The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 1, 1938 PAGE FIVE IN oca Judge Is Assigned Chief Jus tice Bean' of the state, supreme court Wednesday assigned Circuit Judge Earl Latourette of Clack amas, county to substitute-for Judge It. Frank Peters in Tilla mook county. Judge Latourette will hear the case-of Fino'e vst the Credit Serrive Corporation, Judge Peters was disqualified. Recorded Concerts The regu lar Friday jioon concert of record ed music will be given in the mu sic room of the Salem public li brary September 2 from Ms 45 to 12:45. The program will Include three selections from La BohemeJ This 'concert swill be' repeated Tuesday, at" three o'clock. Lutz Florist, 1276 N. Lib. 9592. : "4-H Judges Pickett -M. G. Gun derson will judge dairy .animals and hogs and Floyd Fox will rate sheep at the Marion county, 4-H livestock show at the state fair grounds Saturday morning. Both are Silverton men. The judging will begin at 9:30 a. m. j Parrish Enrollment -Pupils ex pected to enter Parrish junior high school this fall are requested to register before the opening of school, September 12, if possible, Enrollment as soon as possible is urged. Dutch Boy , Paint. '.Mathls, 178 S. Coml ; -1 .. ! : .. i -! -T' Lee' Retrial UncertainWheth er 'or not the state will ask I that Joe W. Lee, over whom, a justice court jury failed Tuesday to agree on. reckless driving charges, be tried, again had not been decided yesterdayDist. Atty. Lyle J. Page said. - - i j i Grand Jury to Meet The Mar ion county grand jury.1 will be called to meet sometime this month, Dist. : Atty Lyle "J. i Page said yesterday. A large amount of . routine" work has piled up since the jury's last sitting, in ' July. -: - "- 1 : -.-r; ! '-- - .Wall paper, Mathis. 178 S. Coml . i , , GOP Committee Called Chair man ' Lewis Judson has called i a meeting of the Marion county re publican executive committee for the Marion hotel at 8 o'clock Fri day night. Campaign business matters ; will be considered. Ad Club Opening Sessions Friday Two guest speakers, both from Portland, will be featured onHhe program for the first fall meeting of the Salem Ad club, to be held Friday nighCat 6:30 o'clock at the; Quelle. The session is also the first under the , new, president, George Arbuckle. :' Speakers will be I. B. Ambrose, sales manager of the Portland Woolen Mills and W. B. B. Dod son, executive secretary of the Portland chamber of commerce, who . will speak on "General Bus iness Conditions." ; .! Wives of the Admen will be special guests, and all other in terested persons are invited to at tend the dinner gathering, states the secretary, E. E. Thomas: Gasoline not to j Drink, lad Finds jSCOTTS' MILLS Little Nor bert Schmitz. son of Mr. and 'Mrsi ' J. J... Schmitz, apparently thought gasoline was good for something besides automobile fu el. Anyway, he used it for a thirst quencher. Aside from giv ing the parents a bad scare, the incident came to no ill end, thanks to the antidote administered by a doctor. j Wisconsin folks have, had rain ervery day for two weeks, writes Miss Pauline Semolkc, who is vis iting in that state. Mrs. Mayme Mall returned Mon day to her San Francisco home after a two months visit with her parents, Mrand Mrs.5 John Hett- wer. ' . . ' . ' ClQSilO LQOnS " Long Terms -Easy Payments Abo F H A Loans nniunins a nODERTS, Inc. qoardian Bids. Phone 4108 VOu HLtcnOM rntACTivn.v emw on owmca nn conust or FISH OR MEAT ENTREE French Fried Potatoes,.-" Vegetables, Salads j Hot Rolls. Butter and Jam.; Coffee Tea. Milk. BtrUermllk. ; CP5SERT Pudding or Fruit Cobbler A b Mode, 1 Spa ice Cream or Sherbet, Cake A b Mode. Fruit, Pie or Jello UUyommmndJ You May Exchange Salad for Soup ; ' . . . " . 0Us Sot if mmi&MtbcMA wmr tifUyma to JUtffr&e-J. ... 30 Brief: ews Coming! Events Sept 5ept4 5-il r. i 1 T S Oregon state fair. i September 12 City schools open. I i j )'-'. : . . ; ' -September 10 F ret b men registration, VC, October l -Capitol dedica tion. Contest Booklets To Be out Today Five Salem Movie Houses to Distribute Books on Quiz Contest Booklets that might be entitled "How to jWin. one of 5404 cash prizes totaling $250,000 will, be distributed jtoday from the five Salem motion picture "houses in connection with the Norih Ameri can movie industry's million dol lar good j will campaign. These booklets wjll explain the cam paign's motie quiz, contest and describe th 94. motion pictures on which Itjis based. .. ' ' That adefiuate : supplies of the booklets an enfry blanks, "to .be given free at the box offices, had been secured, was- announced last night by Managers Carl Porter of the Elsinore and Capitol, Alden Adolph of the State, Ray J.. Stum bo of the Holly wood and Loring Schmidt of the Grand theatres.. The quiz, is I based on scenes and personalities appearing in the 94 pictures shown or to be shown in Salem between last July 29 and next October 31, the mana gers Explained. The contest will close December 31. The purpose of the campaign is tc show the public how the movie industry is striving to produce top entertainment and to acquaint movieUoers with the fall releases, held to be the best array of film productions ever offered. Beneficial Loan's Complaint Denied PORTLAND. Aug. 3 l-JF)-Judge Alfred P. Dobs on of the circuit court declined to sustain a i complaint of the Beneficial Loan Society of Oregon to re strain the state tax commission from enforcing a corporate ex cise tax based upon the net in come of j business done in tho state. '( . . He ruled the company was di verting profits to other tax Juris diction under a plan "operated for the purpose of evading the tax law of -this state." The so ciety was incorporated in Dela ware and has subsidiaries in sev eral states. W. A. jVanCoiirt Is Called Suddenly W. A. VanCourt, 58, proprietor of the Fairgrounds tavern at 2620 Portland road, died sud denly of a heart attack yesterday morning at his place of business. The first: aid car was called but VanCourt was dead upon arrival. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Lillian H., two daughters. Miss Viola Edmundson of Salem and Mrs. Bernard Casey of Fargo, N. D., ,and 'a son, Leonard, of Fargo. The remains are In charge of Clough-Barrick company. Court Anticipates Vacation Request The county court anticipates a request fron the state highway commission in the near future for vacation of the! platted streets in Silver Falls city, acquired with the exception of one county-owned Jot tor addition , to Silver Falls state park. The state recently took over j the inorth .half of the city by condemnation. It already owned the; rest of the townslte. Hi Obit nary j j VanCourt - Wayne VanCourt, at 'the resi dence 2620 Portland road, Wed nesday, August 31, at the age of 58 years-.' Survived by widowkMrs. Lillian H. , VanCourtrdaughters, Mrs. -Bernard Casey,- Fargo, ND, Miss Viola Edmundson, . Salem, soni Leonard-, f Fargo. Funeral announcements! later by Clough Barrick. t i .''.. -SPEC1AL- Oor Usual Wave Complete 75c Perm. Oil ! Push Wave, $ ft .50 Complete Open . Thurs. Ere. I by App'L Phone 8063 30? 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. ' CASTLE PERM. WAVERS 2s w m m n n CIIL Ii. Herbal) remedies for aliments of stomach, liver, kldneyskln. blood,- glands. St urinary sys tem of men & women. 21 years In service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask -you Neighbors about CHAN LAM. Dn.ionnn Eitim CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 M Court SU Corner Liber ty. Office; opea Tuesday A Sat urday only. 10 a. M. to 1 P. M. to 7 P. M. Consultation, blood pressure,! A urine testa are free of charge. -.!:; r (0 Business Deal Is Suit Basis Feed Firm Buyers Allege It Was Misrepresented, Want to Renege Mlir e presentation Justifying their reneging on the purchase of a Salem feed and seed busi ness May, 29, 1937j was alleged by Juen C. Thompson and H. E. King yesterday by way of estop Pel to a circuit court complaint filed against them j by" Harry U. Miller. .-. . . I : . -. . In addition to the usual : de nialg, the defendants' answer as serted the business was yielding Miller no profit! instead of; the )50 0 a month represented to them, that two bins represented as capable of , holding 40 to. 60 tons of wheat pr com were in fact unsafe and condemned, that the building floor would not sup port the volume; of grain claimed by plaintiff, that I the -business, contrary to vendor's statements, possessed I no valuable, registered formulas for mixing poultry and cattle feeds and that machinery held - to be serviceable i actually was unfit and some of it condemned.-' . J- . The defendanis purchased the .business for $2890.40 but after two months offered it ; back, to plaintiff, they f uHhef alleged, and maintained tha plaintiff has rescinded sale of certain personal property for which notes were given. They ask that plaintiff take nothing from his court ac tion. s - Circuit Court Evelyn Loe vs. C. W.. and Delia M. Russell; case heard by Judge L. G. Lewelling and decided in favor of plaintiff, holding ; her entitled ' to possession 61 real Property at 1368 Fir street J Sa lem, and giving defendants one week in which to vacate. '.' Merchants Credit Bureau, Inc., vs. Mr., and Mrs. Roy Reeves; order of dismissal as. settled, on motion of plaintiff.' '' Carrie Hocbspeier vs. J. F. Ul rich; complaint for $3375 dam ages 'for personal injuries consist ing of- multiple lacerations, abra sions and rib' fractures allegedly suffered by -plaintiff when auto mobile in which, she was riding collided - with car driven by de fendant at Commercial and Bush streets July 27, 1938. : - ' Martin ; O. Matteberg et al Vs. James Johnson et al; order con firming sale of real property 'to plaintiffs for 1946.02. W. D. McNary vs. A. C, John and Anna Laue; affidavit by J. Ray Rhoten, defense attorney, asserting ' a certain order i was duly mailed to plaintiff and re ceipted for by him. Harry Wlesenfeld, Inc., vs. Eiail DuBain and Mike Steinbock as DuBain Fur. company; eight motions to strike parts of answer. Probate Court Jacob F. Mollencop estate; pe tition of George Kalb, executor in Crawford county, Ohio, for order setting aside appointment of Grace Hoppes as administra trix and establishing ancillary proceedings: will, being probated in Ohio, leaves one-quarter, of es tate to testator's daughter and son:in -law, Grace L. and Otto N. . Hoppes, and three-quarters In trust with Ladd & Bush Trust company, Salem, for three grand children, Keith E.,i E. Emerson and Richard A. Hoppes, until they attain their .majority. Jacob Weizel estate; order for F. A. Theuer, executor, to sell personal property to pay, claims. Joseph Oster estate; claim of state board of control for $54 for. care of decedent at Oregon state hospital. , Marriage Licenses Anton Lelack, 22, laborer, and Bessie Banyard, 17, domestic, both of Gervaig. Justice Court Peter Gillas; pleaded not guil ty to charge of using "Ice milk" at Coney Island restaurant Hn violation of- state law by not printing fact of such use on menu or posting it; complaint signed by A. Hall of department of agri culture;! Gillas released ; on own recognizance pendingrlal at 2 p. m. September 7 Ted John Houck waived pre liminary hearing, bound. oyer to grand Jury on charge of assault and battery upon his wife; $100 cash bail posted. Adolph Hillman; fined $25 after being found guilty by court of giving short measure wood; 24 hours time granted in which to decide oh appeal. h Willie Williams, Louis Klam ath and Bennie Brown; $10 fine each, not paid, on charge of be ing drunk on public highway; drunken driving charge booked against Klamath dropped. I : Municipal Court i Charles F. Jones, drunkenness, sentenced to 30 days in . Jail. Short, Short Story ? I PHILADELPHIA, 'Aug. 21-(JP -Today police found the man they were seeking on an indictment for gambling. ; i '. r He was in the" poorhouse. , si, iZt Today-Fri.-Sat. i 2 SMASH HITS Both In $250,000 "Movie Quia" v Contest M vs. ... IN PIUM 2ND BIG FEATURE BOB BAKER in i 'OUTLAW EXPRESS' Caliidrnip Twins' Convention Winners if .'' (ivy J J ! I "A " -vJ Fae (left and Rae Collamer are pictured as they won first prize at the recent annual Huntington Beach, Cal., twins convention. Fae and Rae are four years old and were Judged as the "cutest" set of twins. Otlner winners were the freckle champions of the-conclave. Rath and Ruby Haxton, while in the oriental section Itok and Set- ' snko Katayama took the honors.. . Counties Aim for SF Fair Exhibit Willamette Valley Sector WiU Try to Obtain $16,000 for Show Contingent upon the raising of approximately $16,000 to finance, 10 Willamette valley counties will combine for a valley display. at the 1939 world's fair in San Francisco, , leaders agreed at a meeting of the Greater Willam ette Valley association here Tues day night. Of the $16,000, about $3500 will be used for 500 square feet of exhibit space: . i Will Maintain Exhibit With the ! fair to last about eight months, the group sponsor ing the exhibit will make efforts to keep the valley display up to date, during that period, which factor Is considered in the esti mated $16,000 outlay., A eommittee will be named to consider, financing methods. County agents present suggested it would not be well to ask for funds through the various county budgets, and; there is apparently no recourse to the6tate, as $27,- 000 of the 130,000 appropriated by the statej for . an exhibit has been expended for space, r C. H. Woodcock of Corvaflis. president of ; the greater valley group, presided at the session. Dunne Leaves for UCC's Conference T. Morris Dunne, chairman of the Oregon j unemployment com pensation commission, will Rave Portland Thursday for Washing ton, DC, to participate in confer ences on simplification of unem ployment compensation adminis tration and exploration of prob fems arising; from enactment of the railroad .unemployment insur ance act. 1 Dunne, who is president of the interstate conference , of unem ployment compensation agencies. was invited by the social security board and the railroad retirement board to head a group to discuss with federal agencies the pro posed changes in unemployment administration and i switchover next July of funds and coverage involved in. addition of a federal unemployment compensation law n JL JL Vi; i Jl ji 66IL(S)y IF Sea c . ! with'.: 1 .' '- MKCKEY ElOONEY . JUDY GARLAND '- LEWIS STONE . 'v - v ' -A to the annuity system adminis tered by the railroad retirement board of railroad workers. UP Names Pinkley European Manager Announcement that Virgil Pinkley, one-time manager of the Oregon state capitol bureau of United Press, has been appointed as European business manager of the United Press has been re ceived here. . . Pinkley, who went to Europe from New York early in 1937, Is now in charge of the United Press European expansion pro gram. He served here for a short time prior to 1936 when he was ordered to Rome. HV Is a graduate of. University of Southern California., where he took courses under Dr. Bruce 11. Baxter. ' . Farm House Near Gervais Is Razed GERVAIS, Aug. 31. The farm home of P. W. Seely, one mile north of here, was. totally de stroyed by fire Wednesday night. The Mt. "Angel fire department re sponded and while it was too late to save the house, succeeded in saving the outbuildings. . The - Seely family was eating dinner at the time of the fire's breaking out. It was believed the blaze originated In the kitchen, which soon was a mass of flames. Nearly all furniture In the lower portion of the house was saved, but a number of possessions on the second floor, were destroyed. The Seely family was preparing to move into town. Mat. Eve. Jane Withers "RASCALS" Borrah Minevltch and His Harmonica Rascals MERLE OBERON BIXNIE BARNES 'Divorce of Lady X 15c refine C WY I Iii Hi Hey! Folks! We're terrific in this ; neic picture, I Be Vure to tee me with my netc carHmd two girlr-am l a ensation I ! Building Mark Is Shattered ' . ; . ' , - ; New Record for Permits in Single Month , Set During August , ? " " .' ". A record in number of building permits for a single month, and an Increase In values of .construction over July and over August of 1937, were recorded in Salem in the month just ended. .'. Total number of permits was 204, with total values of $105,- 081. The July figures were 116 permits and $86,182 vr lues, and for last August, 132 permits and 167,593. values. The August 1938, values were below those of Aug ust, 1936, which -amounted to $181,417 on 149 permits. New Building Heary New construction in the month which, tended Wednesday' amount ed to 43 permits and $72,898. There was also an item of $10,000 for one -removal and relocation,; so that the great number of repair and reroofing Jobs represented less than $15,000' of .the. total value. ; For the reason that, applicants for permits appeared at the build ing inspector's office in great numbers Wednesday, . Inspector E. C. Bushnell was unable to compile the official monthly fig ares -on that day and the figures given 'above' are unofficial. .-' !- New Permits . . ' - Permits Issued Wednesday in cluded: '- . v - Enos -Clutter, garage at 2249 Breyman, $50;.S. T. Anderson, re roof garage at 494 South 17th, $20; W. P. Canoy, reroof dwelling at 335 Norway, $30; E. G. Shat tuck, reroof garage at 1337 North Winter, $20: Gertrude Cromwell, reroof dwelling at 2217 State, $45; Viola Selig, reroof dwelling at 1350 A street, $35; J. H. Bock, garage at 520 South 25th,. $75: Free Methodist church, reroof dwelling at 1230 North Winter. $75; Mabel L. Traglio, reroof dwelling at 807 South Commer cial. $175; Otto A. Klett,. repair building at 440 State street, $46; Charles L.' Sherman, reroof ga rage at 835 D street, $30; Maria Robertson, alter . dwelling- at 1240 Wilbur, $4T; Mrs. Charles Spalnhouse, reroof dwelling at 169 North Cottage, $40. Realty Board to Resume Meetings TheSalem realty board will re sume regular weekly Friday luncheon meetings this Friday at the Golden Pheasant, with mem bers who attended the convention of the state association of real estate boards scheduled to report on that program. They are C. V. Johnson, E. A. Miller, F. H. Weir and Mrs. H. B. Martin. Election of a new treasurer to succeed Mrs. Larkin, r e s I g ned. will also be held at this session. It time permits. President C. V. Johnson will discuss the pro posed new license law' which was NOTE: ."Alexander's Ragtime Band" Is one of the BIG $250,000 MOVIE QUIZ PICTURES START EARLY I GET YOUR CONTEST BOOKS NOW AT THE GRAND THEATRE . Phone 9101 ' The Oregon Statesrsicira The Call Board - Capitol Today-Double bill, $250,- 000 '. movie quiz , picture. La nr el, and Hardy In 'Blockheads" and "Outlaw Express" with .Boh Baker. Hollywood ' Today Family night,. double till, "Women In Prison! with Wyn Cahon and Scott Col ton and Kent' Taylor ,and Fay Wray in "The Jury's Secret..- Friday Double bill, "Who Killed Gail Preston" with Don Terry - and Wyn Cahon and Bob Baker , in 'The Last Stand." ' ' . .State - Today , Double bill, Jane. Withers In VRascals .and Merle Oberon and BinnI-t Barnes . In "Divorce of Lady X.all In technicolor. J Friday Four acts . eastern - . circuit vaudeville, Mickey Rooney In "Hold That Kiss" with Maureen O'Sul- " livan and Dennis O'Reefe." - Grand Today "Speed to Burn" with Michael Whalen and Lynn Bari. . - ' Saturday-Barbara Stanwyck and " Herbert Marshall in - "Always Goodbye." Elsinore " Today 'Glve Me a Sail- or" with 'Martha Raye and Bob Hope -and Rudolph Valentino in "Son of the Sheik." approved by the state convention, giving highlights of the proposed changes. - ; . ' - .! National Guard's : Money For gotten Funds Deposited During World War; Reported -. by Distant Banks Funds deposited by Oregon na tional guard units : during the World war, and forgotten for 21 years were: brought to light Wed nesday hy bank receivers in such widely, scattered points as - The Dalles, 6r.; and Hampstead, NY, Major-Genefal . Gejorge A. White revealed yesterday. " j General White was Informed by j B. McCook, receiver of the First National bank, The Dalles, that bant records 'show a balance of $23.47 in an account opened in 1917 by CapUln C- A Murphy of Company K, third ' Oregon infan try. - -: - New York Bank Included The- receiver for the First Na tional bank, Hempstead, NY, is preparing to return funds deposit ed in that bank just before the Oregon troops stationed on Long Island left for France. The re ceiver discovered fan account of war time Company G, 16th Infan try, with a balance of $154.20 and ah account of war time Company K, 162nd infantry with a balance of $10.50.'- r S j The war department Itself held more -than $3000 of unit funds for 10 years., .. ' i Some folks like their privacy.; But our Clafifsif ie.d Columns want to be seen by you every day! They offer so many oppor tunities for you to find what you want . . . to dispose of -what you don't want. Get the Classified habit - it will pay you! Fund for Site Buying Okelied S10,50p Authorized to Get Heating Plant Location by Control Board ;. - , H: V v -., The state emergency board, at a special meeting here Wednes day, authorized an appropriation of $10,500, for purchase of the old people's- .home and Breiten steln properties, ; at. ,12th and Ferry streets,'for construction of a central heating plant to serve all buildings in the state capitol group. ( :- jj -' ' . ' The appropriation was made on recommendation of the state board of control and the state . eapitol reconstruction commis sion. . - .1 Senator Dean Walker told members' of j the capitol recon struction commission that he had -heard three I criticisms of their operations.' One was directed at the overhead costs of the Port land office. Another was the cut ting down of large trees on the capitol grounds. The third was . omission from the plans of a south entrance to the new- capi tol building. Alton Bassett, secretary of the commission, advised Walker that the overhead costs w ere only three-fourths of one per cent as against five -per cent allowed by the public works administration."- "Member 5 of the, commission said-it was necessary to have the principal office Jn Portland be caase the WPA and contractorsi Offices were locate" there. An effort by..1 WJker to ap-" propriate the ! $10,500 on condi tion that It be returned -to the general fund bty: the capitol re construction, commission failed. "We have ' got to watch our expenditures," -Walker declared , in addressing j other members of the emergency board. "At thej next legislature , we will spend H many anights" discuss ing small appropriations and we Will not talk in the millions. 1 predict a serious financial situa tion. so far as the state Is. con cerned." 1 . J The cost of ithe heating plant was- estimated at $115,000, of which amount the federal govern ment has granted $53,000. Tierney to Speak For Demos Friday Frank Tierney .."democratic state chairman, j will speak here Friday night ai an advanced date - meeting ? of he Marlon county democratic sbciety at the courthouse at 8 p. jm.. .Avery. Thompson, f president, announced yesterday. The - date- was set ahead because , of the state fair next week. . TVomen in - Prison'1 : with ' Wyn 'Cahoon Scott Col ton Kent Taylor Fay Wray m "The .-" Jury's Secret" Two Features Bob Baker . in . ;r ' "The Last - Stand! "Who Killed Gail Preston' with Dob Terry Rita :--Hayworth COXTtXUOVS SUNDAY . TO 11 P. M. tUT 6RAM0 t BIUC C80SBI BIHG CROSBY JfajUlsk-tatrict ISatedj torar. x