P-S" V- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 24, 193S PAGE NINE Classified Ad Bring Quick MesiuLlts - Use Them to -Biiy or Sell Statesman Classifietl Ads Call 9101 llaaairied Advert Mag Single Insertion pet Una lOe Tbre Insertions pr Uo 20c Sii Insertions per line 30c On month per line $! 99 Minimum chart 2&c Cop rot this pas accepted .until SO the tiitn '' pulilli-alMMt foe rlifW a: ion Oh-t receued flet llila Iltr will be run unler the rwM.f.itft. Too I -ale to CUs f. The Slat-man namimes no rtnan rial reapiaibillt tot errwis wlik-h may apeai In advei lu-tieiii pub llled In roliinma. and in maca w lie re tin l-aii at faun will re print thai pail ol an aderlleni-nt In which the typrairtit-al mistake octura. The Statesman reaervee Iba t iht to- relert juwaiiunaMe advei-ttaing ; U furthei reaerve tli right to place all aclveitlaln undvt the proper claweirtcntlna- "BLIND" AOS which glv only a box number c i i o m u n mu at ba car ol answert-a by Utter. W cannot glv hnj Information, aa to do ao would destroy their purpose. Livestock DEAD AND wartajaaa hosea. caw a pU-bed ut faa 'h eollact Slit Salem M wiiiair Rand Whs TOP PKICKS paid fOf live tioraea and rows for toa feed. Phone collect $443. Hop Pickers -A FEW mora hop pickers wauled at S. L, Sun jsid. On Wallace road. 3 miles from Marion and Folk county bridge. WANTED TEL. 105F11. Call eve nings. B. F. Shepherd, Rt S, Sliverton Road. . Help Wanted EARN $3 weekly or mora. (Jrow muxhrooms In cellar, slied. We buy. 3lc lb Year round bustnesa Mr. S made $41 In few weeks' spars time. Estab lished 1SI. Writs for fres book. Washington Mushroom Ind.. Dept. 40S. 20 It 2nd Ant, Seattle. Wash. WILL GlVe. tent free of turn, hojae. alao furn. apt. to mlddla-aired coo pie. In exchange for cars of elderly lady. JS Oak St. MAG. COUPON and picture people to travel, somethmg new. 153 13th St-. to . Help Wanted Male 1 BOTS WITH bicycles, 1230 N. 18th. Phone 619. Help Wanted Female MAID FOR general housework who can cook for two adults, $20 month. TeL 4259 after p. m. GIVE SCHOOL girl good borne, and a ma II wag, in country. 1 mi. schnoL Box- 945, tilMlesman. GIRL FOR general housework. Ref; erences required. $95 N. Liberty. STEADY. RELIABLE girl. IS to 20. for gen. houaework. 2 children, refer ences. Write Box 955. Statesman. WOMAN BETWEEN 18 and 29 years, five hours a day. - -Must have ability to meet public, but no selling. Salary and bonus. Room 225. Marlon Motel. to 1J only, Tuesday and Wed nesday. WANTED. GIRL to help with light housework, anawer to Box 95$. States man, j Situations Wante! DRSMKR Mra Adaltt. 113$ Marlon. EXP. LADY roe hotel work. A-l ref. wants $24 S. cafe . r vV auter. EXP. BEAUTY operator wishes work. Beatrice Curry. Ceo. DeL Salem. CHILDREN CARED for ; home 1358 Chemekrta atreeL in my EXP. MAN. 29 yra. wlahee sales manship Job for reliable firm. Can fur aisn alee car. 10C5 Judson St. For SaleMiscellaneous OFFICE' FURN. and equipment from Western States Grocery and Uresham bank. Desks, chairs, files, typewriters, adding machine a, ar-alea. calculators, now at oor store. 45$ Court. Rorn Typewriter Kscciaaa-e. PURITAN BRAND distilled white ph-kllng vlneaar for all pickling par poaea. "Keeps ywur plrkleo krisp. Pore apple rider vinegar. Purltas Ctder Wrka West 8a lem. ALMOST NEW gas engine washer, a bargain. -YEATER RUSH CO. -The Westlngbouse Store " " 129 North Commercial RARTLETT PEARS. Rt. S. Bos 121, $H ml esst on pen read. Phone SSF12. Bring boxes. J, Bururench. TOMATOES. $-. 7Sc. Ph. 7TF23. CRAB APPLES SOc. 85c. Ph. 77F2. 1 TENT 9x12. USED. 1 hmi or. spec $130. See King. St9 N. trail Front. WATKINS PROD.. S10 N. 17th. 705. GOOD ICE box with frlgidatre coll. Just right for lunch room or small con fectioner 117.50. YEATER 4 RUSH CO. The Westlnghouse Store 129 North Commercial 1 SLEEPINO TRAILER, one stock" - See King. 819 N. Front St. GRAV. APPLES. 35c. Bart, peara 25c. Mrs. Wright, (li ml Wallace Rd. ORDER CANNING tnmatoea U C Mil Her. 2 miles south Brunks corner. Salem Independence rood. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall Co Ltd. Saa Franclaco. Los Angela Seattle Eastern Advertising Reprcantatlea " Bryant. Griffith A Brunsoa In. Chicago New York, Detroit. -Boston. Atlanta sTateres f Iks roTaffte at Satan Oresoa. as Ceewad' Class afarte. Pss- luAd every asornrny eaceal afoaaay Huttntt oice. J South Commercial Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Ratea la Advance Wlihlo Oregoo: nauy and Sunday Mo. SO cents; $ Ma $1.8$: S Mo S2.8 1 year $8.a Elsewhere $0 cents per Me or 14 00 for 1 yeat ta advance Prr ropy S ceo la Newsstands $ cents Bv City Carrier t $ rente a month. $7.29 year ta advene ta Marioa sum! adjacent eounUea or ale- Miscellaneous FOR SALE Gravensteln apples, nont better. Also Evergreen blackber ries, price reasonable. Address Rout 7. Bo 32S, ar phone 4412; will de liver. , 4 - HOUSE TRAILERS. $125.00 to $55. Will finance. Sea Kins. 61 N. Front. SPARK GAS range, fin condition, looks nicr, 127.54. T EATER . RUSH CO. : - The: Weatinghouse St or a 12 North Commercial MODEL jit EI.ECTROLUX cleaner and air purifier. 2505 Fairgrounds. TeL 7054. t RARTLETT FEARS. 25c. P. 9CF12. SLEEPING TRAILER and Model T Ford. $2S.0. Bargain In furniture and stoves. Set Kin-. 619 N. Front. SHOE SHOP tnac-hinery. 1289 Stute. WtK)URrs FURN. Open till 9 Sat. BAftTLETT PEARS, lc lb. Tou pick. H mile north on Pa-ifi- highway. M. B. Mitchell. RL 7. Box 229. PKACIU-S, ALL varieties, imlah fruit farm. Wallnre road. Ph. S2F1I. GOOD WOOD ranges with coils front 17.83 to 314.95. Y EATER RUSH CO. The Westtnghouss Store 129 North Commercial ORAVENSTKINS. 2Se and SOc. Bart let t pears. 20c. ZSc and 5 Or box. Ernest Andetaon, Orchard Helghta road. 2 miles northwest of ilarlon Pt.lk bridge. Bring boxes. BLUE DAMSON and green Case plums. Puritan Cider Works, West l Salem. f COMPLETE CAMP outfit, call be tween 4-7 p. m. Rt. , Box 40, pen 4 corners. i t IMPROVED ELBERTAS Kartlett peara L. Townaend, Hottom. i UNIVERSAL CIRCULATOR In good condition for 827.50 at 343 Ferry Street. SEE OUR used electric ranges be fore buying. We may have Just tb range yoti are looking for. YEATER RUSH CO. The Wetinghuse Store 129 N. Commercial Wanted Miscellaneons WANTED MARKET poultry. Phone I3JF2 l-ee's Hatchery. HOUSE TRAILERS. 519 N. Front WE House BUT, trsde or sell anything, trailers, 519 N. Front. Wanted Furniture FURNITURE WANTED. TeL 790J. Miscellaneous DR. HUTCHINSON-S rheumatism arthritis rwu-ka Hit N. Hummer St. HOUSE TRAILERS. $19 N. Front. For Kent Itooms COOL SPACIOUS' sleep R Ptlv. oa traace. Ph. $977. rssOiu'xiusi'rsTjijxri I.AIUKS PH $$7$. $9$ N Cottage Nk-o rooms In comfortable home. ir atatarifHisa. 9oard opt. TeL 340$ HKATKJi HSKP. rm. 580 Center. aaastm i lrU-Q,i1 !J'XriJruririrLrXJ" - RM9L CALL a. m., I$l Sf 14th. ROOMS-207 STATE STREET. RMS, CLOSE In." Center SL 727$. CLEAN, COMFORTABLE rooms, good location, newly furn. 135$ Chem. WELL FURN. comf. rm. first floor. reaa, by t or month. SOS S. Church. Phone 7370. Room and Board RM, B, lady. S4I N. Cot tag. RMS. A BU for men. Ph. S7S9. mmmmmm00000000mm0 ROOM A BOARD. 254 N. Church. C"3K N. US Beiievue. Ph. SlSl.j, ""nfsSSS. VERY NICE sip rm- reaaonable. By wL or month. With or without bd. Phooe 7113. R-, Bj private family. 1547 Court. For Rent Apartments 8EE FISHER apta Modernised. newly gi mated sad rvomy You'll be dailgltted. i Oak and S CommercUL FURN.) OR unfura. 3 and 3-room apta. Children. 131 8. 13th. S-RtVlM APT. Large riving room. fh-r place, i hot water heat, sun parlor aad sleeping porch, gardens. TeL S40S or S524. i - S RJa. FURN, 1207 S. Coml. 2 ROOM FURN. apt. Also 2 smfnrnislied. 2IS4. Maple. APTS ADULTS only. 21S3 State. NEW APT. Electric stove and re frigerator. PrWate bath. $57 Center. 1 RM, BASEMENT. SS9 N -Liberty. CLEAN. FURN. 2 -room apt. Adults only. SI & Ferry. UNIQUE. CLOSE In modern 2 -room. Refr. 45S S Liberty. Phone 7SS0. 3-RM. FURN. or unfurn. 2005 N. r : ; - - . CapitoL S-ROOM UNFX'RNISHED apL close In. Inquire S9S N. Liberty. I AND 3-RM. furn. 250 S. Cottsge. APT..' PRIVATE bath. 1411 State. EITHER A 2 OR 4 rm. furn. apt- 640 Leslie, J. F. Ulrlch Co., Realtors, 3S2 State, phone 8S72. " 2 RU.) Ft'RN, adulta Tel. 6010. 3 AND 4 RM. furn. apts. Private bath and garage. $1$ and $18. Sleep, room. $8, 345 Marion, , 3 R. FURN. APT $07 N. CapitoL 3 RM.; MOD. apt.. Frig., heat, wa- ter garJ $32.50. Ph. 7113. CLEAN. QUIET, furn. apt. PH. bam. furnace heat, water, lights. 2455 State, 3 R. FURN. Prlv. entrance. first floor. 312.50. 1709 Center. 4 LGE. R.. FURN. Call 143$ "D" SC bet. 1 and 6 p. m. For Rent Houses FURN and UNFURN. house. H. P. Grant. S29 Court St, Tel. $74 4-8330. NEICOTT YEAR or winter auto, oil furnace, frpl, elec.. stove. S bedrooms, 44 SeJllng-Hlrscb BIdg, Portland. BY WIDOW. Sepu 1. Part of fur nished home, heat, etc. Employed couple. Ref. Phone 8791. NEW SJ1. 3 R. house. 1 ml. So. on 99. Inq. Pacific hwy. a Oak Hill ave. STRICTLY MOD. house. Ph. 45SI. S R HOUSE. Inq. llf Union. 2-TUL FURN. cabin, Adulta SS40. 4 RMS. a NK, base, $30. 4 rata furnished. 1 A, bus service, close in, $27.50. Phone 7113. Money to Loan FIRST CHOICE FROM MORE PEOPLE borrowed from PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY offices In ,1927 than from any other smail-loaa company In tha country. Loans made without co-slsners. No embarrassment b u a I n a a basis. Personal Finance Co. ". EIGHTH TEAR IN SALEM 518 State Street at High Second Floor New Bligh BIdg. Room 119 Fhot.e 3191 ' License S-123 M-16C Salem.. Ore. CASH CHECK THESE FEATURES OF . Small monthly payments. Confidential, prompt service. Ixw Coat. . Repay your loan at any time. . No co BUrner. Just call at our office and aay, Toa are under no obligation. People's Finance Company S-213 State Km. 201. First National Bank BIdg. For Rent- Houses S R. FURN. HOUSE. 975 Hood. MOD. FURN, 35. 735 N. Com'i. I 3 ROOMUFIJR cook stove. 552 N. Church. : t A NEW HOME, living room, fire place, dining room, kitchen, bedroom. ready, bath, gas furnace, large garage, tome Mission diate possession. $30.00. i P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Ore. BIdg. Phone $121. NEW 5 ROOM house with Vt acre of ground, $25.00. $ room mod. house on Falrmount Hill, $30.00. RICH L. REIMAXN . 1S7 S. High Street Phone 8632 For Kent OFFICE RoOMS .381 State street Inquire room 200 TeL $713. Two 2 fine farms for pasturage for rental for three months, combined acreage two hundred and fifty aerea Frank Patton. Astoria. Oregon. ; CARS. TRUCKS. U Drive. Ph. 704$. HOSPITAL ME1S and wheel chair rent. H 1. Stiff Kurnllore Co S R. SUBURBAN HOME, acreage. Ret. required. P. O. Box 207, Salem. 200 A. FOR RENT with option to buy to right party. Also 255 A. of Ir rigated la ml a fine dairy ranch. 1H A. with S R. hse.. 7 ml. N. of Salem, $15 per mo. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg! BIdg. Ph. 9411 Wanted to Rent RELIABLE YOUNG couple desire to rent small furnished house for Sep tember, possibly longer. Write Box 951,, Statesman. For Sale Heal Estate N. Salem IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S ROOM MODERN new home, all in sulated against heat and cold. Auto matic heat and hot water hardwood floors and Inlaid linoleum. Close to Catholic and grade school a Price $4, 600. Term. HAWKINS AND ROBERTS. INC Salam, Oregon , ATTRACTIVE CLOSE IN HOME MODERN 7 ROOM home, full ce ment bear men t. new hearing plant, all nice large rooms oak floors, garage: this propel ty la like new. located only 4 hlka. out. Price SSSOft. Term a TwnTfvri i-in l xts aNorwm V. $200 pins street improvement. Artie Anderson. 4 IS Lewis. S Overton. Ore, ATTENTION HOME BUYER 1 Beautiful north Salem home for sale by owner, Han 4 bedroom a English style. Modem In every respect. All newly decorated and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $375. Cash or $2150 and assume mortgase on bal ance. Phone 48 or call at 4SS Jef ferson street. CLOSE-IN PROPERTY THIS S RM. home la located on cor. lot. 4 blks. from business and shopping district. Basement, furnace; garage, near schools. 4 etc. LIVE DOWN TOWN! HANDY TO EVERYTHING. Price $3180.00. Call R. A. Johnson with. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 134 S. Liberty SL Phone $48$. FOR SALE New S-room. . Snap, Small down, balance $25. Owner. 2$SS N. 18th. - S ACRES yoone ilieuy orchard. family orchard. S-room modern home, excellent condition.- hardwood floor. attic. Trade Tor 1 or acre with email house. Mnst see to appreciate.- Call S031 or 7914 eveninga - MOD. HOME. Capllola, lw pay meats. Carle Abrsm. 411 Masonic BIdg. : , BUIIJMNU 1jnT8 GOOD l-OTS on paved street, excel lent location. .Price $504) $26 down $1 per month. W. H. C5RA BENHORPT A CO RE A LTORS - 134 9 I inert v St Phone S4S N. EL'a home. Inq. 0 N. Cotlaga - HOME BARGAINS J $200 AND $17 PER mo. will buy a 3 room plast. house, shade trees, ga rage. Price 31700. $2250 wilt buy a 3 room plast. house located in N. H Salem. Good location. Terms $250 down a $25 per mo. $250 down will bur a S-room plast. house located in N. Salem. H A. ol ground. Price $1950. J $100 down a $35 per mo. will buy a new 4 room house with dinette. loca ted In N. E. Salem. Price $3500. $500 down and $50 per mo. will buy a new completely modern 6 room house with attic upstairs unfinished. Fin !3het in mnhoarsnv. Price $4,100. See G. II GRABENHORST. JR. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Realtors 134 S. IJberty St Phone 4SS. S R. HOUSE. FRUIT and nut trees. Near Psrrish school, rrlced to 'Sell Owner 497 Union St. BY OWNER. $3750.00, modem home, large living rm, fireplace. built Ina nook. 4 bedrms, full ba snent, laundry tray a : Restricted dis trict en bus line, near Leslie Junior high large lot. shrubbery, assorted fruit. Easy terma Phone $032. day time. . SMALL MODERN house. West Sa lem, $1200. Terms. Box. 94 8. care Statesman. - i LOTS Fine building lot close In. south. Win sell cheap or trade aa first payment on small bouse. .' See Mra Ellis with s CHILDfl a MILLER. Realtors 244 State Strvet i Phone 92S1 MAKE US an ofrer S-room house. basement and furnace. 66S 8. 16th St, Salem. Money lo Loan COAST TO COAST Friends, employer ' not notified. Main requirement ability to repay small, regular amounts. As simple as opening a "charge account" at a store. Ws welcome inquiries. . A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE. . Interest charged only while you hare the money. . Flexible plans to meet your needs. . Auto loana to $500.00. . Furniture or livestock loana to 3300. 'Please explain your loan service to me." License M-220 TeL 444S Salem, Oregon Immediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single Only You Sign Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify Private Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day. Week or Month To Reduce the Cost General Finance Corp. 13$ So. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon 5-12$ First Door South of l-add A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY. TO bur new or used cara Private money at very low ratea No red tape t to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 13$ S. Commercial St.. Salem. Ora Phone 9ISS Lie. No. M-151 FHA LOANS $05 ON ICX18T1 NO construction 90 oa new construction. 4- F ULRICH CO. 382 State Street Phone $872 H - E - L - P OUR AIM ta te help people when they need help (let that extra cash you need now without a tot of red tape, or coma k era iv loan, acts per month tar z aaontha other amounts lo proportion. Up ta $60$ on cara STATE FINANCE CO. $44 Ut Stat Street Salem. Oregon Na 8-814 M HI Phone 9281 FEDERAL HOUSING loana balld. re1 aa nee hemes, business prop. Ratea uraini a kin inc.. Masonic mag. MONEY TO toan ei wood real eststa Charlee Hadklna 37$ State street. MONEY TO loan. Melvln Johnson H. P. GRANT. $29 Court SL $744. aioney to lea a oa aood property. . FiruLucial 4H WE RAVSS never paid leas this rate oa savings ad Investments. Insured isoaa Matual rederal Savings A Loan Aasn 49SS 143 B. uaarty t- Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAM caod Saieta real - tata Will pay Interest. W. H. uRSBaNnnRST a u-u, .- REALTORS , t$4 a Uberty Sv fbone IAtN8 k .k iy.ij oa farm and city property. Bafore borrowing inquire at Hawkins a ainnt WANTED S . secured by first mortrtn. S veara Good ptriBf usi Safe Investment, jcxceftent rec- ommenaatlona Addreas box 950. care Statesman. For Sale Real Estate WEST SALKM FURNISHED t roams and . nook, furaaeo heat beautifully finished Interior completely furnished with new furniture. Nicety located. House and furniture priced at S24SS cash. Call Mr. Bnrtiett witn owwsys. a miller. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 92SI GOOD BUYS 2 A. 2 MILES EAST, new $ rm. house, automatic water system, double earaae. filberts and cherries. Price S4?0a. 6 A. all In cherries,' prunes and wal nuts, -old bondings, 2 miles south. 3. 100. E-Z. terma S rm. new modern house with one- half. A sandy loam. Just outside city limits. $370. $50 down, $ rm. modem "home on Hood St. bedrooms, beautifully finished, fire place, furnace. $3850. - f ARTHUR MADSEN 404 N. Church Street Phone S580 sajaaasaaaaaBaBasa FOR SALE ACREAGE ATTRACTIVE BRAND-NEW rood em home. Just out of city limits. One half acre of - productive land with stream at rea'. City water, basement and pipe furnace. Four room house with large room a especially kitchen and hall. Two bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace and ga rage. Reasonably priced at $3750.00, term. - - - - -1 SEE CLIFFORD HAROLD - Today with N. J. Undgrea . 17S South High Phone SS90 Evenings 346$ - S R. MOD. HOUSE, at edge of city limits, near arhooL $1 800. $300 down. $20 per mo, interest included. ROY J. RICE. 212 Oreg. BIdg. P. $111 A BEAUTY. 3' acres, view, fine fruit" and shade trees. Good soil! Nice 6 rm. house with bath. 1 mile out. Priced to selL $3150. terma ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 13 Ladd a Bush BIdg. Phone 5965 For Sale Real Estate 4 ROOM HOUSE with nook, electric water system, double ; garage. acre of ground on Garden road. SSOtt cash, $3100.00. room mod. - bungalow, hardwood floors In living-room, ta-o bedrooms, bath, best of soil, small down pay ment, balance as low aa $15.31 per month including- taxes and insur ance. room house, one acre of ground, electric water system, $104 down, 15.00 per month. $1500.00. Acreage N. of town, good soil. $100 down. Will furnish lumber for house, $300 per acre. . RICH L. REIMANN . 187 S. High Street Phone 8433 5 BEDROOM HOME within " five minutes walking distance of ; town, with latest model furnace using gas, air conditioner attached. This prop erty Is ail clear and someone is look ing for a home of this type. We wilt be glad to show you this at your conven ience. For appointment, phone P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon BIdg. Jhone $121 1 GOOD 3 R. HOUSE, weU located. Easy terms. $1450. ' Good lot on paved st, sidewalks fine shade. $300. - 2 large lota for parking during fair wee, treasonably priced. Jfcine lot to trade in on new house. vosBUKGH-GRANT Masonic BIdg. Phone $1$L CREEK PROPERTY 5 ROOM PLAST. house with fur nace, : fireplace, nice yard, very good locaUon. only 7 blka out. Price $3750. Jtrat eauw down. See G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST a CO, realtors 134 S. Liberty St.- Phone 616$. Exchange Real Estate SALEM HOUSE or mountain home near bates for close in acreaca - or beach property between Taft and Nea kowin. Call 7929. 6 ACRES ON Garden Road. Modern rm. nouse. large attic. Elec water system. Darn, chicken house, : garage. AU nas 01 plants and shrubs. Will trade equity for house In Vnrn. P. H. BELL REALTOR 429 Oregon BIdg. . TeL 8121 PORTLAND PROPERTY 1a trade for Salem. - 5 mis. mod., firenlace. In TCnrth Sa. lem. A good buy at $2600, $200 down, $25 per mo. R. A. FOR KX ER-H. T. UEBER 1853 N. Capitol Street For Sale Farms FEDERAL LAND bank farms Priced right. Terma See W. & Bart tt, secretary treasurer. $1$ Oregon intUdlBg. Phone 7137 IS 8-ACRE FARM. 14 miles "south- west of Salem. Sell or trade for Salem or Portland property, p. 0. box 8, Corvallia ww - -iO-ij-i.rijn.ru-uu- S TO SO A, ELEC. water CommerciaL system. Inq. 735 N. 20 ACRES. 11 ACRES In cult.. baL timber and pasture. 300 cda wood. 6 rm. plastered house. Nut and fruit trees. $1650. terma R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER 1853 N. Capitol St. 10 ACRES ALL in cultivation. 1 room house and family orchard, deep weti. wtnamm and 100 gal. tank. some lumber, basement dug for house. Aii sues 1 or sifuu. J 27 ACRES all in cultivation. Nice 4 room house, electric lights, bam and garage. 8 mi. out on a paved road. Price $3500. 5 ACRES 1 acre in mixed orchard. shack house and good well. Will trade for 40 acres and pay a difference. KOSTEIN a ADOLPH. INC. 110 N. Commercial St. Acreage ACREAGE BARGAINS $2100 WILL BUY A. tract loca ted I mile outside the city limit near tore, school and "bus. Some fruit. 6 room plast. house, fireplace a water system. Terma $300 down a $20 per month. $300 will bur a 1 A. tract lust out side the city limits with a aew. mod ern, room, plast. house, double ga rage, small barn a chicken ' house. Some wa touts, cherries and filberts. $375 will buy . a new. modem $ room house located Just outside the city limits with large lot, running to river eage. Terms kee down and S3 per month. See G. H. GRABENHORST- JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST a CO.. REALTORS 214 A. -E..OF TOWN. sTood Ioca.. on paved hwy. Will trade for city prop. 1 a. on intersection r. K. of Salem. $ R. hse, $100 down. bal. per mo. Interest included at 6. F. IL WEIR, 212 Oreg. BIdg. Ph. 9411 Suburban SUBURBAN HOME 10 acres suitable for subdivision. beautiful shad and fruit treea Price $8500. Will accept wood bouse a part. aee sara raits wvtn CHILDS a MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281 Business Cards la thl directory ran .oa a monthly basts . only Rate: f I per line per month. Anto Brakes Mik Paoek. 87S South CommerciaL Auto Repairing AUTO REPAIRING, body and-fonder welding See John Howell. Signal Oil station, 69$ N. Uberty. Bicycles BIUYCLFS, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com" I. rh. 4SIS Body & Fender Repair FOR SOOT a PENDER Repnlra Auto Trtao, Seat Co vera Class replacement Auto Painting SEE the Harm II Owens Co 226 S Com'l. SL Ph. $189 WRECK ' RE. BUILDING, welding, body and fender works, 12th and Mis sion. Standard Sta. , - Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44S0. R. E. Northnesa Chiropractors DR. Ol"L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 25$ N. High. TeL Rea $573. Excavating EXCAVATING OF sn kinds. Base merits dug. Din hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co Phone SlSS. ' .- Florists Bretthaupt . 441 Court. Phone $904. W. 8 A I.EM Florlata. .1400 Edgewater ' ; Gunsmith ROD A GUN repair. Salem Rod a Gun Shop, 370 K State, upstairs.. Wanted Real Estate WANTED LOT. north or east front. prefer creek lot. write Box 954, Statea- WANT TO buy or -rent, good small house, close in. Call at 497 Union St. $100 CASH a $15 PER mo. Want S to 10 acrea Not over $ iriiles out. Good house. V. A, $1500. $125 down. baL $15 per mo. IL C Shields, Oreg. BIdg: Ph. $902. Hiiaineaa Opportunities . NATIONALLY KNOWN corporation manufacturing: electrical refrigerated air- units wants wholesale distributor for Oregon. Must lnvesr $850 with services. Your money back In bank in 90 daya A -10-year setup. $5000 te $15,000 yearly income can be expected. Your money fully protected. See fac tory representative at 1040 N. 17th St, Salem. 8-10 a. m, 8-S p. m. SMALL LUNCH room In heart of city. Sales Increased 33 past month. Have other interest a 311 State SL FOR SALE Small apartment houi Box 952, Statesman.' SERVICE- STATION 434 Water Street.', for rent. Inq. RESTAURANT GOING business and equipment, $150 cash. Rt, 3, Box GROCERY STOCK and fixtures, do- in a rood businesa Walk in and start making money.- A very good buy. Stoek and fixturea $2100. R..A. FORKNER-H.- T. UEBER 1852 N. Capitol Street LUNCH A CONFECTIONERY, bus iness section close downtown. Furn. living qtra Better than a good llv lng" for the right party. $900 will han die. - No phone Information. - GROCERY STORE well stocked a equipped, doing: good business. 5 R. llv lng otra A real buy for some one. In; voice of stock will handle about $600. Full price $1000. BEER. LUNCH. CARDS a POOL right downtown. Books open for check. See this one today. Fuu price ijioa E. H. STAMBAUGH 212 Oregon BIdg. Phone $411. ROOMING HOUSE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED, wen- furnished. Has good programme. $1050 cash. H. P. GRANT S29 Court Street Phone $741. For Sale Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 1STF1S. FIR. OAK, ash. Graen. $37$. NO. 1 DRY old fir. S. Four-foot. $4.50. Ash. maple $$.25. Phone $370. Al DRY OLD FIR. $5.50. Ph. 3154. DRY BLR. Le Id. $5.00. Ph. SS33 BONE DRY IS" old fir ready for basenvenL TeL 3873. Holloway. AeSeAeAeWWWVMWMaWMVVM GOOD. DRY 4 ft. 2nd gwth, S cord lota $12. TeL 7SS0. Slab wd. $3.50 cd. Ph. 17F31. DRY IS SN. old fir. $5; 4-fL 2nd growth. $4. Phone 945S. NO. 1 DRY old fir. We give good measure. Call $670. you DRY PLANER wood. Ph. 6274. PHOSE B. FEN WICK, good 2nd growth wood. 4527 for Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. $883 Lost and Found LOST, BOW-LEG male terrier pup. Called Jigger. $14 N. Cottage. STRAYED. 2 small white -faced calvea Lib. rwd. Ph. 3013. Guy Irwin. LOST 5 KEYS In case, Reward. 430 N. LTbexty.: LOST PAIR shell-rlmmed glasses. If found, please call 3939. Personal LONELY T -WORTH WHILST sweet heart, husband, wtf for you. Box 76 Lo Angela. .or Sale Used Cars .'SS STUDEBAKER SEDAN MILEAGE UNDER 22.00. Excel lent condition. Exceptional buy. Owner left for east. Sea It at 2239 Stat BU m at a at aaaa. wWN n -v r a TUT fTTP rann. ttew trre, xcellent inotor. No tr&te ItaaO Ka las waawaa - ffltAPjt M W fBsSl W- menta Rm. 2I. First National Bank wa A 1 M M M M niitSe fjr pnonfi 1933 ' DODGE SEDAN, excellent condition, about 9000 mileage, $425, 146 West Wilson. Tesssaassjasilin CADILLAC TOURING car with two wheel heavy duty hydraulic brake aeml-tratter: will haul 100 pounds: lot of power. Priced $360; will trade for lumber shingle, chlek- .' ana money or beef. Robin Reed. Salem, phone 4015. -. . Directory Lime GOLD HILL inn $. W deliver t farm. $24 N. CooimercuiL Tea sxa Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE WEIDKR LAUNDRY 289 8. High. " TeL $13$ Mattresses 8 A I.EM FLUFF-RUG and Matt rase Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, win ing; fluff rag weaving 8. 12th Wil bur. TeL $441. OTTO F. ZWICKKR Est. 19IL CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 408$. Printing FOR STATIONERY, carda. pamphleta oroerrama books or any kind of print ing, can The Statesman Printing De partment 216 8. CommerciaL .Tele phone 9101. - Radio Service LOUIS DU BUT. Phone 477. 7 Tires NEW AND USED ail sixes. Lowest pricea. 970 & Commercial streeL Transfer CAPITAL CITY" Transfer Co. 22$ State SL TeL 777$. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. . J- FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner r1L aU till, termor Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally Well Drilling ft A. WEST. t . BtV 44$ T. llOPa Chaste J. Pugh. 312$ Myrtla. 922$. . Wood Sawing ' 930 N. COMMERCIAL. Phone 352$. J. H. BO EN LNG, PHONE 9633, Salem. .For Sale Used Cars SENSATIOBJA1L Used C Sale '"::'::V at VALsLEY MOTOR GO'S Used Caar Lot MARION & LIBERTY STS. B ARTGES USED CARS ; 240 S. HIGH ST. ' " i - ' . - . - t ' , 1937 Pontile 8 Sedan 20,000 miles and 193S Buick Sedan "4 These cars are in perfect shape. 1936 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan Fully equipped Be sure to see this buy. 1931 Cord Sedan New . i. $3500. This car ha been driven 11.500 miles liasn't been driven for ' four yeara A real buy In a big automobile. . Many Cars of $50 and Under Used Cars and Trucks 1929 Ford Roadster 95.00 395.00 313.00 395.00 495.00 $95.00 650.00 250.00 39S.00 675.00 $50.00 1000.00 $45.00 1934 Chevrolet Sedan , ... 193 5 Ford V-S Pickup . 1935 Chevrolet Pickup . C-l International Panel , 1934 Ford V-S Truck, recondi tioned ,. 1935 Dodge Truck, 1 - ton, LWB 2-Ton Reo Truck, recondi tioned : . 1)34 Dodge Truck, 2-ton, good condition . , , - C-35 International Truck. 1K-2-ton . . . CS-30 International Truck, lH-ton C-2S International Truck with trailer C-40 International Truck, re conditioned . Others to select from. James H. Maden Co., Inc. 217 State Street Salem, Oregon , Phone 8590 SALE. OR trade - for cheaper car. equity in '31 . Cher. Coach. 735 N. CommerciaL - 3$ 4 -DOOR DeLUXE V-S. private owner, reasonable. 891 N. Commercial, Apt. 4. Dr. Townaend Dictator TILLAMOOK, Aug-. 2J-(P)-Dr. Francis E. Townaend. pension plan adrocate, will dedicate a new Townaend hall here August it. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 Id 14 18 21 22 23 2 2 ao 33 3V 37 3d MO 7. 2 W3 'A I 2 mm Uj EUGENE SHEFFER HORIZONTAL 1 spreads for drying 6 perform 8 maple 12 newspaper , paragraph 13 female of the deer 14 portion 15 list 17 fain entrance 18 constella tion 19 public storehouse 21 remain in expectation 23 tag;ish 26 everything 27 eookmg atensil - 28 pertaining to a sound " ' ajnality 29 earth goddess 30 winnow 31 raggy cliff. .32 Chinese ' measura S3 blunder 35 beetle 36 seed vessel ' 37 frightened auddenlw 39 cot tha . outer part from 40 one who re nraneratea 41 lubricate , 42 gulp 44 ealU of nitric acid 48 panel 49 room in a harem 50 Roman tyrant - 51 ancient 52 bind with stitches 53 toward tha mouth, Herewith is the solution to yester day's puzzle. B-f MJCRON9TAt.lM :. N I N A ; T H V ? N S S CARJL.NATE:V.C.i.a dene air. e ;Ug s -e e lMS.kf8UBsl For Sale Used Cart 9" actual mile 19,500: wheel mounts. Norma in NY V 4 Sporting: a hat SO Inches across and tripping: along; on heels three and one-half inches high. Norma Shearer was the center of all eyes when she arrived la New Tork, above, to attend the premier of her new picture, 7 Y lO II 17 If 20 2M 25 2Q 3i 32 35 3 3? 1 V3 H7 SO 23 VERTICAL 1 involuntary - twitching 2 Greek letter 3 minor part 4 clever 5 f us 6 convincing 7 external seed covering . 8 one who ' snakes suitable 9 crystalline alkaloid 10 high priest of Israel 11 immerse 16 note of tha scale 20 player 21 salary 22 vigilant 23 electrified particle 24 bravery 25 cut off the final syllabss 27 litigant . 30 searched for food . 31 old weight ". for wool 34 plunder 35 ridicule 36 haggle 83 open cotton fabrics 39 musical instrument 41 correl ati v of either 42 mineral spring 43 swing from side to sic a 45 game at marbles 46 period 47 turf I