The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1938, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning October 8, 1938
Local N
To Build $8300 Home A
building permit was yesterday ac
quired by T. Constance Wood
mansee, to erect a 1-story
dwelling and garage at 695
South High street, to cost $8500.
' Other permits were to: . Alma
Pohle, to repair the root ot a
dwelling at 455 South Liberty,
$12; R. S. Ratcliffe, to repair a
dwelling at 1841 Fairmoant,
$40; Jack Ross, to repair the
roof of a dwelling at 1186 Broad
way, $40; E. J. Mauk. to repair
a dwelling at 335 Hickory, $35;
Mutual Sayings & Loan, to repair
the roof of a dwelling at 112
Union, $35; Honeywood Distil
leries, Inc.. to alter a distillery
at 501 South 14th, $850. I
Auction today, 10 a. m. Mrs.
Olmsted's complete restaurant
equipment at State Fairgrounds
sold in lots to suit purchaser.;
Plan Monday Trip Salem Re
tail Credit association members,
at their Friday noon luncheon,
made plana for attendance. Mon
day night at the county-wide
creditmen's meeting sponsored by
the Albany Credit association and
to be held in the Riverside hall
southwest of that city. Vern
Robb of the Salem Association
will be guest speaker, outlining
the credit education policy and
credit education work of the lo
cal group. m - J
Madsen's Donuts best In town.
Holiness Meet The Marlon
County Holiness association will
hold the October meeting at the
Rosedale Friends church Tues,
day, October 11.- The speakers
for the day are Rev, J. E. Camp
bell at the 10:30 a.m. service,
and Lt. Iran : Estes at the 2:30
p.m. service. All are invited to
bring basket lunch. j
A Correction A few issues back
was published a statement j that
Mark D. Ellis was financially in
terested in the Salem Automobile
Co. This was Incorrect as he was
not at the time of his death nor
any time previous connected fi
nancially with this company.
(Signed) Mrs. Mark D. Ellis.
Mothers' Hi-Y Meets The ex
ecutive committee of the Moth
ers' Hi-Y auxiliary will meet at
4 o'clock this afternoon at the
YMCA, to discuss winter .rctiv
ities. Club officers include Mrs.
J. C. Leedy, president; Mrs. C
L. Blodgett, vice president; and
Mrs. Oscar Sederstrom, secre
tary. ;
Lutx Florist, 127S N. Lib. 9592.
- Glenn Hottinger 111 Glenn
Hottinger, young son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hottinger of Stay ton,
was taken critically ill Thursday
afternoon and removed to Salem
General hospital. Little hope is
held for his recovery as he has
been in poor health for several
years. 1 - j
Turkey pickers register ati Con
Toy's N. Front & River Sts. ,
Falls City Social The Falls
City Methodist church will cele
brate homecoming at the church
there tonight, with a covered
dish dinner and musical program
among the features. The home
coming will last over Sunday'
with 8 p e c 1 a 1 services at the
Buy a Forget-Me-Not Octj 7-8J
Program Sponsor Sought Ef
forts will be made to secure a
sponsoring organization for Sat
urday YMCA boys programs at
a meeting next Monday night at
the Y, when city Sunday school
superintendents and leaders of
boys classes will confer with Gus
Moore, boys work secretary.
. j
Xamc Filed Assumed business
name. Cream of Salem, was filed
with the county clerk.yesterday
by W. H. Dockery and B. M. Jen
kins. Their place of business will
be at 130 South High street
Buck Jones
East '
New . i
Xew, Popeye Cartoon & Serial
'Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars'
And On Our Stage - 1:30 P. M.
Seth Jayne and Hollywood
Buckaroo Broadcast
II DJ Two Features
PZF7"J -v. -
DeliCIOUS Chinese Dishes
y JQqg SpociaflttyfV ;
At Salem's Foremost Oriental Restaurant
Pork Chow Mein for 1,
35c; for 2, 50c; for
- Chicken Chow Mein, 75e
Pork Chop Suey35c
Fried Rice . .... ...35c
ITeme-made Noodles, 25c
121 S. Commercial Opposite Ladd & Bush Bank
ews oners
Coming Events
.Oct. 8 "-Gardeners Roundup,
Salem Heights community hall
all day. .
Oct. 13 Dr. Charles J.
Stauf fa cher speaks at First ME
church. 7:30 p. m. :
October 17 E 1 b e r t East
man speech, chamber of com
merce luncheon. :
- Registrants Hay Rid e The
Young Republicans club of Mar
ion county is cooperating with
republican j headquarters in pro
moting voter registration by of
fering free transportation to and
from the county clerk's office to
persons desiring to register, Wyn
Jenks, president, announced yes
terday. People desiring transpor
tation shoald telephone Sprague
headquarters, 5223, at the Mar
ion hotel. Eight o'clock tonight Is
the deadline on registrations for
the coming election.
D. A. R. Rummage Sale today.
W. C. T. TJ. Bldg. r
. Extraditions Asked Governor
Charles H. Martin yesterday ask
ed for the extradition of Richard
McDaniels and Frank Miller, who
are wanted in Baker county on
charges of larceny. They are un
der arrest in Idaho.
Buy a Forget-Me-Not Oct. 7-8.
. Hess Women 5Ieet The Worn-,
en's division of the Hess-for-Gov-ernor
club will ; hold its next
meeting Saturday afternoon, Oc
tober 8th at 2 p.m. in the court
house. All women are urged to
In Friday; ad Crown Flour was
advertised! 49-lb. bag $1.28. It
should have read $1.38. Caplan's
Mkt. j
Ministers to Meet The Salem
Ministerial association will meet
at the YMCA Monday morning at
10 o'clock Superintendent Silas
Gaiser of: the city schools will
discuss "Religious Education in
the Public Schools.
Buy a Forget-Me-Not Oct. 7-8.
Calls Bank Statements Call
for a statement showing the con
dition of state banks in Ore: jn
as .of September 28, was issued
by Mark Skinner, state superin
tendent of banks, Friday. The
call was issued concurrently with
one by the federal comptroller
involving national banks.
From Canada Mrs. George B
Wilson of Pakenham, Ontario, Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Quigley. Mrs. Wilson
and Mrs. Quigley are sisters.
, Maybood
Stenhen James Mayhood, 72, at
the residence in Eola October 4.
Survived by widow, Mrs. .Magda
len E Mavhood: daughter. Mrs.
Marguerite Stephens ot Texar
kana, Tex.; sister, Mrs. Elixa May
hood Lay ton of Athens, Pa." Serv
ices wiU be held Friday, October
7. at 2:30 n. m. at the Holman &
Luts Colonial mortuary, East
1 4th and Sandv Blvd.. Fortiana.
Rev. Richard Flagg Ayres offici
ating. Ritualistic services nnder
direction of Friendship Lodge AF
& AM. Interment Kose uuy cem
ptprv. Mr. Mavhood has been tak
en to Portland by the Clough-Bar-rick
! Gilbert
PhlHn Gilbert. 77. late resident
of 1349 Marion street, ata local
hospital October 7. Survived by
widow, Mrs. Alcetta Gilbert; sons,
Charles S. Gilbert of St. Paul,
Minn., Henry C. Gilbert of Minne
apolis, Tinkham Gilbert of Salem;
daughters, Rosamond Haight of
Ritzville, Wash., Edna Davies of
Swarthmore, Pa., Elsie Jackson of
Portland J brother, Henry C. Gil
bert of ! Minneapolis. Fourteen
erandchildren also survive. Serv
ices will be held from the Clough
Barrick chapel Saturday, October
8, at 2 p. m., with Dr. Henry Mar
cotte" officiating. Interment Bel
crest Memorial park.
- i .
" j Kelly
Thelma Young Kelly, in San
Francisco, October 5. Survived by
widower, Jack Kelly, and daugh
ter, Jacqueline Kelly, both of San
Francisco; grandfather, Henry
Belle of Salem;, aunts, Mrs.
Charles I Stricklin of Salem and
Mrs. Wesley Yates of Portland;
nieces-Miss Nancy Stricklin of Sa
lem. Servicer will be held from
the Clough-Barrick chapel Mon
day October 10, at 10:30 a, m.
Interment IOOF cemetery.
Every Saturday Nile
! 1 Admission 23c
and His 8-PIece Orchestra
O We cater to banquets and
private parties. Ph. 7082.
O Special . Sunday Chicken
Dinner 50c; Special Mer
chants. Lunch 25c pre
pared f by expert Chinese
'.- cook.. ! ' '-:
Orders to take out any time.
. Open Day or Night!
Sanitary Kitchen.
Call ' Executive The sxecu-
tlve council of the Red Hills Sun
day: chool district will meet At
the home of Mrs. Emma Wheal
don Sunday afternoon at 2 o'
clock to arrange the program for
the district convention to be held
at Liberty Sunday. November f .
Paint, w. paper sale. 178 S. Com'L
Mott to Speak Representa
tive James W. Mott wl'I explain
details of, HR 4199,. embodying
principles of the Townsend plan,
at a meeting at the Salem arm
ory scheduled ;,for October . If.
Mott helped to draft the mea
sure. "'!' t
The County Clerk's office will be
open to register voters -- from 8
a. m. to 8 p. m. oh October 5, C,
7 and 8, October 8th being the
last day ot registration . for the
General Election. ; j . '
To Return Hlxon D e p u t y
Sheriff B. G. Honeycutt left tor
Klamath Falls last night to re
turn Arlle Lee Hlxon ; to : this
county to face a check forgery
charge. A warrant for his arrest
was Issued from Woodburn i Jus
tice court.
Re-Roof now. Mathls, 178 S. Com.
Franchise Granted The coun
ty court yesterday granted W. F.
Eastburn and O. Voget a permit
to extend an electric line for a
distance of 3255 feet along the
Anmsville-West Stayton road.
Speeding:, Charged Jack V.
Eyerly, Salem airport, was ar
rested by a city officer yesterday
and charged with violating the
basic speed law. ' ?
Buy a Forget-Me-Not Oct. , 7-8.
G If ford Arrested State and
city police combined in arresting
Roland Glfford, who was charged
with larceny ot two musical in
struments at Silverton.
Christian Parley
Set Here Tuesday
i .
Willamette Presbyterians
- to Confer With Rev.
C. C. Barnes
A Christian workers confer
ence of the Presbytery of Willam
ette will be held at the First
Presbyterian church here all day
Tuesday, with Rev. C. C. Barnes.
McMlnnville, the moderator.
The morning service, at 10 a.
m., will be on the theme, "Stand
up and Preach," with addresses
by Rev. Henry Marcott, Salem in
terim pastor, on "Magnifying Our
Office" and Rev. H. R. Prentice,
Bend, on "The Perils of the Min
"Sit Down and Teach"
The afternoon session, opening
at 2 o'clock, will be conducted by
Dr. A. E. Casewell, Eugene, on
the general theme, "Sit Down and
Teach." Addresses will be by
William H. Wright, educational
director of the Salem church, on
Music a Factor in Christian Edu
cation," and j by Rev. ' William
Wirt, First Congregational
church, Eugene, ion ""My Philoso
phy of Religious Education." Dr.
E. W. Warington of Oregon State
college will lead the round table
discussion. !
Dr. Norman K. Tully, Eugene,
will lead the evening session on
the general topic, "Go Forth and
Administer," and Rev. Marcott
will be banquet toastmaster. Class
periods will be held at 7:30 and
8:30 p. m. i L
CONGRATULATIONS! ...We are proud to have helped
. with the rebuilding of the Nazarene Church '
300 Wallace Road Tel. 6416 Salem - Silverton - Albany 279 N. Commercial - Tel. 6602
263 S. Commercial - Ph. 7222 236 N. Commercial - Ph. 4610 355 Court St. Ph. 678S
Conduct Missionary Services
Elder H. B. Parks, left, and Elder
with missionary aervlces or the
of Latter Day Saints being held
M- olrtVTf ri trier
i I "hi
North Hummer mt Hoo4 straet. ScrrieM
vary Sitardar. 8bbth kIm1, :5
. m.; morninf worship 4 itrmn by
th pastor ot 11 a. m. : obbk pooplo'a
moetiBK ot 4 p. .; prayor Beetiog Wed
nesday, 7:30 f. m.
Miller and South Liberty streets; Bev.
Arnk Q. Wenicer. master. Bible school.
:4S a. m.. rally serTites all though Oc
tober, j MoroiDg worsaip, 11 eiocs. ser
mon topic: "The Jadcmsot of the na
tions." Midweek srrrice, Wednesday,
7:30 p. m.
N. Liberty at Marion street, lrring A.
Fox. D.'D.. pastor. Bible school, :5
a. m. Sunday school bus leaves the church
to mske the tour oi toe cuy at w m. m.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Subject, ''The
Vinmr Christ." Willamette day in the
church, with freshmen to be entertained
in homes alter tne cnurcn semce. om
dents will be entertained at the church
and a leiiowsoip tea at a p. m. o
BYPU service. 6:15 p. m. High school
BYPU service, :S0 p. m. Gospel serv
ice. 7:30. Subject. "The Falling Stone.
or the Overthrow of the World Dictator."
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting.
Dr. I. V. Neprajh. ot Russia will speak.
UlthoII. pastor. BiDie scnooi at
a. m. Morning hour of worship in Ger
man at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "A Song of
Deliverance." The Lord's -supper, fellow
ship" lunch at noon. Quarterly church
meeting at 2 o'clock. Young people's
meeting at 6:30. Evening service in Eng
lish at 7:30. Sermon, "Abraham as an
Kvangelist." Prayer meeting Wednesday,
7:45 p. m. Choir practice at 8:45.
Corner of Uaiel and Academy. Sunday
school. . 10 a. m. Church. 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursdsy, 7:30
p. m. C. D. Saucy, pastor.
Center and High street. Guy L. Drill,
minister. Church school, : 30 a. n. Morn
ing worship and the Lord's supper, and
sermon, "The Axe. the Fan and the
Kire." Young people ot the Christisn En.
deavor meeting in fonr groups at 6:15
p. m. Midweek meeting of the church
Wednesday-t 7:80 p. m. Car .will call
far Ihpse who have no means of trans
portation to these services. The great
drama, "The Price of Drink" is to be
presented Sunday night at 7:30.
Seventeenth and Court streets. W. H.
Lyman, minister. Bible school assembly,
9:45 a. m. Morning worship and com
munion, 10:50. Mixed quartet. Sermon,
"Living for Jesus." Evening worship,
7:30. Sermon, "Living With Jesus."
Christian Endeavor, 8:45 p. m. Midweek
service Thursday, 7:45 p. m.
Shipping and Cottage. Bibl study, 10
a. m. Snbject, 11 . m., "The Sunday
N'ieht Worship." Lord's snaper. 11:45
. - - . . t m . i . t
a. m. Young people's meeting, 7:15 p.' m.
l - 1 ' Z , "i 1
i t I ' ! ' " " I ' ' '4
r i V j '
- if- V 1 j
l"r . A ' ; ; 4
L L. Draper, who are assist lag
Keorjranlaed Church of Jesus Christ
in the tent at Columbia and Laurel
Sermon. S p. m., "Prayer.". Song and
prayer service Wednesday, S p. as. x. .
Wilkerson. minister.
Perry street and Commercial street.
WCT(J temporary location. Rev. Paul A.
Collsrd, pastor. Sunday Bible school, in
ternational lesson, 9:45 a. am. Worship,
11 a. m. Evangelistic sermon, 7:45 p. m.,
"The Coming Escape." Tuesday, 3 p. m.,
missionary prayer band, 1910 8. Com
mercial. Wednesday, 7:45 p. as., prayer
service. Priday, 7:45 p. as., youth meet
ing, 2420 Lee street. j
Center at Liberty. Robert A. Hutchin
son, minister. Church school and yonng
people's forum at 9:45 a. m. Worship
service st 11 a. m. Theme, "The Test of
Christianity." Offertoty solo, L. M. Mar
tin. League oi louth at 6 p. in.
Ninetrenta and rVrry. Howard C. Sto
ver, minister. Morning worship at
Sermon, "The Naturalness of a Religious
Life." Duet. "Still With Thee," Rolf.
Evening service at 7:30. Sermon, "!Tue
Intolerance of Christianity." Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Young people at 8:45
p. m.
420 State street. Sunday school 10
a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday. 7:45 p. m , special Bible atudy.
Thursday, 7:45 p. m., praise. Saturday,
7:45 p. m., young people's meeting. M. B,
Tatman, minister.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Holy
communion, 7:30 a. m. Church school.
9:45 a. m. Prayer service and sermon,
11 a. m. St. Mary's, Woodburn, 7:30 p. jn.
Corner Marion and Summer streets.
Rev. James E. Campbell, minister. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at
11 o'clock. Message will be given by
Evsngelist W. C. Graves. Youth groups
will meet at 6:80 p. as. Evangelistic serv
ice at 7:30 with Krangelist Gravea speak
ing. Bible stody Thursday, 7:30 p. in.
Ferry and 13th streets. Special services
with Evangelist Price E. Robertson I con
tinue nightly at 7:45, except Xoaday.
Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. as. C. G. Weston,
K. Cspitol and Marion atreets. Edwin
Horstmsn, pastor. School of Christian re
ligion, 10 a. m. No services due to the
absence of tho pastor, who is participat
ing in the annual harvest-homo and; mis
sion festival at Meridian church, Wil
son villa. The eon rre (ration is invited to
worship at Wilaonville.
Highland avenne at Church street. T.
Clio Brown, pastor. Prayer meeting at
(Continued en Page 10)
Nazarenes to
Reopen Church
Formal Dedication of new
Remodeled Structure at
2 p.m. Sunday .
The newly remodeled church
of the Nazarene, 13th and Cen
ter streets, will hold; formal , op
ening and dedication! ceremonies
Sunday, -with the dedicatory ser
mon at the 2 o'clock service to
be preached by Rev. I E. E. Mar
tin, Portland, district superin
tendent of the North, Pacific dis
trict of the church. r
Program Listed !
The 15-minute organ prelude
at 2 o'clock will be followed by
this dedication service:
2:15 Congregational singing
directed by Ernest Fpiesen. l
Dedication Thoughts Mayor
V. E. Kuhn, Salem.
"I Found Him in My Heart"
.(Adams) by choir. .
Looking Forward -FredThIel-sen,
representing the! chamber of
Solo Prof. Willard Hallman
of Portland.
, Remarks Dr. Irving Fox, pres
ident ot Salem Ministerial asso
ciation..' ' . I
Remarks C. A. Kellt, presi
dent of the Oregon Council of
Prayer Rev. Fletcher Gallo
way, former pastor, how residing
in Portland. Oregon.
Remarks Dr. ' H. D. Brown,
Seattle. I
Remarks Dr. O. JT. Neaae, rep
resenting the General Church,
from Kansas City, Missouri.
Quartet Representing North
west Nazarene college at Nampa,
Idaho. i
"Beautiful Savior" (Chrlaten
son) the choir. j 1
Dedicatory sermon by Dr. Mar
tin. i Dr. Deliong j Guest
Guest speaker for the morning
service will be Dr. Russell V.
DeLong of Nampa, Idaho,' and
for the 7:30 p.m.l service. Dr.
Nease of Kansas City will speak.
A 50-foot Addition has j been
added to the church edifice, the
exterior painted land grounds
landscaped and the
pletely changed in
interior; com
the remod el-
25th Anniversary
Of Pastor Noted
Rev. O. E. Foster pastor of the
Englewood United Brethren
church who 'is completing his
25th year In the ministry this Oc
tober, was met with Surprise felici-
Hear J
Henry Petersen
at the
Grace Gospel"
15th and Mill Sts.
at 7:30
Except Sat., from Oct. 9 to 22.
See the beautifully colored pic
tures of Pilgrim's Progress. All
are welcome. Young folk es
pecially urged to j attend, j ,
2 ;00
i- :
tations by his congregation at a
fellowship dinner Thursday night
at which Bishop. Ira D. 'Warner of
Pomona, Calif., was guest speak
er. Rev. Foster was presented a
beautifully - bound copy, ot Sco
tleld'a Bible.
Martin G. Maier, superintendent
of the Sunday school, spoke for
the congregation and presented
the bible In behalf of church mem
bers and friends In the community.
Temperance Play
To Be Presented
"The Price of a Drink," a play
aimed at the liquor business, will
be presented- at the First Chris
tian church. High and Center
streets, , Sunday night at 7:30 o'
clock. ' : ' -: r
The play Is written in the form
of a murder trial during which
the jury fixes the responsibility
for the death of a mother and
child, killed by a drunken man.
The cast follows: ; Judge, Guy
L. Drill; prisoner, Rer Wirt;
sheriff, S. B. Holt; liquor dealer,
Louis Dunn; defense attorney, B.
W. Macy; clerk, M. J. Reasoner;
bailiff, Melvin Holt; stenogra
pher, ; Bernice Caplinger; district
attorney, Ralph D. Richards; fa
ther. Hay ward H. Johnson; jury,
Clifford Harold, S. E. Nevins, A.
L. Kinton, J. F. Pugh, E. J. Rea
sor, E. W. Cooley, Eugene Rulif
son. Dick Arnold, I. R. Uttex
back. Dean Schoemaker, Ralph
Morton, Paul F. Jones..
Admission is free.
Parks and Draper
Mission Speakers
Elder II. B. Parks will speak
on "Authority from God; Is It Es
sential?" Sunday night at the
missionary services of the Reor
ganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, being conduct
ed in the tent at Columbia and
Laurel streets. j '
The services will continue at
7:45 o'clock nightly during the
week, ending October16. .
Monday-night Elder Parks will
speak on "Believe in the Lord
Jesus Christ" and Tuesday night
on "Can Beliefs Alone Save?"
Elder G. N. Bivens, pastor of the
Salem church, will speak Wednes
day on "Is Doctrine Essential?"
and Thursday on "Church Indus
try and Society." Elder Maurice
L. Draper will speak Friday on
"Where Shall I Spend Eternity"
and District President J. G.'Ver
her will be the guest speaker the
closing Sunday.
"The Falling Stone or,
The Overthrow of the.
Coming World Dictator"
First Baptist
No. Liberty at Marlon St.
Sunday 7:30 P. M.
Pastor J
Gods forecast of world
politics will be presented.
Come and hear about the
setting up of the Final
World Power. J
11 IT
e ior aiaii v m
to the
Dedication Services
Our Beautifully
Order of Services
6:00 a. m. Sunrise Prayer Meeting
9:15 a. m. Sunday School
Organ Prelude .
' Rally Speaker, Dr. O. J. Nease,
- Kansas City "
11:00 a. m. Divine, Worship s
; Sermon: Dr. Russel DeLongr,
Nampa, Idaho.
p. m. Dedication Service
Congregational singing lead by- Ernest
Friesen. : -
Dedicational Thoughts, Mayor Kuhn;
prayer by Rev. Galloway.
Other remarks .by Fred Tbielsen,- Rev. Ir
ving Fox, Mr. C.JA. Kells, Dr.H. D. Brown
of Seattle, and Dr. Nease.
Special musicty the choir,
t ! Dedicatory Sermon, Rev. : E. E. Martin,
; Portland, district superintendent of this
I district of the Church of the Nazarene.
6:30 p. m. Eveninj: Services -
"Forward with Christ," Rev. Arthur Cook of Ta
coma, District Y. P. S. President.
7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service
Music by the choir.
Sermon, Dr. Nease.
Tabulation of Tax
Collection Is Due
Tabulation showing the amount
ot ; personal Income, intangibles
and corporate excise taxes collect
ed thus far during 1938 isjnow
being prepared by the state tar
commission and will be ready for
release later this week, officials
said. j '
Officials "originally estimated
that this year's taxes .from these
three sources would exceed) $5.
200,000. Of this amount, approxi
mately -$3,500,000 was collected
prior to April 1, the last day for
filing returns. j
Second half installments were
due-October 1. -
Presbyterian Sets
Rally Day Sunday
First Presbyterian church" will
observe Sunday as the annual
rally day. At 9:30 a.mj the
church school will give an Inter
esting program in which ail de
partments will participate, j
Dr. Henry Mareott will preach
at regular morning and evening
services, when special musical
numbers will be given by the
combined choirs directed by Prof.
W. H. Wright with Prof. Frank
Churchill at the organ. J
Rally meetings will also be
held by the CE societies at;6:30.
Any Pheasants?
LA GRANDE, Oct. t-VP)-Pheasant
shooters In this region
accounted for one calf, nine hogs,
hogs, a cow and a horse.
Angry farmers, protesting . to
state police, said the fire of care
less hunters forced some of them
to rush to safety themselves. ,
' Hear
on These Timely
Topics ...
Sunday Night, Oct. 9thj
Where are we now in the march
of time? Are we civilized? jWhy
poverty in America? .Whb are
the 36 million potential crimi
nals in the U. S.?
Sunday Night, Oct. 16th
How long can -America be a
democracy? Is Christianity suc
ceeding or failing?
h . '- '
Sunday Night, Oct. 23rd
"The Coming Correction.
When will sickness, sorrow,
Warfare and crime cease? Why
our peace and vice crusades
fail. . . L
(Christian & Missionary
Alliance) j
W. C. T. U. Hal! j
Ferry at Commercial j St.
'A common place of fellowship
for all believers. j
Come Brine a Bible
! 7"
vite i ou
Ii. W. Collar
. Tastor
f :
1 .