The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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    A(ic nvo
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon", Sunday Morning, August 21, 1933
At Salem TEeates This Week
Elsinore Has
'Crowd Roars9
Robert Taylor Plays Role
of Prizefighter in
Action Drama
Robert Taylor play his flnt
pritefight role In "The Crowd
It oar a story of the modern prise
ring, open Inj today at the Elsi-
nore theatre.
Maureen O'Sulllvan, who played
opposite the star in; "A Tank at
Oxford, is once again east as
Taylor's heroine and an excep
tional cast includes Edward Ar
nold as a racketeer, Frank Mor
gan as Taylor's father, an ex
vaudeville ham," William Gar
can. Lionel Stander and Jane Wf
Based on a story by George
Bruce, the picture rereads behind-the-ccene
activities of the boxing
game, with Taylor as a pawn in
the shady manipulations ot a
gambling syndicate.
Three Smashing bouts in the
Mcolorful setting of Madison
Square garden climax the eventful
career ot the young fighter, who
finds a battle with racketeers
more serious than his challenge
for the title.
March of Time Added-
As an extra added attraction on
the Elsinore weekend bill is the
latest edition of the popular news
filmlzatlon, "The March of Time,'
which figures in this reel "The
Man at the Wheel." a graphic
pictorial study of present day
traffic problems. -This
is one of the most rltld
photo-discussions of this ever
present menace ' of poor . drivers
that has ever been filmed and
many safety engineers heartily
endorse the current campaign of
safe driving which is depicted in
this subject.
Pump Installed,
Fill Mill Pond
Keeps MM Gty Plant in
' Operation; Kanoffs
: " Buys Flook Place
i -
HILL CITT On account of
shortage of water a pump is being
sed to pump water from the riv
er Into the mill pond o logs can
be! floated to enable the mill to
Mr. and Mrs. John Flook have
sold their Mill City residence to
Mr. Howard Kanoft and will move
to Woodburn to reside, r
Mr. and Mrs.? Rollie Lewis of
Vancouver. Wash., spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Porter. The Lewis
family moved from MU1 City
about 20 years ago.
After the regular meeting of
Santlam Rebekah lodge Wednes
day evenlag a luncheon was
served In honor of the birthdays
f Mr. Otto Witt, Mrs. G. Heath
and Mrs. George Schwab. Guests
were present from Lyons.
Mrs. Bradford and daughter of
Evrrett. Wash., are, visiting at
the home of Mr. Jsmes Dawes
who is recovering from a serious
.3 ' . .
I lager Building Station
Picket wiiiiam Hager- is
erecting, a service station at the
Junction ot the Turner and Ma
cleay road.
nrj2-ccca sz:jli v.ttii tiltcc
trilYEIED at Dt!r3 (
iodsi( ftdtrol tms
A big luxurious
"' - - -
In stylino ... priced to suif lho timss!
XUht now you can own and drive the
car that's "a year ahead in styling"
and actually save from $40 to $32 de
pending on the model you buy. Graham
has reduced prices anticipating lower
triers on materials. Begin today to en
joy the extra sire, the extra room, the
extra luxury of this big style-setting,
Graham I 120-inch wheelbase. Deep,
l"J Li A L A
'115 Center Street
Our ICth Year as Your Grahara Sales and Service for
r. .
.. V
Robert Taylor plays the part of a young prize fighter In the picture
"Tb CVowd Roars, showing at the Elsinore. With him are pic
tured here Lioael Stander and Frank Morgan.
V illiasa Powell and Myrna Loy agala cast together la the popular
flint MDoubl Wedding, showing
to toe uuarity or t&e play.
Hill, Headrick
To Put out Cats
Cherrian Officials Signed
for Hop Fiesta Event
' at Independence
- I,:'.:- J '
Tom HUP. head of, the S a 1 e m
Chervians, and Marvin Headrick,
member ot the council ot nobles.
are among the early entries In
the 'cat-putter-ouf , contest, one
ot the feature events of the mid
night matinee fun show of the
annual Hop Fiesta at Indepen
dence August 25 to, 28, inclusive.
Both capital city men claim to
be- proficient in the art of feline
ousting, and boast in gly state that
the championship now held by
Oscar Effenberger, Tillamook
manufacturer, will go to Salem
this year. j .
Mr. Headrick is known to thou
sands who attended the Taft Red
head Roundup this year, as "Eric
the Red." ruler over the 193S
titian festival under that title.
The Hop Fiesta cat-putter-out
contest has attained wide fame,
newspapers throughout the coun
try having carried stories of the
event each year. Contestants are
required to don night shirts, re-
" ';Wr!
ccr... a ycer choad
if If HI
' i , : . .
luxurious seats 57 inches wide. Big hy
draulic brakes. A rugged. aU-cteel body.
And a long line of saiety and engineer
Lag features that set it apart. Why wait?
See the "year-ahead" Grahams today.
Drive the Graham Supercharger the
only American car with a supercharged
engine. Again this year, it holds the
oCkial A-AJL Economy Championship!
in . n nr
j'lI Z-j JWL
Phone 6133
i :
r -z.
at the CapltoL Jessie Ralph adds
Clark Gable, Myrna Loy and Spen
cer Tracy who play in the thril
ling "Test Pilot, showing at
the State theatre. '
tire,' then arise, light a candle.
catch their cat, run 50 yards and
return to bed. Their candles must
remain lighted during the entire
race, or be relighted at the place
they go out before the contestant
may start running again.
Ted Hobart Recovering
From Accident . Injury
SILVERTON - Theodore Ho
bart. who was seriously injured
in an accident in early July, is
rapidly improving and is now able
to be Up a part of each day. Mr.
and Mrs. Hobart- and the two
children will leave next week for
the coast to spend several days.
-i," t-. ;M
Of course, you'd like to
own a big car. Everybody
would. Most big cars do
cost more to operate than
smallcara. But the Graham
Supercharger holds the
Official A.A.A. Economy
Championship 25. 77 miles
on a gallon. Get Graham's
templet economy story.
Salem, Ore.
Marion and Polk Counties
S -, - . . . . . - - i . u
Test Pilot' Is
State Of f e
Unsung Heroes of Aviation
I Provide. Story; Tracy
j and Gable Stars
The most modern of heroes,
airplane test pilots, are glorified
ta Mftro-Goldvn-Mayer's first ar
latlon picture -in more , than two
years, "Test Pilot.? which stars
Clark Gable, Myrna Loy and
Spencer Tracy, with, Lionel Bar-
rymore heading a major support
ing cast. It opens at the State
taeatre today.
1 ' The picture is based on an or
iginal story by Frank Wead, giv
ing an intimate insight into the
lives ot men who dare death.
Gable Plays Aviator .
i Clark Gable plays the title role
as a, . daring aviator, willing to
risk of life and -limb for a Job he
Myrna ' Lor .nlavs an nmmht
ticated farm girl who marries
the famous flyer and finds her
self combating the unseen lure
ot j me - say.
, l Spencer Tracy Cast "
I ; Soencer Tracr. as the heat ttia
chanie in the business, takes care
of Gable's plane and takes care
of Gable, a double duty that is
almost too much lor one man.
" Gabio anoears as a test nilot.
taking off for a record-breaking
attempt in a transcontinental
Farce at Capitol
"Double Wedding" Is Just
Right Type Story for
: Hilarious Couple
With William' Powell and Myr
na Loy back fa the farcial type
or roles which have made them
famous as the most amusing co-
starring team on the screen,
"Double Wedding" opens today
at the Capitol theatre with tha
advance reputation of being the
dlxxlest, dafflest and drollest
comedy hit to be shown in this
vicinity in some time.
; This Is the setup: Powell is
a penniless, happy-go-lucky ar
tist, maklngi his home in a trail
er and refusing to take life or
anything else seriously. Miss Loy
is Margit, owner of a fashionable
New York : dress shop. Florence
Rice Is her younger sister, with
suppreesed desires to be a movie
star. : John Beal Is Waldo, whom
Miss Loy has , chosen to marry
her sister.
Want Fascinating Artist
When Irene meets the fascin
ating artist she doesn't want to
marry Waldo any more. When
the artist meets Margit he doesn't
want to bother with Irene any
more. Poor Margit and Waldo
conspire to straighten things out
but before the uproarious climax
of the story is reached, every
thing is more complicated than
ever. It is all pure unadulterated
Oklahoma People
? Guests at Brooks
BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Brixey have been entertaining
Mr. Brixey'a brother and sisters
from Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Brixey and Ora Jane, Mrs.
Ollie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
Harver Dnnlan. .
They spent several days to-
getner at tne beach home -of the
Brixers at Cutler Citr. Hi broth
ers John and Walter and families
of MeMlnnvllla were also fh
This was the first time in 32
years that C. T. Brixer and Ma
brother Aaron had met.
Ml-s.: Lulu Maey has gone to
Portland where she will visit
daughters. Miss Ruth Maev. Mr
Mable Wlneland and Mrs. Marjory
spencer. -
Mrs. Irene Carle, who was
eraied on for appendicitis two
weeks ago is recovering satisfac
torily.; . ;
Today -"Rosalie," with Nel
son Eddy and Eleanor Pow
ell. Wednesday-i-Jamlly night,
two features, "Romance in
th Dark," with John Boles
ani Gladys Swarthout and
"Sttte Police with John
King and Constance Moore.
Friday "Outside Paradise"
with Phil Regai and Penny
Singleton, and Bob ' Steele
"Rldin tho Lone Trail."
Today Clark Gable. .Myrna
Loy and Spancer Tracy in.
"Test Pilot."
Friday Eastern vaudeville,
tour acts and on the screen
"Luck of Roaring Camp"
by Bret Harte.
Today "Alexander's Rag
time Band" by Irving Ber
lin, with Tyrone Power, Al
ice Faye, Don J Ameche,
Ja;k Haley.
Saturday Jane Withers In"
Todsy The Crowd Roars"
with Marveen O'SulUvan
plus latest "March of Time,",
Thursday- Harold Lloyd in
"Professor Beware" and
"Ccrae . on Leathernecks"
with Richard Cromwellv
CAPITOL , i v'
Today Three-unU bill, Wil
liam Powell and Myrna Loy
In "Double Wedding" plus
Mariene Dietrich in "Shang
hai Express" plus serial
"Lone Ranger." .. .
Wednesday "lOth Avenue
, Kid'-' with Bruce Cabot and
George O'Brien in 'Painte4
Desert." ...
The Call Board
Grenz Faniily Has
Annual Gathering
One Member 82 Years Old
Is Honor Guest kt
Reunion in Park "
JEFFERSON Members of the
Grenx family held its annual re
union Sunday in Santlam park,
acre a the river from 'Jefferson.
Mrs. Eva Grenx, who was 82
years old. last Tuesday, was the
honor guest.
Following the- plcnlo dinner.
the following program was - pre
sented: Selection by the band.
talk by Lee Grenx of Jefferson,
talk in German by Gottlieb Grenx
of Monmouth, band ' music, Ger
man song by Mrs. Gottlieb Grens
and children, band music,. talk by
u. w. sorter, . song . by Georgie
and Jackie Grenz, Jimmie and
Carol Ammon, Margery Grenx and
Bobby McGulre; German song by
Mr. and Mrs. -Gottlieb Grens. The
following committees were ap
pointed: Entertainment, Walter
Relntv Gladys Williams, Erma
Grenz, Francis Grenx, Either
Conner, and Carolyn Grenz. Re
freshments: Helen Johnston; Eva
Bordune, Jaunita Reinta, Kath
erine McGulre and . Rosemary
Rot rock. , notification; Rose
Hampton and violet Smith.
Present were Eva Stephens, Or-
Jene Gimet, Mrs. Ed Lischinger,
and Mrs. Bill Williams, Ed Sims,
Mr. and Mrs. John Schragg and
children of Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Hampton of . Valsetz,
Air. ana fiire. Gottlieb Grenz end
children of Monmouth, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Borlnne and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reints,
Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Wick and
children, Mabel and Merle Ran
dall of West Fir, Mr. and Mrs.
Hiram Hampton and irrandson
Merle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grenx
and children, Mrs. Eva Grenx- of
Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Con
ner and children of Dever, Mr.
ana Mrs. Lee Grens and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Iran Rothrock
of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
land McGulre and children of Al
bany, Mrs. Frank- Kizer and son
of Knox Butte, Orval Nye of Gold
Beach, Mr. end Mrs. Francis
Grenz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Frenz and family, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Grens and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Ammon and fam
ily, Ernest Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Porter and daughter. Sera
velhill, Henry Stupka and Dick
MeRae of Stayton, Clyde Barber
and Bill Clentuell of Turner.
Wisconsin Folk
View new Crops
ST. LOUIS Mr. and "Mrs. Ai
ex Mamlnr had as their auest
last weekend. Mrs. Charles Tur-
nn ana Nettle and Hazel of
Green Bay, Wis. Mrs. Turriff and
Mrs. Manning were former
schoolmates and attended grade
school together In Wisconsin be
fore Mss. Manning; with, her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Du
bois, came to Oregon 47 years
ago. Mrs. Turriff and' daughters
traveled br train and were on
a three weeks -vacation trip.
mu is the first time the Tur
riffs hare seen hoon. f aborts.
evergreens and other berries. 'In
Wisconsin the little hazel nuts
(that grow wild here) are called
filberts. The Oregon roses were
surPrislnr to them as in
state roses only bloom two weeks.
Mrs. Turriff and daughtera re
turned by war of Washington
and Canada. Hazel Turriff is
secretary for the Fort Howard
Paner comnur in CThlcaro an1
Nettie ' is employed in a beauty
salon in , Green Bay. They hope
to visit the west again in the
White . Building
Store, Silverton
building on West Main street on
the property belonging to the
late Edna Brown and Is erect
ing a small store. A gas station
will be in connection. A 40-foot,
open front will be used for dis
play of fresh fruits and vege
tables. It will be known as the
Silver , Creek Food store.
White formerly operated - the
Neighborhood Grocery on -South
Water street. '
The Brown house, still stand
ing on ,the property at . West
Main and Fisk ttreet is one. of
Silvertcn's oldest homes and has
been of historic interest . down
through the years.
w t i ill a m aw sjst esii a i
l TODAY ; ' ' , -J
if J ' m TheYankatOxford hi Cffffcfrfi(l
ffl V and his Girl Friend IyJCLzt
C' ' i ttory that shows III tS
J r; " T' y- I Taylor at his bestl t -p55
1 WTVyc irr-s : I Jl I ' AND SECOND SMASH HIT " '
f , mf0mr(ltP V? 0 Jrn KL j ContlntlOnS h , - Ertra Added Attraction -
raS ' Latest March of Time I ConUohedf Um
M 1 L1J I also cartoon - news 1 1 'frZzC' jvTJ1 ; LJ
Nudist Nymph
. XX
t .-s
Cavorting oa the beach p;
1 '
f. . -
Scoring an Immediate and outstanding success In
her first American film, Hedy Lamarr, exotic
Viennese beauty, promises to become the No. 1
glamor girl of Hollywood and threatens to displace
-Mariene Dietrich as leading screen siren. ' Hedy
first stained fame as the nudist nymph in the for-jeiga-made
film, "Ecstaxy", which was banned from
Harvest Festival
Planned at Lyons
Santiam Valley Grange's
Program Discussed at
Home Ec Session
LYONS The Home Economics
club of the Santlam valley
grange met at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Bassett Wednesday- after
noon. Plans were made for the
Harvest festival to ' be held Sep
tember -23 at the Rebekah hall.
r Those present for the after
noon were;-Mrs. Elmer Taylor,
Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mrs. . Mabel Pat
ton, Mrs. Roy Davidson, Mrs.
Arnold Syverson, Miss : Velma
Syversdn, Mrs. Jack Cornf orth.
and the hostess, Mrs. Floyd. Bas
sett. Mr a. W. E. Beviere was a
suesijfor the- afternoon Wi ;. ,
t The officers ot the Lyons
Methodist church met at the
home' of . Mr. and Mrs. George
Clipfell Tuesday night. Paul
Johnston was elected assistant
superintendent to take the place
of Russel Lewis who recently
went to Portland and the classes
will be divided according to age.
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott
from Sacramento and his moth
er, Mrs. Edwards ot Scio, visit
ed at the George Huffman and
Frank Kinsman h.mes. The fam
ilies -were neighbors in South
Breaks Ankle
Martha Brown of Stayton,
while on McCully Mountain look
ing after wod interests, fell and
broke her ankle.
Mrs. Alex Bodeker and daugh
ter, Constance and Mrs. Everett
Crabtre and daughter. Jo Ann,
made a trip to Corvallis Thurs
day. Miss Bodeker will enter
school at Oregon State college
this fall. -
. Mr. and Mrs. Don McClarey
from Wallace, Idaho, were Sun
day guests at the W. E. Beviere
and 'Floyd Bassett .home. Mr.
McClarey Is a nephew "of Mrs.
Beviere and a cousin of Mrs.
Bassett. They were enroute to
there homejn California. It had
been 19 years since tne iammes
Return From Midwest :
RRnSH CREEK Rachel and
Nettle Kloofensteih and Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Harl hare returned
from a five-weeks trip to the mid
west where they visited relatives
in Indiana. Illinois, Ohio and
many other states.
oi "EcstasyUNow
Hedy Laraarr
Grangers News
1) RICKEY, Mrs. M. M. Magee
and Mrs. W. H. Humphreys were
hostesses to members of the Ha
cleay grange Home Economics
club at the Magee home for the
August meeting when plans were
made for the annual grange fair
and baxaar to be held Septem
ber 24. Committees for the af
fair arpointed by the president
Mrs. H. E. Martin are lunch,
Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. I. H.
White, Miss Lettie Barker, Mrs.
J. F. C. Tekenburg, Mrs. Stella
Culver; program. Mrs. M. M.
Magee, Mrs. Clarence Johnson;
grab-bag, Mrs. J. L. Amort, Mrs.
W. H. Humphreys; concessions,
Lloyd Keen, Mrs. J. L. Amort,
Albert Mader; coffee, W. Welch;
general booth. Mrs. W. Welch,
Mrs. Nile Hi! born, Mrs. Edith
Wilson; candy booth, Jean Per
ry. Geraldine Keen, Mrs. Harry
Martin, jr., , Viola Tooker. Dur
ing the program hour Miss Ethel
Hickey gave a very interesting
talk on the homes and lives of
the Indians In New Mexico. After
the meeting luncheon was served
in the Magee garden. Visitors
present were Mrs. J. B. Ashby,
Mrs. J. C. SneiL Mrs. A. L. Bak
er, Mrs. Milton Kephart, Mrs.
Nile Hllburn. Mrs. Ethel Hlckey.
Miss MsrJorle Sell, Miss Mar
Jorie Ashby. Miss Margarite Ma
gee, Miss Haiel Magee. Members
present were Miss Lettie Mark
er, Mrs. I. F. C. Tekenburg,
Mrs. I...H. White. Mrs. Stella
Culver. Mrs. Lloyd " Keen. Mrs.
J. L. Amort. Mrs. Edith Wilson,
Mrs. Vern McCalllster, Mrs.. W.
Welch, Mrs. M. A. Wells. Mrs. I
H. E. Martin. Mrs. Humphreys
and Mrs. Magee.
Hop Picking to Start
This Week, Moe Yards
ing began Friday In the George
Elton yard. Early clusters are be
ing harvested.
Picking will begin the latter
part of next week in the John Moe
yards. The late hops will be ready
a week later. "
Return of Two
Toast ofFilmdom
the United States because of its daring- sequences,
She Is divorced from her wealthy Austrian tycoon
and has been in Hollywood only about a year, yet
Is the toast of the film colony. M-G-M has re
tained Josef Von Sternberg, the man who built up
Dietrich, to direct Hedy, and plans an extensive
publicity campaign. .
Annex to S wegle
School Going up
SWEGLE Construction on
the addition to the school house
is now progressing very rapidly,
the framework being nearly com.
pleted. It is expected that it will
be near enough completion ,-foi
the start of school the last week
in September.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lake and
daughters Jane and Joan are en
joying a week's vacation at
Back From Seaside
' MACLEAY - Mrs. I. H. White
has returned from a vacation
spent at Seaside.
Popular Hits !
i t