The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1938, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. , Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 24, 1938
Flax Subsidy
Held Possible
McNary Discusses Outlook
in Talk at Mt. Angel
Men's Gathering
JIT. ANGEL The regular
meeting of ML Angel Business
Men's club was held at the school-
house Aneust 22 at noon. Dr.
Schlerbaum presided.
Ticket sellers for the next meet
lnr are O. L. Withers and Jake
It was suggested and approved
that 4he business men's club and
the Flaxarians give a reception
banquet to Rev. Fr. Alciun on
his return from -Europe, which
will be September 5. It was de
cided that the flax queen and
her royal court and escorts should
also be present 'at this reception.
Ed Unger was appointed as
chairman - of the reception com
- Joe Keber reported that the
flax committee would make its
final report at the next meeting.
Short reports on the Flax Fes-
tivalwere made by Everett War
ner. machinist at the flax plant.
-and T. Andres.
E. B. Stolle reported that the
victorious Foresters were to at
tend the softball tournament In
Salem Tuesday night.
To Attend Fiesta .
On August. 25 the Mt. Angel
band and the Flaxarians will at
tend the Hop Fiesta at Indepen
The honorary guest at the bus!
ness men's meeting. Senator
Charles L. McNary, was Informed
of his election as honorary mem
ber of the Flaxarians.
Dr. Ebner reported on the Pud
ding riTer drainage project.
Senator McNary gave a brief
but interesting talk. He spoke
about flax legislation and about
the appropriation of $25,000 for
the furtherance and progress of
the flax industry in Oregon; also
that there would be a subsidy
this year and-next on flax but
that application should be made
by a local group.
Forty different entries took
part In the Mt. Angel Flax Festi
val parade, reported Frank Hett
wer. Old-Timer Picnic
Cloverdale Event
Fifth Annual Outing Has
Record Crowd of 160;
Kunke President
CLOVERDALE The fifth old
timers picnic was held Sunday.
A record crowd attended. A noon
dinner was served, to about 160
people. In the afternoon the busi
ness meeting was called to order
by President Fred P. Schlfferer.
General discussion of early set
tlers and events' was enjoyed. It
"was brought out that Arthur
Kunke was the original manager
of the "Greydlggers," ball team
organized in 1907.
Mrs. Alice Winner and Mrs. C.
Y. Booth gaTe a written report
that Is to be kept for reference,
telling historical facts of this com
munity and Turner.
Name Kunke President
The following officers were
elected for next year: President,
Arthur Kunke; vice president,
Mary Schlfferer; serretary-treas-urer,
Mrs. Louis Ilennies.
F. A. Woods, Maize Garner,
Ethelbert Miller and Frank Del
xel were names added to the
Memorial list,
Karl Wipper. Gertrude Ilennies
and John Schifferer were named
as the 1939 program committee,
A program consisting of the lo
cal quartet, Clarence Rosenau.
Karl Wipper. Oscar Fliflet and
Arthur Kunke, recitations by
Shirley Ilennies. Carl Schifferer
and Edith Schifferer, a solo by
Betty Jane Ilennies and numbers
rendered by the -Ivan Uadley or
chestra followed.
Recovers From Ailment
UNIONVALE Lloyd Gayler.
who was stricken with what was
pronounced ptomaine poison the
later part of the week, was taken
to a hospital and has recovered
sufficiently to be able to return
to work. '
Minister Home After Eye Operation
Seated at his typewriter, a which he has not I undertaken for
many years, the Rev. U. E. Harding, 43, Portland, Ore., minister
recently left the hospital where he. underwent a delicate eye oper
ation. Mrs. Margaret Ca rr, 80, of Berkeley, Calf agreed on her
dcMtlibed that one of her eyes should be removed immediately aft
er demise or the benefit of the minister, who had lost his sight.
The woman died several weeks ago and. the operation was per
formed in San Francisco. When the bandages were removed from
the minister's eye he eould readily recognize colors and : objects.
After a few more treatments the bandages will be removed from
his eye permanently. Rev. Harding la shown with his wife.
Four Arrested
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Arrested on warrants charging false
that children j supposed to have won "talent hunts," did not obtain the roles after their arrival in
Hollywood. The raid was made while some 40 children were on the premises studying dancing and
direction. The four arrested were Myrtle Overdorff, I. C. Overdorff, Ed Rose and W. A. Garrabrandt.
Photo shows I. O. Overdorff (left), asserted president of National Talent Pictures Inc.; Loretta Gea
ry, secretary, who was not held, and Ed Rose, asserted to be vice-president of the company. (ON).
Girod Family Has
Reunion at Green
- i x " ' "
Several Members Notable;
Mrs. II da Girod Has
ELDRIEDGE j Members of
the Girod family held their 5th
annual reunion Sunday at Hazel
Green park. Mrs. Ida Girod, 74,
of Qulnaby recently a great
grandmother, was the , honor
guest. The youngest member pres
ent was Allan Girod, two-
months-old son of Mr. end Mrs.
Lloyd Girod of Fruitland.
Two families! from Portland
were unable to attend. Letters
were ready from members of the
family living in Canada and San
Francisco. Dr. I Edgar Bruno,
Quebec, is recovering from a ser
ious illness. Sydney Bruno was re
cently appointed to sit in the su
preme court of Quebec.
Since the last reunion the
death of Ernes Girod of Paris,
head of the European branch of
the American Linotype company,
leaves Arthur Glrod of Salem the
only surviving brother.
Julllus Girod, S head of all city
parks in San Francisco, will have
charging of planning and planting
of man-made ' Treasure . Island,
site of the world's fa I for 1939.
The meeting next year will be
at Hazel Green; park the third
Sunday in July, j
The following were present
Sunday. .
- Kenneth. Runner and family,
Anna Girod, Bill Girod, Lloyd Gi
rod and family, all of Fruitland;
Esther Girod, Astoria; Ida Girod,
Ralph Girod, Henry Girod and
family, all of Quinaby; Albert Gi
rod and family, (Waconda; Law
ton Girod. Arthur Girod and fam-.
ily of Salem. j
Store Is Bought
By LcRoy Moore
"White1 Elephant" to Be
"Trading Post" new
Proprietor Says
has purchased the White Elephant
shop on South Water tree t from
John J. Wlens 'of Salem. The new
owner will rename the shop, call
ing it "The Trading Post." Moore
, : i S ' : i
. J ' .. t
in Los Angeles 'Talent Studio Raid
advertising and petty theft, four
has been employed at the H. L.
Stiff store.
Miss Stella Dybevik, secretary
to the superintendent of Silverton
schools, has returned from her
two weeks vacation. Part of the
time was spent at the coast in
company with Miss Mildred and
Ardell Scott, and the remainder
of the time at Eugene as a house
guest of the S. T. Rouse family.
Mrs. Sophia Moo res is spending
a week at Portland as a guest of
her son. Dale, and daughter, Ella.
Miss Marge Brokke and Miss
Jeanette Scymanske of Portland
are spending their vacation with
their parents,' H. E. Brokke and
the P. P. Scymanskes.
Miss Ruth Noyes of Linn ton
has come to Silverton to make
an extended visit with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Goode-Gould Clan
Has 8th Reunion
47 Enjoy Reminiscences;
Ashland Park Chosen
for 1939 Meeting
AUMSVILLE The eighth an
nual picnic of the Goode-Gould
clan was held at Anlauf park. A
lunch was served at the noon
hour. Much visiting and a general
good time filled the afternoon.
Lithia park, Ashland, was
chosen for the 1939 gathering.
. A business meeting , was called
which resulted in the election of
Mrs. Anna Gould Burkett, honor
ary president; Mrs. Eva Young,
president; George Orey. vice-president;
Edwin Jory, sergeant-at-arms;
Mrs. W. E. Goode, hosted;
Mrs. Lula West, historian; Mrs.
Mary Fuson, secretary. :
47 in Attendance ,
Those attending were: Dr. and
Mrs. John E. Long and son Jack,
Mrs. Bertha Kandy, Mrs. Marie
Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth
Goode, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orey,
Mrs. Effie Pitman and two chil
dren, Miss Ruth Sylvester, Mrs.
Gilley Gould Sylvester, Mrs. Lottie
Barnes, Mrs. Hattie West, Mrs.
Louella West, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
King, Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Jory,
George Orey, M. F. Smalley, Mr.
and Mrs. W.?M. Goode and grand
son Jimmie C. Goode, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Orey, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Remington, Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis Burkett, Mrs. Mabel Russell,
Mr. and Mrs. Whitlon Swafford,
Miss Mabel Ann Russell, Mrs. Lee
Crahane, Barbara ?Lee Crahane,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burkett, Miss
Naomi Burkett, George Ring, An
lauf of Anlauf Park, Mrs. W. H.
Fuson, Desmond H. Fuson, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Burkett and Mra.
Mary Fuson. .
Calif ornians at Prospal, j
Masser Homes in Shaw
SHAW Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pros
pal and children of Martinez,
Calif., are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prospal.
; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith ' and
daughter pf Martinez, Calif.,' vis
ited over the weekend at the home
of Frank Masser They are en
route to Idaho to visit Mrs Smith's
father who is very ill
t Ivan Putnam who underwent
an operation at the Deaconess
hospital in Salem Is getting along
nicely ,
Advanced 4H Onb Has j
Meeting, Whitehead's
" TURNER The advanced 4H
club of Marion county was
scheduled to meet at the taber
nacle grounds Wednesday night
but owing to weather conditions
the 35 members and friends were
entertained at the home of the
president. Miss LaVerna White
head, and spent a very pleasant
evening. Mrs. Carmalite Weddle
and " Wayne D. Harding , were
special guests.
Mrs. E. J. Becker Better,
W. R. Palmer Recovering
. ELDRIEDGE Mrs. E. J. Beck
er is recovering from a recent ill
ness. - .-
W. R.. Palmer who suffered a
heart attack last week will remain
in bed for at least a month.
managers of a Ixw Angeles film
Bean Harvest on
At McGilchrist's
Crop Kentucky Wonders
Declared Best Seen in
State This Year
ELDRIEDGE Bean harvest
is in full swing at the W. E. Mc
Gllchrist farm where Robert J.
Ashbury is in charge. According
to a canneryman from Woodburn,
it is the finest crop he has seen
"between Canada and California."
This is something to "crow
about," natives here believe, since
crops have been only fair in most
sections this year.
This 3-acre tract of Kentucky
Wonder beans is grown on bottom
soil and has been under irriga
tion. Mr. Arbury expects to con
tinue picking until frost.
Kansans May Stay
ELDRIEDGE Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Eppers have as their house
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rar
ick, Arthur, jr., and Geneva of
Moline, Kansas. The Raricks
plan to make their home here.
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Birthday of John
Schmidt Observed
Miss Merle Dimick Takes
School Matron Duty
HUBBARD John Schmidt was
honored at -as birthday . dinner
Thursday evening. A pleasant
social evening was enjoyed and
dinner was served to Mr, and
Mrs. Arnold Brandt, Mr. and
Mrs. John Brandt of Can by, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt. X
A seven-pound girl was born
to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Oswalt
Tuesday, Aug. ;'ie. The parents
named the baby Joan Mlgnon,
Miss Merle Dimick is substi
tuting for the matron of the in
dustrial school while the matron
is on vacation. ,
Mrs. Elfried Erickson Is visit
ing relatives and friends at her
old home in Beach, North Da
kota. "
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. White had
as guests Mrs. Earl Gessness and
two children, of Boston, Mass.,
and Mrs. Samuel Zook, Mrs. Wal
ter McQueen and two children
of Portland. f
Miss Marlon Griffith, a form
er teacher in the Hubbard high
school was a house guest of
Mrs. Elizabeth Grim. Miss Grif
fith is teaching at Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Alnsworth
are having as guests Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Cochran of Porter-
vllle, Calif.
Earl Looney, who operates the
Zoo Auto park, added an albino
skunk to the list of his wild
House Destroyed
In Rosedale Fire
Most of Contents Saved;
Trachsels Sail for
Post in China
ROSEDALE The large frame
house on the old Campbell place
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Merri-
fleld, and owned by his siter,
was completelyl destroyed by fire
Friday. Most of the contents
were - saved. The origin of the
fire in unknown but probably
was irom sparks on the roof.
There was no Insurance. Mr.
Merrifield has moved his goods
back to a place near Silver Creek
Miss Shirley Blackman is con
valescing from an operation for
appendicitis at a local hospital.
Miss Esther Cammack and her
mother returned Sunday night
from a trip into Washington and
British Columbia. They took Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Trachsel and
email daughter to their boat at
Vancouver, B.C., from which
place they sailed Saturday for
Tientsin, China. Enroute they
visited and had , farewell meetings-at
Discovery -ay near Port
Towttsend, Tacoma, Seattle, Gran
ite Falls and Bellingham. 'Mrs.
Edward Trachsel of Portland al
so accompanied them.
New Orleans Mayor Weds Aide
4' f
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Mayor Maestri and bride - ' -
Hitherto considered a confirmed bachelor, Mayor Robert S. Maestri,
48, of New Orleans, surprised his friends and associates by suddenly
marrying his favorite secretary, the former Hilda Bertoniere. 33. ' -
More Than 100 Former Students Are
Back for Santiam Academy Reunion;
History of School Will Be Compiled
LEBANON The annual reunion of former students of
Santiam academy on the high
tended by more than 100 from
.following the invocation
George Simons, the students
picnic dinner supervised by Albert Wilson and J. M. Burten
shaw. A happy feature of the aft-O
er-dinner program consisted ofiwas present on Sunday, his 95th
reminiscences of bygone days giv
en by former students who spent
well-remembered years In the old
academy building, now but a
memory but born anew in a
streamlined girl scout bust on
Queen Anne campus.
The Lebanon high school band
directed by Wayne Gifrey provid
ed music which was much appre
ciated as was a solo sung by Dean
The principal address of the
day was by W. H. Ross of Port
land who gave an Illuminating
comparison between "then and
now" with able discussion of
present day conditions.
An- interesting diversion was
the greeting to Joe Shank of Leb
anon who assisted In building the
old academy when a boy and who
later attended as a student and
. x
i v S
-X 4 A
ik7" LA'
school campus Sunday was at
many parts of the state.
and welcome address by Elder
of other days assembled at a
birthday, which was noted by a
decorated cake divided among his
.Ross Is President
At -the election of -officers
George Ross of Lebanon was
elected president, Mrs. Anna
Steen Pratt vice - president and
Mrs. Maude Kirkpatrlck, secre
tary. At the suggestion of Don Swan,
Judge George McKnight of east
ern Oregon was appointed chair
man of a committee to gather his
torical data of the old academy to
be arranged in book form and pre
sented to the alumni for inspec
tion and approval.
Among leading Lebanon people
who were former students of the
academy are Albert Wilson, Hel
en Messinger, J. M. Burtenshaw,
George Randle, Maude Kirkpat-
Mm lit Nedi "Good work! Yon caught it in time!
Friend Indeed t Cld you came in - checking tires to make them
last longer i one of our specialties. Just moment and I'll inspect
your battery and check your oiL too just to be on the safe side:
"f or Your Convenience Everywhere Spotlessly clean rest rooms1
completely equipped even the soap is specially selected to whisk
away road grit and leave the hands soft and smooth. Hourly inspected
nd kept sanitary. A Standard "plus" service your whole family will,'
pppreciate. ".'
i n iu a i . . . !
I Ttl, II BM1I JSi
!l(t1f' '"MHffnnrmMfit1
GOson Still Head
Of Sunday School
Begins 15th Straight War
a9 Superintendent of
Methodist Group
LEBANON- At the annual
meeting of the Methodist Sunday
school board at the church Mon
day night Lloyd Gilson was elect
ed superintendent for the 15th
successive year; assistant superin
tendent, Dorothy Schiltz; secre
tary. Bertha Reeves; superintend
ent of beginners' department, Vio
let Gilson; assistant, Lorene Chil
cote; treasurer, Lenore Soule: li
brarian, Margaret Bealer, assist
ant, Pattie Reeves; pianist, Marie
The session was preceded by a
covered dish dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Mayer
and daughter Joella were in Sa
lem Saturday night to attend the
Looney - Johnson wedding at
Knight Memorial church.
The Harry Howe family attend
ed the reunion of the Cooley fami
lies at Olinger park Sunday. Har
ry, who Is walking about after a
long illness, is spending a week
at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Walter Kirk, of Agate Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gilson left
Tuesday for a vacation at the
beaches. '
At Dallas Meeting
Alice and Lois Glnther, Mrs.
Violet Gilson and two sons, Irene
Jebner, Marie Hunt, Rev. Spence
and daughter Wilma represented
the local . Epworth league Satur
day at a district meeting at Dal
las park.
Howard James of Sweet Home
is reported- very ill following an
operation Wednesday at the Leb-"
anon hospital.
Clark Hopkins and wife of
South Dakota arrived Sunday eve
ning to visit his mother, Mrs.
C. C. Whitcher, and his sister,
Maurine Hopkins, and joined
i them on a trip to the coast Mon
I dav.
Unionvale Store e
Sold by Lunde
UNIONVALE -A deal has beenr
made whereby M. M. Lunde, who
has owned and operated the'
Grand Island Junction store on
the main Dayton-Salem highway
seven miles south of Dayton, sold
to Louis Magee of Scotts Mill.
Possession was taken Tuesday,
August 23.
Mr. Lunde has no announce
ments to make at this time, more
than that be expects to go into
business elsewhere. The new own-,
er's family consists of Mr. and
Mrs. Magee. a ' son, Robert, a
sophomore- high school student;
a daughter, Jean, a seventh grade
rick, J. M.- Donaca, Judge D. B.
McKnight, Frank Steen and Mrs.
A. S. Pratt. Many state officials
and business men - received early
training in this building erected in
1854 and razed in 1936.