PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 1, 1938 Salem Market Quotations ! FBOTTS v V (Bayln Prices) (Tht prices blow supplied by a local grortr srs indirstisn of the daily market pritaa paid to growers by Salem buyers but aro not guaranteed by Tb States Boas.) ; ' ' Apples, fraTenstelns; to... .SO Apnents, IS lb.. Yakima,. ,. , .55 Bananas, lb. on stalk - .06 Hand .06 Cantaloups, rrata , ' .BO Grapefruit, Calif,, Stinkitt .crate. 3.50 Groand Cbrrrics, lb. -.10 Grapes. bk. ,22H; 251b. lof .40 Uncle leberries. -. 1.00 Dataa. fresb. lb. - .14 Leaoni, crate - . 5 00 Oranges, crate $2.65 to 3.15 VEU-f ABLES - 1 (Buying Jrieei) Recta.. del .25 .02 .25 .70 1.85 .80 1.25 .15 .20, .25 .BO .02 .40 1.50 .40" .30 1.05 .40 Cabbaie. tb. Carrol a. local, do.. Cauftf tower. Seattle Celery, Utah, crate , Celery hearts, dos. . Lettsee. Wash. Onions, boiling. 10 Iba. M 3 Baling. 10 Iba., No. 2 Grrea anions, dos. ... Radishes, dos. Peppers, green, local rarsaey . 'ewf Potatoes, local, cwt. Squash, innmrr, dos. Uanun. es. Zueclini squash, flat Turnips, dos. ... I - JSTJTa TOalnuta '1937. lb -i-10 to .16 .16 Filberts, 1938 crop, lb. . bests, 1938 crop, lb. .H to , HOPS 1 rv... ,hmi Clusters, nominal. Ii7. lb-10 to Clusters, 1938, b 184 to Vogglea. top . nominal .12 .19 '. ; WOOL AND MOHAJK It iBnytnc Price) 'WooV naedima, lb. . Cosf e, lb. , , , ,. Lambs, lb. , .22 .22 .18 .23 Mohair, lb. I EGGS AND POTXLTB.T . Baying Price of Aadresea's) Larira extra. , iledium extras . - Larr standards Pulleta .28 .24 .24 .15 .17 .15 .12 .13 .10 .15 .03 Colored frys Colored medium, lb.. White leghorns, lb. No 1 White : Leghorns, frys White leghorns, lb. Xo. 2 Heavy bens. lb. . Boosters i .- j f LIVESTOCK (Based, on conditions and sales reported l up to 4 p.m.) . Sprig Iambs, top 25 Laniba 3.00 to 3.50 Ewe 1.73 to 2.25 Ho;, tops 150-210 lbs 9 00 110-150 lbs. 8.25 to 8.75 - 2(0-300 lbs. 8.00 to 8.25 . CnwH 6.75 Dairy type cows- 3 00 to 3.50 4 00 to 4.50 .3.00 to 3.75 Beef rows Bulls Reitera 4.50 to 5.50 Tooi seal, lb. .t 9.00 Dressed veal. lb. .13 Mi ar Attmw cbeaitcst Barlnc Price Bntterfat, A grade .26 RuMerfat. B .... .25 Lechom hens ..,10 to. .12 Colored fryers .17 .15 .14 .06 Colored hens, over 3 lbs Leghorn fryers Stags, lb. : Old ! Roosters, lb .05 Rjierri. market value. No. 2 grade 5c less i.arre extras - . UedSara extras .24 ti tri I he icieven or Liamonas By j SYNOPSIS Edward Fowler, af wealthy gam bler, is murdered "at the Sunset Bridge Club in Miami. His body, witjh a knife in the back, is found in the poker room. Fowler had played bridge that evening with Millie La Fra'hce. a ceduetiva blond: Ben Eckhardt and Dave Button; but quit the g'ame when Millie accused him of throwing it. He paid the owser, Toby Munroe, for his and Millie's losses and ostensibly left only to be found dead in an adjoin ing; room' early, the next morning. A mysterious prowler discovered the, body, following which the po lice received an anonymous phone cal informing them of the crime. Two weeks previous, Fowler had searched the hotel suite of the Dur lyn! Bessingers. Bessinger claimed to be a wealthy grain merchant but Fowler believed this only a blind as letters found in a trunk relating to hit grain business were evidently written by Bessinger to himself. The Bessingers were at the club the night Fowler died. Bruce Far ... raday, the millionaire, enlists the services of private detective,' Miles Standish Rice," to help clear np the murder because his son. Tolliver, is involved. The boy a torn check to Fowler for the sum of ten thousand dollars was found in the latter's roam. Farraday, Sr., tells LeRoy and Stan that his party, consisting of his daughter Eve, Tolliver, and Mrs. Staunton (a friend) had left the club about 1 A.M. (two hours after Fowler left) and gone to the Alligator Inn with a Commander Eric Dawson, whom he had just met, and the Bessingers. Glen Neal, the society reporter , was also in the party. Later, Millie arrived at the Alligator Inn with Eckhardt and Button. Next morning, Stan and LeRoy search the club for dues. I CHAPTER IX ' I The stair-well opened into an "It shaped hall on the second floor. To the right of the stairs, at the . bottom of the "L," .were two large closets. The one nearer to the stairs had been converted into a cloak room - hy fitting- it with a divided door, which formed a counter when the bottom half was closed. The other closet was nsed for storage of clean ing equipment and odds and ends. At the end of the hall a door led into the well equipped kitchen, where Juan prepared tasty Cuban dishes for occasional parties who wished to dine at the' club. Stan passed by the closets, and lingered only long enough in . the kitchen to glance in the big electric ice box. It was well stocked, and ! served to remind him that Doris Buchanan was busy with a prime ! In,if tit Hf nn the banlf of In. dian Creek. It was, indeed, a serious ' affair' when Miles Standish Rice ; missed a meal. A Sunday dinner I would have been close to cataclys ; mic He was seized with a sudden burst of energy which LeRoy false- . I A. A. 1 1. - -1 ; jy aiiriouieq vo excitement wsveaa ; of hunger. I The bridge room occupied him less than five minutes. He went in the i door opposite the cloak - closet, ; glanced without interest at the four i tables and stepped onto the porch. From where he stood he could see part of Pomona Road through the ; trees. The porch was entirely : screened. . It continued on around ' in back of the house, encompassing the bridge room on two sides. Heavy matting of woven grass covered the floor. " ,:,:: - ::. . r'-. The furnishings were simple aettee-swing, two wicker chairs, a - wicker table supporting a lamp. ; Stan stepped around the corner. ! There was another, settee-swing there, itz, back slightly above the i till of a ?Udow to the bridge room. Grade O raw 14 per cent rullk, Salem basic pool prfco Co-op. firade A buttcrfat price, FOB Salem, 26 Jic. ; (Milk based on ! aenti monthly butterfst average. )''; Difttrlbutor price, 92.32. A icrade bntterfat UellT ered 20 He; n grade 23se; C grade 20 He Y V- '-, A grade print, 29 He; B grade 28 He. I Large standards Medium standards Undergrade U. .25 .. . .22 .15 .13 PulleU OBAIN. BAT AJJD SEES Oata, white, Uw--i 18.00 to 20.00 Wheat, white, bu - , - .53 Wheat, western red, bn. .50 Barley, feed, ton .18 OO Oata. gray, ton J2.00 to 24.0O Alfalfa, valley, tow .... .. .. , 12 50 Oat and vetch hay, ton 10.00 Alsike clover seed, lb.09 to ,10 I California Hop Market Firmer i : ; Oregon Growers Sell but 27 Bales for Week, at 18V 2 Cents Pound r Oregon markets i continued ex tremely quiet, with trading al most at a - standstill during the past week. Sales by growers were reported at only about 27 bales of 1938 clusters,) which netted producers 18 H cents per pound. Demand was reported light from both domestic and foreign buy ers. The tendency of growers and the trade generally to await official announcements as to in dividual allotments of producers resulted in light offerings by growers, which tended to offset the slow inquiry j and impart J steadiness to the marKet situ ation in this state. The materially lighter out turn of the new crop in -Oregon producing districts than was an ticipated earlier in the season, was an additional important mar ket factor,. Dealers"" were taking deliveries on early season con tracts with growers, although shipments to midwestern deal ers and industries remained of comparatively light volume. Cur rent values on top qualities . of 1938 hops In Oregon were around 18 H-19 cents per pound net to growers. i Washington markets were only f Di BAYNARD A. KENDRICK There was another window, by the door to the porch,' but the other settee-swing faced it. Toby had sat there the night before watching Edward Fowler. I In the card room the Captain was questioning Toby about the seating arrangements the) night before. Stan scuffed vigorously at the grass matting with the toe of his black and white sports shoe. He bent over and studied the result. Some of the stiff fibre strands were loose. He pulled out a few, vainly searched the pockets of his white coat for an envelope, and finally dropped them into his left hand coat pocket. As Stan came back into the card "Don't you listen to him. room, LeRoy pointed to the table at the right of the porch door. "That's where Fowler sat last night, Stan.. His back was to the rest of the room most of the time." - . Stan hardly hear'd him. : There were three doors to the card room ; one across the hall from the cloak closet, by which they had entered ; a second leading onto the porch; and a third directly across the room from the porch door. The third, was closed. . . . ' j ; i: )'.:.'.' Stan strode across the room and tried it. It was locked.' He looked for a key, but the lock was empty. He came back and rested himself on the corner of a bridge -table with out removing his feet from the floor. Toby Munroe swallowed drily, wait ing for Stan to speak. Stan took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, blew a heavy cloud of smoke, and watched it dissipate lazily in the still air. "The matter of proper ventilation must be a try ing thing, Toby. It was hotter than billy-be-dam last night. It's hotter than that now. Is the air in here better with that door closed and locked?" i Toby's face set in defiant lines. "You better ask Hal Sweet," he said shortly. "He's my lawyer. I've been grilled once today." ; Stan's voice wit reproachful! "I merely wanted to find out if that door was closed - and locked last night." - "Well, find out. bnoe around ail 4 l Stocks Rocket As Peace Sure Some More Than 5 Points Advanced With Steel, Motors Popular NEW YORK, Sept. 30-(i!P)-Stock market leaders swept up ward 1 to 5 points today and a few much more aa Europe's war scare evaporated with the signing of the "big four" peace pact at Munich. - Overnight buying orders in blocks as large as 10,000 shares for some favorites such as US Steel and General Motors swamp ed the stock exchange at the start, and during the first half hour the ticker tape was behind. In the first hour, the turnover amounted 'to 790.000 shares. ; Volume dwindled later as profit selling ap peared and closing prices. In the majority of cases, were below the best of the day. j Jit was one of the most exciting openings In months. Efforts to coordinatethe flood of purchas ing orders from all parts of the country and abroad brought & delay of 20 minutes before a deal In "big steel" could be negotiated. The two principal motors were also late in getting a start. The Associated Press average of SO stocks was up 1.3 points at 48.2 on top of yesterday's ad vance of. 15. Transfers Of 1,897, 860 shares compared with 1,228, 710 the day before and were the best since Sept. 144 moderately active' but remained fully steady. Sales by growers In the Yakima valley area included around 245 bales of prime to choice 1938 crop Clusters, which netted growers 19 cents per pound. No sales by growers were ieported in the Puyallup valley district of western Washington, although dealers fc were offering 20 cents per pound for new crop Fuggles in: that area. Remaining supplies in growers hands in the Puyallup valley iwere reported as consisting entirely of Fuggles, the 112 bales of clusters pro duced there having been covered by contract and delivered. California hop markets turned somewhat stronger during the past week, reflecting improved demand from the trade and con tinued light offerings from grow ers. Sales by producers were placed at 550 bales of 1938 hops at 20 cents per pound net grow- d you please. I'm going back down stairs." Toby turned his back and I started from the room. I can find out." Stan stood up and put a hand on Toby's shoulder. "There were several here last night ' who can probably tell me. I thought it might be better coming from you." I Stan's usually cheerful blue eyes j hardened. "There is one of two : reasons' why that door was closed i last night. A man was stabbed to -death in the poker room, just across I the halL He had to pass that door to get :n there. You knew he was I going in there and didn't want him to be seen by the players in here " ; "That's a confounded lie!" Toby; Captain," Toby yelled. . screamed. He began to shake with a quick uncontrollable tremor. "Don't yon listen to him, Captain. For God's sake, don't listen to him. That room was engaged for a poker game last night. The same fellows have had it before. They always make me lock the door so they can get in without being seen." "Yonll have to come clean, Toby," said LeRoy. "I can't take a yarn like that back to headquarters with out names and dates. I'm not out to clean op gambling. I'm after somebody to sit in a chair." "It was CaprillL" Toby spoke through a sob. "He's in town with some of his mob for the races. They'll beat the life out of me if they ever learn I tipped you off " The Captain whistled softly. "So that rat's back in Miami. I warned him last year to spend his winters north." : .. . - . : "And what about the game?" Stan asked. "Did it end with the last pot for Mr. Fowler?" Toby slumped into m chair, crossed his arms on 'a table, and buried his face. His shoulders were trembling with nervousness and fear. "I'm busted wide open." he sobbed. "There was no game. Cap rilli gave me fifty bucks advance to hold the room and buy liquor. Juan fixed a lot of stuff and not cne of tke crowd showed up!" (To Be Continued) - Caprrlsht as OreeMbars. raMtaher. feae, restates Sradleate, lae. Quotations I PBODUCB EXCHASOB ' PORTLAND. Ore, Kept 80. (AP) . Produce Exchans j Butter Extras 27c; standards 26; prime firsts 26e; firsts 24c. Bntterfat 27-78e. Esa Large extraa SO; large stand ards 27; medium extrss 2ie; medium standards 24; small extras lVc; small standards 40. Cheese Triplets 13e; lest 14c. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore, Sept 30. (AP) Live poultry Buying prices Leghorn broilers, lhk to 14 lbs., 1017c; 2H lbs., 16e lb.; colored springs 2 to Sfe lbs.. 17-lSa lb.; ever IH lbs.. 1718c lb.; Leghorn kens over lbs., 14 lb.; nnder St lbs., 12o lb.; colored bans to lbs.. IS 19e lb.; over 5 lbs., 18 18 lb.; Nov grade So lb. less . - Country Heats Selling price to re tailers t Country killed bogs, best botch er under ISO lbs, 1112c lb; dealers, 14-lic lb.; light sa thin 10-12 lb.; heavy 8 Vc lb.; bulls 8 8c lb.; spring lamba 13 H lb.; ewes 4-6c; cotter cows 7-7 He. Turkeys Selling price dressed new crop hens, 25e; toms, 27c lb. buy ing price; new hens, 23e lb.; toms, 25c. Potatoes Yakima Gems. $1.10-1.20 per 100 lbs.; local, SI. 00 per cwt. Onion Oregon S0-75e; Yakima, (0 lbs. 50c. Hay, Selling Price to Retailers Alfal fa Xo.ll. 1 ton; oat, vetch, $10.50-11 ton; closer $10.00 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon ( ); do valley $15 too, Portland.-- e Wool Willamette valley nominal me dium. 23c lb - coarse and braids. 23e lb.; lambs and fall, 20c lb. ; eastern Oregon, Xty 2 lb. : Hops Nominal; new crop, 18ie. Cascara Bark 1938 peel 5c lb. Uobair Nominal; 1938, 32e lb.; 6 mo.. SOo lb. Domestic flour, selling price city de livery 1 to 25 bbL lots: family patenta, 49s. $5.05-4.25; bskers hard 'wheat net $3.90-5.40; bakers' bluestem $4 25-4.55; blended hard wheat 4 35-4.65; aoft wheat flour $4.00-4 10; graham 49s, $3.95 whole whest,49s, $3.95 bbl. - Sugar Berry or fruit, 100s, $5.00; bales $5.10; best $1.90 centsl. I'orllami l.ivt'Ktork PORTLAND, Ore, 8ept. SO. (AP) (USDA) Hogs: Receipts 300 including 224 direct, market on cleanup basis, weak to 10 lower than Thursday, bulk and tT 170-210 lb. 9.25, odd head 225 lb. 8.75, few light lights 8.50, packign sows 7.-5, choice lig'it feeder pigs quot ed 9.00. Cattle: Receipts 125 Including 108 direct,; calves 125 including 104 direct, scattered aales ateady with late Thurs day, tat cowa quoted 25 lower than Wed nesdsy, few common, . steers 5.50-0.00. good grasscrs salable 8.00, few cutter to ! ! ers. As the period ended how ever, growers were mostly ask ing around 21 4 -2 5 cents per pound wblle dealers and indus tries were, bidding 20 cents for fairly heavy quantities. The mar ket jwas generally quoted at around 21-22 cents per pound. POLLY AND HER PALS '1 I A MICKEY MOUSE BUT. MR. PIPER! WE'VE GOT TO PUT A i5-S. AT MR. LITTLE ANNIE RC.ONEY irM GUO M SPECIALTWAJM ARRIVES TOMORROW. 1vtXJ AAEAM TaIICE PLACE-? W HA.HA-IKWEW ( WELL, AiAVBE ME DOES 1 I GUE6S MR T3AAAES WAS CRJST K, 1 I COULDfdT STAMO THE POOR SERVICE 'AND BAO Jf YOG DOMT I VsT YOUR OOGt I I VOU WERE OJL.V 1 1 BUT I DOWT LIKE THE Wa.vJJ 1 FOOUN" WHEN HE SAIO WE TOKrT K I AOtCltJA IKJ TTJI AAUTV AAALlSOLEUaA VTnrr - A TWlWK tT ZEPQ. HAS TO HANS- I I FOOCIMw ZERO 1 1 HXLOOKSATTHC v -l I LIKE THE FDOD AMD COOuc; iu- M F i a. ' 1 1 AAUCH LONGER ft . 'fiwffi I THIS ISA 1 AROUMDTHiS AMT1Q0E I TH1MK9 THIS 7 MAMACER )s X-' I V . . a I NICE PLACE 1 KENNEL AWCTTHER. t HOTEL I s T I - ( ' .r' -fl I A Pi J TO UV ? I EV- HE'LL GO DOWM L SWELL. F I a 74 TJl I Jj : S I i IS S IV B 4 V 1 1 V rv S 't I I"J!S S S II S-l B M III I! I UiVyJiy7 --v.-v ; : i iti hi m w 11 i ' is Ml i l -v tsa s . l v - to s til r m 1 i i iv i . i.'jh j l vt v . TOOTS AND CASPER wpll ma Aiyp u avt ZrONE TO THE COUNTRY, CA-5PER, AND ITS A RELIEP TO HAVE A REST FROM SOPHIE'S NAbfclNbl TIII3IBLE THEATRE GOTCABOOSO'S AtiMV! THEY PULLED THE vvHOLE LOT C7 LUBBERS IWE in l O THE. EAR.T I r kir-rr 1 at Portland common helfera 4 00-5.50, tow cattev and cutter cowa 2.75-3.25, fat dairy type cows S. 75-4 25. good beef sews quoted 4.7 S 5 50. bulls aalable 4.50-5.50. week's top beef bulls 6.00, medium-good vealers 7.00-9.00. choice 10.00, common 5.50, common-medium 800-50 lb. cales 4.50 6.00, good 275-330 lb. 7.25-8.00. Sheep: Receipts 250 including CO di rect, market steady, few good-choieo 79 85 lb. lambs 6.75-7.00, strictly choice 7.25 and above, few common-medians 5.0O 6.25. odd ewea .H. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. 80. (AP) Wheat: "' Open " High Low - Close December 64 H 4V 63 H 3 May 5 65 S4H 4 Cash Grain: Oata, No. 2-38 lb. white 25.00; No. 3-88 lb. gray nominal Bar ley, No. 2-45 lb. BW, 20.00. Corn. No. 2 ES" shipment 2,7-t'O- - ' ' - Cssh Wheat Uid: Soft white 62; west ern white 61; western red 60. Hard red winter ordinary 58 H : 11 per cent 59; 12 per cent 62 Mi ; 13 per cent 67; 14 per cent 71. Hard white-Baart ordinary 62; 11 per cent unquoted; 12 per rent 63; 13 per cent 66; 14 per cent 68. Today's ear receipts: Wheat 24; bar ley 1; floor 7; corn 1; oata 8: bsy 1; millfeed 3. . . . Governor Martin Ends Woods Closure Period Governor Charles H. Martin yesterday Issued an order revok ing all previous proclamations providing for absolute closure of forest areas and entering by per mit. The order was issued on recom mendation of State Forester Fer guson, who said recent rains had eliminated the fire hazard. Stocks & Bond: Septeniber 80 STOCK AVERAOS Complice By Tt-o Aaaociatcd Preas SO 15 IS 60 Indus Hails Dtil Stork ?ridsy 71.5 18.7 82.2 48.2 Previous dsy 69.5 18.0 81.5 46.9 Month Sgo 71.6 10.1 32.7 48.5 Year ago 79.9 28.9 37.1 56.2. 1938 high 74.0 21.6 35.1 50.8 1938 low 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1937 high 101 6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937 low 67.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 BOND AVEEAGES 20 10 - 10 10 Rails Indus t'til For en Friday 55.1 97.8 93.0 63.0 Previona day 54.2 97.4 92 0 61.1 Month ago 57.6 93.6 92.9 62.8 Year ago 84.9 101.1 94.5 69.5 193S high 70.5 100.3 94.3 67.0 1938 low 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1937 high 99.0 104.4 102 8 74.7 1937 low ., 70.3 95.5 90 3 64.2 1932 low 45.8 40.0 64 6 42.2 1928 high 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 The WHO"? OH DRAIN PIPE MR.POTTSGOLD! TLL GLADLY POTTSGOLD'S! UTTLc Ai-TEKATIUN, OUI I WONT BE ABLE THERE UNTIL THIS . EVENING! SHE JUMPS Ohl . ME FROM MORN TO Nt&HT! ALL DAY LONJZar IT'S PICK- "4 PI CK-P1CK- Starring Popeye Trrx ... K jJgCK- THANK GOODNESSi -4 SSJAv t ABE SAVED! AMP TO THINK HOW I LIBELLED DESER.T1 NGj WON'T ME INI MV DESEOT, TH05& UCTfcX-V V 4 TIME OF N BED ! DEMONS! vrr .v -1 I Nfi-A . Peace T TS Wheat Prices Two Cents Drop Recorded ; as Last Doubts Fade on Europe Front , CHICAGO. Sept. 30-;p)-TrI-umph of peace forces at the Mun ich International conference led to a quick fall of 2 cents a bushel In Chicago wheat values today.- .... Complete removal overnight of lingering doubts that, the four power diplomatic assemblage would achieve victory" for peace dominated wheat - market tran sactions from the outset. In parti cular, dispatches announcing Czechoslovak government accep tance, aa well as the far-reaching general appeasement accord sign ed on behalf of England and Ger many, attracted continuous atten tion; - , . . : . - At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures .were cents . lower. compared with yesterday's finish. Dec. s.3-, May 64-, corn down, Dec. 48U-. May sl'i-H, oats off, rye show lng 1 drop, and provisions unchanged to 40 cents decline. Gardeners and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAXD. Ore, Sept. 30.- (AP)- (US lpt. Agriculture). Apples ' Kings, t5-75c; Jonathans, fancy. 81.50-1.60: face and fill, 85e-Sl; Winter bananas, loose, 45-50c; Spitsen bergs, face and fill, 75c; delicious, loose. Hood Kiver, BO S5e; local, oO-SSe; Wash ington Delicious, extra fsncy, large S2.00 2.25, medium 31.60-1.75. Artichokea California, $2.85-3.00 bos. Avocados California fuerts $2.45-2.80. Beana Oregon, green. Blue Lake, 2 2c; Yount. large, 3-4c; Kentucky, 2 2c lb. Broccoli Lugs, 35-40e. Brussels Sprouts 12-eup crt. 90c-$l. Cantaloupes Oregon, 1618s, $1.25 1.35; 36s-45s. f 1.50-1.75; Sprara $1.25 1.35. Cabbage Oregon, Ballhead. $1.15 1.25; red 2-3e lb Cauliflower Local, 50-60c; No. 2, 25 35c. Celery Oregon, Milwankie Ctah type, $1.15-1.25 per crate; Labish white, $1 1.05; bearta 70-80e. Corn 5 dos, 75-90c: Wash.. $1.10. Cranberri- bbl.. Karlv Blacks, $3.25-3.50; McFarlanda, $3.50-3.75. Cucumbers Ore. orange box 85e-$l; flats 25 30c; pickling. No. 1, 35 40c; No. 2. 80 35c: No. 3, 25-30c Pill 5 6e lb. Endive laical, 35-40e dos. jlowc Composer Gets All the Breaks r .. ' ' - -lJr3 ( THE MOST VJONDERJUi MAN ! ) I IAND.FA.ME'S SO HARD") y '- TS! J- . HE'S THE "TOWN'S LEADING J OPrfeABWGHE CAN J ( BUT. O' COURSE,VlJH t t . VNHO TH' 1 SWING MUSIC COMPOSER ! ) SCABCELV HEAR. Ar- PAlrzES IT'S TAK1N' J ifibzZk HECK WUZ ) V , .. .l SOUND. ISN'T IT V. A MlGHTV UNFAIR. lfn)"TWGUjS A J WONDE35RJL? i ' "7 ADVAtTAGE When the Sun Is in the West Lazy WHAT of course- MAKE THAT TO (?ET Birds in a Gilded Cage No Escape for the Colonel Jgk tKNOW-BUT VVHENW' " Cg-- HONEY! -J r. I DO A JOB OVER, I J jik-; ,r,im' ' i HSi erTL-aiT-" v-i . 1 - i AET TOUR. FEET OFF OF THIS . OTTOMAN! DO YOU "WANT TO SHOE-BLACKENlNLr OM IT T DONTT -DROP YOUR CI&AR ASHES ON THE FLOOR ! v- A General Buries the Hatchet rNOKlSENSEl! BUT THEV UtbcKT ed: HEARD OF ANVeODV. DISAPPEARING INTO THEY UUbT ; SEEMED TO THE GROUND? DISAPPEAR I IVJTT TUP GCOOND Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Sept. 3 O.-iToday's closing quotations . - t tx 1 Daw X- AI Chera Sc. Dye 183 f!om with Allied Stores . . American : Can . Am For Power.. Am Power St Lt. Am Bad Std San 10 M Consol Editon . 27 98 Consol Oil .... 8 T ' 3T4 Corn Products-. 65 H 4 T4 Cnrtiss Wright . 6 15 Du Pont de N. .1344 18 Douglas Aircraft 47 Am Hnlt Mills. Am Smelt it Rf. 45 ElecPow & Am Tel Xr T1. -142A Erie RR Am Tobacco B. . 87 4 Genl Electric Am Water Wks 9 Genl, Foods Anaconda ...... Armour 111 . . . . Atchison ...... Barnsdall Bait it Ohio ... BendLx Avla . . . Beth Steel . . .. Boeing Air . . . . Borge-Warner" . Budd Mfg . California Pack. Callahan Z-L Calumet Hec ' . . ' Canadian Pacific J I Case ....... Caterill Tractor Celanese ..... I Certain-Teed . . . Chesapeake A O Chrysler ...... Coml Solvent TV 33 Genl. Motors.. .. 47 .5 'Goodyear Tire . 277 34 G t Nor By Pf.'. .19 V 17 H Hudson Motors,- 8 7 tllinole Central . 11 H. 21 Insp Copper, ... 14 H 58 Int HarvesUr .. 594 23 Int Nickel Can; 50 H 33 Int Pap it P Pf. 38 5 Int Tel & Tel... , 18 Johns Mannvllle 99 1 Kennecott . . . . 43 . . 7 Libbey O Ford . 52 6 LIg.A Jtfyers B. 97H. 88 M Loew'a . . . . . . . 51 50 Monty Ward .. 4 21 Nash-Kelv i .... 9 9 Natl Biscuit 24 36 Natl Cash 26 73 Natl Dairy : Prod 12 10 Natl Dlst 24 i' r,,ni,.t -7r ncr nound: flats. 90e. fisrs Locsl white. 60-65e flat; black, 30c. . i Garlic Ical. best. T 8e pound; poor er 5 6c per pound. : Grapefruit 64 86s, florid a. $3.85 4.50 r.lif u.l?i .fi-r S2.5U-2.75. i RnMi-Umn concords. 20-pbsnd Vexes 30-40c: -Thompson seedless, lug noses. 85e-$l tokays. 85c-$l; Ladyfia- eer. $1.00-1.25; Corniehona, , 60-75e; white MaUgaa. $1-1.10. " it LemonS Faacv. all sizes. $4.-4.50. f Um Calif.. 50 Iba. 85.50: traya 16- 25c . V i Lettuce Dry pack 3 and 4 doicn. 90e-$l ; Seattle. $1.25-1.35. : Mushrooms Cultivated, 1 lb. 35-40e. ! 50-nound ' seeks. Washington Valencias. Xo. 1. 60 65c; 10 pound sacks. 18-20e: Yakima yellows, SO pouna ssckb. So. 2. 50 60c; No. 1, 65-70e; medians. $1.00-1.25 per cwt; large. L50 1.60 per cwt. ; Labish yellows, 50 - pound sacks.; i boilers. 50 pound sacks, 55-65c: 10 pound sacka. 14-15c f Oranges Choice Valenciaa, fancy 126-176S. $2.90-3.25; 200 and smaller,, $2.40-2.60; choice $2.00-2.35. . - s Peaches Orange clings, 75 85c i Pesrs Oregon. Bose, loose, 45-50c; Aniou. fsncy o0-88e; packed $1.35-1.50. i i Peas Orgon Lower Colombia. 25 lb. boxes. $1.25-1.35; fair oualiiyt $1-1.10 J hampers, $1,63 1.75; local, $1.25-1.50. J S Pepnera Oregon lugs, !5-40e: orsngo boxes, 80-90c; red 8-10c; flsU, 25-30c : Potatoes Wash.. Russets, .$1.20-1.30; 25-lb. sack. 35-37 Mr; No. 2. 42 H -45c, 50 lbs. long whites and , Kussets, No. 1, 80e-$1.10; bakers, 100 lbs.. $1.50- 1.60; Deschutes Kussets, io. i, L25. .. .. . ' I Plums Ore. and Wash, Italians, 1 lb. box, 25-30r; 25 lb. lug, 35-40c Peas Columbia, 25 lb. box. $1.35- Folks Work Best - 3 THE IDEA"? WE'VE - I - , ' GOT NOTHIN' TO DO TODAY! -x- i 1,11 111 n m " - - -r t n k i ns Ni. VsEXt. MAYBE ME 3DOGS BUT I JOONT LIKE THE. I Hat LOOKS AT THE . . a . . m v. vsrsw bit rUN AM' look at Your clothes all. ! . over the houses keep your THINGS IN ET AND ; - 1 t to, YOUR ROOM; ?4 rio-i THPV L-J who eve WHV DON'T YOU K ANSWER ME-pVS GENERAL"? J jf . 'aVaa'ai Slasal Masnaan4V SsVjtSnnBBBBlnBSa - n. rtm. T- r..- . .. I.r- Natl Pow & Lt 6 10T4 Nor Pacific . . . Packard Motor j C Penney .. PhUIIps Petrol Pressed Stl Car 5 SO 40 '4 8 Public serv jtj. Pullman ...... 30 Safeway Stores. 17 Sears Roebuck V 71 Lt. 2 424 j... . 35T4 Shell Union ... Sou Cal Edison. 21 Sou Pacific .... H! Stand Brands .. 7 Stand; Oil Calif. 30 . . SUcd OH NJ... 53' Studebaker 7 Sup Oil ...'..., -3 wag i 7311 Daor A 11 AAA4JS wW- rm Trans-America . .10 Union Carbide . 84" United Aircraft. 26 n.u.j 1 trltn.a - SaX US Rubber 45 US Steel ...... 59 . Walworth ...i. 8 West Union ... 27 White Motors . 12 Woolworth . . . . 46 (Xrw Yerk Cwrb) -Cities Service ... 7 Elec Bond Jfe'Sh 7' 1.50 fair. $1.15-1.25; local. $1.25-1.50. Squash Oregon. Washington Creea- neck, scallop sncchiai, 25-80e per flat; Daniah, flats. 45-S5c; crates se-$l.l; Msrblehead lU-lc lb.; Hubbard l4c; Bohemian, lag, &0-65e. ' Spinach Ore.. eo-65e orange box. . Tomatoes Oregon, local S5-30e; Xo. X. 15 20i Bunched vegetables Per do sea bunches, beets. 20-25c; carrota. 2V 30c; green colons 20-25e; psrsley 23 S5e; radishes, 20-25c; turnips, a5-40o dosen. Broccoli.. lag, 40-45e . Melons Persians, California. $1.00- A. .,. v l . . ,w., m , -- , ------ $1.10-1.25; ice . cream melons, Wash., lU-lJ4e pound. Root Vegetables Sacked, per hundred weight; carrots, lurs, 45-50e; rutabagas, $1.00-1.23: lugs. 50-60c; beets. $1.25 1.35; turnips, $2.00-2.50; parup, 45 7 we " for FILBERTS V and WALNUTS Orchard Run or Graded Also Nut Meats M. KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 277 S. Liberty , Ph. 7633 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY DOWTVOUSEE9 IF I 1-J DID IT IN WORKING HOURS. - - - - - By BRANDON WALSH I GUESS AACS rTAAAE& WA? m WT V Sou, 1H LIKE TrE FOOD AMD Dnruuc; iw-rviic; HOTEL. CAUSE HE ALVvAVS HAD LDT5A WHtW WE WAS EATING PORK BEAMS AKTSLEEPV4 OKI 1 MC bKOUHU HEAR THE COVERCO WAGON By JIMMY MURPHY FOR TWO PINS TO X Sk M rfaajn. a-w n SV sna ssnij . Sk A-tf - nuvc tSSrS I J , ft 1 house! Yours as BAD AS SOPHIE ! I lr 7 i BY SEGAR ,''HA.HA. who eves -1T!ei.hea5dcf J CXSAPPEAlJ I Mi- . I OUrJDiJ L'etsN ,'THtiOW DiaT in FACE! w j.. v