The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1938, Page 11, Image 11

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    Campers Entertained ;
By Dr. Thompson
Dr. Will J. Thompson enter
tained 19 boys at his . home en
the- rhrer south of Riverdale Fri
day night. Swimming and boating
occupied the youthful guests part
of the evening, and following a
showing of several films by Dr
David B. Hill the boys enjoyed a
weiner roast cooked over the
campfire under the direction et
Dr. Kenneth Waters. Bpst of the
boys were those which the Kl
wanis club has sponsored at the
recent camp on the Silver Creek
Falls recreation area. This party
was given following the camping
trip, they were also entertained
by Dr. Thompson just prior to
the camp. ,
- " .
All-Day Picnic Plan
Of Society. ;
Rev. and Mrs. O. F." Leining.
sr.. are to be hosts to members of
the Missionary society of the First'
T. . 12 1 t A i 1
cvauseucai cnurcn at lue annual
all day meeting and picnic on
Tuesday, Cars will leave the
church at 9:30 for the country
home of the hosts. Mrs. A. M.
See and Mrs. Clrich are in charge
of transportation. -
Mrss W. A. Barkus will give a
report on the convention held at
Jennings Lodge, Mrs. A. J. Engle
bart will give & book review and
the Shelo trio will sing.
Salem Rebekah lodge will meet
Monday night at 8 o'clock in the
Odd Fellows halj for their regu
lar ' business and social meeting
and tor the initiation of four can
didates. The August birthday com
mittee will be in charge of the
program and refreshments fol
lowing lodge. Those on the com
mittee are: Mesdames Henrietta
Robinson, Irene Crabtree, L. A.
Scheelar, Vera LaDue, Llela Vin
son, Laura Noyes, Evelyn Nader
man, Gus Erickson, Elsie Corn
forth, Amie Mills. Colene Mennis,
Barker Cornforth and Fred Nei
derhiser. All visiting Rebekas are
welcome to attend. -' (
Miss Margaret Aldrich, nation
al director of motion pictures for
the WCTU will speak ata meet
ing of the central union WCTU
which will be held at the hall on
South Commercial street on
Tuesday, August 30. The meet
ing is scheduled for 2 o'clock.
. ' i
Mrs. Dora .Pratt is general
chairman of a social hour which
will follow the regular business
meeting of the F yal Neighbors
of America on Monday night at "
8 o'clock at Fraternal temple.
All officers are on the committee
for the social hour.
m m m
Miss Lucille Billy nr has an
nounced that she will teach the
Hammond electric organ at the
Mellow Moon where she is organ
ist. She formerly played the or
gan at the Pantagea theatre in
Miss Helen Whittlessey of
Portland is spending the week
end in Salem as the guest of
Miss Helen and Miss - Margaret
Our pictures tell the
story! You simply can't
do without a Vassarette
at college and who:
wants to? It's not only
what a Vassarette does
for your hips and your
waistline (which is plenty)
but what it does' for your
unconcerned about clothes and curves. Tou feel that way
too. Because in a Vassarette you're elegantly controlled and
free as air. ; , all at the same time! Before you buy a stitch
for school let our Corset Salon show you -what a Vassarette
can do for your college" standing. Not to mention sitting!
5 and
" ...., .
TUU Vmsmrwttm AU-U-O far K4
minings. A hack at mil hU wkmt m
jNHWii. Ana m mere
7 f : r.i '
f ni -
581 M
- i
"Judging from the way Parker's running after Jane, I don't think
it'll be much longer before she lands him!
Whether you land "him" or not. you'll make no mistake in running
after this year's mode in fur coats. They've never been more f lat
: teiing to all figures. That touch of blouslness in the bodice, seen
in many styles, is so easy to wear, and particularly adapted to the
rich looking but not costly black caracul. The tie sash, like the
crescent bag, is black suede. Youll see much of the smooth, straight
line, too, with squared shoulders as in the gray Persian lamb on
the right. Copyright. 1938, Esquire Features. Inc.
Tea at Sextons Is
Charming Affair
The tea given on Saturday aft
ernoon by members of Delta Zeta
alumnae at the home of Mrs. Vir
gil Sexton proved one of the most
charming affairs of the week.
The house was attractive with
many flowers, pink gladioli and
dwarf xinnias were used. The tea
table was arranged against the
wall, above hung a large round
mirror and three silver steps held
silvered ivy bowls and vigil can
dles. The arrangement of petunias
and greenery extended almost the
length of the table. Delta Zeta
mothers presided at the tea table.
Descendants of S. W. R. Jones
will meet on Sunday. August 28,
at Champoeg for a picnic reunion.
. Miss Julia Johnson has as her
house guest this weekend Miss'
Lois Ann Shelby of Portland.
Vassarette PmntU-Cirdlet never
cruwt and never bind. And they have
detachable, Inviz-a-grip garters! $5.
morale. You look casual and
CcOegi eUtic Omrfnmmt No. S
i Vmaanranm drdla TTtm liffllltM
V snssBnw nmnw w Wmw Si mwm mmmaammmm
I Jmrm Betf-cntrml. Alt 5.
t v. . . ' ,
The Disabled American Vet
erans and auxiliary will meet at
the home of Mr- and Mrs. Leon
Hansen, 160 Miller street. Mon
day at 8 o'clock, for" their reg
ular monthly business . meeting.
Their trip to the beach cottage
of Mrs. Jessie Crossan has been
MT. ANGEL Mrs. Kate- Kruae
gave a bridge party in honor of
her daughter, Mrs. Joseph FIcker,
with prizes going to Mrs. Leonard
Fisher and Mrs. R. T. Bisenius.
' Mrs. Louis Schwab, Mrs. George
Kruse, Mrs. Herman Schwab, Mrs.
Fred Prosser, Mrs. Al Saalfeld,
Mrs. Kate Kruse, Mrs. Mary Pick
er and Miss Teresa Ficker acted
as hostesses to a light luncheon
served the guests. ,
For smart wives ; who make
housekeeping : one of the ""fine
arts, Annie Adams has created
these enchanting aprons, both ;
from the one Pattern 4591. Youll
be doing the right thing If you
stitch np several for your friends
as, well as yourself -since they
make such, appreciated gifts. See
how slender the waistline looks,
and how becoming each of the
neckUaes are! Why not add rk
rae or ruffles, they give suclTa
dreaaed-up air. Pick colors that
repeat a shade in your bright per
cale or cretonne. With big, handy
pockets, and a little tie belt, yon
have something to be proud of
especially since the making la
so simple.'' .- "') :-. ,
. Pattern 4 5 1 1 to available In
sixes small, medium and : large.
Small sise. view A, takes 2U
yards ; 1 4-iaeh fabric and 2
yards rlc-rae; view B, Hi yards
SC-ineh fabrle and 1 yards ruf
fling. ; :-' .
8ae firms ctsts no te
eeias stasqw cotes prmttrtmii tmt
Uu Xmmm 14m psUara. Writ
plaialy SUXC, MAILS. ADUU3M mm
Dm rmm wmmt t mm style to4r
thia nwMrt Tmmm wrttm at mmm
for la aX.Vg AUAXS fiOOMHEa
PATTrgJt BOOK. It's mim4 with
koata m hr tm ke aaalae a4
hmw tm lock joumfn. iliaan,
mart ilwiim mmm tm mm Mmctly
4rad tmm mtmrj wir Mttias.
vWlkn aaalH mm mmUL Daa't S
tay ta acacias far (Ws taactaatias
mmmk, aa4 mtmkm yaaraatf mmmm trik
ing uniwr ciolha. fBlCB Of
Sa4 jmmt erSar to Tmm Orcgaa
iMteaaMa. PmlUrm UcaartanW
In the Valley'
Social Realm
STAYTON Miss Marcelle Mur--phy,
daughter - of , Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Murphy, and '. bride-elect
of ' John Charl es Berger, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berger, was
honored with a "miscellaneous
shower recently at the - Murphy
home. Miss Minnie Rider and
Mrs. Gus Minden shared : hostess
honors. After an evening of
games, a late supper was served.
Those invited were:the honor
guest. Miss Murphy, Nadine Sieg
mund, Jean Cladek of , Salem.
Mary Dale Cladek. Mrs. Everett
Gardner, Ida Williams, Zena
Baldwin. Ellen Reynolds, Mrs.
B. H. Schaefer, Mrs. Edna SIo
, per, Mrs. Roy Lively, Mrs. R. G.
Wood, Bee Johnson, Mrs. John
Bitx, Mrs. Fred Berger. Mrs. Mar
tin Schlies, Gladys Blum, Helen
Wilson, Mrs. - Jim Boyles, Mrs.
Bert Scbildmeyer, Mrs. Martin
Gehlen, Mrs. Charles Heater,
Mrs. L. H. Wright, Florence Tot
toroff, Mrs. A. C. VanNuys, Mrs.
Perry Keyes. Eunice Jordan, Zel
pha Smith, Adelphia Brenner,
Winnie Taylor. Margaret Hen
dricks, Mrs. Otto Burson, Mrs.
Mark Landon, Maxine and Doris,
Crabtree, Mrs. Dale Crabtree,
Mrs. Grant Murphy, Mrs. Gus
Minden and Miss Minnie Rider.
AURORA Mrs. C. S. Mouland
entertained Thursday afternoon
in honor of her daughter Sharon"
Ray's first birthday, and Mrs.
Mouland's and Mrs. James Ogle's
birthdays which fall on this date,
and Mrs. G. A. Ehlen and Mrs.
W. O. Llndquist during the week.
Babies present were Sharon Roy
Moreland. Ruth Ottaway, Richard
Dixon and Richard Matthieu; Mrs.
Willis Yoder, Mrs. B. W. Stoner.
Mrs. M. H. Evans, Mrs. W. O.
Llndquist, Mrs. G. A. Fredrkkson,
Mrs. William Nagl, Mrs. Harlow
Dixon, Mrs. Erie Carver, Mrs.
Willis Matthieu, Mrs. Wlllard
Hunt, Mrs. Fred. Peters, Mrs. G.
A. Ehlen. Mrs. James Ogle, Mrs.
P. O. Ottaway, Mrs. Orren Otta
way, Mrs. C. S. Moreland. Miss
Carml Ottaway. Misses Izetta and
Helen Ehlen. Miss Jean Ann Car
ver, Anita Yoder, Irene Stoner,
. Shirley Evans, Lorna Mae Llnd
quist, Evelyn Fredrickson and Be
atrice Nagl.
BROOKS Honoring her moth
er, Mrs. John Nay lor, on her
eightieth' 'birthday anniversary,
Mrs. Leon Judd entertained with
a dinner in her home. A large
birthday cake was baked by Mrs.
Naylor's granddaughter, Mrs. Carl
Bremer of Needy.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. John Naylor, Mr. and Mrs.
D. George Cole of Stayton, Mrs.
Mary Hawkins. Mrs. A. M. Dan
lavy. Miss Frances McDougaU,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bremer and
daughters Darlene and Beverly
Ann Bremer, Mr. and Mrs. MU
ford White. Miss Arleta Schalder,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Judd and
daughter Virginia Carol Judd of
Oregon City, Herbert Judd, and
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Judd.
KEIZER The Garden club
was entertained Thursday at the
F. O. Breckenridge home in Sa
lem. A no-host dinner was served
In the house. Mrs. M. S. Bunnell
presided over a business session.
Readln? by Betty Irvine and pi
ano solo by Mrs. Inna Keefer
Bunnell of Gatuei, Panama Ca
nal. Mrs. W. E. Anderson, presi
dent of Salem Garden club was
guest speaker, telling of gardens
she had visited in Oregon and
British Columbia. The club was
invited to meet in September
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartruff.
Houk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Houk and Andre H.
Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Schmidt of Redmond were
married Saturday afternoon In
Portland. Miss Houk is a gradu
ate of the Perrydale high school
and both are graduates of OSC.
Mr. Schmidt Is employed by the
Donald Spencer company of Port
land. The bride wore an ensemble
of black with fuscia accessories.
They will be at home to their
friends In Portland after Septem
ber 1.
STAYTON The third of the
series of benefit card parties
sponsored by the Women's Com
munity club was held Friday af
ternoon In the garden of Mrs.
W. N. Pin tier. Hostesses for the
afternoon were Mrs. Pintler. Mrs.
James Say, Mrs. Geoxge Duncan,
Mrs. Dave John and Mrs. Virgil
R. TueL
X t
u 1
J 1
s : '
T - O
E 1
I -V-, " F
: ' V
i E -1
-; Jl J 5 ;
hi i . .
"Vogne saya yon-U aoon be dressing your aalr la a more elab
orate, plctnresaue fashion. TJ or down, the real Issue as Ogdea
sea It. revolves around finding a Coiffure that will inaksr yoa
look aa though you'd Just stepped down from a portrait. The
lines and details et the Btyla design for yo depend npon
wjxafs becoming- to yon.
with shampoo and individual hair dress.
251 N. Liberty St Dial S921
Oregon, Sunday Morning, Auffust 21, 133&
Laura Wheeler Fruit and Baskets
Suitable for Cloths and Scarfs
Fr T
n . m sa5-cL n
The luxury of lace Is yours for finer cotton. Pattern 1851 con
the making. These squares, so tains charts and -directions for
appropriate for cloths and scarfs, making the squares; materials re
are in the easiest filet crochet, quired; Illustrations of squares
Made in string the design is set and of stitches,
off by the large mesh of the back- Send 10 csnts in stamps or coin
ground. Each square is also ef- (coin preferred) for this pattern
fective repeated alone; the two to The Oregon Statesman, Nee
together would make an attrac-. dlecraft Dept. Write plainly PAT
tive border set on a linen scarf TERN NUMBER, your NAME and
or cloth, either in string or in a ADDRESS.
Monday. Aagust S3
. Marion county republican
unit of Pro-America at Marion
hotel, 2:30 p. m.
Marion County Republican
unit of Pro America, Marion
hotel 2:30 p.m.
Disabled American Veterans
of the World War and auxil
iary with Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Hansen, 160 Miller street, &
Salem Rebekah Lodge, Odd
Fellows hall, i p.m.
Royal Neighbors of America,
p. m., Fraternal temple.
Auxiliary to Townsend club
No. 12 with Mrs. Zelma Harri
maa at 990 Garnet street at
2 p. m.
Tnesday, Angus! 23
Women's Missionary society
of First Evangelical church,
with Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Lien
ing, picnic all day. Cars leave
church 9:30.
Annual picnic of Sons of
Union Veterans of Civil War
and auxiliary, with Mr. and
Mr. Eugene Prescott, 6:30
no-host dinner.
Wednesday, August 24
Auxiliary to Nebraska club,
with Mrs. Aura Williams, 1449
Soufk Liberty street, covered
dish luncheon at noon..
. "
TURNER Mrs. H. R. Peets
entertained the Four Lest Clover
club at her home In Turner,
Wednesday attemon, with 35 la-
ent. Betty Peets, 12-year-old mu-
sic teacher had charge of the
music and several contests were
enjoyed. Mrs. C. Rosenau is pres-
ident The September meeting
will be held with Mrs. Louis Hen-
nles at Cloverdale. Out-of-town
mosts were: Mrs. Anna Allen of
Louisiana, Miss Gertrude Beeg-
er, Miss Kluta and Mrs. unnas
of California, Margaret J. Fehl
en. Klamath Falls. During the
tea hour the hostess as assisted
by Mrs. Margaret Miller, Mrs.
Frances Whitehead, Mrs. Ben
WTiipper, Mrs. Mary Ball, Helen
Peetz, Mrs. Ellison Whittaker,
Mrs. Dorothy Pearson, Mrs. Eliz
abeth Ball and Mrs. Jarman.
MILL CITY The Happy Hour
Sewing club met at the home of
Mrs. Sig Jepsen Thursday after
non. Those' present were Mr.
H. Baltimore, Mrs. C. A. Bruder,
Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mrs. O. H.
Newman. Mrs. Qtto Gurtsen,
Mrs. J. Plymale, Mrs. W. Schuey,
Mrs. Ed Haynes, Mrs. James
Swan, Mrs. George Schwab, Mrs.
Charles Sullivan, Mrs. Ed Bert
ram and the hostess, Mrs. Jep
senr - ;
Lessons on Hammond
Electric Organ
Organ available for practice.
: Phone 8091 for information.
Lucile Bilyeo, Teacher
Organist at Mellow Moon Rink
W'OODBRN A surprise towel
shower honoring Miss Margaret
Tangen, whose marriage will be
an event of August 28, was given
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. George Timm. Games were
played after which Miss Tangen
opened many gifts which were
hidden throughout the room.
Refreshments were served at a
table decorated with a silver
shower centerpiece with silver
candle holders and pink tapers.
Present were Mrs. John Porter,
Mrs. George D. Jones, Mrs. O. H.
Tangen, Miss Pearl Porter, Mrs.
Julia Braehmann, Mrs. Alvis
Mills, Miss Thelma Anonby, Mrs.
Olive Smith, Mrs. Adrian Jacobs,
Mrs. Alfred Ashland, the honor
guest. Miss Margaret Tangen and
the host, 'Mrs. George Timm.
81LVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Larson were hosts Thurs
day night at a farewell party for
Mrs. Lee Scholmer who will
leave in a few days for her home
at Chicago, 111. Mrs. Merl Lar
son of Salem won the evening's
prixe at cards.
Invited were Mrs. Scholmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Larson
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson
of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs.
Alrln Legard. Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Tobias of SU vert on; Mr. and
Mrs. Men Larson and Mr. ana
Mrs. Amos Benson of Salem and
the host mni hostess,
SILVERTON Mrs. William
u Un Jam A Scarth. who
wm iPave soon for' Philomath
to make her home,
Guests were Mrs. Scarth, Mr.
Theodore Hobart, Mrs. A. ! P.
Ryan, Mrs. Mahlon Hoblitt, Mrs.
William Swift, Mrs. J. H. Mc-
Cullough, Mrs. W. R. Tomlson
and Mrs. A. L. V. Smith.
At August
We are anxious to show you the styles in fur
coats, all made by better New York manufac
turers! Caraculs, Minks, Fitch, ; Poneys, Hud
son Seal and Silvertoyra Muskrats.
See our New York styles and 8U
v perior quality and you will buy
no other.
-lie Ji M
Easterners Visit
Jefferson Homes
JEFFERSON Mr.' and Mrs.
J. L. Cander aad Miss Mattie
Gander of Butler, Mo., and Miss
Martha E. Gander of Washington,
DC., are guests at the home of
Mrs. Mary t Powell, and oth.T
relatives here. Miss Martha Gan
der is employed In the interior
department at Washington. Mrs
Gander is a cousin of Mrs. Pow
ell. . .
Elmer 'Adams qt Indiana is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Blanche
Lib by In the Parrish Gsp dis
trict. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Lib y
took their mother and uncle to
the coast for a Jew days.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell
of Los Angeles are visiting Mrs.
Bell's brother, Wirt Dalley and
family. ..
Clarence Miller, Earl Clover
and Fiord Slegmund left Thurs
day for Waldport on a fishing
trip. Ttey planned to return Sat
urday. Mrs. Hal Wiley, who under
went a major operation, has been
dlamiaoed from the Salem Gen
eral hospital, and is at the home
of Mrs. Poorman.
Th? small child of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Gore was bitten by
a rat while sleeping. A physician
cared fr the injury.
DALLAS Members of the
Women's Missionary society of
the First Methodist church were
entertained at the home of Mrs.
Robert LeFors and Mrs. Christina
Bennett on Wednesday.
An enjoyable afternoon was
spent in sewing with a delight
ful tea hour following. An at
tractively arranged bouquet of
summer flowers formed the cen
terpiece tor the tea table.
Those present included Mrs.
W, P. Miller f Valsetf, Mrs. A.
M. Larson, Mrs. C. O. Hawkins,
Mrs. Elmer Helms, Mrs. Randall
Buell. Mrs. Wes Elliott. Mrs.
Ranrn nreenwell. Mrs. Ella
Stoutfer. Mrs. Willlsm Wesver,
Mrs. Cecil Rlgga, Mrs. Clark Lea
rner, Mrs. E. A. Brockway, Mrs.
Ralph Murphy, Miss Dorotba
Green well aad the hostesses, Mrs.
Bennett and Mrs. Le Fors.
AURORA The members of the
family of Mrs. G. A. Ehlen, hon
ored her on her birthday Wed
nesday with an eight o'clock din
ner. Seated at the table were Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Ehlen, and Miss
Rose Ehlen, of Aurora; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Ehlen. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Ehlen. Fred Ehlen and lit
tle Nell Ehlen, only grandson of
the Ehlens, all of Portland.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Al Down are announcing, the
marriage of their daughter. Bar
net Down, to John Blaek of
Woodbum. The wedding took
place June 6 at White Salmon,
Mr. and Mrs. Black will make
their home at Woodburn.
Correctly Fitted
Ws Guarantee Comfort and
capital Drug store
4 OS State, Cor. Liberty
Sale Prices!
.00 $
St. Luke's Parish ''
Picnic Announced
WOODBURN St. Luke's par
ish will hold its snnual picnic In
the large grove at Legion park
next Suuday. The affair, given at
the park each -year by the parih.
has always been one of the Mg
events of the year and baa as a
feature a chicken dinner at noon
served by the women of the par
rish. Mrs. Joe Nibler has boon
appointed chairman of the din
ner committee Sftsisled by Mrs.
Math Iiermle. Mrs. Ted Nehl.
Mrs. Edward Kleftaler, Mrs. J. O.
Jensen and Mrs. A. J. Beck.
During the afternoon there will
be amusements ana games on the
grounds. The Woodburn and Mr.
Angel "kid" baseball teams will
play as a feature of the after
noon. Refreshments will bo sold
on the grounds.
Zoscl Constructs
Liberty -Residence
LIBERTY William Zosel b-?-gan
the construction of a five
room modern dwelling between
his" fruit dryer and the grange
hall on the Liberty road. Urant
Teter is the carpenter. The fam
ily will take up residence In the
new home and Zoaet expects to
sell che large houe that has
been the family home tor many
Wayne Williams end W. R.
Dallas spent several days this
week In. the vicinity of Mt. Jeff
erson camping and fishing. They
also climbed Mt. Jefferson.
Mrs. Helen GIbbs left recently
for Lyons where she will spend
a month. She will return here
In time to take up her teaching
position when school opens.
Tells of Fossil Forest
RICKREALL Harry Adami,
who hotnesteaded In Jefferson
county seversl years ago, knows
of the fossil forest recently "dis
covered" there by a nationally
known mlnerologiat. It was about
seven miles from Adams claim.,
He has a fossilized "hitching
post" csched there but has never
been back to get It, having mo Ted
here. He said the spot presented
many fantastic sights.
Ilahns in Misliap
Hahn family, accompanied by
Mrs. Hahn's mother, overturned
in their car on a sharp curve last
week while returalng from huck
leberry picking near Longvlew.
Wash. No one wss injured and
the car undamaged.
For Better
make an appointment
now to have your hear
in; tested by the Audio
meter method. Our hear
ing aid specialist will be
here Monday, Aug. 22.
Pomeroy & Keene
Optometrists - Opticians
Complete Optical Service
379 State St. Salem
' ' f
i i