ThekOREGON STATESMAN, Salea Oregon, .Thursday Mondnff. September 8, PAGE NINC I V -1 Local "N ews Briefi Lions To Be, Tried Al Ram- seyer, Salem Lions club president' who recently lost possession of a state Lions convention hat -which the local den bought for $35 at the recent session at Enterprise, will be tried in a . mock court at the clnb luncheon at the Quelle to day noon unless Justice George Rossman sustain a motion by Dwigt Lear, prosecutor, for a continuance. Lear said yesterday he might ask for more time. George Rhoten will detend Ram seyer and members ot the club will serve on the Jury. Ever 'since a. ' fellow club member walked away with the hat, which the club will resell at the state convention next summer, Ramseyer has been the butt of the weekly luncheon Jesting. Students are now registering for the opening ot the fall work at the Capital Business college. No graduates out of work. Truly a training at this school pays. Dutch Boy ComL Paint. Mathls. 173 Kansans ' Visit Tracys Harley E. Tracy and two carloads of his family of Hutchinson, Kas., paid a surprise visit to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Tracy, 1040 North 17th street. Mr. Tracy told his brother J .l.U Clam artrt the valley and that he would like to live here It he could dispose of bis Kansas property. The broth ers had their first meeting In 28 years.' Wall paper. Mathls. 17S S. Com'i The Capital Business college will S have students entering next weeK i who want to work in private homes for board and room.' Ladies 'desiring such help are requested to communicate with the school. Tel. 5987. Bogus Dollars Passed Seven bojrus silver dollars, all passed at the ' stata fairgrounds here Tues day, were in the hands of the city police here Wednesday. Federal officers were notified and a spe cial airent was expected here to conduct an Investigation. Two ot the bogus dollars were passed on a ticket seller. -1 Lull Florist, 1276 N. Lib. 9592 State Offices Close All state offices were closed or -operated with skeleton crews Wednesday afternoon so that officials - and employes might attend the state fair. State employes who remain ed at their desks will attend the fair today. Triple Rites Set For Slain Family PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7JP)- Triplo funeral services will be held tomorrow for Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Becraft and their son Raymond, jr., 17. The trio died yesterday of gun shot wounds Detective Captain J J. Keegan aaid he believed were Inflicted by the husband before he committed suicide. Becraft, 45, 1 was a forest service employe and former University t of Idaho pro fessor. Three surviving daughters, Mar ian. 1. Helen. 10, and Nancy. 4 are nadar the care of D. E Harris brother ot Mrs. Becraft. V Obituary Masseneill i Marrarct . Bernice Massengill aged 3 years, late resident of 1085 Hnvt street, at a local oospua September 7. Survived by parents. Mr. and Irs. Harvey aaasseusm. brother, Elmer Massengill : sisier, Alpha Massengill; grandmother Tr F.ffl Holland, all of Salem coniH vtii he held from the a v - - . rinueh-Barrick chapel Thursday, Seotember 8, at l:3i p.m.. with interment in the IOOF cemetery. Coming Events Sept. 5-11; Oregon state fair. . ! . September IS -City schools open. ! September IS, 17 -State con- entions, Oregon Itcpablk-an club and Young Kepablic'aaa. September i 1 i F r e a h toea registration, IVU. September 21 - October 1 Orecow tate bar convention. October 1 Capitol dedica tion.' ! Estabrook Trial Starts ! 3rd Time Seven Jurors . . When Recess Selected Called for the Night ;.y''. ' I ' . , HILLSBORO, Ore.. Sept. 7JP) -His third defense of a charge of complicity in a beer-labor bomb ing at the William Fuegy store, Rockton, on Memorial day, 1935, was started today by: Jack Esta brook, financial secretary of the Portland AFL warehousemen's union. : f Seven jurors were seated ten tatively when j court recessed for the night. Attorneys, mindful' of two previous Juries "wnich were unable to reach a verdict, proced ed cautiously with .selections. Circuit Judge R. Frank Peters, who heard the iflrst two trials. said he was convinced the 19,000 residents ot Washington county could provide! an impartial jury able to agree. He ordered the third jury kept together for the duration of thetrial. Last week he denied a motion for change of venue.'' ...... L ' At the earlier trials two wit nesses testified Estabrook was with them when the Fuegy prop erty was damaged. Estabrook'a attorneys presented testimony de signed to show he was elsewhere. Patton Appeal Notice Given Appeal Both From Court Ruling and Judgment -in Site Action The state eapitol ; reconstruc tion commission yesterday gave notice of appeal to the supreme court from the $45,600 judgment given July 12 In circuit court here in favor of Edith Louise Patton, Luella M. and E. Carl Charlton, owners of the quarter-block Pat ton property at Court and Summer streets which the state has taken over as part ot the new eapitol group site. The appeal Is from both the rulings of the court and the judgment . itself, the notice stated. Circuit Court ; j Audrey Beatrice Dunham vs. Wayne Thornton Dunham; com plaint for divorce and return ot plaintiff's former name, Audrey Beatrice Mayhall,. based on alle gations of cruel and inhuman treatment; couple married May 8, 1934, at VancouverWash.; Joseph Hopfinger vs. Tlllie C Hopfinger; complaint for divorce based on allegations of cruel and inhuman treatment; couple mar ried at Silverton May 29, 1923. Probate Court j Robert Payne guardianship; letter! from John A. Heltzel, rep re s e n t ing Hallie "Slrausbaugh, guardian, stating that proper service of citation was never ob tained on Payne, the guardianship proceedings never legally opened ana therefore no closing proce dure Is required. Leonard R. McKay guardian ship; order authorizing Caroline McKay; guardian, to borrow $1, 000 and give a note secured by a chattel mortgage on a lC-acre hop crop to raise funds to pay for cul tivating and harvesting the crop. Marriage Licenses Harold E. Christenson, legal, logger, and Audrey Bennett, legal, typist, both of Stayton. ; The Call Board I j ELSLXORE T o d a y Movie quit pic- i turo VGivo Me a Sailor" i with Martha Raye and popular -return engage- went of Rudolph Valen- tino in "Son of the Sheik." iwain Suit in ' CAPITOL Today Da able bill, movie quia picture, "Bull dog Drummond in Africa , with John , Howard and Wallace- Beery In 'The Good Old Soak." ' HOLLYWOOD Today Family night, - George Burns and Grade with Martha Raye, Betty Allen in College - Swing" Grable and Jackie Coogan. Friday Double bill, Hop-along-Cassidy in 'Heart ot Arizona", with George Hayes and Russell Hay- don aad "Reckless Liv ing" with Robert Wilcox and Nan Gray. Only 38 Veterans March in Parade : i ,; .. 112 Other old Soldiers Follow Aged Marchers in Automobiles -D.ES MOINES, Sept. 7 -(JP) Three dozen stubborn old soldiers, quarter of a century past their al loted three score and ten, defied the Weight of their years today to march 15 blocks in the annual pa rade of the Grand Army o the Re public. j Thirty-eight union army veter ans star&rd the 'march through the hot streets. Thirty-six finished. The two who dropped oat were able to return to their hotels af ter a short rest. Automobiles carried 112 other veterans. ' .Mrs. Edwina P. Trigg ot Kan sas City, Mo., was elected national president of the Ladies of the GAR. this afternoon, succeeding Mrs. Orpha M Whitaker of Cam den. NJ. t i Mrs. Trigg polled 139 votes to win over her j nearest opponent, Frances E. Haskell of Tacoma, Wash., who polled 82 votes. The veterans, selected Pitts burgh, Pal. as the 1939 encamp ment city.- ! ; Mears vrpd W . Mears. 63. at the re Marion street, Sep tember 7. Survived by two sons in Los Angeles, a sister in san Francisco and another sister in Palo Alto. Funeral ; announce ments will be made later from the Clough-Barrick company. V Clabough t Charles Win ton Clabough, late resident of Minto's island. Sep tember 7, at a local hospital at the age ot- 66 years. Survived by son, Foster Clabough of Salem; daughter. Mrs. Chrystal Mickley ot New Salem, Kans,; brother, I. R. Clabough of Salem. Funeral announcemenU later from the Clough-Barrick company. Evidence Lacking In Hague Inquiry , WASHINGTON. Sept. Justlce department officials said today the; had found no evidence that Mayor Frank Hague of Jer sey City had violated the federal civil ; rights statute' prohibiting conspiracies to deprive;any;icltlzen of constitutional rights. , t Accordingly; they said tiy had dropped the investigation order d last May by Attorney General Cummings into numerous charges that the right of free speech, and other civil liberties were being supressed in Hague's domain. Two Die in Blast Of Nitrating Unit 6000 Pounds of TNT Co off in Blast Felt for 17 Miles TACOMA, Sept. T.-(;p)-Two men died today in the explosion of 6,000 pounds of nitro-glycerine at Dupont, south of here. Windows rattled at the eapitol, Olympia, 17 miles away, and a small nitrating unit of the E. I. DuPont de Nemours company was leveled. Roy H. Troupe, 31. and Rogel Music. 33. mixers alone in the unit, were killed. Ray Forgey, the third member of the crew, com pany officials said, was late ; to work, and arrived a few moments after the explosion ; A. E. Anderson, assistant man ager of the Seattle office, said clues which could have furnished an explanation for the blast were obliterated by the terrific force. He suggested, however, that nitro glycerine frequently is heated in the process of nitrating, and rare ly explosions occur, despite extra ordinary precautions. t 1 ; i . New Light Thrown On Prince's Death 'MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 7.-;P)-Jack Fleming, secretary to the late Count of Covadonga, disclosed to night the former heir to the Span ish, throne may have been partly responsible for the automobile ac cident which caused his death here yesterday. ; ! Fleming said Covadonga told him just before be died: ' "If I had kept my hands off the steering wheel this . might never have happened." i - f ; At the time of the accident the count Was riding with Miss Mil dred Gaydon, 25-year-old night ciua cigarette girl, who told po lice I she wrecked her old-model car against a telegraph pole while swerving to avoid a truck. She Is charged with manslaughter through negligence in operation of the car. j j High District Formed McMINNVILLE. Sept T.iJP) A new union high school district to serve sections of TamhllL Polk and Tillamook counties was formed here today and an appli cation was drawn up for a PWA grant to aid in building a school at Willamlna. -fiPKHAL- 0amltyS?yU..SOr k in FISH OR MEAT ENTREE French Fried Potatoes, t Vegetable. Salad. Hot Rolls, fritter and Jam. ; OUl yarn. mU) CofTcc Tea. Milk. ButtermlX ! DESSERT ; fWdlag or Fruit Cobbler Ab llode, ! Spa Ice Cream or Sherbet, j Cake A la Klode. Fruit Pte or Jcllo Yon May Exchange Salad H for Soup !i lr ataaal Wave. C'oanplcte 73c IVrm. CM1 Pnah Wave. -M J&Q Complete Open Thurs.' Eve. t by Appt. . i itione sees Sf T 1st Nat'l. Bask Bldg. CASTLE PER.M. WAVKRi V T Lam H : U. U tiumm. w- Herbal remedies for .allmeaU of stomach. Uver. kidney, skia blood, glands. & nrlnary ys tem of men & women, li years tn service. Naturopathic PhysV ciaas. Ask i your Neighbors about CHAN LAM- on. onnn; Lnn lUINIiSC MEDICINE CO 33 Court St Corner Liber ty. Office pen Tuesday A Sat urday only. It A. M. to I P. II. S te 7 P. M. Consultation, blood pressure. urine testa are tree of eaarge. j . Hotel Strike Ends As Pickets Leave PORTLAND. Ore.. ? Sept. 1-hpk -With both sides virtually silent. a three-month old strike of unions against; Portland's major hotels ended today, all pickets beta wunarawn. - : t ; , None of the hotels bad closed daring the strike and spokesmen ior, a noiei association said in contract bad been signed with the anions; which called a strike 'af ter the operators refused to renew the'1937. pact. h. .? n-'-' - : i Pickets had j been withdrawn from 13 smaller' hotels at Various times in the past few, weeks, the unions claiming In most cases that agreements bad been reached. Asked for aa explanation today of tne j withdrawal of pickets from 11 j remaining ' hotels o Gertrude Sweet,, secretary of the Culinary union council, declined to com ment. - ... . -. . ; - ; Here Is a Double Bill i THat Will Keep Voa on dg STATE Today Double bill, George Brent and Beverly Roberts in "God's Coun try and the Woman and Loretta Young in "4 Men and a Prayer," Friday Four acts Eastern vaudeville and J. Farrell MacDonald and Fuzsy Knight in "County Fair." - - GRAND Today Double bill, Stu art . Erwin In "Passport Husband" and Michael Whalen and Lynn Barl in "Speed to Burn," a movie quis picture. Saturday Jane Withers in 'Keep Smiling," a movie quiz picture. Webbs Get Right To Surface Road M. F. and Zella N. Webb were granted permission by the county court yesterday to have the un- paved side of the Salem-Tnrner road abutting on lots 1, 2, 7 and 8. block 11, Turner's addition to Turner, oil-surfaced at their own expense. The W ebb's petition for permission to have the oiling done without cost to the county was the first such ever received by the court. The order granting the peti tion stipulated that the surfac ing, to be done by a Salem firm. be 'carried oa under supervision ot the county engineer and that the ' Webbs guarantee to main tain it and keep it free ot chuck holes. Attacker of Girl Would Plead Guilt BURNS, Ore.. Sept. 7-JP) Brought before Justice of tne Peace William L. Blott on charges of abducting and criminally at tacking a seven-year-old girl. Or ville L. Smith. 54-year-old farm hand, said he wanted to plead guilty. He was prevented however by lack of a grand jury indict ment. " Smith, who was captured by posses after a four-day search and kent in hiding by Sheriff C. W. Frazier when lynch talk spread waived a preliminary hearing. His bail was set at SS.000. The sher iff claimed Smith enticed the girl to accept a horseback ride last Wednesday. She was fpund the following day In a dazed condi tion and Smith was caught Sun day. The sheriff said Smith told him he was intoxicated at the time ot the alleged attack. Supreme Court Case Is First Hearing of Fall Session; Seven Justices Present First hearing by the state su preme court, following its sum mer ! vacation, was held yester day 'with all seven Justices in attendance. ; This was ; the case of N. J. Swain, Salem, to collect 15000 from! the Oregon Motor . Stages for injuries suffered while enter ing a bus. f Other Heariag This Week To restrain the Farmers Union Cooperative Creamery from pur chasing or receiving cream from producers until the creamery has complied with the 1957 law giv ing the stata agricultural depart ment authority' to fix grades ana standards for milk and cream. The creamery lost in the lower court. . ' Mildred L. Whlsler, employe of the Ex-Cel Pharmacy in Port land, to recover 33874 damages from the pharmacy located in the United States National building. Capitol reconstruction commis sion ;tp compel Circuit Judge Mc Mahaa, Marion county, to call in another - judge to try the' con demnation . case against Mary Boeschen. 'McCarthy Appeal Slated ' Appeal of Leroy McCarthy, Portland, under ' death sentence for the murder of Floyd Fuelner, service station attendant, prob ably! will be heard In October. McCarthy will be the first per son, to die in Oregon's lethal gas chamber, provided the decree of the lower court is affirmed. ' The court will go to Pendle ton October 31 for Its seml- anual eastern Oregon session. Boat Deflates, So Anglers Get Ducked in Lake Frank Lynch and Leroy W. Card; local businessmen, returned yesterday from a fishing trip to Cliff and Mac lakes near Sisters with a tale ot having-survived a ducking in the latter lake that re sulted when their rubber boat was punctured. They, were rescued by Albert M. Friesen and Cecil Doty, who were fishing from a boat nearby. Both men were heavily clothed. ) Census of Blind To Be Undertaken Count to" Be Blade Daring School Census ; Will . Be State's First Rex Putnam, state superinten dent of schools.' has requested school district clerks to assist in securing a complete census ot all blind persons in Oregon. - All blind persons, regardless of age, will be listed at the time the regular school census is taken in each district In the state: - This is the first attempt to se cure a complete and separate list of all blind -persons in Oregon. The information is being obtained primarily for the use of the Ore gon" Blind Trade school and com mission for the blind. These two units expect to co operate with the state department of education in providing training for these individuals in some trade or industry. 26 Given Hearing On Naturalization Those Who Pass Last Hearings Ninth of December ; Twenty six more foreign citizens yesterday appeared before Thom as Griff ing. naturalization exam iner, for preliminary hearings Tor US citizenship. Seven amined Tuesday and 20. pointments with Griff ing at the courthouse today. Those to! Get were ex- have ap- who pass New Deal Panned By Rtifus Holman ;LA GRANDE, Sept. 7-Up)-The new deal "Is itself destroying the purpose for which it was created. Rufus Holman, republican nom inee for US senator, told an audi ence ot 500 at a Townsend pen sion plan , picnic here. He said taxes went slowing up business to such an extent that the private manufacturer was unable to find a market for his wares. i Holman urged a decrease In public payrolls but an increase in commercial wages. Gas Sales Increase Gasoline sales In Oregon during the first seven months of this year reached the record-breaking total of 126.4S4.864 gallons, according to Secretary of State Earl SnelL The tax on this gallonage amount ed to 16.324.293.20. r" 7 ii t i v w . w i. MAT. ( ; i frit""! eve. I 1 - i I40C LAST TIMES TONIGHT 2 Big Hite Hopaiong Cassidy - V " tn -iHeart of t Arizona" "Reckless Living- with Wilcox Kaa Gray Frederick Mears Called Suddenly Frederick W. Mears, former city I attorney of Mearora, passea away" suddenly about noon yes terday at the residence at 405 Marion street. He was 63 years Mr. Mears" had been a resident of Salem for several years ana was; prominent in Medford and Salem Masonic and Eastern Star circles. He was also active in tta was born in Massachusetts. later going to Sioux City, la.. ana in tsui caiuiug t ueuwu ii nriptlMil law and was interested In political and civic activities, in aiem ne was member of the First Baptist church. He is. survived by two sons In Los Angeles and sisters In San VnnrUrn anil Palo AltO. - Arrangements are in care of Clough-Barrick company. Jobless Payment Average Is 101 Two and one-half - million .of the four and three-quarter mu-f lion dollars distributed by the state unemployment- compensa tinn ! commission ud to Septem ber 1, went to the 24,609 claim ants who had exhausted their benefit , rights for the current ear. commission officials re- nnrtAd WndnesdaV. The average per claimant was $101.92. according to Adminis-i trator D. A. Bulmore. while 6Z ritimuti received the maximum permitted by law. $240. Average per weekly check was iiz.uf. "Wheeler Deaths Few, Wheeler county has gone long er without a traffic death than any other Oregon county at pres ent. Secretary of State Earl Snell reports. The last fatality In that county occurred two and a half years ago, on February 15, is as. jfferaon countv Is runner-up. not having had a death since Novem-f ber 5, 1336. will appear here December! 5 for final ' hearings. " 4 j 'f Those examined yesterday and allegiance they are renouncing were: j j I Michael George . Miller, Adam Schell. Edna Orilla Pounder, Bar bara Borschowa, Levi jDoerksenl James Oliver. Nelle Williams. Nellie May M o r g a n, I Margaret Probe. Luther Sterling Dotten and Roy Earnest C 1 a y p p b 1. j Great Britain: Frank Josef Groeger. Alois Hillner and Ernest -Kahn. Germany; Margaret Sorensen and Mary Ethel Jespersen, penmark; Anders Oscar Mattson and Eliz abeth Hedlund.' Sweden; Maria' Wild, Hungary; Laura Arlene Parsegian. Russia and Turkey; Lulgl Bean and Guiseppe Endrigo, Italy: Esther. Levinsky, Russia, and Parteg Parsegian, Turkey. Hermiston Power Firm Guts Rates itate reductions affecting resi dential and commercial patrons of the Hermiston Light & Power company at Hermiston, Stan field. Echo. Umatilla and vicinity, were filed with State Utility Commis sioner N. G. Wallace here Wednesday.- The new' tariff will artect 490 residential and 160 commercial consumers. Reductions in the residential schedule was esti mated at Ti 200 a year and in the commercial lighting $600 a year. - The commissioner . announced that-these reductions, like those effected In the same company's territory last year, were the re sult of negotiations and confer ences in conformity with adopted procedure. ; High Court Gives Four Oral Orders The state supremo court yes terday handed down four .oral orders. They were: Petition for. rehearing ia Cary vs. Cary et al. Appeal from Coos county denied. , ; Petition for rehearing denied in Colahan vs.- Smyth.. Appeal from Klamath county. Costs of $74.4$ allowed respondent. Appeal 'dismissed on stipula tion in Slate Construction com pany vs. Electric Steel foundry. Appeal from Multnomah county. John Carlton Fischer admitted to Oregon bar on certificate from the state of Washington. Milan 01 (Z - V A THftIU-ACD 1 s - I DRAMA Ot IHSIOS I c Features Zga 1 1 l hlt':V WEARVERi ALUMNUM arakavs, mm mm. I 19 9 'to. aus Handiest sizes. Cup markings to save time. Cover Set, 85c . Extra. :, -PC. SO CUTIS IttST. Pli) 32 JS (HiiUI 13.79) I j PERCOLATORS h2 19 KtS. a -cap $19 (Ri4-$2J5).4-cup$1.9 cup $2.19 (Rg. $2.75). 8-cup $2.39 Reg. $2.95). ll-up4. KKeg. $3 .25). 16-cup $4 (Reg. $530). flew! star coins $919 l Double Boiler. Casserole. Cover ed Sauce Pan. Basket for French Frying. Capacity upper pan. lJi-qtm. Lower pan, Si-qtsi U Uf 3-VAT GRIDDLE WlTi STEEl ItllLE It Saa No Grease! No Smoke! No Odor! It PWas. It Broil. De- aigned for easy turning. fKt-lia, AKEUTE UUCU.S2.15 (SO. USt). $109 , tS2 GKIll-SOASTER a turn, a rsu a skb. Rack has 2 positions; Long legs for broil-, ing; Short lega for open roasting. $189 I in. Uffjl H0METU00M Makes 3 delicious steamed eggs. New Steam-Seal cover. Pan holds Ji-qt, just right for No. X can of soup, etc . fXTU srecu. 90c EES. ri-M OX SALE NOW BY: GEO. E. ALLEN DOUGHTON HDE CO. RAY L. FARMER HDWE. CO. SALEM HDWE. CO. DALLAS Guys Hardware INDEPENDENCE A. L. Thomas & Co. SDLVERTON-i ATjaes Hdwe. & Furn. Co. Now Playing 2 Hits nsttexs tan rcrjumu txri III" MPaBBB&3Sw g J ' M I '-'.'I r 2XD TOT eSSc; Topalar Betara of If Rudolph Valentino . 'Son of the Sheik" J 11. ! Start Midniebt Matinee Saturday ll:SO P. 51.; : 1 WVaJ I I B II l.l II MM. I.II.II.IM III I I ' I I W First FaH-LB9& Frodactio a TODAY - FKI. - KAT. 2 ACE FEATURES lattiK IMEiraS ITI BnrjQBTMM vest -Aad 2nd Bit- WALLACE BEERY . in t "THE GOOD OLD SOAK" A ) : I j ', 1 . I We think we know yoii pretty well-r-as the paper that goes into our home and is read by your family. But we'd like you to j get to know o lir iGlassif ied Sec tions better they can offer every member of the family J something of ' great interest. Turn i to! the classified page now . . . . ULal laiU t : 1 PHONE 9101 2 aBBass1 mamtmmlimmmimmamimmmmmmmm - - - ( -- : f . ! " f'-: : ! : : - ::: - : rr . . . ' Yv . : v: - - ! 1 ' - ' j - - " . . ' : V- : ' J .