The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 11, 1938, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, OregonSunday Morning, September 11, 1938 j
Salem Market Quotations
(Baying Price) '
(Th prircs blow supplied by a 'oeal
grocer are indicative of th daily market
price paid ta grower by Ha Iris buyers
but at But guaranteed by Tb- Slate
man y - '
Apple, Grsvenstelns. bo. - .SO
Apricot, 15 Ib . Yakima .55
Bananas. Il. a stalk , .OS
Hand 06 V
Cantaloupe 2 00 .
Grapefruit. Calif. Sunkist," crate- 2.50
Ground Cberries. lb. -10
Huckleberries, gal. . . 100
Date, fresh, lb. 14-
Lemons, crate . , ,. - 5 25
Orange. rste ..; 82 65 to 3.15
(Buying Price)
Beets, do. , -
.02 hi
.02 H
1 00
1 25
3 00
.75 :
Cabbage, lb
Calif., new crop
Carrot. 'or!, in
Cauliflower. Seattle .
Celery. Utah. era. .
Celery Heart, do. , -Lettuce.
Onion. Bermudas, c wt.
Boiling. 10 lbs. No. 3
Green onions, do. , . -
Radisbea, dos.
Peepers, green, local '
Parsley Jj... ' ...
Preen Pea, lb.
New Potafbe. local, rwt.
Squaih. Stimmer, dot
Uannh. dot.
Zccrhini squash, flat
Turnips, do.
Walnut. 19Z lb. 10 to
Filbert. 1937 crop, lb 12 to
(Baying Price)
Clusters, nominal. 1937. Ib.i0 to
Cluster, 1938, lb. ... . .
f ugglesj . top .. nominal
(Baying Price)
Wool, medium, lb. -
Coarse, lb. ., -
Lamb, lb-"". "
Mohair, lb ..
(Baying Price of Andresens)
Large extra .
Medium extras
I-arce atsndard ,.
Colored fry
Colored medium, lb.
White Leghorn, lb.. No. 1.
Whits Legh.trns, fry
'White Leghorns, lb.. Ko. 2.
Slams at Resort
Draw Hot Answer
PORTLAND. Sept. 10.-()-Bristling
retorts today followed
Jay Franklin's nation-wide broad
cast Friday night in which the
national commentator called Tim
berline lodge on Mount Hood a
first class luxury hotel built by
relief labor , for the use of the
stiff-collar &nd white-tie classes,"
and said federal officials in Ore
gon were "either Liberty league
democrats or -open republicans."
Jack L. Meter, Timberline
Lodge, Inc., president, in reply
pointed out that since the open
ing of the lodge last February
200,000 had visited the lodge, as
many as 6000 in a single day,
paying from $1.50 a night up for
accommodations, that meals In
the coffee shop averaged 35 cents.
Frank Tierney, chairman of the
democratic state central commit
tee, declared that federal office
holders in the state had been con
stant in their support of the presi
dent, so far as permitted under
federal regulation.
Army Pilot Burns
In Plane's Crash
GLENCOE. Ont., Sept. 10-JP)--A
U. S. army pilot from Self ridge
Field, Mich., burned to death to
night when his (Seversky) pur
suit plane crashed in a field two
miles northeast of here. The pilot,
flying one of two planes to his
home station from Buffalo, N. Y.,
was not identified at I once. The
other aviator returned to Buffalo
because of bad weather.
Loe Leases Property
Loe has leased the John Porter
place here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Parrish who have been living on
the Porter- place for the past
several years have rented the J.
D. Hartwell farm tn Waldo Hills J
and will move there soon. ; This S
place Is better known as the Se- !
bo farm.
' ' .1 !
:.. ,-.. i - . :
.. il t " ' ! ! .
Grade B raw i 4 per cent
milk. Salem basic pool price
Co-op. tirade A butterfat
price," FOB Salem, 25).
(Milk baaed oaf tcmr monthly
butterfat average. ) i
DifttriLutor price, f 2.32.
A grade butterfat Deliv
ered, 235 B grade 24 c;
C grade SOc. I
A grade print, . 29c; B
grade 28c. j
Heavy be, Ib.
Kooster - . .
(Bused en condition and calea reported
op to 4 pan.)
Spring lambs , '' ft 75 to 8 00 j
Lambs 3 00 to 3 50
Ewes- , .1.75 to 2 25
Hop, top. 150 S 10 lb. 8.50
130 150 lb. : 7.75 to 8.00
210 800 Ib. 7 50 to 8 00
Sow L 50 to 6.75
Dairy type row
..3 00 to 3 50
Beef 'cow
..4 00 to 4.50
.5 00 to 5 75
..4.50 to 5 50
8 50
Heifer .
Top veal. Ib.
brefd teal, lb ....
Butterfat, A grade - ; .25 hi
Butterfat, B grade ;: .24 hk
Leghorn hen. .... 10 to .12
Colored fryer . . s.17
Colored hen, over S lbs. .15
Leghorn fryers 4 ' .14
Stags, lb. " .0
Old Koosters. Ib. .05
Rejects, market value. No 2 grade 5e lesa
Large extras .30
Medium extras . .y
Large standards i -1. .27
Medium standards - ... .24
Undergrade .17
Pallets i..., - .17
Oats, white, ton - ..18.00 to 20.00
Wheat, white. b. . .53
Whest. western red,- b. .50
Barley, fed, ton , 18 00
Oats, gray toa . 22.00 to, 24.0
Alfalfs. valley, ion 13 50
Oat and vetch hay. ton- 10 00 "
Alsike clover seed, . lb..09 to .10
Red clover, Ib. 11 to .12
Cloudbursts Ruin
Colorado! Bridges
LOVELAND, Colo., Sept. 10.-(j!P)-Cloudbursts
on the Buckborn
and Big Thompson rivers In north
ern Colorado tonight tore away
at least four bridges, - destroyed
sections of the" new Big Thompson
canon : highway and threatened
two dams which withstood the se
vere floods a week ago.
The cl oud b ursts apparently
struck about the same time, on
both rivers. , . ,
Loveland city officials said
more water was flowing over the
Big Thompson dam 10 miles west
of Loveland tonight than at any
time during the high water last
week. " f -
Ranch families living below the
Buckhorn reservoir northwest of
Loveland were warned to aeek
higher ground.
Women Are Jailed
After Dance Row
': -:; t , ' ; :
MEDFORD. Sept. lO-f-There
was a little disturbance last . Sat
urday night at an Upper Apple
gate dance, which explains how
Evelyn N. Jett and Elaine Claw
son happen to be in the county
jail today.
As officers gathered the details,
it seems that the women entered
the : dance hall kitchen and de
manded food of Mrs. Clara Smith.
There was a dispute about, it,
said Sheriff Syd I. Brown, with
the result that Mrs. Smith suf
fered the loss of two handfuls of
hair, face scratches, a bitten fin
ger and nasal injuries, j
, The upshot was that Misses Jett
and Clawson were arrested for
assault and battery, pleaded guil
ty and were fined 40 each and
ccsts. Rather than pay the fines,
they went to jail despite the
court's offer to give them ample
time to remit. ;
We believe you can manage your
own social affairs, so we have no
Classified "heartthrob! column."
But we do have classifieds for
Lost & Found for Wanted, and
For Sale; for Apartment hunting
and Real Estate . . . so you need
not search blindly!
Just Dial 9101
Thje O regon
Market Week
Foreseen Post-Labor Day
Buying Burst . Turns
lout to! Be 'Bust'
-. j . . i , r; . .'
NEW YORK, Sept. 10-P)-The
predicted post-Labor day .buying
burst in the stock market turned
out to be a "bust" and the list
today ended a generally unsatis
factory week on the downside.
As in the gloomy sessions of the
past few weeks, war talk in Eur
ope again took the principal
blame for the day's- slip-up, al
though Wall street, as a whole,
continued of the opinion an in
ternational upheaval was un
likely, at least for the present.
Steels, Motors Weak
Steels, motors . and specialties
were among the-weak ones, but
the majority of these about
halved declines on the concluding
stretch. - . . . i : '
The Associated Press average
of-60 stocks was off .6 of a point
at 47.2, making the net setback
for the" week 1.8 points.
Transfers amounted to 416,480
shares, the -best Saturday since
August 6, end compared with
357,380 a week ago.
Independence Hi
Registering Soon
Rolls Open Next Thursday
for Opening Sept. 19;
Faculty Complete
will begin at Indepenlence high
school Thursday morning, Sep
tember 15.i : Paul E. Robinson,
principal, will be in bis office
from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 each day.
Students who are picking hops
may register in the evening if
they will make appointments with
Mr. Robinson. It is the hope of
the faculty' that all students will
register before the opening date
on September 19.
A roof was recently put on the
high school, and the Inside of the
building "Is being kalsomined and
painted. f - i
New Teacher Named
At a school board meeting held
this week jMiss Barbara Webb of
Milwaukie! was elected to fill the
position resigned by John Gross,
who will teach at Baker junior
high next i year. Miss Webb is a
graduate of Reed college.
Faculty Listed
Faculty ! members and some of
the classes they will instruct fol
lows:. Paul E. Robinson, princi
pal and mathematics; Loren Mort,
physical education and science;
Howard Bennett, agriculture;
Marian Harwood, domestic sci
ence; Fay Mort, science;' Mar
garet Reeves, commerce; Jeanne
Graf, commerce and girls physi
cal education; Margaret Scholer,
English and public speaking; and
Barbara Webb, English and jour
nalism. I ;
The Holt brothers will have the
school busses this year.
Compensation Fee
Balances Benefits
i .
A summary of contributions by
Marlon county and its employes
to the state industrial accident
commission and ' compensation
paid to workmen shows that oyer
the five-year period ending June
30, 1938, the returns approxi
mately balanced with the fees
paid in, County Clerk TJ. G. Boyer
announced yesterday. During the
period the commission paid coun
ty workers $38,624.36 while the
county contributed $34,609.91
and the workmen $2129.08, or a
total.' of i $36,738.99, Boyer's re
port showed. !
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 10. (AP)
Produce. Exchange:
Hotter Extra 25e: Undard 25e:
prime first 25e; first 23.
Batterfat 2S26V.
CC Large extra 81 J large tand
arda 27; median extra 29; medium
tandarda 26; a mall eatraa 19; email
atandards 18.
Caeeae Triplet I3e; loaf 14c.
Portlauii Produce
PORTLASD. Ore., Sept. 10. (AP)
Live puultrf Buying price Leg h ore
broilers. 1 te 1 lb.. 1817e lb.; 2H
lbs., 16e lb.; colored spring 2 to 3H
lb.. 18 19c; lb.; over 4 hi lbs, 19c
lb. ; Leghorn bens ever . Iba 14e
lb.; ander 3 lb, 12c lb.; colored
ben to 5 lb.. 18 lc ib.; ever S lb..
10c lb.; Ko. 2 grade 5c lb. lesa.
Cuuatry Meal Selling price to re
tailer: Country killed hogs, best butch
er ander 160 Iba.. 1112c' lb..; veal
era 13-le lb.; light and thin 9 12c: lb.;
heavy SlUlit lb.;inlla 8-9 lb.; canner
cow Tc; cutter cow' 7 8e lb.; spring
lamb 12 I Se lb.; old lamb 7 8 lb.;
ewe 3 5e lb.
Trky 8elllng price drexed new
crop bea 27 28c; torn 28 29e lb. buy
ing price; new bens 25c; torn 26c lb.;
old hens 20e; torn 17 Ifte Ib.
Potatoes Yakima Gems, 81.15 1.30;
Rose. 81 11 1.23; - 100 Ib. bag; local
81 00 I 05 per 100 lb. bag; Descbute old
II 40 cental.
Onion California White Globe 81 S3;
Oregon 85c; WaUa Walla 75c; Yakima
75e per 50 lb. bag
Bay, Selling Price to Retailer Alfal
fa So. 1. 818 ton; oat, vetcb. U ton:
clover 810 11.50 ton; timothy, eastern
Oregon ,( ); de valley 815 ton. Port
land. '
Wool Willamette valley nominal me
dium, 23e lb.; coarse and braids, 23c
lb., lamb and fall. 20o lb.; eastern
Oregon 16 -2d He lb.
Hop Nominal; 1937, 9 10c; 1938,
Caseara Bark 1938 peel Se lb.
alohair Nominal; 1938. 32 lb.; 8
mo. 80e lb.
Domestic floor, selliDg price city de
livery 1 to 25 bbL lot: family patents,
49. 85.45-6 05; baker' hard wheat net
3 80-5.25; baker' blnestera 4.10-4.40;
blended hard vbeat 4.20-4 50; soft wheat
flour 8.90-4.00; graham 49. 8.95 whole
wheat, 49s, 3.95 bbl.
Sugar Berry or fruit. 100. 890;
bale 85 10: best 84.60 cental.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 10. (AP)
(TJ8DA) Hogs: Receipts none; for
week 4,000; compared week ago market
Putnam in Favor
Of Consolidation
Nineteen reasons why consoli
dated school districts are advan
tageous to education were cited by
Rex Putnam, state superintendent
of schools in a. report released
here Saturday.
These ran zed from increased
efficiency to savings in operation
costs. 1 '
Putnam said that since 1930
approximately 108 school districts
hare consolidated Into A S districts.
In 1936-37 a total of 309 districts
had rinsed their schools under
provisions of the suspension law
and were transporting tneir pupus
to adjacent scnoois.
In 1930-31 there were 1326
one-teacher rural schools in Ore
gon as against 1063 In 1936-37.
This was a decrease of 253 one-
teacher schools during that
The report showed that four
counties are now operating under
the county unit plan, in tnese
roiintlpH the rountv boards have
authority to consolidate schools
and transport the pupils to them.
Would-Be Robber
Beaned by Woman
PORTLAND, Sept. 10.-CP)-When
anyone points a pistol at
Mrs. E. W. Harris, watch out!
Here's what happened to a man
Identified as R. B. Manuel Hoag,
The Harrises told authorities
that as they drove into their drive
way and prepared to alight from
their automobile, Hoag appeared
and leveled a pistol at them.
Harris went fhto action, remi
niscent of the approaching grid
iron season. In the melee, two
shots were fired, neither taking
effect. That made Harris the
angrier and he gave Hoag a bang
up beating with Mrs. Harris aid
ing to the extent of caroming a
rock from her flower garden off
Iloag's topnotch.
When Hoag finally was removed
to jail, he needed 20 stitches. He
was held under $5,000 bail on
charges of attempting robbery
while armed.
Lewelling Decrees
Easement Is Valid
Validity of an Implied easement
necessary to gani access to cer
tain property from a county road
was sustained by Circuit Judge
L. a.. Lewelling in an opinion yes
terday finding for the plaintiffs
in the case of Aloy J. and George
Humpert vs. S. E. and D. Mc
Cleary. Despite the fact that a mort
gage default by other than plain
tiffs affected the property in
question, the court held, . the
claimed easement remains in ef
fect, i , .
The Oregon supreme court does
not ; distinguish between continu
ing; and- non-continuing' ease
ments, the opinion ruled, but
holds to the doctrine that an ease
ment that Is apparent, designed
to be permanent and is reason
ably necessary to the use of the
premises is capable of being es
tablished by Implied grant.
TP est Salem Gymnasium
Will Be Completed Soon
The West Salem school gym
nasium, built as a WPA project,
will be completed In the near fu
ture under a supplementary al
lotment of $1491, which accord
ing to a telegram sent by Senator
Reames yesterday, has been ap
proved at Washington. D. C. All
lhat remains to be done on the
new building is the laying of
floors, installation ot plywood
paneling and Interior trim work.
Wringer Injury Painful
SILVERTON Mrs. Roy Davis
suffered painful Injury Thursday
when her arm was caught in the
wringer. No bones were broken
but bad bruises resulted, it was
at Portland
25 higher; week's top 9.25 paid for car
loads . aad few track-in ; week'a bulk
truck tin aealiag 165-315 lb. 9.00; 225
70 lb, aad ' moat light light around
8.50; heavier weights down to 8.00;
packing sow 7.00 25; few 7.50; top
feeder pigs 8.50.
Cattle: 50; early aalesr Receipt
week 2525; calves 350; compared week
age market unevenly ateady, some he
stock stronger early steers occasionally
15 to 25 lower; bulls weak vealer fully
steady; bulk grass steers 6.50-7.65; top
T.65 with short fed .steers up to 8.00,
common steers 5.00-6.00; stockers 5.00
6.50; medium to good-gras heifer 6.25
7.50; cenaio down to 4.75 ; cutters down
to 4.00; low cutter and cutter eowa 2.75
8.50, common " to medium grades 4.00
5 00 :good beet cowa 5.25-75; balls 5.00
50; few to S.75 early; good to choice
vealer 8.00 90. ,
Sheep: Receipt none: for week 4925;
compared week ago spring lambs strong
to 25 higher, older classes barely steady;
late bnlk good to choice spring, laanba
6.50-7.0O; common-medium grade &.0O
0.00; medium to choice shorn lambs 5.50
6.25; yearlings 4.00-4.50; medium to
good slaughter ewe 2.00 2.50.
Portland Grain
Wheat : Open
Sept. " ...59 H
Dec. 62
May . 1--65
Cash Grain: Oata.
Sept. 10. (AP)
High Low Close
60 59 60'
63 621 63
5 65 65
Xo. 2-38 lb. whit
24. OO; No 2-38 lb. gray nominal. Bar
ley No. 2-45 lb. BW 19.00. Corn, No.
3-EY Ship. 28.75.
Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft ' white 62;
western white 62; western red 60. Hard
red winter ordinary 58; 11 per cent 59;
12 per cent 61; 13 per cent 65; 14 per
cent 69. Hard white-Baart ordinary 62;
12 per cent 6t; 13 per cent 66; 14 per
cent 68.
Today' car receipt: Whet 81; floor
12; core 2; oat 14; hay 1; millfeed 8.
Wool in Boston
BOSTON, Sept 10 feP) (CSDA)
The. Boston wool market wag very alow
daring the past week. Quotation were
unchanged oa the bulk of (liable offer
ing in this market despite the limited
current demand. Odd lots continued to
appear at price in buyer' favor, com
pared with firm aiking price on the
principle lines. Sentiment was - fairly
confident with regard to prospects for
the fall business in wool. Greasy comb
ing graded bright fleece wool were quot
ed unchanged at 29 to 31 cents in the
grease for fine Delaine and at 30 to 31
centa, la the grease, for half, three-eighth
and quarter-blood grade.
Prevent Chinese
From Taking Leap
PORTLAND, Sept. lO.JF)--.11-other
threatened window ledge
suicide leap was nipped here to
day when police called at the third
story room ot Clarence E. Chlnn,
25, American-born Chinese.
Chinn teetered on the ledge
and witnesses summoned police.
Officers led by Lieut. W. A. Bar
ker pounded on the door and the
obliging Chinn postponed his
jump and let them In.
Asked why he didn't jump
Chinn replied: I wasn't ready."
"Why don't you get dressed?"
an officer asked.
"Why ,don't you get un
dressed!" countered Chinn.
Whereupon police arrested him
for disorderly conduct and or
dered him held for mental ex
amination. Large Crews, Light Crop
End Independence Hops
smaller hop yards around Inde
pendence are finishing with the
picking this week. A few of the
larger yards will be picking a
week or 10 days longer.
Most of the yards will finish
sooner than in former years due
to & surplus of pickers and a
lighter hop crop.
Cross Word Puzzle
i 2 3 h 6 i o ? IO l
22 23 24 2& 26
36 37 - 7Z 3S j
w7 7sy? " 77, "&o -
- 1 iH 1 1 1 EH 1
liy EUlsENK
1 furniture
4 obeLsanc
9 mineral
- spring
; 12 Japanese
food made
from rice ;
13 stupid !
14 linden
15 morphous
16 measure of .
distance '
17 lariat ,
19 free to be
21 jog
22 pertaining :
to morning
24 those who
catch fish
with a net .'
27 baking
structure :
28 small
, bottles !
29 pronoun 1
30 spread for
il flower
32 &ail!
23 upon
34 worth
35 above
36 depressions
" worn by .
38 crest of a
39 dill
40 paradise
41 part of a
43 ancient
44 deity
47 the self
48 eradicate
60 night before
a holiday
51 beetle
52 postpone .
53 uncooked
Herewith Is the
day's puxxle.
Cwrrigat, lilt, kf
Wheat Rallies
Are Extended
Unsettled i European News
, Aids in Continuance of
Friday Upturn
CHICAGO, Sept 10- (&)- The
wheat market's recovery from
five-year low levels was contin
ued for a seeond session today.
Prices rose as much as a cent
a bushel at One stage, -largely as
a result' of uneasiness regarding
the political situation abroad. In
dependent strength at Winnipeg,
where quotations Were two cents
higher at one time, also attracted
attention inasmuch as Canadian
prices have gained twice as much
e.s Chicago values the past two
days.' ..'-;'!;'
Scattered profit taking and
hedging sales kept the upturn in
check, however, while short cov
ering and buying through houses
with eastern connections held the
market fractionally higher
throughout the session.
Wheat closed unchanged to
higher compared t with Friday's
finish, after reacting fractionally
from the day's highs during late
trading, Sept. 62-Vi, Dec. 63
63 U. t
Millfeed. Prices
Decline, Portland
! ' ,
PORTLAND, Sept. 10 - (JP)
Northwest markets were featured
in the past week by the decline of
millfeed prices here while other
grains continued to hold steady or
show strength.
Millfeeds fell off 1.00 per ton,
buyers being influenbed by the
expectations of an Increased out
put because of flour export ' in
demnity premiums.
. Oats held steady, receipts total
ing 36 cars, and: at Willamette
valley points there was a stronger
demand and better prices by buy
ers seeking sed. Barley held
steady, receipts falling to five
cars. The department of agricul
ture estimated . the alsike clover
seed crop at 29,500,000 pounds,
58 per cent above last year but
said prices at $11.30 per 100
pounds were $9 under 1937.
eners am
1 Ranchers Mart
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 10. (AP)
Apple Gravenitein. packed, comb,
xtra fancy and fancy $1.25-1.15; faced
50-?Sc: looaa tinlidded, 45-60e; Red A-
vracban. 65-75e; erabapplea. flats,
sue; boxes 6-7ie: loose. a-e. .
Artichoke Calif.. 83.00-3.2S box.
Avocado California, greca, . $3.55
8.8S bos. ,
Bean Oregon, green. Blue . Lake, J
2 He; Kentucky; 2-3e; Yoont large. -4-5c;
wax, 2-3e.
Berries Blackberries, T0-75e: hnckle
berriea. ll-13e; raapbarriea. 2.25.
Broccoli Lag. 35 45c.
Eggplant S-7e per pound; 20 pound
flat 75-80c; crate $1.50.
Fig Calif., black 75c; local white 65
75e flat r
-Garlic Local, bet, S-lOe per pound;
poorer 6-6e per pound; new crop, S-8e
Grapefruit 48 100 Calif., extra faacy
$2.50-3.00; choice. $2.25-2.75.
Grape Oregon concord.. 95 pound
box, 40-50c; California. Thompson seed
let, log boxea 85e-81.00; clutter $1.15
1.25; red malagas. $1.00-1.15; white
- 1 pouch
2 Australian
bird , .
3 reduced in
4 nymph who
5 soon
6 boy
7 indefinite ,
8 gayly,
9 laminated
10 cavity in .
the ground
J1 literary
I collection
18 electrified
i particles
20 pointed and
piece of
21 rex
22 that which
I motion
23 genus of
" grasses
24 cavity
25 beaded bolt
l of metal
28 cubic
i meter
28 male
! -' servant
31 having
! ments
32 one who
! avenges
34 climbing
I plant
35 native
I compound
37 gasified
i - liquid "
38 serpent
40 otherwise
41 guided
42 past
43 idiot
45 eggs
46 moisture on
i - plants
49 concerning
solution to yestcr
Allied Stores j .
45 Tk
American Can 1.
Am For Power.
Am Pow tc. Lt .
Am Rad Std San
Am Roll Mills...
Am Smelt & Ref
Am Tel & Teli.l
Am Tobacco. B.
Am Water Wk$.
Anaconda . . . i .
Armour 111 .
Atchison . . . . .
Barnsdall . . . 4 .
Bait 4b Ohio.'. J.'
Bendix Aviation
,7 .
Genejral Electric
General Foods .
General Motors.
Goodyear Tire .
Gt Nor Ry Pf
Hudson Motors.
Illinois Central.
Insp I Copper; ...
Int Harvester . .
Int. Nickel Can.
Int Pap V p Pf.
Int Tel &' Tel. .
Johns Manvllle
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing Airp
r. j J . . .
California Pack
Callahan Z-L
i ,
Calumet II ec
Lig Myers
Can Pacific . . i .
J I Case .... ..
Caterpil Tractor
Certain-Teed ; .
Chesapeake & O
Chrysler . . . . t .
Coml Solvent i .
Monty Ward
Biscuit ...
Pow &
malaces, 85-SOeS ribier. 81.00 1 23
tokays, $1.00-1.15; ladj finger
1.25.; !
Honevdew Calif . lumbo flat
1 25150; bulk. 2 i 3a lb.
Lemo t'aacy, all sises, $4.73-5.00;
hoire. SOe SI OO lea. ' I
Lettuce Dry pack , 8 and 4 dozea.H
S5-90c; poorer, low a 65c J
. Onion 50-pouad sacks. Wsikinpton
valencias. No. 1, 65-7Sc; No. 2, 40 60c;
100 pound seeks, Xo 1. 1.15 1.2 j; 10
pound sacks. 18-20e; Takima yellows. So.
2. 5O-60e; No. 1.. 65 70c; 81.00-125 per
hundredweight ; Oregon whit globe. 100
pound sack. 31.90 2.00 ; Labish yellows,
80- 85e per 50-poand sack; white ! pickle,
5-6c; boilers. 50 lb. sack,' 55-65c 10
lb., 1415c; Idaho whit globes, I $1.15
1.25 per 50-lb. ak. .
Oraages Chotee Valenclaa. f 1 a e y
126. 83.50; 200 'and larger. 83.00-3.50;
12.75 3 00. amaller. choice. . 82.00 C. 50. -
Peaches Oregon Elb4rtaa. 45-iOe;
poorer low a 20c; Hales. 55-65e; apple
boxes 75-85e; late Crawford nnquoted,
Oregon Jtnir 60-65c. Gold Medal COe.
Pears Oregon, ; Wah.. loose, apple bxs.
60-75 ; packed extra fancy Sl.50-1.65;
Oregon loose, extra fancy. 81.0O-r.25.
Pepper Oregon, lug. 30 50c; orange
boxes, 75 85c; red, 75e-85c; Ko. 2.
snquoted ; flats 40-50e lb.
Cabbage Oregon, baUhead, $1.50-1.75;
red. 2H-3c; China 81.40.
Cantaloupe Oregon 18 and 27.
31.25-1.50 ; 36s-45. 81.75-2.00 ; Spear.
81- 00-1.15; California. 36 45, 81.00
1.15; Washington all aises, 31 00-1 20.
- Cauliflower Lower Columbia, S5-85c;
local, 75-85c i
Celery Oregon! Kilwauklo Utah type,
$1.25-1.50 per crate; Labia) white, 80c
90e; hearts 70 7c t
Cora 5 do. 1 crate, 70-90e; I Grand
laland. 2 0-2 5c ! - j
Cueambir Oragob, orango boxea 85
$1.00. 1
- Dill 8-10 Ib.t
Endive Local. i 40 45c do.
Potatoes Will, russet. 80e-81.00:
No. 2 42V4-47H; Or, local Ko. 2 round
whites, 45c; triumphs. 100-lb. sacks, oe.
PlumsOregon and Washington ajnson.
anquoted; Italian 18 lba. 3 0-3 5c. j
Peachea O r n Elbert aa. 35 40c;
apple box. 65-73c; Bales, 60-55 ; late
Crawford. 45-50e. I ;
Pea twer Colnmbta. 25 f. be.
$1.75 2.00; fair, f 1.40-1.50; locaL $1.65
1.75. 1 I
Sweet Potatoe Calif., new crop, an-
. Pattern
Young moderns -here yu see
the newest and cutest of the wool
jumper frocks that Mother can
make up for that important First
Day Back At School! All the
girls will be casting envious
glances especially if the buttons
of those high-climbing 1 panels!
pick out one of the colors In the
darling blouse. The whole pretty
business can be stitched up! in no
time, for the Sewing Instructor
tells just what to do. Naturally,
mothers will jfind it a temptation 3
tn at a m wnai' vorelAn a vt si It 3
wise economy since the new ma
terials are so Inexpensive! Re
member, the more cotton blouses
you have, the more useful the
juniper will ibe both for school
and play! i !
Pattern 4658 is available -in
children's sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. lO.Vnd
12, Size 8, ! jumper, takes. 1
yards 54-inch fabric; blouse, 1
yard ' 3 6-Inch fabric. r t
coins or stamps (coins .preferred)
for this Anns Adam pattern. Writs
- Get ready for autumn I Writs to
day for the ANNE ADAMS NEW
IONS and ehooso your entire faU
wardrobe without delay. The i latest
fashion trends for day and evening,
for every sgs and .occasion 1 Styles
tor youngsters from kindergarten to
college: sport-tog ; at-homo frocks :
special designs or stouts; new lin
gerie, Ideas. Every pattern designed
for quick and easy making st home!
Send your order to The Oregon .
ptateerrmw. Pattern TVpr1mTt.
10-6$VT6daya closing Quotations:
Consol-Edison 25 Nor Pacific ....
Consol On 1 . 8 Packard Motor .
Cornl Products . . 68 J C Penney
Curtiss Wright 4 Phillips Petrol .
Du Pont de N. .129 Pressed Stl Car.
Douglas Aircraft 45 Public Serv NJ.
. 4
&. Lt
Pullman ......
40 Safeway Stores .
34 Sears Roebuck .
4 6 Shell Union . . .
27 Sou Cal Edison.
19 Sou Pacific ...
8 SUtnd Brands . .
11 Stand Oil Calif.
14 Stand Oil NJ. ..
59 Studebaker
48 Sup Oil
39 Timk Roll Bear
7 Trans-America .
96 Union Carbide .
39 United -Aircraft.
' .
United Airlines.
US Rubber ....
US Steel
Western Union .
White Motors
J. ...
Lt. .
25 Wool worth ....
12 (New York Curb)
23 Cities Service .. 6
6 Elec Bond.& SH 7
i -1 -
quoted; 50 Ib. crates, $1.75-1.85; Ko, 2,
4 .45-1.55.
j Squash Oregon. Washington Crook-
'neck, scallop Zucchini. 25 3oc per flat;
Danish, flats. 65 7oe; crates, 31.00 1.25;
Marblehead. li lSt H.
i Tomatoes Oregon, local, 63 SOc, Wap-
Ranched Vctiblnf)r,rna nr dm.
en bunches, beet 20-25e; carrots 22 i-
.25e: green onions 25 20c: parsley 20-2 &c ;
rsdisbes, ZO turnips. 4 j oOc 1 dozen,
Kot Vegetables barked, rntabaaa.
32.35-2.50 eat.: lugs. SOc; Labish un
quoted; oects, $1.25-1.35; turnip. 2.Go
2.50.; parsnips 75c ...
Watermelons Cslifornia and Oregon.
Klondikes and stripe. - 81-00-1.25 per
cvt; Persian. California. $1.00-1.25
crate; loose, 2H-3c ib
Stocks & Bond:
September 10 -STOCK
Compiled By Tha Associated Press
0 13
Indua Raili
Saturday Z 69.7 -18.5
Previou day 70.7 18.7
Month ago 68.7 18.8
Year ago . 83.5 30.5
1938 high 74.0 21 8
1938 low 49.2 12.1
1937 high 101. 49.5
1837 low 57.7 19.0
47 1
47 8
47. 0
50 8
S3. 7
35 1
20 10 IS 19
Bail Indna Util Force
Saturday 56.S - 98.4 92.9 . 3.1
Previou dsy S6.8 98.4 93.0 ft 3 41
Month ago 58.9 99.8 93.4 63 1
Tear ago . 86.5- 101.8 ' 96.6 69.6
1838 high 70.5 100.3 94.3 7.0
1938 low 46.2 93.0 85.8 61 2
1937 high 99.0 104.4 102 8 , 74 7
1937 low 70.S 95.5 90.3 64.2
j Statesman '
" Classified Ads i
Call 9101 . 1
Classified Advertlslns;
Slnjls Insertion per line 10c
Three Insertions per line 20e
Six Insertions per line 3 Gc
One month per line f
Minimum charge
Copy for this pace accepted until
at the ovonlag tooforo publication
tor c la ami flea t to a. Copy received
after this tiroo will bo run under
tbo boadlns, "Too Lata to Claa
oify." The Statoarnan assumes no flnan
tlal responslliitlty for errors which
may appear ta advertisement pub
llahod lit Its column, and tn. caaes
whero this pa per ta at fault will re
print that part -of an advertisement
is which tbo typographical mistake
The Statesman reserves the rlrht
te reject questionable adverttsln; :
It further reserve tho rlfbt to
place all advertising under tbo
proper classification.
"BLIND-- AUS which give
only a' box number care ot
Statesman must be answered
by letter. We cannot give any
information, as to do so would
destroy: their purpose.
DEAD AND wwrtmoaw horses, cowa.
Sicked up froo. Hb. collect 6411. SaJora.
lontgomory Rood Whs
TOP fnltu paid tor uvw bvum
- cows for toa feed. Phono collect
t44. :.J1JLJW,r-.
FOR SALE or . trade for cattle,
smooth-mouth black mare, wt 1300
lbs. Smooth-mouth jlnney mule, wt.
1100 lbs, works single or ooubl. Otto
Erthum. l&o auace at vtesi enu
of Salem bridge. -
- 28 BROXZE turkeys, 3 mo. old. 31
each If taken this week. W. Clark,
route 4, box 213 A, Salem. ;
FOR SALE 18 head of eastern Ore
arnn hnnv, all arentlL From 2 to 18
years old. Matched team of Iron gray
geldings, 5 years old, blocky' built. Big
pair of 4 year olds, sorrel and black.
Nice black 2 year old, bay 3 years 1.1
unbroke but gentle, black : horse
years old. weight 1800. black horse,
weight 1300, rone mare, weight 134.
bay. horse, weight 154)0. John Sjgir,
426 Tooxe street, Wood burn.
Hop Pickers
HOP PICKERS wanted. W til lam A
Thackar, 4 tni. west of Salem. Phono
8614. ; I .
Help Wanted;
EARN 838 weekly or mors. Grow
muahrooma In cellar, ahed. W buy. loo
Ib Tear round ' business. Mr. 8 made
MIS in few weeks S-ars lime. rjit
ilshed . 1931. Writ for free book.
Washington Hunhroom I nd.. Dept. 408.
1013 2nd Ave.. Seattle, Wash.
-Salesmen Wanted
SALESMEN, SELL calendars. Com
plete line, all sizes. Including jumbos.
Beautiful subjects. Every business a
prospect. Samples free. Fleming Cal
endar Co., 8543 Cottage Grove, Chi
cago. FREE OUTFIT starts your own
local shoe business. Bonus shoes given.
Big advance commissions. Experience
unnecessary. 130 case furnished. Tan
ners Shoes. 4944 Boston, Mass.
FOR A SALESMAN with car. On
who is not too proud to canvass and
willing to make night calls, we ran
now offer you a good proposition. We ,
will assist you with an experienced
closer until you are callable of closing
your own deals. (Now is pesk season.)
If you do not meet above-requirements
do not waste your time and - ours
answering this ad. Willamette VaJley
Roof Cow 348 No. Com"L- Salem. Apply
from to 11:30 a. m.
- - - ' m ,-wvrnnrxs
SAl.F.SVFV TO tt lr. .,.. ...
peat to dealers. We offer sn oppor
tunity for s future. Manufacturer for
th past 48 years. Address box 4, cars
Help Wanted Male
WANT-tlX BOYS with bicycles, nvi
irolng to school. Call 525 Marion, Sun--s
I ' '