The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1938, Page 10, Image 10

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    i Early October Weddin
I - - ' - ! l : - 1 -
! Are oi Interest
Salem Socialites
Early October has proven to be a favorite month for
weddintrs and numerous showers have been given this last
i ;
L week honoring more October brides -who will be married later
in the month. Out-of-town weddings are of interest to Salem
folk and several couples are residing in ; other cities.
. - Miss Bieber Married i - i
i Miss Vivian Bieber," daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Bieber of Kinsley, Kan.; became the bride of Mr. Carl Ber
nard Damaske, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Damaske of
Merril, Wis., at a lovely ceremony Saturday morning at the
home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Kleihege, on East Center street. ' j - j
' Rev. .James E. Campbell of the First Evangelical church
read the service at 9:30 o'clock in the living room in the
presence of, relatives and close friends. The couple exchanged
their vows before an improvised altar of tall baskets of pink
and white gladioli, ferns vand white tapers in candelabra.
Mrs. J. E. Campbell sang 'I Love You Truly" preceding
the ceremony. Mrs. Kleihege played the accompaniment and
wedding march. Miss Erna Dirks lighted the tapers.
The bride wore a smart black velvet tailleur with rose
ash blouse and matching accessories. She carried an arm bou
quet of rapture roses and bouvardia. The couple was un
attended, i
A reception followed the wedding and-the serving table
was centered with the bride's cake flanked by white tapers
in silver holders and pink and white gladiolii Assisting in
the serving were Miss Anna and Miss Lois Miles.
Mrs. Damaske is a graduate of the Methodist Deaconess
hospital in Wichita, Kan., and. is now employed at the Salem
Deaconess hospital. Mr. Damaske is a graduate of the schools
of Merril, Wis , ajnd is an attendant at the Oregon state hos
pital. Following a trip along the Oregon coast the couple will
reside in Salem.
KeudeHl-Lindros Vows Said
At a simple ceremony Saturday morning at 11 o'clock
Miss Jennie Lindros, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindros
of Lakeside, became the bride of Mr. Robert Keudell, son
of Mr. J. J. Keudell of Salem. The vows were exchanged at
the parsonage of the First Methodist church with Rev. James
Milligan officiating. f
The brid wore an afternoon frock of wine silk and
black accessories. . Her corsage was of 'gardenias Mr. and
Mrs Malcolm Jones (Helen Keudell) attended the couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Keudell left for a wedding; trip and will
return to Salem to reside at 1864 Fir street.! Mrs. Keudell
is well known in the capital and has been employed at the
state forester's office. Mr. Keudell is a graduate of Oregon
State college and is connected with the . Portland General
Electric company.
Miss Cross Bride of Mr. Tompkins
The First Baptist church was the setting for an im
pressive ceremony last night when Miss Arline Cross, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cross, becam'e the bride of Mr.
Russell K. Tompkins of Dayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton
Tompkins of Dayton. Rev. Irving Fox read the service at
8:30 o'clock, !
Mr. Wall er Watsonjof . Portland sang
and Dr. uonaia jdwaras oi
M- r v
Truly" before the ceremony and MrsJjyirHftJR S.roSayetf"
the accompanijnents -vredingrnarches. The altar was
bajjjjgd-jwttrbaskets of autumn
in candelabra.
The bride, who was given
father, wore a floor lensrth eown
fashioned with full skirt, shirring on the bodice and short
. . rrx. . li i . r, -I r vi .
puffed sleeves The full length tulle veil fell from a coronet
of seed pearls. Her only ornament was a gold locket, a gift
of the groom. She carried a white bible from which fell a
cascade of lilies-of-the-valley and bouvardia. !
Miss Helen Cross was maid of honor for her sister and
wore a frock of shell pink satin
a coronet of tulle in her hair
mia1 fall flAnroro '
The bridesmaids were Mrs. vVenaell Cross, sister-in-
law of the bnde, and Miss Grace Garnett ofi Kelso, Wash.,
cousin i?f thebnde. They, wore identical frocks of pale blue
onr? vftllnTO cillr nroranra taehinnpd with full sVirfjst and nnffpn
"" J "
mi i "
sieeves. i ney carried arm Douqueis oi iau diootos.
The flower girl was Wendolyn Cross, niece of the bride,
who wore a blue taffeta dress and carried a basket of flowers,
TVio nomiWa vuora TnVin nomonf onn XTt- onr? "fra TTonr-vr
tfcv, .,v "v'1"v -
Clement, and Richard Christophtrson, son of; Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Christophersoni They
- Mr. Joseph Tompkins of Salem, twin brother of -the Brown E.' s!on.mMr " E. I. G(i
groom, was best man. Ushers were Mr. Wendell, Mr. William bert, Mrs. m. c. Findiey, ' Mrs.
and Mr. Hal Cross, brothers of the bride, and Mr. Clyde Ronald Glover, Mrs. Byron B.
Reception Follows Wedding j
A reception at the home of the bride's parents on .North
21st street followed the wedding. Mrs. A. M. Lee of Portland
and Mrs. Henry Clement, aunts of the bride, presided at the serving win be Mrs. Herbert ost
urns. Serving were Miss Juanita Cross, Miss June Armstrong, M(?:;r? Mr, iSS Bin
t t j -r m i, , -mr- n Marion Moore, Mrs. Vernon iiain,
Miss Jean Rtidgers, Miss Yvonne waiters and Miss Dorothy Mrs. a. l. Lindbeck, Mrs. Carle
Winegar. The table was covered with a lace cloth and cen- Abrams, Mrs. Kenneth Murdock,
tprpd with an all-wriifp hnnmipf (niarrlwl hv wrtito tanerc in Mrs. Virgil Golden, Mrs. Lloyd
crystal holders. Mrs. William E. Cross was in charge of the iSStSS' JiS men weiifne nd ms L11IIan McDonald, pres
gift book and Mr. Don Huckabee played the orgatron during d mJ!: virSi Huh me" dent of thi? I&T'
tne reception I . Arranging the serving table are
The. couple left for a wedding trip and for going away M- wade eihs, Mrs. Merle Tra
the Jride wore a navy blue wool suit with white blouse and: r &ohltl&
black accessories. ! in charge of - arrangements !ln-
: Mrs. Tompkins attended Salem schools and Franklin eludes j Mrs. waiter spauidlng,
high school in Portland. She has been secretary at the Salem chairman, Mrs. Merle Travis, Miss
Retail Clerks' union. Mr. Tompkins is a graduate of Oregon Sl:
KTi-tv,i tu;n, i :f.. mi.- .m Mrs. Jake Lappin, Mrs. L .D. Wa-
- B""" ' , . , uni.cioii.jf. iu cuupie wm
reside m Albany where Mr. Tompkins is professor of mathe-
, maiics at tne Albany junior
Miss Engel Bride of Today
Of interest to their many.
today o Mi,, Margaret J
Adam Engel of Salem, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Inchitsty
solemnized at 12:30 o'clock at
land. Monsignor Lane will officiate in the presence of the
immediate family and close friends, i j -
Miss Helen Engel will come north from California to
be her sister's maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Doro-
thy Engel, another sister, and Miss Margaret Burdette, for-
merly of Salem. Mr. Melvin Engel will be best man for Mr.
Lenchitsky and ushers will include Mr. Wayne Harn, Mr.
Don Matolia and Mr. Jack Lyons: V !
A wedding breakfast wUl
- -
Thieles, The ctiuple will leave f
. . ,
AllSS Ulngel nas maae ner
years. She attended Salem schools and Uregon btate college
Karjrja KaDca
- ul
OI ineopinswraui uic
Oreo-on State colleffe where lie
Pi.The couple will reside in
a in r ill w I riHxv.
xt. twrn. T.iiV shield are
receiving congratulations on the
birth of a son, Rodger John, ai
the Salem General hospital. Wed-
resday September -28. This is
their second child, the -infant
boy havinr a sister: Carol Mary.
o Promise Me"
Portland ,. sang
flowers and tall white tapers
1 r j
away in marriage by her
of white chiffon over taffeta
made princess style. She wore
and carried an arm bouquet of
X . t 1
wore rust suits with white
nigh school. f
Salem friends is the marriage
?e!. daughter of Mr, d wt
J. Carl Lenchitsky, son of Mr.
li e 1 e n Barrett, refresh-
the All Saints church in Port-
follow the ceremony at Henry
or a trip to soutnern ianiornia.
i t ii j i
nome in ruruaiiu iur several
Gamma. She was a member
HT T nn.'tjVw aloi ottanAnA
- r"".I-
was a member of Beta Theta
Portland whew.:HrIf
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas-McKar
are leaving Monday night for a
ionuigum ii wuivu win ibib
jthem. to Los Angeles, New Or-
leans and- Detroit, . Mich.,- where
Mr. McKay , will, attend the Id-..
: Salle-Cadillac convention.
i - ,
1 i '
" Th '
Milligans and
tifi-PTTt t
Be Feted
Calendared for Friday night,
etoDr tnKe annual recepuon
for which members of the General
Ald E0Ciety 0f the First Methodist
Episcopal church win be hostesses
in the Carrier room. The affair
''mmnak wfnmluiTnt-
Te"r8ity students. All members bf
the church, friends and townspeo-
pie are incited to can between the
hOUrS Ol CI gut and ten OCIOCK.
t. thA r-oivine nn whih
win include Dr and Mrs James
xiaxter, ur. ana jmts. lkjuis maKiii,
rw. f ,-, Pnhsr Mmiltnn flat-
ke Dean and Mrs. Daniel Schulze,
Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Mr. Brown E.
sisson, Mr. Gene mil and Mits
Margie bpence.
TWcItI thA
...mot a at Ilia
door will be Mrs. D. H. Mosher,
president of tho General Aid soci-
cty. . Mingling with the guests
Herrick and Mrs. Effie Dunlap.
ipi.a.a V. Iiawa- Kaa. aaVfltl Tft
preside at the urns include Mrs.
B. H. White, Mrs. O. W. Emmons,
J. A. Mills. Assisting' with the
terman and Mrs. J. F. Cook,
-Hostesses Entertain
For Miss 'Moriarty
A miscellaneous shower
i Mr. ai Brown of Albany, was
day night. j
Bridge was in play during the
evening with prires awarded to
Mr!" P.5!1 Rl.bode" and Mi" Grace
were uged ab0ut the rooms: and
supper was served at a late hour.
The gifts were placed on a table
with a uce .tioth with, taper., at
cat ii ann .
Ml8S Moriarty and Mrl Brown
wm be married the first ot the
. j . , .
on weir
& -tLeit '. home T in Abai '
t -.r.-.,. ,Tre'
Gnstafson, Mrs. Frank Woeik,
Virgil Denison, Mrs. Kenneth
Payne, Miss Irene Larsen, j Miss"
Pauline Marnach, Miss Madeline
Heckman, Miss Audra Winship,
nos xiesiei
HUlpot, Miss Graee Quackenbush
Miss;-. Bernlce Humphreys, J Mrs.
Carl Walker; Miss Lucille !Law-
renaon, and Miss Cleo Walker.
-.. ' . ... v. i . '. vv. . v - -. ..... : , i
- - . -: ;' ' Y r
-' ' ' - r ;- -
' - ' : ' y; . i
. ;.; ,t f .
-.- :-.! '.':.,: :;. i .
t i - 1
.3 ft '13"
CUTTING the first piece of her wedding cake U Mrs. Kenneth
Manning (Esther Gibbard) pictured above with her husband follow-
their wedding Wednesday afternoon at the Gibbard home.
ASSISTING at the reception, left to right. Miss Victoria Schnei
uci , din. uau ocurciuvr, mib, nunue. ri yuunut it cup til cuu
for M,8 Mary Hickman o.St.-Paul, Minn., maid -Mrrmor, nT M
'Harold Buslck. (Photos by Kenneli-ElHs.)
der, Mrs. Dan Schreiber, Mrs. Norine. Fick pouring a cup of coffee
i nir. im
A !
Honor Dn Helen Pearce
j At Formal Reception
One of the outstanding social functions on the calendar
- F"Ltt?ZZf
"" " " "lvyi
ci, rT,o,K r-w.,a.
in compliment to Dr. Helen Pearce, who was recently elected
president of Zonta International kt the convention held at
f; , ,
Banff In June.
Dr. Pearce ia a well known
educator In the capital and mem
ber of the faculty of "Willamette
university. Dr. Pearce has been
exceptionally active In the Zonta
club i serving as president one
year;. She ,al?9 ho81 r''ed
president of the Salem branch.
American Association of Unlver
Eity iWomen.
Calling hours are from eight
to ten o'clock and an Invitation
through the press is being ex
tended to all friends of Dr.
riend and "bera oj
Zont clo and members of all
Miss Nellie Schwab will in
troduce to the line which will
include Mayor Varnum E. Kuhn,
Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, Dr. Helen
Pearce, Miss Helen Yockey, in
ternational chairman of the pub
licity committee, Mrs. Ora F. Mc-
Intyre, past district chairman,
Ireside at Urns
Presiding at the urns the first
hour will be Mrs. Varnum E.
Kuhn and Mrs. George Pearce,
mother of Dr. Pearce, and pour
ing the last hour will be Mrs.
Bruce R. Baxter and Mrs. Paul
B. Wallace. Mrs. Margaret Rose
crans will Invite guests to the
dining room. A four piece string
orchestra will play softly during
the evening.
Mrs. Arthur O. Hunt heads
the general committee in charge
of the reception and assisting
her are Miss Nellie Schwab, in
cey, flowers and decorations;
Miss Barnett Feted at
x-i p
Anlormal ranX
In compliment to Miss Dorris
Barnett,' bride-elect of Mr. Ernest
Frieson! Mrs. Fred Broer. jr.. en-
tertained with a delightful affair
Thursday night at her home
The evening was spent lnfor-
and a miscellaneous shower
aonorea miss narneii. a iaie sup-
wa BerTed by the hostess and
faU nowera were' used about the
gcest rooms.
s Honoring Miss Barnett
.Miss Leolan Barnett. Miss Adean
Ftke, Misa Helen and Miss Mar-
garet gtewart, Miss Opal Long.
Miss Julia Allen, Miss Jewell Tur-
ner, Miss Dorothy Finkbiner, Misa
Betty Clark, Mrs. James Burton,
Mrs. Cecil Newtwrry. - Mrs. Dan
; clement, Mrs. LownM0ran, Mrs.
Fred Erlxon, Mrs. Otto Engdahl.'.mer McKee, Mra. Albert Coehn,
Mrs. rrta iiroer. sr., urs. Mary Mrs. Charles McCarter, Mrs.'Paui
Broer, Mrs. U. H. . Barnett, Mr. Hauser, Mrs. Alma " Thompson,
Mattle Clark and Mrs. Fred.Mr.- James Bonaell, Mrs. Belle
Sroer, jr. m :- ; : :v'
v. 4 If.,
; " - f
0ff.; i
Eastern Star
Benefit Is
"Chadwick chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, entertained with a
benefit card party in the Masonic
temple Friday night. Following
an evening of cards refreshments
were served in the dining room.
The serving table was very attrac
tive with its white cloth and
center piece of autumn leaves and
colored gourds with bright col
ored pottery flanked by yellow ta
pers. Many baskets of fall flow
ers decorated the rooms.
The special prize was won by
Mrs. Ernest Peterson, prizes for
contract by Mrs. Elmer Oaue and
R. O. Lewis; for auction. Mrs. G.
L. Hannaman and Amos Vass; for
BOO, Mrs. Charles Gabriel and for
' pinochle, Mrs. Leon Hansen.
The guest list Included Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Darby, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Reinholdt; Mf. and Mrs.
William Taw, Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. David
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Good
man, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peter
son, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mr. and
Mrs. If a Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Toombs, Mr: and Mrs. Amos
and Mrs. Larry Flagg, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Philllppe, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mr. and
.Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Charles
Pratt, Mrs. Pearl Grote, Mrs. II.
A. Gueffroy, Mrs. M. P. Adams,
Mrs. J. A. Bronson, Mrs. A. C. An
derson, Mrs. G. L. Hannaman,
"-mu n,7th m x rV. Vs
Mooi! J" ""J? rZr ' ?'
11 '
Mrs- HWr7 parson.
Mrs. A. F. Marcus. Mrs. L. M.
Purvlne, Mrs. R. T. Boals, Mrs. D.
a. ijeecnier, airm. u. u. nuwwi,
Mrs. Ethel Parr. Mrs. Leon Han-
sen. Mrs. Louis Lorenx, Mrs. carl
All port, Mrs. Charles W. Crary,
c. R. James, Mrs. Saul Janz, Mrs.
Carl Soos. Mrs. H. M. Borsch.
Mrs. M. InnocentI, Mrs. Bertha
Bergman, Mi's. Charles Gabriel.
Mr. J. W. Moore, Misa Dorothy
Cornelius, Mrs. L. E. Barrick, Mrs.
Virgil Hickethler, Mrs. Ida Niles,
Dr. Gussie Niles, Mrs. Susan Var-
ty," Mrs. Forest Johnson. Mrs. El-
;ni BwtB, Mrs. t W 1 1 hi a m
i lTw A
Many Affairs
Planned for
BPW Week
Final plans are being made In
the next week for national Busi-
ness and Professional Women's
week to be sponsored by the local
club under the direction of Miss
Helen Brelthaupt, chairman. The
dates for this annual celebration
are from Sunday, October 9 to
October 15 inclusive.
Members of the club will attend
the First Presbyterian Church on
Sunday, October 9 to hear Rev.
Henry Marcott of Portland. Miss
Edna Purdy Is making the ar-
rangements Mrs. Ilda Bingen-
heimer is chairman of the com-
mittee for arranging the program
tor the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon on Monday.
Tuesday, October 11. the Pre- Thite serving table with crystal land.
baVa8t 1X1 nonor of Mrs- and silver appointments, white CHARMING TEA a week ago
William Llnroot, president, will embroidered Italian cloth, the In- for Mrs. Kenneth JUinnin 4 r
be held at the Golden Pheasant at formality ye t dignf led atmos-r which Mrs. T. w. Creech was i
7 o clock. Those planning to at-jre o the whole wedding and hostess. . . as o n e entered not- i
tend the breakfast are to call Sffts the great charm of the hride Iced the gorgeous' bouquet ef
Hatlr-McAdams, 7279, by October herself. . . . Esther carried a zinnias . on the piazra. !. . . An
10 for reservations. Miss Haiel beautiful bouquet of Cecil Brun- exquisite tea table. . . . In. the
Roenicke Is chairman of the Ber and Rapture roses and lil- center a silver branch candelabra
breakfast and her committee in- ics-of-the-valley. . . . incidental- with blue tapers and bn either j
eludes Miss Ruth Moore and Mrs. ,iy, caught by her maid of honor, side blue glass vases filled with
Maude Eckman. Mary Hickman. . . . The lovely varied colored rinnias. !. . . the
One of the largest affairs to be bridal dress was of white, net highlight of the afternoon when
held during Business Women's and lace which Esther designed small Kathleen Sue was brought
week Is the public relations ban- herself. ... . for something old In for a brief glimpse of the
quet at the Marion hotel in the he wore a strand of pearls be- tea- guests by her moth-r, Mrs.
Mirror room on Thursday, Octo- longing to Mrs. T. W. Creech Harold Eusick. u
ber 13. Miss Josephine Evans nd a lac handkerchief of Mrs. .
heads the general committee and W. E. Kirk which she carried TTrtTri
assisting her are Mrs. Ilda Bing- her own wedding .38 year varfcjn Xiome -cene OI
enheimer, decorations, and Mrs. - Guests were seated in FIAT? Mpetinc atiirclav '
Ethel Parr, table arrangements. dining room for coffee. syid- vlwP, n,,S?r-'
wiches and cake Mrs T Chemeketa chapter. Daughters
v Ti?einnUai !'J:idgeb!nefic WlU W. Creech cutting "the bride's the American Revolution, met
be held on Friday at the Salem cake wore a colorful flowered 'OT th regular monthly meeting
Woman s clubhouse at 8:15 hltfon and Mrs, Morine Fick Saturday afternoon at the home
o clock. Proceeds from the affair poured rearing a lovely of Mrs. John H. Carkin on Stew-
7LniVn? Christmas charities of iown f ,nk and WearinJ art street. Rev. George H. Swift
the YWCA and Red Cross. Reser- Jorsages of roses. . , When the ' St. Paul's Episcopal church was
vations may be made by calling couple leIt they foT plc. the guest speaker for th after-. :
M1.l fieInke or Miss tureyg and at the lsame time re- "oon.
Ruth McAdams, 7279., Miss elTed showers of rice. . . . They 'His aubject was "A i Study in
Steinke is chairman of the bene- aTe gone to Palo Alto for the Government.? He remarked that-
fit and other committee members winter but we hope to see them government Is Just the rules cf ;
are Miss Ruth Cole, decorations: again In the spring. the game and If played fair we j
Miss Ruth McAdams. tickets; Miss .? iHJS WEEK. ... Com pi i- will not be afoul of the gorern- ,
Hazel and Misa Gertrude Roe- inents were many on the unique ment. Rev. Swift also stated that i
nlcke, Miss Mildred Oleson. Miss table arrangement at the tea lasting peace among nations shall
Ruth Moore, Miss Elizabeth n Thursday at the home of never be accomplished without ;
Stockhausen and Miss Catherine Mrs. Custer Ross honoring t h e morajity in international rela-
Varley. , jristing lawyers' wives here for tions.
Reception Closes Week the ' state bar convention. . w . Visitors for the day included ;
The final event of the week will The table was covered with a Mrs. Ralph W. ' Martin, Mrs;
be the large reception on Saturday Ereen organdy . cloth. . : . cen- George. H. Swift and Mrs. llar
at the Chamber of Commerce tered with a large flat aiiver old B. Say. A new member ff
from 8 to 10 o'clock All busi- lra and Hver bowl of white the chapter Is Mrs. S. A. Bald
ness and professional women of "brum lilies and encirclinr the w'in. Mrs. W. F. Fargo reported
Salem are Invited to attend. MUs bowl and ,oatinK on the tray a on the Willamette conference held
Helen BreithauDt will Introdnca
to the receiving line which win
inrindA Mr. wiiiiam t i.
president Mrs Byron B Her
rick, past president of the Oregon
federation; Miss Joseph Evans,
state chairman of research and
first vie. TreMnt f loz-oi ,iv.
Mrs. LaMolne Clark ,hrt.;
member and state parHamentart-
an; Miss Grace Elisabeth Smith,
charter member and chairman of
an: Miss Craca KliKoth smith
rh.rtei. m.mK
the first meetine Mrs Bvrnn Hen. i1" uer oiuruj. . . . jars. -u. u. Campbell, i Mrs. J. v.
rick ' mmklnZ BQmber 0f cnarmlnK Portland Fontaine. Mrs. J. Lyman Steed,
the recepUoi! 'rra,,ement8 for people motored to Salem for the Mr..H. M. Broadbent. Mrs. David
Business week was celebrated L Costume of the week worn by RUUo
for the first time In 1928 When Tanhel Renrre . . . A prT vnnl !
the federation had 874 clubs and
E0.031 members. National Busi-
nesa Women's week which will
be observed for the eleventh time
has grown into a nation-wide cer
emony with 1546 clubs and 68,
009 . members , participating. .The
theme of the week will be "a
Better Business Woman for a Bet
ter Business World.
On Sunday, October 9, from
11:45 to 12, EST, there will be
a nationwide broadcast over the
Mutual Broadcasting.system. The
topic Is "Secrets of Success.
Miss Earlene White, national pre
sident, will be the speaker.
The health and recreation com
mittee has as their health project
during Business Women's week a
tuberculosis clinic The. clinic Is
being arranged by the Marlon
county department of health.
The Unitarian Women's Alli
ance will hold Its first meeting of
the season Thursday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
William Everett Anderson at 157?
Court street. Mrs. IL G. Tardy of
Berkeley, Calif., regional vice-
president of tho general alliance!
for the Pacific coast, will be the'
guest speaker. Birthdays of July I
August and September will be otA
served at the tea hour. i
t. v V- t' u mt ! rrltx- ; ine lauer wearin l Mr- "I" Ficke: .refreshments,
?Ci,OP..,M T, ' In,iIy kroWn PDy aBd brown. felt. sport Mrs: E. W. Ritchie. Mrs. John
W. O: Wlddows. Mrs. B. B-Flack. hal. . Mra. WUnam L. Phil-.' Olsoa. Mrs. , C. V. R!chardm,
Mrs.- J. O. Russell and Mra. Weyn . hm 1b a! smart bixa wooKroaDed Mm vr nri. - xr r?,. v '
o (-.
- , v
Seen ancl Heard
HAND. ... A dash. of romance, William Bodner over from Cor
1 numerous luncheons and teas. . . vallig. . the latter in a chic
the beginning of club meetings two piece wool-suit of buff worn
football games, goodbyes
to travellers and still some en-
tertaining for visitors. . . short
motor trips to the country or
the beaches where the weather
has been almost too perfect.
, . . the falling of leaves, con-
vincing us it is really autumn,
THE WEDDING on Wedn&i-
day afternoon of .Esther Gibbard
and Kenneth Manning at the
home of the bride will long be
Pleasantly remembered, and for
manv reasons. . . . First of all,
euests, all relatives and
friends of long standings, seemed
to have a ood time a m o n g
themselves. the lovely -ar-
i augciiicuis ui w u iie iioncrs uu
the improvised altar at one end
Af thft 1 rn o' TAnm th. oil
ei ot rea "a P'"K,uBnim in-
At either end of'the
! table white tapers In silver can-
delbra' MrS- Max Pae takes
kn0ra to' tea table decora-
j0!?' v , T
S Mr8 Charle McXary, wife
i Unlted state Senator McXary.
a martly attired in a tailored
one-piece black dress with furs
! :-ie
wnich Mrs. Sanderson Reed gave
9mm V. W A . l..a C-..J.M
'dress with tucked skirt, wine
j belt and wine flower at t h
shoulder, wine suede shoes and
topped with a beautiful g r e y New officers will be installed
squirrel coat fashioned with at the meeting of the American
bell sleeves and a grey Cossack Legion auxiliary Monday niiht
hat trimmed In shades of red at eight o'clock at the-Fraternal
and wine. . . . Temple. Mrs. Frank Waters, past
Bride-elect, Margaret Engel of department president and nation
Portland, .here on Tuesday .for al committee woman, will install
the shower for which Mrs. Glenn the officers. -;
Wilbur and Isobel George were The new officers are Mrs. Earl
hostesses. ... Margaret" wore Andresen, president; Mrs. Leif
a smart dark green silk dress Bergsvik, first vice president:
with tucking all over and full Mrs. Harold Perkins, second vice
bodice and skirt ... with it a president; Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf,
coat to match with large .fur secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Friuik
collar. - Marshall, finance officer; Mrs.
.FOOTBALL FANS. . . were Merle Travis, chaplain; Mrs.
many at the first game of the Walter Spauidlng, i aargeant-at-
season Saturday night when vie- arms; Mrs. Don Madison, Mrs.
torious Willamette and Llnfield Elf red Williams and Mrs. Paul
played. ... a number of unlver- Ficke, members of the executive
slty officials from Portland and board.
faculty wives were noticed amidst During the ceremony Mrs. Ivan
the spectators.'. . . . Mrs. Bruce Stewart will sing several vocal
R. Baxter and Jessie Wood, the numbers accompanied by Mrs.
former entertained the Portland William Taw. Miss Maxine Good
trustees and their wives at Unl- enough wni nlav violin
verslty House following the
wean ana Air, rank
Erickson. ... . Mrs. Lestle J.
Sparks.' Mrs. Roy S. Keene and
duhtr Madeline. . . . Mrs.
Howard Maple wearing a beige
foat w!th MM'Ielt! ; Numer-
W ur coats were also glimpsed.-
. Mr. ana Airs, u.nemr
i by her fur coat and .dnbeanet
' t "v
felt. ... . Mrs. Brazier Small
in all black. . . . Mr. land Mrs.
with rust bat and blouse. . . .
A foursome. Dr. and jMrs. Ro
bert Joseph, Josephine McGil-
christ and Peter Buck. . Here
from St. Helens, Mr. land Mrs.
Edward Franti, Ruth wearing a
black sport coat, rust roller and
striped dress. ... Mrs. William
IL Hammond in all grey, tweed
Jacket and grey top coat. . . .
Melva Belle Savage who was es-
corted by Wayne Doughton wore
a three piece all black sport suit
and matching accessories. . . .
Mr. and Mrs. John Minto aed
Billie Cupper who is teaching
at Sherwood this y e a r.
Graduates of a year, ago ..
.uai iu aiiu wuu iiei iviKB,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar AverilU and
Jfin T-T ril Ifn rwnrf h fill rf Trt
" oepiemoer Lorvanis.
The pledge to the flag was giv-
en by Mrs. John Carkin. the Am-
erican creed by Mrs. J. C. Sell end
Washington's prayer by Mrs. U. G.
The tea tattle was centered
with a bouquet of autumn flowers
and presiding at the , urns were !
Mrs. Frank Settlemier and Mrs
m. r. AQann. oa tbe tea cemmit-
tee. were Mrs. J. C. Sell, chairman.
Legion Auxiliary Will
T -rtf
Install UiilCers
tions accompanied by. Miss Helen
Davis. The post will join the
auxiliary for refreshment.
Committees for the evening
Include decorating of hall, Mrs.
Walter Spauidlng. ; Mrs. Oscar
Cr.tler and Mrs. Don Madison;
decorating of tables, Mrs. Frank
zmn,- Mrs. Glenn ; Porter and
ickson-and Mrs.' W. P. Waline.