstetler, Mrs. O. A. Macy
and Mrs. James Williams.
Erfo, Dubach Speakers
Conference speakers Include:
Dean U. G. Dubach, dean of men,
Oregon State college; Dr. Donald
Erb, president of the University of
Oregon; Dr. Fred B. Messing, sec
retary of the Oregon Hygiene so
ciety; and W. S. Chambers, execu
tive secretary of the northwest
YMCA council.
Hi-Y committees are:
Program Carl McLeod, Bud
Moynihan and Ward Miles.
Promotion Clinton Wampler,
Bill Shinn and Jim Leedy.
Registration Dick Stacer, Vir
gil Sebern and Elmer Smith.
Hospitality Ed Bishop, Bob
Lafky and Willard Glaze.
Recreation George Alexander,
Eugene Jarvis and Bob Allen.
McMahan Orders
Puckett Release
Arthur Puckett. 21, alleged lead
er of a bicycle theft ring uncov
ered by police last August, was
ordered released until February
when he appeared before Circuit
Judge L. H. McMahan yesterday
but held by the sheriff's office on
a Corvallls warrant charging bi
cycle theft there.
Judge McMahan continued
Puckett's cases, one involving bur
glary of the South Commercial
street Safeway store and the oth
er theft of a bicycle belonging to
James Williams, until the Febru
ary term of court and conditioned
the young man's release from the
county Jail here on his making
restitution to the store and the bi
cycle owner.
' Puckett was apprehended early
in the fall at Eureka, Calif., when
officers seeking to arrest him on
a Salem warrant shot him. In
jured in the, leg, he is still on
Imperial Valley's
Pea Crop Is Lost
EL CENTRO. Calif.. Not. 25.
-It)- Imperial valley's fall pea
crop was virtually wiped out in
this morning's frost, and squash,
cucumbers, citrus fruits and fall
melons were damaged severely,
growers reported today.
The pea crop, which was dam
aged 10 days ago, was ruined
when temperatures dropped to 24.
degrees in some areas.
Nine thousand acres of the
spring pea crop was not affected,
growers said.
!aff(0)irB yotm nDuny a
let us explain the
First National Cash Buyer Plan!
Under this plan you supply one-third the)
price) in trade-in or cash; we lend yon the
balance to pay tor both car and insurance).
Ton need not be a depositor to finance
through this bank.
i Any Branch 1
d d i t i c s
. . in the Neu$
BUDAPEST, Nov. 2 5.-P)-Fer-enc
Szabo, a printer found un
conscious on the street today, la
ter told police at a hospital he
had set in type the nan 3 and
address of his sweetheart and
then swallowed the type.
He said he had learned the girl
was unfaithful to him. The type
be swallowed amounted to 60
characters. Including two commas
and a semicolon all washed down
with a pint of mild poison, Szabo
"I read about another romantic
printer doing this," he said.
SEATTLE. Nov. 25 .--Although
observing he did not be
lieve cigarct smoking by women
was "grounds for divorce an y
more," Superior Judge James
B. Kinne today granted Thomas
E. Carney a divorce from Mrs.
.Edna Carney.
Carney charged his wife
drank excessively and smoked
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 23.-()-Mrs.
Nora Hazard won a divorce
today from Lawrence Hazard,
film writer, after testifying he
gambled away nearly all his earn
ings on horse races. .
"He won sometimes, didn't he?"
Superior Judge Walter S. Gates
"No," the wife replied. "He
never won.
August Huckestein
Dies at 75 Years
(Continued from page 1)
during the time much street pav
ing was being done. He operated
a cigar factory in. Salem before he
became postmaster. Until April of
this year he conducted an insur
ance business in the Oregon
building. v
August Huckestein was born in
Pittsburgh, Pa. June 23, 1863,
the son of Henry and Willamina
Schmitz Huckestein. In 1884 he
married Margaret Hoffman who
died August 22, 1929. Six of their
nine children are living, A. E.
Huckestein and Willa T. Hucke
stein. both of Salem, Charles J.
and Mark N. Huckestein. both of
Honolulu. Hawaii; Eleanor N.
Huckestein of San Francisco and
Mrs. J. L. Huckestein of Burbank,
Calif. A brother John Huckestein
of Irving. Pa., and two grand
children, Margaret M. and Rich
ard D. Huckestein, both of Salem,
also survive. A second wife, Mar
tina O'Brien Huckestein whom he
married January 4, 1933, passed
away recently.
Services will be announced la
ter by W. T. Rigdon company.
Portland Parking Meters
Are note City's Property
PORTLAND, Nov. 25.-i5)-Portland
owns its parking meters
now. The nickel-eaters were paid
for today when the last five-cent
piece dropped through the coun
ty machine in the city treasurer's
The nickels paid $53,771 for
1434 meters.
Every Saturday Nite
Admlssioa S5e
mmd His -Piece Orchestra