PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning August 18, 1938 Society . . Clubs Music News and Features of Interest to women MAXINE B UREN Women's Editor, Homemaking Styles., Food Miss Gibbard Will Wed Mr; Manning September 28 One of - the most Interesting betrothals made known this summer was revealed last night when Miss Esther Gibbard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .'Ar thur E. Gibbard, announced that she will marry Mr. Kenneth Manning, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Manning , of Gervais. The wedding will be an event of Sep tember 28. Miss Gibbard is , a popular member of the younger set of the lapital and is a Spinster. She is a graduate of Willamette uni versity, a member of Beta Chi,' sorority of which she was presi dent. She was one of tne May CLUB CALENDAR ' Thursday, August 18 " Woman's Council of First Christian f church, at .church parlors, 2 p, m. "- Indies of GAR at armory, 2 p. m. ' business and : social meeting, j - ; - : Friday, August 19: -Married People's class. First Baptist church, picnic at . Smither's j ranch. Cars leave church' at . p. m. , NAL.C auxiliary picnic with Mrs. Frank Zinn, Sunnyslde, '6:30 p. IT. - ;,-.,.';.;.'.".'., -' Monday, August S3 Marion c o u n t y republican unit, of Pro-America at Marion hotel. 2:30 p. m:f ; Miss Parker Is Wedded to Mr. Brown The wedding . of Miss - Irene N. Parker, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert I. Parker of : Drain to Mr. Wilmer N. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Brown of Newburg was an event of Tues day niht at the First . Evangel ical church. Rev. Parker offi ciated at the ceremony. The bride wore a white satin gown, made on princess . lines with a long tulle veil and a Ju liet cap. She carried an arm bouquet of roses and bauvardla and was attended by Mrs. Carol Nygaard. of Nehalem, - matron of honor, who wore a lavender ; lace gown and -carried lavender ' and white sters. Her other attendants' . were Miss Helen Peck of. Newberg, Miss Aya Brown, Miss Leah Pauline . Potter, ; and; Miss Eliza beth Parnell who were' gowned dent. Sne was one or tne May -mm- day princesses -in her senior MISS 0X3 VCS Mr.-Manning is also a gradu- HojlOred at ate of Willamette university and rr ----- a member of Alpha -Psi Delta &JOWer - fraternity - H was Dromlnently ;-.' i .Identified in athletics. during his Miss Lois Graves, daughter of In floor-length dresses of- pink college career and a member of Mrs. Leda Graves of Rickreall, &nd blue. l : the "W". club. Mr. Manning is whoe marriage to Mr. Jesse D. Mr. Merle Green, cousin of now playing professional base-. Walling Jr., ; sou of Mr. and Mrs. the groom was his best man. Mr. ball in Norfolk, Va., and will j. jj. Walling, is an event of Howard Leach, Mr. Wallace come west in the fall. The cou- September 3, was honored at a Feckett both of Salem,' Mr. San- ple will reside in Palo Alto, bridal shower g i v e n by Mrs. ford Brown of Dayton and Mr. Calif., where Mr. . Manning will Homer Freeman andrs. Henry Oscar ; Carlson of Portland I were attend Stanford university this Dtynes on, j Tuesday afternoon, ushers. Little Gary Brown and winter. The - affair was given at the Sharon Lamkin acted- as flower ;The newg was told at a Domes home at; McCoy. ' bearers. j - - smartly arranged bridge party The hostesses used a profusion -- ; pastor Sings for which Miss Gibbard was 0f fall blooms for decorations. Mrs. D. B Klelghe played the hostess in honor of her house Assisting were Miss Margaret wedding marches and accompa- guest, Miss Mary Hickman ' of Domes, Miss Evelyn Romig and njed Rev. J. E. Campbell, pastor St. Paul. Minn., at her State Mifi8 Freda Jennings. of the church, when he sang street home. The hostess passed. - invited . to : honor the bride- "Because" and Love Never clever tallies in the shape of a eiect were:! Mrs. Maxine Free- Faileth " f baseball with miniature bat at- man, Mrs. George Shields, Mrs. At the consecration ; service teched which revealed the an- Fred Rhode. Mrs. Donald Dr. J. A. Goode of Portland led nouncement. Shields, Mrs. Sula Linn of In- in prayer and Rev. Campbell Beautiful bouquets of red dependence, i Mr. M. A. Lynch, gang. Miss Carolyn Campbell roses, zinnias and gladioli were Mrs. C. Cooper, Mrs. George and Miss Dorothy Englebart, arranged about the guest rooms. Richards, Mrs. Werts, Mrs. Fred wearing blue and pink towns w m. uie uwui suvfc o jenmngs, airs, iiewis iilixluj, jit the candles at the altar bank- , tit my;m - s Mm "I don't know her exact age, but I understand she's having an addi tion built to her hope chest!" ' Salem, Matrons Are Hostesses Today Miss Freda Jennings, Mrs. Wal- d witn DlBk and white gladioli Such need ,or exPansin could cover an Indefinite span of years, of do Finn, Mrs. Winona Coleman, ani a profusion of palms and course. . . An indefinite amount of expansion In the waist or hip re- Miss Dorotny nnn, miss LUelia greenery. The pews were deco- inn, Airs, jeweii jyncn, Mrs. rated with gladioli. August Rhode. Mrs. Nell Wer- At tne reception In? the ner. Mrs. S. L. Stewart. Miss a u.n M8 v86" Pra" a0f M" -ell Turner, Miss Clara McKee, followed the ceremony Mrs. J. Fred H. Thompson are planning EdIth Kraitz, Mrs. Lee Mc- E. Campbell and M r , . Leach a party for today to honor Mrs. ee, Mrs. Emma Rhode, Mrs. -erved. woy uaerourg oi an r rncico Ellxabeth Silhavy, Miss Myrtle - Mrs. Brown Is a graduate of , and Mrs. Richard Krlesel. The Davis, Mrs. ! Morris Christensen, the Portland Bible Institute . m . party is to be at the Pratt home Mrs.- Hazel Cobban, Mrs. Elsie EChool of music. Mr. Brown is AfjCC AhramZ tfl and luncheon will be served at xielson. I , minister of mnsic at the First . 1 oclock. Mrs. Okerburg is the Mrs. Porter Frizzell. Mrs. Ly- Evangelical church and Is a stn- Mam0J in former Betty Himmel, daughter da Fletcher of McMinnville, Mrs. dent at Willamette. The con- WC "iailiCU iii of Mr. and Mrs. L. Himmel, whom Rose Rntledge, Miss ConsUnce pie wm De at home at 536 North KanTamhar she Is visiting. Mrs. Krlesel Is Rntledge, Miss Margery Domes, summer street after August 28. OCZtCiiiAVCri , The engagement and wedding gion or no expansion at all decidedly demands covering today with well fitted garments. Dresses just don't sit correctly without 'em. But how far from discomforting is this soft, lightweight (but masterful) girdle of tie silk (with a scottle print) whose sides are fashioned of Lastex lace. And will yon look at the elbow sleeves on the white chiffon nightie, right? Copyright, 1938, Esquire Feat ures, Inc. William Jones Home Scene of Party -Professor and Mrs. William C. Jones were hosts at dinner Wed nesday evening honoring Profes sor Frank E. Childs who will soon will continue graduate work at leaving soon ior soutn America to Miss Eleanor Rutieage, Mrs. For going away the bride wore loin Mr. K.rieseL Panl no nnmu lr ITaslA Kllirer 1. 1. - ... vi vi. j " ' Invited are Mrs. Okerburg. Mrs. of Dallas, Mrs. Dorothr Cobban white accessories. They are on 5" .7 .." t ' leave for Minneapolis where he ivriesex, airs, urager Miscnier, of Junction City, Mrs. May Ho- trip to the beaches. Mrs. George Rhoten, Mrs. Edward mlg, Mrs. i Helen Edmundson, , ' Roth! and Mrs. William Burg- Mrs. Maldai Christenson, Mrs. m i m l if . hardt. . Glenn ; Stevenson. 1 Mrs. Jease Writers IIUD Meets 1 --r .tii . t . lis Mrs. Elsie JStultz, Miss Kathleen ncisou s Williams. Mrs. Anne Rhode, Miss Margery Stewart, Mrs. Pattern Prof, and Mrs. J. C. Nelson daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Si inner" son of Mr. .n Mr. University of Minnesota and lie Skinner, was told at a lunch- ,or the Krd""nf ma,0r,t In ??" eon yesterday afternoon at which onomie. at Willamette uni vers ty the bride-elect presided as host- Past June, Miss Melva Belle ravage, Aiessra. ursjuuu Auuer son. Dale Crabtree, Harlan Shel- ess. Miss Margery atewart, r. r fa u t members Of the ,wcuwii was mue o don and Melyln yiken. Homer Freeman. Mrs. Henry t. . v scrolls on ribbons, attached to a u " ' writers ciuo at meir auuw on im.i nA.f. f T.Mjg. iiiht mH ntArtalnei weaaing caxe mat lormea me Bv-w, uv ruesaay nignt ana entertained .... Z . ntnr Mn. Jnni' itr ni ' t$ ) n i ' ?i A 1 II J I 4913 Domes and Mrs. Leda Grates. Ir.C "llZ 7" " V ";7 table's centerpiece. ning were Mrs. Jones' sister and the program of creative work! Mi8 brams chose September house guestIrs. W. Earle Tern Mrs. C. A. Lytle presided at the f. " h" r r"86. t'fSrv meeting. Cake Topping Is Important as The Batter . , Today's Menu Active Outdoor - Games Prove Sliced lettuce with good old v."" v vinegar and oU will be salad to- HODlllai' day, Sliced lettuce Baked pork chops New peas, buttered Scalloped potatoes Huckleberry pie .When an outdoor party Is plan ned for youngsters a few super vised games may be In good taste, especially wbea ,,fh crowd Is mixed and games must suit both girls and boys, j, Active games of course are the only ones that will satisfy the younger set a- " "-ere are woods ,., K1-., . . that will hide the players, here hJ?J5?V .--. are two that fit the requirement.: A really nice cake deserves a good topping Just ai much as an elegant new winter ensemble Is enhanced by blending accessories. Most good cooks spend almost .r . , T a much time on the finishing Meat Combination IS touches to their cakes as they do ti9t, Taf specialize in a favorite recipe. Here are several good recipes .v. k....v. - .. i.f th.t are two that nt me req for icings, they, should Just about pleaaant form of ked meat that , rKAXl'T "IKK cover the cake situation. If a sev- u inexpensive yet iubatltutes Co,or Pnuts with Easter eg en-mlnute frosting Is added to the pleasantly for the more expensive dT or with - paint, and , scatter 11BU - . FELlCm KROSTIXO 1 cups brown sugar, packed In cup ' tablespoons cold water 7 Pinch of salt egg-whites ' -' V ' VaniHa "r-' ' Mix In double boiler, cook, beat-; Ing all 'the time, for" 5 minutes. Take ' the double 1 Her off the stove, but leave Icing over the hot water and beat for three min- roast. i aiong ib pain wnera in niae im MEAT LOAF to be taken. Each biker tries to 1 pounds ground beef find as many peanuts as possible 1 pound ground pork and at the end the points are ' 1 cup fine bread or -cracker added. Rd will count 5, yellow crumbs count 10, blue IS and purple 20. 2 teaspoon salt "' ' ' F ' A. large sack of pennies wilt be M teaspoon pepper - " awarded to the blzh-polot hiker. 2 tablespoons grated onion Hare and hounds la fun for 2 eggs, slightly beaten both grownups and children. For 1 cup milk or meat stock outdoors fun set the stage for: Have beef and pork ground to- HARK AXI HOUXDH gether. Beef neck, shank or chuck Two persons are chosen to be end up together. Hounds follow the paper pieces and the one get ting to the hare first wins the prize. The hare's nath should be as complicated as possible. it tne picnic piare is more Creamy chocolate icing tastes as if it had a large amount of but ter in it, but in reality it only calls for 1 tablespoon. Which makes It a very economical re cipe. CREAMY CHOCOLATE ICIXG 1 cup sifted powder sugar 1 tablespoon butter Cream together and add cup milk, 2 squares melted square TlTrTVarva to We: TTnst rirri .- T "I is her parents' 24th wedding an- Mrs. Charles C. Haworth. Miss Un Saturday rU 0n he program of !mo U1 be IMan Hart and Mr. Forrest Mig8 Ryland Wedded senator and Mrs Charles Mc- rk were Mrs. Helen McLeod of ln the evening at the Abrama Mills. J v.S ti? ?itl t coS- Monmouth. Dr. Claude Clifford. home- . , . ' . . - To Mr. Stapleton Nary will be hosts at their coun- V.m m, wi! The bride-elect attended Will- r: TJ n t r Saturday J"i amette universitv where she was "lulicl vrzveu iui try home "Fircone" on afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock a member of Delta Phi. She ralifornians Mrs. W. A. Merriott. Mrs. F. G rad.u.ted l.he University of Toledo to attend the marriage of iui uiuu :x..w irrankHn. Mr., wuiiam f. vrM Washington in journalism ana is Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gray and Misses Maxine and Eileen Mr. George Ryland motored to Goodenough were hostessea to the ....v.-. -. -- , vmnVHn Mm William F Farm nwmugiuu w juui liauaiu uU i Mr. ana Mrs. Herman 1'ersey xniss Agnes ttyiana to Mr. juex Z. . ' -, , located several miles north on the ffanim "V-W1i;UmV Farg a member of Theta Sigma Phi h,t. t a dinner -rrn5 SUnleton. which was aolemni.ed Monday afternoon when the girls n t a Kn waU AUU X 1 Vl. iUUi lUU f A C, ... " . " w " - ' An 1r-Ar1 a mneltal ertAftiAAfi nnvr uu w r," Others nresent included Mn' Journalism nonorary. mnrkcut un niMts n easilv find Jtners present jnciuaea airs. on.. - their Marion waV - a bus will leave the Lynn Cronemlller. Mrs. Ora Fv TT , . i . J " T K:"uu"l "4 ors from California, n Thotefaf 1-aTo'clMk Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. J. M University of Washington and la CoTerg were placed for Mr. and . 1'30Ilcloc- ; - Clifford Dr. and F G FrankUn 1x1 business in Salem. They will Mrs. Merlin Hinton of Palo Alto, ntnr MfNarv will onpn the wiuorui kJl' n r . rmuiuu, , v i,.i. . . . . ' Senator McNary will open the h""0:."? "i " f.VtoI rid here after their marriare. Z " ..V AIZ' u . f .r .Tn t r s. beth Steed. VirglnU Steed. Bara- program at 2:30 1 and naUonal and g11 "S Present at yesterday's n- Panl and Ruth Cookinghamr Bar-' She 1. a graduate nnrtt and has rb- Brb"f ' 'iS' state candidates WH ' T e Mto Reaiwa. Swart Perry P noullcement luncheon were Miss bara Richardson, Mr. August Per- been employed at the Toledo hos- Rchael Yocum, Eileen j and Max talks. SUte and county officials MsKe lne Goodenough. - iuuuuuv. and the host. Prof and Mrs J c. KeU8 Mlss Margaret Ann neiis, Mrs. WiUiam Persey, Mrs. Anna ing. ! kelson. . , : ... . In general charge are Mrs. C. E. - , Runyon and Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger. I . . Mrs. R. L. Wright is acting as UeSSert Jlridge in Salem chairman. Mrs. Ralph Ham- r ,1 , l iiton is to be hospitality chair- Portland Attracts Miss Roberta McGilchrist, Misa persey Morgan. Miss Ruth Ann Marguerite smun, miss Tjorneua Morgan, Mr. Harold Persey and Hulst and Miss Elizabeth Boylan. Mr. ! and Mrs. Herman Persey. - man. Mr. Harold Pruitt and' Mr. Robert Jones are acting on the committee from Salem. Mrs. William Hammond ! and Mrs. Melwood Van Scoyoc were Willard Simmons Wi Be Hosts Sunday 1 Miss Rose Ann Gibson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gibson ' Mrs. A. N. Taylor of Albany Miss Evelyn Haas; left for vm the guest of her sister, Mrs. Spokane on Wednesday, and . J. T. Whittig on Tuesday, will make her home there. . Miss Marjotie Knox has Just Mrs. C. A. Nelson and da ugh- returned from two weeks spent tpi- Marian nt Ahorilosn C n lv. ..1 . I... i nw. who has been attending the Uni- are the guests of Mrs. Fred TprRif v or Kritish Onlnmhli for n . Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Sim- ;hl wTiT. V " " na siem' . "?.. ?nr Head Is returning i . . i . . m -nrnntv.on no . . - " Irom . Mllwaurln fir- hr una . Among those who will pour are r M ' H tZiZ? f Wm?" .Pt her vacation. Mrs. u. t. Bisnop ana airs, tieien --- k " in pahi.i. ti.. -f rpiPhratin? thplr rnMon woddinB- uu"elJ' 18 woo ire domiciled at rxeskowin Southwick. The Iulian-American ef8 hom Portland. The af- cebrating : their golden wedding Skillen of Fort wmIam, Ontario, were Joined by Mr. Eoff last Republican club singers and ac- f WM ? the form ' a des8rt "nile;s"yA rn SliJ; Tj!7 Ji?1 accompanied Miss Gibson to Sa- weekend, cordionists will give several mu- bridge and was a surprise for the be at home to friends and rela- ,em and wm rema,n her .... Motoring nn from Salem were in their home at 1058 East Cleve- " . Dr. and Mrs. Carl Emmons Mrs. William Hammond, Mrs. land street, Woodburn. Friends MembeP9 of the Women's Re- have' moved from their home on Melwood Van Scoyoc. Mrs. Walter are cordially Invited to drop in " L VJ TZ' V?l North Winter street to 1089 sical numbers. - Miss Walker Hostess At Bridge I Tonight ntea. Set the ton of the double ana por loouiaer tie economical the hares, and all the nthora aro boiler in a pan of cold water and cuts for grinding. Combine ground hounds. The hares are given a beat for three minutes longer, meat with bread crumbs and sea- &Tgf paper gack fu of Bma p,e. tnakinr a total of 11 minutes alto- BOningS. Moisten W 1 1 h slightly ce colored minor whlrh tl.. gether. Add flavoring and spread beaten ggs and milk or meat .catter along their path. The between and on top of the layers. f " " i hares are given a head start of If you like to make uncooked ""f'" r, hounds, are allowed to sep- lcings, but still want one that is I!"..; .T.'.w. rate during the chase but must fluffy, try this one:' . ' . EASY ICING 4 tablespoons butter n i nc i tvt 2 egg whites Kye Cereal Makes Nut 2 cups confectioner's sugar J3rea(J Jf H teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and one cup of n m hran riai ta mod to open, try this game when older sugar. Beat whites until stiff and keep on hind for making breads, ,0,k re P'ayers: add rest of sugar to the whites, topping baked dishes or adding to HOUSE RACKS Fold the tvo mixtures together meat loaves for filler. Here's one Mark a rectangular plot of level and add vanilla. The flavoring recipe to try: ground into six lanes about two may be varied to suit individual RYE NUT BREAD 'eet w,de- The lines are divided tastes. , i ... Into about 20 sections across and 1 cup brown sugar positions are numbered from one 2 tablespoons melted shorten- to 20- 8,x Players participate In ing the game and are lined up at the 1 cup rye flakes starting line. Someone rolls dice cup sour milk or buttermilk mle from square cardboard boi- 1 cups flour es of different olbt. One of the 1 teaspoon soda ' dice determine the horse that Is 14 teaspoon salt to move, the other the number of 4 cup chopped dates squares be moves. On the latter V. cup chopped nut meats dice, one side mlgh.t be marked Beat err! well: add surar rrad- "stumbled, back one inir" mn chocolate, 1 teaspoon vanilla and ually and beat until light. Stir ln others "bad start. lose next turn," l egg. Put all these Ingredients snortening, rye naxes ana mux; "no gain" and the other three ln together and beat with a ro- mix thoroughly. Sift flour, soda one, two and three Indicating the tary or electric beater for S or 4 n t togetner. Ada to 11m squares to advance. The player minutes, or until stiff enough to mixture with dates and nut meats, arriving at the end of the course spread. stirring only until Hour aisap- wins. Or it might be a mule race The addition of light corn syrup Peers. our into greased war pan and the last man wjns. to Comfort irinr iunrM -wna thmt wun waxea paper in ootiom. ... you will have a smooth frosting ta e"in (,6 de Ymino- ChKmUl.. with not a trace of a sugar grain "uur- w & ""b in it. . Fine Vefi'ptahli . COMFORT ICIXO ches long. Pour hot syrup slowly 0 2 M cups sugar over beaten egg whites, beating Young cabbage can be fried to M cup water all the time. Beat until it holds make a very nice vegetable dUh cup light corn syrup Its shape and add vanilla. Yon t0T dinner. It's probably one of 1 teaspoons vanilla may make a chocolate icing out the world'! least expensive vege- 2 egg whites of this recipe by adding 1 tables and should be included In Cook sugar, corn syrup and wa- squares of chocolate, chipped up. menu occasionally to square the ter till it spins a thread three in- right after the syrup. cook's conscience about that thick ana 1 none iresa muioroomi that were served at dinner this week. Fill E I) CA 11 B A G E 2 slices bacon 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt cup vinegar 4 cup water Paprika to taste ' ' . 4 cups cabbage uncooked and shredded Chop bacon fine and fry until crisp. Take out of skillet and fry cabbage slowly, until a light brown. Add remaining Ingredi ents and cover tightly. Simmer slowly for 20 minutes. ... Use Honey to Sweeten Plum Butter The honey people send a rec lpe using tJi e 1 r product as a sweetener for plum butter, mayb a little sweet for some tastes but the amount of koney will easily be varied, the. flavor's fine. PLUM fi UTTER Cover I plums with cold watei and cook slowly until 'well done lut through tfjander. Measurf and for leach cup of pulp add cup honey. Cook slowly until Bridge Party at Home Of Coodenoughs i a . th. rohoi .K.v i- njoj S musical, aiieruuoo Mr. Skinner is a arraduate of M nm r.nri. SuniliT mnminr. caras were in piay aunng tne ai- Mrs. SUpleton is a sister of Mrs. Gray and Mr. Ryland. and Present were the Misses Eliza . . . . .. . i t. iihi .iirim wins wmn in mi i ri i i ins runrer, Mrs. ward Davis, Mrs. ior an imormai visit. -t " south Hirh street. pibuii; fAiuaj a iuc uicuu auaiui w Miss Vera Walker will be host ess tonight to a group of friends. After an - b o u r of bridge, the PHwln ITaaoh cnl Mn T.nVo S r Mr. anil Mm. Rlmmnn vpr Shields. Mrs. George Knuteson of married in Marion county and home, are asked to meet-at the Portland was also a guest. have alwaytf resided here. Mr. bns departure corner, State .and . t. Simmons was born in the county Commercial, at 12:30 p. m. Mem- lt ."' ruminn ThnmiMnn mt. and is a retired railroad man. bers going are asked to bring . 111 . . 1. n Vail n . a - " ' . 1 , gueis wm. ku; io mo ui fco.iuc tained informally in her home on Mrs. Simmons was the former weir own iuie service, and will return to the Walker Tuesday to the following: Mrs. Annettie Vedder. : home for refreshments later. Darrell Gilchrist, Mrs. Othel Their two children, Mrs. Flagg Mr. Harold Iiamb of Port An- , Guests are Miss Ruth and Miss T- Mrs. it. i i ni of Sklem and Mr. Robert W. Sim. Rele. Wash., - has .been the A' style that will charm every Racbael Yocum, Miss Barbara Mis. Gordon Thompson. Bridge mons of Tacoma will be hosts guest of his brother and sister- woman getting reaay 10 iace a juamo, miss jworotny mcuobsiu, was in play. 1 during the at home on Sunday, whirl of fall activities! Anne , Miss Marjorie Jones, Miss Maxine ; Adams knows so well how to Goodenough, Miss Eileen Good In the Valley Social Realm ELDRIEDGE Misa Bessie in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marion uanyara, ono eci oi ion; u lAmh for the last week. . h lac, was recipient at a miscellan- left on Wednesday for Oceanside oul oower mis wee wun Mrs. plan a frock with engaging new enough. Miss' Jere Simmons, Miss Ro Pircnna -fcfl Thic- T aura W'ht1r to spend the remainder of the Conklin and Mrs. Maude Timm aa itetAill mt , tn Ititch nn (n. Uirnr.l Slormnn MIh VmllTn C A C-l OCJiCZl W OC J-idLll CZ WW AACCICi ,, hostesses. lIllUclI r UCL 1UUI1CI details easy to stitch up just Margaret Siermund, Miss Madlyn study Pattern 4913 and you'll Morgan and Miss Caroline Brown, realise this fact to the full! f if . How youthful the high girdle ef- Sirs. Charles Lemery will en- fect Is and that soft Mousing of ttrtaln a few youngsters and their the bodice. The collegian col- mothers today In her home at the Ky. tnch too while Elaine apartments in honor other the - flared 1 skirt makes e v e r. y daughter Margaret Ann on the step you take a graceful one. ocCa8lon ot ber second birthday. 71 rJf v GnesU who are bidden are Jane 'SJZ'LVn wiS?I B"low end her mother. Mrs. long or short sleeyee? It would u TI.,, T-.," . . be grand for ciaU" and after- "H rlowA MZ Doll& a noon teas. If you choose a plaid ;otr rs. Vernon Xpulaa. silk or wool, yotf can get a very obbTt 0hm,art "d nU motnerv now decorative effect by cutting Mrs- Ohmart. the girdle section nd front - i,t , ! -X .. panel bias Miss Caroyl Braden was host Pattern 4912 is available In to the following-Spinsters at misses and women's sizes 12..14, meeting held U ber home on 11 11 in no S2 -94 a, as Tuesday night; Miss Frances and 40. Size. IS takes 3 yard 3? Inch fabric. v Sa. nrriCSM CEMTS lft la oia ot (UBpt (eoia prmttmi) tor Uii Aas. a4B pattern. Writ pttlnly BUS, NAUK. AOOBCSS 4 STY LI De yea trent 1 S a style leader - tBi BBOierf Then writ at nt for th AN KB ADAM9 SUOMUER -PATTERN BOOK. It' fll4 itA . , aiata aa bow to b cooler ufmrt' - or bo to look yoaoccr. limer, , nor f lniorn fco to bo orrvctly rtittd for ttery lamaier teniae whethfT aanllt or moonlit. Don't do Ur It aea4iat for tbit fsaei satis ( , book, and aaaco roaraclf aono atrik- . itc bow aommer clotbaa. PRICK Of BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PRICS OF PATTERS riTTEEN CENTS. rfMK AND PATTf:RS TOGETHER TivE.VTY 11 VE CENTS Seed your ordtr to Tba Orcfoa ' Siatvamaa. . Pattcra Departmoot. Johnston, Miss Dorothy Alexan der, Miss Margaret Slmms, Miss Ann Van Scoy, v Miss 1 Margaret Corey, "Miss ? Ruth Jean Garn jobat. Miss Emlyn Griggs, Miss Barbara . Pierce. Miss Virginia Cross, Miss Anita Wagner and Miss Caroyl Braden. v; : - Miss . Minnie Shrode has been the hougeguest of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. D. It. Shrode the past week and will soon return to Los Angeles to continue study )imniww" " ; Vt;'t"?rr? ir?.. aaaaaaa mmmb cn--v I ! li; I12i? !!: 1 I r a o f J 'ifj ,a;i: ro-a;. - a Hri 1 Irvv"Jwjr,i? ""4 r':i a a a Vv-flf-'Xy 1 . i ' "-m .-- i K .1 I r- Jrfa I a a a' a. a ao a . a Irfa" t a s - - t aa-aar Present were Mesdames F. P. Dr. and Mrs. Dolarhide of Ban- Runcorn, "Roy Lenhart. A. C. U Anna, California, were In Sa- Keene, Carter Keene, A. W. Sah- lem Wednesday and visited Mrs. Wm- Chapman, Veteto, A. W. Addle Curtis and Mrs. Ada Gibler, Nusom, Wood, Lon Eppers, Ar- This is their first trip to Oregon. thor Banyard, Julian DeJardln. Mrs. Dolarhide is a relative of her Peter, LeUc- George Brown. Ver- hbstesses. 1 - . nie Banyard I. Sears, A. L. Gi- . . a - roa, mcaara vv imams, r.mii t;ra Mr. Frank Zinn is to he hot. Charles Hamegan. Jake ess for membe.a of the ' NALC Becker, and the Misses, Dorothy auxiliary and their families at a Y,eteto Frnela Wood. Bethel no-host picnic at her home at Eppers, Dorothy and Helen Sunnyslde. The affair Is set for Hannegan, Edna and J uanita 6:30 o'clock on Friday. " Becker. . . " Mrs. Hannah Martin will be SSOTTS MILLS A lovely post guest speaker at the meeting of nupUal shower was given at the the Woman's council of the First w? Geren --home Thursday at- : Christian church which . is being ternoon honoring Mrs, Glen held at the church parlors this Browning, a j-ecent brtde. Mrs. - 1 afternoon at . 2 o'clock. Bro,in,T' 7f f a - Jean Miller, graduated from the Major and Mn. Tooto hare l?1 nf a chool h,U Srifl gncsti from Ellensburg. Wash.. ?n nd, Mr rr"k Mu" fc Mr. and Mrs. Henrr Robinson jj"? e l!nt"t Mt a", and daughter, Nancy Lee. E- ,Webb of M.1- A?. Mrs.v Rose Magee and Kenneth Mr. and Mrs.' Sam , Earl re- agee enjoyed a , Joint birthday turned from Victoria and Van- Prty A the cIly Prk here Thurs- . - . . Jm a aar . - Ta a la, - - kHa kl aa W couver, B. C., this week after . .. - u;i uui un iu aame uay. Bare Needle Club Picnics PLEASANTDALE About 20 people attended the Aloha Needle club family pfcnlc held Sunday at L. S. Lorenzen's bar. A basket din ner was served at noon. Swim ming was enjoyed. Grange "Will Meet VICTOR POINT U n I o n Hill grange will hold its regular meet ing Friday night. thick and clear. Used glasses. Seal In sterl- Currv Powtlcr Seasons Salad Dressing An excellent dressing is maae by adding 1 teaspoon curry pow der to 1 cup mayonnaise. The combination makes an especially nice blend for meat salads. snendine- a holidav at the north The Initial adds distinction to the Initials measuring 4x4 H em cities. ' . . celebrated together every year for toward her master's deeree at this filet crochet set that's the Inches: materials required: illus- -' - some time. Present were Georgia the University ot Southern Cali- easiest ever in string. The design tratlons of stitches.. - Mrs. Frances Newman spent a Webb, Jimmie and Danny Webb fornla. also lend Itself to buffet seta and Send 10 cents in stamps or coin- week at Diamond lake and re- and Dr. Webb of Mt. Angel. Mr. scarf ends. You can use the in- f coin preferred) for this pattern turned to Salem on Tuesday. r and Mrs. Ed Myers of Salem, Mr. The Capital Assembly, of Arti- Itials alone, too, as inserts for to The Oregon Statesman, Needle- , - and Mrs. Jack Ktnser, Mr. and E&ns will meet at Olineer field - linens. Pattern 1844 contains craft Dept., Salem. Write plainly . Miss Lnnell Chaptn Ha vlsltlne Mrs. Lee Ayres, Jean and Jack, Thursday evening for a picnic at charts and directions for making pattern! number, your name and Miss Betty Williams on Lake Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee, Ron-j n;ia OCIOCK, i - M in ua a cuuiiete - aitiuaiwi, aauresa. uewego iuia :weav. vm. kuu acuuclu You'll Save By Reading the A( vertising Carried Each Day in The Oreqon St a . cacesman During the year you'll save tW ; -subscription price many times over. Make it a Daily Habit! Read The K 'STATES MA J ti)