Tht ; OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Tuesday Morning:, October 1, 1933 PAGE FIVE Local News Two To Iluild Building per mits lor new homes were written yesterday for Wendell Gilbert, to erect a l-stoy dwelling and ga rage at 1815 North 20th, $3135. and to Carl Chandler, to erect a one-story dwelling and garage at 196 North 23d, f 100. Other per mits were to: Edward Browning, to repair a dwelling at 396 South 19th, 1150; August Meyers, to erjct a private garage at 1085 North 15th. $45; E. M. Hunter, to erect i a private garage at 23S0 Broadway. 50; P. Steinbock, to erect a fence at 245 Bellevue, $30; Mrs. E. A. Gardner, to alter and repair a dwelling and shed at 1644 North Liberty. $35; John Koenig. tf alter a dwelling at 1835 South Church, $450; Hilda A. Roberts, to reroof a dwelling and garage at 1280 North 18th $100. Miss Gleeson. Spencer corsetiere, 215 S. Winter, Tel. 7677 or 6317. Chief Hntton Return- C 1 t y Fire Chief Back Hutton was back on duty yesterday after a vacation trip, on which he attended the State Firemen's association con vention in Pendleton and the Pa cific Coast Firemen's association convention iii Salt Lake City. Chief Hntton said both conven tions tad larger attendance than ever before, and that 1 'h offered more constructive programs. Stress, according to Hutton. was put on fire prevention instead of fire fighting. Hntton . was named president of the state association for the coming year, and will pre . side at the convention in Portland next summer. ' ; 'I ' Clb 8' Meets Tonight George Steinka, Townsend club No. 3 president, reminds members of the new membership contest be ing held between the men and women and urges old members also to renew their own member ships as required each year. The club will hold its weekly meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at the Court. street Christian church, to which the public is invited. ; Tooth Loses Finder Charles Zander, 16, 971 South 2 2d street, lost the index finger of his right hand, and the third finger was so badly mutilated It may have to be removed, in a wood saw upon which he was working yesterday near the penitentiary four cor ners. He was treated by city first aid car officers and removed to the Sakm General hospital. Judges at Blachly Harry L. Riches, Marion county agent, was at Blachly Saturday to judge live stock at the combined grange and community fair at Blachly, in the Triangle Lake . district in Lane county. Riches says the fair ex hibits were excellent, with great Interest evident in the 4-H divi sion.) - Basement Fire Fire, presum ably j starting when a chimney burned out, took hold .In a rub bish ! pile in the basement of an apartment house at 191 South Church yesterday, but prompt action by the city fire department curtailed loss. Smoke did some damage upstairs but flames were confined to the basement. Superior to Visit Mother M. Frances Xavler o f Marylhurst, provincial superior of the Sisters 'of the Holy Names is expected here today on a visit to Sacred Heart academy. Both the acad emy and the St. Vincent de Paul school plan receptions during this week to honor the superior. Lutx Florist, 1276 N. Lib. 9592. Miss Hah Miller, expert corsetiere from Artist Model, will be with Miller's Department store all day today and tomorrow to give ex pert advice on how to obtain the greatest satisfaction from founda tion garments. Martins At ErposUion Gover nor Charles H. Martin and Mrs. Martin will spend today attend- lDg the Pacific International Live stock exposition as guests of the ; management. The governor and Mrs. Martin will attend the horse show and rodeo tonight. Obitnary Schumann Christian Schumann, at the res idence, 4S5 South Commercial street, September 27. Survived by brother, Edmund Carl of Oakland, Calif.; three sisters, Emma Love joy and Augusta Hormel, both of Oakland, and Henrietta Brooks of Huntington Beach, Calif. Services will be held from the chapel of the Clough-Barrlck c o m p a n y Tuesday, October 4, at 10:30 a. m. Concluding services at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. ML TODAY AND WED. So Hurry! ; "Boys Town" Is the Must See Picture of the Year. Ask Those Who Have Seen It . . . SPEXCER MICKEY TRACEY - ROONEY In HLXXY K'JLL J LESLIE FEMTCH CEXE KEYMSLDS Plus British Dilemma The Second World War in the Making CARTOON - NEWS Mat. Daily 1:30 - 25c Briefs Y Open: Houses Start The first of a four; weeks series of YMCA open house programs will be held next Saturday night, at which time the Y will be thrown open to Leslie boys. The program will be under the auspices of the Les lie Hi-Y chapter,Ith Lloyd Glrod and Gurnee Flesber directing. Gymnasium contests, swimming races, a j ping-pong tournament, etc., will be on the program. Far rish boys, will be entertained the following; week, October 15, four of the city grade schools on Oc tober 22,: and the remaining four October 29. Madsen's Don uts best in town. . ' Schoolboys Examined The Marionv county department of health gave a complete physical examination to 75 boys at the sen ior high school Monday. Miss Be atrice Turtle was the nurse In charge. Fifteen boys were found to be entirely free from defects. Fifty-six were immunized against diphtheria and 63 vaccinated against smallpox. Major defects found were removal of tonsils and I dental attention. Tnirty-six need ed their tonsils removed and 22 bad teeth cavities. No malnutri tion was found. I - ' Postof rice Receipt Septem ber receipts for the Salem post- offlce totaled $23,039.56, which Is under the same period last year and brought the postal report here for the first quarter or tne nscai I year to $74,154.73. Of the three I months, July, August and septemr 1 ber, the August receipts were the highest and reached $29,219.18. An exceptionally large report Is In prospect : for October, due to the large amount of election mall an ticipated in addition to the reg ular business. Insurance Pays Mrs. Carrie Hockspeier of route 1, Jefferson, has received a draft for $64.28 in payment of a claim under a $1 Statesman policy with the North American Accident Insurance company, resulting from an auto mobile accident July 27. She was incapacitated until September 10. Many such payments have been received by Statesman subscribers who hold these policies. Hill to Show Films Dr. David B. Hill, a member, will provide the entertainment for the Salem Kiwanis club at its luncheon to day, showing, several reels of mo tion pictures. These will include. In addition to some of the scenic pictures In color which Dr. Hill has made, the new talking pic tures which he has .made, said to be the first "talkies" made di rectly on 16-millimeter film. Forgery Arrest Upon a re- quest by aaieviue, nans., aumon- ties, where he is wanted lor es- I caping jail and forgery, urvme Nelson Stanbrough was arrested in West Salem Sunday by state police. Sheriff A. C. Burk's office reports Stanbrough is also wanted in Portland for alleged forgery ard the prisoner would be turned over to Portland authorities. - Registration Rush Neri Voter registrations are on the In- crease at the county ciera s omce but the usual last minute rusn has not yet developed, xne regis- l tration books wm close aiuraay nieht and hot be opened until after the November 8 election. Kiwanis Election" Soon The Salem Kiwanis club will elect of- fleers and 'directors at its meet- ing November 1. The nominating committee consists of I. M. Doughton. Rev. Robert Hutchin son, Dr. Charles Wobd and R. S. Sears. ; Hess i Women. Meet The wom en s division oi ine Aictrion County! Hess-for-Governor club will hold its next meeting Wednes day night. October 5' in the Brey- man building, following a Joint meeting with the men's Hess-for-Governor club..' Hovers Enjoy Coast County Clerk and Mrs. U. G. Boyer re turned ! to Salem over the week end from a two weeks vacation SDent at Rockaway. Boyer eaid the weather was exceptionally pleasant. Unity Meeting "Chapter 4, Lessons in Truth" is the topic for study in the Unity class, meeting in the Marine dining room of the Marion hotel Wednesday night. Olive Stevens is the leader. l i McDanlels Released Wesley McDanlels was released from the county Jail on $750 undertaking tnr hall yesterday. He faces a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. Births ltllev To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Riley, 541 Mill, a son, James Wal- ter. jr born SeptemDer . Haraar To Mr. and airs, vir- sril MJ Harnar. Rt. 6 faaiem, a daughter, Bonnie Joy, born Sep tember 2L Squire To Mr. and Mrs. cnar lev Sou Ires. Rt. 4 Salem, a son. Paul Richard, born September 17 Carlisle To Mr. and Mrs Roy . Carlisle. Rt. 4 Salem, daughter. E Tbelma Ronelle, born Septem- her fi Haurienas To Mr. and Mrs. Jules A. Van Haudenas, zs mc- Nary, ! a daughter, Marilyn Ellia- betb, born September z at xne Sal em' General hospital. - : ! Webb To Mr. ana Mrs. raeu E. Webb. 2J0 North 18th. a daughter, Judith Mary, born Sep - tern ber 30 at the " Bungalow Ma- ternltv home. " Wilson To Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur McKlnley, Wilson. Rt. 3 sa- im. iod. horn Sentember iz. Hadson To Mr. and Mrs. Alva LeRoy Hudson, Rt. 5 Salem, a son, Alra LeRoyr J'-i born Sep fpmhflf 17. j Heeger To Mr. and Mrs. Albert T- seezer. Brooks, a oiusawr, Joan Ilene, born September 18. . KslltVM COLDS, Fever and Headaches LUald. Tb1tti Sftlv. Soil Vroft da t Cold Try "Stt-UMUa Wndrfl Bartges Plea Is not Guilty Alan Who 'Was Extradited From Wyoming Jailed in Lieu of $1200 j Warren E. Bartges, jr., pleaded Innocent In Justice court yesterday to the charge of larceny by bailee on which he -was returned from Wyoming Sunday by Deputy Sher iff B. Q. Honeycut. , He was re turned to jail in lieu of $1200 ball pending preliminary hearing at 10 a.m. Thursday. .-,: f r A - Merlin Pflaum signed the com plaint, alleging Bartges took A a . a tt A motor iruca vaiuea ai eiav. t Usual motion day proceedings will not be held In department two of circuit court today. It was an nounced yesterday Circuit Judge L. G. Le welling was on vacation and would not return here until November 1. Circuit Court ' Merchants Credit Bureau, Inc., vs. w. j. ana Nora s. iseuens; complaint for $275 alleged due on note, for sums of $2 and 5.50 for goods purchased and $30 . attor ney fee. . : j Liquidators vs. Stanley I. Riches; satisfaction of judgment in sum of $1982.93. Anna Doerfler vs. M. E. Mosh- er; complaint for possession of real property, $1000 damages and $100 alleged u n.p a I d on rent agreement. Paul B. Edmundson vs. Edythe c. Meyer Edmundson; motion for default. ; Probata Court j Agnes Eckhout guardianship; oath and bond of Selina Becker, guardian. j Pauline J. Harris guardianship; closing order granted Clarence H. Harris, guardian. Charles K. Spauldlng estate; or der for Lorah O. Spauldlng, exec utrix, to sell personal property. Marriage Licenses ; Sherman L. Blume, 33, truck driver, and Nellie G. Parker, 28, housekeeper, both of 517 North Capitol street, Salem. ; Harlan R. Scott, 22, paper com pany employe, and Mae O. Par sons. 25, linen mill employe, both of 941 South Liberty street, Sa lem. Lee Ainsworth, 20, laborer, and Lois Young, 18, housekeeper, both of Sllverton. Peter Koenig, legal, . retired. Sterling, Colo., and Clara Woqds, legal, housekeeper, Salem. : - Byron E. Jackson, 21,; sales man, and Roberta. V. Frye, ;21, beauty operator, both of Salem. : Justice Court Vernon A. SDrouse vs. Clarehce r. Shrock :iurv trial of suit for $90.67 restitution of money paid on car purchased under allegedly fraudulent conditions set for 1J30 D.m. today Lester Leroy Vicker; $10 fine uot paid, drunk on highway; com mitment issued. ,Dwlght Vernon Hanson; $5 fine, violation of basic. rule, driving at rate of 70 miles per hour. Edward Wentworth; pleaded ferullty to disorderly e o n d u c t charge; 60-day Jail sentence aus- pended ; on recommendation j of deputy district attorney and six months probation period set up Municipal Court i C. O. Perrlne, hit-and-run driv ing charged; dismissed on motion of city attorney. Elliott S. Johnson, failed to stop; forfeited $2.50 bail. Laura Longnecker, drunk; for- felted $10 ball. Carl W. Bryan, drunk; fined $10, committed to serve out fine. George Martin, drunk; 10 days in jail suspended. Herman Kroeplin, drunk; six months in jail suspended to one year's prqbatlon. Delbcrt Maxiield, no drivers li cense; fined $5. Jim Mitchell, drunk; six months in jail suspended to leave town on one year's probation. i Bail collected on overtime park ing tags, $23. Improve Howard Street A Tes- olution asking for the grading and graveling of Howard : street from 14th to 19th streets was adopted last night by the city council. i i . . ; Sewer Remedy Wanted Hick ory and North Front street resi dents asked the city council last night to remedy sewer conditions in that district. No Parking Desired Residents on iB and .Norm 14th streets asked : the city council ; to take measures to keep those streets free of parking from students' and Instructors from $ a. m. to 4 p. m. Want Alley Opened The coun cil gave to the street committee a request from residents to open the 30-foot alley between 22d and 23d streets. ; Street Lights Street lights at 23d and Claude and 24th j and Claude streets were okehed by the city council. j TatV lidW JJf fading Loading Zones Okehed Pri- zones ; at 285 j and Chemeketa street were sanc tioned last night by the city council.' j . ;,..- Speaker at Halsey James E. Monroe, scout executive, was the Knegt speaker at the Halsey cham I ber of commerce meeting last i njght, J Hollywood Meeting Tonight j The Hollywood community j club I will meet at the Argo hotel to- night at :30 p. m. FALL Wallpaper Special Prices on Close-Oats Picture Framing! ;; Mrs. Presnall ta Charge t WAX i 1 1 h I PAINT 0 ROOFING 1 178 S. Com'l. ! rtu 4642 Loud Speakers i Vv- Aati-alreraft battery a river patrol boat Although Czechoslovakia la without a coastline, she has what might be termed a "navy, a amalL but powerful, group of patrol boats that guard the River Elbe, the country only outlet to the sea. There also Is a small stretch of the Danube river. Here la a gun turret and twin muzzles of an anti-aircraft battery on one of the patrol boats. : Coming Events October S Stata Gramge coa ference at Silvertom HUls grange hall. .Oct. 8 Gardeners Ronndnp, Salem Heights commanity ball all day. Oct. 18 Dr. Charles J. Stauffacher speaks at First 1B church, 70 p. m. October 17 Elbert Kast man speech, chamber f tom merce lnncbeoa. Sophomores Hosts To AHS Freshmen Classes and Girls League Elects Officers for new School Year AUMSVILLE The sophomore class of the local high school was host at a reception Thursday night for the freshman class In the high school gymnasium. Vari ous stunts featured the evening's entertainment and the freshman students were required to come garbed in clothing worn back ward. Classes have elected these offi cers: Freshmen, president,' Mary Schluender; vice-president, Mill ard Campbell; secretaary-treas-urer, Richard Gray; sergeant-at-arms, James Bethel. Seniors: President, Vera Half mann; vice-president, Robert Phelan; secretary-treasurer," Car vel Gibson. Oakey Heads Juniors Juniors: President, Vonne Oak ey; vice-president, Mary Butler; secretary-treasurer, Lena An drews.' Sophomores: President, Ken neth Wllkenson; vice-president, Verna Lewis; secretary-treasurer, Neota Schafer. Girls league: President, Carvel Gibson; vice-president, Virginia Dalley; secretary-treasurer, Leona Palmer. Paradine Doughty Dies at Monmouth MONMOUTH Miss Paradine Doughty, 76, died early Monday at her home here. She was born In 1862 and was the daughter of pioneer parents. She lived in Mon mouth most of her life and was engaged in dressmaking for many years. Miss Doughty la survived by one brother, jonn uougniy oi Monmouth, nephew, Paul Dough ty. "Monmouth and several other nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Christian church where funeral , services will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m. with Rev. W. A. Elklns officiating. She will be buried in the family plot at Monmouth. Ask Bridge Lights The city council referred a petition ask ing for light posts and lamps to be constructed on the South Lib erty street bridge to the commit tee on lights. Let Fire Hose Rids The bids of Doughton Hardware Co. and Pohle-Staver, each In amount of 1.25 per foot for 250 feet of 2 inch fire hose were accepted by the city council. Stop Sign PetlUon A petition from, surrounding residents, for a stop sign on 14th street at Marion, was referred to the special traffic committee, by the city council. j Club Nc. ia Meets Townsend club No. 12 will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Wesley hall. E. M. Hammer is president, i 7f V Suffer iV A 1i f Uv Anv Longer? WTUN OTUU ralU dm our Cblaeae rc mad tea. Amazing SUCCESS for 6000 years ta CHIXA. No matter with what ailment you are AFFLICTED disorders, sinusitis, heart, lung, liver, kidney, stomach, fas. con- , tlpatlon, uloers, dlbetl. rhen witiiiTi, call and bladder, favar. afcin, Iraala complaint Charlie Chan Chinese Herb Co. 8. B. Fonc S yeara practlc la Cnina. Ofrioe hours to pjn. except Sun day and -Wednesday. to 10 aja. lZt M. Canal St. ' aJatC of Czech "Navy? " - - 7 ' - . 1 r- 1: m4 On the Record By DOROTHY THOMPSON (Continued from page 4) maintain trayaL Itself by further be- "Peace." said Splnoxa. "is vir tue caused by strength of spirit,' This la not peace without vic tory, for the victory goes to Mr. Hitler. .This la peace without virtue. Therefore it is not peace but the Initiation of a terrific world crisis. Copyright. 1938, N-Y Trib. Inc. 7 Moose Lodges Will Visit Local visiting Moose and women from the chapters of the Moose will be visitors Tuesday with Sa lem Lodge No. 144, when Past Dictator O. W. Emmons of Salem lodge will report on his recent vis It to Mooseheart. Large delega tions will be present from Port land. Rainier. Hillsboro. Tilla mook, Albany, Corvallis and Eu gene. The women's drill team from Corvallis chapter will, stage an exhibition drill. This team was the prize winner three years straight at the annual state con ventions. Capt. Clark will put on a drill with his Portland lodge team which has won fame, all over the country daring the past 20 years. Charles P. Poole, past grand master of the Odd Fellows and past president of the Oregon State Moose association, : will speak on the work at Mooseheart. The Woodmen have given the use of their large lodge room in Fra- ternsl temple for this meeting. Salem is to be host to the 1939 state -Moose convention and the lodges all over the state are Inter ested In Salem lodge, youngest lodge In the state. Campbell Is Salesman SILVERTON George B. Camp bell, recently from Nebraska, has joined the sales force at the Clarke-Shephwrd Motors company. At present Mr. and Mrs. Camp bell are living at Woodburn but will more to Silverton later. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Probate No. 9938) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned was on the 26th day of August. 1938. duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Georgians Rand, de ceased, and all persons having claims against. said estate are hereby notified to present such claims with necessary vouchers attached to the undersigned at 460 North1 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date hereor. C. T. Terril. Administrator of the es tate of Georglana Rand, deceased. Dated and first published Sep tember 20, 1938. S 20-27 O 4-11- 18 !; I For Cemplete Coverage ef Best, nesa and Financial News Read Ponfte Ctatt Editift THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Relied upon by Business Men and Investors. for Current News and Dependable Information. Send for oar pedal introductory offer, FIVE MONTHS FOR $5.00 41S Baa St., SAM HL&Jtf CISCO las W. M.. LOS AMOXUES 1. T. Law. D. O. Cbaa. U - Herbal remedies for aliments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin. blood, glands, & urinary sys tem of men & women. 21 years in service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAM. on. onnn Lnra cllIN USE MEDICINE CO. i9ZM Court SU Corner Liber ty. Office open Tuesday A Sat urday only. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. to 7 P. M. Consultation, blood pressure. & urine tests are free p o of charge. :?f'v Fascism Forum Due Wednesday First of 10 Discussions Set in Series, Taking World Subjects Salem people will have an op portunity to hear and participate In discussions on fascism Wed nesday sight when the ' opening meeting of a series of 10 under a public forum -program will be held in the old Salem high school audi torium at 7:45 p. m. The public forum program Is being sponsored .. by the' Salem school board, the Portland forum center and the US office of edu cation headed by Dr. J. W. Stu- debaker. 'Dr. Schaefer Speaker Dr. Marvin Scbaefer, professor ; of sociology, College of ? Puget Sound, has selected "P ticiim Laughs at the W rid" as the topic for the first of the sessions here. He will also the second and third bi-weekly forums on sub jects that may deal with coopera tives, American views of the Eu ropean situation, crime, pacifism or relief. I The forum program Is Intended to give the public an opportunity to hear men lnfor d on public problems and trained In forum leadership and to enter Into the discussions. Dr. Schaefer served In 1131-32 on the president's unem ployment committee, In 1935 on the Washington state planning commission's survey of the state and from 1935-37 as chairman of the commission on certification of social workers. He has taught at the University of Washington and those of Peiplng and Nanking, China. Many Speakers Coming Later speakers in the series will be Dr. Baskln Wright, pro fessor of political science, t Univer sity of Alabama, from November 14 to January 21, and Dr. Hubert Phillips, Fresno State Teachers college, from January .21 to March 1. i Admission to the forum meet ings is' free. j School Principal To Leave Liberty LIBERTY Vera Davis, prin cipal of the Liberty school, ten dered his resignation Ito the school board Friday. He has re ceived word that he passed civil service examination this bummer and received an appointment to a position with the federal bureau of Investigation in Washington. U. C. He expects to leave for WTash ington a week from Monday. He has been here one year, j Names Make News i i j Laura Longnecker forfeited $10 bail In municipal court yesterday on a charge of being drunk. Nina Sharpnack was arrested by city police for making a re verse turn, with her can In the center of a block. 1 WILL YOUR j :. " - v - - ' I OUR PRINTING GconoFJ PERSONALITY The printed word you send out re flects your personal and business standards. We are specialists in fine printing, engraving, linotyping and mono typing. For a worthwhile job, consult us. -. V - Just Phone 9101 SpeaKs Tonight .,17 - 4- -s if. l Dr. Warren II. Denlson of New York City, who speaks . tonight at 7:SO o'clock at the First Congregational church. , Church Secretary To Speak Tonight Dr. Warren H. Denison, assist ant secretary of the general con ference of Congregational church es with headquarters In New York City, will speak tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the First Congregation al church on "Making the Every Member Canvass a Joy .7 Dr. Denis n's talk tonight will be primarily for officials and lay men of the churches. He came to Salem yesterday for the annual of the East Willamette association. for which he was one of the main speakers. -.- ' I - : i , - ; - v YMCA Plan Group Schedules. Activity Thirty-two Committeemen Take Part in Drawing Fall Program . First-annual planning confer; ence of the Salem YMCA physi cal department was held ' at Sil ver Creek Falls recreational en campment Saturday and Sunday with 32 committeemen ' and staff members taking active parts In outlining the fall and winter activities. , r .' f Holding ."a ' general meeting first. under, the - . direction of YMCA Physical Director Fred Smith,- committees were then formed for the various activities to be considered, these later "re porting back Into a second gen eral eonvention. .! The badminton : committee asked for a division Into an A and B . league ; to care - for two ability groups; organization of a swimming team for boys be tween. 12 and 14 years was rec ommended: a business men's ac tivity promotion committee or- ganized; a 12-team church bas ketball league recommended; the boys classes committee advised sponsoring of special events, and tecommended formation of ath letic teams for outside competi tion in the high school and jun ior highs. v EXPRESS BUSINESS 215 South Commercial Street First Lot Lumber Taken From Kilns Drying Unifs ' Repaired lo Mark Another Step at Spaulding Mill Another step in the reopening of the Charles K. Spaulding Log ging company sawmill here was completed" yesterday when the first lot of lumber was removed from the reconditioned dry! kilns. Work on the kilns, whose roofs had sagged badly during the plant's seven-year shutdown, was started September-6, the day th mill resumed a commercial oper ations under the management of Ralph. Martin, vice-president of the company. " ; ! Two Planers Operating Two of the fourplaners includ ed in the reconstruction plan are now running and the third soon will be ready for use. The fourth. to turn out finished timbers, will be located between the sawmill and the dry kilns and put into op eration in the near future. I To supplement the supply of logs rafted down the river, the company has put in a truck dump at the downstream end of the mill yards. Until the recent rains slowed down logging operations, 50,000 feet of logs a day were be ing brought in : by motor truck from the com pany's holdings above Dallas. Committee Named To Study Grazing Governor Charles H. M a r 1 1 n Monday appointed a committee of five persons to conduct a Study of the grazing land situation la west ern Oregon, -with a view of mak ing these lands more valuable to the state as a whole. . . j Appointment of the committee followed a meeting here last week at which officials of 10 counties complained that large tracts of land now classified as timber were more valuable for grazing. The committee is composed of E. B. Tanner, Portland, represent ing the state board of forestry; J. R Frum, Portland, represent ing Umber owners; Albert H. Powers, representing grazing land owners; Judge Earl B. Day, Jack son county, and Judge Guy Boy ington, Clatsop county, j NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBYj GIVEN' That JOHN CHRISTIE has been appointed Administrator) of the estate of HARRIET E-1 CHRIS TIE, deceased, by- the! County Court of Marion County, Ore gon. All persons" having claims against said estate are required to present same with! Proper vouchers, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice to creditors, to the Administrator at the office of the County Clerk. Court House, Salem. Oregon. Dated and first published Sep tember 6, 1938. i Date of last publication, - Oc tober 4, 1938. j JOHN CHRISTIE, Adminis trator of the estate of HARRIET E. . CHRISTIE, deceased. s HERBERT W. LOMBARD Attorney for Estate S -13-20-zT 0-4 "- : -I- ! lou will find our rates most reasonable for such high quality :. . i : ! printing. Liniment 0