The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1938, Page 16, Image 16

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Klinger Hurls
Seven Hitter
Dues' 6-0 Win Pots Them
Seven Games in Front
of National Race v
Tbe Pirates rolled over the New
York Giants 6 to 0,' today and
advanced to seven full games in
front of the national league pa
rade. Blanked with seven hits by,
Rookie Bob Klinger, the Gi
ants - dropped below second
place for the first time this
year, winding up fourth, half
a game behind the Cincinnati
Beds and Chicago Cobs, who
climbed into a tie fov the runner-up
berth. -A
ladies' day crowd of 28,
839 saw Klinger come off the
hospital Mst i and demonstrate
that his sore arm is once more
ready for active duty. The 29-year-old
freshman from the coast
league was on top of the situ
' ation throughout as ho went the
: rcnte for the first time- since
August 5 and chalked up his
.) ninth win against five defeats
for the year. It was the fourth
time he had trounced Terry's
Terriers and the 13th time this
season the Giants had been shut
but, for what Is believed to be
a club record.
New York ......... 0 7 0
Pittsburgh ........ 6 12 0
7 Schumacher, Gumnert, Coff
man fand Danning; Klinger and
' Cubs Tie Second
CHICAGO. Sept. l-;p)-Chica
go's Cubs gained a tie for second
" place in the national league with
Cincinnati i today by capitalizing
on I Johnny Xanning's wildness
and beating the Boston. Bee.
4 to 2. '
, Clay Bryant struck out sev-
' I en, including ; five of six son
secutive batters to face him
.... flaring the first three Innings,
in gaining his 11th victory of
I t he r year. Vlnce DiMageio hit
. his 14th home run of the sea
son in the third inning,
j Boston ......I,... 2 7 0
Chicago .... 4 6 1
' Laaning. Shoffner. and Lopez;
' Bryant and Odea.
Cards Take Finale
ST. i LOUIS. Sept. 1-6P)-The
St. Louis Cardinals made it four
out of five over the Philadel
phia's s Phillies today by taking
the series finale. 6 to 5. and
giving Curt Davis his eleventh
ictory of the season. i "
Philadelphia . . 5 12 3
St. Louis 6, 12 2
allahan, ;.:ulcahy. Smith, Da
vis and Atwood; C. DaviB and
Owen. i
Budge and Riggs
Top Net Seeding
Joe Hunt Also in Top 3
for National Singles a2
.Forest Hills
NEW YORK, Sept. l-(JPy-Don
Etfdge, Bobby -1 Rlggs and Joe
Hunt, three of the four mem
bers of the United States Davis
Cup squad who on Saturday will
begin defense of the trophy
against Australia, today were
placed" at the top of the domestic
seeded list, for the men's nation
al singles tennis championship
which opens a week from today
at Forest Hills.
The championship, in which
Budge will seek to add his sec
ond US, crown to the Australian,
French and Wilmbledon titles he
Las won this year, drew an en
try of 99 players. Sixteen ot them,
eight Americans and eigTit for
eigners, were seeded, with Aus
tralia's tworfisted John Brom
wich heading the invading con
tingent. While dnly Budge could have
topped the men's list, there was
a. slight surprise in the placing
of Helen Hull Jacobs In the No.
1 position on the US 'Women's
seeded list; The seeding commlt-
tee evidently based this rating
v on the Berkeley, Calif., veteran's
defeat . of Alice Marble in the
"Wimbledon semi-finals, although
Miss Jacobs has not played in
competition since she sprained
her ankle in losing the Wimble
don final to Helen Wills Moody.
Miss, Marble, on the other hand,
has been very active, winning
. the Essex Invitation -her .last
..time out. -
Important Game
Is Set Tonight
At Sox Orchard
,j SILVERTON Albany and Sil
' -verton will meet on McGinnis
field here -Friday at 8 o'clock in
- what is expected to be the de
ciding game of the last halt of
the -Sta(e league. Albany is the
only team which has defeated Sil
Terton In the last half. Albany
. also has one loss.
It - Is expected that Don Mc
Fadden will pitch for Albany.
Windsor, - White and Helser are
' H
Ritchie's Homer Is Ruled Home Run,
So Builders Are Industrial Titlists
Because the powers that be of
the Industrial softball circuit de
cided yesterday that Marvin
Ritchie's home run . was. In all
fact, an honest-to-gosh home run.
Building; supply-yesterday became
champions of the senior play
ground loop. 1
Building Supply -won the final
two contests of ' a three-game
eries with St. Joseph's for the
championship but the jniddle tilt
was protested by the Saints on
Dog House Boys
I. -. z
t.rr , . i
.1 Wli ill i, I'-- KA- I
.Mark O'Xeil. third baseman of the Dog House Bulldogs, claimants of
the Washington state Softball championship, scores a run in the
state tournament at Seattle Dcg House defeated the Vancouver
team, which played exhibition games in Salein, 4 to O, and won over
Pasco O to 1 in the game depicted here. The Dog Housef team will
play the Salem Papermakers a double, header with interstate hon
ors at stake, Saturday night starting at 8 o'clock on Sweetland
field. i 11 ,.;)
Dog House Bulldogs Boast Long List
Of Seattle City Titles and Lengthy
String of .300 Plus Stick . Wielders
Five city championships in sev-
en years and a record of 17 vie -
tories and three defeats in this
year's city league race are among1
the records boasted by the Dog
House Bulltiogs of Seattle, Softball
team whicl. represents Washing
ton 'in the interstate playoff
against the Papermakers - here
Saturday .night. Two games will
be ,played, starting at 8 o'clock.
City championships were won
in 1932. 1934, 1936, 1937 .and
1938. The Dog House toys also
won the international invitation
al playoff tournament at Vic
toria August 6, In the state tour
nament last week in Seattle they
defeated Pasco 6 to 1 and Van
couver 4 to 0. 1 '
As for the final game with
Western Auto, there is more than
one point In dispute. In a protest
filed vth Royal Brougham,
sportj editor of the Post-Intel-ligencer,
Chuck! Durgan, man
ager of the Bulldogs, points out
Tribute Is Given
Silverton Red Sox
Spec Keenc Would Annex
Silverton to Get Ball
Club for Salem
. SILVERTON'--II o n o r s were
paid to the Silverton Red Sox
baseball team, to W. L. McGinnis,
its guiding genius, and, the other
members of the 'athletic commis
sion; Tom Anderson, chairman;
Guy DeLay, L.. C. Eastman, and
J. H. McCuHough, ;at a banquet
here 4Thursday night, j
Outside speakers included Jim
Nutter, who discussed the ' na
tional Importance of semi-pro ball
in developing, players;! "Spec"
Keene, who emphasiied the pub
licity which the (Silverton" team's
achievement has' brought to Sil
verton and Oregon, and advised
theplayers to be cautious about.
signing professional contracts;
and L. H. Gregory,' who declared
the baseball program here the
finest thing that any Oregon city
has done and the baseball' plant
the best he has seen. .
Keene suggested that Salem
should annex Silverton in order
that It might have a ball park and
a strong team; Gregory raised the
"ante" by declaring Portland
might do the same as" its only
prospect . of getting - a winning
team. . 1 - - -- -
Mrs. Chick Hanser and Mrs.
McGinnis were j introduced. Air.
McGinnis Introduced the players:
George .Windsor, Bad Brewer,
Bob White, Ken- Price, Chjck
Hauser, Hal Moe, Phil Salstrom,
Johny Pesky, Arland Schwab, Bob
all In good shape to go for the
Red Sox... . I
grounds that 'Ritchie's homer,
which scored the winning run,
should have been only a two
bagger dne to ground rules. Build
ing Supply won the disputed came
6 to 5. The first contest was won
by the Saints 8 to 3 and the final
by Building Supply Wednesday
night 4 to 3. !
League officials ruled that the
Saints . misinterpreted the ground
rules and Lat, Ritchie's four-base
smack was exactly that.
Come Saturday
the national rule providing for
seven inning games, at the end
ahead. DuTgan declares he did
not agree to nine innings.
V As a second . point .of protest,
jan Incident reminiscent of last
Friday's long deadlock gamee is
related. It seems that the first
base umpire, after being "pushed
around" when he made a close
decision, "chased" three players
of the Western Auto team, but
the umpire at the plate allowed
them to remain in the game,
which is also contrary to the
rules as cited by the Dog House
manager. He also lists one Wes
tern Auto player as ineligible.
. The Dog House team boasts
six players with batting averages
of .300 or over: Curran ..312,
Werner .316. Gray .300, Dag
gett .357. Orleman .305 and
James .420.
It was indicated that the vis
itors' starting battery would be
Daggett and Werner.
Bonney, Lavon Baker. Squeak
Wilson was not present, being in
the hospital with an infected foot.
San Diegans Cut
Lead of Seraphs
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Sept. 1-(JP)
San Diego swept its three-game
series with the Coast league pace-
setting Lo Angeles Angels with
a' 2 to 1 victory behind big Jim
Chaplin's five-hit pitching here
tonight. The loss shaved the Ser
aphs', lead over Sacramento to
two games.
Los Angeles .......... 1 5
San Diego , , 2 8
Berry and Collins; Chaplin and
Hogan. '
Elk Hunting Opens
ASTORIA! Sept 1 -U&- Clatsop
county's experimental one-week
elk hunting season started Thurs
day withbetween 750 and 800 elk
hunters in the woods. :
ue Standing
t V . W. L. Pet.
Pittsburgh. . 74 48 .807
Chicago 68 56 .548
Cincinnati 68 56 .548
New York 87 56 .545
Boston .. l 60 .504
St. Louis 59 65 .476
Brooklyn 55 67 .451
Philadelphia 38 82 .317
- H'i ! : , . W. I
New York . 85
Boston 7 0
Cleveland .. : .6$
Detroit ...... 6 3
Washington 61
Chicago k
St. Tint , ,, , 11
Philadelphia 44
(Before- night games)
. W. L.
Los Angeles 90 66
Sacramento 88 69 '
Seattle ! 85 71
San Diego 81 74
San Francisco 80 "77
Portland 73 84 J
Hollywood '.;.::.,-;.:.;..72 ' 85
Oakland .57 100
Bengals Wliack
Monte Pearson
Four, Runs in Fourth off
Yank Ace Give Tigers
6 to 3 Victory
NEW YORK, Sept. l.-OPH
Monte Pearson, who pitched a no-
hitter his last time, out, didn't!
even come close today. The De
troit Tigers.jclubbed him for four'
runs in the fourth inning and
coasted in with a ( to 3 victory
over the crippled Yankees.
. The win: gave the Tigers the
current series two games to
one, and marked the first time
since June; 22 that the Yanks
have lost two games in a row.
Pearson, tagged for ten hits,
had his personal winning streak'
snapped at ten straight and was
charged with his sixth setback
against 13 victories for the year.!
The defeat is 1 i c e d the Yanks'
American league lead to 13 games
over the Boston Red Sox.
Detroit i 6 10 11
New York .1 3 8 l
Coffman, jEisenstat and York;'
Pearson and Glenn.
Feller Wins 13th.
Bob Feller chalked up his 13th
victory of the season today by de
feating the Athletics, 11 to 4, in
the : final of a three-game series
which Cleveland swept from the
Mackmen. I J
Cleveland -LL 12 1
Philadelphia! . 4 7 3!
Feller and Hemsley; Ross, D.l
Smith, Williams, Thomas and
Hayes. -
BOSTON, i Sept. l.-(Jp-W 1 1 h
Jimmy Foxxls 39th homer signal
izing a return to hitting form, the
Boston Red: Sox took the odd
game of thre three-game series
from the St. j Louis Browns today,
5 to 3. 1
St. Louis J.... 3 7 0
Boston L 5. 8 1
Newsom and Heath; Oster-
mueller, Hetlng and Peacock.
Thornton Lee registered his tenth
victory of the season today as the
Chicago WJiite Sox' slammed
three Washington hurlers for 18;
hits to sweep the three-game'
series, 11 to 6.
Chicago j. 11 18- 2
Lee and Schlueter; Kelley,
Weaver, Deshong and Ferrell.
Davis Cup Teams
for Match
Germantown Courts Wet
for First Practice of
Aussies, US ,
i '
American and Australian Da
vis cup teams slipped and slid
today in their first practice on
the Germantown cricket club
courts fwhere they -will meet in
the challenge round this week
end, j
, The I three courts', still wet
from a night rain, gave neither
the defending Americans nor the
challenging1, Australians much
chance to show the form that has
carried them to the tennis classic.
Spectacular Don Budge, who
will be the first singles player
for the -Americans, knocked the
ball back and - forth with Jack
Kramer, young Californlan, but
no attempt was made to keep
score. j
Bobby Rlggs played with Joe
Hunt. Gene Mako came in later
on for some doubles.
John Bromwich and Adrian
Quist of the Australians prac
ticed in a ! doubles match with
Leonard Schwartz, the pare, and
George Lott, the Aussies' Ameri
can coach. 1 I
, The drawings for the matches
will take pjace at noon tomor
row. Pate Vindicated the second
singles man probably would not
be definitely known until that
1. tar 1 orusve
i 9CCB '
i In steinlct, i-ferfc. ' 'If
J ease ypjr j
pet. ICCCOP (iiSCD
'111 x"
.545 ;: .:;.
.523 '
.510 xtam unrotr camurr varcoovek, vasa.
" mm k: ayjltjcu usa 11 to
.363 1
' I .... j yt l ' I : ; 1 J ' ''" ' '. ' ' -
Styles for the Man
j .
1 ' I...'.'' " ' . j : - - " I"
IL IS ESr of D ANBURY ! -. ' .;
fflS1 "X-i4 ; Look at Your Hat-
V - ?Ssv; Everyone Else
. : - y ! Does...
S? I Jf C et Under a New
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Th ere s New Tang to Their Colors
an d a N ew Lilt to Their Brims . . .
)M ' fey vk
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It's that I new quality
Stetson at a real price.
All new shades.
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America's Famous Makes that
the Most in Style . .
' - i - -- ' i -- ... - i : . - ' - -r. . -
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,New LEE
"Water Bloc" The
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1 i