Peter Krupicka Hop House, Crop x Burn to Ground . AURORA Fire hroLe "oat In the hop hoose of Peteij Krupicka, The OREGON STATESMAN Salm, Oregon, FrkJay Monvinc, September 2, 1938 PAGE SEVEN near Donald at I o'clock Wednes day morning. 'His crop and build ings were a total loss. He had fin ished picking . hops Tuesday and the last floor of hops was drying. The Aurora fire department was called but firemen were un able to save the buildings. The or igin of the fire was unknown. r Use the j I- '.!: BEST (FOODS Crystal Jar 'for Canning I Special Self -Scaling Lids Now on Sale at; Your Grocer Perry Seely ..- Home Burned ;.-' c jv Household . Goods Saed but Filled Woodshed lis ! Consumed i WOODBURN The home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Seely on the Pacific highway near the Hello World serrice station was com pletely destroyed by fire shortly after 6 p. m. Wednesday. The woodshed and seven cords of wood were also consumed. The Woodburn and Mt. Angel fire de partments made a rapid run to the scene but lack' of water made it impossible to do any more than protect other buildings. The fire started from sparsa i -- I- . " . .- . ' Regular size crates Each 2m 3-lb. Basket 9c IP ELBERTA 38 lb. box VQ o Can Them Note ! I EOatSBBoo iaiIlIl?yo 211 21c Tall Cans Ripe 3 'Each lb: tin as T31 ' .Life Buoy TOILET SOAP 3 bars for o Liix Toilet Soap 3 bars for Red . Bart Brand New 1938 pack, good quality. Packed by Del . Monte. Tio. 2 cansFull weight cans, net 1 lb., . 4 0. cans for I Per Case I of 24 cans T73 CASTLE BRAND Montana hard wheat. 49-Ib. Bag EVERRIGHT Oregon harC wheat. ULQAhj oir o 0 Bag o Red White and Blue Milled of choice Blue Stem wheat. 49-Ib. Bag 0 KITCHEN QUEEN 49-lb. Bag FISHER'S BLEND Take a Tip and Buy Flour Note SIFIFISIS H AIRMAIL M 15c . ?0. 45c MORNING STAR ; i.b 23c fo...: 45c BREAKFAST CLUB 24c Vacuum pack. 1-lb. tin.. GEM TUT He 2 22 Tall cans Oregon MILK S :cans Per case of 48 cans 2EG 02.99 TISSUE Soft-as-Silk 1000-sheet rolls, good quality 4 for-25c FLY SPRAY Shell H pta. 23e . Pta. 7311 111 a i rrnTtna raven GUGAEX j FINE CANS 53c 10 25 Ofl.31 ac.D'. 05.09 ' 35c .11 n foOTl lit dMDffll IV Bucking High Prices mm INDEPENDENT GROCERS 100 Home Owned. Isaak Bros.. Otcnert 137 South Commercial Street . Phone 7311 from the chimney. Most of the household goods were saved. Part of the loss Is corered by insur ance, t Pro America To Meet 1 WOODBURN - The Woodburn unit of Pro America will observe Constitution Day at their meet ing, Wednesday, September 14, at the Woodkurn hotel. Several out-of-town speakers are being se cured by! Mrs. Lyman Shorey. Luncheon will be. served at 1 p m. and. anyone wishing reserva tion is! asked to call Mrs. Frank Settlemler. Mrs. J. W. Richards or Mrs.; Blaine McCord. t Club Meets Tonight . WOODBURN T h e Woodburn Townsend club will hold its reg ular meeting at the Lincoln grade ; school auditorium Friday at 8 p. nr. Mrs. C. G. Gulliford will tell of the dedication of the new Townsend - hall at Tillamook which j was built with funds won in a national contest to secure new members. The hall I was re cently t dedicated by Drf. Town send. Everyone-is invited. Resume Adnlt Classes WOODBURN Knitting classes will , be j reopened Saturday, Sep- Y0U CANT TELL BY LOOKING AT A ROOF HOW LONG IT WILL WEAR,. WHEN YOU BUY A MIUEJUZEO ROOF I YOU BUY YEARS OF SERVICE "Millerixing is an exclusive Jatented process that makes or Longer Roof Life. It is found only in Certain-teed Shingles. Let us check your roof now and tell you how long it may last and show you how little it costs to have a new roof. FREE ESTIMATES LT1 ROOFS PAINT & ROOFING 178 S. Com'l. Ph. 4042 tember 3, with Mrs. Igna Hanson in charge. Classes will bo' held on Wednesday and Saturday from 1 to 4 p. m. at the -Tremaine dry goods until school opens when the last half hour on Wednesday win be transferred to the high school? Mrs. Hanson will also teach cro cheting and embroidery work of all kinds. ; . Classes will also . be held in Hubbard at the Red and White store every Thursday from 1 un til 4 and every Friday at Aurora in the old postoffice building from 1 until 4. Instruction is. free and anyone may enroll. Knots Tied for Rickreall Folks RICKREALL , Ethel Wlrfs and George Griffith were married late Tuesday and left immediate ly for Chicago, Itf-, where he had been called by the . death of his father. The young couple will re side In Salem upon their return.' ; Beatrice Barton and Verlin Hamilton were married Friday night at the Christian church par sonage in Salem by Rev. Guy Drill with only members of their fam ilies present. They are living in Salem. Verlin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hamilton and at tended the Rickreall schools. He is manager of the warehouse at Derry. Oxen Pull Wagon Toward Roundup PENDLETON, Sept. l.-JPy-Latbered oxen jolted across the old Oregon $rail between La Grande and- Pendleton today to ward Sunset inn on the second leg of their trip to this round up city over the route of the pioneers. Riding in the covered wagon was a party of old-timers who will participate in the an nual round-up dress parade. Crown Feeds Turkey Grower Pellets or Mash Fox & Mink Feeds Silver-Sheen Cer-L-Meal Silver-Sheen Ftox Cubes Silver-Sheen Mink Meal Fish Supplement, 50 lbs 2.40 Hay, Grain, Fertilizer Lawn and Field Seeds W. J.LEE & SON 340 Ferry Phone 0418 ET BASKET 847 State Street G. fteiling A Sons Shop Here and Sai t I Phone 6713 Regula Prices F Iv3 IS ET S lotted Down with Meat Prices Not in Quality BeeO Moastt lb. 9V2 i Your choice of choice young beef. . E5e2 EJiill mm" nd tenaer lb.'05 Streaked with fat to assure yon of tenderness. ' Syyfigs IStte'aCi lb. flgc Loin Pork Chops lb HQC 1. . ' - - 1 - Lean ImjcG Loccl IPeacll SBni?t!;eim2img 41 lbs. 39s r Snow White, try the best. SHQcecl BaecDim IbaHOc I Sugar cured squares. Porh Gaisoogc 15 lbs. SSS The best, and then some! y-:IPIS:':..IE)JjJ-S:ISv;-.: GARDEN . FRESH Fririav nnil Fresh TfMtmflAf Satnrvlsw . ! AT LOW PRICES Daily Only C Seedless 3 . HQs Sweet Potatoes No. 1 I 4 lbs. (5ai?i?tiG Bulk lbs. dygeena jlPoiPipGC'c ea. Hq ILE ' 2 lbs. 233 (5EPJ ea. So EDgvQ2g3 ea. Bobcat Is Killed Near Lulay 'Mill SCIO A. bobcat was brought down- by a rifle shot after being treed by hounds in the . vicinity of the Lulay sawmill ' southeast of "Scio this week. Ray Bates. Elmer Limbeck and Barton Sledge set upon the feline; with trail hounds after the ' big cat had been seen in . the f timber j by truckers for the company. j Among recent arrivals to Scio's Cech colozny is Frank Chrudism sky, formerly of Clutler, Iowa. He is a former neighbor of the Will Dobrkovsky family, and plans to locate In the Willam ette valley. ; ; - j Some, damage to the Shindler bridge across Thomas creek east of Scio was reported when a log truck struck the- edifice. The truck was also damaged, but i no one was injured. The Shindler bridge soon is to be replaced! by a concrete structure. Joe Drdlik fractured two ribs and his hand recently when! he fell through the roof of a shed at his acreage adjoining Scioj on the west. Newest Market And First Home On Same Ground SILVERTON Silverton's first suburban open front market Will open Saturday on the same prop erty on which stands Silverton's oldest house. E. H. White owns both, living in the oldest honse and managing the newest mar ket. The" market will be known as the Silver Creek Food market.. 'Many of the most modern fea tures have been incorporated in the new market. The house twas built by J. M. Drake and Solo men Smith, Silverton's early irar penters, in the first of the Six ties. The lumber is hand planed. The window sashes, door frames and doors were all made by hind. The inside woodwork still j re tains it r.itrinal coating i of paint. The fireplace was made from tufa rock quarried at! an old quarry at Drake's crossing above Silverton. The old home , was built i for James M. and Lucinda (Davis) Brown among Silverton's promin ent early pioneers. It was in) the bands of tbe Brown family until it was sold a short time ago to Mr. White. . Suver MenHaul : In 800 Pounds Tuna, 14 Hours - -! " - '-I - K SUYB R Alfred . Fllckinger, who recently purchased a half interest In a deep tea fishing boat at Newport, has taken the craft to Depot Bay j. and has named it the Dipsy Doodle. Sunday he took a j group of men out 40 miles on j a fishing trip. Including Wes Kester, Dar ren Winn, Harry : Kester. Roy Bigelow, Clares Powell, Claire Winegir, A. C. Stanbrough and a crew; of three men. They were out 14! hours and caught 50 tuna fish weighing 800 pounds.' f - i Deschutes Racers Progress Slowly EUd EXE, Sept, 1 4P)- Four Eugene men who are Attempting to set j a record for" running the Deschutes river from Grand View bridge to the Columbia, made only a few miles on the first day. Velt e Pruitt." Prince Helfrich. M. R.J Irish and George Godfrey started Wednesday and 'were re ported seen at the junction of Shitike creek and the Deschutes late the. same day. It was con sidered doubtful whether they would be heard from again until the reached the big river. . Prisoner From His Escap Keepe SEATTLE. " Sept. -"'I.-iflP)-Gary Barton, alias Barrent Vrooman, facing 20 years in the state peni tentiary for forgery, escaped from a guard in a downtown district tonight. Barton broke away from Sher iffs Peputy Fred Watson ,v tbe latter was conducting him, under terms of a court order,-from one' business establishment to another. Barton's attorney, on a showing -Barton wanted to complete un finished business before leaving to serve the penitentiary sentence, had obtained the court order per mitting the prisoner's removal from the county .jail. Lower Columbia Highway Crash Kills Portlander PORTLAND, Sept. l.--E R. Hornshoe, Portland, was killed last -night In a head-on collision between-a car and. a truck on the lower Columbia River high way near Linnton.- Rolling Log Kills v TOLEDO, Sept. i:-C$VCnishe d beneath a -rolling log at the- C. D. K. Sonners, 28, truck driver was 4 killed. CCCers Battle First bi Fire In This Couiity CAMP MILL CITY M arjn- county's first major fire started Tuesday 15 miles north of Camp Mill Qity and about 20 east of Sa lem IriKwhat is -commonly known as SilverCreek Canyon. ' I It was fought by 76 CCPers from Camp Mill City under! the pe-Bonal direction of Project! Su perintendent T. D. Pomeroyl as sisted by Foresters Clarence Jnbb, A. E. Messing and project assist ants Lloyd Porter and Carl Klient and also Inspector Elmer Taylor, of the Marion County Fire Patrol association. i I l Mcdowell 'S P8757 . MARKET s t Salem's Leading Market We have a" complete meat packing : plant right here. .All tbe fresh and smoked and cured meats we offer for sale are prepared and processed right here for yon so. drop in. folks, and do your trading at this really fine modern meat market that is here for yon. No Shanks. Beef or Pork . PORK TO ROAST x SLICED LIVER i . i BACON BACKS 15c, PRIME RIB ROLL ' HEAVY BACON SQUARES PJRE LARD - PG HOCKS cured BEEF POT ROAST PURE PORK SAUSAGE SIRLOIN STEAK 15c IQc 2CC Fresh Side or Salt Pork Fresh Pig's Feet; Pork Backbones I ----- . , . . T - -. 12c iOc ... Gc 10c ICc 15C: 10c 5c r MDowelFs feature the largest stock of fresh and cured meats in! Salem. Our specialty1 is fine cured meats. Our men are all experienced meat cutters who are alert to your needs and always courteous and eager to serve you. . , OPEN UNTIL 7 P. M. SATURDAY Wa lovely dinner Y?iM& '1 I AND A LOVtLY rJm-MJ f SHOUL0 3AY NOT lIHiWFOOD MART" AND THEIR FOOD IS AN J INSPIRATION FOR GOOD YOU'RE WONDERFVl.DEAR BUTARim YOU TIRED.FTER AND jPREPARlNG THIS ADD FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY YOU can be the' hostess wh0 is admired by everyone if you. switch to the HI-WAY MART! Everything conveniently beneath one roof dozens of de lightful suggestions for party foods all priced at our famous LOWS! 1 4 1 1 Peas tSJ 3 ibH9C 1 Bacon an Side:.,-,, 23c Peaches gg73C Rib Steaks Lb tfc Bananas gt"b. 5c -iiBra-.'.-;.- :lQg Tomatoes -jjdlQC Sald Dressing pt fpg Riti - Lsc box Crackers 20c Snow cap 4 lbs. Shortening 39c : ,;" "'. ; L ,3 cans.. Devil Meat IOc Hi-Way - , lbs. X Coffee 35c , - i Gnarsnteed to please. ' Miracle . Wbip Salad j Qt. Dressing 33c Borens Pkf. Soap PowA 29c Folers i Coffee Lb.' 26c String Beans t cans 25c Pink - Salmon No. 1, 3 cans 29c CrysUl White Soap 10 bars 29c " - , Qt. Jar Mustard 13c Tterr nr Rait lfaann Ota I Fruit Jars- 79c . '4 S-lb. can T C rolls I r Zee Tissue 23c Swansdown Cake Flour 22c IV 2 box CRACKERS i5c - ! . . :sug 10 lbs. .... .. 100 lbs. ...J...5.09 I flour. PICKET FLOUR An all-purpose 1.19. . ftt4(CtC1k covp .. ,.,,-7 .. y ? Mmm -mi mom m mm