MILLER DAYS Fri dav Satur ept ZD U Women's Sizes 4 to 1 0 AAAA to EEE V Why not give your feet a treat! Comfort and Style! Your choice, of these nationally known nEEt iiuggers at $3.95 . . L with all the extremely narrow to wide widths to insure a 'perfect' fit. cannot afford to pass up'f fashions that are in excellent save jhoney ! Many of the A hi stock of new Fall and Winter HEELtiiUGGERS are here for you on Miller Days at a price you you wish good quality footwear . . .good fitting footwear . .and taste. Shop Miller's Basement shoe department and be fitted . . . styles are. sketched at the right. PUMPS - OXF0RDS - STRAPS CALF - SUEDE - KID - PATENT - ROUGH BLACK - , BROWN - NAVY BLUE HIGH i MEDIUM LOW HEELS . . BASEMENT SHOE DEPT. Jay, Sept. 2-3 m a) r a u ... I v-i N y v'-o--"AA::-!--;:.i:.-'.; V - ; 7 I . ... v V, - Correctly v Fitted to: Promote Foot Health! -v." MILLER'S FREE WANT AD EXCHANGE ; TO TRAPL Good Kola speaker; will trade for any thing I can use. Call 45F31 after 6 o'clock. Salem, Ore. FOR SALE 12 inch floor sanding machine, cheap,' in good condition; 1189 Jeffer son St"., Salem, Ore. ; FOR SALE Rugs made for sale, any size, braided or crocheted ; also crochet yokes. Mrs. Frances Cole, R. 1, Stay ; ton, Ore. - ' ; r ' " FOR' SALE Fox Terrier puppies."' Tel. 63F22, Salem, Rt. 1. Dorothy Wilson. FOR SALli Ice box,! 100 Jb. capacity,, in good shape; and -a w a 1 n u t upholstered spring cushion rocker. See them at 518 S. 23d St., Salem, Ore. -1 : ; WANTED Rug and car pet . weaving. Hand woven rugs are not only inexpensive but are durable and can be made to harmonize with; the color of your rooms. j I. use the best warp and guarantee satisfaction. Have had years of experience. ! Rugs for sale or made to order. Mrs. Spen cer,! 496 S. 19th, (Cor. 19th and Bellvue), Salem. FOR SALE OR TRADES Jersey bull 9 mo. pid, good bloodlines, $30.00.; Will trade for something I can use. -Ray Gilmer,: Rt. 1, Independence. Greenwood Dist. FOR SALE 7 ft. John Deere double disk, in good shape ; also two-bottom Inter national 16 in. 'tractor plow. Widmer Bros!., Alpany, R. 4. ! FOR SALE--Roller canar ies, gooid stock ; a large assort ment to pick from; deep or ange and yellows. Prices rea sonable. Visitors welcome. 260 N. 18th, Salem, Oregon. ! FOR SaLE A Universal 3 burner electric stove, fine con dition, only $13.00: Call at 1347 Fir St:, Salem, Ore. WANTED Would like po sition as violinist; in dance or chestra. Have had 5 years ex perience and' can play ; any thing I have heard. Any num ber of references. Miss D. Ruth Baldwin. Call Cecil Pet tit, 2055 Si Summer, at Star Cannery; Salem, Oregon. WANTED 10 ft. silo ; will ;pay cash; must be in good or : der. t Ray Gilmer, Rt. 1, Inde pendence. Greenwood Dist.' i i, , , , ; ' -, i, . WILL TRADE OR EX CHANCE a phonograph for chickens; also have about 50 records. Call on or write to Mrs. Emma Hall, 1996 Trade Street," Salem, Orel - - . j F O R SAL E Threshing , machine and tractor .outfit; 4 late model Case, Model L, in excellent condition all ready to operate; threshing machine is 32x54; also plows and disc plows, three 16 in. gang, disc tandem. 8 ft. I have $3500 in this equipment! and will ? sell for $1,000, as I want to retire from the threshing machine work. E; 0. : Jackson, IRC 3, Molalla, Ore. 1 w ' FOR SALE Drill,8 ft. sin gle disk tractor drill, "Supe rior." almost new: a bargain. Widmer Bros., R. 4, Albany. FOR SALE r Wood range, coiled. $20.00. Lydia A. Chris jtiansen, 355 N. 14th, Salem. FOR SALE 3 bottom 16 in. International fractor plow, $80.00 ; also low, frubber ,tired 600x16 wagon or trailer, new, $150. Widmer Bros.,- Albany, Ore. ; m : j. , V FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 suction hand" pump, 45 ft. long, i 1445 Ferry street, Sa Jem, Ore. t all evenings. WANTED Work, after noons or evenings; will take care of children.! Mrs. Hub bard, 495 No Cottage SU Sa lem, Ore. j ! ,f ;if..:.:, ',. ! FOR SAI.E Roller Icanar ies, single birds or i mated pairs, A-l breeding stock ; or ange, green,' and peep yellow; prices reasonable! 260 N. 18th St., Salem, Oregon. 14 t-i FOR SALE Large!! mod ern dining room uite, practi cally ;ntw,i for slle or i trade for wood, j Phone 7830r 420 Ore. BIdg., SIenf Ore. FOR SALE Hand tied fish flies; prices are f 15c each, 2 for 25c, a dozenl $1.50.1 Will take orders of : any amount In ordering please 'give the No. of hook desired No. 8 10, 24 or etc Leave orders at Mathis Apartments, corner of 16th and Ferry Sts., Apt. 6. r - FOR SALE Four harness hand loom, I full 7idth. Call 46a, salens ure, i RESPONSIBLE party will care f oi your house or apart ment while you I are away. Write P. Ol Box 214, Salem, ore.b ; -.:-;:; Hj , ,: FOR SALE jWhiteiNew Zealand rabbits. iMrsJ Ahalt, R. 3, Box 11, Waldo Av Sa lem, Ore." hi ; !":-" :-' . IS . WANTED Care of inva lids in nurse's home. 2441 State, Salem, Ore. HOUSEKEEPING I am 23 years old and would ; like to work for a young couple and care of small children!; could go home nights if neces sary; wages $20 per month. Write to Lola Liedtke',Salem, Ore., Box 70, Gen. Del. . j FOR SALE Hand "pieced quilts used for spreads, rea sonable. , 955 Gaines St., Sa lem, Ore. .; j . v 4 a . m. buv. ,;u UAlg mir?1lo arrofl lalv witli roal ro tate experience,; good opporp tiinity; also someone to raise . tion to children. 1311 N. Lib erty, Box, Salem. j FOR SALE One Arizona cactus 4 years old, bloomed once, for only f 1.00, complete with container. I Must hurry, for only have this one 'left. Mrs. J. A. Rogers, 1309 North Commercial St., Salem, Orel, south side entrance. I FOR SALE Set of law books (12) in good shape, reasonable; also set of Balzac (32). A-l ' condition, reason able ; cash only. 405 So. 23rd, Salem, Ore. NEW International truck. 173 in. whl. bse., 14x8 bed, 5000 mi. pavemt. in 35-day run, never driven over 35 m. p. h. ; may tiade for real es tate if not proper cash offer. Can see truck at 1132 So. Wa ter St.; Silverton, Ore. W. G. Kockweil. j j FOR SALE Columbia grafanola, three spring: mo tor, p a r t s, governor,': etc, cheap.- 637 N. 20th St., Sa lem, Ore. f I I j FOR SALE One 6-12 in. semi-direct globe for hall, school, church, $1.00. 637 N. 20th, Salem; Ore. I. f ' FOR SALE Good ice box; $2.00; alsobaby bath tub. 637 N. 20th, Salem, Ore. j; FOR SALE Cows, for sale or to let out on terms. Chas. x Simon, c. z. uox 140, or 1311 N. Liberty, Salem. - FOR SALE A Colt car bide gas plant, cost $600, will tures; one litter carrier and 200 ft. steel track; one Tog genburg billy at ' stud, or would sell ; blooded fowls, Rhode Island Reds and Leg horn bantams. Write or In quire, Elsie Davies, Independ ence, Ore., R. 2.' FOR SALE Five 21x5.25 six ply tires, good condition and cheap ; also Ford-size bat tery. G. W. Beck, 828 Madi son St., Silverton, Ore. ' WANTED Good 2-wheel box-trailer, reasonable. A. J. Beck, 1890 N. 4th St.,1 Salem, Ore. WANTED A second-hand electric washer, cheap for cash. T. H. Ide, 2480 W. Nob Hill, Salem. . WANTED Chauf f eurine or truck driving or other steady employment.; Phone 4517, 1720 S. Winter, Salem. WANTED Rugs woven. Mrs. Wm. Fitts. R 7. Box 460. Salem, Oregon, phone 8731. WANTED A few wash- lLgs ; win iron ir necessary ; charges reasonable. Am in need of cash to help with fam ily expenses. Will work by hour or day if not too far dis tant. 1035 Highland Ave. J Sa lem. FOR SALE Chev. truck, late '35 model, dual wheels and new tires, $450. Widmer Bros., Phone 68F4, Albany, Ore. " I WANTED Work by hour, washing, ironing or cleaning, or take care , of children or do washing at home. Call phone No. 7621, my next door neigh bor's phone 7621. Mrs. Fasti Salem, Ore. FOR SALE Circulator heater, Salem. at 255 Division St., ' FOR SALE S pri nger Spaniel dog, female; well trained pointer, good hunting dog. Want good home for! her; Cheap if taken: at once. - John Jamison, across from Stand ard Oil Cabins, JeffersonjrOr. . FOR SALE-r 2 wheel trail er at 255 Division St., Salem. FOR SALE 1926 model T Ford sedan in ' good running order. "Will sell for $65. Airs, Deppin, 1665 N. 5th, Salem. FOR SALE Good Atwater Kent radio with cabinet. Will sell for $35. Mrs. Deppin, 1665 N. 5th, Salem, Ore. M FOR TRADE: Almost Inew steel day bed with' folding springs 'and mattresses. May be converted quickly into full- sized bed. . kst $25.00. Will trade for four cords of second growth fir, or good electric mixer, or girls' bicycle. Write 1450 North 19th St.r Salem, Ore. Phone 9478. ; FOR SALE Electric ra zor, a genuine $15.00 Schick electric DRY SHAVER, in good condition, only $9.50. Write A. J. Smith, 1362 Elm SL, West Salem, Ore., or call at 150 So. Commercial St. FOR SAL E Registered Guernsey bull calf about four months, old, fine marked from heavy producing dam ; also Bcckeye coal burner brooder. W. W. McDowell, Rt. 3, Box 427, Salem,' Oregon. i WANTED Janitor , work. for man or wife or both ; also truck driving or chauf f euring. Need the work badly. We are reliable. Phone 4517. 1720 S. Winter St., Salem, Ore.- FOR SALE Furniture for sale of 7 bedrooms and dining room table and 8 chairs ; also rugs of all kinds. Would like to sell in job lots. 593 So. Com'l, Salem, Ore. WAITED Girl wants work in restaurant. Phone 84F13, Salem, Ore. WANTED Used wood stove, good enough for heat ing water; must be cheap. 637 N. 20th St., Salem, Orel WANTED Elderly lady wishes house work in elderly couple's home.' 2035 McCoy Ave., Salem, Ore. ' FOR SALE OR TRADED Fine Hobsbn fishing rod, five jointed, in black cowhide case. Martin automatic reel,' 150 ft. braided silk casting line, 30 lb. test. This outfit cost over $50, will trade for 5 cords of . this year s cut fir wood, or 22 cal. Colt's Woodsman model, or sell for cash. Write or call at 1450 North 19th St., Salem, Ore. Phone 9478. " FOR SALE 22 cal. Win chester and Remington rifle. Roy Short,' 1105 So. Liberty St., Salem, Ore.. - ' f FOR SALE : Dry fir and oak in 16f or 4 foot, ready to deliver any time.; Prompt de livery and guaranteed quality. Phone 18F32, Salem, or write to Freeman & Sons. Rickreall, Ore. v ' , FOR SALE : O a k anchor posts. Freeman & Sons, Rick reall, Ore. Phone 18F32, Sa lem, Ore. . FOR SALE A Florence automatic, buffet style enam el oilstove: it has 3 burners. also an oven that bakes splen- didly; fine to taxe prune picK ing ot hop picking as it is light and easily moved. 1495 So. Liberty SL, Salem, Ore. Miller Dav Purchase 300 Pairs, of Women's . 1 ies; CJxrords Pumps Wedgies and Mud- Guard Fall Fashions Choice) Sizes 4 to 9 BUY FOR SCIIOOL! . BUY FOR DRESS! . BUY FOR WORK!! A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF THREE HUNDRED PAIRS OP WOMEN'S SHOES ARE AWAITING ! MILLER DAYS '. ; . AND YOU!, NEW WEDGIES t IN ! BROWN, NAVY " bR BLACK NON-SCAR SUEDE. NEW. SADDLE: STRAPS FOR FALL. ! DRESSY TIES, PUMPS AND.THR' NEW "ilUD GUARD" TIE THAT IS MAKING A BIG HIT FOR THIS SEASON. SCHOOL OXFORDS OF DUR ABLE LEATHERS AND SOLES.7 NURSES FLEX IBLE SOLED OXFORDS AND MANY OTHERS IN THIS GROUP PRICED AT $2.19 pair. ALL SIZES FROM 4 to 9'. Buy your fall and winter shoes now u wvacy i , ; Basement Shoe Dpnt. BASEMENT SHOE .DEPT.