Secretaries of 'YWCA -Here on Tuesday Three distinguished guests to be in the capital Tuesday and Wedaesday of this week as guests 'of the local Young Women's Christian association are three of the national YWCA secretaries a volunteer , leadership training conference at. the local TW. They Include: Mis. Juua capen .secretary for leaner- ship training;. Misa Helen Flack, advisory secretary for the north- ullg wiU be mustrated by a large ! Jeaslf OK1"01. Salem, j west; Miss Elsie Harper, special- : grop Gf f jne prints , of master District meetings In each of the let on tfie economic problems of plejea art. Members, students six districts into which the Ore the YWCA. . and friends of the art center are gon Federation of Women's Clubs All members of the association . including board or committee members,: active members and club advisers are asked to attend this conference. These women are conducting a series of conferences in the northwest. The leaders will discuss what the YWCA is. re- aponsibilities and work of the board, membership policies, f unc- tering of committees and work of the members. :Fu11 Program The schedule for the two-day Francisco and D. S. Defenbacher. conference is as follows: Tuesday, advisers to the art project are al io to 12 a.m.; talks and discus- 80 Pted to visit Salem soon. aions by Miss Capen, Miss Flack and Miss Harper; informal buffet luncheon at the YW at 12:30 p.m. Continuation of the .morn- lng meeting will be held all after- noon and in the evening at 8 o'clock there will be a leadership discussion group for girl and adnlt loader nf h FraWa s-iuh hie-h school Girl Reserves and those who cannot attend the sessions during the day. . Wednesday morning from 10 trt is vwv th an nominating committees will meet with Miss Flack and Miss Capen. At the same time the public af- far nTnmUi. wjn rZwt ifh uu.M.rnor a finaiiM mmmiitM meeting will be held in the after noon at 1:30 o'clock to be fol lowed by a steering committee at 3 p.m. Those planning to attend the luncheon are to phone the YWCA by noon Monday. Colored Slides to Be Shown at Garden Club An interesting program has been arranged for the Salem Gar den club meeting Monday night at the Chamber of Commerce at eigm o ciock. .von-memoer guesis are coraiany lnvuea to attena and a small guest fee is charged Following a short business meet ing brief horticultural talks will be given, on the digging and stor age of bulbs and tubers. Mr. L. E. Weeks, prominent grower, will talk on gladioli and Mr. Charles A. Cole of the state department-of agriculture, will dis cuss summer bulbs. s Miss Edith Schryver will give an illustrated talk with 100 col ored slides of Portland gardens and beautiful plant material. The slides are lent to the Salem club by .the Portland, Garden club. There will be a display of fall flowers such, as dahlias, annuals, and fall hardy asters. Everyone Is invited to bring an arrange ment of flowers. CLUB CALENDAR . i Monday, October 3 Daleth Teth Gimel Mother's club, Lausanne hall at 2 o'clock." AuxiLiary of Townsend club No. 12 meet with Mrs. Agene tha Wiens, 1431 North Cot tage, 2 p.m. Wesleyan Service Guild of Jason Lee church meet with Mrs. Glenn Frum, 1305 North Cottage,' 8 p.m. Auxiliary to Sons of Union fVeerans with Mrs. L. D. Wa terman, 1307 Hines, 2 p.m. Sigma Nu Delphian Study group meet in fireplace room of public library, 2 p.m. , American Legion auxiliary meet at Fraternal Temple, 8 p.m. Salem Garden club meeting at Chamber of Commerce, 8 p.m. Tuesday.' October 4 Laurel Social Hour club with Irs. E. C. Weatherby, Glenn Creek Road, 2 p. m. Dakota club meet at Episco pal Parish house, 6:30 p. m. Delta Zeta alumnae meet with Mrs. B. L. Bradley, Wal do Ave., 8 p.m. Centralia Temple, Pythian Sisters social evening, 8 p.m. ; American War Mothers reg slar monthly business meet ing at American Lutheran church, 2 p.m. - ' I Yomarco Sunday school class of First Methodist church ms)t with. Mrs. Harry. Swafford, 10 South 17th, 2:30 p.m. i Salem Music Teachers asso ciation with Mrs. Mabel S. Powers, 1256 Court, 7:45 p.m. '. Artisans Woman's club meet ing with Mrs. J. E. Reay, 577 Knapp, 12:30 luncheon, busi ness meeting to follow. Salem General hospital aux ; lllary meet at Chamber of Com merce, 10 a.m. Chamwick chapter, . Eastern Star meet at Masonic Temple, - 8 p.m. Else Ebsen "" Drama group meet with Mrs. W. J. Minkie witx; 1596 Chemeketa, 2:15 p.m. ' ' - ' .' - Wednesday, October 5 Ladles auxiliary to carpen ters, card party at Cherry City auditorium, 8 p.m. Woman's Home Missionary society of First Methodist church meet in Carrier-Room, 2:15 p.m. AAUM Literature group meet with Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, 379 Richmond, 7:45 p.m. Thursday, October P.L.E. and F. club meet with Mrs. Mabel Peck, 1840 North Cottage, 8 p.m. Artisans Lodge, Capitol As sembly No. 84 meet at Fratern al temple, 8 p.m. Unitarian Women's Alliance meet with Mrs. W. E. Ander son, 1677 Court, 2:30 p.m. . Hayesrllle Woman's club with Mrs. W. McMelleon, 1:00: : PsUU .. On Monday evenlngat eight o' clock the art center presents a lecture on art appreciation by lecture on art annreciauon dt trw.n w,,r., tf iu t70nl oreVfor art am ciation. Miss Koken Is touring the : anl thU la her first an- ' ""S - ar 3 "a? ""r"-J: invited Admission is free. : Word has j been received that Dr. Burt Brown Barker, state di rector of the federal art Project and vice-president of the Univer- gity of Oregon, has returned from an extended i visit and research abroad. Dr. Barker worked dUi- tentlv to start the Salem Art cen ter. but found it necessary to leave last' spring before the formal op- ening, Joseph Danysh of San The e x h I hi t lo n of students works which has aroused consid- erable Interest is receiving fur- ther explanation- this and next week through a series of talks and lectures by the center staff. Val Clear, director, talked at length about educational policies at a meeting of the board of directors Friday evening, and gave a gal- lery talk to a number of keenly interested wives of members of the State Bar association Satur- day morning. Planned for this week is a opecial evening for par- eatsoniy. of children who attend ed the summer school, and anoth er for teachers in the public school system. On Tuesday a lec ture will be given to the Dallas Women's club. -The center will soon be offer- lng Its s e r v 1 c es to interested groups and clubs in the surround ing area. Contacts are being made to supply lectures, exhibitions and teaching services to community clubs and schools. This is in ad dition to the plans made for es tablished branch are centers. Ad ditional towns where impetus is under way to start centers include quille and Klamath FaUs After the; exhibition of school work is over it Is planned -to ex hibit at each school work done by the public school students. Since only about fifty paintings could be shown out of nearly a thou sand done, this will give a better opportunity for parents and chil dren to seo each student's work. New exhibitions opening Octo ber 9 include a one man show by John Dominique of Canby, Ore- ton, and an extensive exhibition of Mayan art. John Dominique is more widely known for his work: in the east nd n California than, iocauy ami me center is giaa to present to resiaents nis landscape paintings. He studied at the Port- land Art museum, later at the oau rrauciscu xuamuic w au, me Oris. Art institute, and the Santa Barbara School of Art. He has had one-man shows in Portland, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Los Angelas, and has participated in numerous natnal exhibitions. The first radio program to be sponsored by the Oregon Feder- ation of Womens clubs will be Friday, October 7, over station KOAC at !2 p.m. Mrs. Ronald Craven of Salem is "chairman of r. - - T , . i. . t corrections for the state feder- ation and will interview Mr.. J. S. ; Murray, finger-print expert at the state penitentiary. The federation will sponsor programs every Friday over KOAC through out the winter months. 3Irs. Wallace Wharton, Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Mrs. Carl H. Cover and Mrs. George W. Ritte man will be in Portland Monday to attend the first fall meeting of the Portland Women's Army and 7 Navy league at the Town club. Tea will, be served late in the af ternoon, i A supper honoring the Salem women and a few addition- ai guests win oe neia in me ev ening at the home of Mrs. Merritt Henshaw in Laurelhurst. j a " 111 , t . , Chadwick chapter No. 37, Or der of the Eastern Star will meet Tuesday evening, October 4, in the Masonic temple for a regular business meeting. Mrs. Belle Nlles Brown, wormy matron, ana tiar- ,- mi : . hi uia rmuipiie, wormy, pmrou wui preside. A invitation is extended to all Eastern Star members to at- tead the meeting. Artisans lodge,. Capitol Assem bly No. 84, will hold a business meeting Thursday night at the Fraternal Temple at 8 p.m. There will be initiation of several candi dates, and refreshments will be served. ; . j .;, ! -: Irs. Barry Swafford will en ter tain members of the Yomarco Sunday school class of the First Methodist I church Tuesday after- neon wiin an mionnw pw her home.' 190 South 17th street at 2:30 o'clock. Assisting hostess- es will be Mrs. L. S. Covert and Mrs. Leona Johnson. , Mr. and Mrs. j,i jj 3Ullarl are entertaining as their guests today at Newport, Swafford, their beach home at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Covert and Mr Foley. ; and Mrs. J. D. ; Mrs. C.?L. Newman will irfve m book review at the first fall meet - h. sirm. Mn Ttolnhian study group which wUl meet in Pubi raV Monday afternoon- .t 2 o'clock., j Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Allen Cook are receiving congratula- tiens on the birth of a son at the Salem General hospital. Wed- .mHit fintAtnh 211 . This is Eeir second chili , Airs. ! Peterson Announces New Appointments - Mrs. Harold D. Peterson, presi dent of the Oregon Federation of "Women's Clubs, ; la announcing several additional appointments at this v time: Decent of American home, Mrs. James W. Gamwell, Powers,' Ore.; department of education, di- vision of conservation of j natural - T T- . resuuitra, iuro, xjvc utteui)Ui i, Portland: division of public safe- tr. Mrs. M. H. La Mont. Portland: . . i n 'J waier ana waterways, ra- ? D: Remple; The Dalles; - VL DI uiubic,. airs, mara, Corvallis; division of poetry. Mrs. has divided the state will! be held during t the month of Qctober. ; Leading the month's meetings f rOcrfi al ie. Clubs of the third district will meet at Sandy October 110 and district two will meet at Newport October IS. The fourth i district will meet at Rogue River Octo- ber 20. The sixth district has not yet et a definite date. Mfs. Har- old I D. Peterson, state president. will be guest speaker at most of these district meetings. ese aisirici meetings. i The women's clubs of tie third ! m i -11 .. ! uisuiii. wju uiwi m u u-u; session at Sandv on October 10 session at Sandy on October 10 with the Sandy Woman's club as hostess club. Marion, Polk Clack- amas.' Washington, Clatsop. Tllla- mook, Columbia, Yamhill and Multnomah counties comprise this district. 1 1 Denartment and division' chair- men in Marion county include Miss Harriet Long, Salem, library ! service; Mrs. J. Harry Moran. Sa-1 lem, legislation; Mrs. A. P. Solie, ! Silverton. press and publicity: ; Mrs. Ronald Craven. Salem, cor-1 rections; Mrs. Jessie Singleton, Salem, poetry; and Mrs. George I R. : K. Moorhead, Salem, health. public Mrs. Parker Hostess I for Bridge Luncheon Mrs. C. W. Parker entertained with a smartly arranged affair Wednesday afternoon at her Cen- ter street residence In compli-J ment to her house guest, Mrs, r Mm " T. H. Mehl of Mabel, Ore., who visited in the capital the first of the week and will return on Mon day for several days. A 1:30 o'clock luncheon was served by the hostess and guests were seated at one long table j centered with a bouquet of au-; tumn blooms. Other bouquets of j fall ; flowers were arranged about the guest rooms. I ' Several hours of cards followed - the luncheon and Mrs. A. j A. Sie-j wert;won high score and a guest j prise was given to MrsL Mehl. Assisting the hostess during the i afternoon were Mrs. A. A. Sie-i wert, Mrs. E. M. Hoftnell and Mrs. H. G. Smith. Covers were placed for :Mrs. T. i H. Mehl, Mrs. Harry R. Worth, Mrs. t Luther Jensen, Mrs. Glenn ! Paxsou, Mrs. "Harry V. Collins. Airs, .harles A.eSprague, Mrs. George Waters, Mrs. C. B, McCul- lough, Mrs. John Beakey, Mrs. ? Frank G. Mvera. Mrs. H o smith i . Air. Albert A. Slewert, Mrs. Ed-i win ,M. Hoffnell, Mrs. Roy H. MiU3 and Mr8 CW Parker. . , r,. yv7ii a m Igll Will Appear on paramount gerieg , j Perhaps one ; of the i greatest; singers to appear in Portland ; this season will be Benlamino Gigll, "the second Caruso," who opens the "four star" Paramount concert series at the Paramount theatre on Monday evening, Oc- tober 17th. Gigll has not sung in America since 1932; but re turns to the United States late this month to launch his con-; cert tour which will bring him to the Pacific coast for an en gagement with the San Francis co Opera association In San Francisco and Loa Anrelea. His first concert will be on October 2 over a nationwide radio hook-' up. - i Following his London appear-; ance last spring, Gigll ! received neth Murdock, 379 Richmond the unanimous plaudits of all erenue, at 7:45 p.m. BootT re the London papers. A few of the: Tiews on current literature will excerpts are: "Gigll is the rare ka sMvpti thla vear to be followed thing the Italian tenor of the 1 . . . f . r . legend the golden- voice. His lightest utterance told." Lon don Daily Telegraph. "Gigll was evidently the Prime attraction to the large audience, and he made the most of each; lyrical outburst. Indeed, "E luceJ van le stelle" so far exceeded even the reputation of his sram ophone record, that a repetition was inevitable, and even the gal . .... . . iery unwillingly let the opera ... """""" i uigjis reception wai wrrmc, A succession of curtain were made amid tremendous ap plause at the end of each , act,' and then at the final curtain, a tumultous outburst of enthusl asm."- Aberdeen Press ft Jour . 1 , ;na.i The Paramount "Four Star" concert series under the of William B. McCurdy will also Vv' include Josef Hofman, zart Boys' Choir .and (Grace Moore. Seats may he had now at the box office of the JJ K Gill Company. -n. ix.- rt..i.. ! , v churcn wJU meet in the Carrier jroom at SjIS nvirw-v k. - vt . - I Mrs. Hannah Martin wiU speak - nn -.a J.. i- x'-j uinauic, iu w wvwu yu m u e in De r. ah executive ooara meeii lng wUl be held at 1:45 o'clock and tea will be served late la the afternoon. The first meeting or the season for the Salem General! hospital the seas auxQiary .tlir bs heldj Tuesday ! mo V10 clocfcL Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. T. A; Livesley, president, will preside, j tl CElocr? ; l OEIOEO 1 v . a7T 0. S Salem by Us Oilf. ACKLLN BOOTERV a w men et ; I "w " " The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, In the Valley Social Realm . U"?V. ATJMSVILLE The ' Women' Thay" rWSff ielde first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Bland Speer. The house was made beautiful with 1. m - .UJIaII if 4'6 uuimri wi . pastel shades. A lace covered table centered with gladioli and u .niA. --; "a m serving xae gnesis. Roll call responses were po- .. .nri yAtT.JL .l..n K mJrn- ems uU ruwg j bers and guests. At the business meeting the women decided to arrange a program for the pub- lie v Tn tarA Mnv fami t a KsX. ing planned for the late fall. Women present for the afternoon 3, 5, V, , Mr"1 w5in' a r. ? P. Otto. Mrs. William Mrs. William Howd. Mrs. D. A. Lowe. Mrs. Fred Pot- ter, Mrs. O...A. Lesley, Mrs. Luta Mr. Elton Thompson, tickets; Mrs. the uble appolntmenU with Fuson, Mrs; Bess Ransom, Mrs. Glen Seely, membership; Mrs. blu and silver color scheme. 4n Ernest Towle, Mrs. T. C. Moun- Karle He ad rick, oress- Mrs dividual umbrellas were given as tain and the hostess, Mrs. Bland Speer. CTf VPDTflW I.nrtlA Qlra If o bride-elect of Edward King, was ""i""" vi " honored at a" gift party Thursday nlrht vhon Mi W. P. Rparth n -c -- -- , iitertained with guests including Eastern Star officers and courtesy girls, A buffet supper was served. The Uble was centered by a bride and groom arranged under an orange klmoAin aroh Dnu, anil ana TV. dragons were also used in the din- fnr ronm with ha.arpta of autumn iDK room with baskets of autumn flowers in the living rooms. Invited were Miss Skaife. Elaine Clower, Mrs. Lee Alfred, Mrs. James Hollingsworth. Mrs. Ger- trude Slade Cameron. Mrs. Roy Skaife. Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. Errol Ross, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester. Miss Olivia DeGuire, Carol Van Cleave, Mrs. William Swift, Mrs. Edward Ekman. Mrs. W. R. Tom- ison, ma uaroia. airs, vtauac? Cochran, Mrs. Elgin McOeary, Mrs. C. D. Service, Mrs. R. A. Fish, Mrs. Dale Lamar, and Phyl lis Skaife. f r INDEPENDENCE Activities -will beKin at the Indenendence Wn-.ii. .ink Fi..j,. 0 " y" Z. ' " " Members present were Flor-tobei-4. at one o clock with the ence WaHace. Mrs. Floyd White, president s luncheon. Berndette Broor. T.nctilA starker. The new officers taking charge are: Mrs. B. F. Swope, presi dent; Mrs. Ira D. Mix first vice president; Mrs. Paul E. Robin son, second vice president; Mrs. C. A. Fratzke, secretary; and Mrs. A. B. Robinson, treasurer, The - hostesses for Tuesday's luncheon will be Mrs. C.. O. Sloper, Mrs. F. B. Schofield and Mrs. H. N. Mattison. Many interesting and at tractive meetings have been ar ranged by the program commit tee: Mrs. W. A. BarnUm, Mrs. Melford Nelson, and Mrs. Lester Dyer. The Woman's club will meet the first and third Tuesday of each month. RICKEY Mrs. N. C Hubbs Chase will be and Mrs. D. C. loint hostesses to members of . . . . r .a the Daleth Teth Glmel Mothers club Monday afternoon, October 3, at Lausanne hall at 2 o'clock. Plans for furnishing a room on the campus for the Daleth Teth Glmel girls and the year's club work will be discussed at the business session. Mrs. Nor man Shaw will preside. SHELBURN Miss Arlene Dar by, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darby will, on Wed nesday evening become the bride of A H orthner of Saskatche- wan. Canada. Arlene has spent her entire life in this community and Is a recent graduate of Simpson Bible Institute of Seattle ' where she met Mr. Orthner. The couple will reside in Kindersley where he Is a minister. , The AAUW Literature group will begin its fall classes on Wed nesdaV at the home of Mrs. Ken hv round table discussions. Miss jiia Johnson will review "Horse .... and Buggy Docto" by Arthur Hertzer at the meeting Wednes day. a a a Centralia Temple, Pythian Sis ters will hold a social evening Tuesday at 8 o'clock honoring Mrs. Pearl "Kinzer who was re- onttv Cn nr,mA Rnirfl of tne pytblan si,ters at the nation- j al Prthian convention held in and Knirhts Mrs. Glenn Frum will entertain members of the Wesleyan Service guild of the Jason Lee church Monday night at 8 o'clock at her home on North Cottage street. Mrs. Saul Jans will be the assist- Ins hostess. Mrs. Francis DeHar- " pun win e'w Moving Millions," and the devo- Uons will be led by Mrs. Veda MUler. Miss Josephine Gray. . Miss Jo- M-PiM Evans and Miss Lois Steinke are motoring to Grants Pass todav to attend the Southern Oregon distric i meeting of Basi- ness ana i roiessioum nuwcu 1 . - Lois Plummer Schmidt Accredited Teacher . of .Piano .'l Studio: 830 N. Winter Phone 8328 -SPEU1AL- I YZZL" ttTS &i5!LV Complrte.. . ( JV 4 e Th.:. ET W by App't. .Mt!S 307 1st NatT. Bank Bids. -CASTLE PERM. WAVER3 Oregon, Sunday Morning, October 2, 1933 Philharmonic Finance Committee to Meet , , Members , of the finance com- mlttee of the Philharmonic Sym- phony association will meet for luncheon at the Aro hotel Mon- . .JJ ?S "N. , " . . .J; " Mrs. Breyman Boise Is thalrman of this committee and Mr. Verne. Mclntvre vice rhalrmAn ce:,I" f, uuiyre, vice cnairman. The Salem Philharmonic orch- cn mm u iu ruumr- eHtra te managed by the Philhar- monlc SvmDhonv association con- tUtlng of-a board of directors !?sed of f If tv Salem men and COmPO'r"v SIem women w orchettra womed w'ao believe in a symphony .ortanj part of nrrhMtri b an 1 rri Yrr-t m-n t toe city's cultural life The exec- utjTe board Is as follows- Mr SI- laa Gaiser. president, Mrs. Wil- ti-. if .n. i .a, i f a. . Dr. Bruce Baxter. 2nd vice nres - went; Mr3. Breyman Boise, 3rd vice president; Mrs.' William Ex- ger; Mr. FloydUler. aecreUry; Mrg. Clifford Taylor, treasurer; Mr nrHH nnni ttiii mnii? Charles Robertson, jr., social;and Mrs. Breyman Boise, finance. All expanses of the orchestra "cr",J"1"" ,I?UV " , t -are maintained by the board of ?,! Off.1 11' lit' WrtM directors, and the orchestra now ..ftt-A-aM ahftl,, tisnn nrih nf "e f0"1. 0? wor h. m,uuulcul' a music, a amaii fund left from last -rear and no f "Lm la,t year nd n Indebtedness. Many new. players reported for I Vi a atrlnir aiirfttliTia fiaM k Pnn. ductor Edouard Hurllmann 1 a a t WednesUy but there are still va- ckncle, ta tne cello tIoU and ... Rehearsals will begin Monday . . . . . . . . . . ngnt, October 3, in Miller's hall ftnd wlll neld eacn Monday and Thursday nights. Berean Guild Meets at ""cou vjuuu iiiccw ai Lucas Home Berean W.W.G. held its reg- Ular monthly meeting Tuesday evening, September 27, at the home of Mrs. Ed Lucas on Ship- nine street. Mission report was given by Florence ' Wallace and devotions were led by Benlah Moran. The program leader was Ruth Enr- n-..T. " v 4tKl J . t. .A I A 4J Almeda Working. Ruth Enrdahl. Frances Mattson. Sylvia Mattson. Suasane Esau, Joy Greig, Mar- I COMING! S 'MM MISS ILAH I. ILLER EXPERT CORSETIERE DffiECT FROM " -': ' - ' Ld AMERICAN LADY CORSET COMPANY, yfef V NEW YORK, WITH COMPLETE LINE OF , 0 "ARTIST MODEL" AND "MISS TODAY" Vy: ) ' - y '"": ! ' FOUNDATIONS! : ' f 1 llLroX I . JJ yi I I III ..i UU. U i I III i I 111 ' : - - I ' ' '' ' 1 p - garet Stewart." Julia Allen, Caro- line Strohmaler. . ; v uiL ?-r-effntwerM7-- veil -niuw;c(, xur. ca uulu, Mrs. Frank Struble, Dorothy White, Mr. Irving Fox. Jean irks, Lucille scrurman. Mrs. Evelyn Groves, and the hostess- .o"" "d . Recent Bride Honored ! 01 t J " At Shower J? riday ; I .' - . nii n iiiMiu w uutuu uu am a. Lawrence Reasor entertained with kn shower at the former's Bvrv, iinm. VrM.r nlrMiln suburban home Friday night Ma compliment : t. Mrs, Norman Ever, (Helen Ralph). The marriage oI Miss Ralph and Mr. Everson a.eTent ff Saturday. Antst 2 1 . Thft At! TMA Will tHAste tnir ' home In Hood River where Mrs. ETeoa wlU be on the nIeh ctll The evening was spent in for illy and at a' late hour suppei at ahr supper Vs errf by tn bostesses. The shower idea was carried out) In favors to the guests " f,n flT . " tooiey. Airs, jonn scnmiai, jr., Mrs. Ernest Savare. Mrs. Charles " - "SSi. J t-- nsuer, mim. A. E. Wood. Mrs. Eurene Kenne- A. E. Wood, Mrs. Eugene Kenne dy, Mrs. Neil Fleming. Mrs. Law rence Reasor and Mrs. William . ' !. Announced at &.UUVfUUl..u 4A, Dinner On Friday J Announcement was made of. the marriage of Miss Katherine Elis abeth Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Martin, and Mr. Bert Henry Chiles, son of Mrs. nnrnf h Phi 1m. at a buffet lunch eon Friday night. The ceremony was performed Saturday, August 27 at the parsonage of the High- land Friends church by Reverend cuo .x. Brown. , Both Mr. and' Mrs. "Chiles : are graduates of Salem schools. Mr. Chiles attended the Northwest Nasarene college last year and is now a student at Willamette uni- versity, Bidden to the announcement party were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rudin, Mr. and Mrs. Wills rd Hornschuch. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam R. B-illis, Mr. and Mrs. Em- ory J. Petticord. MIss Evelyn Mey- ers, Mr.- Rosser Kuain, ana m.t. and Mrs. Bert Henry Chiles. PRICES $ MISS ILAH Miss Hah MUler is coming to Miller's as a representative-er Ths American Lady Corset Com pany with a service that i unusual for Salem. New and scientific methods In fitting founda tion garments assure yon the finest, smoothest aad most comfortable corset of modern times. There's a reason why the Artist Model and the Miss Today garments tit In tMa manner. Made In so many sixes to fit the Individual figure whether AVERAGE, TALL AVERAGE. SHORT AVERAGE, STRAIGHT HIP AND FULL HIP. Be sure to see Miss MUler during one of tho threo dayt .;. or better still, make a flats to "see her early. You are cordiaUy Invited to confer with her. MONDAY Special Prizes Awarded To Women Golfers t t.Jo ra m. a t- Salem Golf club Friday morning ,- ''"T .-7, . M rV RoberT WmVer nf CU.T a ior u www - numoer oi putts was Mrs. Ercel Kay and In class B. Mrs. John Bone. The fall tournament Is still in progress and this week Mrs. Max Flannery and Mrs. Harold Olinger who tied will play their match to determine the winner, Jw "P?1 Prlzs be K,Tfeta '" the lowest number Of PUtta "rt1"" Lk lowest number of putta Playing on Friday - were Mrs. Ercel Kay." Mrs. J. M. Bishop, Mrs. Kate G. Bell. Mrs. H. H. Ollnger. Mrs. Max Flannery, Mrs. tlton, Mrs. Orlo Johnson. Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Graham Sharkey, Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mrs. John Bone. Mrs. Robert : John son, Mrs. IL A. Simmons, Mrs. E. A.4Skelley, Mrs. Al Petre. Mrs. Glenn Stevens. Mrs. arry f, Gustafson. Mrs. Robert Savage, Mrs. Harold Olinrer. Mrs. Ed- win L. Baker. Mrs. Roy. D. Byrd and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer. r' m. nr "r . . J FlTSt MeetUlK TUCSdaV The Salem Music Teachers' as- sociatlon will hold its first meet- ing of the season at the residence studio of the president, Mrs. Ma- bel S- Powers. 1256 Court street, Tuesday night at 7:45 o'clock. Mrs. Powers has announced her standing committees for the year as follows: Auditors, . Professor Frank E. Churchill. Mrs. T. S. Roberts; membership, Mrs. David Eason; program. Miss Frances VIrginie Melton; publicity, Mrs. Walt D?tOBi" rrangements. Mlsa Dorothy Pearce; business, MU Elma Weller. NOW for the Mr. and Sirs. A Special Class for filarried Couples SOCIAL DANCING j Also Classes for Single Adults, School Students j Join in the Fun! Dance the Latest Ballroom Steps I . . . - - -. - I Alfred Lauraine, Dance Master Barbara Barnes Studio, i : corset wardrobe-in-one. MILLER - - TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY 'svaLwm . Oft BOOM PAGE ELEVEN Miss Janice Murray Is j . Feted at Party For the pleasure of Miss Janice ; Murray who will become the bride InnabelircUrr BeUroTe Mollor. Miss Alberta Bryant and Mlsa Crace Jackson entertained with a miscellaneous shower Thursday night at the Cooler home on Fir street. I The evening was spent Inform- ally and supper was served by the hostesses. The" shower idea was carried out in the decorations ,nd thft nr(HU,nta re hlPn in and the presenU were hidden! in umbrellas. Bouquets of - dahlias. asters and zinnias were used about the rooms. j The marriage of Miss Murray and Mr. Kanras will be solemnlxed at the Leslie Methodist church at 3 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. Miss Murray attended Willamette university and is a member! of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murray. ' The guests included Miss Mur ray, the Misses Ruth Yocom, Jane Patton, Billie Smith. Martha Oku da, Virginia Bendiksen, Eleanor Johnson, Zetty Williams, Ardell Yadan, Dorthea Greenwood, Ei leen VanEaton, Mary Head. Nor ma Fuller, Marjorie Jones, Alice Mldwood, Kay. Thompson. Doro thy Moore. Gayle Dennlson. ;Es- ther Callison, Natalie Neer. Rose Anne Gibson, . Betty .Taylor, Eleanor Perry. Jeanette Brown, Echo Johnson. Jean Lauderback. Maxine Goodenough. Barbara Lamb. Jeanette Cooter. Hilda Crawford. Car la Williams, Mer- riim Williams, Eileen Moored, Lorna Barham. Mrs. Antoinette Cross! and, Helen Ashton, and Mrs. Cora Cooter. Sirs, Carrie Schneider of Rock lin. Calif., is the guest of ; her sister. Mrs. Nettie Kaerth at, the home of Mrs. E. T. Barkus. ; 155 S. Liberty, Phone 3535 For light-as-air freedom and down-to-earth control, wear Miss Today! Made for the young deb or stately matron these miraculous little garments of panels of power net Lastex and satin Lastex mold, hold and control in a most pleasing manner! Try yours today there's a thrill in store for you! Whatever your type whatever your career you want to Iceep your youth ful figure! Depend on Artist Model, famed all-in-one with detachable bra. It gently raises your bosom, molds your hips, slims your waistline. The bra joins the girdle by four tiny tabs and buttons, and by. simply changing from a low to medium or high back, bra, yotT have a 5