PAGE NINE You'll Find What Won: Want Classified on TM-, Page The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 8, 1938 Statesman Classifietl Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion t line .10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line SI 00 Minimum charge . -I 26c Copy foi this pass accepled unlll :39 il evening before publication for classification Cons received sftet this time 'rlli be run unrtN funding. "Too Late to Classy.- The Statesman assumea no flnnn tlal resiHWisiblllty lot errors which mav aptai In advertisement pub tlstlied In W columns, and In raeea where title lair fault J'" r print thsi part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake " ocrura. The Statesman reserves the i Itfht to retecl aiwuilonable advertising: It furthei reserves tbe'J right to place advertising Under the (irftfter claasiflcai Inn. "BLIND" A US which give only a box number care ot Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot g1 any information, as to do so wouid destroy their purpose. Livntrk HEAD NU wlM- tow N piked UE. fe Pto roll eel 64 fl SlaHMU M niKunirni nrm " old. fresh 3 months. About 1 3 lbs. milk daily. - Ph. - r. ,,,. ,r',nrr LARGE, VIGOROUS R. 1 1- R. na,les from pullorum, free hen? with high laying records, $1.30 ur. Nelson, I.t. , Ujx 14. Tel. 8289. i Help Wanted EARN 838 weekly or nore. t .uV Wfl till IDT moMUrooms in evur, tb Year round business. Mr. s maae SS 1 B In rew weeas Vi"- T r fres book : lisitea iii. ""' Washington .Mushroom ma Dept. 4 OS " 2l 2nd Ave. Simile r.onn pa working tbr yourself. Ahout $7 starts you. Box 1 51, States-; Help Wanted Male WANTESO YOUNG main to sell I complete tire line including truck and tractor tires. Must be experlienced. fur- iiis v best of references. Outside sell ing with reliable, established firm. Auto necessary. Write - Box 54, fo Biatesmaii. ;' VV A.l i i u'iiv;h.i.. , mechanic for Chrysler product, also aervice salesman. Do not apply unless you are thorougmy laminaif wiui mir er Chrysler. iXHlge or uesoio service. Write Box 55, 7c fctatesmar Help Wantel Female HIGH SCHOOL" girl for ! house work. Tel. 7539. . , .. Situations Wanted IRON. 25c. SEWING 20c. Ph. 7313 CARPENTER. CON. or I day. 4S69. i WtANTED HOUSEWORK by. hour. Ironing specialty. 441 . tugn. rn. - m 3. . : j -" HOME LDY. 3c lb.. 153! N. 13th. i SCHOOL BOY, 17 yrs. wants work i for room. Phone 6023. I GIRL WANTS housework, 1112 Mill. ' ' I ; For Sale "Miscellaneous OKFICR FURN and equipment from w.. i a .... ct.f 11 rv.r. mtiA (amhsm sank. Desks, chairs, files, typewriters. anaing maciunea. scniea. auruwiun now at our store, 458 Court Roen Trie writer Exchange. WASH. MACHINES, we service any snake or wasnr. larg. iiocn iwirv. ukiis.. rnona w4 POULTRY FERTILIZER with peat saosa, now ready. Phone 133F2. Lee's I Hatchery. Reconditioned Electric Ranges i DURING OCTOBER our prices on vse8 electric ranges will include wir ing your house and installation com plete. '-.u... 'A FROM $49.95 TO $79.95 MAKES INCLUDE Hotpoint I . WTestinghose Universal i Standard I Terms If you wish. ' t Wood stoves taken in trade. Nelson Bros. j Inc." . 91 Cliemeketa Street Salem. Oregon. j-u-irii-w-n i - . - - , . 1, APPLES. 23c UP. 735 ! N. Com't C MEIjODY SAXOPHONE. Like new, $z. 180 h. i:tn. Apt ii. GRAPES SEVERAL varieties, 1 He fl . mt north of Four Corners ' , .1 . COLORED FRYERS. I dressed,! drawn and delivered. Fresh. 35c lb. GOOD ALFALFA hay, I TeL 6883. BARNYARD FERTILIZER, ny amount well rotted. W. E. Smith, Rt 1, box 171, Wallace Kd. WOOD RANGE, heating stove, san itary cot American adding machine for sale or trade for wood. 1726 S. High, call evenings.. r REPOSSESSED RADIO T-TCBE CONSOLE all-wave Zenith. like new, balance due, $39. S3. Terms! $; down. IS monthly. See Mr. Jans. OEO. C. WILL MUSIC STORE 1 a a afca as., j s-M ir ll JlJajUl-ftJ" LAYING HENS, Ph. 129F23. CDrefionG2Statesiaatt ADVERTISING Western Advertlsixts; Representatives Wmnrmr-.MmU ftu I lit Saa Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle - Eastern Advertising . Representatives Bryant' Gilfflth A Brunson, foe. Chicago, New Tors, Detroit ' . Bostota, ' Atlanta ' Bmertd mt tae fotnrtcm at Balmm Ore-yon as Second Clnta Matt. Pafc tiahed tveru momma cel Mondatt UHtne at It: ti$. South Coaaatarckil KtreeU SUBSOKIPTIONI RATES: Mall Subscription Rates In Ad vane Witnia Oiegonr Daily mjta Sunday Mo. 69 cents; 8 Mo $1 SS : $ Mb $1.60 1 rear 85 GO. Ele here i cents pet Mo. ee 86 St for t year In advance Per copy $ rests. Newsstand i ! By cay Carrier: 9 cents a month. $7.28 a year In advance la Marlon auid adjacent eounlle. MisceiJaneoiis Bargains! Bargains! FULLY RECONDITIONED Used Wood Ranges Bridge reach, coils ..$37.50 Universal wood c eU-c. comb, ....9(5.00 Dixie wood range, coils 835.00 Electric Ranges Hotpoint 4 . $15.00 Westinghouse $25.00 $ 7.50 $17.50 $27.50 ..$30.00 Wc-stingliouse Universal .... Monarch Monarch Gas: Ranges Spark gas range' $27.50 Washers Automatic .........l......J. ..$15.00 Meadows ....j. $ 9.50 SHOP AN1 SAVE WITH Yeater & Rusli Co. YOUR WESTING HOUSE STORE .129 North Commercial FOR SALE 33,000 Marshall straw berry plants, ready now, $ ml. west of Salem, on Orchard Heights road. Route 3, Box 4.1.1-0. Mr. J. C. Sexton. TOMATOES. LARGE No. I. SOc per bu. Pickling cucumbers, etc. Garrison's Gardens. 2 miles . south of Aumsville. GRAPE S-WKSTS good sweet crapes are ripe.S Bring containers. Rt. 6. Bos 4 45. 110KS. Garden Rd. BECAUSE or 111 health, will sell all New Zealand white rabbits. In cluding bred does. 15c lb. Also Barred Rock heas. 20c i lb. Frank A, Porter RL 6. Box 52$B, SfflN(5f.ES. FLUTED shakes, cedar stdHnr. Hisrhest quality, lowest prices. Brown. 714 S. ?lst St. Tel. 3600. FOR SALE at attractive price brown Forstmann woolen coat, fur collar. Size 16. Phone 4749. ZENITH RADIO $169.50 12-TUBE 4-BAND all-wave, balance due $6$. 40. Terms $5 down, $4 monthlr. Reei Mr. Jans. GEO. C. WILL MUSIC. STORE $150 ELECTRIC STOVE arid toast er, sell or trade equity on wood range. r A - T l : , J a. in ( . PILLOWS. COMFORTS. Tarn., an tiques; heavy used planks. Want range, linoleum. 292 S. Cottage. S HOUSE TRAILERS farm erut.! bargains 1 wk.; We finance. ' 519 N. Front. f i' WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC mix. j er. pract. new, $12.00. Ph. 4075. Trade Miscellaneous SEWING MACHINE, trade for 2 cds. wood. 1095 Garnet. Wante4l Miscellaneous WANTED MARKET poultry Phon I33F2 Idea's Hatchery. - mRTs" WALNUT also rnea'ri. M. "Clorfein, 277 S. Liberty. Ph. 7633.: WANTED WALNUT drying. Ph. 133F2. Ie's Hatchery. wanted" w a t In T ? T Xrv I n Will also buy walnuts. F. E. Evans, Rt. 2, BOX tit. . ii i ii irsni M-ii-ii-in iin n n n n n n WANTED RT xn woman ren to mora a. .id board. Day or month. WANTED B FLAT , clarinet Ph. 7S39. ' 5 - i - - - i Miscellaneous sons la exchange for farm produce or wood. High school credit given. Tel. ! St IV. 5 . For Rent -Rooms I.AIMKS PH Mil. N Cottage DESIR. SLP mu prt ent 6977. vELL FURN roointnmoi home. near capltol. 1420 Court SLEFPIKG ROOMS, close In. Steam heat 607 N. CommerciaL NICE SLEEP, roomy 638 SLEEP. R gar., gentleman. 976 E. 3 BLKS. of town. 635 .Chemeketa. SL. RM.. lady. 844 Center. 'Plu 8683. NICE RM.. gent Gar. 771 N. Cottage T.TfiWT tinfcrirrpnivn .ti " " w w -. . . . . 1 . I VUII1, d I turn, including i garage. 790 N. Com'l. HOUSEKEEPING RM. man. 172 Marlon. !- NEWLY DECORATED room with priv. entrance and bath. Steam heat. Reasonable. 653 Union. Ph. 4262. GOOD SLEEPING rooms, close In. 441 N. High. ! SLEEP. RM., hskpg. privilege. 6715. ' - 1aaias.aii- aai JVvywitf NEWLY DECORATED sleep, rms.. steam heat 79ft N. Winter, Ph. 6539. 'Room and Board ' THE VERT I best 315 Bellevne. T. 8767.: ;'i EMP. LADIES, $20 mo. Tet 731 3. --a1JieTeasasaasjaaaaB TWO MEALS. TeU 4082 after 4. R-. B.. 2 MEN. 280 S. 21st. RM, BD priv. home. Ph. 16557. EM, BD., lady. 841 N. Cottage. RM, BD, $3 wk. TeL 8978. NEW. SHOWERS, excellent table board. Close In. Ph. 3518. PLEASANT I HEATED room for t girlSr-Two beds, board. ; Hit. and laun dry, $25 each 455 N. Cottage. For Rent Apartments i 8KB FISHER apt. Modernise ewly decorated and roomy Tou'll be flighted Oa k a nd R Commrrtl L SM AULFRNap MODERN FT" RN, heat hot water. private bath. I lights, garage. 2456 State. . - , .,. 2-ROOM FURN. basement apt Pri vate entrance. Suitable for 1 or 2 men. 1848 Court NICE- KEW mod. apt., all outside run. t'rlv. bath. Frig, zazs State. 3 R, RT. 7. BX 181. Garden RJ. 3 .R, FURN, garage. I R, bath. Kite Den. zoos n. CapitoL , LGE. 1 RM., heated. 312 Water. 2 R. APT, 265 R. CommerciaL FURN. 2 RM. apt, also board and room tor Christian lady, 118 J . t-ourin. t 3 R.. 2 ADULTS. 1207 S. Com'L WELL FURN, $15 up. Ph. 6288. 2 A PT1919 OAkT 1 RM. APT. kitchenette, bus. ! women, 1852 f Court St Call after I 5 P. m. 1: J R. FURN, adults. 780 N.' Winter, ,asSs"aaaasa94Ssaalassas FURN. 3 ROOM apt, water, gar. very cosy, close in. Inquire at 669 N. Front St - ! - I R. FURN. APT, 1384 Marlon. For Kent- A part menu PARTLY FURN 153 N. 13th.' 3 NICE ROrtilS furnished. 448 Union. . . ATTRACT.' MOD. apt., 133 State. CLOSE IX, newly furnished, $30. 837 X. Liberty. , VACANCY. HAWTHORNE Court, 1000 N. CapitoL ,: J. . . il . I BACHELOR APT., electric ranse and refrigerator, $23. TeL 7018. (10 N. Com'L ' i ; ' t S R. FURN. APT., lights, water, heat, 640 Marion. I MOD. FURN. cottages, winder rates, $1S mo. Shoen's Cottages, S. 12th A highway 93. FURN. HEATED apt-, 460 l?th. CLEAN HEATED 2 room apt, 645 Ferry. 2 R-, CLOSE.. Ph. SS25 after school. FURN. APT.. prL bath. S32 N. High. For Ilenl -Houses HOUSES. H. P. GRANT. S 29 Court STRICTLY MOD. 6 It- brick he close In, $33. Carle Ahraros, ph. 6155. 2 NEW 3-room unfurnished cot tages. Ready soon. 1840 Court. saw.saNeNsaea' MOD. FURN. 5 R. house near Kel- aer school. Phone 97 F2. ( - ....aapoa MOD. 7 R. PARTLY furtt.. j auto matic heat 2 blks. H. school. Inq. 930 $22.50 25 HSES. PH. 7118. HOUSE FOR rent. 1349: South 12th St. $25.00. a1aMBssa THREE -ROOM cottage, gas range. linoleum In kitchen and bath, gas heater. $15 00, 1760 C St NEW, MODERN, 5 room, $30. Older S-room, near high school, $2$. New, 3 -bedroom house. $35. Reasoner, (certainly), 565 N. I High 2 RM. FURN. house, adults, 8840. $10, FURNISHED, STRICTLY, mod. 5 rooms, shown by appointment only by LOUIS BECHTEL. 341 State. FURNISHED 6 RMS., modern, sub urban. $27.50. 7 rms. furnished mod. suburban. $35.00. E. H. ST AM B AUG II j 212 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 9411. For Rent Farms DAIRY FARM 128 acres, modern, $830. 15 A., small house, barn. $200 cash. 12 A. improved, $200 cash. 5 A. Improved, $150 cash. FARMS for rent sale trade. OREGON LAND CO. i Pac. Hwy., Woodburn. Oregon 77 ACRES 6 MILES west of Carl ton; 40 cult, 1 A.. 20 yiv walnuts; also prunes, apples, pears, cherries. Family orchard. 7 -room house, ; barn, garage, other buildings. $175. 46 acres 4 miles west Yamhill ; good roadrfair hldga, close to school; 6 A. cult $130. Terms. B. A. KLIKS, Mc Minnville. Fifd Rent J OFWCR RkiMS 381 State street Inquire room 200 Tel $71$. CARS. TBIJCKS O Hlve Ph. 74l SINGLE RM. Sm. hse 255 Division. Wanted to Rent S OR 4 RM. unfurn. flat, ground floor. Must b reas. Box 29, States man. f !i WANTED HOUSES to rent R. A. Forkner - H. T. Ueber. 11 N. CapitoL For Sale Real Estate Btin.uiNri LOTS i GOOD LlTS on pared street escel tont location. Price $500. $26 down, tie per month. W. IL GRABKNHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 & Liberty St PTione 6468 MOD. HOMt, Capltola, I-ow pay menta Carl Abrams. 411 Masonic Bldg. f ' J 6 RM. NEW brown shake bungalow. Very modern with exception of base ment North Salem. $3600. Ph. 6580. 2 A. CLOSE IN. House, gar, elec. water system, fruit nuts.: Near achool and store, $800 down. Easy payment. Ph. 108F11. : : -. t AUTOMATIC OAS FURNACE ! 4 5 RMS.. VERY modern, with fire place. Beautiful, well-cared for lawn and shrubbery, some fruit In s Soutn Salem. Price $40008600 down. Ph. 5580. , ..'! ;-... 3 ... SAi"aaaiailhiAajaSaWaaWBSMaesiiierf PRACTICALLY NEW 8 - bedroom modem home on KIngwood Drive. Sac- rlflca for cash call, 7865 after 3 p. m. for appointment. ; . i BY OWN 17 K 3 houses, near schools. 4 rrn. English mod, 7 rm. mod. and 4 rm. cottage, N. Salem. Tel. 4320, BEN T1MOND DISTRICT ONE ACRE with 4 rooms, comfort able home, city water, frtilt. berries. to close an estate, $100 cash, : H. P. GRANT 629 Court Street! Phone 6744 " oijnjnjaiujijirjn-nrj'' 6 RMS.. WITH fireplace. Ntco Mttle white bungalow In North SaJem for $2250. E-Z terms.: Ph. 5580. FOR SALE GOOD 7 ROOM, modern home for $3950. Wilt trade equity of $1200 for acreage, Dal. Ilka rent . SEE Mrs. Ellis with ; CHILDS V MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281. $2406. A VERY ATTRACTIVE j 6 room mod. home, cloew in. base ment, furnace, garage. Excel lent bargain $3300. 6 room mod. house, fireplace, basement, t furnace, large : ga rage, electric water heater. Kx cellent terms. $4230. 6 room mod. house, fireplace. nook, hardwood floors, base- ment furnace, ldy. trays, ga rage. A very nlr location. P. H. BEIJ, REALTOR 42t Ore. BMg. Phone 8121 INCOME PROPERTT. close In on hlghwav north. Owner, S. A, Baldwin, Kt. I, BOX Z33H. SPECIAL S ROOM HOUSE am) large lot $850 $59 down. 25 ACRES; 12 acres In cultivation, 8 room house and barn, family orch ard. Prttw $2500. Will trade for West Salem proerty. 214 . ACRES garden land, $ room house and barn, located on a 'paved Toad.. Price 81600. Will exchange Cor nouso In - Salem : about same value. Miaht pay soma 'difference. . Listings wanted, KOSTEIN ADOLPH, INC. 110 4 N. Commercial Street - 600. DOWN. 6 RM. house, base ment furnace,' f Irepla-e, i sev eral trees.; lots 100x123, good location. $3250. t. j $ 730. Down, nice! home, $ rms. A un- finished upstairs, basement furnace, fireplace, oak floor, $2950. $1100. Good' S ran. plastered house, bsth. lights, fireplace, .garage, ' MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor ?---9"r-t.?5ret Phone 8723. 5 A, 4 ML NORTH. 6 R. mod. house other bldgs. Oil beat 1 A. cherries A family orchard, grapes, berries A nut trees. Reasonable price. Very good terms. " . C RLETON E. LANE, Phone 4076 257 Pac. Hwv Cnrnr Claxter Road For Sale Real Estate DO YOU rent? If so look at -this only $300 cash down. $20 month, buy a real good home, 5 R.. basement fur nace, garage. See bOUIS UKLUlWi or RAY pOYLE, 341 State, For Sale Farms FEDERAL l-AND bank farms Priced right Terms. See W. & Bart Mtt secretary treasurer. 816 Oregsn cuildlna. j Phone Till i . ? -' WONDERFUL FARM BUY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of 38 acres, best of . dark, , productive soil, near paved" highway and good schools. Comfortable set of buildings with ex tra fine dairy barn. Drilled well, elec tric water system. Price $5500, - easy terms, or will take Salem home as PSee" CIIILDS A MILLER. -Realtorr 344 State Stfeet Phone 9261. 23 A. MOSTLY BEAVER dam, Jiouse. ; barn , paved rond, electricity. Can sell produce at door. A good buy at ' $5300, $1009 down or will consider some trade. 92 A. 4 R. house, gar, stream, part In cultivation. 1500 cds. wood. On good road. $1600. $500 down. R." A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER j 1833 N. Capitol FARMS FOR rent sale trade. Oregon Land Co., Pac. Ilwy., I Woodburn, Oregon. ! Suburban ? SUBURBAN TRACTS DANDY 5 ACRE tract good 4 room house, ielectrle water system, . small barn and chicken house, young orch ard, near school and bust lme. Thla Is a good i buy for $3500. or will accept Salem property in exchange. SEE Mrs. Ellis with i CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281. Wanted Real Estate BEST HOUSE, lot for small pymt, down, monthly pymts. Box 50, States man. WANTED BEST hosse $1000 cash will buy in N. Salem. Percy Ullman, 0 Marlon. WANT 2 GOOD small places Imme diately. ' REASONER, 665 N. High Business Opportunities I FOR 1 LEASE Service station and shop ; give address and phone In ans wer. Box sz. Statesman. 183000; CASH BRINGS in 227 in terest leaves your time free. Box 53, Statesman. '. i LOOK i I FOUNTAIN. BEER, lunch. sur rounded: by auto courts, across from fairgrounds, Portland highway 99E. $16o0 cash good lease. , 2583 PORTLAND ROAD ; SPOTS FOR LEASE In grocery. fine new bldg. Wonderful location- meat department 10x20,. $39. vege table department, 12x12, $20. Lunch A soft drinks. 8x16. $20. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. Pattern j! Since feminine softness Is the ruling spirit of fashiona-t-eYen for at-home frocks this new Anne Adams'; slenderlzer will win many a compliment! Look the slim hipped skirt of Pattern 4S53 has graceful panelling both back and front, land the bodice aehlerea pretty fullness through darts and gathers. The sleeTes either short and flaring, or open cap type are equally soft and attractive, With ric-rac and button for col orful trimming; you're a dress jsjnart enough to wear uptown or out motaring. Select new, tab cot tons : of gay synthetics, and sew with a; mind at ease the Sewing Instructor "fcheet makes your task pleaaan t and aim pie ! i Pattern 48 5 S is available in women's sizes 34, 36, 33. 40, 42 44, 4 S and 4. Size 36 takes S yards 3 e-lnch fabric and 2 yards Hc-rac.l " :- Sea niTE CM CENTS 13) la ee4as er atamps (eoias pralem ) far tai A ana Adams patters. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS as STILE KUMBFJt Sacecia to year aatnms swing! Order year copy t the MEW ANNE ADA1IS PATTEKS BOOK teday, aa cheeaa from tba smartest of fall fash ioaa. Yea' 11 aea pictured tba very clothes yoa need. Lavely street' teraoea sb4 party fathioail Styles far the girt away at sebeoL the eas ioesa Sroma, the aaatrea whs leaf te be siiail Sportswear '"hits," Cheery boaae draasea and yaanrater fivekal rias linferisl' Gift ideael Newt a boat sceetaorles AH pat terns s simple ta anaks at hoaaet BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTEKN FIFTEEN CENTS TWENTY FIVE CENTS TOR BOTH WHEN .OR DERED TOGETHER. 8sad year order te Ths Orsgoa Statesetae. Patter Departaseat Blouey to Loan mmediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single Only You Sign. Quickest and Moat Uberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man anf Woman Qualify Private , Confidential Terms I to 20 Months Repay Any Day, Week or Month To Reduce , the Cost General Finance Corp. lis so. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon S-138 First Doot South of !.add A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor location DO YOU NEED Money,? Money CAN BE obtained Quickly and eas ily a our office. No red ta pe no em barrassment no other signers no ad ditional coat for superior service. Furniture or Livestock Loans to $300 Auto Loans to $500 Phone 4446 or call at our office and well help you secure the loan you need. You'll be glad you called at People s Finance Co. Rm. 201, First Nattonal Bank Building Salem. Oregon S-Ill State Lie. M-220 L-O-A-N-S $10 to $300 All types of loans. Liberal repayment plana See fts If you need money. Up to $500 on cars. Loans .made without delay. STATE FINANCE CO. CHILDS A MILLER'S OFFICE 344 Slate St Saleai. Oregon. Uc No. S-216 M-222 Phone $261 1st Choice From Coast to Coast at " ' ' ' Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 8.03 mo. repays $ 6 In 12 mos. $ 7.27 mo. repays $100 hi 11 mos. $13.09 mo. repays $180 in IS mos. 318. IS san. rermve 130 in 1 1t mm TVT ; ?1 xi o cosigners or special kind of security needed The quicker you repay! the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FREE CONSULTATION. IN OUR OFFICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITHOUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR, ENGLISH. Personal Finance Co. Rm. 119, New Bligh Bid sV Phone 3191 518 STATE STREET AT HIGH IN SALEM. OREGON STATE LICENSE NUMBERS S-122 M 166 PRIVATE MONEY to loan at 6 H. P. GRANT. 629 Court Ph. 6744 aa.aa.aafcafci ja'rrirVO'SOflslTtV'UX FEDERAL HOOHINO loana ootid refinance kamra totislneas or on Rates. A Dram a Kill inc. Ma so ale Bid. Business 1 Cards la tnte dlrrctory ran ' ! 4m m monthly basts only Ratfe: SI prr line per month, i Auto Brakes Mike ' Panak.' 876 : South CommerciaL i Aviation .' I LEARN TO fly, Salem Flying Service, Salem Airport phone 6561. . i Bieyeles BICTCLFS. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W Scott. 141 & Com'L Pta. 46t Body & Fender Repair rOR BOOT a r ENIIKR RepolrSL AMO Trina. Seat Covers. Claee replaeemeat Auto Painting SEE the rterrall Owens Co.. 236 S Com'L St Pb, 8168 . i Chimney Swtep " ! rEIPHONBT 4469 R E. North nesa Chimney sweep. Tree topping. P. 8227. Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCirrr PSQ Chlropraetoc. 268 N. High. TeL Rea 1578. I Excavating KXCAYATtNG Or alt kinds. ment a 4)int- Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for eale. Salem., Sand and Gravel Co Phone) 9461. ., , t Florists Brelthaupra. 44? Court" Phone 8984 eBaBasaBaaBBaaaaBBBBSsaaBaBBBSBBBBBaMaBBBM W. SALEM Florists. 1409 E.lgewatef A Umc GOLD HILL ltmo.98. We deilvor te farm. 834 - H. CommercUL TeL 8838 -Laundries . " , I THS NEW SAI.KM UUNIlBt I THE WE1DKR LAUNDRY 288 8. High TeL 11X6 Money to Loan! Auto Loans j CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used care. Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 28 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St, Salem. Or. Phone 916$ - Lie. No. U-162 asiaa,a,aaa,aaasaaaia MONRY TO loan on rood real estate Charles Hudktna, 276 State! street Financial jm gf WK HA vis never paid less ll v than thla rate on savings tacjla fr and Investments. Insured elk If ta t&oeo. i Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Asaa Phone 46 14. a 17t.V.rr'L TOx.T-rirrtsoofl AT firi from nrl- vate party, secured by A jNo. 1 bus iness prop. Box 57, ft Statesman. : - Ixtana Wanted WANTED PRIVATE aJONET to I MAN an maoA Salem - real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest , W. H. UHAHKWM'IKS a t.J, REALTORS ! 34 S. IJberty St Phone 6168 aeasaaaaaaawa1aaaaaaasasas,aaiaaaa , LOANS WAM fcU on farm and.elty property. Before borrowing Inquire al Hawkins m Konerte. wiVTFl) iian on ailt edge prop erty, Salem. 11300. Call 1880 Nebraska. For Sale Wood DRT 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 137F12. FIR. OAlC aah. Graen. 6378. Al DRT OLD FIR. 5 5C- ptV. 5j GOOD. DRT wood. TeL 4865. Boje. OLD FIR. $1. Ashcraft S388. NO. 1 16-IN. old fir, $5, 4-ft 2nd growth. $4. Ph. 9456. DRT WOOD. Rt 7. Box 178. 8154. NICE DRT 4 tt. 2nd growth fir wood, delivered. $4. Sawed. 84.50. Phone 4964. DRY BLK. Lge, Id. $3.00. Ph. 6832. MILL CITY Manufacturing Co. hea vy dry ateb wood. $1.50 per cord, j OAK. ASH. fir, $5.75-$4. deL 9703. GOOD DRY 4 ft. second growth. 3 cord lots, $12. TeL 7860.! GOOD DRY old fir. 2nd gwth, plan ner wood and knots. Tel. 5274. 2 CDS. 16 IN. 2nd gwth.;flr, $13.58. 2380 Broadway. Wood Saw ins WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. 5883, Lost and Found LOST LARGE black Scottle, -very friendly. TeL 4348. ; ; , Personal LONKLTT "WORTH WHILE" sweet heart husband, srlfe for you. Boa 76 Angelea VIA VI MKJX. Pearl Uoeon. local dealer. 898 S. 12th St j For Sale Used Cars DOOLITTLE - PONTIAC . ' l ... . Beautiful; I Reconditioned ! Cars ! 1937 Pontiac 4-Door Trunk Sedan 1929 Pontiac 4 -Door Sedan 1929 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Coupe i 1938 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1936; Chevolet Panel Delivery 1933 Chevrolet Coupe ! " 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Coupe 1928 Ford 2-Door Sedan : 1934 Dodge Coupe 1929 Chrysler Redan 1928 Oakland Sedan We Save You Money On Financing DOOLITTLE - PONTIAC N. COMMERCIAL A CENTER REPOSSESSED 1923 FORD V-t De Luxe Coupe, new Urea excellent n tor. Pick up back payments and com plete contract Rm. 291. First. Nation al Bank Building or phone 4446, BARGAIN. '32 Hudson sedan. A-L Phone 7828. 34 INTERNATIONAL! HTON truck, motor recently overhauled terms. 1195 N. 14th. 1937 -V-t, FORD DeLUXE. Can be seen Sat. p. m, 1165 N. 19th. Terms. '- asQ riiijufi ruirnj-ae-asTxri SALE OR trade. 1935 Willys 77 Se dan. terma. Gilbert Hallsted, Rt 1, ctox ids, oaiem. Directory Mattresses SAI.KM ' H.Urr-nU( ami Melt rase Factory. NEW MATTItfCSS emade tr order, old remade : carpet cUaalng. a1 Ing: fluff nig weaving S ,13th A Wfl bue. TeL 44I. OTTO F. Z WICKER Eat 191 L - f . ; - ; i CAPITOL KKDDI NO CO. Phone 466t ' Printing ! FOR STATION ICR T card a. pamphieta programav books or any kind ef print ing, eal The Statesman Prlntlag De partment 216 8. CommerciaL Tele phone 9181. j . t RnjliV Service RAY MOORE, 458 Court Ph. 94U. Taxidermist i t K. WIGGINS. 1 ml N. pa, hwy. -Transfer 1 CAPITAL CTT? Transfer Co. t2S State SL TeL 1771 Olsutbultng. 'er warding and storage our specialty. .Ce out ratee. ... ,i FOR liK'AL or eltatant Ira safer stor age. tumer oil cad 8131. larmei Traoafer Co Trucks- le Portland dally Trucking DIRECT TO COAST dally. Ph. T864 Well Drilling R A. W85ST. 4t'8, Ba 44$ T. 1 1SF6 Wet Basements GUARANTEED BONE-DKT by the Seal Seep Service, applied Inside For Informal loo call Gardner. 6678. Ret ROCKT1TK WATERPROOFING, any. kind maeonry outside or In, wet or dry. Guaranteed. Ret Ph. 763. 726 Locust. - Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Rilke Bros. 5322. F. KNOPF, PH. 7146 or 6144- For Sale? Used, Cars v. -For Outstaoding . Used Car Bargains ' SEE THESE 1937 Ford u60" Coupe . ... 1936 1 Ford DeLuxe Touring Sedan; ..... 1932 Ford DeLuxe Coupe .......J..... 1938 Ford 1-Ton Stake Body 1938 Ford L.W.B. Truck, Eaton Axle VALLEYJMOTOR CO. 20 Years of Friendship I Herb Misson Lot : Marion & Liberty Ben Drager BUICK , Looks Fine for '3 SEE IT TODAY Used Car Values 36 Graham Sedan....S595 36 Plymouth Tr. Sed. 535 37 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan 535 36 Lafayette Coupe.. .475 34 Buick Sedan. 465 36 Terraplane Cpe... 445 35 Graham Sedan.... 395 34 Chev. Coupe........ 325 34 Terraplane Sed... 343 34 Chrysler 6 Sedan' 365 31 Buick Sedan..:..... 235 31 Buick Sedan........ 195 OTTO J. WILSON OTHER LOW PRICED CARS . TO CHOOSE FROM 338 N. COM'L. PHONE 5151 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN. That the undersigned Ronald J. Frizzell has been, by an Order qf the County Court- of the State of Oregon 'for Marlon County-, appointed Administrator of the estate ot Alice B. Frizzell, de ceased, and that Letters of Ad ministration have issued to him All persons hating claims against the said estate are here by notified to present the same. duly" rerified and with "the. prop er Touchers, to the undersigned Administrator at 77 First Na Cross Word Puzzle 21 22 23 2W 25 3S . 3.6 3" i VeS "a -" &P "ST &2 S3 &H" !V H ' M 11 y'WTX I :- By KUUUNtt SHKFFER HORIZONTAL . 1 marsh 4 tool for shaping wrought -Iron animal's foot 12 be indebted -' ..- to 13 rose in blistera 14 prevaricate 15 -requital 17 decree of the sultan . tS-rryof bacchanals 20 beverages 21 ghastly . 23 made " . 25 t home 27 4egal 29 eat 30 energy 32 desire possession 34 domestic animal 25 passage In the brain - 27 participant in a mil .... race 33 eymbol for tellurium 49 forceful .42 direct ' : elsewhere 44 masculine . name 45 unaccented 45 Greek physician 48 natural abode 51 adopted son of ' Mohammed 52 oleoresin 54 yeJlow burl 55- ox . 55 pinnacle f ice 67 -simpleton Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. g,i n o n " sU-rf N ' c S t A T g atP" A Cgg L 2. JL ft Gle l!M, g Si. 5. Z JL . s Km Z "Z. Z 2. J2L T E. 3. O t i V E ;! -. Hp. g S V PAN t. S SjE r ' E Nl"v" y A L gt?- T g" A A N O A ? v O If ATI O T A "T A Nl S J a G ENT Ills, at SJb( For Sale Used Cars .475 . 185 tional Bank Building. Salem, Ore gon, on or before six . (6) months from the date of the first publi cation of this notice; said, first publication being made this 10th day ot September, 1938. RONALD J. FRIZZELL, Administrator' of the Es i tate of Alice B. Frizzell. 'de ceased. ROSS & FORD, . Attorneys for the Estate. Salem. Oregon. S 10-1T-24. O 1-S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- ' 3IENT - i Notice Is hereby given' that ths undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County, of Mari on, his duly verified final lac count,! as the Administrator: of the estate of Vina Losinger, -deceased, and, that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 1st day; of November, 1938, at fhe: hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day as the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Ore gon. As the place for hearing said final account and all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st . day of October, 193 S. ALBERT RICH, i Administrator of the Es i " - tate of Vina Losinger, De ;s ' ceased. WALTER S, LAMKIN, 1 Attorney for Administrator, i Salem, Oregon. O l-8-15-22-2 Aggie Year Boot Available From Mott's Quarters Congressman James W. Mott has Just received his limited: al lotment of the 1938 Agriculture year book. This book contains an abundance of Information espe cially valuable to farmers and stu dents of agriculture. Interesting and authentic reports are given on livestock, wheat, hops, fruit and vegetables and other farm com modities. Agriculture, as an i in dustry, is thoroughly discussed. VXRTICAf, 1 On behalf of 2 feraaJe sheep 2 st as tins 4 pertaiaing to an eclesiasti- cal council i engage ia 6 reverential fear. 1 earth : goddess omaa srbaa official 5 formative. IS help : 11 rery small 16 bad f 18 peruse 20 organita- tionef ! Eussian i : laborers J 21 ashy pale : 22 concord 23 pertarainf toscity ; 24 growing- out 25 turn aside funny - I 21 former i emperor f Abyssinia. 33 designating white . crystalline lactonie acid - 35 unusual 33 lull an j painter 41 xcaTations ia the earth 4 S -malodorous 45 monk of Tibet 45 happy . '47 wing 43 possessive pronoun 49 ruined city in upper ; Burma 50 marble 53 French deSnita article raaasw Irwaota.