Society . .Clubs Music Bridge Clubs to Be Entertained This Week Several Informal bridge parties and luncheons are on the calendar for Thanksgiving week. Today Mrs. Taylor Hawkins will preside at luncheon at her Falrmount Hill home for the pleasure of members of her club. Guests will be Mrs. Arthur Bahn, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Ercel Kay. Mrs. Frank BY Spears, Mrs.! Frits S lade of Port land. -Mrs. Hollis Huntington. Mrs. William Connell Dyer, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. T, A. Rob erts, Mrs. John Carson and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Jr.- - " '. Mrs. Frank Snedecor will pre side at luncheon at Godfrey's In honor of her contract club. Later the group will play cards at her apartment at the Hazeldorf. Addi- tlonal guests wm oe Mrs. tieuoeu P. Boise and Mrs. Milton L, Mey- era. Club members are Mrs. Fred erick S. Lamport. Mrs. Linn C. Smith. Mrs. Henry W. Meyers, Mrs. Oliver C. Locke, Mrs. Louis Lachmund and Mrs. Clarence Eeene of Silverton. - ..Mrs. Scellars Hostess Mrs. E. J. Scellars is entertain- fug members of her club at lunch- eon today at Godfrey's to be fol- lowed by cards' at the Scellars' home on Falrmount Hill. . An ad- ditlonal guest will be Mrs. George A. White. .Mrs. H. G. Malson wDl be host ess to members of. her Drama class .treet. Tea will be served late in the afternoon, Mrs. Frank Ben- uu mu uu yiniuc w luuiunm for members of her bridge, club, sirs, james Nicnoison win lete ner lub members with a - -heon to- day at. her North Summer street home. Miss Cleo Ritner will en- terUIn tonight at her home on Virginia street for the pleasure of members of her club . i. iiaroia romimson en- tertalned Monday night at her home in honor of members of her elub. .A late supper was served bv the hostess. Mrs. R. C. Hunter was also a luncheon hostess Mon- day for the pleasure of her club. , Bridge was in play during the afternnnn Co-eds Entertained by Sifima Tau Men fiatemity The, Sigma Tau men were hosts for a, informal dinner at the frat-rnity house on Oak street Sunday afternoon in compliment to a group t coeds. The dining table was entered with an arrangement of chrysan- themums guarded .by yellow candles. Covers were placed for Mrs Edward Burke. Miss Imoeene Bowser, Miss Maty Alie Kee- seeker. Mis Uadelyn Bfst, Miss Barbara Lamb. Mi?s Marjoiie Waters, Miss Grace Fiiiey. Miss Lillian Briggs. Miss Mary Staats Yocom. I i?s Irene Marjorie Van deWal- Bliss4 Miss ker. i Messrs Warren Less ig. Roger Strench, Roger Foster. Edwin McWain, Robert Clarkt, Otto Wilson, ir.. Art Olson. John Horton. Harry Cha boa ne, Mark Walt? and Kenneth Sherman. t 9 Witzels Entertain for Son and Daughter i " I - Mr. and Mrs; W. H. Witzel gave a farewell party in honor of their son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Witzel from San Pedro, who.havs been ordered to duty in China and re leaving immediately. Cards were enjoyed during the evening, followed by refreshments. ! The following guests attended: Mrs. Eulalie Hawk and famllv Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gillstrap and family, Mr. Alwyn Witzel,-Mrs. Florence! Miles, Mr. and Mrs. J. Trelch, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Faught and Tommy Mr. and Mrs. A. Boley, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCuen and Mrs. W. A. Dove. The Kappa Gamma Uho fra lAHMtl. v ..a .a at. - - mviucii uiti i ir.e cnap- LtJ1, ,hrf realarrvte 17 u' Wtrr present were Mrs. C. H BUk DaVtnV" W", JXZZ' H. Koitemeyer. Salem: Mr, . John l.lenbart. wooaDurn; Mrs. i iartt Sher- man. Mrs. Ernest C. Richards and Mrs. Lena chmlJ all f Salem. " J. Mr. ana Mr. oan . nwrsnaii, church today from ? until 4 The Town and Gown club will bo live on Garden road, are cele- o'clock. Prof. Ivan Lovell of Will meet today at the Chresto cottage brating their 28th wedding anni-7 amette university will speak at on the Willamette campus at 2 o'- versary on Monday, November 28, 3:15 o'clock. Miss Velva Williams clock. Mrs. Paul Jackson will and on Sunday afternoon preced- will give a reading and a short show colored moving pictures. Ing it reception in their honor musical nroeram is nlanned Mrs. C. A. Kells is in charge of will be given at the home ot their i""""- the tea committee. r CLUB CALENDAR Tuesday,- November 22 Bust iess and Professional Women's dinner meeting at Golden Pheasant, 7 p.m. North 'Salem WCTf , Jason Lee church, 2 p.m. Alpha Mu of Delphian. 9:30 a.m.. fireplace room j? library. Eastern Star socia. after noon club, 2:15, Masonic tem ple. - - Grant Study club, with Mrs. J. H. Turnbull, 850 Mar ket, street, 1:45 o'clo.-k. Wednesday, November. 23 ;. Salem Women's clur- book review section, fireplace room of Salem public 111 racy. Friday, November S3 . - Executive ' Board.' Business and Professional Women a club, chamber of romrrercs. West Side circle at . Jason Lee church, all day met-tlng. News mfe .. .. -I ... .. n t f - ' : - Dorothy Crawford who appear. ""-""u " oi events under the sponsorship of tne community concert associa- Uon. She will give a program of character sketches at Iille auditorium on November 30. Dinner Party to PrSV7 D 2 Tina 1 wCCUC? LSdilLC Trini crrt-f Slated for tonight is Ihe Tilll cum club dance at C.stlllian hall. Iumerous informal par-, ties are being arranged to pre- Llwuy .ol formaT atFaTr at '" Venne'th ueu Domt oeiore the dance. A large no-host dinner party will J be Held at the Qaelle and an- other at the Golden Pheasant. The Thanksgiving motif will be carried out in the Uble ap- pointments for the dinccr to be held at the Golden Pneasant. Covers will be placed for Mr. na airs, uarien sin-pron, Mr. anI Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, Mr- and Mrs- Frank Shafer, Mr. and Mrs- Tel Paulas, Mr. and Mra. William H. Paulus, Mr. and Mrs- Thomas J. Dryran, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Whitehcuse, Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Von Escben, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Lessard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Weinstein and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Armstrong. ' - Alpha Psi Delu Men TI. r T: w AU1 xyniuci TK- 4iv. r,cl r,,. Jh! .Alp-n. If De" trtermt "tained at dinner Sunday noon at the chaPter bonse ,n compli- UICIl,tu"''B uup OIrae no"iers. The table was centered with an arrangement of carnations and chrysanthemums Mothers and their sons present were Mrs, Gertrude E. Cleveland and Meiri B. Coburn and Tony and Warne wilmer McboweU MrVoscatBa- ' T ci'vft J t Nunn, Mrs. A. L. McDowell and rV . t cV en C. Stone and Jerry Stone. Mrs. m. . . ;ii uuicic uron. Other members present were uas" Anion, jonn tverett Gary. Frank Gnerin. Dan Moses, Victor Crow, Wayne T ainard. Dean Trumbo. Bill Borden, Sam Kyle, Dick Jones. John II a t h a w a y, Claude Barrick. Wendell Patch. Dwight Caherwood and. Fred Ber- vau. Assisting in the serving were Gordon Williamson, Mike Tray- nor.. Glenn Fravel, Louis Bonney and Joe Colasuonno. The Alpha Psi Delta men were hosts for their annual Thanks- giving dinner last night and had as a snecial euest Profesaor n Ivan Lovell. - w , . ,-. ' airs' OOICV to Entertain Pliili Tnnwrit IUD 10nignt Mrs. Earl Cooley will entertain Informally tonight at her home on Center street in commitment memhora of hT uln- Tk o.., br the -hostess. . Those bidden are Mrs. E C Mennis. an additional guest. Mrs Melwood Van Scoyoc of Portland. Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen. Mrs. Charles Fieke. Mrs . r,e.s. r ieKe M"- J ' " .upp, T- Kenneth Murdock and Mrs. J - w- Clayton. Ft aD.k "arBha on North II a '.sT1, urfiends are beInR lQ" yited through the press to call be- tween the hours of 2 and 5 o'- clock. Mrs. B. E. Slssoa was called to Spencer, West VlrsinIa.'on Satnr- day night because of the andden death of her mother. She will be . gone about two weeks. . PRE-THANKSGIVING DRESS 25 Tailored aad after noon dreasea in thrill ing winter shades ... Including many "Mar oatate" models. Only. Guild Meeting Is Held at Baum Home Monday Th Ben Lomand park horn a of Mrs. W. Wells Baum was tha scene of th. regular meeting of St. Anne'a Guild ; of St. Paul's Episcopal church Xonday after noon. Assisting hostesses were Mrs.. Wallace Carson. Mrs. Ken neth Bell, Mrs. G. Edward Bis sell and Mrj Gay Baglt-y. Tea was served late in the afternoon and the serving table was attractive with a centerpiece of lemons and laurel, leaves flanked with yellow tapers. Spe cial guests for the afternoon were Mrs, C. L. Bushnell, Mrs. Richard Devers and Mrs. Frank H. Spears. Members present vm Mrs. -p "JSt Xrt n0."4 areyman Boise, Mrs. Kaymond Mrs Kenneth nit m m SSLn m L W XT 7V, urwa, t010 -ornn. Mra- Ho m?! U Gttle'' Mrs. William H. J)!. rl' Hnon, xara. ueorre Hoffman mrM Crelghton Jones, lira Arthur Knox, Mrs. Howard Rex, Mrs, H. A. Simmonds, rs. Homer H. Smith, jr., Mrs. Bruc Titus, Mrs. Sydney Xromer, Mrs James Laldlaw, Mrs. Donald MeCargar. Mrs. Carl Nelson. Mrj Walter Socolofsky, Mrs. James Walton. Mrs. Parker Wlckwirt, Mrs. Chester Zumwalt, Irs. Harold dinger, Mrs. Vernon Prry. Mrs. F. W. Poorman. Mrs. KennetM Power, Mrs. Kenneth Bell. Mrs. TV"a.c son. Mrs. Ed Bis- W.VeS Baum. i- n' Mrs. Fred Scharfs Celebrate Silver WrMi" weaamg Mr and irs VrA s.. celebrated their 26th weddhfi anniTmrr s,.f.. . u . .! their new home on the Silver- ton road. The serving table was In silver and white with a- cen terpiece of white carnations and silver leaves flanked by silver tapers in white pottery holders. B o u q u e ts of chrysanthemums were used about the rooms A mnrV wMn. w.. . - vuukujk n a leaiuiir l me evening. Assisting in the serving were Miss Dorothy and Miss Genevieve Scharf and Miss Lorrayne Super. Guests honoring Mr. and Mrs. Scharf were Aneut srWf Clyde Scharf of Santa Monica, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Surer, Lorl rayne Super, Mr. nd Mrs. R. H. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Carey all of Portland, Mr. tzd Mrs Henry Sim and' son Daryl Mr and Mts. W. E. Horaschuch Mr" and Mrs. E. , J. Scharf, Mr. and Mrs. George Wol'e. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Laanen and and Mrs. Lee Dow. family, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Heibert McDon- ough,' Mr. and Mrs. G. Wikoff, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bartruff, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scharf, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bassett and son Don- aia, mr. ana Mrs. f rant sschart. YelmaBaC0n and Beverly' Mr- Ian scnarr, Mr. and Mrs. U. R. Gould, Mrs. Lena ,artn ff. Mu- nel uaiser, uertrude scharf. Loween Scharf. DorO hv Scharf. Kenneth Scharf. Harry Scharf and Genevieve Scharf. Prnrram at T ibrarv r rogram 31 L,lDrary Includes Opera , Two excerpts from the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" to be broadcast by the Metropolitan Opera company next Saturday will De featured on the regular weekly Preram of recorded music in the mnsic room ot tne Salem public llDrary inis ariernoon irom 3:0 to 4 00 and on Friday, from 11:45 to 12:45 noon. The complete program is: Fines!'. C.T OYertore Mendelssohn St. Lonia symphony orchestra Laoi., f oaductor Soaring Schamann Olga Samaroft, pimaist Lo, Here th. Gentle L.rlt Bishop Ifarion Talley, Liebestranm (Dream of Loe) Ifizt-8chipa Afternooa ef Fun iito ex-aipa, tenor Debnisy Leopold St-kowski. con due tor Roiido Capriccioso Presto Meod.lsaonn Ct Alfred Cortot, pianist Orphfus aad Eurydiee Glnck I Have Lost My Eurydice Lonise Hjmtr, eontralto , Dance ot the Spirits Ballet Philadelphia symphony orchestra .pVl!?. e0,f!,,E, eoa Leopoitf tstosowsfci, conductor laOTKV rr. Kremser America The North Salem WCTU Is giv ing a roll call tea in the high school room of the Jason Lee re hosts to Dr. and Mrs. R. B. stone ot Enterprise who will remain over the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs Stone is Mr. Clay- ton.a gl8ter Mr. aad Mrs. Karl G. Becke have as their house guests this week their mothers. Mrs. G. L. Lovell of Milwaukle and Mrs. Charles Becke of Aurora. SALE TODAY and WEDNESDAY $inoo IV 1IAXINB BUBEN IFojwn's Editor- "I'll take the regular luncheon, but to auosuraie Though she must thus count her pennies (and, perhaps, because she does so), she buys Judiciously. You can judge the result for your- !?ItTf ,et crepe, dress whlch 8he fe,el "Pertly correct and attracUve from early morning hop on too trolley to town to work to shop to lunch, tea, cocktails, and even a dinner-and-movia dat. An "onMin .n. i x, " uo' Bua " ' , viu uiaras me apex or the pleated 6h ,th.e AiT Pleat8' stitched down to the hips, start below Features. InJ effet CoPt. 1938. EsquSJ Public Utilities to Give Skating Party Tonight Employes of the public utilities commission will be hosts for a skating party tonight at the Cani- tola rink for members of the th-". the,r r,ends- 5f0,aIr WlU comnce at 7:30 i,' . Mr- Bjarne Ericksen and Miss Marle LlPPold are making ar- ranSements for the party. In char6e of the ticket sale are Miss Monlca Hopfinger, Miss Stephanie Mitchell, Miss Josephine Barr and fllu,B "eien iurner- Mr ana n,rs Mani H. Ham- mond were in Portland for the weekend as the guests of Mr. and Mrs- Virgil Dunkin and attended tae PI Beta Phi alumnae dance Bl lUB iown ciud i ' . Mrs. J. Dcane Patterson ts en- leriaining informally at bridge this afternoon at her home. THE SWEETEST OF ALL SO UK D 1 31 tSV f bD Sis Takes IYjds in Makw Cbnzs IVaisc is the reward of taMng pride in the things you do. If you take pride in making really fine coffee, you . can expect to be mplirnented. For snrty yean Hills Bros, have taken pride in rnaintaining a delicious, unvarying flavor in their conee. Millions of women serve Hills Bros. Coffee because they like it and because they love to hear these words'Now. that's what-1 call good cofeeP'-ovcr and over again. Woineii " U: 'l'i'H..MtW J I I v. in mm n , , "Tc Fir instead of the vegetable, I'd like a pnone cam" Mrs. Gustafson Honored On Birthday . . Mrs. Albert Gustafson was hon ored at a dinner In the home of Mr- anl Mrs. Eldon Dorman on Sunday night. Cards were In play followIng tne meaI t Present were Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Bowman and Loreta, Mrs. Ves- Per Mr. and Mrs. Max Serdot, M- Gladys Wilson, Miss Barbara Jean Wilson, Mr. Herschel Acuff, Miss Lavelle Sanders, Mr. Dick Serdote, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gus- tafson and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dorman. . The Book Review section of the Salem Woman's club will-meet Wednesdav aftemnnn t th mih. lie library In the firenl at two ,c,ock- m Eve Kaower w;il review "Our Promised Land" by Neurber ger and "Wisdom's Gate- by Barnes. "Your little girl has such lovely manners, you should b very s Problem Last minute turkey ta'k is In valuable to the housewife, who must choose the best fowl within her budget. Not only Is Thanks giving a day to serve turkey, but there will be many seen on the American tables during the mia-wmter holiday sea&r n. v.suu Mie ucj.i imeni of 0-rliilt.ii ..... .... the federal-state b vua d n uilu unrviNvi (.......I dressed turkeys and knows good or bad birds, gives th. following tips to shoppers: Turkeys are sold commercial ly under f our glasses based on Ik. v. uuu Age ana ki rnese are young hens, young t.tms, old ueiu ana Ola ioms. 1)1 these the young hens a.e tfcst with others ranging down In the or- dtr given. Young hens srnd toms are less than one year old and can be known by their toft meat and flexible breast boaes. The breast bonej of od hens and toms have hardened. The "feel" of the bird is a pretty good in dex as to whether it U young or old, tender or tough in Oregon, the big b.rds are also sold as prime, choice or ... u.u ynuicr, r.uuice or four classes above. Prime birds are best; choice, next best, and commercial, the poorest Birds which are very thiL, diseased or unwholesome are not permitted to be sold under any of these grades. The three latter grades may be combined with any of the sex and age grades, an "eld torn" may at the same time be a "prime old torn." He'n probably considerably tougher than a young hen but a good old bird j.u uu me unest bird the housewife !ould buy would be a "prima yourg hen." if your butcher sells you .a prime bird, it should be one that Is well fleshed and covered with fat, it should be well bled, well dressed and practically free of pinfeathers, there shouM be only slight abrasions of the skin and it should be well formed. The commercial grade bird, poorest of the three, Is poorly fleshed and has little fat, it will have numerous pin feathers, skin abrasions and discolorations, the skin may be torn open and it may have a few broken bones If the bird is noticeably deform ed, probably It Is also in this trradA Tha ovind f fha ,raa. grades Is the choice and. in gen- eral. it falls In between the prime and the commercial graoes. Some of the Salem butchers say that goose is a good Thanksgiv ing investment, there is lots of meat on each bird, the price is lower than turkey and goose fla vor is popular In many families. Look Into the comparative merits of turkey and goose if you're not a confirmed Thanksgiving turkey eater. Additional Society on Page 7 8 I S PRAISE proud of ber.'. ; Today's Menu Meat balls and arlit peas will be the Inexpensive main. dish for day, in preparation for the big Thursday menu. . Pineapple cockts,' Meat balls split peas Pickles Corn oread Fried sponge cake fauce There are ever so many re- ' .. on that tke all corn aMl mnA sonr milk- ua CORN BREAD 1 cup sour milk Vt teaspoon soda in 1 teaspoon water . Vt teaspoon salt 1 egg cu8 cornmeal IVt cups cornmeal iusieu:cuu iu out-r (iirn but dd -beaten' white lt. Bake ioT nalf an hour at 363 degrees, For the dessert, fry Mlces of sponge cake In butier 'a a skll let and top with lemon - corn starch sauce. t' Cracker Stuffing Goes Tn Festival Fowl 111 resuai rowi Lemons, cracker crumbs and a eenerons amount of narslev mak ituffing to put the foreward cavity of a turkey. Cut the recipe down if it's to be used only in this smaller cavity. LEMON CRACKER STUFFING a quarts criciej meai or crumbs 1 cup diced turkey fat or suet 1 cup turkey stock to moisten 1 cup chopped parsley Grated rind of 2 lemons iy teaspoons salt Melt fat. add meal or fine crumbs to toast, add other ingred ients and mix well, Cranberry Salad Gives , ar i Color to Meal Cranberries If jelled, make ex- cellent salad to go with turkey dinner, there's color and flavor aplenty in this recipe JELLIED CRANBERRY RING Cook 1 quart cranberries in 2 cups water and sieve them teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon gelatine in cup uoiu water x cup cnooDea acmes Dissolve the gelatine In hot -ruuerry puip ana wnen Degin- nlng to congeal fold in remaining ingredients. Chill and top with mayonnaise or fruit dressing. Again By Popular Demand Our November Offer t-rl 'a rA fen i. 'f t r-- -i -, November Offer So. 1 Your Photograph Taken and Hand Colored in Oil Size 8x10". Eyes, lips, cheeks in natural color for only . Offer No. 2 1 Dozen 3x5 Portraits Mounted In folders; aad 1 8x1 painting, band colored in oils. Choice ot proofs for $375 r Offer No. 4 6 Beautiful Princess Portraits 5x7 Inches Complete with Easel Folders, size 7x10, with choice of proofs 0j 4jJ A mako-up consultant prepares you Jor the camera, assisting you with Hollywood ; make-up NO EXTRA CHARGE Open Ermines & Sundays by Appointment Homemaking Styles . . Food Vegetables Give Choice (ri 74f1if1tr " UllUdy There is such variety in vege tables for Thanksgiving that It's almost a problem to choose, but there's tradition in many families and usually . favorite accompani ment for the turkey. Small nntn seasonea with butter and nnrin . . Bna BPnn- . rri- a iwfi nrirn w m t a. salt make one favorite vegetable. Buttered Brussels sprouts, with pimiento as a garnish make an other popular Thanksgiving dish. Celery Steamed, and combined with corn and butter is a suitable combination for this holiday din- urr. Yet another suggestion is elaied carrots, providing other thlncs on the menu are not too ewiw - Creamed rnf!w - flower Rervw iti.. ll."J . . ...uiunaf, WHICH means wkh breadcrumbs and but ter, is a vegetable that Is good now, and suits a holiday menu. Buttered, baked squash, broc coli, cabbage with caraway seed as flavoring, creamed celery root and fresh green peas all mav rco an mane dinner. Young green beans will go nice ly with the menu, scalloped toma toes with a tiny bit of grated unMnAta wni k vaaMuuC ill UIUC1 4US34 UI i' ities. Cereal Dessert Likened To Rice Pudding Whole wheat cereal will make dessert that's as popular as rlre pudding in most families. Try this one then for: WHEAT DELIGHT 2 tablespoons uncooked wheat cereal 2 tablespoons sugar 1-16 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 egg H teaspoon vanilla Scald milk, add cereal while stirring. Cook 45 minutes in a double boiler. Add salt nnrl 11 car Separate yolk from white of egg! put volk In bowl, add onMrod wheat mixture, stirring llin ma. tard. Put back into douhla hotw cook two minutes Fold in stiff u beaten egg white and add vanilla Cook 3 minutes more in double boiler. Makes 3 large servings. t. a. e, f 4" rj"-f V 22nd to 26th -Proofs rzzr Offer No. 3 I Original Kennell-Kl-11s hand painted min iature la gold metal frame, and 1 5x7 pho tograph, hand-colored la oils. Choice of proofs for $3.75 i ..v a Ik 50c Cantilever f GOOEG Said la tteleja fry Ua Oaly ACKUN COOTERY 105 K. HIGH 8T. SENATOR Dress Shop IC ii-Eiii HILLS DROS COFFEE 7U Cbtuct GJdnd enne IS 224 N. HIGH SALEM ot mt umn sr amt wiwo o V2. Room 420, Oregon BUg Salem Call 7830