The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 8, J938 ,
Officers Chosen
Club's Delegates
"Woodburn Jink? to Attend
Federation Meeting -at
Stayton '
burn Woman 'a club meeting Wed
nesday afternoon the club rooms
in the city libraryJ with the president,-
Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo in
charge, . the officers of 'the club,
i Mrs. Ringo, Mrs. Sidney Johnson,
Mrs. J. J. Hall, .Mrs. Rodney Al
den,, and Mrs.', Cari Huber, . were
chosen as , delegates to the " semi
annual meeting of the Federation
of Women's "clubs, at Stayton Fri
day,' October 28. . Alternates chbs-
en were "Mrs. A." Austin, Mrs.
W.: D. Simmons, Mrs.' Ivan '" C.
Beers, Mrs. F.-W. Settlemier ami
Mrs. L. S. .Mpchel. '
. Mrs. Rodney . Alden was . in
charge of, the program which in
cluded 'a, song: by Mm. -Ralph " G.
Kleen -ah two piano numbers by
. Donna .Dean.'' Otto-Ebner of New
-York,. who Is visiting his brother,
Rudolph Ebner, spoke to the club
on International, politics. , ;
" Teachers Honored . , .
After, school hours the women
teachers and the wives of the men
teachers of the Wood burn schools
were guests of the club. Among
them were Miss Muriel White,
Mrs. J. Sidney Johnson, Miss Irene
Green baum. Miss Helen Lotx, Miss
Winifred Anderson, . Mrs. Charles
Carlson. Miss Edna Savage, Mrs.
Helen Guiss. Mrs. Wanda Coch
ran, Miss Maude Durfee, Mrs.
Nellie Muir, Mrs. Milton Gralapp,
Miss Bertha Dillon, Mrs. Donald
Davis, Miss Laura Ahlstrom, Miss
Mabel Weber, Miss Mabel M.
O J if! mr r r 11
lw sou .Muss jnary r. couara.
Delegates Named
To Stayton Meet
-Tubbard Woman's Club
Has First Meeting of
Fall Season
HUBBAR D The Hubbard
Woman's club held the first meet
ing lor this seasor on Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Ora Soderholxn, with the new of-
Charlotte Taylor; vice-president,
Mrs. Meta" Friend; secretary, Mrs.
Ida Klmmes; tieasurer, Mrs. Flos
sie Bontrager.
The delegates elected to repre
sent Hubbard at the county meet
ing of Federation . of Woman's
clubs" October 28 at Stayton, are
Mrs. Charlotte Taylor, Mrs. Eli
zabeth Fobert, Mrs. Emma
Grimps. Mrs. Louisa Crimps, and
Mrs. Eunice. Braden. -
';. . Elect Seal Delegate . -Mrs.
Elizabeth Fobert. - was
elected as delegate to the Christ
mas seal conference in Portland
bvuu ana me uuu luun ucuou 10
become a member of the Oregon
Road Side council.
The club will - meet with Mrs.
Cobie deLespin&sse Wednesday
afternoon, October 19, with Mrs.
Hannah Martin to explain the spe
cial measures to be voted on at
the coming general election.
Norton Elected
President .Block
"C'ers", Cliemawa
CHEMAWA The lettermen of
Cbemawa high school have just
completed - reorganization of the
official Block "C" club for the en
suing year. A new constitution
has been . adopted " and i the fol
lowing officers elected: Forrest
Norton, president; Henry Arnoux,
vice-president; . Roy Track," secre
tary; " Irving Dowd, treasurer;
John Cobell, sergeant - at - arms;
Daniel Snipe, sophomore repre
sentative; Adam Bearcub, junior
representative; William Salnskin,
senior representative: and Robert
Thomas, member-at-large.
Climaxing a weekend of inform
al initiation, 23 new. 'members
were admitted to the club -Sunday
night- .
The new members are: Daniel
Snipe,-. William Boe, Wilson Spen
cer, Henry Scalpcane, Frank Bol
ton, v Sammy Danzuka, Roosevelt
Suppah. Tony Shoulderblade, Ad
am Bearcub, Forrest NortonJohn
Cobell, Sam Rideshorse, Raymond
f n i iii a
Clark, Darvine Lorenz, Mathew
Mireau, Hector Bazil, Arthur
Shilo, Joe Eneas and Stanley
Wilder. .
Jerry Gastineau has been elect
ed as sponsor for the club for the
year and the first move of the
club will be to handle the initia
tion of the freshman boys.'
II. G. Bordens, Tangent, '
Honored on 50th Wedding
Anniversary Hiis Week
ALBANY Mr. and Mrs! H. G.
Borden of Tangent celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary
at their home Tuesday. Among
the guests for . the family dinner
were -Mrs. Hannah Carson, Taco
ma, a sister of Mrs. Borden and
N. A. Borden, brother of H. G. of
Buckley, Wash., who served as
bridesmaid and best man, respect
ively, at the wedding 50 years ago
in Hessel. Michigan.
Mr. rnd Mrs. Borden, lived in
Hessel for two yea, then in Min
nesota, and in 1921 came west,
first to Washington and to Tan
gent In October of - that year.
Since then they have been active
ly engaged in farm work and also
-in the hatchery business.
Pythian Sister Delegates
Leave Soon for Conclave
SILVERTON The grand rep
resentatives of the Home temple
No. 21, Pythian Sisters, will leave
Sunday for Pendleton to attend
the grand session to be held there
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. At
tending from Silverton are Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Loe, Mrs. Chloe Stay-
tor, Helen M. Wrlghtman, rC,
and Mrs. Emma Kauffman.
Old Landmarks
s -
m :
2- t
-t -s ' - .
j I View of. tornado wreckage at Charleston, S. C. t
More than 27 persons were killed and many historic landmarks
wrecked by a tornado which ripped through Charleston, S. C This
photo made by Capt. J. R. Armstrong of Eastern Airliner shows
v "some of the wreckage left in the wake of the twister. -
Salem grange will meet today
in the new headquarters on the
D street extnsion, a quarter mile
east of the state hospital. The
new grange hall is half way be
tween the four corners to Tur
ner and the city limits.
The question of remodeling and
furnishing the new hall will be
tho main i business item. Consid
eration will be given also to ar
ranging more forum debates on
ballot measures to be voted on
in November.
A covered dish luncheon will
be served.
grange will resume its monthly
social meetings Saturday night.
Cards will be the entertain
ment with Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Peters, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rabens In
All grangers ad friends are
welcome and lunch will be served
at the close of playinr
Economics club meeting Thurs
day afternoon at the grange hall
v. as a pleasant affir with Mrs.
W. M. Oddie nd Mrs. Frnk Kur
re as hostessesT ;
Business matters pertained al
most - entirely to plans for- the
grange fair October 27 and com
mittees were instructed in final
details. :
The flower booth chairman,
Mrs. Thomas Bump, announced
that one feature of that display
would be in the nature of a min
iature bouquet contest.
' The long "white tables In the
dining room were atrikin gly
beautiful with fruit centerpieces
on black backgrounds, flanked by
orange colored candles. in black
holders and autumn flowers in
black containers. The Hallowe'en
motif was also carried out in the
table service.
The November Home Econom-
ice club meeting will be in the
grange hall . with Mrs. W. H.
Stevens and Mrs. Ronald Stevens
as hostesses.
Mrs. E.- G. Wiesner and Mrs.
Barbara i Davidson will serve - on
the hospitality committee at next
grange meeting, October 14,
when a covered dish supper is in
order, and the club provides "the
program j during the lecture hour.
' Those attending the stte grange
conference, at Silverton Hills
Wednesday" were Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Wiesner, Mrs. Thomas
Bump and V. V. Van Brocklin.
The farm mortgage Is no long
a sign of thrift but a sign of lack
of income - from farm ; produce,
Morton Tomkins declared in a
talk on ,"'.The Future of Agricul
ture at; the state grange confer
ence at Silverton Hills Wednes
day. . ! ' !
Tomkins pointed out that the
wheat farmer; now gets 12 cents
of the I consumer's dollar, : and
that while bakers' profits for the
first six months of ; 1938 were
$9,166,000 farmers' income has
gone down 50 per cent.
"The future of agriculture will
be determined ' by the amount of
farmers i. co-operatives,"- Tomkins
declared,- asserting that the. di
vergence in prices is due to. the
farmers lack of organization.
: At the night session, initiation
was conducted In full form with
the beautiful rose drill in the
sixth or state degree put on by
16 Marion county women under
the direction of W. R. Dallas,
with 60 candidates appearing.
Go in Tornado
,,.,t iti - - .' 1
. -
The Pomona or fifth degree was
taken by 13 candidates. Degree
work is in preparation for the
national grange convention in
Portland ' next month, ' when a
huge class of Oregon grangers
will receive the national degree.
Officers Elected
By Girl Athletes
Buy House
They Occupy Swan
Will Build
MILL CITY -The high school
Girls Athletic ; association held
Its first meeting at which time
election or oincers was neid.
Those receving office were: Mary
Belle Faust, prsident; Mary Eliz
abeth Maurer, ; secretary; and
Glenda Lyons, treasurer. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroe
der have purchased the home
they occupy of Mrs. M. Reuter of
A clinic was hefd in the grade
school Thursday by the county
nurse to give vaccine for small
pox ' ' , ' -
Swan - Will Build
Estel Swan has purchased the
lot where the Hammond Lumber
company house burned and will
build a house.
A school of. instruction of the
PTA will be held in the recrea
tional room of the high school
Saturday. Meeting will be held
in the morning at. 10 a.m. State
officers, and representatives from
13 different PTAs are expected
to be present. A covered dish
dinner will be served at noon.
All members and . those interest
ed are asked to attnd.
Portland Girl Is
Editor of Paper
MT. ANGEL The staff of the
Abiqua, the school paper of Mt.
Angel normal and academy, was
organized Wednesday." f Miss Vir
ginia Massee of Portland ' was
made , editor-in-chief and her sis
ter, Mi&s Madge Massee, business
editor.4 .' j- . i !
Friday was selected as, the an
nual initiation day for the fresh
men. ;
Earlier in the week an election
was held by the student body to
fill four offices. .Those elected
were Ruth Thompson ; of Silver
ton, as president; Genevieve
Crane of Portland,' ' secretary;
Opal Bolme of Silverton, trea
surer; and l Madge ' Massee of
Portland, sergeant. ' Marguerite
Donnerberg of Portland was
elected president of the student
body before the close, of school
last June. ! j ' ;. i j .--
30-Year Club to
Meet October 121
AMITY The date of the an
nual meeting of the Amity Thir
ty Year club has been se tor Fri
day night, October 21, In the
Amity high school building. Jes
sie Jones of Portland is presi
dent, Miss Laura Judy of Amity,
vice-president and Miss Lillian
Schaeffer, secretary-treasurer. ;
Stump's Store at
Stiver Burglarized
Tobacco, Ammunition
' and Cash Are Taken; .
I Robbers Escape .
: SUVER Thieves broke Into
the . Stump store at Suver Mon
day night and took' a quantity of
tobacco, candy - and ammunition,
also the cash r left in the regis
ter. The window in the.. north
door was broken .and the door
unlocked. Maurice Dodson, - the
storekeeper, reported the robbery
to the 4olice and every, effort is
being made' to cach the thieves.
; : T. P. Oglesbe - is erecting a
new garage . between his house
and shop. -
Friends ' her learned of the
loss by fire of. practically all
household effects of ' Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. McCuisteon of Dallas
Wednesday morning. - Their house
was also badly damaged before
the fire department extinguished
the blaxe. , Mrs. Ralph Kester of
Wells hi a daughter of the Mc
Cuistons who are former' resi
dents of Suver.
County School Supt." Josiah
Wills visited the local school
i Mr. ; and -Mrs. Newton have
moved to the Arthur Steele' farm
which they have leased for three
.years. .. ' ..'
! Erect New House 1
A new house is being built on
Al Holmes . farm for ..Raymond
Holmes who is soon to he mar
ried. Mr. 1 and Mrs. . Bobbltts who
spent the summer in Kansas are
at the! home of their daughter,
Mrs. J., J. Shaffer, while looking
for a small place on which to lo
cate. ?
Filbert picking began in the
Smith orchard Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. . Maurice Dodson
have recently installed an elec
tric water system, and have made
other Improvements.
Freda Bucurencli
Given 4H Honors
BETHEL Freda Bucurench,
designated as outstanding club
girl of Marlon county, went to
Portland Wednesday as the guest
for three days of the First Na
tional bank of Portland and co
operating banks, at the Heath
man hotel. Fine entertainment
is planned for each day. Some
time will be spent at the Pacific
International Stock show.
Wanda and Werna Froehlich,
who tied for first place at the
state fair as the best 4TI judging
team in Marion county, have Just
returned from Portland where
they were entertained for three
days by the Marion county or
ganization of 4H clubs.
Other members of Bethel 4H
clubs who made high" scores at
the state fair were Jean ' Hain,
Freda Bucurench, Wanda Froeh
lich, Coralee Nichols, Ronald
Nichols, Ha Mae Creech, and
Marcella Wolfe. Good placing
were , made by Lillian Hamrick.
Charlotte Hain, Mina Lee Spran
ger, Luella Nichols.
VFW Auxiliary to
Do Welfare Work
For Scliool Year
! '
SILVERTON The regular
meeting of the Veterans of For
eign Wars Auxiliary was held
Wednesday night at the armory
with Clarice S. Johnson presiding.
The welfare committee was auth
orized to supervise the adoption
of some deserving school child
this year and furnish the child
with all the necessities. Mrs.
Grace Rogers was elected as the
18-months trustee replacing Mrs.
Ida Johnson. Installation will be
held at the next meeting with
Mrs. Edith Devericks as installing
officer, i
The auxiliary will attend the
district meeting at Dallas October
15. - '
Plans were made for the In
door carnival and bazaar to be
held November 5.
Initiation will be held at the
next meeting, October 19.
The Ladles quadrille which
won first prize in: the encampment
at Salem are Alma Fierst, caller,
Mae Finlay, Myrtle Mehl. Francis
Mehl, Wreva - Devericks, Edith
Devericks, Bernice Grant, Golda
Keen and Margaret Halvorson.
Give White Barn Owl
SCIO The lirndka boys this
week presented a white barn Owl
to Dr. A.' G. . Prill, Scio bird col
lector. Dr. Prill states that the
specimen -Is the best of that spe
cies he has ever seen. The bird la
being mounted for the doctor's al
ready large collection. :
New Brigadier
These three men were moved up to rank of Brigadier General of the Line in the promotions announced by
President Roosevelt, in Washington. Left to right, are : Colonel Adna R. Chaffee, of Fort Knox, Ky.; Colonel
Daniel Sultan, now under orders to command the 2nd U. S. Engineers, Fort Logan,' Colo.; and Colonel
Walter p. Kilner, Chief of Staff, General Headquarters air force, Langhy Field, Va to be Asst. Chief of.
. " - . r- - Kit Corps. - - -- i - . -
Adams Is Speaker
At PTA Gathering
Roadside Beautification Is
Discussed but Action
not -Taken j
ams, superintendent of schools
gave the address 'of the afternoon
at the first PTA meeting of the
year when he discussed the medi
ums of understanding between
the parent, teacher and the child,
disclosing a sane report card me
thod of encouragement and ; un
derstanding among the parties
concerned. j
Mrs. Theodore, Hobart presided
at the meeting Thursday after
noon. Group singing was led by Miss
Harriet Smith with Miss Lucille
Henkel at the piano. i
Talk Beautification j
The question of roadside beau
tification being carried on by the
council In Portland came up for
discussion and the president sug
gested a speaker from the Road
Side Council at the next meeting.
Mrs. S. Parxy Rose was chair
man of the tea hour. j
a cnn
00 mr o n
p I BtticJt D ' I
Star Performer uahcrs
Criele irith fttuhnina designs that hen-
ET all started with "catwalk
cooling," on the costly rac-
ing cars of Europe.
They were shooting at better
aerodynamics, not new styling
but they touched off some
thing that will re-pattern cars
everywhere before it's done.
1 Not that looks alone ever come
first with Buick. What's really
Buick is underneath all that, ,
down deep in the good true
"metals, the split-hair preci
; sions, the tough ! alloys.
Slut everyone g;oes for beauty,
and you would be less than hu-
; man if you didn't thrill to an
eyeful of the smartest dressed
; automobile you- ever saw.
, 388 North Commercial
Generals of United
s t
Property Owners Urged to Meet A
With Council on Sewer Project
MT. ANGEL A special meeting of the city council of
Mt. Angel will be held Monday night, October 10, to discuss
the installation of a sewer through Main street north of the
Mt; Angel hotel and west on Marquam street. Property own
ers in these districts are urged to be present.
The matter has been under consideration for months past
but no decision was arrived at.O '
The project will be taken up if
all the property owners are In
terested, otherwise, it will be
The extension of the city lim
its to include St. Mafy's ceme
tery, Ebner ball parkl and Mt.
Angel academy will be put before
the voters of the city in the No
vember election.
A city caucus to nominate can
didates for three councilmen for
a term of two years was set for
Tuesday, October 11, at 8; 00 p.
m. Those councilmen whose
terms expire this year are Jos.
L. Wachter, William Predeek and
William J. Kloft. H
Malo Fined $10
WOODBURN William ) Malo
appeared in Judge O v e r t o n's
court charged with being drunk
on a public highway. He pleaded
guilty and paid a fine of $10 and
next jicar9& mode '
t . i I -
So let your gaze take it in.
Spot the radiator grilles ...
down lowi They're the key to
new-day design, i
'!;-(-- - ' - ' ''
They're also placed where air
pressure's; greatest your en
gine cpols under forced draft!
, ' - : . - t
Hinder that comely bonnet Is
the engine with more abundant
life that quick quiet Dyna
flash valve-in-head straight-
Under that roomy Body by
Fisher are the great slow
spirals of BuiCoil springing, to
give you the true "full float"
ride. And in that body, is new
wide-paned visibility up to
1?? So
GROSS MOTOR COMPANY, Silverton, Oregon
States Army
costs. The arrest - was made by
Charley Vogt, Geryais city mar
shal, i
Cafe Fire Discovered
In Time to Keep Loss
To Only Hole in Roof
SILVERTON A - fire, discov
ered around 2 o'clock Friday
morning by night officer, Harry
Wheeler, in the basement of
Ralph's cafe, threatened the de
struction of - the entire building
for a time. A hole was burned
through the floor in the main
restaurant room before the Sil
verton volunteers arrived on the
scene. The extent of the dam
age was not 'ascertained late- in
the day. Only minor loss. was re
ported to the cafe furnishings.
Insurance Is carried on both
the building and the equipment.
in new StnEe I ? -
Railroad Bridge
Crew Is at Gates
Louis Cline Chosen .High
?. School President;
. Classes Elect
GATES -The S. P. bridge crew
la stationed here doing j repair
work on culverts along the' line,
also on the Breltenbush railroad
bridge . j-i- C.
- Phyllis Harman returned from
Hood River and has entered the
Gates , high' school, bringing the
attendance to 36. j
At the meeting of. the student
body "the - election of officers re
sulted: . Louis Cline, president;
Norman Carer, vice ' nrfir!t
eurer. '- - -- , j
Classes Elect Officers; I
; The. school class, elections re
sulted: ; . ; .. , . - i
Seniors, president. Gale Carey;
secretary-treasurer and vice pres
ident, Winaif red Brown.' Juniors,
President, X)oris Shelton ; ':. vice
president, Norman Carey, and
secretary, Bob Kelle.
Sophomores, president, Carl
Bock; ' vice president, Versa
Stoetfel; secretary, Robert Wil
son. Freshmen, president, Lil
lian Blackburn; vice, president,
Betty Carey;, secretary, j Laura
Stewart. - . !
The Gates high school band
has stated its practice with 2
members and more prospecr, in
view.- .
Graveside Rites
Held tor lniant
services were held at th Hope
well cemetery Monday afternoon
at .2 o'clock for Stanley j Dwight
Karr, infant son of Mr. and Mrs,
Albert Karr. The baby iled sud
denly Sunday morning, jle was
two months --and two diys eld.'
Rev. V. Al Ballantyne, r. offi
ciated. . ;
Mrs. Roy E. Will, Mrs.! George
Asher, Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs.
J.' H. Tompkins, Mrs. Dale Fow
ler, Mrs. Charles ? A. Ferguson,
represented the Mother's Circle
club at the meeting held recently
in the McMinnville library to dis
cuss the organization and adop
tion of a public health unit pro
gram for Yamhill county.!
Curtis and Erwin Douglas,
Henry and Orvillft Cole, i Wilbur
Chandler and Claude Davis are on
a deer hunting trip into the Och
oco forest. - :
uiClc loao "e p
4l3 more square inches of
glass. - !
The whole staunch, firm, beau
tiful car looks like what it is
car to love and live with.
Come see it. Just as it stands
there, tuned for your service,
it seems to be ready to fly!
-Salem, Oregon