PACE'TIimTCIN Oassitied Adl Bringr Qiiick to Buy or 0 .the OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Sunday tormng? AxtgiisVzU 1938 Sell For Sale -Miseellaneons OFFICE FURN. and equipment from Western States Grocery and Gresharn bank. Desks, chairs, files, typewriters, addinc machines, scales, calculator, now at our store, 456 Court. Roes Typewriter Exchange. . CANNING PEACHES. S mllti X. of Keizer school, 60c up. Look for yellow sign. Frank's Orchard.. PURITAN BRAND distilled . white pickling vinegar (or all pickling pur poses. -Keep your pickles krlsp. Pura appla rider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. FILM DEVELOPED. 8 prints and hand colored -enlargement, I5c. Coin. Oregon Picture Co., box 4292, Portland. PEACHES U PICK. N. River Road 10 miles. Phone 71F22, V. O. Keller. Bring containers. . HOUSE TRAILER. Covered Wagon factory built. 2 beds, all equipped. One trip from Dakota. $250.00 less than cose Sea King. 819 N. Front. -Sa!m. TUXSUIT. like new. cost 142.00 Tours for $10. Size 42. Phone CI 52. BARTLETT PEARS, Rt. 6. Box 121. 2 V ml- east on pen road. Phone 68F12. Bring boxes. J. Bucurench. REGIS. RED Cock. Span. Ph. 6951. TOMATOES. 60c, 75c. Ph. 77F2S. CRAB APPLES 60c, 5c. Ph. 77F2. 1927 SCHULT FACTORT house trailer (500 miles. Reasonable If tak en at once call 340 No. Church after noons and evenings. ' HOP WIRE, about a tons; practically-new also 1 ft. cedar posts.' Mi chael Kipptr, Route 1. Box 201, Salem. NICE TABLE beets for canning, 1c lb.. Bartlett pears 25c bu. Bring con tainers. - Mrs. Anna Woelke, 4 mi. K. Brooks. FILMS DEVELOPED. 2 prints each good negative, 25c. Coin only. Port land Film Co.. box 4213, Portland, Ore. DelAVAL CREAM separator No. 12, 2505 Fairgrounds Rd. Tel. 7054. 1 TENT 9x12, USED. 1 house trail er, spec. $150. See King, 51 N. Front. W ATKINS PROD., 580 N. 17th. 7805. GOOD C FT. elec. ref. Tel. 7754. BARTLETT PEARS. 25c up. Stod dard. 14 mL Wallace Rd. Bx. 179. MODEL 12 ELECTROLUX cleaner and air purifier. 2505 Fairgrounds, Tel. 7054. PRACTICALLY NEW furniture, bi cycle, hose, lawn mower, new boys' suit. size i. $5. 750 N. Winter. FILMS DEVELOPED. 8 prints and 2 enlargements, 25c. Coin only. Quality Picture Co., box 3573,., Portland Ore. 30-30 SAVAGE rifle, : almost ! new. Also Winchester automatic 22 special. Mrs. J. C. Dickinson, route 3. box-127, Salem, Ore. BARTLETT PEARS, 60e bo You pick, 2c box. 765 Rural Art.;' a. Sa lem. Phone 8854. I ORDER CANNING tomatoes. L. C Muller. 2 mile south Brunks corner, Salem-Independence road. I ... ( - USED FURNITURE SPECIALS Rose taupe velore davenport, $5. Baker cut velore, $10. 7-piece walnut dining set, leather seated chairs, 329.50. Spring filled mattress, 17.95. Universal full enamel gas range, 329.50. - Bungalow combination wood and gas range, $39.59. Davenport ui) chair, 829.95. Good Simmons coll springs, $3.99. Simmons metal beds, 1 99. NELSON BROS. FURNITURE CO. 375 Chemeketa BARTLETT PEARS. 25c P. 96F12. SHOE SHOP machinery. 1280 State. WOODRFS FURN. Open till 8 Sat. BARTLETT PEARS. 1c lb. You pick. mile north on Pacific highway. M. B. Mitchell. . PEACHES. ALL varieties. Imlah fruit farm. Wallace road. Ph. 62F11. GRAVEN STEINS, 25c and j 50c. Bartlett pears. 20c, 25c and 60c box. Ernest- Andei son. Orchard Heights road. 2 miles northwest of Marion Polk bridge. Bring boxes. j BLUE DAMSON and green Gage plums. Puritan Cider Works, ' West Salem. , . Trade Miscellaneous t GOOD LOTS to trade on construc tion of house. Phone 6374. Wanted Miseellaneons WANTED MARKET poultry. Phone 133F3. Lee's Hatchery. i , sa iii n ri uiLOiiririrMiir HOUSE TRAILERS. 619 N. Front. WANTED: MIDDLE-AGED lady to occupy housek'p'g. room, partly fum. Rent free. 1740 Broadway. .-.-- --i iiivysrsOrujujijiji-f" WANTED BARLEY, sacks - fur nished. Schindler Bros. Dairy, phone 6146. Miscellaneous DR. HUTCHINSON'S rheumatism arthritis packa 1436 N. Summer St. Free. Kittens. 179S Lee. For Kent Rooms COOL SPACIOUS alee? R. Priv. ea trance. Ph. 6977. LADIES PH 6676. 696 H Cottage Nlca room In comfortable home, near ststehousa. Board opt. Tel. 8466. HEATED HSKP. rm. 1586 Center. Priv. home. 1493 Center. Ph. 6113. eajaaaassaS SIJEEPING RM. 66$ N. Church. SLEEPING RMS. $45 Marion. Ph. 6533. ROOMS 2097 STATE STREET. RMS, CLOSE In. Center St. P. 7378. ROOM FOR rent. 569 N. Liberty. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE rooms, good location, newly furn. 1358 Chem. Ore fi0ttOtaesnau ADVERTISING Western Advertising '. H Representatives Fenger-Hail CoZ Ltd. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising . Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Branson, Too. Chicago, New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta -Sneered at t t'ottafftcm at Salem Oregon, as Secoad Class Uatf. -iuaed ever morning except Itondmg. Bueineee flce. tit South Commercial Cirecl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates ta Advance Witliln Oregon: Daily and Sunday: Mo. 66 cents; S Ma $1 10: 6 Mo. $3 66: 1 year $5 06. Elsewhere 66 cents per Mo. or $6 to tor i year in anvanc Per con 8 eenta Newsstands 6 cents Br City Carrier : 66 cents a month. 76 a 'year ta ad vanes ta Marlon amA adjacent eoun Uea, Itoom and Board RM.. B. lady. 141 N. Cottage. Riia A BIX, for men. Ph. 6769. ROOM BOARD. 254 N. Church. CLOSE IN. 316 Bellevue. Ph. 87C7. VERT CLOSE is, 645 S. Com'L For Rent -Apartmenlg SEE FISH CR apta Modern I sd. aawly decorated and roomy Tou'U be delighted Oak aad 8 CommcrctaL Pa Hon Apta 322 State. Furnished. Adults only. Ph. 6244. tf FURN. OR unfurn. 2 and 2 -room apta. Children, ttlt S. 13th. MOD, HEAT, air cond.. hot water, lights, private bath, garage. 3456 State. 4 -ROOM APT. Large living- room, fireplace. I tot water heat, sun parlor and sleeping porch, gardens. Tel. 640 or 6524. 1 RM. APT. Inclosed Kitchenette. Business Women. 1853 Court.. C ROOM UNFURNISHED APT. Close in. Inquire 695 N. Liberty. LOVELY NEW APT. Avail. Sept. 1. 3 R.. bath, etec. ref.. stove. 650 Marlon. 1 A 2 K. FURN, 24 CH State. 3 RM. FURN, 1207 S. Com'L 2 R. FURN. APT, 450 S. Capitol. 2 ROOM FURN. apt. Also 2 room unfuralalurd. 2164 Maple. FURN. APT., cheap. 70 N. Church. APTS.. ADULTS only. 2183 State. 2 R. FURN. APT, lights, water, Maytag. $12. A.lults. 1610 Ferry. NEW 2 R. FURN. court apt. with priv. bath; laundry and gar., bus ser. 1815 Lee street. MODERN ATTRACTIVE 5 rm. apt. Also 3 rm. apt. 1411 Court street. : ' FURN. AND unfurn. 633 Ferry. FU'RNISHED APARTMENT, 2 larger clean rooms. 674 N. Church St. WANTED BALLOON-TIRE bi cycle. - Man's .sise. Reasonable. Box 944, care Statesman. WANTED SMALL suburban groc ery by elderly couple. Will trade 1935 Che v. sedan and some cash as down payment or In full. Box 949, care Statesman. NEW APT. Electric stove and re frigerator. Private bath. 657 Center. 1 RM., BASEMENT. 639 N .Liberty. CLEAN, FURN. 2 -room apt. Adults only. 645 Ferry. UNIQUE, CLOSE in modern 2-room. Refr.i 455 S Libert y. Phone 7660. NICE FURN. apt. Adults. 570 Union. 10 rOf?Y APT. S rnnm Tnla Beth tel. 341 State, the rent man. 3-RM. FURN. or unfurn. 2005 N. Capitol. 6-ROOM UNFURXl SHED apt. close in. Inquire 695 N. Liberty. 1 AND 3-RM. furn. 250 S. Cottage. APT, PRIVATE bath. 1411 State. i For Rent Houses To see this house- located at 1676 Yew St, call st 1625 So; 12th fter S p. m. 5 ACRE TRACT, modern 5 room house. $30 mo. One mile from city lim its. Garden Road. Tel.' 8536 or 9156. 5 RM. FURN. hse, 1445 Mission. S RM. MOD. house for sale or rent. See Sunday between 2 A 4 p. m, 199 N. 23rd. FURN. and UNFURN. houses. H. P. Grant. 529 Court SW TeL 6744-8330. FURN. 3 RM. house. Adults only. 1444 Ferry street. HOUSE FOR rent for small fam ily, on Wallace Rd. $14 mo. Call at 630 Union. N oXcOTT Y E A R oTwTnter auto, oil furnace, frpl, elec. stove. 8 bedrooms, 44 Selling-Hlrsch Bldg, Portland. BT WIDOW. Sept. 1. Part of fur nished home, heat, ' etc Employed couple. Ref. Phone 6791. FURN. 6 RM. mod. hse.. ear, fire place, nook. 2 blks. new high school. $37. rn. 747. 9-ROOM HOME, mostly furnished. 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, $45. Will Install automatic heat. 5 -room newly renovated, garage, $25. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor I 477 Court 2-RM. FURN. cabin. Adult. 8840. - For Rent OFFICE RtiOMS 381 State street Inquire room 200 Tel 3713. Two 12) fine farms for pasturage for rental for three months, combined acreage twa hundred and fifty acres. Frank Pat ton. Astoria. Oregon. CARS. TRUCKS U Drlva Ph. 704k HOSPITAL HEDS and wheel chairs ta rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. ' -i l f . li "MMWI lf"ll"fJlf 5- ROOM MODERN furnished, north. $30. L'i per flat. 3 -room, furnished. Water and heat, $22.50. ' 6 - room house, 2 bedrooms. Very close ' In. Modern, unfurnished, $40. C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St. jjjjjjjjjjli 32 ACRE dairy farm, equipped. 5 miles from Salem on pavement. Good Improvements. Elderly people. Will trade for small apt. bouse. Ore., Wash, or Cal. Sell easy terms and at a sacri fice. Also good bouses In city. Acreage tracts. Buy a aood lot or -acreage, $5 down and $5 per month. H. C Shields. Oregon Bide Ph. 8902. J' I00000000jt0000000000l t BEDROOMS, basement, furnace. Pretty street. Hollywood district. This Is a good buy. See ft. $2700. Terms. Nice 6 -room house In good location. Paved road. $1800. Very low terms. ROBERT F. BUDROW. Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965 For Sale Real Estate BEAUTIFUL HOME close In. Must sell at once. Large living room, kitchen and two. bedrooms downstairs. 8 bed rooms upstalra Full basement, garage, new heating plant. Phone owner 6152. Thh place must be seen to be appreci ated. i SALEM'S BEST BUT $1750 buys this 6-room plastered home located on east front lot 75x156 in very good residential location. Fur nace, garage stairway to floored attic, good roof, near Leslie Junior high school. A REAL INVESTMENT. YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! ACT NOW I Call R. A. Johnson with jff. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 136 S. Uberty Street . Phone 6168 - MOD. HOME. Capitols. Low pay ments. Carls A Francis, 411 Ms sonic Bldg. ' - BUI1JJINCI LOTS GOOD IjOTS on paved street, excel lent location. Price $500. $16 down. $16 par month. :W. H. GRABENHORJtT A CO- ' REALTORS 184 S Liberty St Pboe 6468 N. SUB. noma. ln. 666 N. Cottage. Money to Loan FIRST CHOICE FROM COAST TO COAST MORE PEOPLE borrowed from Friends, employer not notified. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Main requirement ability to repay offices in 1927 than from any other small, regular amounts. As simple as small-loan company In -the country. opening a "charge account" at a store. Loans made without co-signers. Wa welcome Inquiries. No embarrassment b ntiatii basis. - : i f Personal Finance Co. EIGHTH YEAR IN SALEM 518 State Street at High ! Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Room 119 Phone 3191 License S-122 M-16C Salem. Ore. GASH CHECK THESE FEATURES OF . Small tnontMy payments. ' Confidential, prompt service. Low Coat. . Repay your loan a! any time. . No co signer. . Just call at our office and say, "Please explain your loan service to me." Tou are under no obligation. People's Finance Company S-213 Stale Rm. 201, First National Bank Bldg. Fr Salt- Keal Estate IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6 ROOM MODERN new home, aU in sulated against heat and cold. Automatic- heat and hot water, hardwood floors and Inlaid linoleum. Close to Catholic and grade schools. Prica $L 500. Terms. HAWKINS AND ROBERTS, INC. Salem. Oregon 8 ROOMS. $2000. FINE location, $200 down, $20 monthly. Good buy. Reasoner (certainly) 565 N. High LOTS LOTS LOTS $10 down and $10 per month will buy a fine lot located in N.E. Salem on paved street, located north of Market street between Baker and 20th streets. Sixty of these lota have been sold this year. Many new homes being built. Drive out and look over this section of your city. You will like it. Now Is the time to buy before prices go up. If It la a building lot, sea G. H. Gra benhorat. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street nirsiTiARl.E LOT. east front see. very close In, near grade and high schools, pavement and sidewalk In. Phon owner, 6880 from 12 to 1 or after 6. GOOD EAST front lot, concrete sidewalk, paved street. Only two blocks from new State street forestry buildings. See this 24th St. lot at only $375, terms, or less for cash. Phone 8854. owner. ATTRACTIVE CIXSE IN HOME MODERN 7 ROOM liome, full ce ment basement, new heating plant, all nice large room a. oak floors, garage: this property Is like new. located only 4 blks. out. Price $5500. Terms. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6463. GOOD VALUES $3150 buys this 5-room home on Fair mount Hill, lot 50x150. fireplace, furnace, double garage, stairway .to floored attic, attractive yard. VIEW PROPERTY. $5150 buys this 5-room home with glassed sleeping porch, attractive lot. several trees, furnace, east Salom location. BOTH REAL HOME VALUES. Call R. A. Johnson with W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. 124 S. Liberty Street Phone 64 6 S FURNISHED HOME BARGAIN 4 BEDROOMS. DOUBLE plumbing, full basement, cor. lot. In nice S. Sa lem dist. 2 blocks from school. $2500, $500 down. Phone 6580. New 5 rm. mod. home with A. river bottom land. Hwd. floors, base ment, fireplace. $3700, $600 down. Ph. 6580. . K a with nvnr mnA S rm. house. Au tomatic water system, double garage. bearing filbert orcnara. cnerries una berries. 2 miles east. 84400, phone 6580. $1050 S-RM. HOUSE, bath, firepl: ce. woodshed, garage, za aown. $ 400 down 4-rm. bungalow. Base ment, f urns re. garage, jsrce tor. An apartment house close In. One fi rm, and one 3-rm. apt, z rain I rma. Nice lot. Trade for smaller ! house. MELVIN JOHNSON Realtor T2S Court St. ( Phone 3722. BUSINESS LOTS Two fine lots located In business lA.tAn fit afore nnrl W "li. A " " -" service station. 100 by 100 feet, paved streets, rrice ivu. xuivw m - good buy and are located In a fast i . . i ...... .1 f v Tf nm show you this property, we are -sure you will see big possibilities In this corner. W. H. GRABENHORST St W ' , Realtors ' " 134 S. Liberty Street TWO LOTS, comer 16th A Norway. $200' plus street Improvement. Arlia Anderson, 413 Lewis, Sllverton. Ore FOR SALE or trade for house or small acreage, 26-acre farm, good land, good modern house, barn, garage. 1 mile north of Jefferson on 99E. Good terms. J. J. Huss, Jefferson. Ore. ATTENTION HOME BUYER! Beautiful north Salem home for atle by owner. Has 6 bedrooms. English style. Modern m every respect. All newly decorated and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $3750. Cash or $2150 and assume mortgage on bal ance. Phone 4888 or call at 458 Jef ferson street. NEW HOME BARGAIN This attractive 6-room. recently com pleted, shake home located on large east front lot on Fair-mount Hill, Is a REAL BARGAIN. Very attractive Interior finish new to Salem, hardwood floors ' throughout. Venetian blinds, well designed fireplace, all rooms good sized, near bu and itmiar htxlt school. THIS IS VIEW PROPERTY.-If yon are a home buyer, no should see tWs. IT CAN'T BE BEAT. Price $5500. Call R.; A. Johnson with -. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Uberty Street ' Phone 64t FOR SALE New 5-room. Snap. Small down,- balance $25. Owner, 2066 N. 18th. - 1 , - 6 ROOMS and nook, north. $4000. Would consider exchange for acreage north. : - , : - . 6 rooms and large sleeping; porch, hot water beat, excellent location, Tery Urge lot with trees, '85SOO. : 9-room strictly modern heme, 8 fire places, hardwood floors throughout, mahogany woodwork, doubfa garage. 2 large view lots. This exceptional home at $500. - ' ..-' L WINNIE" PETTY JOnN. Realtor ' 477 Court Street ' 5 ACRES young cherry orchard, family orchard. 5-room modem home, excellent condition, hardwood floors, attic. Trade for 1 or i acta with small house. Must see ' to appreciate. Call 6031 or 7914 evenings. , i FINE VIEW LOT 75x150 feet, beautiful shada trees, wonderful view. Price $500; $23 down, balance $10 per month. See this lot before you build. W. H. GRA RKNHORST A CO. . Realtors 1J4 S. Liberty Street Phone 1168 ' Money to Loan A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE. Interest charged only while you have tha money. . Flexible plans to meet your needs. . Auto loans to $500.00. . Furniture or livestock loans to $300. License M-220 Tel. 4441 Salem, Oregon Immediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single Only You Sign Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify Private Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day, Week or Month To Reduce tha Cost . General Finance Corp. 136 So. Commercial Street Salem. Oregon S-13S First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location asWMesat-sksasfeM-kaaa- -Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cars. Private money at very low ratea No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. ?oy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St, Salem. Ora Phone 9166 Lie No. M-152 FHA LOANS 80 ON EXlSTINti construction 90 on new construction. J F. UI.RICH CO. 362 State Street Phone 6672 H - E - L - OUR AIM Is to help people whan tney need nein Get that extra rash you need now without a lot or red tape, or comakera $106 loan. $6 72 per month for 20 months, other amounts In proportion. Up to $500 on cars STATE FINANCE CO. 344 State Street Salem. Oregon. Lie. No. S-214 M 222 Phone 0261 FEDERAL HOUSING loans build. refinance home a business nron Rslea Abrams A Ellla Inc. Masonic Bldg. MONET TO loan on good real estate. Charles Hodktea 276 State street. MONET TO loan. Melvln Johnson '' --- .- - - H. P. GRANT, 529 Court St. 6744. Money to loan on good property, 6. Financial jn rWB RAVifi never paid less J V than this rata on ssvtngs skas!ai and Investments. Insured V to 85000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Asa's Pnono 4965 141 & UDerty bt Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 114 & Liberty St. Phone 6468 LOANS ftAMTkU on farm snd city property. Before borrowing Inquire st Hawkins m Kooerta WANTED 86.000 secured by first mortgage, 3 years. Good paying busi ness. Safe Investment. Lxceiient rec ommendations. Address box 950, cars Statesman. For Sale Heal Estate 8 ROOMS, basement, furnace, plas tered, garage. fZZia uiue aown, usu nii tnmilhl 6 rooms. $1200. Terms. Less for cash. 10 acres, old buildings, $750. Terms or traae. IS. Bre d ennme. In rrMvl town. 8700. See F. Griepentrog, 1940 McCoy St. Phone 43 f LOTS Fine building lot close In. south. Wtll sell cheap or trade as first payment on small bouse. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Phone 9261 100gm0g00g0g0gmj000ggm0meeomm WEST SALEM FURNISHED 5 rooms -and nook, furnace heat, beautifully finished interior completely furnished with new furniture. Nicely located. House and furniture priced at $2485 cash. Call Mr. Bartlett with GHTLD9 A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 261 ui jptnrrnsnv rt This attractive modern 6-room home with large attic, oak floors tnrougn- n... vnatwianv finlh- full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, north front. IMMEDIATE possession. Price $4506. Reasonable terms. te - W. 1L GRABENHORST A CO. Realtora 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 6468 MAKE US an offer 6-room house, basement and furnace. 565 S. 16th St, Salem. FEW DATS ONLY $2750 buys this 4 -room home on Center street. Very deep lot almost to creek, excellent residential location near schools, etc. Fireplace, furnace, garage, attractive yard, hardwood floors. PRICED FAR BELOW AC TUAL VALUE. Call R. A. Johnson with W .H. GRABENHORST A CO. - 131 S. Liberty Street Phone 6468 For Sale Krai Estate SMALL MODERN house. West Sa lem, $1200. Terms. Box 948, care Statesman. j. i.!.1 1 ACRE northeast of town, at Intersection of paved highway and gravel road. School conveniences and bus service. 5-room - bouse nearly new. Full price $2000 :t $25 down, $25 month to right party. F. H- WEIR. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 2 H ACRES at Mitchell's corner to trade for close In property. F. H. WEIR. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 4 -ROOM HOUSE. 3 lota. West Sa lem. Lights, bath, garage. 91800: $200 down. Vacant. Best bur In West Salem. 6 rooms down. Jt unfinished up, full basement, furnare. double garage, .nice location, and 825A0 buvs It. $250 down. C. J. JACKSON. 241 State SL SUBSTANTIAL, 5-ROOM house, part basement, garage, good location on Summer street. $1450 : $600 cash. ALFRED DTTMFiEOK. 147 N. Com'l St. 5- ROOM MODERN, nice shrubs. 2 blocks from school. $650 will handle. 6- room beautiful stucco bungalow, east. A bargain at $500 down, balance monthly. E. H. STAMBAUOH 212 Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 FOR SALE 4 -room house with nook, electric water system, double garage. H acre of ground on Garden road. $500 cash. $3100. 4- room modern bungalow, hardwood floors in living room. 2 bedrooms, bath, best of soil. Small down payment, bal ance as low as S15 51 per month In cluding taxes and Insurance. 5- room house, 1 acre of ground. e'ev trie water vtem. $100 down, $15 per month. $1500. Acreage north of town, good soil. $100 down. Will furnish lumber for house. $300 rr acre. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 8632 LOOK. NEW HOUSE $100 down, balance 335 per -month to Include Interest will buy this at tractive modern 4-room house with dinette, larae garaee. paved sf'eet. hardwood floors th-wighnut. Pr1,e $JS00. I rented at 15RR Madison St. IMMEDIATE POSPF.SSTON. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 6468 NORTH FRONT LOT In exclusive district, on Let street. 139 feet deep, large onk. Onlv 7 blocks from Flrf Notional Rank blld!ng. EAST FRONT LOT In good S. Salem district. 86i;x. Another 66x158 with west front. B-h have streets paved and walks In. We have many others some as low as $37S with the oaring nald. DIAL 7R07 d-v, or S5 evenlnga SOOOLOFRKY A SON. Realtors First National Bank Bldg. OWNER SACRIFICING 7 -room modern, rtotihle plumbed. 4 bedrooms. $2950; $1000 down, balance $21 month. H P. GRANT 529 Court Street Phone 6744 S. COM'L BUSINESS LOCATION 100x100 feet In business zone, corner, with hcth streets paved. Cletr title for $1200 cash If sold within the next few davs. W. H. GRAEVHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone- 6468 COZY HOME Attractl-e little lace-with Venetian blinds, nice grounds with pool and shrubbery, miendid location close to all schools. Good buy for Investment Rents for $20 Prioe onlv $1750. FIR TREES Lot . 75x150 wlthi somja. fruit. 5 large, rooms, east front and on bus line. $3150. NOW VACANT. READY TO OCCUPY 5 rooms with nook and flrenlace, upstairs unfinished, nice high base ment with additional plumbing and 2 rooms. It mar be 1t the place you are : look l" foe. 1 4 Aft 0. FURNISHED HOME Good location for roomers and board ers. 2 stories and large usable attic. Close to state buildings. ea-" walking distance business section. $6300 with, easv terms. Dial 7807 da. evenings. SOCOLOFSKY A SON. Realtors First National Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM UN FIN. house. V, A., fruit trees, bus service. welL $75 down: $15 per month rm balance. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 157 So. Liberty Phone 7115 $1700 BUYS 6-room modern plas tered home. 11 blocks from city center. Terms. . - $1950. 6-room house. 4 A. North from Highland. $150 down, balance terms. $2650. . S-room house, fireplace, N. Salem. $200 down: $25 a month. $1750. Close In. beautiful home. 7 rooms all on one floor. Modern, full basement, air conditioned, gas beating svstem, fireplace, landscaped yard. Terms. R A. FORKNER - H. G UEBER 1852 N. Capitol E-ch xrnane -Heal Efttate BEAUTIFUL WOODED view lot, Klngwood Heights, for carpenter work. Phone owner. $413. 8-ROOM HOUSE. Boise. Idaho". Value $1500: $935 federal loan' equity for any. kind of property In Marion county. Business property In Sweet Home to sell or trade. 91 A. between Salem and Silverton for smaller farm near Salem. 15 A, 8 miles of Salem for house In Kalem. and some money. 90 A. near Silverton. for Portland or Salem Income property. $15,000. 20 A, small house and barn, fruit and berries. $1575; $575 down. Take car ss part down payment. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 157 S. Liberty Phone 7118 NES KOwiNBEACH LOT Good location, water snd electricity sva liable. Will trade for lot In Salem. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty street Phone 6468 6 ACRES, close to city limits. 6 room house with bath, small barn and chicken house. Will take house In Salem tn exchange or clear lot as part down payment. N. J. LINDGREN 175 S. High Phone 8890 For Sale Farms FEDERAL LAND bank farms Priced right. Terms. Sea W. $X Bart lett, setietat y .tressnrar 816 Orsgaw fulldlng Phone T 127 FARM BARGAIN 46 acres of good soil located east of Salem. 6-room plastered house, barn, family fruit, good road. light line. If It is 40 acres you are looking for, let - us show you this place. Price $4500. Terms. See G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with " W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. " .Realtors 114 SL Liberty Street 11 A. GOOD LAND on good road mL from state hospital. Nice homo site. $187.50 per A. 23 A, fine Santiam river bottom land. - 20 cult. Good bldgs. Fenced, close to schools $3500. 10 A. doss In on Auburn Road, all : cult 6-rm. house, bath, light a Barn, chicken house, good well. Close to school $3000; $700 down, t A. 4 mL from Salem. Good soil $133 H per A. MELVIN JOHNSON Resltor 725 Court St. Phone 8728. GARDBN. GRAIN, fruit, timber, stork farm. 176 acres improved. $4, 660. terms. Hurry t Reasoner certainly) 86S N. High 118-ACRE FARM. 14 miles south' west of Salem. Sell or trade for Salem or Portland property. P. O. box 8, Corrallls. For Sale Farms 1 ACRES, near Roseburg. Inquire 1J17 State. Viola Harrelson. t 370-ACRE FARM 250 acres farm land, balance pasture and timber, year round stream, old buildings. This farm la a real bargain and la offered below value. 10 miles from Salem. Price $60 per acre. If It Is a farm that you are looking for. see G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors : . 134 S. Liberty Street STOCKED AND eiulppad farm. 62 acres. 35 cultivation, I4 acres bearing filberts. Good 5-room house, large barn and poultry bouse. With tha place goes 10 cows, team, machinery, etc. Price $8950. See ALFRED DUMBECK. 147 N. Com! SL 20 FINE ACRES. 6 miles south of Salem, all In cultivation. About half In cherries and walnuta 6-room plas tered house, barn. Sacrifice price $3500. Take $1000 property in trade, balance mortgage. . .. 6 acres on pavement. 3 miles from Salem, fair house and bam, water system, electric lights, 4 seres In or chard. Price reduced to $2750; $500 down and $25 a month. - S. M. EARLE or VICK BROS. 208 N. High Phone 6676 REAL PRODUCING FARM Stocked, equipped, operating. $30,000 cash deal. Consider leasing. $4000 cash necesanrv. See H. P. GRANT 529 Court Phone 6744 FARM BARGAIN 196 acres of good soil. 170 acres ptow land, year round creek, old build ings, good location, some fine alfalfa land. This farm- Is a real bargain at 48500. Located In highly developed farming section 10 miles from Salem. See G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 1318. Liberty. Street Acreage CREEK TRACT 10 seres with year round stream, some timber, all bottom landf good road, light line. Just the place for that country lodge. Price $1500. Reasonable terms. See G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street TIMBER 60 ACRES OF fine timber. 13 miles north on highway. Old and second growth, 400 cords cut. Ground level ss a floor. Price $4500. Terms. Phone 5580. 34 ACRES i-lO ACRES In cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber. Wat ered by spring snd creek. 6 rm. house, large chicken bouse snd barn. Located on a market road. Priced very low for $2000. No mortgage. Will trade for home In Salem or .Silverton. same value. 40 ACRES all In cultivation. Good 6 rm. house and dairy barn, electric lights and water system. $ good cows, team, all machinery and hay In the barn goes for $6500. Will trsde for Sa lem home. 74 ACRES: 70 acrea tn cultivation, large barn and good 4 rm. house, elec tric lights and 2 wells, about 25 tons of hay In the barn. Price $3500, cash $800, balance long time st 6. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC 110 N. Commercial Street FOR SALE 2 14 -acre cherry orchard on good road, light line, close to Pacific high way. Will furnish to right party S250 of building materials and good welL Purchaser to construct dwelling house on said land. Price including building materials snd well, $1500 ; $0 down and $15 per month. Interest 6. See O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 1J4 S. Liberty Street EXCELLENT WILLAMETTE silt soil. 6 acres. 7-room house snd bath, chicken house, barn. Price $5000. Will accept city home up to $3500 as part payment. See Mrs. Martin with WM. B LIVEN 2 It Masonic Bldg. -a. s.-i .m ..-m. -iXfXrSr - YOUR OPPORTUNITY 10 acres, some timber and pasture, good road, light-line. iU miles from Salem. Price $1250: $60 down and $16 per month. Interest 6. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 a Liberty Street ' - if i rxiuxrLiui ruuiui COMMERCIAL APPLES $9 A. .fine orchard "Delicious, Spit I. Johnathan and Winter Banana varie ties. Packing equipment and tillage tools. Estimated crop. 3000 boxes. SACRIFICE PRICE $3750 H. P. GRANT 639 Court Street Phone 6744 CHOICE KEISER BOTTOM TRACTS Will sell 2 to S acres, best of bottom land all in orchard, near Kelaer school. Price $300 per acre, reasonable terms. You will like this location. See W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 114 S. Uberty Street Phone 6468 Sabnrhan SUBURBAN HOME It acres suitable for subdivision, besutiful shade and fruit trees. Price $6500. Will accept good house as part. See Mra Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street . Phone 9261 Wantett Real Estate WANTED TO buy two or three room apartments with outside en trance. Will consider large house, owner only, close In. Box 943, States man.. ... " . - WANTED TO hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sals. Wm. Ha wley,. Baldwin, Wia. Knainpaa Onnnrtutiit ieft BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Restaurant doing good - business. Cash $1650. Rich L. Reimann, 167 S. High street. Phone $632. A GOOD paying restaurant snd con fectionery near Portland. Will trad for city property In Salem or Phoenix. Arts. Price $2060 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 477 Court Street GROCERY STOCK and fixtures, good growing business. $1100, Good gnlng service station. $400. R. A. FORKNER - H. C UEBER 1S53 N. Capitol NATIONALLY KNOWN corporation manufacturing electrical refrigerated air units wants wholesale distributor for Oregon. Must invest $650 with services. Your money back In bank in 90 days. A 10-year setup. $5606 to $15,000 yearly Income ran be expected. Your money fully protected. Pea fac tory representative at 1040 N. 17th St, Salem. 8-16 a. m, 6-8 p. tn. LUNCH, BEER, cards, confection ery and pool. Located light down town and Is a money maker for tha right party. Long., hard hours, but win net splendid return on small investment, $1500 wilt - hsndla. Small confectionery, nice snd clean, S-room living quarters. Move tight In. $250 for quick cash sale. I have several small businesses for- sal. E H. STAMBAUGTI 212 Oregon Bldg. . Phone 9411 A BUSINESS specialising to steak and chicken dinners, 6 p. tn, to 1 a. in. Well advertised and mak ing good profit for the operator. -Will glv immediate possession to purchaser. F. IL WEIR. 212 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 8411. CONFECTIONERY AND Ian eh. Very attractive In appearance, loca tion and profits. In live Willamette valley town. Well equipped. An excel lent opportunity. Prica $2000. ROY J. RICE, 212 Ore. Bldg. For Sale Used Cars You Will Always Find Better Used Cars at Mcfl y 9s 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Sport Sedan ..$665.00 1936 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan .... 1937 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Sedan ... 1935 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Master Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Standard Town Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coach .:. Ford Sedan - ... Oakland Srdan Chevrolet Coupe Marquette Sedan ... .. Chevrolet Coach Willy Knight Sedan McKay Chevrolet Co J32 CENTER PHONE 818$ CHEV. e Have Theim 1935 Chevrolet Truck, Eaton axle. $480 1934 Chevrolet Truck, L. W 285 1933 Chevrolet Truck, L. W.. 235 1931 Chevrolet Truck, L. W 165 1935 Chevrolet Panel 345 VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT CENTER A MARION Why Not Look at Our Used Cars There Is Nothing Better In the City FORDS 1931 Ford Tudor,, a honey for only J. $219 1835 Ford Tudor, tha upholster ing looks as though the car baa never been used, for only '. $35 CHEVROLETS 1830 Coupe in excellent mechani cal condition, rubber, paint and upholstering in good condition $165 1631 Chevrolet Sport Sedan, a real buy for only $225 1832 Chevrolet Sport Sedan, a real buy for only f!4S PICKUPS 1634 Ford V-6 . Pickup $34$ 1038 Chevrolet Pickup, new paint,' a real buy $385 HERR ALL-OWENS CO. "The Home of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks" 1 DODGE snd PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 335 South Commercial Ph erne 3169 NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH BT. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRE! PHONE 6335 FORGED SALE For the Next lO Days No Reasonable Offer Refused on the Follotving Cars 1935 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe 4 -Door Sedan 1916 HUDSON DeLuxa 4 -Door, new tires, rsdlo 1934 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Master 4 -Door Sedan 1934 CHEVROLET Standard Coach 1933 CHEVROLET Coach, reconditioned 1931 CHEVROLET Cabroiet Coupe, rumble seat 1930 PONTIAC Coup 1931 FORD A Conch, 2 choose one 1929 CHEVROLET 4 -Door Sedan, new pistons snd rings 1929 FORD 4-Door 8edsn 1929 FORD Coupe, V-$ wheels 1929 PLYMOUTH 4 -Door Sedan 1930 PUR A NT Coupe, rumble seat 192$ CHEVROLET Coach 1930 PLYMOUTH 4 -Door Sedan '1929 FORD A Roadster . 1929 FORD A Pickup SEVERAL CHEAP CARS AT YOUR PRICE ' JOHN L WHITE CO.V 144 N. Commercial Street' Business Opportunities SMALL LUNCH room In heart of city. Sales Increased 236 past month. Have other Interests. 311 State SL For Salej Wood"" DRT 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 187118. FIR. OAK. ash. Graeo. 1376. NO. 1 DRT eld fir, $5. Four-foot $4.60. Ash. maple $6 26. Phone 6376. DRT 16 IN Oak snd Ash Wood. Jess Walling. Pnono 1F4. WOOD. DRT. Phono 3660. Al DRT OLD FIR. $5.50. Ph. 3154. WE HAVE 60 CRDS or Choicest Old Fir on the market. Sea ua or call us to day. $6.00 rer cord. HERROLD OWENS CO. TeL 8169 DRT BLR. Lgs Id. $6.00. Ph. 6638 BONE DRT 16" old fir ready for basement. TeL 8678. Holloway. GOOD. DRT 4 ft. 2nd gwttl. 3 Cord tots. 111. TeL 7860. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 6663. Slab wd. I3.&0 cd. Ph. 17F31. DRY 16 IN. old fir. $5; 4-ft. 2nd growth. $4. Phone 9466. WOOD FOR sale. Will sell In nuan titles In tha timber and ye haul. Short haul, easily reached. See Lea Wlndom, on Rhoten.Farm near Roberta. Phone 78F12. NO. 1 DRT old fir. Ws -give you good measure. Call $670. DRY PLANER wood. Ph. 6274. . . Lost and Found LOST. BOW-LEO male terrier pup. Called Jigger. 614 N. Cottage. For Sale Usetl Cars 565.00 695.00 495.00 465.00 495.00, 375.00 95.00 35.00 75.00 85.00 145.00 175.00 420 N. COMMERCIAL TRUCKS PLYMOUTIIB 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe 2-Door Tour ing Sedan,, low mileage, for only $495 DODGES 1836 Dodge Coupe, A-l mechanically, good rubber, looks A runs like new . $585 1934 Dodge Sedan, motor completely overhauled, looks and runs fine $446 1937 Dodge 4 -Door Touring Sedan, a beautiful car for only ........$785 MISCELLANEOUS 1935 Willys 77 Sedan, A-l, a rent buy . $246 PANELS 1936 Chevrolet H-Ton Panel, a rest Juy $396 1936 Pord V-Ton Panel, a dandr for only $446 Opposite Marlon Square -taaoae, il w'-s-r--kr-kr- Fords and Chevrolets 1929 to 1937 Bargains in Every Car ORVAL'S Used Caro OPEN EVEN1NGH PHONE 4702 OPEN SUNDAYS CENTER A CHURCH "Is'saSksiaJraar-asa CADILLAC TOURING car with two wheel heavy duty hydraulic brake semi-trailer; will hsul 7000 pounds: lots of power. Priced $".50 j will trade for lumber shingles, chick ens, money or beef. Robin Reed, Salem, phone 4015. '29 FORD COUPE. V-8 wheels, good finish, runs fine $(S. Will trade. 274 Senate St.. W. Snlem. 1928 CHEV. cabriolet, new brakes, good rubber, runs good. $30. 2288 N. Liberty street. Wanted Used Cars PLYM DODGE or CHEV. '15 or later. Pay rash. Box 940, f. Statesman. Personal LONELTT -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you Hoi li. loa Angeles, . , Transportation ' WANT 8 PASSENGERS a DaW., leaving shout 24th. Elwln Pierce, Ht. 6. Box -674. 6 mL east of Salem, Au burn Rd. Voo Sawing WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 688$.