PAGE EIGHT ihe OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. October 8, 1938 Salem Market Quotations FB0ITS (Baying Price) (Tb prises below supplied by frecer ere tediralive of tbe daily prif ea paid ta . grower by Saam but ara ot guaranteed by Tha nu.) Applee, graTenatelna, " . , Banana,- lb. on atalk , .. , a local market buy era States .50 oa .80 S.50 .10 . .40 1.00 .14 ' Handa Cantaloupe, rrata ... ... - Grapefruits Calif., Sanities .errte jG round Cherriee. lb. '. .... Grapea. eskt. 22 fce; 23 la. log . llui-klebarrir. .. .. fresa, lb. ... I amAiit. mrMfm . 8.00 Oranges, crate .$a 65 to .S VEUcsTABUSS Beata. de. , ,. - - Cabbage, lb. - Carrot a. lecal, do... , .' .. ,' Cauliflower. Seattle , Celery, Utah, crate , Celery hearts.- do. , ... I altnA . W..l . L' .25 ;; .70 .1.35 .- .80 -1.1-. .14 .80 - .25 . .30 . Mi " . .40 I SO - .60 -.40 ' .30 .B1U L05 ,.40;. Onion, boiling 10 Jba -So. 50 lbs. Green oirutn. do.. ... 2 .... . Radishes, do. ' Pepper, green, - local.. 'Parsley -;. New- ratafee, local, cut. Spinach . ftqaash.- siiiuaser, dos. Dan ish, dos. JL.'. " Htrbbard, -lo. - ' Zucchini rqaash. flat Turnips, do. NUTS -VTalniita. 1937. 1b '. 10 ta Filbert. 1938 rop. lb. . 13 to BOPS : - (Baying Price) dealers, nominal. 1947. lb.10 to Cluster. 1938, lb.: ..18',i to Jut-flee, top . neasmal WOOl. AND MOHAI& - (Baying Price) .16 .16 .12 .19 Wool, medio s. lb Cor. lb. Lambs, lb. ,, JZ2 - .22 .18 .23 Meaair. lb vnam m PAIT1.TRT CBnytng Price eX Andraaen') T rr, sitrm lieditfm extras . . Large standards .25 .26 .15 .17 .15 .12 .13 .10 .15 .05 Pallets - Colored Irya .. ....... Colored medium, lb White leghorns, lb. No. 1 White Leghorns, fry Vr'bila leghorns. Ib. No. 2. Heavy hen, lb. . Kooaters - Trirc sTOfiit (Based on conditions and sales reported up tee PJ.) Spring Iambi, tcp : 6.00 1-amba 3.00 to 3.50 Ewea - l.a to z 3 Hoes, tops, 150-210 lbs. 130-150 lbs. .210-300 lbs. ; Bows ... Dairy type cow ,., Beef cows - Bulls Heifers Ton vesl. lb. 7.50 to 8.00 7.25 to 7.50. 6.75 3 OO to 8.50 . 4 00 to 4.50 3.00 to 5.75 4.50 to 5 50 9.00 Dressed vest. lb .13 MASIOH CBXAMEBY Baying Price Riittarflt A cnd .27 .10 .08 .14 .15 .14 .06 .05 Leghorn hens, ever 3t lbs Leghorn hens, under 3 Vt lbs.. , Colored fryers Colored hens, over 5 Iba Leghorn fryers Stags, !.. mi RiMiKn lb. . Rejects, market value lrre extras . . No. 2 grade 5e leaa - .29 .24 .25 .22 .15 llediuas extra Larre standards Medium standards Undergrade , The Eleven of Diamonds j By BAYNARD A KENDRICK . CHAPTER XV Stan settled himself . into the swivel chair at Keefe's desk. Eve .seated herself at the right. 1 Tolli- ver took a deep leather chair and sprawled out his legs,; regarding Stan with .-open; animosity. Stan studied the handsome arrogant boy (for a moment and made a decision. (Young Farraday liked excitement, "but he was no killer. As for Eve lie turned to the girl; his blue eyes twinkling reassuringly into her Wide brown ones. "You're in the hands of the law, all right," he said with his disarm ing grin. "But I'm working for your father, Bruce Farraday." . j Eve made a quick gesture of hand to breast "Why?" "Because I've inadvertently built tip a false reputation of being a de-tec-ka-tive when actually I like to eat and fish.' You haven't seen your father since you returned from Fort Myers, have you?" : "No." Eve was nervously toying with a small gold clasp-pin which held her white cloak together across her breast. It represented a slender, graceful, animal with two long hems curving in toward each other at the tops. Stan leaned back and closed his eyes. Somewhere, many years before, he had seen a similar pin. . "We were tired from the drive," the girl was saying, ."and there was a light in Commander Dawson's apartment when we passed. We stopped in for a high ball and finished up here." , "Did you know a man named Ed ward Fowler?" Stan opened his eyes. His mind was still occupied with that gold pin. " ' i Tolliver sat up in the chair. "TJad'a crazy. There's nothing the natter with Ed Fowler " - - "He's dead. Murdered, Tolliver, said the police found your torn up check in. his room at the Amboy Hotel" -:v v i "Oh, no!" The words were wrung in an anguished cry from Eve. "It's impossible why just last night " t "He was stabbed last night at the Sunset. That's why your father has brought me into this." Stan rpoke gently, astounded at the effect f his words on Eve Farraday. She had almost collapsed at the news of Fowler's death. Certainly the death t a casual friend could never re . dace a well poised debutante to such - sumbness and despair. .. f Tolliver had left his chair and was pacing back and forth in front of the desk three steps and turn three steps and turn. i "I never heard such foolishness," lie said wildly without pausing in bis stride. "That check was a joke I just a joke and now this comes n ; :"J - "Why don't you let me la on the joke?" Stan interrupted. :; "It's simple enough. Eve can tell you it's simple enough. Fowler and I always played for high stakes but we settled at a fraction of our losses a tenth of a cent on the dol lar. We got to shooting crap in the Commander's apartment one night. Fowler had a run of luck and ap parently won that amount from me. I wrote him the check to make it look real to make the others think 1 was a big shot. That's the truth, isn't it Eve? Tell him that's the truth." He stopped his pacing and looked appealingly at his sister. Eve stood up slowly, and faced him defiantly. "No," she said firm ly, "that isn't the truth. Even you don't know the truth, Tolly. But I'm going to tell it now. I can't protect yeu from your own foolishness any longer;" She pointed to the chair Tolliver had quitted. "Sit down there. I'm going on the deck with Ur. E Grade B-raw 4 per cent "milk, Salem basic pool price) Vf2.20. i. Co-op. (irade A butterfat . . price, FOB Salcni, 27c. ( VI dk baaed on aemi monthly . bot'.prfa! average.) Distributor price, . . A icrade butterfal DellT- ered 27c; iB grade 23Bc;, C grade 20c , , . A grade print, 2 H c j B : grade 28c. s Pullets -J : .H : GKAIB, HAT AND SEEDS Oats, white, ton.J.U.00 to 20 00 Wheat, white, bu. h .. .53 Wheat, wea'ern red. bu.. , - .50 . Barlt-y. feed to-. 18 t0 Oata, gray, ton 22.00 to 34 00 Alfalfa, valley, ton....: -......13.00 Oat md-tetch bay. lonJ...11.00 te 12.00 ANike clover seed.. lb. 09 to .10 Bed clover eved.t lb. '.; . .12 Coast l: Hop Crop Is 35 Million j Pounds, Finding The bop crop in the three states of California, Oregon and Washington totals 35,062,469 pounds, according to computa tion completed by the hop growers allocation committee under the federal hop marketing agreement. This estimate is made after ad justments with, growers' who were allowed to file protests following the first estimate of about 10 days ago and shows an Increase of 255,701 pounds over the Septem ber estimate of 34,706,768. In the final estimate the crop is divided by states as follows: Oregon 16. 351.314, Washington 9.563,576, California, 9, 147, 5,79 all increas es oxer the preceding estimates. The estimate will he placed be fore the secretary of agriculture at Washington ; immediately and definite tonnage is expected to be established by the end ; of next week at which time special allot ments will be made to the various growers. j Wool in Uosfoti BOSTOX. Oct. 7. (AP) (USDA) Fine western brown wools were quite ac tive and prices were strong on the Boston wool market today. It1 was becoming very difficult to ; buy good French combing longtbs fine territory wools in original bags at 65 cents, scoured basis. Such wools were bringing 66 to 67 cents, scoured basis, quite j readily and aome houses were asking 1 68 to 70 cents, scoured basis. Twelve-month Texas wools were bringing 67 cents, scoured basis, end holders in Bortnn were asking around 70 cents, scoured basis. ' Tolliver obeyed her with the do cility of a frightened child. She turned and went outside with Stan following. In the darkness of the small railed enclosure, .she took Stan's arm and drew. him to the side overlooking the water. ' ; i "Edward Fowler tore up . that check because I asked him to," she said without preamble. "He loved me. I asked him under condition Tolliver would (never gamble again " t y. "Did you love him?" S She hesitated. "I don'rchink so probably because I knew so little about him. I might have learned to love him, though. He was a wonder ful man " . , I . "He gave' you the clasp you're wearing?" I A heavy brass belaying-pin hur tled through the darkness, thrown with Murderous accuracy. It grazed against Stan's head. Without a sound he turned a, somersault over the low railing,; and dropped gro tesquely two stories down into the black waters of Biscayne Bay. Eve Farraday watched the white clothed body- disappear below the surface before she slipped . unconscious to the deck - i . Millie LaFrarice lay rigid in the bed, listening to the brush of a palm against the screen of the porch. Since eight o'clock in the evening a man had been strolling back and forth across the j street. Twenty times she had gone on the porch to look. The man was always there. At midnight another man had taken his place. . . I She covered her eyes with a shapely arm to shut out the light of a street bulb on the corner. The moving palm cast shadows on the bedroom wall, driving her close to hysterics with their faltering undu lations. ' Millie was not timorous. She had lived too long close to vio lence and sudden ; death. ; But she knew that Zorrio and Eckhardt were both supreme egoists, claiming any woman for life. Miles Standish Rice had not underestimated her danger wfth Caprilli in Miami. ; Stealthily she turned in bed and thrust one white hand tinder her pillow1. The squeak of a loose board under pressure had warned her someone was in, the sitting room. Her groping fingers closed around the butt of her pearl-handled auto matic and began to slide it out an inch at a time. I . " "Hold it, Millie! It's Benl" The beam of a pencil flash, directed into the palm of one hand, briefly illumi nated his face in the doorway. ' "You damned idiot I might have shot you." She still held onto the gUrt. ' - -.Jfc.1 :...-:-" He came closer and sat on the foot of the bed. "The house is being watched. I'm parked three blocks north. I came between the houses and in the back way." - "To tell me that?" "I'm onto something big, Millie. It will fix us for life." , ' ; "You're always on to something big. IH tell you something bigger. The coppers are on to you. They may fix you for life. One of them paid me a call this afternoon a private dick called Rice. He's smart, Ben. You better watch him." ; He was too smart He got him self rubbed out on the Four Leaf Clover tonight Somebody tossed a crowbar; at him and tumbled him over the rail. When they fished him out the chimes were ringing." "You know an : awful lot about if -.-.y;:,.r i: ' "I uw it That's wart efvlist I'm on to. It's going to put me on -fr;y Stocks Make P Slight Climb Market Has Cain Eight of Past Nine Days, With new Top 51.4 NEW . YORK. . Oct. 7-;P)-The stock market encountered a lit tle rougher going today as trad ers cashed in profits on the lengthy upswing, but selected is sues. managed to enter new high territory for the past year with gaLns running' to a point or so. The list was still under the in fluence of more optimistic bus iness indication and selling, which was fairly. Insistent" at times," was well absorbed In most cases. . - , ' . " : f : i Rails, aircrafts and specialties were in tne rorerroni tnrouga out. Steels were given a run af ter noon, and . coppers firmed :at the last. There was. a large turn over 'of low-priced issues such as Loft and Radio Corp. at relative ly substantial advances.- Best -prices were reduced at the fin ish. -:.v-; :- !?" Climbs oat of 9 ;! . The fact the market, counting today's result, had. climbed in eight out of nine days, tended to sober speculative forces- to, some extent ' . ;.. 1 1 The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was up .3 of a point at 51.4, a new top since; Oct. 9, 1937. Transfers, however, dwin dled to 1,464,560 shares com pared with 2,451,060 the day be fore. Stocks & Bonds October 7 STOCK AVEEAGE3 ComplleJ Uy Tie Associated Press SO 15 15 60 Indue. Rail Ctil A .1 34.2 34.1 32.3 35 3 35.1 24.9 54.0 31.6 Stock A .3 51.4 51.1 47.8 52.5 51.4 33.7 75.3 i'41.7 Xt change A .4 Friday "5.6 A .4 jl ; 20.8 18.7 25.8 . 21. G 12.1 49.5 19.0 Prev. day Month ago 75.2 70.7 74 9 75.6 49.2 Year ago 1938 1938 1937 high low high 101.6 low 57.7 New high. 1937 BOND AVERAGES 10 10 10 10 : Rail Indua' Util forgn . .ii .1 Uncb. A .1 A -3 L 59.9 99.1 94.1 65.0 60.0 99.1 ' 94.0 64.7 56.8 98.4 93.0 63.2 . 93.1 100.5 93.9 67.9 . 70.5 100.3 94.3 7.0 . 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 . 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.5 95.5 94.3 64.2 45.8 40.0 61.6 42.2 .101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 Net change Friday Prev. day . Month ago l ear ago 1938 1938 1937 high low hijh 1937 1932 1938 low ... low . high Millie raised herself on one elbow to try and see his face in the dim light of the room. "Easy Street is a One way street Are you sure you're driving the right way? If you're not I'm getting out, Ben Eck hardt There's a chair at the wrong end. You can sit in it alone and fry." "Why you I'll" He made a move toward her. "Keep on your end of the bed, Ben. You're a small time gambler and you're bucking an electric wheel. You better tell me the story. If your nose is clean I may help. If it's not " Her perfect shoulders lifted slightly. He leaned back against the foot of the bed, nonplussed at Millie's tone. He could deal with her when she raved, cursed, and cried, but her assured calmness alarmed him. "You'll never walk but on me," he told her, sullenly. "Zorrio still ' thinks that about himself." . " . j -. ;. , "Well you can't sneeze me into . Alcatraz like you did him." i "I'd kill you for that right now,. Ben except I know you said it to make me mad.. Think this over be-, fore you' get big-mouthed again; . Caprilli's in Miami. Late this after noon I wrote a letter to friend. It's to be mailed on to Caprilli if anything happens to me. If it's ever delivered a pardon from the Gover nor won't save you. Now about you ; and me. I'm tired of your strange j ideas about beating tar out of a dame to show her you love her and the day I want to walk out 111 walk. If you try to stop me 111 get word to Caprilli that you've been pestering me. Now you better tell roe why the coppers are on your ' trail for killing Fowler." The pastiness of his face showed startlingly against the moving', shadows on the wall. "Honest, Mil lie! You've gone nuts! I never' knocked off a guy In my life but I'm not going to drop a wad of dough because I happen to know! who did. I saw that dick get his! tonight" ; I "Who did it?" I ; i "The same guy who gave it to i Fowler last night" j i j "You're lying, Ben." - i ; i "I swear to you, Millie. We've got 1 a fortune in our mitts if you keep i your headl" He was intent, plead ing. "But it's better if you don't know the whole works. They may sweat the devil out of you at head-; quarters tomorrow when this Rice thing breaks' loose. You can't tell something you don't know" - i . "Neither can you." " " 1 : "Where do you think this Came from?" The pencil flash glowed on a piece of folded paper thrust before-her eyes. She read it without relinquishing her bold on the auto matic ' : . r -. 1 j -,. j .. Pon't leav now it' worth your life. Call Toby to hall door ! card room any oxcumooo can see you're atill hero. Then go to poker room acroei the hall and wait for tne. Sit quietly i without liffhte until I can come. DB "Dave Button!" Millie inhaled toftly. "I don't believe it" j; "You're acting dumb, Millie. Do you think Button would stick his own initials on a note like that?" " ' ' "Why not? Fowler wouldn't have gone in the poker room unless he knew who the note was from." "The man who wrote that note killed Fowler " "Yeah? And where did you get it from a little boy on the corner?" ."I'm trying to tell you. That note was in Fowler's pocket " . (To Be Continued) Csryrlaht by Oraenbtrc Publisher, la. Distributee' aj Kloe raatera SmCSa, laa Quotations 'I PRODUCE EXCHANGE rOHTLANU, Ore., Oct. 7. AP) Produce Exchange - . 'Butter Kxtraa j 31c: atandarda 26c; prime- firsts 26c; fints 24c. Butterfat 27 ?8e. Egga Large catraa 82; large stand ards 29; mediant extraa 25; medium atandarda 24; small extraa 19c; small atandarda 16. ; Cheeae Triplet! 13c; loet 14c. I'ortlanil l.ivratork PORTLAXD. re., Oct.. 7. (AP) (USDA) Hogs: Receipts 400 including 259 direct, market ateady, good-choire lightweight driviina 8.75. few 265 lb. butcher 8.00. , parkin aowa 6.75-7.00, feeder -9.23, hearier kinds salable 8.75 and downward. 1 - ' ' Cattle: Receipt 25 including 11 direct, calves 10O including 94 direct, market nominal,. medium-good steer salable 6.75 8 10, . week' top 8.40, common medium heifers aalable 5,00-6.75, lew : cutter and cutter rowa 2.50-3.25,' good beef cowa 5 00-50 and abo'?, few mediant rood 255 95 lb. calrc 5.50-6.50, atrictly choice venters 9.50. - '-( . -j: - . c : bbeep : Receipts 1900 including 1897 through, and' direct, market nominally ateady, good trucked in lamba salable 6.50, t choice carload lots 7.25, common medium lambs salable 5.25-6.25, yearlings 4.CO-30, - medium-good' ' ewes . nominally 2.00-75. i . . Iirt(ani Ijruiu 1 PORTLAND, -Ore., Oct. " 7. (AP) Wheat: - - Open - High Low Close IJee. i. 62 Vfc 6 1 Vk 611, 61 May ,...3 , 63 63 63 lash grain: Oats, No. 2, 3d-lb.'. white 25.25; No. 2, 38-lb. gray nominal. Barley, No. 2, 45-lb. BW 20.25. Corn, No. 2, EY shipment, 25.30., t Catla wheat bid: Soft white 62 i ; west ern white 62; western red 60. Hard red winter ordinary 159;- 11 per rent 59; 12 per cent 64; 13 per cent 68; 14 per cent 72. Hard white.1 Baart ordinary 62; 11 per cent ; 12 per cent 63; 13 par ceit 65; 14 perj cent 67. Car receipts: Wheat 35; barley 4; flour 9; corn 2; pata 2; hay 1; millfeed 4. i I'ortlaiKl lYoiiuce PORTLAND, tOre., Oct. 7. (AP)- Lire poultry Baying prices Leghorn broilers, 1 Vi toi 14 lbs . ' 1617c; 2H lbs 16e lb.; colored springs 2 to 3 V lbs.. 17e lb.; pttr 3H lbs. 17c lb.; Lerhorn bens ever ' lbs. 12c lb.; under 3',i lbs. 12c lb.; colored hens to Iba.. 18c lb ; over & Iba., 18c lb.; No. 2 grade 5c lb. less. Country Meat Selling price to re tailers: Country! killed hogs, best butch er under 160 lbs., 11 12e Ib; scalers, 14Vs-15c lb : light an tbin 1012c lb.; heavy 8-9e lb : i bulla 8-9e lb.: apring lambs 16-17e Ib.j wes 4-6c; cutter cows 7-7 He: eanner cowa 6-7c lb. Turkeya Selling price dressed new crop hens, 24-25r,; lora, 25-26c lb. buy ing price; new hens, 22e lb.; toms, 24c. Pots tots Yakima Gems. $1.10 1.20 per 100 lbs.; local $1.00 per cwt; De achntea Gems. $1.40 cwt. Onion Oregon 60-7 5c; Takima, 50 lbs 50c. Hay, Selling Price to Retailers Alfal fa No 1, $16 ton; oat. vetch. $10.50-1 ten; clover $10 00 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon ( ); do valley $15 ton, Port land. ; I POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE l" " guv r O jjZZ- V V' TAKES yER r WAL . KlTtV. 3 VtVr 7 FOOTBALL ( PHIsS POLICE E HAVE IM THiS TOWN' THREE V 't L ROBBERIES IN A POW AND NOTHING i -V. ; LITTLE ANNIE RGONEY GEE, I WISA-WAM5CAU6E; EVE wyTHIMG 15 ALL MIXED AAp. 7AMES RICH aw he 5RAMD AWT HIM UUST TOOTS AND .CASPER WHAT DIDTHEV WE Dance at that country dance toots-turkey IN THE i STRAW T TJIIMBLE THEATRE I u , . r3.-i. .. ; l 1 W ' ' I ftT1" vou PEMOWS feE REASONABLE.? V LET ME UP AND. I'LL. GIVE VOL) HALF i i yrr s US HALF OP HIS KINGDOM at Portland Woe) Willamette valley nominal me dium, 23 lb.; eearae and braids, 23e lb.; lamba and fail, 20 lb.; eastern Oregon, l6Vi 26Hc lb. . . . Hops Nominal; new crop, 20-22c. Csscara Bark 1938 peel Se ib. Mohair Nominal; 1938, 23 25c lb.; mo., SOe lb. - " ' - ' : r - Domestic flour, selling price city de livery 1 to 25 bbl. lota: family patenta, 49a, $5,65 6.25; bakers' bard wheat net $3,90 5.40; bakers' bluestem $4 25 4.55; blended hard wheat. 4.35-4 65 ; aoft wheat flour $4.00 4 10; graham 49s, $3.95 whole wheat. 49s. $3.S bbl.- - - . -.- . . . Sugar Berry "er fruit," 100a, $4.90; bales $5.10 ; best $4.80 cental.. ; . Climb 1 4 Cents and )nds Just Quarter x -Under V" That 'Figure CHICAGO.. Oct. ; 7 -(cP)- Wheaj ran up briskly 'i1 cents, a bashr el late -today, iahd-' held most of the gain. - Helping the bulge was word that the agricultural adjustment administration is ' already " about one third through with the plac ing in foreign markets 100,000, 000 bushels of this country's wheat surplus. It was announced also that the United States flour export subsidy rate other than from the Pacific coast has been increased 10 cents. Relief Purchases Help Notice of proposed purchases of corn for government relief dis tribution, had some stimulating effect on the corn market. At the close, Chicago wheat futures were 1 cent to 1 U high er compared with yesterday's fin ish. Dec. 64-65, May 65-, corn ' 4 to 1 cent up, Dec. 46 46, May 49-i4. Oats i-A advanced, rye showing gain, and provisions varying from 12 cents setback to 5 cents advance. Adding to late upward momen tum of wheat values statements by R. O. Cromwell, a leading crop authority, that rainfall In the Pacific northwest has been much below normal for weeks. Eastern Washington rainfall, he said, was only 35.2 of average with heat and evaporation excessive. Late Irams V TH" REPOFCnS EVERVTMJNG WOULDA BIN AW "RIGHT S TH'. QUARTERBACK MADNT IV LOST MOW DO VOU THINK T FEEL? EVERY HOUSE ROBBED ! MAKES ME LOOK LIKE A ER KINOA GOT THE. "VI Birr rn BprruAvrviTvrarT KNOW MR DAMES UPVOO KNOW SHE. ACTS KIMOA wAM SHE DON'T tS -TE"RRIBLE. TREATS CIS AM" P-RtewOLV LIKE VOU LOVE. LIKE DO -J DID THE BltV " WHO'D APPLE THE! You . DANCE WITH BOYS ' FROM ,SUZI Q THE YAM AND SWINZ. 5WlN,ir, SWINti CHA-CHA- THE FARMS 7?T it S. Khh I Starring Popeye HELP! HELPJ! .v tvs k hv a t LET t tr o . ffa -; - - - ( TAKE ff .. Wr "VOJ ALL. . 1 L'l-X (gop. itH j- Gardeners and Ranchers 'Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. T. (AP (US Dept. Agriculture). - j -Apples Winter Bananas, nnelaased. faeej and fill, medium, SO 60e; Washing ton IDelieieos unquoted ; Jonathans, wrapped and- pecked fancy, . $1.50-1.60, nnelaaaed fare and fill, 65-7 5c; Ortleya, face and fill, 50-60c; Kings, -nnelaaaed facef and fill. 55 65c. --- . -, .- - Artichoke Pla.. $3.00-S.23 bo. .1 Avocados California foerts, $2.85-2 90." Beans Oregon, green, wax.-. 3H-4e Kentucky, - 3JA-4e;". Yount, large," 3-4e; Lima. -:A-6c.. . - :- 1 Broceoli l.ugx. 15 40e. ; j ', ". .r ., Brussels Sprout 12 cup ert. 90e $l. ' , Cantaloapes Oregon, $1.75-2.00; - Cabbars . Oregon, . Ball head, $1.10- 1.25; red 2Vs-3e lb. . ' " 1 '-, Cauliflower Local. 60-75e; No. 2. 40 50e.: - . . ..... - j . e Celery Oregon, MUwaukie- Dtah f ype, $1,15 1.25 per crate; Labisb. white, ,$1 1.05i hearts 70 SOe. ' 1 . - I Cms. 5 dos.. 75-85c; Wa.V.' $1.10.1 . - - Citrusy FrBit (irapelroit, - Florida, 01 96a, 3. 65-4. 50; California, 61 120, ex tra fancy. $3.00-3.35; choice large, $2.40"-. 2 65; lemon, fancy, ell sixes, $4.00-4.50 choice grade. $:i.00 3.25, Limes. Cali foraia.'f . 50-pound, bexea, S.5.50-6.00 display cartons, 75e tray. 18e. Oran ges, California, Valencia, fancy. 126176a $2.00-2.25: 200 and smaller, $2.40-2.80; choice. 2 00 2.85. - . .1 ' Cribrri, ,;H bbl.. Early Blaeka. $3.-325; Mefrl:tnds. .253..V). - f Ctteembers Ore. orange box B5c-$1; fUtsw 25-SOc; pickling, NV 1, 20-30c j Dill 8-10c lb. 1 , KadTve lA.-at, 85 40r do. " Kggnlaat 6-7e-per pound; flata. 90. Figs Local white, 60 65a flat; black, 50e.i - -I.'- . Garlic Local, best. T 8c pound; poor er 5-6e per ponedL j Grapes Oregon Concords, 20 pound bexea 4O-30c; Cslitemia . In? boxes ; Thompaon. seedless, $1.00-1.25: Tokays, $1.00-1 lOr wnlidded. 0-85c; Lady K ra rer, $1.00-1.25; Muscat, $1.10-1.2; UatsKas. 90e-$1.00. Lettuce Dry- pack S and 4 doses. 90c $1; Seettle. $1 2V1.S5-. I Mushrooms Cultivated. 1 Ib. 35 404. Onions 50 pound sseks, Washington Valeneiae, No. 1. 60 65c; 10 pound sacks. !8-20e: Yakima yellows. 50 pound sac If a. No. I 2, 65c; No. 1, 60-70e; medium, $1.00-1.25 per cwt: large $1.60-1.70 pr cwt. ; Labish yellewa. 50 pound aacka, 65-75c; br.oilers. 50 pound sacks, 55-63e: 10 pound aacka. 14 15e. Peaches )range clincs, 70-75e. f Pears Oregon, Boae, looie, 45-50c; Anjoo. fancy 80-33c; packed $1.35-1.50; TURKEY GROWERS ATTENTION! O OPEN FOR BUSINESS o Conroy's Turkey Buying and Dressing Station . Monday, Oct. 10-220 Rijer tr- Cor. N. Front & River jWe want to buy your turkeysJXo flock too large -none, too jsmall! Our experience and connections assure you of courteous treatment and profitable returns. Phone 301 1 E. Pat An Eye for an Eye TWEy SAID MS HS MEAD ? HUMPH ! HtS HEAD. Injured Innocence en I WORK IN GETS f UWWVt'VeWweV teOT TO GET JINX OR J - - YES, SEE YOUR POINT New Fields to Conquer MR tJAMES SAiD HAD A SISTER.' i TO VOU jHEAR?,--- S i DOKT WORRV," StrplPER WE'LL X A NEW MEMBER OF THE FAMILY BUT GUESS SHE DOESNTT LIKE NCWMEMBERS. RICH AM PROUD ACT HAPPV ' L f nnT7 Twas no Myth to" Casper! ONE BOY IS A CASPEP,SHES MAKING THAT UP;TO TEASE YOU SHE MOVIE STAR VIS 1T- INtV THERE fTHEN THERE WAS A HANDSOME LIEUTENANT DIDN'T ANY A YALE MAM And He Knows When He's Licked ME UP? .( . 1 T 1 r Closing NEV YORK, Oct. 7. (iipj-Today'a closing quotations: Al Chem &. Dye 190 Tom with Allied Stores American Can 11 103 414 Consol Edl Con sol Oil Corn Prod Am For JPow . . Am Pow & Lt . , Am Red Std San 5-U 17 18 52 Curtiss Wright Du Pont .de Amer Roll Mills Am Smelt dc Ret Doug Aircraft Elec Pow & Lt . Erie RR Gen Electric :Qen "Foods V.i. ' Gen "Motors .T. Goodyear Tire;V Gt No Ry Pf .. 'Hudson Mot 'Illinois Cent V. . Insp'Copper .;V Inter Harvest . . .Int Nick Can '. : Int Pan & P Pf Am Tel & Tel 146 Amer Tob B " . AmerlWat .Wks Anaconda . . . Armour 111 V. Atchison ; . .'. . . Bacnsdall . . . . . Bait Ohio '.. . Bendlv.'AvIa Beth 5teel. . ; Boeing Alrp ... Borge-Warner . Budd Mfg . . . . : Calif Pack . . . .. Callahan Z-L Calumet Hec -. . 88 10 38 . - S Tir 38 171. 8 214 62' 264 35 S 21 . IT Int Tel & Tel . Johns Mapvill e Kennecott . . 9 Llbby-O-Ford Canadian Pa e J- ' Cae . . Caterpil Trsc Celanese . . . ', Oertaln-Teed : Ches dc Ohio . Chrysler . . . . Commer Solv 6 .. Lig Myers B . . 1 0 0 ,11 . . , tiocw a ...... . . 51U Monty Ward .i . . 22 A -. Nash-Kelvinator .11 Nat Biscuit . .. . . . 34 4 Nat Cash . . : . . . 79 Nat-Dairy Prod . 10 Nat Tist j..... C-ie, loose 40-50c; Bartletts from stor age, 6O-70c loose. ' . - . - Peas -Oregon Lower Columbia, 25 Ib. boxes, $1 23-1.35. . - . Peppers Oreenn tugs, S3 40c; orange boxes. 80-90c; red S-10c; flata. 25 30c Potatoes Oregon local Kessets and Lonr Whites. No. 1. 90e-$1.00; Washing ton Russets. $1.15-1.25; 25-pound sacks. 35-37 Vie: No. 2c. 40-45e per 50-poond sack; bakers. 10O pounds. $1.-50-1.60; Iesehutes. No. 1 Russets. $1.25-1.35. Plums Ore. and Wash., Italian. 18 lb. bos. 30-35c: 25 Ib. lug. 5-40ej-- 4 Squash Oregon. Washington Crook neck, scallop sueehini, 25 30c per flat; Danish, flats. 45-5Se; crate 90e-$1.10; kfsrblehead 14-Ie lb.; Hubbard l4e; Bohemian, lug, 50 65c. Spinach Ore.. 50-55e orange .oox Tomatoes Oregon, local, 45-30e; Nov 2, 20-30e. Bunched vegetables Per dos a Reference ; U. S. Nat'l. Bank Salem Conroy LOST JuSTASlCETtNTO J 1nJ J WW e THAT CROOK IE ShE. MUST TWNKOFWE A5 CAU5E SHE XMONT SMILE no auvtuiut iaursa cur rf A SAID HELLO TO ME. BOY, IF CASPER'S JEALOUS OF A MAKE-BELIEVE WHAT WOUt-D HE ZtO TO DANCE T HAD if j . 11 TT L2V "'NO J WV-Ktm.' ; - u vv i i i ira tz i i : .ily?ii?sia ' '-9 yj lO"C3 ?T? . J n.- B Quotations & Sou . l4 28Ts 9 69 Nat' Pow & Lt . 7 12 5 84 - 53 Ti IP 30 334 18 -76 . 16! 23; 19 8t -30 i 53 v 8! - 34 52 104 85 4 '29V 10 52 6214 9 23 i 13 48 I Northern Pac . Packard Mot . . J C Penney... Phillips Pet ... Pressed Stl Car. S N . .141 Pub-'Serv NJ . . Pullman: ... Z . 11 . 3 44 36 6 0 - : 29 23 94s SafewayrStores . Sears 'Roebuck . Shell Union Sou Cal Edl .. Southern Pac . . Stand Brands . . Stand Oil of Cal Stand 'OH ' of NJ Studebaker : . '. . Sno OIli V. . .'. 14 16 U 65 52 43 .Tlmken Roll Brg. Trans-A mer lea v . Tfnion -Car tolde -11 105 United -Aircraft. 4a trnitea. Amines.. 56 US Rubber. . US Steel ..... Walworth-i Western, Union T4 10 White Motors ; . 25 M Wool worth .-. . ; 26 .TMew .York Curb 14 Cities Service . . . . 25 Elec Bond dc Sh 8 bunches. : beet. 20 22c; 'ear 'rots.' 25. SOe; tree n eaiena 20-25e; parsley. 29 35e; radishew. 18 20c: turnips, i$0 3Sc dosen; broceoli. lag, 30 35c. ! . Melon' Casabas, crates. $1.25-1.3$; , Root Vegetables Sacked, per humiieai iee cream melons. Ore.,-1 4-H4e; honej dew, $1.3r erate; watermelon, -lc. i weight; carrots, sarka, $151.5rt; rta bagaa. Iurs. 50 60c; beets. SI. 25.1. SS; turnips, S1.6V1. 75; parsnips. 60-65c. j Walnuts - Filberts y Dry Prunes CASH ' G. V. BYERS ! P. O. Bor 625 Account Hudson-Duncan Co. or FILBERTS and WALNUTS Orchard Run or Graded Also Xut Meats M. KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 277 S.. Liberty Ph. 7633 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY 1 JOBS. Em ITS 1 HAPPEN, PRETTY TOuOH. By BRANDON WALSH W JuSTASlCETtNTO 1 v -rr ThE B, -'OBS- THIS ) ( SHE said, excuse was all SO SUDOEH AM She DiDntt UHDCRSTAMD CHILDREM THEN SHE WAS TERRIBLE POLITE. BUT I DOMT THINK SHE LIKES KIDS VERV MOCH ANT CM SCARED SHE DONT LIKE ROOCHES. EITHER.' By JIMMY MURPHY ' U MY STARS'. FANCY CASPER AFFAIR . BEINlr ; JEALOUS DO OF A MYTH? i mmY lO-8 BY SEGAR IF YOU WOM'T LET ME UP PLJL.L.ME 0 v a -""T, 4 r.- j