PAGE SEVENTEEN a -I! V The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, October 21, 1938 : te 1 1 ! L I I it Statesman ' Classified Ads ! Call 9101 , Classified AlrrtlUs Single Insertion wet line 10c Three insertions per linev 20c Six Insertions per-line 30c One month per line 1 00 Minimum charge 26c . '".il t i ' . Copy for this page accepted until 4:39 the veuinK. before puMtcatlon for clnaxirtcattoB Copy received fter Mile time will be run under the heading. "Too iJite to Cl- ify" The Statesman iMimo no ftnan lal responsibility for errors which may appear-In adertiemeit pub lished in tt column, end Ui eases where tuts pep U el feuli will re print Vhal part of en advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the tilth l to retect questionable advertising: It "further reserve the eight to place alt- advertising under the proper elasslflcatlof -BLIND" AUS which give only a box number eax ot Statesman mast be answered by letter. We cannot give any Information, sa to do so would destroy their purpose. " Livestock u a n AND worumat to eea eewe M'msomery Rend Wka Help Wanted mu eta ...kiv or more. Grow mushrwmi Is cellar, shed We bur 80c lb Year round business. Mr. S made $610 In few weeks spare lime. llsl.ed 1831. Write for free book Washington Mushroom l.nd. Dept. 40 taitand Ao ti,t" Wf j mKlX. SOCIAL, eecurlty ptetes fast, KOc seller liberal com. Rep. will in terview applicants 2 :30 p. , m- Satur day at Y. M. C. A. j Help Waniyl Male WANTED MAN familiar with tur key buying and "Who Knows me couw-tiw- to buy turkeys Box 7, States man. - " Help Wamed-Feniale GIRL FOR light housework. 7 F3. Salesmen Wauled 1 2 AMBITIOUS SALESMEN, apply 9 a. m., 461 Ferry fct. - Situations Wantrd CARPENTER. CON, or d-Y. 3,; WANT HOUSEKEEPING in moth erless home. TeL 9985. f rii-y-M-ilfli'r - HOUSEKEEPING BY competent girl "of 23 yra., state wages. Rt 4. BOX 309A. - ......-M l EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL and ishjr desires position. Box i9. Statesman. . EXP. COME welder wants work. Any kind accepted. Waner, 1885 Fair grnds. Road. Phcne 7981. j . HR. WORK, 580 N. Lib. Ph. 6542. "vt'or Sale Miscellaneous - BECAUSE OF til health, will sell all New ZealaoJ white rabbits. In- ctudins bred does, I5tc lb. Also Barred Rock hens. 20c lb. Frank A. Porter RL 6. Box 52 8 B. POULTRY FERTIIJZER with peat man. now ready. Phone I33F2. Lee's Hatchery. NEW ALL-CAST iron combination circulating heater. Hogg Brofc RtTR EL EC Adder ft Stand. $49. Port Bur $29. linoleum top desk, like new. $42. used uteno hairs, $2. Und. tvpewrlter $19. Elliott Addresograph. SJ0. Roen. 456 Court. FAT HENS, colored fryers, rabbits. RL . Box 630, 11 mL N. Pen Col- nera. GOOD GIRLS Zenith bicycle. set.. Ph. BURBANK I-OTATOES 85c est Also apples bring containers. Geo. Chrlstofferson. RL 7. Box 320, Port land Rd., north. CONCORD GRAPES. ; Delivered. Phone 4288. evenings. U- 1 1 ,r 1 i- - - - GRAPES. WESTS beet. Worden snd Concord. Finest for juice. 75c and EOe per bu. T. .. pick. RL t. box 445. Garden road. Phone 110F5. - FACTORY BUILT covered wagon trailer. $225. 519 N. FronU WRINGER ,R.LL& A service. All makes of washers. E. H. Ellis A Son. Nelson Bros.. Inc.. Ph. 4149. Eve. 1541. II FT. HOUSE. tralL. dbt walls. equipL for win'.er living, 1140 Ship ping. - f r,-r-i-.--rii-,--ii i-im i" -r 1 i-n- -i-i-,- "1 - . HEAT RO LA HEATER. 168 N. 12th. BROWN'S CAFE, Falrgrnds. $115. CONCORD GRAPES e Ib you pick. Tet 23F2 evenings, RL , Box 23: STEAM TABLE, only used 30 -days. A-l shape. 1125 Edgewater St Edge- water Lunch. . - THIS WEEK only cracked eggs 25c. Marlon Creamery. COLORED FTtYErtS. dressed, drawn and delivered, fresh. 35c lb. TeL 8023. BARGAINS IN new shipment of rain slickers A water repellanta. Re built army shoes and -oxfords. $1.50. Logger $4.00: hip boots. $2.00. We I bur, sell A trade. OAA Rummage Store, j 293 N. Com'L APPLES, VARIETIES, 2315 S. Cot tage. PURE. SWEET cider, 25c gallon. Order Hallowe' Hder now. 765 Rur al Ave. Phone 8854. - ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatlrea . . . . Fenger-Hall C6w Ltd. Ban Francisco. Los Angeles. Sestde Eastern Advertising , Representatives Bryant. Gri Tilth ft Branson. Tne. Chicago, New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlasta ' Vnfsred at f Postofe at f stem Oregon, a Stand Close Matt. Pss JUhed every morning mept Wm4a Burtnemt !lic tit South Commercial Street. .. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Ratee In Advance Within Oregoei: Daily and Sunday Vo. 10 cents ; S Mo $1 50: Mo $3 $ year $S $0. Elsewhere 10 cents pet Mo. or 99 ror l year in advance Per copy cecita. Newsstands 6 cents By City Carrier: 60 cents a month $T.2t a year tn advance in Marloo and adjacent counties. , Wunlrtl -Millaneou -W ANTtCD MARKET poultry- Phone I33F2 tare's Hatchery. -inu-uT-iTj.r-ri-ri.nn.ri ri ni-m - i-h -,- - -- - FILBERTS, WALNUTS, also meat. MJKlorfeln, ,177 S. Uberty. Ph. je3. WANTED-WALNUT- drying. Ph. 133K2. Lees Hatchery. -LLniirTnriLi inm n -iri " " - WANTED. WALNUT drying. Will also buy walnuts. F. E. Evans. Rt 2. Box 7. AUTHORIZED 1 HOOVER aervice. All make serviced. Mr. Wail at Hogg Bros: WANTED. LARGE sise men's suits, underwear, work shirt, lints, rubber boota A costs .fair prices for good stuff. 150 S. Commercial St. WOOD CIRCULATOR heater. Box 97, Statesman. For Rent Rooms lAlls. I'H .6ST1 N Cottase DESIR. S4.P. nti- pit ent 5977. WEIX FURS, room to mod. home. near 4-apltot 1420 Court. SLEEP. R gar- gentleman. 975 E HTD. HSKPG. room a, 1580 Center. WELL FURN. R- 1135 Jefferson. COMLFpRT. HEATED sleep, rm. Hot and cold water in rm. 255 Center. NICK ROOM. (gentleman. Carafe. 771 K. Cottage, i 2 Si.EEPINO rooms, with or with out hoard. 1135 "ill. 1st FI. FIRPU. cooking prlv. Call I evenings. 250 S. Cottage, references. BOOM. KXCELLEXT board, close in. Ph. 7171. i HTD. SLP. rm., 1555 N. CapltoL Room antl Boanl CLOSE IS. 315 BeUevue. Ph. 8767. R.. -B.. lauftdrj". 325. 455 N. Cottage. RM. WITH closet. 254 I'VCn.J-h:- LADIEZS RM, breakfast, $2.50. 7313. -EE.- or tabIe boarS or room"' 168 N. 12th. ROOM, BOARD, laundry. $20 mo. for 2 in room, 923 S. High. Fr onrlment VACANCY. HAWTHORNE Court. 1000 N. CapltoL FURN. 2-ROOM npt, garage, lights. water. First floor. 1047 S, Commercial. 3 RM. HEATED apt. 444 S. High. 2-RMS. DNSTAIRS. 445 S. Winter. FURN. 3 R.. prt. bath. 1188 N. 4th. VACANCY. ROBERTS apartments. FIRST FL, htd.. mod- 210 N. 14th. 2-ROOM FURN. basement apt Pri vate entrance. Suitable for 1 or 2 men. 1840 Court, r -NEWLY FURNISHED, close In. $30. 897 N. Commercial. MOD. FURN. 2 rm. apt. for bus. man or woman, in bus. dlst. 253 Center. ""furnTsinIsl FURN. 2 R. ft kitchenette. Heat. tights and water. 985 Saginaw. 2 R. FURN. APT. .Lights, water. $2.50 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. B276. 3 ROOM FURN. steam heated apt., garage. 200 N. CapltoL IAA.WWMVWrfWM, ONE RM. furn, lights, water. May tag, adults. $12. 1620 Ferry. WOOD HEAT, downstairs flat, pri vate bath hot water. 2455 State. APT, 335 BELLVUE St. 3 RM. FURN. r.. employed couple preferred. 73 N. : Capitol. SMALL FITRNISHED heated hskpg. room. 160 Division, VACANCT. Derereaux. 14 83 State. 3 ft 4 R. FURN. APT., steam heat. trig. Z330 Fairgrounds. Ph. 7532. $20. FURNISHED NICE clean 3 R. apt. Close in. Adults only. See BECH TEL, 341 State, i FURNISHED i APARTMENT. 355 So. 14th Street. ' For Rent 'Houses STRICTLY MOD. ( R. brtck hse- close in. $25. Carle Ahrnms. ph. 61R5. STRICTLY MOD. 5 R. home for lease or sale by; owner. Call (112 or 6172. i BUNGALOW IN Oak Villa Court. adults. Inq. 995 MM. Tel. 3296. LOVELY 3 RM. cottage in bunga low court furn. or unfurn. Garage and laundry. Ph. 6413. CABINS LIGHTS, water. $8.50. Trailer space. 3 ilea on Dallas road. 2 NEW 3-room Court. unfurnished cot- tages. 1S40 NICE HOME on creek, partly furn. 4 bedrooms, close to schools and state house, oil furnace. 700 Stewart. t ROOM MODERN. 1349 Marlon phone Gilbert, .2151-8194. 3 RM. COTTAGE, close In. built ins. gas stove, furnace. Ph. 5792. Mrs. j. a. Mine. 8 R. FURN.. NEAR high school. $30. Perrine ft siarstera. FAIRLT NEW mod. residence, close to Leslie school. Will rent to right party for 1 year, $3 per mo. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 For.Krnt OFFICE R. MX Il State street I I BOOl re room 200 Tel 8718 ; Mrr,iMrWWtsVWti)sVMMwi CARS TRlK.'ICS t Irlve h 7046 RM. HOUSEr-West Salem. $25.00. Phone 5622 i For Sale Real Estate lsaMHSBMMBMBMeiiBHMaHSeeBBBMMeaBM Blrn.inNfJ LOTS GOOD I JITS on paved street steet- iient location.- Price 500. $25 down $10 j per month. , W. tt. GRA BENHORST ft COL. REALTORS 184 S. Liberty St Phone 4I8 MD IX Hnii r CHunola. Uw pay ment a, Carle Abraraa. 41 1 HiMnlt : Bldg. ? : INCOME PROPERTY, close In-on highway north. Owner, S. A. Baldwin, route 1. box 223H. NICE 4-R. HOUSE on Madison St 1 All hwd. .floors. ,2 bedrooms, basement. furnace, trays and garage. Price $2,- iOO. Terms. ' CARLETON" EL LANE Phone 4075 257 Pacific Highwav. Cor. Claxter Rd. MR. RENTER WE OFFER you a good 7 room plas tered nous.1 with 2 - large adjoining buildings thit could be converted Into j apartments. Ail for $2500 with $100 down. ?zt pet month. . SEE Mrs Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLKJL Realtors 344 S.ate ?tr.-et , 92(1. Aloiifv to Loan MONEY ($300 or less) Do You Need - V. TO TIDE TOU OVER? TO PAY OFF ACCUMULATED BILLS? TO BUT WINTER CLOTHING, FUEL, ETC.? TO REFINANCE TOUR CARL TO REDUCE ALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS? IF YOU DO Call at our office immediately and secure the money yon need. Too are under no obligations when you call at the People's Finance CO. Room 201, First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon Phone 444$ 8-213 State License M-220 For Sale 1 eat Estate IBeBemBWIBeaBemmBmmSBeiMeamWsaemmmewSBSsmmaBasmaemmSBISe IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A well-built home, close in. Has living room .dining room, kitchen with lots of built -4ns, nook, 2 bedrooms and bath on 1st floor, large attic suitable for 2 bedrooms, fine basement, fur nace, fireplace, double garage. East front lot with 2 large walnut trees. This is a good buy at $1800. Will ac cept good lot as part. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261. MODERN 7 ROOM house, tost like new. hlks. from P. O.. $4560. Half down. baL $25 mo. 704 N. Cottage. LOT IN North Salem. $175. $50 down. $10 month. $1300 buys 4 rms. in good condition, $50 down, $18 per month. $1C00. 4 rm. house in Hollywood district near stores and bus, $100 down. $!0 per mo. $1950. 5 rm. plastered with floored attic. Hardwood floor, M acre. $150 down, bal. monthly? R A. FORKNER-H. T. TJEBER 1853 N. Capitol SILVERTON RD. near Fairgrounds, 4-R. house, 2 bed rms., bath, kitchen. garage, chick. H. ' Vt acre of land, on hlghwav. Price $2860. Terms. CARLKTON E. LANE Th. 4 0. S 257 Pacific Highway. Cor. Claxter Rd. 5 ACRES CLOSE in. east of Salem. 6 R. house and other buildings. Will exchange for house in Salem. 7 R. house, basement, furnace, fire- l place, paving' paid. Larie lot. fruit of JaH kjnds- priced at $3500 terms. 5 R. modern house, good location. paving paid. Will take good lot as pay i ment. VOS BURG H-GRANT M.isonic Bldg. FOR SALE. $700 equitv tn 6 R. house, lights, water, nuts, cherries, nr. Leslie school. Will consider trade Tor acreage. Carl at 20.-5 S. Summer St. TODAT'S SPECIAL SMALL PAYMENT down, balance like rent, will buy a dandy cottage. S rooms, bath. eier. lights, basement, furnace, garage, fruit nut trees. Will show by appointment. See BECHTEL or DOYLE, 341 State. $3300. 6 ROOM MOD. house, fireplace. basement, furnace, electric wa ter heater, large garage, fruit and shrubbery. Excellent terms. Money to loan. P. II. BELL 429 Orecon Bldg. Phone 8121 NEW BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors In living room, laundry room. built in earaee, aho!t an ncre of good , ion, izsoo.oo. cash, balance $15.31 a month Including taxes. In surance, interest and principal. Acreage north of town, good son. $100 down. Will furnish lumber for house. PHce sfiftO -per ncre. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 8C32. I' vl - R1 F!t;if p EXCHANGE SEE THIS today. Dandy new house. o .... in ir-Hne rnr nrm, nonn. . SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 Sal 'arm FEDERAL UND tank farms Priced right. Terms See W S. Bart lett. secretary treamrer 31$ Oregon tilMinjt Phone 7127 saae-- -,-.1111 - -, njwwu-j iULrrfXrfVVj iv achls with a good 5 room modem house, 4 acres of filberts and walnuts, snd family orchard, fine lo cation, not far out. Will trade for modern home In Salem. 43 ACRES, good 6 room house and dairy barn. Irrigation svstem, fine bean or vegetable land. Will exchange tor -small acreage close In. 2 ACRES: B5 acres in cultivation good black solL all can be irrigated has a 5 room house, barn. silo, chicken house and brooder house. Will ex chanee for Salem pronerty. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH. INC. 110 N. Commercial St. BETWEEN JEFFERSON and Mil lershurg 58 acres an In cult. Nuts ft berries. Bam. nice house, pavement Price $00. With good terma. OARLETON E. LANE 257 Pacific Highway. Cor. Claxter Rd. Ph. 4075 20 A.. SMALL HOUSE. 13 A. mU . a a. Dernes. vear rounrt creek, barn chick, hse. 3 miles W. of Turner. $1600 S3 vu nown. E. H. STAMBATTOTT Phone 9411 212 Oregon . Bldg ON HIGHWAY 99 E s 1ZS ACRES. 60 ACRES timber ft pasture. 42 acres cultivated, bat open inna, crees on 1 led well. 5 K. house. this farm will be sold at a real bar gain, on terms Of 20 cash ta m. rm sponsiote Dover. See A LFRED DUMBECK 147 N. Commercial Street : TODAY'S 8PT5CTAT. 49 A.. LOCATED E. CW Kam Tvaf of dark prairie soli, mostly all under ruiu some rruit ft nuts. 7. room, plast house. Bam. Price 84500. 306 A. fully Stocked A- Minlnnul -K-ttli sheep, gnats, hoes ft rattle. tjirn chicken house, bam and rood 7 room house with basement, fumm- mmtw A M- rJ.!I6-i J!KET'S FARM. " " ' - unAnr,l-tnm.'sil J rl. Mltn W, II. tRA BENHORST ft CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468 AcreaereV IMPROVED L acrajl rlnu In a.KAA inquire route Z, box 64C K,,,in - Onnortunitiea FINE GROCRFtY Whma. in . .7. VJ 1WW net monthly rental. $1500 will handle. Inside cltv. 1 r, ... ru -r. ; . '"' r . IS I 1 K( tW T?.t TTDt.l- - ciisii i-SKlg. , ph. 5965. Wood Sawins WOOD SAWING. Sftroed. Ph. 5881 kkmu SA n IX G, brc. 16-ln. 7421 I 'oki and Found lJST BIIJ.Fflt.n K-l o Roeburk's A Ruxlok'a t n . - - ..wm.v. a -j. Auumpson, izi Kosemont. Persona LONKLTT -WOltTMWIIII tr- .., neari, nusoand. wife for rou. Bos. 7$ rm Angeies - VIA VI MKX V.l Upson, local dealer. S9S S. 12th St. Financial jet ftf w" HAVH never paid le S lh this rate. oa sa vim ' - j ! f and Inveetmenta. Inauri to 8&0OS. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass's Phone & . 143 & liberty SU - Money to Loan Right Now? For Loans $10 to $300 SEE Genera! Finance Corp. SALEM'S OLDEST and largest In. dependent company, where your prob lems receive consideration after as well aa before the loan la made. In the past eleven years more than 20, 000 borrowers bare profited by our financial help snd advice. Payment plan is arranged to fit your income. " NO RED TAPE CASH AT ONCE Repay any day. week - or month to reduce the cost. 1 13S S. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon 8-13$ First Door South or Ladd tiuin Bank. Convenient Ground for Loca tion Phone 9 1(8. L-O-A-N-S $10 to $300 All types ot loans Liberal repayment plana See us If yon need money. Up to $500 en cars. Loans made without delay. STATE FINANCE CO. CHILDS ft MILLER S OFFICE 344 Slate St Sal era. Oregon. Lta. No. S-216 M-222 Phone 8261 1st Choice From Coast to Coast Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 6.03 mo. repays $ 60 In 12 moa $ 7.27 mo. repays $100 In 18 moa $13.09 mo. repsys $180 tn 18 moa $18.18 mo. repays $250 tn 1$ moa. No cosigners or special kind of security, needed. 1 The quicker, you repay t the less the cost. JL inrv We appreciate your business. FREE CONSULTATION. IN OUR OFFICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITHOUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENGLISH. Personal Finance Co. Rm. 119, New Bligh Bldg. Phone 3191 31$ STATE STREET AT HIGH IN SALEM. OREGON STATE LICENSE NUMBERS 8-1 32 M 146 FEDERAL HOUSING loans build refinance homea business prop Rates Abramt ft Ellla Ine. Masonic Bldg MONEY Tf loan on good real estate Carles Hudklna 275 State street Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET i TO buy new or nsed car a private money at eery low ratea No red tape. to 20 months to rrT. Roy H. Simmons 136 8. Commercial St Salem. '. Phone 9168 . Lie. No. M 1B2 Inans Wanted WANTED PRIVATB MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tata Will nay interest - i w. a. uKABKNiniRsr a v-tj-REALTORS 134 S. iJberty 8t Phone $418 1 LOANS W ArTKL on farm snd dtv wroperty nsfore borrewlng Inoulre at Hawkins A Roberta For Sale- Wood D'ilT 2nd GROWTH Ph. I37FII. At DRY OLD FIR. $5.B. Ph. 8354 GOOD. DRY wood. TeL 4365. Boje. j DRY WOOD, all woods. 9560. .,-reeites( GOOD DRY wood. Ph. 6663. DRY BLK. Lga Id. $5.00. Ph. $832. -MILL CITY Manufacturing Co. he y dry slab wood. $1.50 per cord. OAK. 'ASH. fir. $5.75-$4. dL 9703 Nnsiiaaawai-a GOOD DRY 4 ft Second growth. cord lota $12. TeL 7860. FIR. OAK, slab. 8380 Ashcroft 16" OLD FlR. $5.00-$5.50. 16 2nd growth. $5.00; 4-ft oak, 2nd, $4.00. 14P oak. $6.50. 4 ft oak. $5.75. Wood Ing. reasonable. Ph. 9456. WOOD AND COAL j ' Fuel Budget Plan No Down Payment ! S -months or longer to pay. 2 Tons as low as 86.55 per month, '6 Cords Dry Wood $6.55 per month. Phone 4iss f OREGON FUEL COMPANY BLK. LG. load. $4.50. Ph. 4156. A-l 2ND GTH. A planer. Ph. $274 ! BUDGET PLAN. 4 eorda No money down, first payment 80 days. W. L. Oraen. 412 N. 21st Phone 6370. ALL KINDS dry wood. P. 6543. j Stef f en Convalescent ! CENTRAL HOWELL Oliver Stef fen is at home convalescing from a . severe Infection on his fcnee caused hy a boll. He has been at home over - a ' week and before that spent ten days In hospital at Castle Rock, Wash. where he works. For Sale Used Cars EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! THE DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. . Starts Delivering the New 1939 Chevrolets Saturday, October 22, and MUST CLOSE OUT . ' The Present Stock of FINE OK'D USED CARS To Make Room for the Many, Many Used Cars We Will Take in Trade. 1937 Ford "85" 4-Door Sedan $545 1937 Ford "85" 2-Door 1937 Ford V2-Ton Pickup.. 495 1937 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan 625 1937 Chevrolet Master Town Sedan...... 575 1935 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sport Sedan 465 1936 Chevrolet Master Coach . 475 1936 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan....r 575 1936 Chevrolet Standard 1937 Chevrolet DeLuxe Just like new. 1937 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan z..i ,985 Radio A heater. 1937 LaSalle Special Sport Sedan 1050 wheels a black beauty. 1938 LaSalle Sport Sedan - 1375 Low mileage. McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 833 CENTER STREET PHONE 3188 OPEN EVENINGS Bargains ! Chevrolets, Plymouths, Fords, or any care to choose, and believe us when we NOW IS THE TIME SHROCK'S IS THE PLACE $ 555 CHEMEKETA STREET We have "B.O." THESE STILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS EVERY DAT MORE OWNERS ARE IMPRESSED WITH THE FACT THAT ONE. OF THE BEST INVEST MENTS IN ANY MARKET IS A BIG BEAUTIFXTL NEW PLYMOUTH CAR BOUGHT WHERE QUALITY IS AS SURED. WE CAN MAKE IM MEDIATE DELIVERY OF THE FOLLOWING CARS: Plymouth Road King 2 Door Touring Sedan Plymouth Road King 4 Door Touring Sedan Plymouth DeLuxe 2-Door Touring Sedan Tour car taken tn as part payment isy terms to suit SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 435 N. Com'L St. Open Evenings 1937 4-DOOR PLYMOUTH Sedsn DeLuxe model, heater, radio, and dual accessories. 12th A Mission, Standard Service. 30 MODEL A ROADSTER, 16" wheels, new top and paint Ph. $105. 1929 La SALLE TRUCK, perfect condition, $80 cash, 1570 South Cot tage. Business 2ards ta this directory rnn oa m monthly basis only Rate! 91 per line per month. Anto Brakes Mike Penek, 27$ Booth Commercial. Aviation LEARN TO fly. Salem Flying Service, Salem Airport, phone $561. Bicycles BICYCLITS, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W 8cott 141 & Com'L Ph. . 4516 Body & Fender Repair FOR BOUT A KKNIIRR Repairs. Auto mim. Seat Covers. Class replacement Auto Painting 8EB the Herrall Owens Co.. 885 & Com'L St Ph. 8169 Chimney Sweep rEI.KPHONB 445s. R . RL Northness. Chiropractors OR. O U SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 256 N High. TeL Rea 8513. Excavating ICXCAVATINO ' OF an kinds. Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for ssla Salem Sand and Gravel Co. Phone 940$. Florists Praltnaupfa. 447 Co-art Phone 8904 W. SALEM Florists. 140$ Edfewste -' Lime MM.D HIIU. lime 98. We deliver to farm. 224 N. CommercUL. Tet 1831. Fur Sale Used Cars Sedan:.... ... 495 Sport Sedan . 52d Sport Sedan 695 430 N. COMMERCIAL Bargains ! other make or model of car you may say they are all priced to SELL ave at hrock's PHONE 7922. (bargains only). '37 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN Original finish, upholstery spotless, heater, defroster fan: fog light: new; Miller tires; take 24 months to pay,' ' new car guarantee' '36 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE COUPE Very low mileage, new car guarantee and new car rmance race. '36 HUDSON SPORT COUPE Rumble seat radio A heater, fender wells, new tires, low mileage : " trade your old car in, easy terms on balance. '35 Stude. Diet. Sedan '34 Pontiac Coach '30 DeSotb Coupe '30 Chevrolet Coupe Only $75 Today '30 Durant Coach, New Tires, $65. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD A HUDSON HIGH AT CHEMEKETA PIL 8400 OPEN EVENINGS 2$ NASH A '$? STUDEBAKER to trade for goats or cattle. A. C. JENSEN, 228 Oreg. Bldg. P. $414 34 CHEV. SEDAN. $575. good cond. Trade A terms. Box 78. States man. WILL TRADE my equity in 1931 Oldsmoblle two door sedan for cash or for a cheaper car free from debt Box 76. i Statesman. Directory Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 368 8. High Tel 813$ Mattresses SALEM FLUrF-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made tr order, old remade: carpet cleaning. st Ing: fluff rug weaving S 18th A WD- bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZW1CKER Est 191L " V . ' CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 406$ Printing FOR STATIONERY, earda pamphlets programs, books or sny kind of print' Ing. call The Statesman Printing De partment 315 8. Commercial. Tele phone 9101. Radi Service RAT MOORE, 45$ Court. Ph. 9611. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Transfer Ca 226 State St TeL Till. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age. . burner oil, call 8131. Urmm Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily Well Drilling R. A. WEST, it . Ba. 44$ T. 11 0F Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DRY by 'the Seal Beep Service, applied tnslde. Is informs I Ion call Gardner. . Rec , Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Hllko Bros. i$2$- F. KNOPF, PU. 114$ or $444. For Sale Used Cars JUNKER MAKES - Year Make Was Now 1929 Hudson Sedan $125.00 $95.00 1929 Pontiac Sedan 65.00 35.00 1928 Chrysler Coach ; 70.00 42.50 1929 , Graham Sedan 85.00 65.00 1929 Willis-Knight Sedan 85.00 65.00 1931 Essex Sedan 115.00 85.00 1925 Dodge Sedan . - 65.00 40.00 1929 JDurant Coupe 45.00 20.00 TRUCKS 1 1931 Ford 1-Ton Chassis $125.00 $100.00 1927. GMC 1-Ton Truck 65.00 . 45.00 1928 Chev. l-Ton Chassis 65.00 45.00 Herrall-Owens Co. 235 SOUTH COMMERCIAL Used Car Lot 266 No. Church PHONES USED CAR LOT 5335 BARGAINS 3 1938 Ford DeLuxe Touring Sedans, courtesy cars. 1938 Chevrolet Master driven 600 miles. 1937 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan Completely re- conditioned. 1936 Ford Coupe Has about $175 worth of extras. , Valley Motor Co. USED CAR LOT HERB MISSON MARION A LIBERTY BEN DRAG ER 20 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP 1939 BUICKS Are Making History and Your Buick Dealer Has the Choice of the Used Cars 193$ Chev. Touring Town Sedan, very low .mileage, 'Just like new 1937 Plymouth Sedan In flr.e shape it's buy 1936 Hudson Sedan runs fftifr has had the best of care " 1928 Chevrolet Coupe ..." '",. " " . . MANX OTHERS TO Otto J. 38$ NORTH COMMERCIAL Special 1930 Dodge Sedan, side mounts, trunk rack, clock, radio and new hot water heater $165.00 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 DODGE SEDAN 1936 La FAYETTE SEDAN 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN CARTER MOTOR CO. Special prices and terms. Will , take a few cords of wood as part payment on car. Used Car Lot at 240 Center Street SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE ' IS HEREBY ' GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem ber 19, 1938, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court Honse in Salem, Oregon, sell at public aucUon In the man ner provided by law for the rale of real property on execution, the following described real premises, to-wit: Lots 4 and 5, Block 19. High land Addition to the City ot Salem, Marlon County, Oregon.'. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a mnniclpal corporation, is plaintiff, and Gert rude J. M. Page, a widow, Marion County, a body politic, and W. J. Williams and Marie Williams, his wife, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 27490. Dated and first published Oc tober 21. 1938., A. C. BL'KK, Sheriff of Marion County, Ore gon. By KENNETH L. RANDALL, Deputy. O 11-28 N 4-11-18. SHERIFF'S NOTICK OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem ber 19. 1938, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real premises, to-wit: . Lot 8, Block 1, Oak Lodge Ad dition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court. of the State of Oregon for Marlon County la that suit here tofore pending therein In which City ot Salem, a municipal cor poration. Is plaintiff,' and Howard - . . . i-': v , .y. . : . .' . For Sale Used Cars SALE f . - ALL KINDS jMAIN STREET STORE 3169 DeLuxe Sedan Has been ; - $3:5 -$615 -$325 -S 35 CHOOSE FROM Wilson PHONK 543 L E. Jones and Ida B. Jenes, his wife, are defendants, the same be ing Clerk's Register No. 27343. Dated and first published Oc tober 21, 1938. A. C BCRK. Sheriff of Marion County, Ore gon. ' By KENNETH L. RANDALL, Deputy. O 21-28 N 4-11-18. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem ber 19. 1938. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of aald'day, at the west door of the Marion County Pftnrt Unnu tn 'Clam fli-avrtn sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale ot real property on execntion, the following described real premises, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 2, Yew Park An nex to the City of Salem, Marion County. Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County In that suit here tofore pending therein - in which City of Salem, -a municipal cor poration, is plaintiff, and Minnie Pratt and Paul L. Pratt, her hus band. Leona Given and Benjamin E. Given, her husband, Dorothy Warn ock and Ralrh Warnock, her husband, and Marion County, a ooay pontic, are aeienaants, ue game being Clerk's Register No. 27464 - Dated and first published Oc tober 21, 1938. A. C. BURK, Sheriff ot. Marion County, Ore gon. By KENNETH L. RANDALL, Deputy. O 21-28 N 4-11-18. , SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN that I will, un Saturday, Novem ber 19. 1938, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon ot said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real premises, to-wit: v Lot 12, Block 21. Pleasant Home Addition to the City of " Salem. Marlon County. Oregon. ' Said sale will: be. by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of tne State of Oregon tor Marion County in that suit heretofore pending . therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation. Is plaintiff, and Ro bey S. Ratcliffe. unmarried. Marion County, a body politic, and. Union Oil Company of Cali fornia, a corporation, are defend ants, the time being Clerk's Reg ister No. 274S9. i Dated and first published Oc tober 21, 1938. A. a BURK. Sheriff of Marion County, Ore gon. - - By KENNETH L. RANDALL, Dcpufy. O 21-28 N 4-11 18.