-iff-. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, November 17, 1933 PAGE SEVEN 1 " -- - -'- - "- - -- .- " . ..... . ii i .in -I' i,,i.HHHHHBMMaaaaHBMaaHaaBBMMM h 'Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae Feted The Alpha Gamma Delta alum nae were entertained at the home of Mrs. Francis Smith in King wood Heights Tuesday night with Miss Marian Jones acting as hos tess. Supper was served following an informal evening. Assisting the hostess whs Mrs. Edward Duf fy. ' Announcement was made of the Alpha Gamma Delta formal dance to be held Saturday, Novem ber 19, in Portland at the Colum bia Edgewater Country club. Pro ceeds from the affair will go to the summer camp for under priv ileged children which the sorority maintains. Mrs. Carl Cover is In charge of tickets in Salem and Mrs.,E. B. Bossattl in Dallas. Present at the meeting were Mrs. Herman Jocbimsen, Mrs. Ed ward Duffy, Mrs. Carl Cover, Mrs. E. B. Bossatti, Dallas, Mrs. Fran cis Smith, Miss Rosemary Snyder, Miss Una Glath, Miss Grace Eliz abeth Holman and Miss Marian Jones. Choruses Will Present Oratorio "Scmele" A performance of Handel's Secular Oratorio "Semele" is planned for production during National Music Week in May to be sung by the combined chor uses of the Oregon Federation of Music clubs, with orchestra. Mr.. Albert E. Jones, who has been appointed state choral festival chairman," will conduct tho work. The presentation of the out standing Handel composition will be given in Portland. Choruses and individual singers desiring to federate with the Oregon Federation of Music clubs are invited to get in touch with the state extension chairman, Mrs. J. H. Portb, 390S NE Alameda. Portland. The Salem Ministers' Wives as sociation will be entertained at a dessert luncheon Monday after noon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Louis Magin, 1420 Court street. Mrs. W. H. Lyman will be the assisting hostess. Mrs. C. A. Kells will be the speaker of the afternoon and her topic will be "The Influence of the Christian Church on the Arts." Pearl Buck, novelist, and Jane Todd, member of the New York state assembly will talk on how women will best advance, whether through legislation, individual ef fort or group action, in a broad cast which will be heard over KOIN from 7:45 to 8 o'clock to night. . Mrs. Clifford Farmer has bid den members of her club for luncheon and cards today at her home on Saginaw street. Is It Romp nee, Miss Baker? 1 . Ii r v if. .. V : V Gloria Baker and Bob Topping Is It romance. Miss Gloria Baker? So goes the report, but we wouldn't know. The other half of the reported romance is Bob Top ping, sportsman. Miss Baker la cms of the richest and most beauti ful of New York's society girls. The two are shown dining in Nsw York. In the Valley Social Realm Pattern H977 I Doubly desirable for its grac-. lous charm and slenderizing lines , this new dress of soft more crepe or novelty xatin! You'll Bing its praises even more after you've stitched it up for the making . is very simple indeed, thanks to Anne Adams genius for -design. Remember especial ly around Christmas, you'll need a dress y but-n o t-too-dressy frock like Pattern 4977! Glance at Its slenderizing skirU sleekly molding at the hips, and grace fully rippling at the hem be cause of the two panels. And ob serve tho extra fulness in the bodice. The deep V neckline also is decidedly flattering. As for the sleeves, they're generous in cut whether shirred l.ngth or short and loose! Order your pat tern today. ' . Pattern 4977 is available in women's sices 34, 26, 38, 40, 42 44. 46 and 48. Size 36 Ukes 3 yards 3 9 Inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (lSe) la coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. ' Write TODAY tor your copy of ANNE ADAMS WINTER PAT TERN BOOK, and be smartly dressed with economy! This brilliant collection of "round-the-clock" fash ions shows correct clothes you can . easily make for every .outdoor and v indoor occasion. Styles for the very young and for women who want to stay young-1 Lingerie and gift ideas for the coming holidays, as well as fabrics and accessories ! Don't anise this stunning Book of Patterns I Msll your order at once BOOK, FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIF TEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PAT TERN ' WHEN ORDERED TOGE THER. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. . Send your order to The Oregon Statesman, Pattern Department, til South Commercial. LEBANON Prenuptial show ers for two prospective brides were society events of the week. Helen Pitzlng, whose marriage to Russell Falk of Albany will be an event of the near future, was honored Wednesday night by the Walther league of the Lutheran church of Albany at the home of Miss Leone Ghender, hostess to approximately 40 guests who brought a shower of household equipment. On Thursday night Miss Pitz ing was surprised by a group of 35 friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitz ing with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Wendling, hostess. Wednesday afternoon Miss Lois Bowman entertained at the Carl Kowitz home as a compliment to Helen Beard, granddaughter of Mr. Kowitz, who will become the bride of Ted Lamsden of Wood burn at an early date. There were more than 40 guests present. A mock wedding with Eva Beard, bride; Marjorie Pearson, groom, and Lois Bow man, minister, was a feature of the gathering. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Beard. The h o s t e S3 was assisted by Miss Hilda Kowitz, aunt of the bride, and Miss Eva Beard, sister. riONEER The Dallas Wom an's community club met at the home of Mrs. Lew Plummer Thursday. Gifts for the guild were brought and a business meeting wa3 held with Mrs. Ed Hairis, president, in charge. Instead of having an exchange of gifts for the Christmas meet ing, each member will give a ucall sum to purchase individual trays for' the club. The club also voted to meet once a month instead of twice, on the second Thursday. The next meeting will be held December 8 with Mrs. Mark Blodgett, sr. Mrs. Clarence Dornhecker gave a report on the federation meet ing at Elkins. CRAETREE A bridal sur prise shower was given in honor or Miss Helen Pitzlng Thursday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzing, with Mrs. Rosie Wendling as hostess, assisted by her daughter Mildred. Miss Pitzing will be married in the near future to RUssel Falk of Albany. STAYTON Mrs. C. A. Beau champ entertained members of her bridge club recently . at' her home. 'After a luncheon several hours of bridge followed. High scores were held' by Mrs. Dave John and Mrs. James Say. Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp enter tained members "of her bridge club recently with a dessert luncheon at her home. High score went to Mrs. Conrad Nei bcrt. OAK POINT Mrs. Edward Harnsberger gave a surprise par ty Saturday night for her daugh ter Glenerva's birthday. Games were played and then all went to Keati- for the dance. The guests ; were Lilliaa Holecheck, Barbara Reuf, Mary Alderson, Madeline -Sperling, Maxlne Wil liams, .Junior Hartman, Dean Smith. Robert Comstock, Clar? ance Primus, Leslie Peterson, La Verne and Glenerva Harnsberger. Best Mum Display Is by Mrs. Filer DAYTON More than 100 per sons attended the Dayton Gar den club chrysanthemum show and silver tea held Monday at the civic club rooms. There were guests from nearly every town in the county. A.l the dis plays were from the Dayton lo cality. There were 14 exhibitors. Mrs. E, S. Filer placed first, taking three first and three sec ond prizes; Mrs. Floyl B. WI1 lert took second with twe sec onds and one third; Mrs. John Shelburne, third; Mrs. Vernon Foster, fourth; Mrs. George Burnsides, fifth. Many individual blossoms measured over 7 laches across. Mrs. Nina Pearson of McMinn ville, Mrs. Clarence Terry of Carlton and E r 1 c k Becker of Newberg were the Judges. BETHANY Lutheran Daugh ters of Reformation were guests of Miss Lucile Tschanu at the John Tschantz home here Tues day night. The group will hold its anual apron and tea towel bazaar at Trinity church social rooms at Silverton December 14 and a no-hostess supper at 6:30 p. m. November 29. Present Monday night were Eunice Fuhr, Frances Anderson. Dorothy Hagen, Ruth Thompson, Vernice Toolesfrud, Blanche Moser, Anna Jensen, Patience Moberg, Althea Meyer, Luella Forland, Oriet Moen, Irene Mo ser, Lois Frink, Evelyn Torvend and Eunice Torvend. PARKERS VILLE Mrs. Anna Ruscher gave a lovely party at her home Sunday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Margaret, whose marriage to Mr. Nicholas Theis of Mt. Angel Is to be a church event on Thanksgiving day. About 50 guests were pres ent. Cards were played during the afternoon and the prizes wou were given to the bri?e-elect with her many other gifts. DALLAS Members of Circld B of the Presbyterian church were entertained at the home of Mrs. J. E. Johnson Monday afternoon. Plans were made for a rummage sale to be held in the near future. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in sewing with a pleas ant tea hour following. Mrs. C. E. Phelps was a guest and Mrs. Wayne Page was a new member present. , DALLAS One of the outstand ing Bocial affairs of the week was the sports dance sponsored by the Junior Woman's club, held at the armory Friday night, and. at tended by a large crowd. Red, white' and blue streamers of crepo paper formed the deco rations. Music was furnished by Jimmie Johnson and his orchestra from Corvallis. ST. LOUIS Miss Theresa Van derbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vanderbeck of Woodburn parish, and Albert Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marks of St. Louis, were recently married at Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Marks are now residing in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Dan McLellan was hostess to the Salem Kappa Alpha Theta mothers at a luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her home on E street. Guests were Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mrs. W. A. Langille, Mrs. Paul Van Scoy, Mrs. Claude Clifford. Mrs. Robert Shinn, Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge of Silverton and Mrs. Dan McLellan. The afternoon tickets to hear Nora Burglon at the Salem publi: library have all been taken but a few for her evening talk for adults are still available at the librar ian's desk. Miss Burglon who is the writer of many children's books and has just returned from a visit to Czechoslovakia and is expected to talk informally on present European news. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gleason will entertain members of their club with a dessert supper and evening of cards tonight at their home. Rebekahs Select New Set Of fieers GERVAIS Harmony Rebekah lodga elected officers for tbe first period of 193 J at its meet ing held at the grade school building Saturday night. Mrs. Frank Fitts was elected NG. Mrs. Art Impecovenp VG; Thelma B a r n e 1 1, recording secretary Mrs. Florence Oddie, financial secretary; Mrs. Mary Sawyer, treasurer; Ellen Vogt, Alice Fitts and Minnie Allsup, home coming committee. Cards were played after the clcse of lodge Children and grandchildren gave a turkey dinner Sunday for "E. W. Manning on his 78th birthday anniversary. There were 22 children and grandchildren present. Delta Phi Rush Dinner Wednesday Night Rushees on the Willamette uni versity campus were honored at a delightful informal dinner party last night when the Delta Phi sorority maids entertained at their Court street chapter house. The theme for the pare? was the Delta Phi Swiss chalet. The rooms were decorated with fir boughs, skis, pine cones, ice tkates and snow. Guests were seated at small tables carrying out the Swiss Idea. During the dinner hour Watson D u 1 1 o n and Winston Bunnell sang "The Alpine Milk man" and yodelling songs from outside. Miss June Brasted was in charge of the dinner and as sisting her were Mi3s June Char boneau. Miss Elizabeth James and Miss Charlotte McKee. Kap pa Gamma Rho pledges served the dinner. Arriving in the capital Monday will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Thielsen of San Francisco who will spend the Thanksgiving holi days in Salem. They will be the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt. Mr. Thielsen is a brother of Mrs. DeWitt. Professor and Mrs. K. Franklin Thompson have as their house guests Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burtner of Lincoln, Nebraska. They will re turn to their home on Sunday. Mrs. E. B. Gabriel will be hostess to the Sigma Tau Mother's club at 17E7 S o4 1 h Church street for a dessert luncheon at 1:30 on Friday. Mrs. Brown E. Sisson will be hostess to members of the Golden Hour club Friday afternoon at her home on Saginaw street. Laura Wheeler Helps You Dress Up Your Home With This Crochet :fis!sssiJ3-2tg Get out your crochet hook and string and start adding beauty to your home with these filet doilies. The clear chart, the concise, direc tions help you do the crocheting with ease. The doilies are lovely tor luncheon or buffet sets or just extra doilies If yon like. Pattern 1671 contains directions and charts for making doilies: illus trations of them and of stitches; materials required. Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS.- - EASEI mmw Simple Method Shown Here Brings Relief in Few Minutes (W f. -Sl X. Take 2 Bsrer Ajpiris Tablets with a foil glsss ef water tbe msmest roe feet headache coning sr. 2. Tw BksaM feel reOef vetv eafeUr. ate Is Ity amn, natal sccacd fakf t dtrectta To ease a headache with amazing speed, simply follow the easy Bayer Aspirin way shown above. Relief often comes within a few minutes. If this way should fail - see your doctor. He will find the cause and correct it While there, ask him about taking Bayer Aspirin to re lieve headache and rheumatic pains. We believe he will tell you there is no more effective, more dependable way normal persons may use. When you, buy, ask for genuine "Bayer Aspirin'by its full name not for "aspirin alone. 15c , i FOUU TABLETS amiXDozuiss Sims i sr" r No wl. Fine Quality Women's Wear At Prices YouVe Beem Waiting For! BAGS SPECIAL PRICE, for gifts and personal use, Suede, Calf and Crepes, all new styles. Get Them Note $3.95 Value to go at 2-95 SPECIAL PURCHASE Slips Gowns Pajamas Tea rose, white and blue, both in lace trimmed and tailored, all the very latest designs and styles. Every garment is a good $2.95 value and they are on sale at only $1.95. 3 for 5-50 in COATS Great reductions on all fur coats. We are quoting gome of the most drastic cuts that have ever been made in the fur business. Caraculs, Poneys, Mink, Hudson Seal, Super Seal, Muskrat and other other furs from 69 .50 to 495 .00 Big Shipment Newest and Latest FORMALS Just arrived from the best known manu facturers in New York at 19-50 ,0 49-50 COSTUME JEWELRY We have just received large consign ment of the finest jewelry produced in this country and Europe, consisting of PINS - CLIPS - CAMEOS - BRACELETS RINGS - CROSSES Wonderful Gift Merchandise l.oo l0 5.00 smt snois . ri. , f AU odd lots in our w -high grade shoes: O All Colors O All Sizes O All Styles O AU Widths A Wonderful AssortenUo Select From at Only duced for this even 8h0rt lines and Black and Brown kid leathers, we cau . crepe soles with Tan grain ere p. o wedge S;cf8uede woven - torus w. - , Vttrown or Black leath- 2BStass?r' SALEM'S GREATEST HOSIERY VALUE We have just purchased one hundred dozen beautiful new silk hose in all the very newest shades. Many of the colors are just being shown for the first time, regular $1.00 and $1.15. values. COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST AT 79 c 3 Pair for $200 mats Fur Trimmed COA All go on sale at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful fur collars, imported fabrics f ron the finest makers in New York. You must see these beautiful coats to fully appreciate them. 3r to -"Sstr-- 15.00 st vJes Go at