The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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The j OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 1U, 1938
Silas Torvend
1 Is Given Hoe
i '..''-V".' I-"'. 5 -. ' " ' " " - .
Hampshire Prize Awarded
i Silverton Boy in 4H
... Cofiipetition
! Silts Torvend, Silverton, won
the annual Hampshire award, a
purebred hog presented by T. A.
Ditmtr of Gervais. and "Junior
Miller., Gervais, won the Hayes
. Labish farm trophy for grand
'champion barrow in the 4H
wards presented yesterday at the
-! state fair.
t Other signal honors to livestock
exhibitors In the 4H classes were:
Annual JJuroc award. Wilbur
Burkhart, Albany; annual Poland
China award, presented by E. C.
McClaine 4b Sons. Lebanon, won
by Harry Corf ield. Eagle Creek;
annual Cass A. Nichols. Salem,
Chester White award, , won by
Ralph Kraxberger. Canby; annual
Berkshire award -siren by Wllmer
A veroff, Albany, Won by Lloyd
Forater, Tangent; I o k a Farm
special, donated by A. N. Doerf
ter, Silverton, for hog showman-
uip, vvuiis rtjoerg, iuiiisiio;
Shropshire lamb, Herbert John-
con, Portland; Shropshire .special,
donated by J. J. Thompson, Sa
lem, to Lynn Hinton, Monroe;
Hampshire lamb award, donated
by R. W. Hogg & Sons, Salem,
won by Don Mason, Portland ; . Ox
ford lamb award, Richard Young.
Portland; Oregon Jersey Cattle
club, heifer calf given by Mrs.
Annie E. Vermilyea, Amity, Rob
ert Jobson, Astoria; "Oregon Hol
stein Cattle club award. Ralph
Barber. Tillamook; Oregon Guern
sey calf award, Gerald Butcher,
The Washington county demon
stration team, Ed Setnlker, Hills
boro, and Joe Berger, Beaverton.
won high in this competition and
Umatilla county 4H'ers, Eugene
Ruggand Kenneth Bensel, Her
sais ton, won the L. E. Francis
cup for the champion agricultural
Senior 4H Prizes
And Awards Given
-Senior 4H club members, those
between 19 and 21 years of age,
who received awards at the Ore
gon .state fair this year were an
nounced late yesterday by State
4H Club Leader H. C. Seymour,
as follows:
First; Bill McBurney, Mullna;
second, Clayton Nyberg, Tualatin;
third, Signe Starr, Amity; fourth,
Wilbur Nyberg, Washington coun
ty; fifth. Melvin Poyer, Jackson
.county; sixth, Marvin Poyer, Jack
son county.
AH these club members -also
won their share of places in open
competition against adults.
: Projects in 4 H work carried
this year, by the winning senior
were dairy, hogs, farm account
ing, fruit, forage crops, seed, beef
and camp cookery
,. Awards for these exhibitors are
provided by the State Bankers as
sociation, through Hans C.
Pfund, secretary.
.Chinese Herbs
! Healing virtu
hat brra tented
huMtrrda years
for , chronic li
ra en It, none,
throat, sinusitis,
catarrh, " e a r a.
lunga. axlhma. chronic cough.
stomach, sail stones, colitis,
constipation, dlabetls, kidneys,
bladder, heart, blood, nerves,
tteuralcia. rheumatism, h I a h
H Mood pressure, gland, skin
V sores, male, female and chil
dren disorders.
a. B rng. ;uri practice ts China,
Hark 8peiahst 182 H. Cssussrdai
at, Salan. Or Offic noon s t
S at aandmy Wad. I u It I. a.
a. -vs w.
so m
a b.
' S. Bn r
lit i
r -Ml I -vv .- V
d d i til c o
... in the Nets
Arthur Bird well escaped a traffic
fine of $1 and costs today with a
brand new alibi, i i -r. ' '
Charged with "running'' a red
light. Birdwell told the court:
- "We had stopped for the red
light. We also were watching
lighted airplane in I the sky Sud
denly my daughter said:, 'The
likht has changed.! :
thought she was talking
about the traffic light so I drove
ahead. Instead she 'was talking
about the lights on the plane.
The judge was convinced.
MELBOURNE, Sept. 9-(A)-An
' inch off swimming , suits
may upset the economy of Aus
tralia, J. L. Officer, secretary of
the Australian wool board, dec
clarrd in an appeal to swim
mers to consider i the national
wool iiKln.strj-. An ounce ' of
wool Iran for each costume, he
said, would be reflected in the
wool demand. 1
NEWARK, NJ, Sept. 9.JP)-A
seven-day "sentence" behind the
bars of his crib was decreed to
day for Irwin Hall, 3. .
His parents imposed it because
i he set fire yesterday to bed-cloth-
! ing on the sec sod floor porch of
their home. 1
i His mother hopes he'll no lohg
I er have a yen to play with match
es axter a wee m nea. -
Record Maryland
Ballot Forecast
BALTIMORE. Sept. 9-p)-Riv-al
headquarters in Maryland's bitterly-contested
democratic sena
torial, primary agreed today on
one thing there will be a record
vote Monday to decide the result
of President Roosevelt's efforts to
turn the scales of victory in favor
of Rep. David J. Lewis. .
. . Heavy increases' in registration
reported from over the state were
attributed to interest both pro and
con aroused by President Roose
velt's part in the campaign' to un
seat Sen. Millard E. Tydings, who.
voted against some new deal mea
sures. T
. Election supervisors made pro
vision for unusually heavy ballot
ing.'"' j
The 19 z record vote was made
on a democratic registration of
461,992. Observers estimate it
now .-at more than 500,000. Re
publican registration In 1934 was
269,242. 1 . i
Tydings and Lewis continued
their closing drive in the Balti
more area, depending upon the
radio to carry their appeals to
voters throughout the state in the
closing hours of the campaign.
W, Breyman Dies,
Was Salem Native
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept.
William Otto Breyman. 10, pres
ident of the Breyman , Leather
company, died at his home today.
He had been 411 for six weeks.'
Breyman was born at Salem De
cember 29, 1867. j Surviving are
his widow, two daughters, two sis
ters and a brother.:
William Otto Breyman was the
son of A. H. Breyman, who was a
brother of Eugene: Breyman, pio
neer Salem business man. A. HI
Breyman lived in j Salem at one
time but was later a prominent
stockman in eastern Oregon,
member of the firm of Breyman
and Summervllle. ! William Otto
Breyman was a cousin of Mrs.
Reuben P. Boise of Salem.
Child Dies When Struck
By Auto on Dayton Road
McMINNVILLE.i Ore., Sept. 9.
-(P)-Richard Perry, 6, playing
with other children on the Dayton-Lafayette
section of the Pa
cific highway, was struck, and
killed tonight by an automobile
driven by Alfred J.! Sweeney, Day
ton. Witnesses said the boy dart
ed in front of the car.
nlP )VV
Sheep Showmanship Prize
Goes to Lynn Hinton i
j of Benton County
-'- - j" I- - -
Lynn ninton, Benton county,
was awarded a silver trophy by
Anthol Riney of Independence as
grand champion sheep showman
In the showmanship! contests con
ducted for 4H youths. Hinton also
was awarded the Shropshire, ewe
Iamb offered by J. J. Thompson,
Salem. . ,; - j ;
Willis Nyberg. Tualatin, was
declared the 4 H champion-hog
showman and was presented the
Ioka Farms silver trophy put up
by A. N. Doerfler, Silverton.
, ! Showmanship. Winners
Winners of first place and lo
cal boys who placedia the differ
ent ! breeds In the Showmanship
contests were;i
Hogs: Poland Chinas, 1. Louis
Goldhammer, jTigard: 2. Claire
McClala, Lebanon; 3. Raymond
Meyer, Albany; 5, Ruth McClain,
Lebanon. Durocs: 1, Willis Ny
berg; 2. Robert Zielinski, Salem;
3, Wilbur Burkhart, Albany.
Chester Whites: 1, Frank Setni
ker, Hillsboro; 2, Rufus Krax
berger, CanbyJ 5, Stuart Gourley,
Albany. Other breeds: 1. Silas
Torvend, Silverton; 2, Claire Mc
clain. Lebanon; 3, Junior Miller,
Gervais; 4, Kenneth Ballweber,
Woodburn; 5. Charles TJietz.
Canby. j
Sheep Awards !
Sheep: Medium wool breeds: 1,
Lynn Hinton. Monroe; 6, Chancy
Barnes, . Halsey. I Long wool
breeds: i 1. Chancy Barnes. Hal
sey ;i 3, Bob Lorence. Monmouth;
4, John Lorence, Monmouth; 8,
Albert Rlney.j Independence. Fine
wool: 1, DanjLuft, Portland. !
Dairy showmanship: Jerseys, 1,
Dan Luft; 4, Lyle Knower. Salem;
7. Bob Gregg, Amity; 9, Ruth
Shelby.. Albany. Holstein: 1.
Ralph Barberj. Tillamook ; 2, Ru
fus Kraxbergfer, Canby;, 4, Ralph
Krtberger. Canbr. Guernsev: 1.
Robert Jobson, Warrenton; 4,
Melvin Selander, Dallas; 8, John
Kaufman,; Silverton. . Brown
Swiss: 1. Donald Meyer, Beaver
ton.1 I
Beef: 1, Albert Riney, Inde
pendence; Z, Clarence Grund,
Monmouth, j J
Finance Methods
For Court House
Not Figured Yet
Methods ot financing construe
tion of a new Marion county court
house, should such a step' be ap-
proved by the voters In Novem
ber,, are yet to be worked out but
it Is certain that no bonds would
be issued, county court members
indicated yesterday. They have
asked t Dist. j Atty. Lyle J. Page
to put down on .paper possible
financing arrangements, such as
an annual tax levy or borrowing
against such county assets as un
collected taxes.
David Shepard Teacher
ZENA David Shepard, son of
Mr.; and Mrs. Ralph C. Shepard
has a position this year as teach
er at Marshfield high school.
Young Shepard was a student at
the Smith. Hughes school of edu
cation at! Oregon State collere.
He Is a Salem high school gradu
! Liquor Names out
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 9.-(P)
-The state liquor control commis
sion ruled today that wines could
not be sold under names associa
ted with hard liquors, nor under
names associated with fortified
Recklessness Charged
Philip: Bleth of I Vancouver,
Wash., was arrested by city police
Friday night on a charge of reck
less driving. The officer's report
charged ,that Bleth drove through
two stop signs. I
mm n m n
( 1 t
1 ' 4 jr.
VH vies
Club Notes
Gee, what a week, eh what.
Mice?) First it was the fair and
now its school. But today is Sat
urday and that means another
swell. Mickey Mouse day with sev
en big reels of cartoons to be
shown for you Mice. How's that
for good news?
Thii week's contest Is some
thing new. Joe Darby, our able
piano player, will play some fa
miliar song that all of you Mice
know, ! and then you name the
tone. Valuable prizes as usual to
the winners. If you have any sug
gestion for a contest write me Ji
card telling me about It.
Don't forget that next Satur
day we are presenting big back-to-school
revue with some of the
Club's best entertainers. Plenty of
surprises are on hand for every
one. So be at the Elsinore next
Saturday at one o'clock.
From reports, Donny Edwards
is making a big hit in Portland
singing over a well- known radio
As previously mentioned Man
ager Carl Porter has booked six
big reels of all assorted cartoons
for you Mice today, plus Ginger
Rogers and Fred Astalre in "Care
free." Another thrilling chapter
of the; serial and selected short
So, ill see you at 1 o'clock.
BILL, Mickey Mouse Chief.
Fire Apparatus
Issue on Ballot
DALLAS The regular meet
ing of the Dallas city council
was held this week. The council
ordered notice be given property
owners of the city that a hearing
would j be held on October 3 at
7:30 p.m. at the city hall to levy
the assessment on the 1928 street
paving improvement. The total
cost of the street improvement
amounts to approximately 14
800. . '
The' council passed a reso
tion that a measure be placed 4s
the ballot at the Tegular Novem
ber election providing for a char
ter amendment authorizing bonds
in the. amount of 110,0007! for theJ
stl rtSA m nn I a m. al tm m ri. wl
yuj yxsaia va ui vuoiU6 ill v a j
paratus. It also passed a reso
lution proYiding that a meaaur
city park to 1H mills on the dol
lar on all taxable property for
the maintenance and improve?'
ment Of the park.
Hitler Will Honor
American Quartet
BERLIN. Sept. 9-;p-The be
stowal, of honors by Adolf Hitler
on four Americans has been an
nounced in the official Gazette.
Among them was Henry Ford,
who received the grand cross of
the German eagle from a repre
sentative of Hitler during the De
troit celebration of the motor
magnate's 75th birthday last July
, Radio's Most
Remarkable Man
Sweet Southern
The Human
Stove '
Bill Smith
. Banjo-Maniac
On the Screen
- Fuzzy Knight
. i Farrell Mac Donald
, BInry Loo Lender -
Come in at 10:00
be placed on the ballot increas-i,4?-95 Per person. At the end of
ing the allowance for the DallaaTJnIr. the average was 149.57. and
.! ' XsotMj Thru - No
. fj Extra Charge
Growers Here
Giveii iAwards
Marion Count y Residents
Win in Land Products !
Show, at Fair-
ceired a su
honors In the' land products show
at the state fair, with their win
nings as fellows: ;"
First on : .Gravenstein apples.
Cornice pears and' Blue Damson
plums." Cecil Boyd. Salem; - first
on red Delicious apples. Winnie
E. Smith. Salem; first of Spitxen-
berg apples.-S. -B. Laughlln,. Sa
lem; first on Wfnesap apples,
Roy E. Smith. Salem; and first on
Golden Delicious and Roman ap
ples, Waldo Gilbert of Salem, and
also on Bose pears. First prize on
Petite prunes. Frank Alslp of Sa
lem. Roy Smlh- of Salem took
three first -prizes on grapes.
Vegetable) Awards
Vegetables:' Lima beans, first,
L. E. Harms, Salem; Kleckley,
watermelons, first, L. E. Harms.
Salem; first on green peppers.
Bertha Welsh. Salem; first on
slicing cucumbers, Kayno Saito.
Salem; first for green bush beans.
Danvers onions and Hubbard
squash. J. S. Baniek. Gervais.
vegetable root crops: first on
beets, and turnips, Kayno Saito.
Salem; first for carrots. J. C. Lee-
ay. Brooks; frrst for globe tvne
onions, J. S Banlck. Gervais;
first on commercially packed cel
ery. Y. Kaneko. Brooks. -
, Seed Crop Winners
Five firsts were won by J. S.
Banick, Gervais, on special seed
crops; F. L. Zielinski, Salem, won
a first on 1937 crop Yellow Dent
corn. .- .'
From Polk county, first on
D'AnJou . pears went to J. E.
Goetz, Dallas; first on lettuce and
red peppers to Mrs. Joe Rogers.
sr.. Independence; first on win
ter table pumpkin to Henry Alsip,
monmouin first on narsnins. ra
dishes and salsify, to Maude Her
itage. Falls City, who also took
first on white and yellow, stock
carrots, red and white mangel
wurzeis sugar mangels, lonr red
wurxels. prize winner wurzels.
uortiieia turnips; best stock
pumpkin. Mrs. Joe Rogers, sr
first on burbank notatoea ni
burbank seed potatoes and aar-
net chili seed potatoes. J. S. Her
itage, Falls City.
Hey! Mr. Morgenlhau,
Where My 38 Cents
The average citizen Jingled 38
cents more cash in his pockets on
eptemter l than on August 1.
T&e treasury said today that
36,504,025,211 In paper currency
ana com was in circulation at the
end of August, or an averars of
a year ago 350.42.
Arthur Meye Committed
For Failure -to Remit
Arthur A. Meye was received
at the sheriff's office last night
for failure to pay fines of 350
and 310, respectively, for hit-run
driving and failure to report an
accident. The penalties were im-
posed In Woodburn' Justice court.
Last Times
Two Big
Hopsion Cassidy
"Mean OI Arizona" I Robert WUcox - Nan Gray
Also News, Popeye Cartoon "Football Toucher Downer" and
Chapter 3 of Serial "Flash Gordon's Trip to MarV
Seth. Jayne and the Hollywood Buckaroo
. Program Broadcast j
Brad Collin. Pianist 1 "
Matinee Each Day 2 P. 31.
Continuous Performance Sunday 1 to 11 P. M.
Sf fecial Midnight Matinee Tort'ht at 1 1 :30 p.m.
MWV M my m n
o - I
and Act
Late Sports
PORTLAND. Sept. 9-(iP)-FIrst
San Diego .. 1 2 1
Portland :. -6 10 0
Hebert. Pillette (1) and De-
tore; Liska and Dickey.
. Second game
San Diego
12 15 0
Portland ...
-3 7 1
T1js sxl en1 Tlnson
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9--
Flrst game: ;
Sacramento t 11 1
Los Angeles J 4 S 10 4
Walker. Schmidt (5) and
Franks; Bush, jLieber (9) and
Collins, i ' .1
Second game:!
Sacramento 0 - 3 -1
Los Angeles UL 2 T 0
Kellaher and: Franks; Berry
and Sueme. i , .
First Game: i
Oakland ,.1.. ..12 15 0
San Francisco ... 5 7 0
Joyce and Conroy ; Shores. Wll
kie (2) and Sprinz. Mc Isaacs.
Second game: j
Oakland . 4 8 1
San Francisco .J. it 13 1
Priest, Olds (4), Jolley () and
Raimondi; Herrmann, Ballou (3)
and Sprinx. : .
night game:
Sept. -qPr-Ylnt
.. 2
Nitcholas and Annunzio; Tur
pin and Fernandez.
Second game: j , .
HoUywood :1 7,2
Seattle i 4 S 0
Toast, Crandall (6) and Bren
sel; Pickrel and Spindel.
Wrong Way Moon
To Be "Corrigan"
PASADENA, Calif., Sept. 9.-(P)-Douglas
Corrigan may have a
new moon named after, him. If a
timed suggestion by Dr. Seth B.
Nicholson, astronomer of the Car
negie institution's Mt. Wilson ob
servatory, is carried out.
Dr. Nicholson said today he had
discovered two new moons near
Jupiter, bringing .that planet's
moon total to Hi and the number
in the solar system to 28.
"It seems sure that both the
new aatellites go around Jupiter
in reverse, so my daughter. Jean,
insists one of them must be named
'Corrigan, he said. "Heretofore
it has been the invariable' custom
to name new members of the'solar
systeml after Greek or Roman
Constitution Day
Observance Urged
r 1- -
Governor Charles IL Martin
Friday Issued a letter urging all
citizens of Oregon to observe Con
stitution day. September 17.
"I urge all citizens of Oregon
to exert their inalienable Ameri
can rights and franchise to the
end that the principles of the con
stitution may be upheld and the
forces directed against these
principles destroyed, Governor
Martin's letter ead.
l:SO toS:0O, 10c
After S F.M, 13c
"Reckless IJvinir"
I I with
zciiisy, immmj, ! I " ;
-" ISS 1 .
'mmt It mm ymmr
. t
'mutt see Ust"
Xflnsf Rd!f
Traffic Reactions
Of Drivers Tested
Alachine at Fair Reveals
Motorists Need 1jme
t at Stop Signal
The familiar traffic truth that
no- living man can slaml on his
brakes the instant the si glial turns
fed is being demonstrated again
this year at the Oregon state fair
here in the booth sponsored Joint
ly by Secretary of State Erl Snell
and the state highway depart
ment. " I
Mere than 10 o persons were
tested during the first four days
of ; the fair on the reactometer. a
machine which measure s the
length of time between the flash
ing of a red signal and the appli
cation of the brake. '
Jk'early Second. 3eded -
The reactometer confirmed the
results It has yielded , on several
previous occasions that the aver
age person requires almost exact
ly four-fifths of a second , to re
move his foot from the accelera
tor and apply the brake upon a
given signal, that only a fraction
of fene per cent of those tested
can give a half-second perform
ance, and that men and j women
have about the same average, with
the men having a little the better
of the argument, probably due to
longer driving experience -'.(-
Fast Reaction Uncertain
The chief value of the reac
tometer is that it abolishes the
notion that a person can slam on
his brakes the Instant he senses
danger, or that he can 'stop on a
dime, " Snell said. "We give each
person tested a card showing how
far his car will travel at a given
speed while he is gettijng the
brake on, and how far the Car will
go before actually stopping. At 60
miles an hour, even with good
brakes, an automobile will 'cover
about 2SS feet between the time
the driver decides to stop and the
time the car comes to rest,"
: 1
StaceyV Pastel Wins
la First He Painted
LIBERTY C. W. Stacev won
second prize with his-pastel pic
ture of the Crater LairffT"Phn-
tom Ship" at the sUte fair art
exnibit. Tha interesting fact is
that the picture is Stacey'a first
which he painted in the art class
sponsored by the WPA adult ed
ucation last winter. : The. class
was well attended throughout
its duration. . h I 1
Mickey Mouse Matinee Today 1-12:30 "
All Cartoon know - Chapter 8 - Stage
6 Fast Funny Cartoons 6 Serial Show
I W u.-m
l r
tMidCB ,: ,: HIKE!?
a ... ' v.--.-.. . . m m k m w m jc1 I'm s m
The Inside Story of the Very Private Life
of a Very Famous Lady! ! !
, wmi saos,o it nthf
Plus 2nd Hit
Thrills and Action
With the CCC Boys in
the Big Woods!
. with KrankJe CongbUn
Last Day
in -
The Call Board
Today Ginger Rogers and
Fred Astaire in "Carefree"
Today Doable bill,
movie qulx picture, "Bull
dog Drummond in Africa"
with John Howard and
Wallace Beery in "The
Good Old Soak.'
Today Double bill. Hop-
, along-Cassidy in -'Heart
of Arizona" with George
Hayes and Russell Hay-
don and "Reckless Uv-
Ing- with Robert Wilcox
and Nan Gray. '
: - - STATE) ' '
Today Four acts Eastern
vaudeville and J." Farrell
UacDonald and ' Fuzzy
Knight la "County Fair."
Today Jane Withers in
'Keep Smiling." a movie quiz
Hazel Green Hogs Win
Many Awards at Fair
HAZEL. GREEN The Zielinski
Bros.. Alfred and Florin, won on
the fine group of Poland China
hogs exhibited at the State fair;
Grand champion en senior year
ling boar, first o,n senior year
ling hoar, first on herd., second
on the get of the sire, fourth on
Production, second on gilts, and
fourth on sew. .
. T. Ua. MOO
Herbal remedies for siiments
of stomach, liver, kidney, skin
blood, glands. & urinary sys
tem wt men women. 21 years
in service. Nsturopathle Pays!
-Una Ask your i Neighbors
tbout CHAN LAM.
n. ennn iinm
J J M Court St Corner liber
ty. Office open Tuesday & Sat
urday only. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M
S to 7 P. M. Consultation, blood
pressure. A urins tests are free
of charge.
ifiri r u
Ckam. M D
Sinfirih, swinMn. with rhythmatic ro-
Tnantie , ringing" of tapping toes .and
tantalizing Irving Berlin Tunes!
dancing to your hmart'm eontmnt . . in
thm grand nmw mhow with lormly lyr
ic and mmmoruhlm music by
Great 3
Hit Bill
"Good Old
' Latest Issue of
j; Color Cartoon News
VTfT 1 1 -i ltks 1