r PAGE x FIFTEEN om911 Find What : Yon: Want -Classified o: This Page- : -,. - - -' 1 I i Statesman W Classified Ads , Call 9101 1 Classified Adfertislng Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line ' 20c Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line 1 1 00 Minimum charge 25c , Copy for this pase accepted until 4:30 the evening , before publication' for, elasaiftcaiton. Copy received tfter thla time will be run under 'the i heading. "Too Ljue . to Claa- Th Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear Id advertisement rub Untied in its columns, and In cases where' this paper u at fault will re print that part of ao advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the rht to re lect . questionable advertising: It further reserves the rlht to place all adverttslna under the proper clasalflcatlon. "BLIND" ADS which give only a box number, care of Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot give any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock t r a n and wortmeei ptcke op free. Ph. collect S4lt Salem U"flttomr Rend Waa TOP PRICKS paid for live horses snd cows for tos teed. Phone collect Auctions AUCTION SALE, Sat., 1 -.30 p. m. at the F. N. AVoodry Auction Market in Hollywood, Salem, 3 lota of mortgaged ac repossessed furniture rugs, linole um, davenports, ranges, beds, springs. maUisses, tools, etc. This Is a big aale-5-terms eash. F. N. A Glenn Wood ry. Auctioneer, Ph. 5110. See us about your next auction. . Hop Pickers START PICKING hops Sept. 5th. Williams & Thacker, phone 9614. 'Help Wanted ' EARN $30 weekly or more. Grow mushrooms In cellar, shed. We buy. Soc lb Year round business. Mr. - S made $610 in few weeks' spare time.2 Estab lished 1931. Write for free book. Washington Mushroom Ind.. Dept. 408. 2019 2nd Ave.. Seattle. Wash. . Help Wanted Female - LADT FOR light housework and j care on. - muuicu, -. ....... - . GIRL OR woman to care for child, some housework for bd., rm. and wages Box: 971, Statesman. WOMAN, gen.- hsewk. 2262 State. WOMAN 'FOR general housework and care of children. No washing. Par ents work nights. 1258 N. Fifth. WANT SCHOOL girl to work for room a board. Country home. .Box 982, Statesman. ; Salesmen Wanted 2 MEN TO travel, selling experience apply 153 No. 13th, 6 to 8 p. m. Situations Wanted DRSMKR Mra Adsltt. 1130 Marlon. vrtrnsrrc man will da chores in ex change for room. Own bed A bedding. Ref. Box 67, Statesman. ' PIANO LESSONS, beginners prefer; red special low price fall term. 1085 Madison. ' WILL. CARE for invalids or sick or elderly people. Can go anywhere. Box 077. Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous ' -" OFFICE FURN. and equipment from -Western States Grocery and Greshaan bank. Uesks. chairs, files, typewriters - adding machines, scales, calculator now at our store, 456 Court. Roea Typewriter Exchange. priRiriN tcRAND distilled white' pickling vinegar ror all plcaung pur poses. -Keeps your pickles krisp. Pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Oder Works, west Jsaiem. 6TtTUTJTJ'lJ'XiJ'V'srfV sjs PEACHES. IMPKOVED and stand ard Elbertas are ready at.Pettey or chard. Wallace Road. Phone 66F14. ttrxrTjOJjnjraJ'Vsi'i'Tri'' as FIR SHAKES, Rt. 4. Bx.'24. Boje. WRINGER ROLLS service. All makes of washera E. H. Ellis A Son. Nelson Broa Jnc Ph. 4149. Eve. 8541. WINCHESTER 30-40 LEVER ac tion rifle. Just like new, $21.60. Inq. 1025 N. 15th. BARTLETT CANNING peara, 30c box, delivered. Telephone 64F14 TRAILER HOUSE, bullt-ins, 7x14, cheap. 215 S. Winter. Tel. 6317. i POP DISPENSER, cheap, 341 Un ion St ' i BARTLETT PEARS, 30c bu. at or chard. 40c delivered. Rt. 6, Box 381. Satetn-Silverton highway. ' Ph. 105F22. IMPROVED ELBERTAS,. Clings going fast, Bnrtlett peara ju Town tend, Mission Bottom. TRAILER HOUSE at 12th Pa cific hwy. service station. .- ." HOUSE TRAILER, bargain. $175. Built-ins and trailer bed. King. 619 N. Front, Salem. CANNING TOMATOES 5e bu., field run. Bring boxes. T. C. Muller. 2 mi. S. Brunka Cor.. Salem-Indep. rd. WINDFAIJj PEACHES at Ptteys orchard bring b o z e s Perfections next week. Tel. 66F14. , . -ADVERTISING Western Ad vertislnjj ' ' Represent tl?es irn nr. Hall Co f.f I San Francisco. Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Rrysnt. Grlfnth A B run son. Inc. Chicago, New fYork, Detroit. . Boaton. f AtlsnU Sstertd mt th FoatotTicm at Baltm Oregon ea Second i Class Matt. Paft llaf every morntno except Honda. H uin est ece. tJ South Commercial Street. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Bubscrtpttoa Rates In Advance Within Oregon : I Heliy ana sunnay : Mo. 60 cents; 8 Mo. $1.60: 6 Mo. $3.60: year $6 00. Elsewhere 60 cents per Mo. or $6 00 rot l year in aavance fr rn f cant a Newsstands 6 cents r rttv 0-r1r : 60 rents a moath. 7.20 a year In advance ta Marion and adjacent eDttatlaav V S ALESAAJEN mUk goat R ui'dln, Sr . m n C o.fH. Money to Loan" Immediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single' Only 1 You Sign Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify Private Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day. Week or Month 'To Reduce tha Cost General rf mance Corp. 13 So. Commercial Street " ' Salem. Oregon S-I36 First Door South ef Ladd A- Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location 'i For Sale 'Miscellaneous' COLORED FRYERS.' dressed, drawn and delivered. Fresh. 25c lb. TeL ,8023. 2 .GOOD BICrCIJKS, almost new. A bargain. 63 S N. 21st. C ' SALE USED Edison double, elec. waffle iron. Good for testaurant or eating house. $12. See Stover at Geo. E. Allen Hardware. CIRCULATOR WOOD heater. 581 N. Church. Tel. 601. srss,4sassssssSsWrMV S. A. KIM CANNING .TOMATOES, 1 mUes north of Chemawa. Phone 31F33. ELBERT A, ! HALE and Crawford peaches. Also ! Windfalls, 50c & 65c Britt Aspinwall. Waconda. For 'Sale Furniture JEXRXITURE, 1290 Oak St., Apt. 6. 9-PC WALNUT dining room set. Reasonable. 328 E. Rural. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED MARKET poultry. Phone 133F2 l-ee's Hatchery. WANTED OLD overstuffed furni turewill buy or trade. Louis' - Uphol stery. Rt 1, Box 153, (Wallace Road J. Salem. j - Trade Miscellaneous WATCHES,! JEWELRY and repair., fori canning fruit. 211 IN. Commercial. Miscellaneous DR. HUTCHINSON S rheumatism arthritis packs. 1420 N Summer St. SEWING AND alterations. Mra Decker, 607 N. 13th, (alteration lady for Bloch's Golden Rule.) - For Kent Rooms LADIES, til 6676. 096 N Cot lag a HEATED HSKP. rm. 1580 Center. 1 BLK. FROM capitol. 960 Center. Brooms for rent NICE RM.. jrlv. home. Bd., gar, opt. 60S S. Church. Ph.,7370. Koom and Board ROOM BOARD. 254 N." Church. saasis0sVMMMMVVWVMMMMM CLOSE IN. Sit Beltevue. Ph. 8767. RMS. BD. for men. Ph. 2406. TOUNG LJLDY to room and buard In private home, with bome privUegea 790 N. CommerclaL R B LDI. free. 455 N. Cottage. MOD. SHOWERS, table bd. 3518. RU, B.. lady, S4I K. Cottage. VERT EXCLUSIVE room & board. 628 So. 12th St. Attractive rms. suit able tor two or three, at lower rates tnan single occupancy, iadies only. For Rent-Apartments SEE F1SHKR . apta Modernised. oewty decorated and roomy. You'll be llghtad. Oak and S. CouunerclaL 4-ROOM APT. Large living room. ftreDlace. hot -water heat, sun parlor and sleeping porch, gardena Tel. 6408 or 6534. . ( 1 AND i-RM. furn. S5ty & Cottage. VACANCY. 6 RM. or' S rm.. first floor, furn. or wnfum. 1411 Court.' ATTRACTIVE 4 RM. mod. furn. apL. Sept. 1st. Newly decorated, ga rage, nice yard. Adults only. $27, In cluding water. 245 Ei Lincoln. 3-RM. FURN. Adults. 780 N. Whiter. BUNG.., APT. for 2. Board. 6760. "APT. MEN only. 735 N. CoraV 1 OR S-ROOM furn. ants. Gam re. 8005 N. CapitoL FURN. 4 RM. Xlat. 1090 N. Fifth. 2 R. FURN. PR1 V. entrance : also furn. room. 1208 Court. 2 RMS.. LIGHTS, wat.. bath. $15. Also alp. rm, new mgmt. 700 N. High. 2 RMS. FURN., $15. 2 rms. unfum, $10. It, at water Included. 2164 Maple Avenue. 3 RM. FURN. apt, Hgbts, hot wa ter, first floor, 353 Lealie. 2 R,; VERY CLEAN. Close. P. 5825. MOD. W. SALEM. Inq. Slopers Mkt. LGE. 4 R. FURN, upstaira Near high school, call 1430 U St. X RM. FURN, $15. 1935 Center. . For Rent Houses FURN. and UNFURN. housea H. P. Granu 629 Court SL. Tel. 6744-8320. FRN. 6 R. dup. Inq. 411 N. Summer. FOR RENT House, 6 rms, close to high school. $30. Call at 355 Ko. uap- ItoL i GOOD 7 ROOM house, $37.50, Hood St. Tel.- 6223. 5-RM. HOUSE. 2785 S. Capitol. 6 RM. UNFURN. Inq, 1165 N. 18th. 6 ROOM FURN. house, Teh 6584 or Inquire 630 Breya Ave. , i FOR RENT LOVELI FAI RMOUNT HILL hora $60.40. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phone 9261 6 RM. FURN, adults. Ph. 4954. 5 ROOM HOUSE, adults, complete ly redecorated. $30 . mo. Inq. 1550 S. Liberty. . , . SR. HOUSE. CLOSE In. parUy.fur alahed. Pb, 7878. Money to Loan 4 CHECK THESE FEATURES OF . Small monthly navmenta Confidential, prompt service. Low Cost. Repay your loan at any time. No co signer. Just call at our office and say. "Please explain your loan service to me. Tou are under no obligation. . People's Finance Company S--J1J State Rm. 201, First National Bank Bldg. Auto Loans i CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used .car a Private money at very low rates. No red tape 1 to 20 montha to. repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St., Salem. Ore Phone lt Lie. No. si-113 H - E - L - P - OUR AIM Is to help people when they need help Get that extra rash yon need now without a lot of red tape, or comakers. S100 loan. $6 73 per month for 20 montha other amounts In proportion. - Lip. to $500 on cara STATE FINANCE CO. 34 4 State Street Salem. Oregon. Lie No. S-2IS M 82 Phone 2U SCHOOLDAYS , ARE HERE AGAIN i CASH TO outfit your youngster for the school year to buy your win ter wood to buy winter clothea Repay your loan In small monthly payments. . f ! ' Personal Finance Co. EIGHTH TEAR IN SALEM 518 State Street at High Room 119 Second Floor New Bligh Bldg. .Phone. 3191 License S-123 M-156 ( Salem, Oregon FEDERAL HOUSING loans build, i ef Inane home a business prop. Rates Abrams a Eli la Inc. Masonic Bldg i MONEY ro loan on good real estate Charles Hudktns 376 State street. HJ P. GRANT, 529 Court-St. 674 4. Money to loan on good property. 6. 1 Financial WR HAVtfi never paid less than this rate on savings ana investment, insured V to $5000. Mutual Federal Savings A lan Assn Phone 4956 ,142 & Liberty St. . f lan Wanted ' ! W'ANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest ! W. H. GltA BENHOKST A CO f - REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468 fLOAVS tVAiHTbU on farm and clLT property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Robetta i i For Rent House i . 6 R. HOUSE. PARTLY furn. or on. furn. 2785 Brooks Ave. i . .' 6 RM. HSE., $18; 4 rm. hse., furn, with 1 A. close in, bus service, $27.50. Phone' 7113. S ROOM. MOD. house on Falrmount Jlill, $30.00. I : 6 room bouse, $20.00. I i RICH L. REIMANN . 167 a High Street, Phone 8632. ijjnjj'xru'Xfsvviit'v if 4 R. HOUSE FURN. In town. $20. Phone 6539. f ' ' i 4 A. with uuu. rv. nouse. Equip ped for poultry. Call 1430 "D" St. For Rent OFFICE RtiOMS 881 State street Inquire room tOft Tel 8718. CARS. TRUCKS. U Drive. tb. tt HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chair te rent. H L Stiff Furniture Co. , BUSINESS BLDG. north of via- duct. Write Box 970, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate MARVELOUS NEW 6 room home. In one of the best and most convenient locations in No. Salem. Class C fire proof const, automatic - heat and do mestic hot water. Whole house la insu lated a gainst heat and cold. Best grade oak floors. Indirect lighting com plete. Sbadea beautiful lawn and shrubbery are in. in xact you win nave to give this house n very close Inspec tion to appreciate its true value and lasting qualities. If you are looking for a truely honestly built home then call 4109 to see thla place. Price 14,- 6-00.00. F. H. A. terms. Open evenings 6 to 7. HAWKINS Mt ROBERTS. INC SALEM.. OREGON ' BUll-UtNO LOTS finnn UVTn nn m.mI at ret aseel- lant location. Price 8500. 836 down. $10 per - month. W. U. UnARKWHimsn tu. Rir.Ai.orta 134 8. Liberty St Phone 6468 SUBURBAN BRAND NEW modern 6 room home on one acre beautiful view, tn South Salem Heights, automatic water sys tem, 2 miles out, $2700, $500 down Pb. 6581 SALE. MODERN room borne with 8 - bedrooms, double garage,: 450 N. 19th St. SIX ROOM home plastered. 2 bed rooms, fireplace, nice lot. South Salem Heights. $1750, $400 down. Ph. 6580. BEAT THIS ONE "V FOUR ROOMS A bath, basement, 2 lots with three large oak trees south east Salem. $700. Ph. 5580. MOD HOME, Cap! tola. pay. menta Carle Abrams. 411; Masonic Bldg. - TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WE OFFER a modern 4 room bouse snd large lot for only $2800. Property Is located close to city limits, north. Has fine shrubs, fruit and nut trees. This Is a real buy. Terms can be ar ranged. SEE Mra Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 NEAT, CLEAN 5 -room house, valu able close In lot, $2100. Reasoner (certainly), 665 N. High. ROOM MODERN house, double plumbing, built last year. Owner. Tel. 4946. . i " sasaassMsShAsasaaisCaaskiaaaAAAAAsavA NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET - t RM. PLASTERED house with plumbing. '. i. Large lot garage 8900 CASH ' : H. P. GRANT T 529 Court Street : FOR SALE, by owner, new 6 room house, cheap terms. Box ' 975. f Statesman.. Money to Loan H A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE. . Interest charged only while you have the money. , . Flexible plans to meet your needs. . Auto loans to $500.00. . Furniture or livestock loans to $300. Llceni M-220 Tel. 444$ Salem, Oregon For Sale Real Estate STRICTLY MOD. 5 R. house. Big rms, master bedrm, 14x16. Living rm. 14x25. Plenty of closet room and built ins. Big floored attic. Big basement. Shown by appointment, or drive to 270 N. 21st and see for yourself. Price rea sonable. Terms. Phone 5500 owner. OREGON COAST REAL ESTATE - HOMES. LOTS, acreage and bus iness property. Small restaurant. 9 stools, 3 tables. On highway In good coast town. Just right for man and wife. Price $1200. I See L. D. Leighton. Agate Beach Or Write Box 103. Newport A REAL HOME & INCOME- , REDUCED TODAY a $5000 place for $4?00 $1000 down. STOP, READ about this place. 6 rooms, modern, basement, furnace and a 4 room house In? the rear that rents for $20.00. lot dux ma income on both places would be $50.00 per mo. or 10 int. on $6000. Fine location, close to new high school. See my agent JAS. D. SEARS 476 Court Street $239 DOWN WILL handle a 4 room mod. house, fireplace, basement. rurnace, ldy. trays, garage. Ex cellent location. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 WILL SELL 6 rm. home for $3600 if $800.00 equity, cash. Cost $3950.00 to build house only 3 yrs. ago. Box v 1 . statesman. MUST GO to drier climate. Will take $3000 for 6 rm. home, close In on Win ter St. Must sell before fall begins. ctox su. statesman. NEW MOD. 5 rms., base, furnace, $3500. $500 down. bal. $25 per mo. Jjoveiy mod. home, oil rurnace. $5150, WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE Phone 7113 157 S. Liberty NEAT 5-RMS. FIreolace. ex. rnM tlon. Fine close In loea. Price cut to terms, for quick sale. ' ROBERT F. RUDROW Real Estate 12 Lad.d & 'BushBlug. . Phone 5965 SAVE YOUR RENT 6 R. PLAST. USE. with basement. 41x150 lot. Fruit & walnuts. Pavin pd. $1850, $550 down, bal. $22.50 per month. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street Phone j6744 6 R. HSE, BARN, chicken hse. 1 A. land. Lots of fruit. Best loca. in Wood burn. $2500 or trade for farm. A. C. JENSEN 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 3414. 4 ROOM PLASTERED, house, electri city. 3 acres of ground, good well. $100 down, $12 per month. $1200. 3 room house, one acre of ground, electric water system, $100 down, $15 per month. $1500.00. 4 room mod. bungalow, hardwood floors In living room, two bedrooms, bath, best of soil, small down pay ment, balance as low. as $15.31 per month including taxes and Insur ance. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street ' Phone 8432 3 RM. HOUSE, garage. 2 lots near bus line and school, $650. N. J. Hobges, 795 S. 23rd. SALE, OR lease to right party. 3 R. mod. house, owner. Ref. required. Phone 3708. FORCED TO SELL BUSINESS PROPERTY close to court house, hurry and see my agent. LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 . State St, Room 4. Exchange Real Estate RM. HSE, base.- Nice lot with trees, will trade SI 200 equity for cul tlvatable land. Bldga. not necessary. Prefer Polk county. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE ' Phone 7113 157 S. Liberty SERVICE STATinv a- n,n.. nn 6 rm. house on highway-; 30, near Omaha, Nebraska, to trade for acre age or what have you In or near Sa lem. By owner. Write Box 981, Statesman. ; For Sale Farms FEDERAL LAND bank farma Priced right. Term a See W. & Bart lett, secretary treasurer. 316 Ore gen "Hiding Phone 7181 t A FINE FARM of 140 A, CO cul tivated, good bldgs, good rd. Can, be irrigated. -$3500, $350 down. 63 A, 30 cult, bldga, Can be Irriga ted, $4200, $1000 down, long time on bal. at 5 Interest, i - . WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE Phone 7113 157 & Liberty Acreage WALLACE ROAD 20 ACRES. 1 MILE from Polk coun ty bridge, fin aeil. good T room house and outbuildings, some timber, city wa ter. Price $5500. Accept Salem home to $4000 aa part. SEE Mr. Bartlett with ! CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors ' 344 State Street Phone 9261 A, SMALL HSE, hen hse, 2 ml. N. of Salemt $600, or trade for small farm. 23 A, 12 TnLfrom Salem. 1$ A. bea verdam, -full crop of vegetable A 2 A. of fruit. Nice small bldg, on hwy, $5, 500. $100 v. down or trade for house in Salem as down pymt, 'small yearly payment, i ' 1 . , 20 A, II ml. N. of Salem, fair bldgs, nice fruit Full price $1000. Small down pymt tt easy terms. I A. C JENSEN 222 Oregon Bldg. . Phone S414 Suburban f RM.I BRAND new mod. home. 8 bedrooms, Vi A. garden. 1 mi. N. city limits on river rd. $3500, Rt 2, Boa 4D. f i Wanled Real Estate LISTINGS WANTED fo housea for aalH rent or trade. 16901 N. 17th. Phone &506. - WILL PAY $4900.00 cash for or T rm. home. Must 4e good value A well located. Box 983, Statesman. l Resort IVoperty 'SEAL" ROCK Beach, Ocean View. 50x100. $25.00, total price, $5 down, $5 per month. These lots loriginally priced! at $350 each Sunday over La bor day aale. Drive 8 miles; south of Newport ask at SesI Rock poetofflce. Rniiies Clpporturiities I " GROCERY living STOCK ' AND fixtures. living quar ters tn building, good location in North Salem, $4500. Phone 5580. AUTO STAGE line, freight snd pas senjoer. ' Protected rlghta state and In terstate. 335 Fawk Street For Sale Used Cars N-ational1 Ford Dealers ! September ; USED CARS : Exceptional Values ; - Example 1936 Ford Coupe - - $3Ef" VAlll-EY MOTOR CO t Lot Marion & Liberty We're Going to Wipe the . Slate Clean j r j . : ' ' i ji- Don't Fail to See These Cars Before You Buy FOUR 1937 BUiCK SEDANS to choose from These cart bare "-eeel bodies, large built-in trunks and have been owned and driven b some of our most careful owners. Priced as low as ; - 19S7 BCICK COUPE, special Six-ply tires : motor just U?-'ThS should run from 10.000 to 30,000 miles without any repairs. If s a UUy ttb 1937 PACKARD COUPE in excellent 19C6 PONTtAC SEDAN It's a real side A out is in splendid condition H36 TERRAPLAXE COUPE n A-l 1936 LaFAYETTE COUPE in excellent 1933 GRAHAM SEDAN, a real buy i 1934 CHRYSLER SEDAN In nice shape , 1934 CHEVROLET COUPE : 1934 TERRAPLAXE SEDAN, runs fine 1932 CHEVROLET COUPE, turned in by original owner. 19S2 CHEVROLET COACH, splendid condition 1931 HUP SEDAN 1918 BLTICK 7-PASS. SEDAN 1928 HUDSON .". OTTO J. 388 North Commercial Kiitttness lpiitrtunities TtraT t?stat. ostnl buv In Salem. xnn ..aoh rt 9Tf,0 buv $200 ner mo; Income. Owner's time left free. Reason selling, leaving city. Details uox so. Statesman - BUSINESS BUILDING 'XEW BUILDING rented for $135 nr month artloininz house. $22.50. 26 ft lot remaining for new structure. Price for all $13,500. SEE Mrs Ellis with CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street - .Phone 92G1 AUTO COURT ON COAST n divc a- noon house. House A cabins modern, also hookup for 15 trailers, doing good business. 2 A. ground, room for more cabins, priced to sell. See my agent JAg. D. SEARS, REALTOR 476 Court Street Phone 8466. a i-rn rniTRTunil GROCERY. Out standing 99 highway location. Paying now about $100 mo. Can handle feed, fruit vegetables, flowers, trailer camp, etc. Needs development $3500. Care, conrecuonery, stage aiop. rai nr l cream. Present owner over 20 years. Total $1750. its a witfh St McKilloo Real Estate AUTO 'REPAIR shop downtown Salem, a good business, made $3000.00 for owner last year, so far this year'a earnings are ahead of last year'a Price f 3000.00, terms... i Service station, store and auto camp. Cut In price from $3250.00 to $2250.00. 4 A. on paved road, terms. Cafe with fountain, average dally business $30. Price $1500. R A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER, 1853 N. Capitol For Salt Wood DRT 2nd GROWTH. Ph. I87F12. FIR. OAR. ash. Graeh. 6370. ' NO. 1 DRT old fir. $5. Four-foot $4.50. Ash. maple $6.25. Phone 6370. Al DRT OLD FIR. $5.50. Ph. 8354. SECOND GROWTH fir, 16 In, del, $4.50: grub oak 16- del, $6.50. Will aell cheap In timber, you haul, close to Salem. Phone 5991. GOOD. DRT 4 rt 2nd gwth, 3 cord tots. $12. Tel. I860. Slab wd. $3.60 cd. Ph. 17F31. DRY 16 IN. eld fir. $5; 4-ft 2nd growth. $4. Phone 9456. PHONE I B. FENWICK, 4527 for good 2nd growth wood. - OAK. ASH fir. $5.76-$4. del. 9703. DRY WOOD, alp kinds, ph, 4C63. KINDLING WOOD, trailer load $1.00. Ph. 9507. GOOD. DRY wood. Tel. 4865. Boje. DRY PLANER wood. Tel. 5274. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWINO, Sproed. Ph. 6882. Immmm immmmm mmmmmmmmm i Lost and Fontfd '. RETURN BLACK leather handbag to Salem Statesman office for reward. Lost at Sanfrleze Ice cream parlor on South Commercial Sunday evening. Contains keys, driver license, and cos metioa. - LOST WEDNESDAY, $33 In bills In East Salem near N. 17th, St. call at Swegle store for reward or phone 5288. ' LOST FEMALE white Collie, brown spot on right shoulder and left flank. Answers name "Susan." Re ward. Ph. 629L i Persmai LONELY T -WORTHWHH-BT sweet heart husband, wife for yon. Bos 75 lw Angela WANTED, , BY working mother. Home for nine year old boy, near school. Ans. Box. 979, Statesman. Transportation COLLEGE STUDENT 1 wishes ride Minneapolis, vicinity about Sept 7th, share exp. A. Rogen, Wood burn. Ph. Monitor 19-551. - " LADY. WILL share expenses to Liv ingston. Mont. Ref. exch. About Sept 10th. Box 978, f Statesman. t For Sale Used Cars Cleaanup of condition. This car Is a 120 series J$865 buy almost new tires this car In $495 $450 shape condition $450 $US $36S ..$323 $325 This Is a i real $24S .$215 ..$125 85 $.45 WILSOH Phone 5451 FORCED TO SELL Every New And Used Gar in Otar ' Stock ! - By Sept. 10th PRICES! YOU MAKE AN OFFER. TRADES ! YES ! ---NEW CARS - -- 38 Terraplane DeLuxe Sedan 38 Packard Six-cyt Sedan 38 Packard Six-cyU Club Coupe 38 Terraplane DeLuxe Coupe - ! US ED CARS--- 37 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 37 Terraplane DeLuxe Sedan 1 34 Terraplane DeLuxe Coupe 3 Hudson 6-cyt DeLuxe Sedan 36 Stud baker Pre a DeLuxe Sedan 36 Terraplane Brougham 35 Chrysler 6-cyL Sedan 35 Stadebaker Dictator Sedan 35 Packard 120 Sedan 34 Chevrolet Master Sedan 34 Pontine Coach 33 Pontiac Coach i 32 Chevrolet Coach 31 DeSoto Coupe 30 Chevrolet Coupe SO Durant Coach 30 Willys-Knight Sedan " SEE and COMPARE Our USED CARS ! Our Prices are Lower Make Us Prove it! Written Guarantee with Every car - - - Trades and Easy terms! . j STATE MOT.ORS, INC. PACKARD Sc. HUDSON High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 Open Evenings . wuuc CAA SIKKI order luggage rack on top. 335 Fawk Street. . .....-..-. - l-ll.inn n rLlxa lift 1V u . . a . -tt. . . . . . '24 CHEV. COITPF1 maA mhIMa. cheap. Phone 47F23. .. . , GOING EAST, sacrifice '36 Ply mouth DeLuxe Coupe. C Korb. Co. Agt. office. . REPOSSESSED 1033 FORD V-8 De Luxe Coupe, new tirea : excellent mo tor. Pick up back payments and com plete contract. Rm. 201. First Nation al Bank Building or phone 4446. . Wanted Used Cars WANTED '35 TO '37 Plymouth or Chevrolet Sedan from private party. 2142 N. Com L ; - f SHKRIFFTs NOTICE OF SALE j NOTICE is hereby; given that I will, on Saturday. ' Septem ber 24. I93&i at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the weet door of the Marion . County C art House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real , prem ises, to-wit: The South 65 feet of Lot 8, Block 16; and the South 65 -feet of Lot 7, Block 16, ex cept the West 4 feet 4 inches of said Sooth 65 feet, all In UniTersity Addition; in the" City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. - Said sale trill be by virtue of eik execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore ton for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending-1 therein In which City , of Salem, a . mu nicipal corporation, is plaintiff, and Stella J . Lenon, sometimes known as Estella J Lenon, and John Doe Lenon, her husband, and Elmer W. Purrine.i are de fendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 27085, s Dated and first published Au gust 26. 1S38, JT. C. Burk. Sheriff of Marion . County, j Oregon. By Kenneth L. I Randall, Deputy.-A 26 S 2-9-16-2. For Sale Died Cars For! the Best 1037 Plymouth DeLuxe has run only 12,320 Ip36 ' Cliev. DpLuxe Sport exceptionally nice miles k.! 1938 Chev. 34 1485 ... Many Other McKay Chevrolet Co.! 3 Center Phone OPEN E Jt sskessayeesaaasaaefcia m m m m s The Best Transportation in Town FOR The Money Invested We Trade MISCELLANEOUS 29-Essex Coach 30.00 ; 929-Pontiac Sedan 35.00 40.00 .'',,, 85.00 ? 5.00 ' . ' . . 125.00 1 u J49.00 ?28-Chrysler Coacn 92 8-Chevrolet Sedan 929-Hudson Sedan 1929- Olds Sedan 1930- Chev. Coupe FORDS 1 i 1935-Ford Tudor, A-l mechanically. J good rubber, upholstery like new. , See thisj ' car a 'real I buy U . 395.00 I BUICKS - ' r 1935-Bulck 4-Dr. Club Sedan radio. looks like a newl car a beauti ful car at low cost i for only i 565.00 ! PICKUPS. I ip3I-Ford Pickup, good rubber mo- ; I tor thoroughly reconditioned, a I real buy at . X 325-00 ; li935-Chevro!et Pickup. completely reconditioned, good rubber, 'new ; paint a dandy truck 385.00 ' I TRUCKS i J92S-Chevrolet 1-toni chassis with better than $100.00 "worth -of new rubber for only $$X00 ' HERRALJ-- "The Home of Dependahle Used Cars and Trucks"' DODGE f ' 1 PLYMOUTH I 2 35 South Commercial Phone 3169 ! NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH PHONE JJOOlLlTTLE HONEST VALU SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.' TODAY'S 1935 Cher. Master Cdur. It's really O. K. Only ....... ; ,$4"3.00 1934 Dodge DeDuxe Coupe, original black finish, like neW4 Only ; $375.00 19.35 Chev. Std. Coupe. If a original owner is our best recommendation; i ' It s a buy at only ...i x 1931 Pontiac 2-Dr Sedan. Tliia car.bas iness man. See this one .today , REMEMBER j DOOLITTLE'S NORTH COMMERCIAL AT CENTER I .'It'.- t ! ' SHERIFF'S NOTICT3 OP SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN tnat l win on Saturday. Septem ber 3. 1938. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the iwest idoor of the Marlon County jCouri House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale ;of real property on execution, the if olio wing described real prem ises, to-wit: , ; i The South 50 feet of Lot 2 and the North 6 feet of Lot S. Block 9, Pleasaiit Home Addi tion; to the City of Salem, Ma- : rlon County, Oregon. ( Said sale will be by Ylrtue of an execution' Issued out of the Circuit Court of, the State of Oregon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein in wliich City, of Salem, a municipal corporation. Is plaintiff, and Carl E. Miller and Jane Doe Miller j his wife, and Marion I County, a body politic. Bu sitl e s s Cards! ia this directory run mJ m monthly basis only Ratet St per line per month." i ) Auto Brakes Mike j Panes. 37s,' Sooth Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW Harry W. Scett. 147 and recendlt toned. S. Cofn'L Pa. 4616 . Body & Fender Repair FOR ROUT 6 FRn)RR Repairs. A ute Trim.. Seat Corera. iClas replacement Ante Painting SEE- the HerrafV Owen Co 23S S QooTL St Kh 11(1 WRECK RE - BUILDING, welding, body and fender works. 12th and Mts sion. Standard Sta.j ' . 'I Chimney Sweep i TKI-EPHONB 44tj R E Northnesa FURN. VACUUM cleaned. Ph. 4S1X. i Chiropractors i i DR. a L." SCOTT. IPSO. Chiropractor. 266 N. Htgh. Tel. jRca SS7S. ; t Excavating EXCAVATING OF; all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt battled or moved. Dirt ror sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co Phone flOl . i- Florists Brelthaupra. 447 Court. Phone 6904 W. SALEM noftsta. 140 Edjtewater Gunsmith ROD A GUN repairs. Salem Rod A Gun Shop, 37SH State, upstairs. . Lime OOLDi HILL Itme 6. We deliver tc farm, 32 N. Commercial. Tel. i 1626. For Sale Usetl Cars Sport Sedan, this, car miies......: ... ...1S685 Sedan This is an j car, run only 19,446 v; . 595 TRUCKS ; Ton PKP just like new, run only ! . :j .....L . i , J :. . .." $675 Makes and Models to Choose From 3188 VENINGS 430 N. Commercial i.aJrtrunru-n Terms PLYMOUTHS 1 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe 4-Dr. Tr. Se : dan, equipped with dual sun vi sors, tail lights, windshield wip ' era dual .air-toned horns ra . dio. A real buy T 1931-Dodge -4-Dr. Sedan, motor .com ; pletely overhauled." good rubber, original paint Job. See this: car . priced as low as ...$123.00 1936-Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan, looks A i a uus A4.Sk.r7 us; vt a7C7 luia t ni .... . , !,..-.,.,, $645.00 1937-Dodge 4-Dr.' Tr. Sedan looks' like a new car, many extras a real buy $7S3.0 PANELS . j . -' - - 1933-Chevrolet -ton Panel a dan dy truck and a real buy $395.00 1936-Kord -ton" Panel in A-l condition.-See this panel $445.00 TRUCKS 1920-ford 1-ton chassla A I renl buyfat only- J..$li3.00 OWENS CO. and DODGE TRUCK DIST. . . i - ST. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRE 5335 - i -(,' I, - PONTIAC Good-Will Used Cars i ! ES. SQUARE DEALING. LOW i DOWN PAYMENT. - i I SPECIALS - . ; . $375.00 had only one owner, a Salem bus , . . ' $is alt USED CARS STREET PnONE 5646. are) defendants, tha aam bIn t Clerk's Register No. 27S13. Dated and first published Aug ust 5, 193S. i . A. C. BURR . Sheriff of Marlon County, By KENNETH L. RANDALL Deputy. A. 5-12-19-26; S. 2- ureion. . r OFFICIAIj NOTICE The- Oregon Milk Control Board will held a public hearing on September 6. 1938. at 10:30 a. m. in the Chamber of Com merce rooms in Salem, Oregon, for the purpose, or securing evi dence and testimony regarding pooling: length of pool periods and sale of fluid milk in the Salem milk shed. Oregon Milk Control Board. Edgar W. Smith. Chairman. Glenn B. Marsh, A. E.. EngbreUon. S 2-3. , D i re ct o r v Laundries : THE NKW SAI.RM UONDRT ' ' THB WEI I 'ICR UAUNDRT SSI a Rurh. Tat BUS Mattresses SALEM FLUFF HUO and Mattrese Factory. NKW MATTRKSS made to order, eld remade : carpet eleanlne sts Inst ftun rua weartng ft. Jth A WJI. bur. TeU. 6441. OTTO r. ZW1CKKR. Est. 191 L CAPITOL RBDDINQ CO. phone 4063. Printinff procrama books or any kind of print In, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 316 .8. CommerclaL Tele phone 6101. Pumps ONION TOPPERS ft AUTOMATIC BASEMENT PUMPS. W jmmuho. ture.K. F. SCHUETT. PHONE T3. Tires NEW AND USED an slsea lowest prlcea 70 S. Commercial street. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 2IS State St Tet 7Tt. Distributing. or wardtna and storage our ieclalty. Get our rates. - rflR lK!AL or distant transfer stor aaa. burner oil. call 3131. I Jirmer Transfer Co Trucks to Portland datiy. Well Driiling R. A. WEST, tt f, Bx. 446 T. I10K6. Chester . J. Pugh. J12S Mjrrtla 1SS6. Wotxl Sawing 939 N. COMMERCIAL. Phone S522. J. H. BOENINQ, PHONC 6633. Salem,