PAGE SIXTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 1, 1938 1 J I i I a Society i . Clubs ! . r Music TXT!' : ' r JNfewfs iT.;:i.'v IP- aind Features of Interest .. to' Women MAX1NE BVREN Women's Editor LUB CALENDAR .- :'Li " ') " i 1 Thursday, ScptemKer lj. I ! Ladies of Grand Arny of! Re public meetat Armory, 2 :3 0 p.m. 4 ' " ) : li Eteri class, let Baptist church party at 7:45 in church. j 1 Missionary society of First Christian church at 2 p. m. at church Woman's1 Benefit association1 meet at KP hall, 8 p.m. ' . , ! S. DU. club with Miss Clara Zuberi, 348 North 12 th street, 8 p. i m.,j business and initia- tlon-1 I ' M;: ;.V; ' I! Friday, September 2 . j Hal Hibbard , auxiliary meet it.'armjjrjr,' 12:30 no-host lunch; followed by business En glewood Woman's club with Mrs. J. IG. Marr, 162Q North! 19 th street, 2 p. m. Saturday, i September 3 - Daughters of the American "Revolution meet with Mrs. I. M.- Schannep, ! 1566, Court, 2 P-n. . Miss Terpening to Wed ai Home Rites Sunday Afternoon ' V i l I"- : ! ' Final plans for the wedding of Miss Lois Terpening, daughter of Mr. Don D, Terpening, to Mr. Richard CJ Buschman ct Port land on Sunday, September 4, bare been announced.'- The cere mony. wiH fbe read at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the Terpening home, with Rev. Dean Poindexter officiating in i the presence of members Of the. ; two families and close, frienjs. j- j " Miss Helen Brown of Portland -will ie -the bride's only attend-, ant 'and Mr. Robert Wren of Portland will serve as. best man for Mr. Buschman. Mr. Terpening ;will give his daughter away in marriage. : j j ' j f -1 A reception jw 1 1 1 follow the ceremony .for the wedding guests. Mrs. John H. Bagley, Miss Mabel. . McCullough and Miss Catherine .gijbley will assist in thi serving. The couple will residi! in Port land following a wedding trip. Mr. Buschman Is connected fwith the Oregon state employment service. Both Miss Terpening and v n-nn- o.n: crrainu tka nf Ore- wMraShe was QoedS To Be Feted Mr. Buschman of Delta Sigma A I Minnfr m pubuc This Evening . . i . - I ; . . . . r I i i At a simple ceremony ounuay A . group of ! prospective I Uni- in the chapel of St. Paul's Epis versity of Oregon coeds wjll be copal church. Mrs. Maude Sher honored at a smartly arranged man became the bride of Mr. Wilt affair tonight when alumnae of Ham Neimever. Rev. George H. Delta1 Gamma sorority will en- Swfft read the service in the Pres- ,..;.?Mtrnr ww with AjbaBW ivpperj at .d relatives and Intimate "Jr'r . J. .r," :30 odock. The arrair will, oe frlni of the connle. The altar t . ' Tuesday, September 6 j Chadwick chapter, ' Order of Eastern Star, meet at Masonic .temple, 8 p.m. . ' ' ,' California Guests At Downs? Home This Weekend Distinguished guests arriving in the capital today are Dr. and Mrs. Walter Sulzbach of Clare mont, Calif., who will be the house guests until after Labor day of Dr. and Mrs. Chester j A. Downs at their South High street home. Dr. Sulzbach is professor of political science at Pomona 'college where Miss Flavia Downs will enroll for .her senior year in September. Miss Renate Sulz bach is attending the French school at Neahkahnie this month.; Tonight Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs will entertain informally at dinner for their guests. Covers will be placed for Dr. and Mrs. Walter Sulzbach, Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter, iflss Flavia Downs, Hume and Warren Downs. Mrs. Luella Stowe and Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs. Friday and Saturday the . Downs family and their gaegts will enjoy a trip to Timberline lodge, Bonneville and along the Columbia River highway. Mon day will be spent on the Univer sity of Oregon campus. j ir SstuLe-Sniilei fyetck 7 Fhi. Miss Terpening employed at the ta utilities commission. ' Mrs. Kriesel Feted -at Several Affairs Neimejer-Sherman Vows ' Solemnized Sunday Mrs. Richard Kriese a vine .J w DaISi'Ii I a ina in orilTO- t- .iiuauuu 'M- -""rV" beid arthe North Summer street mn h!nv with arrangements of i i - -v , Trhi. tn hr : r. was i Vr.nrT - .home oi Mrs. marker wiefcwire plnk amaryllls and white lighted 1.1.1 .3 . 1. A . I. 1 A 111 . think you did right by decidfng to attend college1, afterall. It only sets yon back four years!" Adventure at Home Easy To Find : In early fall, as In early su ra mmer that urge to adventure comes In the heart of. every woman who loves her home. She feels the call to dare, to 4 change even though it may mean a shin scuffed on an unfamiliar corner. - A house that does not change is a dead one, and the way to give life to the house la continual ly to change as life changes." And that urge to make old familiar furnishings into some thing new by the simple process H b me maki ng Styles . vFood Today's Metiu Pickling Very Fashionable Right Now We're right In the midst ot pickling, if the odors of vinegar and spice coming from our best friend kitchen have anything to ! do with it. for go where we vriJl VEAX PATTIES EN CASSEROLE there are pickles in some form 1 pound lean raw; veai cnoppea being "made. A casserole dish Is the piece de resistance, for today's dinner. Tomato: and cucumber salad Fresh ii spinach in butter ' Boiled potatoes Veal patties en casserole . i Pears I with Singer sauce 2 tablespoons chopped pork or bacon: cup! soft bread crumbs M 2 slightly beaten eggs J cup! flour . .cup j rich milk 4 "teaspoon salt ; . Dash of pepper j 1 tablespons butter j CUP Stock - I Mix . Ingredients thoroughly. Let's begin with a recipe to : go with -winter meats: . INDIA RELISH j '5 pounds green tomatoes 1 dozen large sour pickles j 6 large onions . 3-sweet green peppers . 3 sweet red peppers . ; teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespons white mustard j : seed " . 1 tablespoon black mustard 4 . seed - . . 2 cups brown sugar H cup salt ' '1 2 tablespoons celery seed . 1 quart . boiling vinegar Chop vegetables, drain ovef night and add other Ingredients,; oi changing to anotner wca-, i-.l, cieces. t arrange tion, is based on a logical fact. on av baking dish and dot -with A famous French novelist once butter, pour stock , around the jiess Is to apply one s self tp qnentiy during the cooking. Serve an absorbing occupation that pro- -with white sauce, brown sance vfri'pa nlpntir nf anmrtsea. TTo in. or tnmalo sauce. plies the formula to interior dec- . For th pear sauce that s to be addlne boiling vinegar: last. Seal. oraUon, " saying that It,, too, re- dessert, , mix contents oIa small Ani follow with a' good old lieson surprises for happiness, can of crushed pineapple with a favorite Remember to put in. mobility and loveliness. tablespoon; chopped candled gin- iota cf cauliflower, for who . So after all it's a simple for- ger or a teaspoon of ginger root. does.f Ic 0ut this vegetable muia . mis uusmess ui kecyiug vu diu,j "- from the mixture T . ones self contentea wiin sur- inrougn jana pour, over resmj roundlngs. pealed pear halves I know a woman who has rVi a n traA thn trblA In her small .. . Sir null t Soup win ue Friday afternoon Mr,s. T. O. Russell na's Invited a (group of be centered with an arrange- The bride wore an ensemble of navy blue lace with matching hat Mrs. Kriesel'S close friends to a ment of early fall bioomg. An ln navy blue lace with matching l 1 o'clock luncheon at b;er North f0rmal evening will follow, the andi accessories. She carried Canitol street home. Covers will ntnn'or hnnr i - bridal bouquet of pink roses ana be- placed for-12 guests. i Hostesses- for the affair will white carnations. The couple was - This morning Mrs1. Laban be Mrs. Carl G. ! Collins. Mrs. Eu-i unattended.- f Steeves will be hostess for a 11:30 gene Booth. Miss Olive M. Dahl, jA reception was held at the Nei-. o'clock breakfast at her . home on Miss Ruth Fickj Miss Ruth Ford, mjeyer home following the cere- State street for the-pleasure of Mrs. Sijas Gaiser,-Mrs. William Wony with Mr. and Mrs. Neimey- , TT Mrs. Kriesel. Several hours of McAfee, Mrs. James Monroe, Mrs. ej- receiving the guests informal- WdlU 31emrers ilear bridge will follow the breakfast. Leon Perry, Mrs. .Edward Sav- ly. Assisting at the reception were 'i TVIL- ! ' age,. Miss Esther Wilcox. Miss Mrs. Frank Halik, Mrs. Emil Ha- cinema X31K Vivian Chandles and Mrs. Parker Hk and Mrs. Alvin B. Stewart. And It does give you that one time in life to acquire complete non chalance combined with good taste in your clothes true campus chic. To vary the ubiquitous shlrt-sweater-sklrt triangle, include a green suede "sissy" blouse in your trunk, sleeveless, with a draw string at the bottom. Wear it with a gray cashmere skirt with green ' " stitching around its hem. Or an equally casual bloused suede Jacket with an elastic-gathered waist they come in a lovely gray-blue. Copyright, 1938, Esquire Features, Inc. apartment to every side of the SalmOll j the rearrangement of other large Luncheon JJlSIl pieces of furniture in the room. . The other day, as pleased as if Salmon soup sounds Intriguing she'd been given an elegant new to those! who like that fish and piece of furniture, she found a here Is a (recipe that win make new place to put the table! an excellent luncheon main dish.' There's never a dull moment Use either: canned or fresh cooked for the homemaker who salmon. j I , scrambles her curtains, puts the BALMOX SOUP dining room rug in. the Hying 1 cup salmon loom or covers up an--occasional door with a wall hanging. She s making decorative history in her own house, and whether the fam ily -approves or not, she's having her own little adventure in a i v MUSTARD PICKLES 2 quarts targe cucumbers (sliced before measuring) 1 quart each Uny onions, small green "tomatoes,- large green tomatoes 2 large heads cauliflower 8 green "pepper cup Salt v i 3 cups sugar - 1 ounce turmeric ' 14 cups flour . 1 gallon vinegar ' 4 pound dry mustard ' Halve tiny tomatoes and cut large ones. Separate- cauliflower. t Cut green peppers. Put all-vege-t (Continued on Page 17) . milk gradually and season. Bind 1 quart, scalded milk 2 tablespoons butter ,4 tablespoons flour . 1 teaspoons salt ppw rr&inn neDner Drain oil., from the cannea with nutter ana nour cueu iu. mild, harmless and costless way. salmon nd' flake the fish, add gether. Serves 4 to 6 persons rire. JNIrs. Panek Is Hostess On Wednesday . ! Mrs. Michael Panek entertained TIT T informally a group of women who S JlennetteS to Jieet meet each month at her home on South Church Wednesday - after noon. At a late hour tea was Early fall flower, decorated -the 110 .11 guest rooms. the song service was followed by At Zeller Home Mrs. Waldo Zeller has invited i The couple left for a trip . to rfa.n.,nni. nnAt0A w xtr- a a8iC-? Washington 'and Idaho s. Hender80n who also spoke and will be at home in Salem aft- Drief on the recent national er September 1. Mr. and Mrs.. John uoi held at San Francisco. Evans of Longview, Wash., were Mls3 Eugenia Savage played out-of-town guests, at the wed- seTeral piano numbers, Mrs. Mar- ' garet Fessenden and Miss Amy Martin sang a duet and Mrs. Fred Suzanne Murdock Will Be Tooze, jr., sang. Miss Maule Aldrich, of Evan- Honor Guest at Party ston,:. 111., WCTU national direc tor 01 moving pictures, was guest servea Dy me nostess ana eany thA Y. MnnfitfM tn hr hnme. fall flowers were .arranged about 1795 Sonih church street, Friday the guest rooms. , J afternoon for the monthly social Special guests were Mrs. J. E meeting at two o'clock. , -Smlthburgof Seattle, mother of Mrs. J. C. Nelson will give' sev Mrs. Panek who isvisiting here eral book reviews during Rhe af thls week, and Mrs. Charles Wood. ot. t.. .m .niToi w-, i Other guests were Mrs. Knight the hostess f i Mr8, Kennetn Murdock has ar- speaker. She gave some close-up Pearcy, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. Guests will be Mrs K K Ad- ranSed an informal party for Sat- disclosures on lotteries and other Luella Stowe,? Mrs. Edwin Viesko, ams Mrs Arthur Bates MrsJVer- orday afternoon in compliment to gambling .devices, and talked ln- Mrs. Robert Boar dman, Mrs. Carl nonA Douglas Mrs Chester A tne fiixth birthday of her daugh- formally on forthcoming legisla- Emmons, Mrs. William Mott, Mrs. Downs' Mrs Robert Elfstrom ter Suzanne. at her Richmond tive measures in difterent states David Bennett Hill, Mrs. OJiver Mrg Tinkham Gilbert Mrs i Lloyd' Btreet home. Hours are from two Including those of anti-picketingf Huston, Mrs. R. D. Paris, Mrs. j; kockett Mrs Marion Mbore to flve o'clock and refreshments and boycotting, and that sale of A. E. Bobbins and Mrs.i Michael Mrs Michael Panek Mrs Georre and a birthday cake will be served alcoholic liquors be confined to Panek, Rhntpn Mrs Harrr Scott Mrs tno hostess. Clever favors will state: liquor -stores, which will be Kenneth Waters, .Mrs. Roy Har land and M6. Joseph Felton. be given the guests. .determined in Oregon's general Those bidden to honor Miss Su- election. 1 . 1 ' zanne are Lynn Lockenour, Betty The allurements of gambling, Schreder, Marie DeHarpport, Car- glorification of robberies and ol Hardie, Stuart, Gardner and gangsterism, and the glamorizing Marybeth Van Scoyoc, Joan Maj- of immortality in the cinema were ek, Eddie Knapp, Dennis and discussed-- in the talk given by Mary Feike. Sally and PhiUin Miss Aldrich. 1 While in Salem; Miss Aldrich was : entertained by Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. W. A. Barkus. The Woodburn WCTU will be host to the county convention to' be held there Tuesday, Sept. 20th. Rebekahs Entertain on Mondav Nidit saiem Rebekah lodge met for jVIrs." Roberts Surprised its regular business and social -i lj 1 nr j I evening Monday night in the Odd Un Uirtliaay 31onday ireuows naii anu aeciueu to: cou- ... . ' !. . rff.,f,ff orA -umii, tinue with the birthday commit- A group of .friends surprised i-... tees as I hostesses, and to enter- Mrs. E. E. Roberts on the occas- . . tain - the committees. The pro- Ion of her birthday Monday night MlSS McAllister Is gram and refreshments were un- at the Roberts, home. A social . j 4o der the direction of Laura Noyes, evening was enjoyed followed by Honored at Supper chairman, and 'her committee, a gunner hour. Mrs. Keith Roberts . : The program' was group singing" arranged the party. ' . Mrs. Elma McAllister was hos- with Wild a Siegmund at the HonoringMrs. Roberts were tess on Monday for her daughter Republican Women Meet piano; readings by Mrs. Marion Mrs. Emma Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. MIss Ruth Ann McUister who . Curiy; tribute to Karl Lachelle C. M. Roberts, Mrs. George Moore, le' last night for Klamath Falls. With Chairman j by I. J. Crittendon, and comical Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Mink, and Mrs. The a"air was in the form of a I songs by Barker Cornforth, ac- W. H. Small of Eugene, Mr. land garden supper, and the evening The executive board -of the lar- companied by Miss: Mae Corn- Mrs; L. Di Roberts of Turner,! Mr. as spent informally out-of-doors, ion County Republican unit of forth. t and Mrs Keith Roberts. of Port- Present to honor Mrs. McAllis- Pro America met at the home of . land, Mr, and Mrs. C D. Smiley ter were: Mrs. B. B. Boylan, Miss the chairman, Mrs. R. L. Wright Miss Rose Marie K r o m b e r g and Mrs. Carrie Smiley of Inde- Elizabeth. Boylan, Mrs. Ralph on Tuesday afternoon and dis- sailed Tuesday morning from pendence and Mr. E E. Roberts. I Scott, Miss Jeannette Scott, Miss cussed plans for providing hos- .Seattle on the S. S. Yukon for ; I - Grace Elizabeth Holman, Miss tesses for the state and Marlon a two weeks trip to Alaska. . i . Grace Rose, Miss Rose DeMacon county republican booths at. the Mrs. Irene Nash Martzall, son of Oregon City and Mrs. Irving state fair. Sirs. Hugh MrCammon and Charles and daughter Mrs. Dor Hale. The next meeting ot Pro Amer- son, William, of The Dalles are othy Nash Maupin and the lat-? . - ica will be In the Marion hotel on 'visiting relatives and friends in ter's son Robert, all of Eureka! Miss Denlce Dewey of Portland Sentember 12 when Senators Ron- Calif., are spending a. few weeks is visiting this week as the guest aid Jones and Douglas McKay will in Salem. This is their former of Miss Elizabeth Sisson at the speak. 1 Salem this week. JVIrs. Lonis Farnsworth has re cently returned from a trip to aA-ancisco. r- In trie Valley Social Realm home. B. E. Sisson home. This Seed Stitch Coat Is Exclusive With Laura Wheeler SUBLIMITY Miss Louise Et zel was honored with a miscella neous shower at the home of her parents, Mr.- and Mrs. P. T. Et sel Sunday afternoon, August 28. Her marriage to Kenneth Porter will take place September 6 at Sublimity in St. Boniface church. Those present to honor the bride-to-be ; were Mrs. George Lambrecht, ' Mrs. ' Myles Kintz, Mrs. 'John Zolkaski, Mrs. Barney Kirsch, Mrs. Ira-. Kirsch, Mrs. Joseph Parrish, Mrs. Charles Rossiter, Mrs. Gust Kirsch, Mrs. Adam Toepfer, Mrs. John Basl, Mrs. Frank JEtzel, Mrs. Edward Welter, Mrs. Joseph Schmitx, Mrs. James ! Stockwell, Mrs El wyn Erickson, Mrs. Dan Kintt, Mrs. Henry Siegmund, Mrs.-A. P. Kirsch, Mrs William Basl, Mrs. Albert Rabens, Mrs. Al Duman. Mrs. Harry: porter, Mrs. Jacob Lambrecht, 1 Mrs. Chris Cremer, Mrs. Sim Etxel. Mrs. Roy Porter, Mrs. Margaret Toepfer, Mrs. Frank Basl. Mrs. Albert Welter, and the Misses Helen Kihs, Au relia Wourms, Agnes Kirsch, Jean Parrish, Laura Kihs, Roberta Julia - Toepfer, Dartene Kintz, Irene Duman, Zoo Pettit, Evelyn Kintz, Helen Porter, Berniece Lambrecht, Kathryn Lambrecht, Clair Ramsay and Germalne Et zel and the hosts. INDEPENDENCE Miss Molly Herley, daughter of Dr. and Mr fienrrfl D. Herler. found a j . ' j .;... " : ,-1 ' , I yjfyi M f : 1 (0 WlW 0 . J mm s 13 1 Present at Tuesday's meeting were: Mrs. Harold Prultt, Mrs. Bertha Ray,! Mrs. Thomas Mc Bride, Mrs. Hugh Rosson, Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Floyd Headrick Mrs. R. L. Weight, Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs, George Elmer Emigh, jr., will be Interested tp learn, that they have taken ' a house in Portland where they will make their home. Mr. Emigh will be athletic coach at the Franklin high school this year. The Emighs have for merly made their home In As toria, i I - ! Felicitations are being sent to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson of Portland on the birth of a son Tuesday at the Emmanuel hos pital. Mrs. Wilson will be re membered as Mary Gould Par sons and the young boy is the grandson . of Mrs. Ella Shultx Wilson of Salem. . I . . j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shlnn have had as their house guests Mrs. Shinn's two sistars, Mrs. J. L. McGinnis and lrs. Ernest Henry of Spokane, James McGln . nls, Mrs. Raymond Watkins of Portland and Mrs. John Hifford ot New Jersey. : , - 1 Mrs. John II. Bagley, Jr.. en tertained -.Informally yesterday . afternoon at her home for the pleasure of her mother-in-law, - Mrs. John H. Bagley, sr., of Port land, who la visiting here for several weeks. . J - :7. ..... ' : : Miss Harriett Kletnsorge has invited . a group of her Salem friends to supper tonight at the Sllverton home of her parents. . Mr. and Sirs. Pan! Hendricks Any little girl will be thrilled tlons of them and of stitches; ma- va.e returned from a motor trit" host of little frlenas at ner nome wiin -.&is coat knitted mainly in enais requirea. , jt California and southern on Wednesday to, help her eele- 8eed i'ttitcli. iU perky can done V Bend 10 cetts In UmPs or coin points. brate her third birthday. Present ;.. , Uoin preferred ) for thU pattern t . . were Margaret and Marilyn Mix, . to ;The Oregon Statesman, Needle--..; The first fall meeting of the Harriet - Guild, Patsy Herley, aud cuffs. P-ttern 1859 contains craft Dept. Write, plainly PAT-Salem Heights Woman's club will Charles Kem, Bobby Robinson directions xor maaing coat ana TERN NUMBER. Tour NAME and be held Friday at the hall at and the honored guest. cap In sis 4,,l and 8;. Ulustra- ADDRESS. 1 p. in. From an. Exclusive New York Furrier to an "' Exclusive Salem Shop I 1 .1 ' Wk SAI .R - : i 4fefP sfpv Still 1 Continues on all ' , j3 :. (.dQATS!; I ' Coats styled and made in New York by tbe ;' finest rnanufacturers in, America. We can under- v rA sell anyone on tbe Coast through bur tonrieo V x 00 .jji tions i n New York. All coats are bought by us ytt0000 - for caish and we 'are selling them on very liberal ' ' yfr' . '. terms. Showing: ' . r: SzLl O Russian Caraculs iT i VfV O Kid Caraculs : uf Lamb Caraculs " ''t-;-" . fT-..:. rV O Full-Skin Squirrels L . ?fj k . , O Russian Poney . i "tO." . f V. O Persian Lamb ( Ir' T. S , ( Introducing . . '. : ... If I he Mode of :S ,J: Platform Shoes X'i t .).: : . -;- 0::,: : . :.. O) '' ; oil . rnce . . o the Moment - . to this ultra-new fea- come in and try on a Words can not do justice ture, so we invite you . to pair. You will be amazed at their oozly comfort and smartness. In the newest of color combina tions at only ; 8J5 .135 N. IIBERThT