PAGE NINC Classified Ads Bring Quiick Results - Use Themi to Buy or The OREGON STATESMAN, Salein, Oregon, Thursday Morning; August 18, 193 Sell Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CL-tsslflrd Advertising, Single Insertion per line .10c Thro Insertion per line 20c Six Insertion per line - SOc One month per line ft 00 Minimum charge .'tie- Copy for this pes accepted entii :J0 the evening before publication (or cUaMlflctitioa. Copy received titer this time wilt be ran uixter the heading. "Too Late to Cta' . " - The Statesman iuumet oo frnaa rial responsibility for error which may appear la advertisement pub lUhed In Its columns, and In case where this paper Is al fault will re print that part of an advertisement. In ehtcb the typographical mistake ecrura The Statesman reserves the right to retect questionable advertising: It" further reserve the right to place all advertising under the proper clif Icat Ion -BLIND" ADS which give only a box number care of Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot give any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock DEAD AND trortuieaa horses, cews, picked uv free Ph. collect 4IL Salem Montgomery Rend Wit TOP PRICES yald for live horses and cows' for fox feed. Phone collect S443. f : - SALE heavy team horses. Silver ton Road, Box 473. Auctions AUCTION AUCTION SALE; Thursday, Aug. IS, 1:3ft p. m, Rt. 6. Box 302. 4 ml. K. of Salem, near Frultland. Uoout Center St. and follow arrows. -3 horses. 1 cow, CO hens, 67. bu. wheat, 1000 bu. gray oats. Binder, I njower, rake,: I roller, land plaster machine, S plows, harrows, cultlvatorVi:ream separator, 1 V, set D harness ; other machinery, foundation tools and grain ; terms, cash. Mrs. Helen Kaftan, owner. FJN. A Glenn WooUry, Auctioneers, Ph. - Help Wanted EARN 30 weekly or more. Grow mushrooms in cellar, shed." We buy, 30c lb. Tear round business. Mr. S made ft 10 In few weeks' spare time. Estab llslted 1931. Write for free book. Washington Mushroom Jnd., Dept. 408, 20i 2nd Ave., Seattle, Wash. 2 PEOPLE TO TRAVEL. Something new in selling. No minora A pp. to $ p. nx, 152 No. 13th. . ,f COUPLE WITH husband employed to care for apt. house with sleeping rms. in exch. for 3 R. apt. only.,, 345 Marion. . Help Wan let! Female OPENING for Refined. Ambitious woman to represent Avon Cosmetics In Salem. No selling experience necessary. Box 933, Statesman. GIRL. for general housework. Refer encesnequlred. 95 N.. Liberty. . MAID FOR general housework who can cook for two adults, . 20 month. Tel. 4359 after 1p.m. GIRL FOR light housework. Under 21 don't apply. 2395 N. Front, EXP. GIRL for gen. . housework. Ref. Box 942, Statesman. asassisawasannnannnaaaaaasasnnw Salesmen Wanted EXP. In paint and roofing. Willing to work barxL- Mathis. 178 S. Commer cial. - r Situations Wanted EXP. MIDDLE-AGED caretaker wants work. Box 925, c-o Statesman. CHILDREN CARED - for in my home. 135S Chemeketa street. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. book keeper, credit manager. 11 yrs. expert' ence. Ref. Reasonable salary to start. Box 931. Statesman. CHILDREN CARED FOR evenings at your home, by middle aged woman. Phone 95SZ. DRSMKR Mrs. Adsitt, 1130 Marion. PART TIME work by capable girl for bd. and rm. Miss Hult, MIL For Sale Miscellaneous SLAPPT PEACHES are hers. Also genuine Crawford. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. Open eves, and Sunday. PICKLING CUCUMBERS, sweet corn, early tomatoes. Farm prce-T. C. Muller rruit aia.. a mt. &. urunic s cor. OFFICE FURN. and equipment from 'Western States Grocery and G re sham Knnk IVlbl r-h, Ir fllc trnvrltrc adding machines. scales, calculators. " now at our store. 456 Court. Roen Typewriter r.xcnange. FOR SALE -Leonard refrigerator $70, Wet.tlnhoue electric range $25. See at Uimer i storage company. BARTLETT PEARS. Ph. 9SF12 eve, peaches ready. C. C Chaffee, Wallace roao. rnone o.r;i. TELLOW SWEt-rT corn delivered market price. Phone 77F3. L. H. Zlelke, COLLIE PUPS and grown dogs. $5 . i r- I m lip. uuira rweiuicis, ruun , uu Phone 94FI. PURITAN HRAND distilled white rlrklln vlnexar for all pickling pur poses. "Keeps your pickles krisp. Pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan. Cider Works. West Salem, y PEACHES U PICK. N. River Road 10 miles. Phone 71F22, V. O. Kelley, Bring containers. ADVERTISING ' Western Advertising Representatives Fencer-Hall Co Ltd. ' Eaa Francisco. Los Angelea' Seattle - Eastern Advertising; ' Representatives Bryant, Griffith A Branson. I no. Chicago. New Vers, Detroit. . Boston. Atlanta "- Snterti at tfte t'ostottie mt SeJem Oregon es Stcond Claa aft. Pae lissed every morning sxresl Jescfav. BuMntm mfie. Hi South ComwerciaJ Street. . . - . . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates to Advance Within Oregon: . Daily and Bundar Mo. SO cents: S Mev 110:4 Mo. I 6 1 rear t& 00. Elsewhere 50 cents per Mo. or Si 00 for 1 year in advance Per cOf-r t cent a Newsstands centa Bv Cltv Carrier: CO cents a month. $7.20 year In advance In Marion sad adrtcent "Miscellanroua HOUSE TRAILER. Covered Wagon factory built. 2 beds, all equipped. One trip from Dakota. $3S0.e less than cost. See King; 1 N. Front. Salem. STANDARD REMINGTON No. 11 Typewriter. Quick sale. $10.00. Miller" a Auto Court. Just north of uaderbead crossing. ARVIN 37 CAR RADIO, cheap. 405 Union before IS noon. CRAB APPLES for Jelly, preserves, 5c Tomatoes. Ph. 3513. i. ... i - - i -1, m-i i- -B-v.-ii-n-riri n.n.n 1 SUPERFLEX OIL HEATER STOVE. ISO. l Kiee. hot water heater. Inq. Miss Jessie MeiviU. Kola, Ore. RJ. Bs 4S7A, Snlem. LARGE. MOD. TRAILER HOUSE, sacrifice. 454 S. 18th. a". ' mmm0mimimmmmimmjnmimmmm9nmm TXTX StIIT. like new, rost $41.00. Tours for SIS. Sixe 42. Phone S152. CANNING PEACHES. 4 miles N. of Keixer school. 60e up. Look for yellow sign. Frank's Orchard. BARTLETT PEARS. 25c UD. W. M. Stoddnrd, 1 ml. on Wallace Road, Box 179. SHAW GARDEN tractor complete, cost $325. sell for $150. Bartlett, 630 Chemeketa. BARTLETT PEARS. Rt. 6. Box 121, 34 mi. east on pen road. Phone S8F12. Bring boxes. J. Bucurench. 2 BALLOON BICYCLES. See King! 519 N. Front St. 170 TRAILER HOUSE, take 2 wheel trailer in trade. E. W. Hicks, Jefferson. PEARS FOR CANNING. Ewing drier.; Wallace Road. 25c per bu. Bring boxes. . . T canning. Phone 7SF14. "WE HAVE several old radio cab inets; your choice for $5.00 and you take away. Good for China cabinets bookcases or silver chests. Nelson Bros, fine, 331 Chemeketa Street. TradeMiscellaneous 3 GOOD LOTS to trade on construc tion of house. Phone 5274. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED MARKET poultry. Phone I33F1 Lee's Hatchery. WAVTRT) nOOn III an-l. Tit- yeu A Ajers. Lebanon, Ore HOUSE TRAILERS, 5I9 .N. Front. I Miscellaneous DR. HUTCHINSON'S rheumatism- arthritis packs. 1420 N. Summer St. Free, kiuerii 1 79 5 Lee. For Rent -Rooms COOL SPACIOUS aleen R Prie. en trance. Ph. 5971. LADIES PH MIS. 090 N COttags Nice rooms tn comfortable home. near siatehoua. Board opt. Tel. 3404. HEATED HSKP. rm. 1580 Center. UNUSUAL 2-ROOM suite and pri vate bath and shower. Automatic heat and hot water. Ideal for right person. 441 Dak street. Phone 9534. Ref. ex. Prlv. borne. 143 Center. Ph. 6113. SLEEPING HOOM. 660 No. High. ROOM. HOME privilegea Ph. S229. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE rooms. good location, newly furn. 135t CherrC SLEEPING RM. S38 N. Church. NICE SLEEP, rm. or light hskpg. rm., reas. Phone 6715. i i iri.w.wi i . i I rip SLEEPING RMS. S45 Marion. Ph. 4533. ROOMS 2097 STATE STREET. RMS, CLOSE In, Center St. P. 72 7 S. i Itoom and Board RM, B, Udy. 141 N. Cottage. RMS. A BD. for men. Ph. (7(9. ROOM BOARD. 254 N. Church. CLOSE IN. 316 Bellevue. Ph. S7(7. BRD, RM, gar, 25. 1049 N. 17th. 1 " -i " i j'j-jsTTj'irriju"xrtjXir" BOARD, ROOM on first floor. Home Erlvileges. Private family. 1698 S. iberty. '' ATTRACTIVE ROOM, board. 050 Marion. ROOM AND BOARD with shower. Close to schools and state offices. Phone 0970. " VERT CLOSE in, 545 S. ComX For Kent- Apartments SEE FISHER apta Modernised, oewly decorated and roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and S. Commercial. 2. 3 RMS. BATH. furn. 1440 Waller. Pat ton Apta 122 State, Furnished. Adults only. Ph. (244. if FURN. OR unfurn. 2 and S-room apta. Children. 1310 S. 13th. BATCH ELOR APT, 2 R, prlv. bath, auto. heat. prlv. ent, gar. 443 Union. - MOD, HEAT, alrcond, hot water, tlghta. private bath, garage. 9455 State. 4 R MOD. FURN. Heat, frtgidalre. 23SO F. G. Road. Ph. 7532. SMALL 2 R . FURN. apt, $14. Also 1 R..furn. apt., $10. Lights, water Maytag. Adults. 1620 Ferry. 1 R, BASEMENT. (39 N. Liberty. FURN. APT, $10. 152 N. J3th. S-RM, NEWLY dec. 435 N. Winter. 4 -ROOM APT. Large living room, fireplace, hot water heat, sun parlor and sleeping porch, gardens. Tel. (40 or (24. 2; RMS, furn. 255 Division. 1 i RM. APT. . Inclosed Kitchenette. Business Women. 1853 Court. If ROOM UNFURNISHED APT. Close In. Inquire (95 N. Liberty. 2 RMS. $10. 2(5 SO. COM L. LOVELY NEW APT. Avail. Sept. 1. 1R, bath, elec ref, stove. (50 Marion. 14 2 R. FURN, 24( State. S RM. FURN, 1207 S. Com'L 2 R. FURN. APT, 450 S. CapitoL - I ROOM FURS. apt. Also 2 room unfurnished. 21(4 Maple. t AND 4 R. APT. Prlv. bath, gar, $l(-$:0. adults. 345 Marion. FURN. APT, cheap. 7(0 N. Church. S R. PARTLY FURN, $15. adults only. Hollywood dlst, 1005 N. 22nd. APTa. ADULTS only. S183 State. Fr Rent OFFICE RiiOMA SSI Slate street Inquire room 200 TeL (713. Twe tt) fine Ts rms for pastursgs for rental for three months, combined acreage two hundred and fifty acres. Freak pjutesv Astoria, Oregon. - - r'tir Sah 1: Money to Loan CC C.O.D." Why stay np nights worrying about hew to meet those old bnla that have piled up? Add them together and pay them all off at once with a loan from ua Then you'll have only one small payment to make each month. Come tn find out how quickly and privately you get your cash. Save yourself days and nights of worry by paying your bills with a C O. O.- (Consolidation of Debts) loan from us. LOANS SIS TO 9300 ALL PLAN'S- Personal Finance Co. SIS State Street" at High Phone SI9I - -- -- -- - -i-i-i-i-i-i-irwy-M- CASH CHECK THESE FEATURES OF A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE. . Small monthly payments. ' , Interest charged only while you have Confidential, prompt service. the money. Low Cost. . Flexible plans to meet your needs. . Repay your loan at any time. . Auto loana to 9500.00. .-No cosigner. ; Furniture or livestock loans to 8300. Just call at our office and say, "Please explain your loan service to me." Tou are under no obligation, f People's Fmamce Company S-2I3 - State Rm. 201, First National Bank Bldg. For Rent CARS. TRUCKS. O Dilve. Ph. T045. HOSPITAL UfclUS and wbeel chairs to rent. H L. Stiff KurnUure. Co. PRUNE DRIER, Reasonable. Ready to go except wood. Write J. S. Route 1, Box 19, - s , . For Rent Houses SMALL 4-RM. house, modern. Rea sonable. Inq. L. V. White, Evergreen Ave. - BY -WIDOW, Sept. L Part Of fur nished home, heat, etc Employed couple. Ret. Phone (791. 1-RM. FURN. cabin. S840. S ROOM UNFURN, 1025 Shipping. NELSCOTT TEAR or winter auto, oil furnace, frpl, elec. stove, S bedrooms, 44 SeUing-Hirscb Bldg, Portland. 4 R., NOOK, FURN. Automatic heat. S35. "57 W. Miller. S ROOM HOUSE, bath, basement, fur nace, gaa furnace. 920.00. 4 room house. 910.00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR Phone 8121 For Sale Real Estate N. iSaleinni MOD. 4 RM. and nook, bamt, bdw. fX, fireplace, furnace, gar, fine loca tion, i aimed, poss. Price S3 9 00, easy terms. Mod. S rma, bsrnt, hdw. fL, furn, gar, fid. attic, fireplace, Imraed. poss, close to school and business center. Price $3700.110. 10 down. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. BEAUTIFUL HOME close in. Must sell at once. Large living room, kitchen and two bedrooms downstairs. S bed rooms upstairs. Full basement, garage, new heating plant. Phone owner 6152. This place must be seen to be appreci ated. - - ...:! MOD. HOME, Capltola. Low pay ments. Carle Abraras, ' 411 Masonic Bldg. . , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6 rm. home, Hollywood district. $21501200 down, baL $26 monthly. 1125 Norway Street. . - BUll-UINU LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street, excel lent location. Price $600. $36 down. $10 per month. W. U. GRABRNHORST A COu REALTORS 124 S Liberty St Phone (4S N. SUB. home. Inq. (GO N. Cottage. SPECIAL 2 ACRES WITH good barn and chicken house, fine location. Price $1, 700. Good car or lot taken as part. SEE Mm Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street: Phone 92(1 7 R-, BATH, PLAST, base, furnc, gar, walks, pav. pd, $2250, $200 cash, baL $25.00 month. ( R. close In, $1200, terms: less for cash. See F. Griepentrog, 1940. McCoy St. TeL 4954. 20 ACRES MOSTLY all In- cultiva tion, all kinds of fruit, good buildings. Priced real low at $2000. Place Is clear. " Will trade for small acreage and assume some. t : Good 6 room modern house, nice lot with shrubbery and fruit, not far out. South Salem. Will exchange for 3-5 acres close In. ' - ROSTE1N ADOLPH, INC 110 N. Commercial Street DRIVE BY 2170 Myrtle Ave: Then phone for appointment to see It. Neat 2 or 3 bedrms. Full basement, fur nace. New roof, nice lot. Paving paid. A buy $2700. Reaa terms. ROBERT F. BUDROW Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. . : Ph. 6965. BARGAIN 4 - - 4-ROOM PLAST.- house, basement- furnace, sleeping porch. Fruit-room, garage, also a new gas range to go with sale. Price $1330, $400 down, bal. $16 per mo. $3000 will buy a 1-A. tract with new 5 room modern bouse, double irarajce. small chicken house and barn, some riiberts. walnuts A cherrlea located close in. $500 down, $30 per mo. to include int. . New, modern, 5-room home, ready to move Into, located in N. K. Salem. Price $4500. New 4 : room house with dinette, hardwood floors throughout, full ce ment driveway to garage, fireplace. Price $3500. $100 down, $35 TT mo. 1 See G. H. GRABKNHORST. Jr. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 3. Liberty St. Phone (468. t 8 ROOMS. $20fl0. ' FINE location. 2uv aown, sxo roontmy. Good buy. Reasoner ( certainly 565 N, High MODERN 4 RM. A nook, ramnlete ly furnished, reasonable payment. baL uae rent. ' H. Cm SHIELDS Oreg. Bldg. . - Phone 8902. 1 SSfla K nnfif rrtrt ei , i place,- hardwood floors, base- uieni, mrraice,. lay. irays, ga rage. Excellent location. . $2500. of an acre in Keixer dis . trlct, 4 room house, bath. M. trays, double . garage, fruit. eieciric water system. Terms. 86000. 7 room mod. house, flrenlne basement, furnace. Idy. trays, garage, finished attic, sleeping porcrv a very srooo our. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bid-. : Phone 8121 -M-ir--arrv.rt.riri.i-i.rin 1 A. NORTHEAST OP" town at. Inter - serttoa of paved highway and gravel road. School coavenlences anct bus service. 6 rm house, nearly new. Full price $2000. $25 down, f 3S per , mo, to rigni party. : - F. H. WEIR, 312 Oreg, Bldg. Ph. 9111 1 (5 ACRES. 7 ROOM . house, out bids. 65 cult, bal. timber and pas ture, all fenced, to trade ' for small farm ot city prop. A. C. JENSEN ; 229 Oregon Bidir. -- Phono 8414 Money to Loan LOANS Second Floor New Bllgn Bldg. Room 119 License S 132 M-1CS . Salem. Ore. ' - -- -- -- ---irM-w-urrunruvxruxn.rLjvv'M-io License M-220 Tet 444S Salem. Oregon Immediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single Only You Sign Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify' Private Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day, Week or Month To Reduce the Cost General Finance Corp. 13S So. Commercial Street Salem! Oregon - S-13S First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO. bur new or used cars. Private money at very low rates. No red tape I to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 13(3. Commercial SL. Salem. Ore. Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-161 FHA LOANS (0 ON EXISTING construction 90 on new const met Ion. - ". i. F. UIJtlCH CO. 9(2 State Street Phone ((73 -E-L-P OUR AIM to to help people when they need help. uet tnat extra rasn yon neeo now witnout a lot or rei tape, or comakers. $100 loan. $(72 per month for 20 oaontna otner amounts In proportion. up to soe on eara STATE FINANCE CO. 344 State Street Salem. Oregon. Ua No. S-2K M 323 .Phone 92(1 FEDERAL HOUSING loans build. refinance homes, business nron. Ratea Abratns A Ellis. Inc Masonic Bldg. MONEY TO loan on cood real estate. wnaries Hudklna 175 State street. MONEY TO loan. Melvtn Johnson. Financial WE HA Vis never paid less than this rate on savings and Investments. Insured V to $5000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Asa's Phone 4965 143 8. Liberty bl Ixtans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate Will pay ( Interest. , . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 8. IJberty St. Phone 4468 LOANS vVAtvrisu on farm and. city property. Before borrowing inquire ai Hawkins A Roberta For Sale Real Us tale ACREAGE TRACT on pavement east of town. Will sell on terms or trade for city property. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oregon Bldg. P. 9111 ITS A BUT N. 24th ST, & RM. hse.. 2 bedrooms, bath, garage, large loL Walnuta Pav ing In A paid.. E. front Price $2200 terms. Also on N. 23rd St.. (rms. A bath. garage. Cherries A walnuta. All clear. $2100, terms. CARLETON E. LANE i 470 N. Commercial Ph. 8622-4075 kxchanae Real Estate EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home of IS acre, highly Improved, Walnuta cherrlea filberts, etc. Good pasture with running water. Price $8,000. Will accept good home In Salem In ex change. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER- Realtors 344 State Street . Phone 92(1 MEDFORD EXCHANGE FINE 7 ROOM, modern borne In Sa lem fox sale or -will exchange for borne In Mediora.. it ice xs.eeo. SEE Mrs.. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street . Phone 12(1. BEAUTIFUL WOODED view lot, Kingwood Heights, for carpenter work. moo owner, su. r CALIFORNIA STORE building. Tor rance CaL across street from Colum bia Steel Co plant. Suitable for gro cery, lunch, cards, etc. value S2000. clear. Want income or small business property. J. W. BRASHER 1,1$ S. High. St. McKiUop Real Estate For Sate Farms FEDERAL UNO bank farms. Priced right - Terms. See W. aV Bart lett. secretary treasurer , " 81 ( Oregon uiidln Phone, 7 137 GARDEN, GRAIN, fruIL timber, stock farm. 17( acres imoroTcd. 14.- 600. terms. Hurry!- ( ROD. A GUN repairs. Salem Rod A Reason t eertatery a((S N. - - RighT'Gwa - Shop, 370H State, - upstairs. - - For Sale Used Cars : OTTO J. WILSON You Get a Better. Used Car from Your Buick Dealer Right now we have some of the best used cars we hare had this season 1937 Graham Super-Charger Driven only 11,000 miles new special equipment It's a real buy at only; 1937 Packard Rumble seat, tires, almost new six -ply 1937 Buick Sedan All steel body, large built-in trunk good 1937 Buick Coupe Motor In perfect shape special six-ply MANY OTHERS TO OTTO J. 3SS NORTH COMMERCIAL Acreage MAKE US AN OFFER On a 30-acre fruit farm of apples. walnuts and filberts, small bouse, ga rage and poultry house. Thia will make a splendid Investment for someone. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 92(1 S ACRES, improved, electricity, gaa. telephone. $2700. Terms. Route 7, box (2. Salem. EAST ACREAGE 10 ACRES FINE soli, 2 acres prunes and mixed orchard, small house, barn, poultry bouse, electricity, ( miles out, near Frultland school. Price $3250, cash $500, balance $20 per mo. Includ ing ( Interest. Discount for all cash. CALL Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors . 344 State Street - Phone 92(1. ACREAGE 40 A. LOCATED NEAR Aumsvllle. all under cult, paved road, small stream. Price $1600, $250 down, baL (. 85 A. located 7 miles N. W. of Dal las, some timber, lots of fruit, 3 -room unfinished house. .Fufnlture and tools go with sale. Price $950.00. ' 40 A. located 8 miles a. W. or Airiie, 15 A. under cult., baL timber, spring water piped to buildings, new S-room house A outbldgs. Price $1100.00. Terms.' See G. W. JOHNSON, JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone (468 Business Opportunities TRAILER HOUSE, sand. Shop, fully equipped, price $175.00. Tip on pay lng location 1258 S. Commercial, basement apt. . DO YOU want a permanent good living with a small investment? If so, call me as I have the best little res taurant in Salem, closed evenings at 7 and all days Sundays. Phone 4311. SMALL GROCERY. $375. Neat lunch, conf, $495. Family restaurant. $1200. Good suburban grocery, lunch and beer. Priced right. J.iW. BRASHER 11S S.. High. St. McKillop Real Estate CONFECTIONERY AND lunch. Very attractive In appearance, loca tion and profits. In live Willamette valley town.' Well equipped. Excellent opportunity. Owner leaving state. Will sacrifice for $2000. ROY J. RICE, 212 Oreg. Bldg. P. 9411 A BUSINESS SPECIALIZING In beef, and chicken dinners from ( p. m. to 1 s, m. Well-advertised and mak ing good profits for the operators. Will give Immediate possession to pur chaser.. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 For Sal Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 137FI2. FIR. OAK. ash. Green. 6270. NOK C)R Y old I f 'rC $ sC" Fourf oot. 3-50. Ash, maple $(.25. Phone (370. WOOD, DRY. Phone 95(0. DRY 1( IN. Oak and Ash Wood. Jess WaUing. Phone 2F4. Al DRY OLD FIR. $5.50. Ph. 33S4. WE HAVE 50 CRDS of Choicest Old Fir on the market See us or call us to day. $(.00 per cord. . HERROLD OWENS. CO. . Tel. 31(9 DRY BLK. Lge Id. $5.00. Ph. (S32. BONE DRY 16" old fir ready for basement. TeL 3(73. Holloway. GOOD. DRY 4 ft. 2nd gwth, S cord lots. $12. TeL 7860. DRY WOOD, all klnda Ph. (663. Slab wd. $3.50 cd Ph. 17F31. Busi n ess Cards tn this directory ran on a monthly basis only Rate: l per line per month. Auto Brakes alike Panes. 17S South CotnmerclaL Anlo Kepairing AUTO REPAIRING, body and fender welding See John Howell. Signal Oil station. 9S N. Liberty. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com'L Ph. 45 IS Body & Fender Repair FOR BOUT FENDER Repairs. Auter Trlm.. Seat Covers, class replacement Auto Palming SEE the Herrall Owena Co., 125 8. Com'L St. Ph. $1(9 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Northnesa Chiropractors DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 25( N. High. TeL Rea (573. Excavating tSXCAVATINQ. OF all klnda. Pass meats dug. Dirt ha a led or moved. Dirt for sale, ft lent Sand and Gravel Co. Pbene 940$. Florists Brefthaupt's. 447 Court. Phone $904. W. SALEM Florists. 1400 Edgewater Gunsmith For Sale Used Cars deluxe tires spotlight, heater, dual ;. , - $$50.00 Sport Coupe tires. Series 120, It's a steal at $895 tires : , , - $5 tires $s:5 CHOOSE FROM WILSON PHONE 6451 1931 Model A l4-Ton Truck, dual long wheel base, Al condition, $195.00. 1291 ldgewater, west fcalem. 1932 CHEVROLET COACH. good shape, with radio. 1870 State. CADILLAC TOURING car with two - wheel hea vy duty hydraiflic brake semi-trailer : will haul 7000 pounds: lots of .power. Priced $350 ; will trade lor lumber shingles, chick ens, money or beef. Robin Reed, Salem, phone 4035. 29 FORD A COUPE. Any reason able offet. 2063 McCoy SC Wanted Used Cars PLYM, DO DOB or CHEV. '35 or later. Pay cash. Box 940, Statesman. For Sale Wood lr OLD FIR. $5.50 per cord In 4 cord lots delivered. . R. D. WHELAN, Turner, Oregon. DRY 1( IN. old fir, $5; 4 -ft. 2nd growth, $4. Phone 9456. SPECIAL K IN. 2nd growth. $4.60 ecu 3 -cord loads. 23(0 Broadway. WOOD FOR sale. Will sell In quan titles In the timber and you haul. Short haul, easily reached. See Lee Windom, on Rhoten Farm near Roberta Phone 78F12. . . , , ! - . NO. 1 DRY old fir. We give you good measure, can 8(70. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. 6883 Personal LONELY 7 -WORTH WH1 LET sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Boa 76 L Angelea TO WHOM it may concern From this day forward I will not be respon sible for any bills contracted for other than myself (personally). Mrs. R. S. tfearl) McVey. - Transportation WANT 2 PASSENGERS S. Dak, leaving a Dour. ztn. iulwln Fierce, Rt (. Box 574, 5 ml. east of Salem, Au burn Rd. 1 OR 2 PASSENGERS to Colorado. Leaving Friday a. m. 1271 Chemeketa Street. 1 Estate of Roaa Tone Carleton NOTICE TO (CREDITORS No. 9025 In the County court of the State of Oreg-on for the County of Marion - Probate Department. Notice is hereby siren that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Rosa lona Carleton, deceased, by the County Court of the State of - Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified as by law required, to the under signed at 602 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon, within six months of the date hereof. , Date of first publication 'Aug ust 4th, 1938. Last Publication September 1st, 193S. 8VU tpnl Orma W. Carleton, Administrator. Edwin II. Lewis, Attorney for Administrator. A.4-11-18-25; S. 1 In the County Court of the State of Oregon For the County of Marios Pro- ; bate Department In the mattei of the Estate of Directory Lime GOLD HILL' lime (. We deliver to farm. S34 N. Com mere la L TeL $33$. Laundries THE NEW 8 At. IT 14 LAUNDRY THE WKIIKR LAUNDRT 243 & High Tel. 91SS Mattresses SALEM PLUrr-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made order, old renrmde : carpet cieMnlng. sls tng; flutt rug weaving 8. llth A Wil bur. TeL (441. OTTO W. Z WICKER Est. 191L CAPITOL BEDDING Ca Phone 401$. Print in FOR STATION ERT. cards, pamphleta programa books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. SIS 8. CommerclaL Tele phone 9101. Radio Service LOUIS DU BUT. Phone (lit. Tire NEW AND. USED all sizes. Lowest prices. 970 S. Commercial street. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Transfer Ca 224 State -SI TeL 777$. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our ratea FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor sge. burner oil. rail 3111. fju-met Transfer C. Trucks to Portland dally Weil Drilling a a. west. tt. i. bs. 441 t. neri Chaster J. Pwgh. 2125 Myrtle. 93J(. X For Sale Used Cars : CHEV, TRUCKS We Have Them 1935 Chevrolet. Truck, Eaton axle... 1934 Chevrolet Truck, L. W...... 1933 Chevrolet Truck, L. W. 1931 Chevrolet Truck, L. 1935 Chevrolet Panel VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT CENTER A MARION -rrsr-ers s-sTsrsrs See the New 1938 Plymouth "Roadking,, 4dr. Tr. Sedan Now on Display - Priced as Low As eSOS Delivered In S-alem HERR ALL - OlrVENS CO. 4r ti. tt. : r r it.i A 11C XXUII1C Ol UCJJCIIUU111C USCU Viitl a itllU 11UIKS DODGE and PLYMOUTH and DODGE TRUCK DIST. 235 South Commercial Phone 21 NEW USED CAR PARE CHURCH HT. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRE PHONE 5335 i Mary E. Eckardt Wildfeng CITATION To Ernest Lee Wildfeng. GREET- ING: IN THE XAMlfi OF TH"E STATE OP OREGON Ton are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, at the Court room thereof, at Salem, in the County of Marion on or before 28 days' from the date of the first publication of this cita tion to show cause, if any exists why an order of sale should not be made . herein authorising . the administrator to sell an undivid ed one half Interest in Lot -4 Block 69 Town of North Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. WITNESS, The Hon. J. C. Sleg , round Judge ot the County Court of the v State of Oregon for . ! . the County of Marlon Marion with the seal of said Court affixed, thia 2nd day of Aug ust, A. D. 1938. ATTEST: i TJ. G. Boyer, Clerk. . (Seal) By H. C. MatUoa, Deputy Clerk. A. 4-1 1-1 8-2 S: S. 1. y- w vross wora ruzzie it 12 lu n 'A 20 21 22 21 2Z 26 2Q 21 'A 32 33 36 37 3 H2 3 41 'A 'A By EUGENE HOKIZOXTAL, 1 Silk faarie S Literary colleetioa S Bias wrta stiuaes 11 beerve4 IS ChiM 14 Whmt CmrtfcaciaWa s wmi prsdslUtod the liml raais Wart . 14 Aiari ferre 17 Moat ': 15 Middle IS Jndiaa IS U.ssrt is the capital ef what state ef IS - Merse tntiwm mt the dead . t a aasle ' 27 eigne tS Tea ia Caide's scale 19 Islet Se Eskisse . 91 naflbii paetalarac to IS Uprtctt vmrt mt a etas S4 Distt IS Baud by dorcs . ss Wke ess d ts Alps ts Aefest the Asa triaae at Mareage I . $$ Jarsoa $9- laagnsge ec lade-Carepeaa srisia 40 n 4 a BnraMse raee 41 W hat was tae ant mm ml tke eeeae- 4S Wctehfal . 41 BtMdM mt leaning -' 4S resk leUer 49 Meetal basse $ ASinaative veto (1 Place f U What. Is Use eibslae aert mt tat aaaie mt tmm 4 tals luliri Cmnm YlamCAX t Tree S Meadow $ Wast AastrUa Waalst aWevereJ a m-U-kmmwm. lav ec sersdityT 4 FaaataiMt ftuu 5 Tin fori tke ars - a What Brriaa casaia srae eared fc Elisaet . T Freaca rtty S TrmnqsU t Tree IS Method sssrss I I For Sale Usetl Cars ...$480 285 ... 235 ... 165 ... 345 W... .... .. ....... tt - i r i nn 1 Jungwirtli Takes Ixinn County Job FOX VALLEY Clarence Jung wirth went this week to Peoria, where he obtained work with his grarel truck. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Savage of Salem and their daughter. Miss Eugenia Savage, were Sunday guests at the G. F. Johnston home. . Mr. and Mrs. Jake Silbernagel of Jordan were Saturday visitors at the J. E, Jungwlrth home. Loris Trask took his daughter Dona, the last of the week to Al bany where she will Join her aunt and spend a couple of weeks at the coast. Krenz and Jaquct Farm Deal Noted VICTOR POINT In a real es tate transfer completed here last week, the Paul Jaquet family be came owners of the J. C. Krens farm and the Krens's the Martin Doerfler place formerly owned by Jaquet. Numerous family gatherings were held here In honor of Mrs. Theresia Fischer Keating and her son, Ted Acton of Seattle who have been visiting relatives here. in i 10 23 2H 21 'A. 30 31 21 3H 3S I 30 HO H5 H6 HI 2 4 SHBFFUR 11 BkIVm Is the kartor ef what essltal cityT . IS Withls 1 BtracS 23 Ktir mf violeai atotioa II Networks Attopt SI Pimufaciaacc mt the sfcaB 24 Eactaa vUUse . 2s VUietns r.taetnfiad partirle 33 What eacicat ct was te capital ef lanataT 94 Kialmhre S WM is the SMMt hwImh analalM el the BrttiHi CaiwiIUI ST Umr eases ml (ft Affecting the coloa 40 Note ef the seals 41 feminine aaate 42 i' Metric SMaonre ef area 44 Chnnacl (rocs a shore Inland 4 Tnt Mmkm mm edsins rierewith is the solution to yester day's puxxle. II IP 7? W7s O t f - vylg T T" O O A AjNijo;" l. lo'N: a m i t yt ,;,'isiu MT7f i a 5 ''jp A T a TaWa y m ; : t. a T h i : a1 ii.JLlS.5.t.A OIR D A?.IHI Tt? T JU X .1 V T A a O ;;t A. 5S.I3 F O i?.Il?.I gatn f a t .,;g- a t :c Ap'f' at - t. o z i f? i e a.j i 2. SI ' i 1" 11" v CmtwntM. lilt, hi Sine rnuni lr