1 i t i i The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 2, 193fc PAGE THIRTEEN Yoiurll Find "What-. Yon Want Classified on i Pase Auctions AUCTION SALE Restaurant quip ment Sat., Oct. t. 19 a. nt. at state fairgrounds, Salem. Complete equip ment of Mrs. Olmsted's restaurant. Service for 600 people, lnchiafag 8 large ranges, steam tables, tee 'boxes, tables, plumbing, cash register, aUver- . ware, glassware, dishes, kitchen uten sils, 275 chairs, -lots miscellaneous article. Sold In lots to suit purchasers. Terms cash. Free lunch. F. N. and Glenn Woodry. auctioneers. Ph. tilt, Oalem. See. us about your next auction. years experience. We sell anything, anywhere. ; "rf-J Help Wanted EARN $39 weekly' or wore.' Urew mushrooms In eelUr. shed We b?v. tee lb Year round business, Mr 8 made IS it In few weeks spare time. Estab lished 1931 Write (for free book Washington Mushroom Ind.. Dept. 40$ t It Siut A Smtta Wash. . 4 SALESGIRLS for house to house adv. Also good salesman for retail grocery trade. Wheat-Alone Co., 1410 Madison street. Monday. - - MAKE 1 to 1 3 daily at home. Grow mushrooms In cellar, shed, year around. We buy crops. 8th year. Write Western Mushroom Co., Portland. Ore. Help Wanted Female ' YOUNG OR middle-aged woman to take care of two school children, Ught housework. Board, room and lit per month. Write route 7. box 1 8H. WOMEN WANTED. Address- our catalogs. 2c each paid In advance plus bonuses. Everything supplied. Free de tails furnished. Royal Products, GPO box 14, Brooklyn, N. Y. . GET NEW fall wardrobe free and earn up to $23 weekly showing gorge ous Hollywood endorsed Fashion Frocks. No canvassing, no investment Send dress else. Fashion Frocks, Inc., STENOGRAPHER FOR half days. Permanent position. Write, giving age. experience and salary- wanted. Box 44.-Statesman. -, ' - WANTED WOMAN cook on farm. Phone 3FI1. Route 1. box 14. sBBaBBBBBBBBsaasBWBsaasBBBBaaBsaaMaMasiaa"a"BB . Salesmen Wanted ' AVAILABLS AT once, nearby Raw leigh route. Good opportunity for man over 25 with car. Trade well estab lished. Route experience helpful tut not necessary. Write at once. Raw leigh's. Dept. ORJ-187-102, Oakland. Calif. - J Situations Wanted DRSMKR Urt, Adsitt Ill Marlon rni:cp m tr. a vrvfS. all work guar anteed satisfactory, 25c hour. 535 S. PAINTING LET me estimate your work. Frank Wheeler, Rt 1. Jefferson. EXP. COMPTOMETER operator at tvpJst desires position. Good ref. Ph. 3780 or 9504. - ; --- RELIABLE YOUNG man with gen eral office experience. Also 3 years theatre projectionist. Rt.. 4, box 12C TeL 4340. : , Fof Sale Miscellaneous OEF1CE FURN. and equipment from Western States Grocery and tire sham bajh k. Ueska. chairs, files, typewriters, adding machines, scales calculators now at our store. 454 Court. Roen Typewriter Exchange , : WASH. MACHINES, we service any make of washer, larg. stock of parts. HOGG BROS.. Phone 4022 REAL POXCORD GRAPES. Stod dard. IV4 mL on Wallace Road. POULTRY FERTILIZER with peat moss, now ready. Phone 133F2. Lee's Hatchery. " runirc PtPKm Break O'Dav Marglo ripe tomatoes, 40c bu. Bring bosses. T. C Muller, 2 mL south of Brunt's Corner. . PEACHES. OCT. Krummels ISO Wallace Rd. Back of maple tree. Otto Krthum. - Bring, bo. Boxl81, 1 miles Wal lace Rd. ri r? T s WESTS rood sweefc ! grapes are ripe. Bring containers. RL 1 6, Box 445. Phone 1 10 F5. Garden Rd. I OCTOBER KRUMMEL canning ffVeaches now ready. Puritan Cider .Works, West Salem. f'nynVl5HAKX GRAPES SEVERAL varieties, lc b.. k north of Four Corners King. . i HOUSE TRAILERS, will buy, trade r sell, 619 N. Front, Salem. SALE -REMINGTON -typewriter, or trade for washing machine, 740 S. 25th. I TRAILER USE. 75. 2445 Cherry. GER. POLICE dog, RL , Box 630. ALFALFA HAY. good quality. 58 83. OANDT UNIVERSAL wood and electric combination range. A beauty, like new, a bargain. Thor washer, com alately overhauled. 327.50. Fine used Hotooint range. 115.00. New Westing- bouse range. $59.50. Used automatic washer, $15.00. Rand electric shaver, tew, $9.50. New W eating-house washer. XI. 9 down, 92.9S per montn. YEATER it RUSH CO. i - Your Westlnghouse Store 129 N. Commercial I BECAUSE OF 111 health, will sell all New Zealand white rabbits. In cluding bred does, 1 5c lb. Also Barred , Rock hens, 2Ve lb. Frank A. Porter, RL I, BOX (2IB. i PEACHES A FEW days longer. Imlah Fruit Farm. .Wallace Road. Also apples, you pick them. Ph. UF11 f GET R. L R. FRYERS, young , ."hakes, and tat hens at Nelson's, Rt .7 Box 14. Ph. 1280. - j . $ BUFF ROCK pulletts and one (Cocker. 4H months old. $1.00 each. jitu ii auer. Baiem, c&e OrtfionGD0tatesmaa ADVERTISING ; Western Advertising i. Representatives 1 anvirp--Ha.n 1 A Saa rraaetsco. Los Angelea, Seattle Eastern Advertising I Representatives 1 .Bryant, Griffith A Branson. Ine Chicago, New lerk. Detroit. , '; Boston. AUaetSt fiTsterctf at (a Postofteo mt Malum O'egen ss Brcrmtt Clnae Untto. Pwb. liaAeti every ssomlas sseeal Moads If h mitt eat evtco tit Mouth Commercial SfreeC; SUBSCRIPTION RATES! MaU Subscription RaUs fn Advance WitMni Oregon: Daily ana nunaay Mo. it cents: 3 Mo. Il.lt: 4 M I3.lt I year $5 to. Elsewhere It cents per Mo. or. It to ror l year in aavanco Per corr t centa Newsstands cents i Rv rite Carrier: 4$ eent a month $7.24 a year In advance la Marlon aa adjacent count tea tttr Sale Miscellaneous 100 LB. COPPER con. all enamel cast range. Box heater. Coll spring day bed. baby bed, 1125 Norway. SHINGLES. FLUTED shakes, cedar aiding. .Highest -quality,' lowest prlcea Brown; 714 L Slat St TeL -3400. BATING AND stock rabbits. Harold HUke independence. Ph. 37F5, Inde pendence. , . ; - : -::.'.'' TOMATOES. LARGE No. 1. 40c pr bu. Pickling cucumbers, etc. "Garrison's Gardens, Z miles south of Aumsville. SEWING MACHINES 1 Singer box top: ,, ,., -; $ 4. SO 1 Stager long ahuttle 18.0 1 White Rotary .15.0 1 Singer rounl bulb .J25.00 1 Hemstitching machine - $70.00 1 Leather patch machine .. .120.09 Machine Rented and Repaired 175. S. High " SHOTGUN. REMINGTON 12 gauge trap grade, . fine condition. Bargain. Anderson'a. GOOD KENMORE electric washer. 125. 1272 Third street. West Salem. Trade- Miscellaneous . '29 PLYMOUTH SEO, $10, for wood or bsy. Rt. 7. Box 115. Vvnted- MiM'ellancons . WANTED MARKET poultry Phone IX3KX. Lee's Hat cilery. FILBERTS, WALNUTS, also meats. M. Klorfetn, 277 S. Liberty. Ph. 7433. WANTED WALNUT drying. Ph. 1 33 F2. Lee's Hatcher-. WANT CHILD under school age, to board and room in country. Box 43, Statesman. I WANTED. 1 used Eastman fur naces. Phone 3403. Miscellaneous MALE.? INSTRUCTION. Men to take up air conditioning and electric refrigeration and better themselves. Must be mechanically inclined, willing to train In spare timer to qualify. Write- Utilities Inst.,- box 40, cars Statesman. ' j RtMtm and Board THE VERT best, SIS Bellevue. T. 1747. . 1 RM. A BD.. girls, la week. Ph. 1974. CLOSE TO Willamette LTnlv. T. 59S9. NEWLY FURN, good 'food, reas onable, close in. 543 S. Com mere la L JUa, 995 S. 12th. Ph. 6333. ROOM AND board, private family, close in. Garage, i Laundry if desired. 990 N. Fifth street. EMP. LADIES. 320 mo. TeL 7313. TWO MEALS. TeL 40S2 after 4. For KentApartments SEE KISlltCR apta Modernised, -early decorated, and roomy. You'll be ieltghted Oak and S Commercial CLEAN 3 RM. ! furn. ap. well lo cated. 2 A",11-! 1i N Capitol. 3- R. FURN.. ADULTS. Hawthorne Court. 1000 N. CapltoL i SM A LL FU R N. f a PL. 250 S. Cottage. COTTAGES .KOR rent, winter ratea Intersection 12th A Pac highway, south, Shoen cottages A grocery, j 2 RM. FUR.N. apt., prlv. bath, lights, hot water. 333 Leslie. 3 RMS. FURN.. 1st floor apt- adults oniy, 33a Division 3 OR 4 R. APTS 210 N. 14th. SMALL APT.. adults only, 2183 State. " MODERN FURN.. heat, hot water. private bath, lights, garage. 243S state. FURN. 2 ROOM apt- Tel. 44. 22S1 Hazel. i FURX 2 RM. ? a d ulS TeLSoioT 3 R. FURN.. APT. available Oct. 1. 837 S. Com'L i STRATTON APTS." 3 ltLJaot?avalU able Oct. 1st. Ph. 3S42. TWO "3-RiL furn'ts'.r'TRidaTre. private bath, adults, 590 N. Summer. k3L APT 435 N"winter? " 3 R. HEATEIJ APT., 444 S. High. RECONDITIONED 2 AND 3 room apts., new ranges, new beds. Adults only. 991 N. Cottage. 3 14-318 MONTIL 945 S. 12th. " " ' vate entrance. Suitable for 1 . or t men. 1810 Court. 1 4 - ROOM LOW E R loor DtTc?MeliL. Partly furnished, 547 N. Front., For Rent Houses FOR JRENT THIS NEW modern 4 room home with two bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout. Good location. $32.50 per month. t W. H. GRABENHORST CO., - REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4448. HOUSES? H. Jv ti RANT.UB2 Court. KTRirTI.T Mrtn K t krtlr imm close- in. $35. Carle Abrams. ph. 8155. FOR RENT THIS MODERN 8 room Eng. Col onial home, with basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, located on the 8. Pacific highway about 4 blocks from city limits. $24.50 per month, . W. ti. UKABENHORST CO., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 644$ 7 RM. HOUSE, mostly modern, close in. $17 mo. Inquire 771 N. Com'l. VERT NICE mod. $ R. house, gar., 241S S. High. Inq. $59 Belmont LOVELT MOD. suburban home. furn. Rt. 3, Box 7 7 A. Salem Hta Ave. NEW MODERN 5 room apartment. furn. or unfum. Must see to appre ciate. 772 No. Winter SL EXTRA NICE 8-room modern sub urban home to lease for 1 year. Adults No- liquor. i H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street : Phone 8714 NEW S-BEDROOM modern unfum. and redecorated 2-bedroom modern tin furri.. 2 blocks from state house. Owner 1341 State street. s 5-ROOM UNFURN. house. Phone 3131 or evening 7529. mmmSmm'mm 4 -ROOM FURNISHED house, ga rage, $22. Adulta 160 N. 1 4th. - i - nrnriii ii Ti i i" ii . n . . i n i n ' i 1 1 i ii . ii ii "i H-. r t NEW 3-room tinfurnlshed cot tagea Ready soon. 1840 Court. (10 VTTPWfRHm hntinlnw. E rooms, strictly modern, air-conditioned. ii replace, rurnace, stationary luos, as rage. Northeast part city, new district, restricted. Sea Louis Bechtel. $41 State. $50 STRICTLY modern bungalow, 8 rooms, air-conditioned. 6 blocks from Ladd 4b Bush bank. 820 house, I rooms, 727 S. 12th. $20 house, 4 rooms, base ment, N. llth. For- rentals aee Bechtet, 34! State. - , 6 ROOMS, nice condition. $25. S rooms- and nook, $22.50. Ph. 7113. Money to Loan I j Wheslar English! Says See ; PERSONAL l FINANCE CO. - Kforv:Ldaiis;-; Mp to $300 j ij; :: l ; ' 1 In i2 hours. ;' . ";. ,:. 2. No co-signers or endorsers required. 3. Your employer is not bothered. 4. Our payments suit your purse. Room 119; New Bligh Bid. - Phone 3191 ; Sit -STATE STREET AT HIGH IN SALEM. OREGON ' f,: STATE UCENSE NUMBERS 8-122 M-141 rmmediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single Only Vou Sign ! Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify Private Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day. Week or Month To Reduce the Cost General Finance Corp. 134 So. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon 8-1 34 First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCE MONET TO buy new or used ears. Private money at very lew ratea No red tape 1 to 21 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons ? 134 S. Commercial St Salem. Ore. Phono 914$ Lie No. M-112 FEDERAL HOUSING loans bolld refinance honiea business prop. Ratea Abrsms A Ellla Inc. Masonic Bldg MONET TT) loan on aood real aetata Charles Hodklna 271 State strreL L-O-A-N-S lib to $300 1 ' AU types of loan a Liberal repayment plana See us if you need money. Up to $500 ion csrs. Loans made without delay. STATE FINANCE CO. CHILDS A MILLER'S, OFFICE 344 Slate St. Saleu. Oregon. Lie. No. S-214 M-222 Phone 1261 srBrNAsAasta4BSartfMVsasaaaswsj DO YOU NEED oney ? CAN BR obtained quickly and eas ily at our office. No red tape no em barrassmentno other signers no ad ditional cost for superior service. Furniture or Livestock Loans to $300 Auto Loans to $500 Phone 444 8 or call at our office and we'll help you secure the loan you neea. You 11 be : glad you called at People's Finance Co. Rm. 201. First National Bank Bullrtlna Salem. Oregon S-213 State Lie. M-220 PBIV1TR Mnvrv I... mrL. IL P. GRANT. 629 Court, Ph. 6744 Financial jf rrl W E HA vis never paid las II KJl than this rate on savings tsad&si lg and Investmenta Insured U to 85000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Assn Phono 46i 143 a. uoeriv TIWSI WASTED Tivn T.riAKS on new modern houses well located. One for $2500, ona tor $3000. WJJI par 6 Int. 134 S. Liberty St. i Phone 6448 Ioans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Wllr pay 17m Interest VT. H- GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 8468 LOANS vV amTEU on form and cltv property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins etooerta. BUILDING AUTO court. Want $2.- 500 rriv. mtg. loan. 1. Loca. unsur. Ample security. Box 32. Statesman. WANTED, $400 ON 'good security. v hone 4288. , - i - LOANS WANTED Two loans on new modern houses well located. One for $2500, one for $3000. Will par 4 Interest. See W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 6448 WANTED LOAN on gilt edge prop erty, Salem. $1300. Call 183$ Nebraska. For Itent Itooms LA1MKS PH 8478. 686 14 Cattase DESIR. SLP. na, prt ant. 8177. WELL FURN. room In mod. borne. near capltol. 1420 Court. SLEFPINQ ROOMS, close la. Steam neat 607 N. Commercial. NICE SLEEP, room. 638 N. Church. ROOMS. W. U. boys. 960 MIU. SLEEP. R-, gar gentleman. 976 E. RM. CLOSE in. $1$. Ph. 3859. CLOSE IN. desirable rooms la prl vate home, 840 Milt 3 BLKS. of town. 635 Cbemeketa. SL. RM, lady. 844 Center. Pit 8683 a m miaim0amm9'mmmmmmmmm LIGHT HSKP. rm. 790 8. Com'L mmm0mtmatm)amimmBmmmmmmmmmmsm KICK RM., gent. Gar. 171 N. CotUga. Money to Loan For Kent orriei RiiOMS 881 State stree Inoalre room 300 Tel -8713. CARS. TKUCKS. U Dtiva Ph. 7841 Fop Rent Farms 577 ACRES. 220 in farm land, bal ance pasture and good range land. Good . buildlnga $600 per year, cash rent Farm located near Rose burg, SEE CLIFFORD HAROLD With N. J. Lindgren 17$ & High. 40 ACRES near Salem. 1$ acres fruit Will equip for chicken business. Reference required. Box 45, statesman. Wanted to Rent $ OR 4 RM. unfurn. flat' ground floor. Must be reas. Box 39, States man. ROOM 14x20 for work shop. Box 4 2. i Statesman. WANTED HOUSES to rent. R. A. Forkner - H. T. Ueber, 1853 N. CapitoL For Sale Real Estate 'I ' BUilAstrtO LOTS ' nrvtrk inTS in mmA itMt aseel- ksat location. Price 1400, $3$ down. 1 10 par month. W. ti. GRABICNHnRST WUL. REAI-TORS 184 S. Liberty St Phone $468 una rauil tautiola. Low oar- menta Carle Abrams. 411 Masonic Bldg. pmsE IN. excellent location. 7 R. house, gar, elec. water System. Wal nuts, filberts and trait, $100.00 down. bat monthly payments, m. lose u. ssssssaisaasssssssisasssss BEAUTWUL NEW 6 R. home on Center St. 3 bedrma. hardwood firs. up I Sc down. Oil heat, meed right. Shown ' bv aoot. only. CARLETON , E. LANE. 267 Paclfla Highway. Comer Claxter K. Flu ( i $25 DOWN $10 PER MO. will buy this nice lot 50137 feet located in restricted dis trict Price 3250. - IW. H. GRABENHORST CO. ! 134 S. Liberty Street FOR SALE Small store, cheap rent. apartment in back. Shoen' s Cottages Grocery, intersection 12th A Pac. hwy. INCOME PROPERTT. close In on highway north. Owner, S. A. Baldwin, Rt 7. Box 2Z3H. FOR SALE 5 rm. mod. home,- 33.- 250.00 8S00 down, bat 321.75 per mo. Including Interest. Call H. Prultt. The StAtesman. Res. 7240 office 9101. TOD ATS BEST BtlTS 16000 home reduced to 15000 for immediate sale. Beautiful 8-room modern house. View property. About acre with fir trees. Hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, double plumbing, library or recreation room off living room with extra fireplace. Basement Tart cash, easy terms on balance. 33500 house now $2300 for quick sale. New 5 -room modern home, well built and beautifully finished. Double garaa-e, large lot North. $00 will handle. i WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 157 a Liberty Phone 7113 SALEM'S BEST BUrS i Price Dn.Pmt 6 jrooms In 2 apartments, 31600 $400 E. 5 rooms, close in. $2250 4on New E-room. hardwood $2975 $200 ROBERT F. BUDBOW. Real Estate 12 Ladd Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 5 ROOMS and bath, many bullt-lns. garage, lot 50x130. Walking distance. A real buy at $1400. Reasonable down payment, balance $12 mo. Less for cash. 4 rooms, b.uement. 2 large lots. fruit 1 block off N. CapltoL 150 down. 11700. Apply your rent money on a house you can call yow own. E. It STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. ! . MOVE RIGHT IN $300 down. $17.50 per month. 4 rooms and nook. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT i J. H. Johnson with It P. Grant 529 Court Street Phone 4744 it HOME BARGAINS ' .Good 7-room home, basement fur nace, fireplace, paving, some trees, lot 110x125. $3250; $500 down. ; $2950. Nice home at 1890 N. cot tage street 5 rooms and unfinished upstairs, modem in every . way. 11350. 6-room Home. bath. 1 Ignis, z lots, paving paid. $250 down. 31050. 6-room house, bath, fireplace. woodahed. 1250 down. MELVTN JOHNSON. Realtor 72S Court Street Phone 3723 6-ROOM HOUSE on N. 23rd. FuH price $2200 cash, no terms, -. s-room bouses A horns most anyone would appreciate, taking in considera tion its floor apace, construction and price $4000 cash. On 8. Liberty. - Other properties from $26 down pay ment to $250. Both in city- and small country properties, acreages. ;i Fr IL WEIR, 213 Ore. Bldg- Fh. 941L assssassssssrfsssM VIEW LOT. Salem Heights. Rea sonable. Phone 7263. 1 ACRE. 4 rooms garage, crops. fruit. $500 cash. 6 rooms, $0x10$ lot.' $1300. Terma j! T rooms, onder construction. See me. : 8 rooms new. 2 -car . garage. Part cash, balance $1$ month. For bargains see F. Grtepentreg, 1949 McCoy street Phone 4154. i GOOD INCOME property, three houses, always rented. Will consider trade on Portland property. Call T283 after October 3. i -1 . - i 1 1 1 1 io n ii.o rt ii n. n -.-..-. ,n.r r I RIGHT DOWN TOWN Modem 6-room bouse, basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, - 8 bed rooms, all on first floor. Place well worth $4750, For quick sale owner will accept $3500.' Call - for appoint ment or see Mrs. Ellis- with i CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors 344 SUte Street - Phone 9211 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Mast te sotd at once. 1$ A T A. plow land. t A. pasture. River bottom soil, live running stream on one side of place. Small bouse, barn for 6 head of stock, chicken house, garage, -welt - mile off paved highway, man route. Elec tricity iu mile of place. School m mile, 3 miles of good town, 30 miles from Salem. Cssh price 3475. SEE CLIFFORD HAROLD WITH N. J. Lindgren . 17$ S. High I 4 -ROOM PLASTERED, built-in bath nnd kitchen. 3 lota good location, w, Halem.11800-; $200 down, balance like rent ' ' Two 2-room plastered houses. 1 lot north. Gold condition. Income $26 per month. Price $1950; $400 down. i C J. JACKSON, 341 State street For Sale Real Estate $ ROOMS, modem, stucco. On Cbe meketa. This place is worth the money. $500 down. Price $2500. E. IL" ST AM B AUG H Phone 9411 213 Oregon Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE - ' $10001200 down, easy on balance. 1600 1250 down. , 11960 Modem. 1500 down. $1000 Not finished. K acre. $.0 ' down, balance $11 month. $2950 New modern. 6 rooms and . unfin. upstair a .$300 down. ' $24107 rooms, modern. North. $276 down. . $310$$ rooms, modern, basement - $500 down. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 157 S. Liberty- Phone 7113 Exehanee Real Estate PORTLAND HOME, modem 6 rma. exceL E. side diet, for Salem prop. Box 35, Statesman. 347 A, STOCKED equipped. SO A. in crop. Good house, 2 bams, 40 ton of hay, some stock. Will trade for Salem. 10 A mt from Oregon City. 4 R. house, clear, trade for small hse. or prop, around Salem. A. C. JENSEN 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3414 1$ ACRES, 4-oom house. 6 miles out In Polk county. To trade for Sa lem property. Will assume a mortgage. F. It WEIR. 213 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 9411. SELL OR TRADE 26 A. farm, good land, modem house, barn, filling sta tion building. Fine for poultry and cows. Fasy terms. On 99E 1 mile north of Jefferson. Ore. J. J. hum. xrij-Lru-Li-Mn.ru i- - - EXCHANGE 4 -bedroom house in a good district near high and grade schools. Want smaller house. See ' ALFRED DUMBECK, 147 N. Com 1 St itatvhv vrR WRST SALEM 24 acres, 6 miles from Dallas, 6 room house, barn, chicken house. About 13 acre timber, 4 acres good variety orchard. Dallas city delivery service to door. Bee Mr. Bart let t with CHILDS 4t MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9241 ic irnrs AS mltlvated. good - 6 room house, fair other buildlnga $100 per acre. Part cash or tirade for coast ranch. 145 acres, not much cleared. 70 acres level bottom land, very good soil. $3000; $200$ loan can be assumed. Will take cheap property In trade. 20 acres good big oak timber, ; 3 roora house, good well, otc $1000 ar will trade for city or suburban. . 100 acres good land, good buildings, good fences. $6500, part cash. Owner will carry balance easy terma WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE ; 1S7 S. JUberty -rrl- 50 ACRES, stocked and equipped. 6-room house on good market road H mile from school. $ miles from Woodburn. Will take smaller property. No cash needed. F. H. WEIR, 212 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 941L Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO lease furnished or unfurnished hotel or apt house, or buy furniture lesse bldg. Box 37, Statesman. HAVE ANOTHER cash buyer that will pay cash for a 4 or S R. house. Must be worth the money asked. F.'H. WEIR. 242 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 WILLING TO pay cash for small house in N. Salem near Jason Lee church. P. O. Box 214. Salem.' XV 4 "V-T- TO Kt,v K S m Vir.il. $150 down, good monthly pymt on Dat P. U. .box 123, .saiem. Ftr Salf Farms FEDERAL' IAND bank farms Priced right Terma See W. S. Bart lett secretary treasurer. 21$ Oregon ixilidln Phone 7127 4 MI. NORTH.. 4 A. all In cult 5 R. hse., oil heat, elec. water system. Good barn, ch cken hse.. lots or walnuts. grapes & berries. Will take some trade in Salem. Priced $4500. CARLETON E. LANE. 257 Pacific Highway, cor ner Claxter Rd. Ph. 4075. sTn-i-r t." a r? -t tm orcm Titeni for beef. Creek. nrinn Kpw liin-roof barn, abundance of feed. 10,000 cords of wood. All for $3200 11000 rash. Action I SEE H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street Tel. 6744 31000 WILL handle one of the best lt5 A. farms In valley. 110 cultivated. Creeks, electricity, plumbing, - SO A. clover. A real diversinea xarm. im mediate nossesslox Some fine A. suburban places. Easy terma Also 4 A. tracts near Garden road. $10 down, 310 per mo. Good buy. House -In good . location. $1500 ; $125 down and $15 per month. Let me try to sell your property. I will do my best city or country. It C. Shields. Oregon Bldg. Plu 8902. 30 ACRES, 4 miles out 4 -room house, bam, room for IS tons of hay and 6 head of cowa Hog house, hen house, large garage, water supply house- with larae nressura tank. 4 A. of logan and vouns berries. 4 A. of strawberries and soma gooseberries, a few young cherry trees, 3H A. of prunes, H A. timber for home use. WUI - trade for Salens property. The owner, a widow, and cannot run this farm. The farm la rented next year subject to sale, part cash and a share of the crop. Expect about $450 to $550 cash rent next year. The purchaser can take over this lease with the farm which provides $15 per month for the buildings besides a share out of the crop a F. H. WEIR, $12 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 941L 23 ACRES, 9 miles northwest Sa lent 4fc -mile south Soring Valley school. . 7-room modem house, new nam, garage, other buildings. 7 A. prunea $3750. Other bargains. B. A. Kims, ueeunnriue. . " - -.- i( 1 1 . 1 1 ir-iio n ri n m.n.ri.r MUST SELL on account of slcknesa 2$ seres, 13 acres in cultivation, some fruit and berries, 3-room house, elec tric lights, small bam. weU and creek. $1400. Cash $300, balance ' like rent - 3 acres close in with a good 4 -room house, bam, chicken house, some fruit Will trade for 40-60 acres near Tamer. 49 acres all in - cultivation good buildings, electric lights and water system, grade B dairy, 8 cowa, team. all machinery and feed for the winter. WUI trade for Salem or West Salem property. Two farms for cash rent HO STEIN ft ADOLPH, INC UOtt N. Commercial St - i -1 TsrsMai ijjts'xrxfxrjxr " GENERAL FARM 140 acres, 11 miles from S II vert on on pavement 100 acres summer fa! lowed and ready to drill In to fall crops, 40 acres pasture with shade and running water. Family fruit and nuts. 6-room residence with bath, toilet and pressure water system, electricity available.. Large bam, hog and poultry houses, double garage. Price, with Im mediate possession. ,311.000. Terma 83000 cash, balance long time easy loan. Will take in 33000 home In Sa lem - or - lata model automobile . or small acreage. SEE CLIFFORD HAROLD With N. J. Lindgren 176 8. High 80 ACRES N. on 99 highway. Practl cally aU cultivated, large, house and barn, electricity. Fine location for highway stand, very low at $100 per acre. . Terms, or take house in Salem Tor part C. J. JACKSON. $41 SUte Street For Salt; Farms FARM SACRIFICE 33$ ACRES "OF good land located N. an the Pacific highway, nearly all under Plow, good bull dings, an ideal location. Price reduced to $59 per acre for IMMEDIATE SALE. See this bargain today, tomorrow may be too late. W. It GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS -- 134 BV Liberty St Phone $418. 16 ACRES. 8 miles of Salem on paved road. 6-room . bouse. - barn, fruit and nuts, electric water system. $3300. Terms. 49 acrea new 6-room house, barn. electric water system. 6 A. timber. balance Willamette soli under cultl- vat Ion. $4500. Terms. ' 130 acrea. 5 in cultivation, good buildings, spring' water system, creek. paved road, fruit and nuts.. With or without equipment Will take part In trade. I R. A. FORKNER - It T. UEBER J 1453 N. Capitol Street 2H ACRES on Hollywood drive! 6-room plastered house with modern conveniences, beautifully landscaped grounds, fine variety of ' family fruit. good barn, and large - chicken house. trice just reduced to $3500. 10 A. in large bearing walnuts cher ries, some filberts, family fruit grape and berries. Good deep soli with per4 feet drainage on two good roads and Just off east 99 super-highway. - 4 room plastered house wtth electricity; flnewelt Near achooL This is a real buy at $5000. . ' 13 A. near Salem In fine suburban district 9 A. m bearing fruit and nuta Good 5-roora house, floored attic, mod em conveniences. Well furnished with eiectric range, electric hot water heat er, Frigldalre. washing machine and rurniture sufficient to be well equip ped. Owner is leaving Oregon and will sell completely storked and equipped for 34250. Will also sell unfurnished. Winnie PETTYJOHN. Realtor i 4f7 Court Street - j 10 ACRES. $ cultivated. 4 -room house. $750; $160 down, balance $12 per month. . i 20 acres all cultivated. Bulldinea Equipped for chickens. Electric water system. Can be Irrigated. 2300. Small down paynrtent easy on balance. S3 acres. 30 cultivated. River bot tom lend. Can Irrigate. Good buildings. On pavement Electric, routes, etc $4500; $2400 down. Will trade for smaller or larger farm. 19 acres, nearly all cultivated. Soma berries and fruit 1M acres timber pasture. $2500; $500 down. Will trade ror town nouse or lease farm. Win assume. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATES ! 117 S. Liberty Acreage 723 A. SO. SALEM. 123 A. cult. good for stock, dairy or subdivision. $25 per A. Mrs. Canoa, 645 Ferry St, Salem. - i 8250 DOWN t BAL. $16.54 PER month will buy this 6 acres located 4 miles out cheap buildings, well, electricity, good road. near schoot Price 3 1 f u. Immediate possession. TV. H. UK A BEXMOHST CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. ACREAGE WITH INCOME i Unfinished service station. Pacific highway location. Room for cabins. 1 A. timber, modern bungalow, fireplace. 26 A. In alt Can keep cowa chickens, plga Total 33650. Very easy terms. J. W. BRASHER - i 1113. High St McKlUop Real Estate 200 ACRES. Sell or trade for Salem property. 30 A. plow, balance pasture and. timber. Good saw timber and some piling. No buildings. 810 per A. Small down payment 260 A. plow and pasture, balance good saw timber. 3 houses, 1 new. New barn for 30 cows. 2 large creeks thru place. Black loam. H down, then yearly S000. E. H. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. 1 ACRE. Si mile from Salem. Good soil. 1300. Two acres 8500, and 9 acres 3133.33 per A. Nice building site. 27 A., 2 miles from Salem. 4 A. bearing cherries. 5 A. timber, 6-room house, barn, double garace. chicken house, fenced, stock and tools. 11509. MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor ! 725 Court Street Phone 3723 ACRE, block from city limits, Englewood district City telephone. schools, lights, gas, bus. 110 ft. east frontage. $500. Easy terma Owner, route 7. box 1811. ACREAGE ? acrea sma.ll house, on pavement 91000. 4 V, acrea large house, barn. fruit etc. Price 12200. H acre with 2-room houee, $600: 1100 cash. See ALFRED DUMBECK. 147 N. Com'l St IMMEDIATE POSSESSION W . . . . I . e-acre iraci. (iwu i-ruura uuuse wiui shower and toilet electric water sys tem. Bus service, close to good school and community center. This la a real buy for $3500. easy terms. Will ac cept some cltv trade. ; See Mrs. Elite with i CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors : 344 State Street Phone 9261 HERE'S TOUR CHANCE To get a well Improved 6-acre tract on reasonable terma 6-room house, barn, poultry house and garage. An buildings new. House has bath, built' in kitchen and electric pressure water system. This would - make a good poultry farm. Price $3250 with $500 down, balance 25 per month. See Mr. Bartlett with ' CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 A REAL SNAP 14 acres of excellent soil, bounded by two good roads, old buildings, loca ted about S mllea north. Price $1350 cash. Tou will like the soil and loca tion. SEE IT NOW. i W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO..! Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone $468 ' Riiitiness Onnortnnitien ' SUPER SERVICE at a t la n best equipped In Salem gallonaere rental Tel. 7838. APARTMENT HOUSE i I APTS- ALL furn. Also $ R. apt, for owner. Will sell on terma or good reduction for cash. Only 6 bUra from Ladd ft Bush. ' CARLETON E. LANE. 257 Pacific Highway. Comer Claxter Rd. Ph. 4076 GROCERY. 81050 cash. Grocery and confectionery, 31200 cash.. Restaurant, 31760 terms. Beer parlor. $1500. cash. Cafe, hlghwsy, SI25 casn. E. IL STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 313 Oregon Bldg. GOOD - INCOME. Small . apartment building. Extra apace for bungalow. Owner, 151V N. 31st ssmaaMSsSa,ssaaswsaaarfsaSWsaai MAKE TOUK wife your business partner. If you are tired of your pres ent means of Ivellhood and have some business experience and $2000 capital. here Is a wonderful opportunity to operate your own retail store, employ ing aa entirely new method of mer chandising where-prof its are nnususlly large. Others making wonderful su evsa. Tour bank, has our financial rating. Address box IS. care Statesman. STORE, GA8 station and camp ground on main highway. Price only $1750. Must be sold by October 13. sieoo essn. see. ALFRED DUMBECK. 147 X. Comt St aBSsjssgSassssssitSkaSSasSkassjtsssaksssaaestsjpeB 1 9100 ACRES. . Center street 4 corners. Good business site. 309 ft front on Center and on Portland road. $1$ mo. Including Interest $209 down. EL H. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 318 Oregon Bldg. : HOME WITH INCOME Well built 9-roocn bouse. " Would make 4 apts. or can be used for board and room. Large lot Room for small cottage. High class district $2500, J. W. BRASHER 118 8. High St McKlUop Real Estate Fur Sale Used Cars Sumptuoii3 New Luxury You Look NEW PLYMOUTH for 13S Now on Display at . j SAOSRI AIJTO Co. LISTED BELOW ARE SOME TRADE-INS ON THESE GLAMOROUS ! NEW CARS !. 1937 Plvffiouth DeLuxe (13.909 miles runs like new.) 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Via.to roues j. xooks lute new. 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Low mileage a beauty. 1936 DeSofo Custom Sedan.......... All DeSoto famous features 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan..!... Truly a bargain at our price. NEVER HAVE WE HAD SUCH USED CAR VALUES SEE THEM MONDAT ... OUR ADDRESS - 435 N. Commercial Street WEEK. END SPECIALS I ; . - ' - ; . ' - . . .". i These Cars in Exceptionally Fine Condition LOOK THEM OVER I 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe 4 -Door T wring Sedan, heater, radio, low mileage $75.00 Plymouth DeLuxe - 4-Door Touring Sedan, heater, a dandy . CS.ee Dodge DeLuxe Business Coupe, looks and runs like new ; 5 40 Chevrolet Master 2-L)oor Touring Sedan, heater, low mileage, see it 575.00 Plymouth DeLuxe Business Coupe, dual horns, etc . 525.90 Chrysler Royal R. S. Coupe. 4 wheels, good paint, rubber 225.04 Chevrolet t-Door Sedan, motor, rebuilt new T"1"f 275 Ford Victoria Coupe, rebuilt motor, new pain 15 00 Oakland 3-Door Sedan, new pa'nt 115 00 Chrysler 7$ 4 -Door jt 0s Ford Coupe . t5 0 1937 1937 1937 1936 1933 1932 1931 1929 1929 199 TERMS OPEN EVENINGS W. L. ANDERSON INC. DeSOTO - PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS 340 Marlon Street Kiiftineit Opimrtnnilies PAYING SUBURBAN grocery, con fectionery and drtnka Living Quarters. J. W. BRASHER ; 11$ S. High St McKlUop Real Estate For Sale Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 137913. FIR. OAK. ash. Graea, 6370. Al DRT OLD FIR. $5.60. Ph. $354 GOOD. DRT wood. TeL 4 365. Bole. OLD FIR. $. Ashcraft . 33$$. NO. 1 1 4-1 . old fir. $5. 4-rt 2nd growth. $4. Ph. 9458.- DRT WOOD. RL 7, Box 178. 9754. NICE DRT 4. ft 2nd growth fir wood, delivered. $4. Sawed, , $4.50. Phone 44. . -- DRT BLK. Lge. Id. $5.0Q- Ph. 4832. MILL CITY Manufacturing Co. hea vy dry slab wood.' $1.50. per cord. : DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9360. ALL KINDS 16-ln. 2nd gwttu. $4.50 cd. in 3-cd. lots. 23S0 Broadway. : OAK. ASH, fir. $5.75-$4. deL 9703. DRY 14 IN. ash. Ph. 2F4. NO .1 dry old fir $3.25 1 cord. $5.00 more than one. Call 8670... GOOD DRT 4 ft second growth, 3 cord lots, $12. TeL 7S60. IVrMina lONCI tt a-IIUTHWIIII IT neart, husband, -wife for you. Box it Angeies, SPIRITUAL ADVICE on aU prob lems of life. TeL 4502. PSTCHOU ADV. Mrs. Martin. 4460. VIA VI MRS. Peart. Upson, local dealer: 898 S. 12th St WANTED ORIGINAL poems, songs, for immediate consideration. Send poems to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd, Dept E28, Toronto, Can. Bus in e s s Cards In tnto directory ran on monthly basis only Half t $31 per line1 per month. An to Brakes Mike Panek, 37$ South CommarcteL BarbCT Shops EARL'S BARBER shop now located at 856$. Portland read. All modern haircuts 25c Op. Fairgrounds eat Bicycle BICYCLICS.. NEW and recondttloaod. Harry W Wtt 14T S. Cosa'L Pn. 441$ Body & Fender Repair FOR Bf IDT A FENDER Repairs. Ante Trun. Seat Covera Class replacement Auto Pstatlng 8KB the nemri Owens Co. 334 S Conn. St Ph $l$8 Cblrnnev Sweep rKLEPHtN 446a. a C Norths Chimney sweep. Tree topping.' P. $227. Chiropractor OR. a L, SCOTT. PSC CM re praetor. 286 N. High. TeL Rea $618. Excavating EXCAVATING OF an lrtada Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved Dirt for aala Salear Sand and Gravel, Co Phone 946$. , . - 'i Florists Brelthaspra, 447 Court Phono 6994. W. SA LEM Florists, 1449 BMge water. Lime GOLD HHX lime 9$. Wa deliver te farm. 824 K. CommerctaL TeL 3838. Laundries THR NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WsUDKR LAUNDRT $4$ SL HigJfe TeL 818$ For Sale- Ummi Cars and Beauty Wherever in the Sedan ... .........-$675.00 .-......-$595.06 ..........$525.00 ........$645.ob $375.00 Coupe.... Sedan.... overdrive. Open Evenings TRADES Phone 7703 '- -- -i-i-n-ii-irin.ri. S tudebalier Must Sell or Take Small Car in Trade 36 STUDEBAKER DeLUXE TOUK . ING SEDAN Original dark blue finish. Interior spotless. Lots of . extras. . Radio, heater, new U. S. Royal tires. Driven only 21,009 ; mllea Can arrange easy terms. 935 Columbia St. "37 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR D,Lut Sedan. Heater, radio, dual equipment $625. Standard service, 12th Mis sion. REPOSSESSED 1SS FORD V-8 De Luxe Coupe, new tires, excellent mo tor. Pick up back payments and com plete contract Rm. 201. First Nation al Bank BuUdlng or phone 4446. - 34-Hi -TON INTERNATIONAL exc. motor. WUI re-rubber. 11 95 N. 14th. i 37 BUICK 4 -door sedan. Radio and heater. Take light car and cash. Make offer. Box 46. care Statesman. BARGAIN. 32 Hudson sedan, A-l. Phone 7820. j NEARLT NEW big log truck tk trailer, on good winter hauL Take $700 dn. or trade $1000 equitv for late car 4 $200 cash. Write SZi Town send Ave. Th. $032. i Wood Sawins i WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 5833 lost anil Found i -LOST BLUE purse. Initial JI Moneyt driv. lie, key a Ph. 766S. Eer. LOST On Center St Ted Cocker, license 201 reward. Phone 72F3. ; FOUND PEN and pencil set Phone 8724. i D i rectory Mattresses SALEM FLU FF- MOO and Mattrw Factory. NEW MATTRESS snade re order, old remade carpet cleaning. t tag; fluff rag weaving 8. 13th A Wit bur. TeL 844 L OTTO F. ZWiCKEK. isiu a i CAPITOL BEDDING CO. phone 40C3. Printing FOR STATION KRT earda pamohieta. scagianm books, or- any kind of print inc. call The Statesman Printing De partment 316 - B. Commercial. Tele 8101. Radi- S-rvice Loo la da Buy. 466 Belmont Ph. 47TS. Sawdust Barriers MONKS SAWDUST St bog fuel burn era. 253 Port land Rd. -Ph. 8618-4.63. Taxidermist E. E. WIGGINS. roL N. Pac hwy. Transfer CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 6 State St TeL 1778. Distributing. or wardlng and at ora go oar specialty. Get our rates, FOR LCAL or distant transfer st.r age. borner 4L rail 8131. l-H-raee Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. - . Trucking j ORE-WASH. Interstate trucking. Ph. 33 FS. Salem. Roy WUJljuna. DIRECT TO-COAST dally. Ph. 7054. Well Drilling T R. A. WEST. t t. Bs 448 T. I14F8. Chester J. Pugb 8138 Myrtle.' 913 4. Wet Basements GUARANTKED "BONaVDRT by the Seal Seep Service, applied rnsM Kor Intsnnallott call Gardner. 84T8. ReC. ROCKTITE WATERPROOFING, any kind masonry, outside or In. wet or dry. Guaranteed. Ret Ph. 7523. 726 Locust Wood Sawim? WOOD SAWING. HUke Bros. 5122.