PAGE EIGHT. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 24, 1938 Salem Market Quotations rmuiTs (Barm ritci) (TVe prlree eelew supplies by loeel freee ore ta-iealiv of tee daily market prices aala te grev.ra kr Salens aaiera bat Br aat guaranteed by Tba 8tateeman Appiea. trraveneieiea. am. apricots. IS lb., Yakima Banana, lb. a ete'k Hands . Csataloapes .SO as 1 50 2.50 1 00 .14 eso Grapefruit. Calif. Sunk. at. crate fiacsieDerriea. gai. .. - .- - atra. f rrafc. lb . - .. . - Oraa era. crata . H J la 114 V.t-tET-llL-S (Bevtag Prtcaa) Beete. oa, . Cabbage, lb Calif.. neej crap ,, Carrol a. loral, Cuv. Cauliflower. Seattle ,, fclarr Ufa- ratu Stnag Beaaa, Calif., (alary Itearta, eos. Lei lure, loeal Omens. Na I. cwl Ueiliag. 10 lha. J"e. 3. Oraaa eoiene, 4o. , Kadisbes. -n. lb , Peppers, greea. Calif. Paralrj , . Grita Peae. lb. .13 ta 'bw petatu-e. local, rat, y Squash. Summer, dot. . Daeiek. riata Zueehini aqMasa. "t Taraipa. ooav .is .os .03 .40 1 OO 1.75 oa 5 1 IS 1 so 20 .is .40 .15 .40 .00 1 SO .40 S IV I so . .00 . .10 ta .10 1 ta .IS .13 MOTS Welnete. 1917. lb. . rilbarta. Iljr crap, la HOPS -- (Saving Prtrs) Clusters, oemi-al. lv3T. IO.-10 ta rogglaa. t-P . anisxeai WOOL. aUTO -tOHAIft (Baytag Mill - WaoU meeiuae. lb. i - Coarse, lb. ' Lambs. ik. - Mo-air. lb. - eoob hxa rovuni (Baying Price at A-dreeeas) . large aatraa - medium aatraa Large ataadardt . , ,. -Medium atandarda Colarad (rya Ce tared medium, lb. Wkite Lagboraa. lb. K White lcharai. f ria White Le-borae, lb. W Heavy bene, lb. Boosters .IS ta a. 1. .21 32 JS J0 .26 .34. .24 .05 Grade B raw 4 per cemt milk, Salens basic pool price ft. IK). t Co-op. Grade A bntterfat price, MlU Salem. 23 He. (If ilk based ea aemi muntblv batterfat average.) Distributor price, $2-32. A grl bultcrfat De livered. 23lc; B grade. 24c: C Kiwle, A Krade print, 28 He; B grade, 27 He. Wbrsl white, ba We rat, areeiern red. Barley. fe-4. tus Oat a. gray, tee alfalfa. valley, tea Oat- and vetch bay. toa IS? t S5 22 00 .22 00 ta 24 00 12 SO .10.00 Gardeners' and f - - 1 - Ranchers -Mart . aa r Em a w m (liaad aa ceaditlaaa aad aaJaa raparud I Iff p - Bprlag la aba S IS ta 00 . Lanka , . ... -50 ta 4.SO ..r , -1M ta 2 SO liarm. tapa, 150 210 lba. 7.75 M M 130 -IS lba. 7.W ta 7.2S 210 300 lba. .7 00 ta 7..S0 gowa 00 ta 6.50 Dairy typ ca , , 00 ta I SO Baaf aowa ta 4 50 Ball 5 00 ta S.TS Haifara Top -eal, 4b, Drraaed veal lb 4 SO ta S SO 7.50 ta 6.00 12 'raava rii, ! d ..i ,i - lB-rOMCBBat-BT Boytng rrtea . . . . . - . BaltarfaC, h" grada OHtfarrat. graaa Lacnra baa a. haaay Vfora iryara Colored baa a. aar 5 lba. laghara Bra a. MgBt . Btaga, lb. Old atoaaiara. lb .1 .13 J4 .15 JO .0 05 via noaai-ra. ia . .. . i . . BtWn anarkat aalna. Na. I cradc Sr- laaa Larga aitraa ., . fcfadittm aatraa n . . . .24 Lanra ataadarda 36 . Madiaaa atandarda .1 Caxiargrada , - .16 Pullata .13 '.. OtXM. GUT aVNT SEEDS Data, vbita. toa 20 00 ta 22 QO . PORTLAND, I OreV Aag. 23.(AP) pplaa lMaia aatiddad 45 4 Or. farad 63 7ie; -at Aairachaua 65 75c; crab ap plaa, liH,ilt4c J. .(' - r Afacadaa C'ar..jrnia,. roarto, unquot ad: a' bar $1.-5 2.65, 'according ana; cboira IVr ta 25c laaa. fitant Oragon. grara, Bla Lake, 2H 3c; Keatackv, 3-4c; Calif, liniaa 7-6c; Yaaat large, o-Te. . - ' Barriaa 24 baakrts. ctrkwkarriaa. beat 32.0O-2.S6: blackbrrnea, 65-7 Jc; buekla barriea. II 12c. Cabbage Ballhrad. l.50 1.65. Cantar.upea Waab, Wapata. 36 45a. $1.65-2.00; Orrgan. aperial branda higb aa 32.33; apear 31.45-1.60; Calif. 27a, 32.00-2.25. Caatiflearrr -Vmmtr Coluaabia, 80 00c; local. 70c I Calei y Oregon. Vlilwaukla Dtab type. 31.35-1.50 per rrate; Labiak white, 80a 0c: bearta 80-35c. Cora 5 doav crate, $1.00-1.10; aacka $1.20. I Cucambars Field grown, 25 S5e; No. 3, 25 30c. Pirkliag, ana 1. 40 43c; 3. 25 30c. . ! Dill 3 10c lb. :- Eggplant 7 a per pound; 20 pound flat a. 31-1.10. ) Oarlia laral.' beat, S 7c per pouad. poorer 4 So pet poand: aaw crap. cat. Grapefrolk 48 100 Calif., eitra faacy $2,55 2.75; choice 33 24 2.73. Grapea California. Thnaapeea eeedleae. log boxea woatly 7Sc 31 00; cluater $1.25 1.8S; ribiera, $1.75-1.65; red analagaa $1.50-1.65. - Hooey dawa Calif., jumbo flat crates, $1.25. Lenoaa Fancy, all alxes, $3.25. Lettuce Dry pack 3 and A doiea, $1.00-1.25; Seattle. 31.25-1.50. On ion a Waah. Valeneiaa. &9 lba. Wo. 1. 65-75c: Na 2, 4O-60e; 10 lb. aacka. 18 20c; "whita pickle 4 5c. Oraagrs Cnr,a Valeneiaa. , f a a e y AS-SOe; Waah . Kaata ftoia, lugs. 75 30c; Danaon. 45 50c lug; Italians, 2-3a lb. 31.75-2. . - Pesehes Oreron Elbertas, 45-50c; early Crawforda, 60-75c; Hales, 75-85c; Slappeys 60e. - Pears Waah., kwaa. 63-75e. Peppers Oregon, lugs. 30-5Or; orange bases, $1-1.25; red, .$1.25-1.50; Xo. 2s, 75e. i Patstoea Eussets. 31.40-1.50; No. 2s, 45-SOc. j - Plums Oregon Brooks : 15 pound boi. Mart Rides up On Automotive Report of new Life Soon ' in Industry Inspires 1 to 3 Cains I i NEW YORK. Aug. 2Z -() - Automotive issues - piloted the stock market on a substantial re covery ride today, many issues climbing 1 to more than 3 points, some of new highs for the year or longer. Inspiring the buying revival were forecasts of, a sharp expan sion In production and sales of new cars after Labor day and re ports the motor makers planned to spend several hundred million dollars for raw ' materials- to be used In constructing 1939 models. Rubbers and steels, which -stand to benefit largely from automo tive demand, were In the fore- frdnt to the advance, 'along with .motor equipments,..' glass, build ing,- man oraer, copper, ran, tex tile and a wide assortment of se lected specialty stocks. Start Is Hesitant The list got off to a hesitant start as many traders ; waited to see if yesterday's slight -decline would be extended. Volume waa- negligible and prices - a shade, mixed for a brief interval. When sizeable of f erf gs - failed to make their appearance, bidders stepped into line and 'the direction was upward from then on. Closing quotations were around the tops of the day. i The Associated Press average of 60 Issues was up 1.1 points at 49.C, the best advaace of this composite since July 19.. Trans fers, although never putting the ticker . t a p e behind, totalled 1.075,810 shares - against Mon day's smallest turnover for more than two months of 39,620. 3.50. Peas Lower Columb-.a. 25 lb. box. 33 00 3.40; smaller. , $2.75-3; choice $2 Squaab Oregon, VYashinjgtoa Crook neck, arallon Zucchini. 30-35e Mr flat: Daaiah, flata, 85c-$l ; -tarblehead, 3 2 He per lb. Tomatoes Oregon, Wash..' No. 1, 50- 60c; No. 2, 40-50c. Bunched Vegetables Oregon, per da an bunches, beets 25 30e; carrots 35 40c; green oaiona, 30 85c : parsley, 20 25c; radishes. 25-27 He; turaips, 00c; broc coli, logs, oO'SOc Rout Vegetables Sacked, rntabagss. 32.00 2.50 ct: sacked carrots. Labiah. t0-75c per 50 lb. sack. Watermelons Calitornta and Oregon, Klendikes and stripes. 31.25-1.50 per cwt. ; Persians California. 31-85 crate; loose. 2Vi 3e lb.; Cssabss and Honey dews, $1.65 erste, 2 2H lb. IT'S YOU I By ALLENE CORLISS' WANT i SYNOPSIS Scott Prentice, young Boston! lawyer, has grown op expecting to ' narry Whitney Prentice, his dis tant cousin. Todhnntcr Prentice Jarvis, Scott's second cousin, has left college to take a newspaper " job also ia Boston. Tod adores both Scott and Whitney and can not tsnderstand why, with the lat ter even now on a transatlantic liner on her way home, his cousin - can pay such ardent court to the visiting Olivia Paul. Whitney had not wanted to be formally engaged to Scott until her return from En- - rope, yet she had loved him only ' since she had been fifteen. Scott, obviously forgetful of this, elopes with Olivia. Four days later, - aboard ship, Whitney tells wealthy young Jay Nowell of her romance. Jay met Whitney in Paris and fol- ' lowed her . to ' America. N caring . home, obAsvious of the shock in - store for her, Whitney scans the harbor. Soon Scott would be mcet- ing her. lie had begged Whitney to stay -home and marry him, but she had wanted the trip ; besides I there was the matter of finances. : CHAPTER VI This winter there would probably be a formal announcement in the llerald: "Miss Hester Prentice an nounces the engafrement of her niece, Whitney, to Mr. Scott Pren tice . . ." And Scott would be impatient about a wedding. He wouldn't like the idea of waiting until another fall. Well, she didn't either. But, after all, she owed Aunt Hester something. And Aunt Hester had her heart set on Whitney's having a second season in Boston. Besides, there was always this stupid matter of money and they couldn't expect the family to do much more. Uncle Adam had financed Westover for her and all of Scott's law school ex penses. And they all knew Aunt Hester didn't have any more than ' she needed to live on comfortably. And as for Scott's mother. Useless to expect any help from Claire; she was always hopelessly overdrawn on her bank as it was. So there was nothing to do, so far s Whitney could see, but wait pa tiently and have as good a time as possible while they waited. After all. they were both very young and they were going to spend all the rest - of their lives together. Suddenly she 'saw the dear, distinct pattern of her future with Scott, and she thought: "Life is lovely for a wsman ... when she can begin and finish it - with the one man she has ever loved ..." , .Then, abruptly, she clutched Jay Novell's arm. "Look! There he is ... there is Scott. In the gray topcoat-" Then she said, her voice dropping sharply with disappoint. ment: -No, it isn't Scott. For just a moment I thought it was. It's Tod. And Scott doesn't seem to be with him .-." Rajn began falling lightly as Whitney came down the gangplank. Tod pushed forward unaware of it Aware only of her face beneath the soft brim of her hat. She saw him ' and waved and he lost himself in her smile. Then he saw her eyes leave him, go beyond and around him. Looking for Scott, of course. And Scott - wasn't there. Would never be there again.. Not so far as Whitney was concerned. His throat tightened and the pit of his stomach felt empty. Then she was Hinging her arms about him. lie kissed her, and her face was wet with rain. Her lips were soft and fragrant and casual. She was glad to see him, but where was Scott? H felt her ques tion even ia bar kiss, iltx glebed hands were still on his arm. She was introducing a thin, dark chap. "Jay, this is my cousin. Tod Jarvis. Tod, Jay NoweU. He's been nice to me. . . . , Tod shook hands. He said he was glad to know Jay Nowell. Whitney said something vague about dinner that night. But it seemed he was leaving for New York at once. By plane. ' Tod said : "Drop you at the flying field if you like. . . But Jay Nowell would take a cab. He had liiggage to see to. Thanks just the same. He was too good-looking and he had the unmistakable casualness of the very rich. Whitney didn't know he ex isted though. Tod could see that she was glad he couldn't come to dinner. She said good-by to him and prom- neath those clear eyelids her eyes would be frowning. Suddenly he felt young -" and ' horribly inadequate. Which was sQly, of course. Because he was twenty-four and he'd been earning his own living for two years. He was on his way to becom ing a decent journalist. Yet Whit ney could make him feJ adolescent . . . like a Harvard sophomore. She said: "Then Aunt Hester hasn't moved into town yet?" "Yes. But she's all snarled up with some hospital, board meeting. Perhaps you'd rather go to the Touraine?" ... - "No your place will be nice." She had lunched there before. It meant a card table in front of a fire and lobster salad and coffee and Gorgon zola cheese. The coffee Tod made Tod saw Whitney's eyes leave him. go beyond and around him, looking : - . tor scott. ised to let him know when she visited in New York. She could ttlways reach him, it seemed, through any one of his numerous clubs. ... They were through the customs at last and driving away from the docks in Tod's old red Buick. Rain was falling .vertically. It struck against the windshield in silver white sheets and washed it clean. Boston was a city of narrow, twist ing streets and wet brick and thick, gray fog. It was an old city, in credibly shabby. - But tomorrow the sun would . shine and it would be gracious and well-preserved with polished brass doorknockers and scrubbed white paint; pointed and accented with the drifting warrrfth of scarlet and gold New England foliage. ! . , : Whitney said: "Where are we going. Tod? And why didn't Scott meet me? :i ': - , He had been waiting for this, of course. Dreading it. But now that it bad come he answered her easily enough. Not looking at her. Traffic was heavy on Atlantic 'Avenue. He said : "Scott didn't meet you be cause he is out of town and we are going to my place for lunch unless you'd rather go somewhere else. . . . Whitney turned her head. He could feel aer 3taringat kirn. Be- himself, the salad and cheese he brought un ' from a. 1lirntun piace around the corner. She would nave preierrea going straight to the house on Beacon Street and having a hot bath. But she couldn't let Tod down. And why hadn't Scott met neri - - "Who was the ror vnn had In tow?" And why ask him to dinner?" -name uoa, sue badn't mentioned Scott a rain. Ha eouldn't toll her packed in a Jam of delivery trucks a . . ana taxicaDs, waiting lor a red light to change. - "Jay Nowell? I met him in Paris. I asked him to dinner because he's a friend of Helena's . . . She was talking perfunctorily. Tod sensed that. She had already forgotten Jay Nowell. He had slipped quietly out of her consciousness along with her six days at sea. She was back in Boston ... but she wasn't with him. Not - really. She ' was wondering where Scott was . . . bat she wasn't asking any questions. Yet. . She wasn't letting him see how hor ribly disappointed she was that he had met "her instead of Scott. That is, she was trying not to let him see. Of course, she wasn't succeeding. (To be continued) ' Caayrlaks. ItlT. a Elag raataraa SM-taate. lea. Quotations at Portland raoDocs kxchajtgb PORTLAND. Ora., Aug. 33. (AP) rroauee exenaoge: , Butter Extras, 36; Urge standards. 24 H; prime first 24; firsts 23; but terfat, 26 26H. Eggs l-arge extra-, 28 ; large stand ards 36; medium axtraa, 26; medium standards 24. Cheese Triplets.' 13 Mi; loaf. 14. Portland l.iveatork PORTLAND, Aug. 23. (AP) (US Dept. Agr.j Hogs : Receipts 400 ; mar ket active fully steady; good-choice 165 215 lb. drireins mostly U.Oo; odd besd ap .iu; carload Jots quotable to V.25 225-60 lb. butchers mostly 8.50; few iigot tiguts .i-7S; packing sows 6.75 7.00; choice light feeder pigs salable aronad 8.00-50. Cattle: fieceipts 100; calves 25; de mand narrow.' scattered aalea steady- weak, with .Monday 'a general 25 decline; some sales steers 50 lower for two days: few common steers 5.00-6.00; - medium 6.50-7.50; strictly good grass steers sal able np 8.25 or above ; few stackers 5 25-6.00; eommon-mediam heifers 4.75 6.25; low cutter and cutter cows 3.00 50; common medram 3.75-4.50; few good beef 5. 0O-6O ; balls mostly 5.25; cotters down 4.50; veslers weak; choice mostly s so. ; - .--.'-. - Sheep: Receipts 300; market extreme ly alow; scattered sales with Monday s lowr time; good 80-100 lb. tracked in spring lambs - 6.00-25 ;, common-medium 5.00-75;. few yearlings 4.2 j; good slaugh ter awes 2.75-3.00. . ... Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 23, (AP) Live poultry Baying prices Leghora broilers. 1 to l lbs.. 16c lb.; .Hi iba 15c la. ; colored springs 3 to SH lbs.,- 18 19a lb.; over 9H lbs.. 1S-13 lb.; Leghorn bona aver 3 .. lbs- 14c lb.; under lbs.. 13a lb.; colored bans to 5 lbs. 18 lb. ; orer 3 lbs 18c lb.; Ko. 3 grade Se lb. leas. . Country Meats Selling price" to re tailers : Country killed hoga, best batch or under 160 lbs, 11 11 He tb.; -osiers 13 13 He lb.; light and thin 8 12e lb.; heavy 3-lOe lb; bulla 10c lb.; cannsr cows 7e; cotter eowe- 7-8e lb. ; spring lambs 13 13a lb.; old lambs 7 Se lb.; awee 4 7s lb. , Turkeys Selling price dressed aaw crop hens 28 2e; toms 28 23c lb. buy ing price; new bens and tons 26a lb., old bens 20c; torn 17-18e lb. Potatoes Tskima Gams, 31.30-1.50; Rose, 31.13 L.-: 100 - Ik. bag; local 31 80-1.35 par 100 lb. bag; Deschutes eld. $1.40-cental. Onion California White Globe $1.65; Oregon $2.00; Walla Walla 65c; Tskima 75e per SO lb. bag. Bay, SelHng Price to Re tail era Alfal fa No. 1. $16 ton: oat. vetch. $14 toa; clover $10-11.50 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon ( ); do vslley $15 ton. Port land. - Wool Willamette valley nominal me dium. 23a lb.: coarse and braids, 23a lb.. Ismbs and fall, 20e lb.; eastern Oregon. 16 H 26 lb Hops Nominal; 1837, S-lOHe; 1938, 18-1 8 He.. Caacsra Bsrk 1938 peel Se lb. Mohair Nominal: 1938. 82e lb.: 6 mo., 30a lb. Domestic Flour Selling price, city de livery. 1 to 25 bbl. lots: Family patenta, 49. 35.65-6.25; bakers' bard wheat, net $4.10-0.35; bakers hluestera, $4.10-4.45; blended bard wheat $4.25-4.65; soft wheat Hoar. $4.00-4.10; graham, 49s," $4.75; whole wheat. 49s, $5 35 bbL Sugar Berry or fruit, 100s, $4.90; bales $5.10; best $4.80 cental. Portland Grain Portland, Aug. 23 1 Open Sept. 1-59 Dee. . -62 H (AP) Wheat: High - Low Close 69 59 ' 69 62 H 62 H 62 H Cash Grain: Oata No, 2, 38-lb. whita 23.50; No. 2. 38-lb. gray 23.50. Barley Se. 2, 45-lb. BW 19.00. Corn So. 2, EY shipment 7.2 5. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 61: west ern white 61; western red 57. Hard red winter ordinary 57; 11 per cent 58; 12 per cent 62; 13 per cent 66; 14 per cent 69. Hard white-Baart ordinary 61: 11 per cent ;-12 .per cent 63; 13 per cent 66; 14 per cent 08. Car receipts: Wheat 80; .barley 1; flour 7; corn 1; oata Z; bay 1; mill feed 2. ' Wool in Boston . - BOSTON, Aug. , 23 (AP) (USDA) A few buyers were showing interest in good French combing lengths fine ter ritory wools ia original bags today. Mast bids on tbis type-of wool were around 62 cents, scoured basis. Small lots were offered occasionally, at this price bos sixsble lots were held mostly, at around 65 cents, .scoured baais, - or steady com pared ' with last week. Country, packed and 4 blood bright fleece wools were being - offered - from the middle- west in far amounts at 80, cents in . the grease, delivered east, but buyers were offering mostly only 28 to 29 cents.' . StocJs & Bonds . , - August 23 - : '. ' STOCK AVRAGSa' " Compiled By The Associated Press 80 15 15 60 Indus Rails Dtil Stocks Tuesday 72.7 - 20.3 -33.6. 49.6 Previous ' day 71.2 19.6 83.0 48.5 Month ago . 73.8 20.6 34.9 50.3 Tear ago 96.0 37.6 41.8 67.6 1938 high 74.0 21.6 85.1 50.8 138 low 48.2 HA 34.9 33.T 1937 higb .101.6 49.5 54.0 . 75.3 1937 low S7.7 19.0 31.6 A1.7 Wheat Market Thin, Nervous Light Buying Interest Is Laid to Failure ' to Understand Subsidy CHICAGO. Aug. 23 - (JP) - Re stricted buying interest and light hedge selling resulted in a thin, nervous wheat market today; with prices bobbing up and down in a range of 1 H cents and wind ing up at only slight net gains. " Lack of clarification of the gov ernment export subsidy plan was blamed by some traders for dimin- Am Tob B . . . Anr Wat Wks. Anaconda .... Armour 111 ... Atchison . . . . . Barnsdall Bait cVj Ohio '. . Bendlx Avia . . . Beth Steel ... Boeing Airp . . , t3rkTcWflrnop ishd bpying power. Only light I udd Mfs: CaUf Pack Calumet Hec . . Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Aug. 23-tiP)-Today'a closing quotations: 'It Al Chem a. Dye. 181 Allied Stores ..11 Am Can ......102 Am Pow & Lt. . Am Rad Std San 16 Am Roll Mills. . .20 Am Smelt & Rf. 49 Am Tel & Tel. .145 88 Canadian Pac Case ( JI ... Cat Tractor . . Celanese . . . . Certain-Teed Ches & Ohio . Chrysler hedging pressure in proportion to heavy receipts at Minneapolis and Duiuth as evidenced. This was believed due to the fact that much new wheat is. going; into storage in preparation for', acceptance of government loans.; Activity Is Light ' Activity on either side of the " " uuiucu, 11151UUIC, v-vjomi ssoiv . -. . i and , during' thefirst' two hours Comwlth dc Sou trading was the dullest In weeks. There was a . short-lived rally at, noon partly ' in sympathy with strength in securities that pushed quotations 'up ' more than a cent ' from early lows but the gains could not be held. - , . .' I .Wheat, closed. unchanged to Consol Edison Consol Oil . . Corn Products Curtiss Wright DuPont de N. . Doug. Aircraft . El Pow & Lt... Erie RR ...... General Electric 10 General Foods . 35 General Motors. 5 Goodyear Tire . 38 Gt Nor Ry-Pf . . 18 Hudson Motors. 8 Illinois Central. 23 Lnsp Copper ... 60 In t Harvest 26 Int Nick Can 34 Int Pap P Pf. ' 5 Int Tel Tel . 50 Johns Mannville 8 Kennecott .'. . . 6 Lib-O-Ford ' ; . . 92 Llgg Myers B . . 50, Loew's 25' Monty Ward 10 . Nash-Kelv . Natl Biscuit . . Natl Cash , .". . . Lt. 27 Natl Pow dc . 9 Nor Pacific . 6 Packard Motor . 5 Penney (JC) .. .133 Phillips Pet ... . 49 Pressed StI Car. .10 Pullman . "2 Safeway Stores. 42 Sears Roebuck . 36 Shell Union ... 49 Sou Cal Edison. 29 Sou Pacific .... 22 Stand Brands . 9 Stand Oil Calif. 12?tand Oil NJ .. 15 Studebaker .... 59 Sup Oil ....... 50 Timk Roll Bear. -42 Trans-America '. ' 8 Union Carbide . 97 United Aircraft. 41 United Airlines. 51 US, Rubber 99 US Steel . ..... 4 8 . Walworth : . . 48 Western Union. 10 White Motor 31: i '75 U '-:1 6' 12 5 8414 40 8 3J 19 73 16 22 19 - 7 31 1 55 8- 3 51 10 84 27 9 46 59 9 23 14 45 25 1 Woolwortb. . . 28- (New York Curb) "atl Dairy. Prod -14 ..-.Cities Service V: .8 Natl 'Diet . . . . .' 24 Elec Bond Sh ' 7 higher compared with yesterday's ;,corn . off to up, Sept. finish. Sept. 63-, Dec. 65 52, Dec. 49-49; oats - J higher; Tye -- up; lard 8 to : 10 lower. Bros. Monday and others will be gin this week. . " The Colvin and - Harradon bean patches the two largest patches , near Aurora, are delivering to the cannery daily from three 1 to six tons of beans. A number of the smaller patches are short 'of pick ers. -. BOND A VX RAGES Tuesday Previous day Month ago Tear ago 1938 high 1938 low 1937 high 1937 low 30 Raila 89.3 58.9 62.0 90.8 70.5 46.3 99.0 70.3 10 fadna 99.5 . 99.6. .98.6 103.0 i00.3 93.0 104.4 95.5 10 Dtn 93.S 93.2, 93.8 37.9 94.3 85. 8 102.8 90.8 ie Forgo 63.0 62.9 62.9 70.8 67.0 61.3 74.7 64.2 , Spokane Woman Visits BETHANY Mrs. Louise Wat son of Spokane, Wash., has ar rvied here to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Harding. Aurora, Marquam Opens Townsenl Meeting Is Set at Aumsville or open- Septem- AUMSVILLE The Townsend MARQUAM Hop picking was club will hold the next regular begun in a number of yard here j meeting Thursday night at the Monday, - including- Gregerson's. v,i '---, -.- .ft.. i -. - - - - - - - - . V - I 1 . 1 II. 1 ...J UV1UK r cum iiiciei j iccuuuiuuueu by a WPA project this summer. Goschie's, the W. Nlckolson and Otto Schlottman yards. Conrad" Willig will begin in the middle of this week. Eighty-five pickers completed Roy Morley early hops during the past week. The crew is now at work in the DeLangh yard. AURORA Bean and hop pick ing are in progress in and around Aurora.. The P. O. Ottaway hop yard started Friday, Anderson The building has been, enlarged with an entire ; new floor with many additions in the .way of equipment, for use as a civic cen ter. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson and small daughter of New York were weekend guests at the home of her uncle, Bland Spear. , Mr. Anderson has been teaching in New York for past nine years and will return to New York fjc ing of school. ' r School wlir open here ber 12 under the new principal, T. P. Orto, who comes here from Rickreall. ' Claude Boone has charge of the' sale of the high school textbooks. ' . StereQptican pictures .will be shown at the Wesleyan Methodist church Thursday at .7:30 p. m. The public is invited. Tryphena Rebekah Lo1ge To Open Fall Activities SILVERTON Tryphena Re bekah lodge will, hold, its regular meeting Thursday night of tbis week. All- members are urged to attend. Meetings, during the sum mer months have been 'poorly at tended, and it is hoped, officers report, that - with this week's meeting, the opening one' of the autumn term, attendance will be greatly increased. Mrs. Harry Dressier III .' QUINARY Mrs' Harry Bress ler ia at the Deaconess hospital recovering" from a -major opera tion. ; - V" POLLY AND HER PALS They'll Find It in the Mountains! By CLIFF STERRETT y -T ( "THAT WAS BJORE VOU PEOPLE LOOKlNf I BUT I TWNKTH" SrJ TAKE A COT- WAL,VUH ) THIS BUCW--V PER A COTTAGE ? ?iV SSv? WIND MUSTA BLEW ) TASE ATADERN 11 UKED IT - O THIS IT? J , TM A REAL ESTATE JfcW cSrr rfADERN SIGHT S STA4 i- E lH MK-KEY MOUSE Just aa Busy-Body ! By WALT DISNEY IX I DECLARE r DON'T KNOW L WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU, PIPER! NO OTHER PLUMBER GIVES-ME ' TROUBLE! . i T-ei ."-II w a kf LI dlir'V SOU KNOW YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE A PEPMIT POR P" THESE okay, mr. Dibble n OKAY YOU SEE HOW HE IS? JUST .IKES TO make: ' , S )( WELL 1 f WELL, SEE THAT )( t l ll I I I Twu tdc. I WtNC . 1 X-rvr-T I J 1 1 I I KrBfs.r-r I s prnoc t r-OMr - r aijf iv . . . - r- -A7 & i WNUViiuiN5ri ; fl- L ABSOLLTTELY. - ' S ' . i , ' -' LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY - Napoleon on Three Legs By BRANDON WALSH OJME,Tanri-IER-.W4 HOP abca&o, AAiSTER WOULD VOU &IVEAE A - AM1 I'LL HAVH VOCI LIFT IKITO TOWN ? ar- THERE sVl NO J I rWETO r- rZrX - T V a TIME r- DOUT BE SCARED, MAPOLEON-BALOy SEZ THE HOT VATEH WILL BE GOOD FOR YOUR POOR SORC LEG-- IXL BET rrwcr5T hurt you SOMETHM AWFUL he's oust an ornery old mule.Pl: es eL av-r uiti nyrr a ' L-j. ow I I kgm r-iiv wirs. THE EXPEMSE -THE BEST t'l faFd 1SKTT AMY TOO GOOD FOR J iX JJ 1 !. I- I I this here poor, Suffering aniaaau will. ; 1 r4 I -UWU -W-C. ee-ertC. CHrs. jijn,. is SJTT M I r I ve- r I I I "I I SFS -a, a ana- as Bajan K latSl ' -w I - . ax. ' aTl 1 I r as-ga-.' ill 4 i i bJsj i jw mw'w m ijuuiv-s. 1 jv. i . i TOOTS AND CASPER Banking: on the Future By JLM3IY .MURPHY AH44-SOPH1E IS ,Oltsl6 MARKETIN-r AND SHE AIN'T WEARtN-r HER " DIAMOND RIN-7! HERE IT IS I IN HER JEWEL1- t I CASE I'VE I arOTTA WORK FAST! 1. L THIS RlN-r 3 BOUGHT FROM VOU A LONGTIME A0 WILL VOU LOAN ME 51000.22 ON IT Ccpf !V8. Kin Feirre 5 vrxSc-f c. IV , WorM rrrr ee-rrwf (f SURE. COLONEL HOOPER, BUT I'LL HAVE TO KEERrTHE RlN-r ASSECURITV -UNTIL YOU RETURN THE MONET J si 111 NO,ILLSI-rN A NOTE, OR ANV c THIN, BUT I MUST HAVE THE RIN-v SO MY WIFE WONT KNOW I'VE PAWNED IT OKAY. SHaN HERE, BUT UNDERSTAND THAT IF THE NOTE'S NOT PAID IKI 1? rAVi VJFI I. TAKE Tun eiki.i " MISTER, IN 1R DAYS A PALTRY $100O.; WLLR& ICHlCKfcrM TO ME . VL, THDIBLE THEATRE -Starring Popeye The Enemy Surrenders! BY SEGAR KING fAfWI WANTS TO SPEAK VWNESWEE5 PEA ) " . ' 1 V&SKl JaS k. ,