PACE NINC Classified!; : Ads . Brin Mck Meseits TIaem to. Bp.y or The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 17, 1938 Q Use Sell Statesman Classified Ads " Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion pr line 10c Thrc Insertions per line .20e Sis Insertions per line 30e One montb per line , , II Minimum coarse ' lie Copy Tot this peg accepted until the eventns before publication for -rtaaairtrsttton. Copy received after this time will bo run under the heading. "Toe Lets to Clas sify.' i,; . The Statesman assumes so finan cial responsibility lor srrors which may appeal Id idrtrUarmratt pub lished In Its columns, and In cases wbtrt this pa pet te si fault will re print that part of as advertisement . la which the typographical mlstsk occurs, The Statesman reserves the riirht to rated questionable advertising: It further reserve the rleht to place ail aderltslng under the proper classification. "BLIND" A US which five only a box number cere or Statesman must be answered by letter. We cannot give any information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock - OKA D AND worthless horses, eews. Kicked up free Ptk collect 44 I L Salem lut corner? Rend Wka TOP PRICES paid tor live -horses and : cow a tor Cos feed. Phone collect S4I2. SALE heavy team horses. SHverton Road, Box 473. SALE OR trade J-yr.-old well marked Guernsey, fresh Aug. 12th. Joe Burke, Rt 6, Box &J7C. lfc ml. K. oX Stat hosp. Auctions AUCTION AUCTION SALE, Thursdsy, Aug. IS. 1:3 p. ra . Rt. 6. Box 102. 4 ml. K. of Salem, near Fruitland. Go" out Center St. snd follow arrows, t horses. 1 cow, CO hens, (7 bu. wheat, 1000 bu. grsy oats. Binder, mower, rake, D roller, land plaster machine, 3 plows, harrows, cultivator, cream separator, 1 H set D harness ; oUier machinery, foundation tools and (rain; terms, cash. Mrs. Helen Ksffan. owner. F. N. ic - Glenn Woodry, Auctioneers, Ph. 4-1-1-4. Help Wanted EARN $30 weekly or more. Grow mushrooms In cellar, shed. We buy, JOc lb Year round business. Mr. S msde 1(10 In few weeks' sparetime.! .Estab lished 131. Write for-' free book. Washington Mushroom Ind.. Dept. 408, 201 Snd Ave, Seattle. Wash. , 3 PEOPLE TO TRAVEL. Something; new In selling. No minora A pp. ( to S p. ttu 182 No. 13th. ' Help WantedFemale MIDDLE AGED lady for general housework. Pay $30. Mrs. Wsrd Lundy. Gervais, Ore. Phone 4 8F12. OPENING for Refined. .Ambitious woman to represent Avon Cosmetics In Salem. No selling experience necessary Box 933. V Statesman. "' . GIRL for general housework. Refer ence required. $95 N Liberty. WANTED. STENOGRAPHER for law office. Box 929, c-o Statesman. Salesmen Wanted . EXP. In paint and roofing-. Willing to work hard. Ma this, 171 S. Commer claL Situations Wanted NURSE WISHES prsctlcal nursing. Will do some housework. Can shew first class refa. Phone (4(0. EXP. MIDDLE AGED caretaker wanta work. Box 925. c-o Statesman. CHILDREN CARED for home. 1359 Chemeketa street. In my EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, book keeper, credit manatcer, 13 yrs. experi ence, Ref. Reasonable salary to start. Box 931. T Statesman. CHILDREN CARED FOR evenings st your home, by" middle aed woman. Phone 958:: . - ORSMKR Mrs. Adsltt. 1130. Marlon. PART TIME work by capable girl for bd. and rm. Miss Hult. C311. For Sale -Miscellaneous SLAPPT PEACHES ar here. Also genuine Crswforda. Puritan. Cider Works, West Salem. Open - eves. . and Sunday. . PICKLING CUCUMBERS, sweet . nsrn, early tomatoea Farm price. T. C : Mulier fruit std 3 ml. S. Brunk's Cor. CANNING PEACHES. Crawforda end Carmls ready. Elbertas snd El berts clins-s later. L. Townsend, Mis sion Bottom. OFFICE FURN. and equipment from "Western SUtes Grocery and G realism bank. Desks, chairs, files, typewriters, adding; machine . settles, calculators, now at our store, 45$ Court. Roen Typewriter Exchsnxe. FOR . SAU4 Leonsrd refrigerator $70, WestinaThouee electric rang- $25. . See at Larrner a siorag company. BARTLETT PEARS. Ph. 94F12 ve. 120 BASS ACCORDION or trad for light car. 1385 Fairgrounds road aftsr 7 p. a CHARLOTTE AND Crawford peaches reedy. C C Chaffee. Wallace road. Phone 82F2L WASHER BARGAIN . Speed Queen gas entctne washer. Al most new. Cost $119.50. NOW $49.50 Eaav terms THE WESnNOHOUSE STORE Teater A Rush Co. 129 N. Commercial ADVERTLSINQ . Western Adyertlsln Representatives Fenger-Hall C&. Ltd. Baa Fraacieco, Lo Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising; Representatives Bryant. Griffith A Branson. lno Chicago. New Tore, Detroit. Boston. Attests atered at fke fsetofflce Malrm Org pan, Sseoed Class sYetP". Pse ftsaed eeerjf sxorslse eecsst JfeeaTey. tfsstfsess . OH geaia Ceierclel , Sfrset. . ; "SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Matt Subscription Rates In Advance Within Oregon: uauy ana sunaay Mo. $0 cents : 3 Mo. 1 1.10 ; Mo $15 1 year $5 00. Elsewhere $0 cents per Mo. or 8(00 for t year m advance Per copy $ cents Newsstands I cents Br Cite Carrier: (0 cents a month. 7.20 e year re advance In .aiaVte! rW Sale- Miscellaneous WHY BUT a used -washer when you can buy e brand new Westing bouse tut only $4.S down and $2.98 per month. EH FA terms . THE WESTING HOUSE STORE -Tester a Rush Co. 129 X. Commercial GOOD 19SS Cher, truck cheap or trade (or g-oov car or anything 1 can use. Tel. 1344 or 2S0 8. Summer. TELLOWj SWEET corn delfrered market price. Phons 77K3. U H. Zielke. COLLIE PUPS and grown doge, $5 up. Col Kennels, route 3, box 73. Phonw 94F4U M " , s i ju jinr . BONNEVILLE SPECIAL A beautiful new rVestinghouse range built lo the floor. All porcelain. High speed units, $6.S down, $3.61 per month. EH A FA terms. . . THE WKSTINGHOUSK STORE Tester AY Rush Co. 129 IN. Commercial PURITAN . BRAND distilled wjiite pickling vinegar for all pickling pur poses. "Keeps yooT pickles krtsp. Pur sppie rider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. . PEACHES--C PICK. N. River Road 10 miles. Phone 71F22. V. O. KeUey. Bring- containers. HOUSE TRAILER, Covered Walton factory built. beds, all equipped.' One trip frem Dakota. $-'50.00 less than cost. See Kins. SIS N. Front, Salem. STAN DAK D 1 REM INGTON No." Vl Typewriter. Quick sale, 1 10.00. Miller's Auto CourLj Just north of underhead crossing. j ' ARVIN '37 CAR RADIO.cheapioS Union before 12. noon. CRAB APPLES for Jelly, preserves, 65c. Tomatoes. Ph. 3213. 1 SUPERFLEX OIL HEATER STOVK. 350. 1 Elec. hot water heater. Inq. MJss Jessie Melvlll. Eola, Ore. RJ, Bx 457A. Salem. LARGE, MOD. sacrifice. 434 & TRAILER HOUSE. 18th. TUX SUIT, liks new. cost $42.00. Tours for $10. Six 42. Phone $152. CANNING PEACHES. 4 miles N. of Kelxer school. SOc up. Look for yellow sign. Frank's Orchard. S-TUBE PHILCO type. 1217 Marion. radio, cabinet BARTLETT PEARS. 25c A up. W. M. Stoddnrd. 1 ml. on Wallace Road. Box 179, T OAK DINING chairs ; Sonors vic trola. feather bed. misc. books. 1241 Court St. j Trade Miscellaneons WILL. TRADE COW for House Trailer. Fresh In October. See King, 619 N. Front, Sslem. 3 GOOD LOTS to trade on construc tion of house. Phone 5274. Wantel Miscellaneous WANTED MARKET poultry. Phone 33F3 Lee's Hatchery. BAR. R. pullets Roue berry. Brooks. WANTED. GOOD litter carrier. Bil- yeu A Aycrs, Lebanon, Ore. Miscellaneous DR. HUTCHINSON'S rheumatism- arthritis pecks 1420 N. Summer St. Free. Kittens. 1795 Lee. For Rent- Rooms COOL SPACIOUS alecs R Prlv. en trance. Ph. j $977. . . LADIKSIPH 1471 (9$ N Cottsge M "-i-- iasi'sJsrsrii'sriar VERT DESIR. rm, 771 N. Cottage. Nlre rooms In comfortable home. near slatertouae. Board epU TeL 140. HEATED HSKP. rm. 15S0 Center. UNUSUAL 3 ROOM suit and pri vate bath and shower. Automatic best and hot water. Ideal for right person. 446 Oak street. Phone 9534. Ref. ex. Prlv, home. 1493 Center. Ph. 5113. SLEEPINQ ROOMS, 835 Cheme- keta. ; i ' SLEEPING ROOM. 660 No. High. ROOM. HOME privileges. Ph. 8229. CLEAN. I COMFORTABLE rooms. good location, newly funu 135S Chem. SINGLE. Also double. 600 S. Church. j SLEEPING RM. 638 N. Church. ROOMS OR rooms with board. 404 N. Winterj TeL 3858. NICE SLEEP, rm. or light hskpg. rm.. reas. Phone 57 la. SLEEPING RMS. 845 Marion. Ph. 4533. , Room and Roard RM, B, Isdy. 841 N. Cottsge, RMS. A BD. for men. Ph. 8769. ROOM A BOARD. 254 N. Church. CLOSE IN. 315 BeUevue. Ph. 8767. BRO, RM, car, $25. 1040 N. 17th. BOARD. ROOM on first floor. Home privileges 1 Private family. 1898 S. Liberty, I - ,v ATTRACTIVE . ROOM. board. 650 Marlon. I ROOM AND BOARD with shower. Close to school and stste offices. Phone 6978. esaasisrs-WWaSaaaasM'si VERY CLOSE In, 645 S. Com'L For Rent Apartments' 8E8 FISH en apt. Modem txed. oewly decorated end roomy. You'll .be delighted. Oak and S. CbmmerciaL 2. 3 RMS. BATH. furn. 144 Wsllr. Pettoe Apt a. S22 State. Furnished. Adults only. Pn, 6244. ,U FURN. OR unfurn. 3 and 3-room S- I lth aptav Children. 1310 BATCHKLOR APT, 2 R, prlv. bath. eute. heat. prlv. ent, car. 64S Uoloo. MOD, HEAT, sir coed, hot wster. lUrbls, piivste beta, garage. 1453 Stat. 4 R. SOT. FURN. Hest, frlaldalre, 3380 F. O. Road. Ph. 7533. SMALL. S R, FURN. apt, $14. Also t R. fare, spt, $10. Lishts, water. Maytac Adults. 1630 Ferry. 1 R, BASEMENT. $39 N. Liberty. FURN. APT, $1.0. 153 K. 13th. 3-RM, NEWLY dec 43S N. Winter. CLOSE IN. $18, $97 N. CotnraercUL NICELY , FURN. 3-room. Must be to be appreciated. Phone 6288. 4-ROOM APT. Large living- room, fireplace. ; hot water beat, sun parlor and sleeping porch, gardens. Tel. f to or 6524. i 2 RMS, furn. 355 Division. 2 BEDROOM turn. apt. Water, as rare. Very rloee tn. $25. Inquire 660 N. Commercial. Mr. Rlnebart. 3-RM. UNFURN. Also 1-room, bath and kitchen. 2005 N. CapltoL - CLEAN 2-ROOM fern. apt. Adults only. 5 Kerry. Money to Loan it CO D." Why stay up nights worrying about how to meet those old bills that bare piled upt Add them together and pay them all off at once with a loan from u Then you'll bare only one small payment to make each month. Come in find out how quickly and privately you get your cash. Sara yourself . days snd nights of worry by paying your bills with a -C O. 0." Consolidation of Debts) loan from us. ; LOANS lit TO $300 ALL PLANS Personal Finance Co. SIS Stste Street at High Phone 3191 C&SH CHECK THESE FEATURES OF Smsll monthly payments. Confidential, . prompt service. Low Cost. Repay your loan at any time. No co- signer. -. i Just call at our office and say, "Pleas explain your loan service to me." fou are under no obligation.-: People's Finance Compainy S-213 Stste Rm. 201, First National Bank Bldg. For Kent Apartments 1 RM. APT. Inclosed Kitchenette. Business Women. 1853 Court.. S ROOM UNFURNISHED APT. Close In. Inquire $95 N. Liberty. ; 2 RMS. $10. 265 SO. COM'L. LOVELY NEW APT. Avail. Sept. 1. 2R-, bath, elec. ref.. stove. 650 Marion. NEWLY DEC 3 RM. ground floor, prlv. ent., prlv. bath, close In. ; COTTAGE REALTY CO , 282 N.' Cottage. 1 A 2 K. FURN, 248 H State. 3 RM. FURN, 1207 S. Com'L 2 R. FURN.. APT, 430 S. CapitoU For Rent Houses SMALL 4-RM. house, modern. Rea sonable. Inq. L. V. White, Evergreen Ave. BY WIDOW, Sept. 1. Part of fur nished - home, hest, etc. Employed couple. Ref. Phone 8791. 2-RM. FURN. cabin. 8840. FREE RENT to woman or couple, past middle age, to share home. Phone 7783. 5 ROOM UNFURN, 1025 Shipping. For Rent ' OFFICE R-OM3, 18! State street Inquire room '200. TeL 8713. Two (2) tine farms for pastursge for rental for three months, combined scresg two hundred and fifty acres Frank Patton. Astoria. Oregon. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS She'd stand out In a throne; be cause of her confident manner snd becomingly smart frock- and so would 70a m this new Anne Adams creation! There's nothing like a flattering slender izer to sire a matron poise and assurance, therefore don't delay ordering: Pattern 483 J and put ting your scissors to work! Youll find slimmlnr style In the flatter- Ins jabot, comfortably - loose sleeres and panelled, easy-fitting; sklrL A tew buttons for the color contrast that's be ns' talked about everywhere. Be cure to note that yon may make an eqoally era- dons style with buttons, clips or flowers taking the place of the Jabot! And the style Is extremely simple to stitch up! Sewinsj In structor included. ' Pattern 4822 Is available In women's sizes 34, 3$, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 3 yards 3 Inch fabric Seed riPTICKJI CEMTS 1 eetas er stasis coins preferred) fee this Abbs Adams write plaialy (Ut KAItsV. AUUKCSS sad STYLE U11BEK. . D yes wast U be s style leader this soejmert Tkea - write at sue for the ANNS ADAHS 8UUMBIR PATTERN BUOX. , it's filled SMth slats s how t be eeeler sad ssisrC er hew te look yesnger. sluaoier, mere clsmeress hew t s aerreetly dressed for vry sssiiser sstusg. wketaer sonlll er sseeelit. Uea't de lay Is sesdiag for tills tssciastiag seek, sad asaSa yearsetf seme strik ing new unarr rtotsea. PK1CC Of BOOK rirTEEa" CENTS. PK1CE Of PATTERS rifTEEM CENTS. BOOK ASD PATTSas TOGET1IEB TWENTY riVK fMTl 1 Bead year order te Tk Ongos Bis tee mi a. Pattern UepartsieBU. A633 ; Money to Loan LOANS Second Floor New Bllgh Bldg. Ttoom 119 License S 133 M-16$ . . Salem, Ore. A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE. , Interest charged only white you bare the money., . . Flexible plans to meet your needs. . Auto loens to $500.00. . Furniture or livestock loans to $300. License M-2I0 TeL 444$ Salem, Oregon Immediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 . Married or Single Only You Sign Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify Private - Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day, Week or Montb To Reduce the Cost General Finance Corp. 126 So. Commercial Street Sslem. Oregon S-13S First D001 South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Auto Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars, Privet money at eery low rates No red tape 1 to 20 months to repay. Roy H. Simmons 136 & Commercial St, Salem. Ore. Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-1S3 mon.vuijir.-naiuinnrui 80 ON EXISTING construction 98 on new construction. J. F. UI.RICH CO. 363 Stat Street Phone 3672 H-E-L-P OUR AIM Is te heln people when they need help. Get thst eztrs- rash you need now without a lor of red tape, or comakers 610 loan, if 71 per month for 20 months, other amounts In proportion. up to $oo oo cars STATE FINANCE CO. 344 State Street Salem. Oregon. Lie. No. S-314 M 333 Phon 9261 FEDERAL HOUSING loans build. refinance homes business prop. Rates a Drama a t-itis. lnc Masonic Bldg. MONEY TO loen on i rood real est a Charles Hudktns. . 376 Stat street MONEY TO lean. Melvtn Johnson. Financial 4I WE HAVU never paid less than this rat oa savings nd Investments insured to $5000. Mutusl Federal Savings A Loan Ass's Phone 4955 142 a. UDerty tu Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate Will pay 6 Interest. . W. tl UKAbK.NHIIKSI SI REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phon 6461 LOANS hAM tu on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquir at Hawkins m Roberta For Rent CARS, TRUCKS. U Drive, Ph. 204F HOSPITAL BEDS sod wheel chairs te rent. H. L. ' Stiff Kurntlur ux PRUNE DRYER. Reasonable. Resdv to stj except wood. Writ J. S. Rout 1, Box 19. For Sale Real Estate ONLY S2100 CLOSE IN. valuable lot. S R. bouse, some furniture. Buy NOW. Reasoner (certainly) S65 N. High St. iXL' Salem ' MOD. 4 RM. and nook, bsmt, hdw. fL, fireplace, furnace, car, fine loca tion. Immed. posa. Price $3900, easy terms. Mod. t rms, bemt, bdw. ft, furn, gar, fid. attic, fireplace, Immed. posa. close te school ana business center, Price $37.oe. 10 down. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. TRANSFERRED. Will take $2600 for 6 Rm. borne near schools Cost $3350.00 to build Just the house 3 yrs. ego. Bos 9X7, statesman. $3200 WILL BUY RM HOUSE. 2 bdr, fun cement base, furnace. Close to new nfgn school. COTTAGE REALTY CO. 282 N. Cottage. BEAUTIFUL IIOI1B close In. Must sell at once. Large living room, kite ben and two bedrooms downstairs, z bed' rooms upstairs. Full basement, garage, new heetina nlant. Phone owner 6152 This place must be seen to be appreci ated. MOD. HOME. Canltola. Lew pay menta, Carle Abrsms. 411 Masonic Bids. ; i , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION rm. home, Hollywood district. $21501200 down.' bai. $35 monthly. 1125 Norway Street. BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS' oa Dsved street, escel lent location. Price $500. $25 down. $10 per month. - - . - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 a Liberty SI Phone 4$8 For Sale Keal Estate N-Stra. home. Jnq. N. Cottase. SPECIAL 24 ACRES WITH xood barn and chicken bouse, fine location. Price $1,- loo. uood car or lot taken as part. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 0281 7 R, BATH. PLAST., base., furnc gar walks, pa v. pd., $2250, $20$ cash, baL $25.00 month. C R. close in, $1200, terms; less for caah. See F. Griepentrog, 1940 McCoy St. Tel. 4954. 20 ACRES MOSTLT aU In culUvm tlon, all kinds of fruit, (food buildings Priced real low at $2000. Place Is clear. Will trade for small acreage end assume some. Good 5 room modern house, nice lot with shrubbery and fruit, not far out. South Salem. Will exchange for 3-6 acres close In. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC. 110 H N. Commercial Street 3 A. EAST. VARIETY fruit, nuts, S R. fair house, elec. water system $ 1' 2 5 0 clear, trade for small house. J. JACKSON. 341 State St. PRICE CUT to $825. $75 down. New 4 rms. M acre, north of city, elec. A piped water, ex. soil. - ROBERT F. BITDROW Real Estate 12 Ledd Bush Bldg. Phone 59(5 A REAL BUY -ON 1186 BROADWAY, terms. Modern home near Hollywood, full basement, fireplace, $2600, $200 down. 4' acres, service station, store and living quarters. $2230. terms. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER 1853 N. Capitol Street FOR SALE 5-RM. HOUSE N. Salem, cor. lot. S1700.00. S-scres on Croisan Creek with fine timber, terms. 81500.00. 10-acres sll in fruit. Will furnish lum ber for small house, $100 down .1200.00. Acreage north of Salem. $300 per acre, very easy terms. Will furnish lumber for smsll house. RICH L. REIMANN 167 a High Street Phohe 8632 5-RM. 'HOUSE, modern convenience mile city limits 610 A. land. trees, shrubs, bus service also u A. 4 rm. bouse, same location. Either can be bought on easy terms or trade for unimproved acreage don t try to rent e place, see me H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. Exrhanse Real Estate SO A. FARM. Good Improvements, 3H ml. from a good town In the Wil lamette valley. Will trade for any kind of business. - F. H. Weir, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN home of 13 ' acres, highly improved, walnuts. cherries, filberts, etc. Good pasture with running water. Price 98,000. Will accept good home tn Salem in ex change. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281 MEDFORD EXCHANGE FINE 7 ROOM, modern home In Sa lem for sale or will exchange for horn in Medford. Price $8,000. SEE Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261. BEAUTIFUL WOODED view lot, Kingwood Heights, for carpenter work. Phone owner, 8113. Wanfefl Real Estate Will pay $iooo cash for 6 rm. home. Must be well located. Box 936, 7e statesman. For Sale Farms FEDERAL LAND bank farms Priced right. Terms See W. S. Bart. Utt. secretary treasurer. 316 Oregon building. Phon 7117 Acreage MARE US AN OFFER On a 30 acre fruit farm of apples. tlnuts and filberts, small house, ga rage and poultry house. This will make splendid investment for someone. Call Mr. Bart let t with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 Stat Street Phon 92(1 S ACRES. Improved, electricity, gas. telephone. $1700. Terms. Rout 7, box iz, saiem. UNFINISHED HOUSE, gar, fruit. well, elec. Close In, reasonable. Small an. pyrnr. pn. iuz, EAST ACREAGE 10 ACRES FINE soil. 2 acres prunes ana mixed orchard, small house, barn poultry house, electricity, 6 miles out. near Fruitland school. Price $3250 cash $a00, balance $20 per mo. fnchid lng 6 Interest. Discount for all cash. CALL Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 Riisineaa Opportunities MUST SELL at once. Restaurant business on highway. Route 3. . box 465A or TeL 9925 at Kola. A GOOD BUSINESS ' can be had ith that of equivalent of money In trade.. Call or see me In person about this opportunity. F. H. Weir, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Business Cardm la this directory, ru oa a aioatbly basis only Rate; 3yl pee-line per rooatb. Anto Brakes Mike Paeek, 372 South CommerclaL Auto Repairing - AUTO REPAIRING, body and fend.r weldta. See Joha HowelL Signal Oil stat ten. 598 H. Liberty. Bicycles BICYCLES, NCW and reeendttiotied Harry wTScott. 141 8. Com'L Ph. 461$ Body & Fender Repair FOR BODY A FENDER Repejre. Auto Trim, Seat Covers, Class replacement. Ante Palatini SEE the Hat-ratl. Owsni Cw. 235 8. Com'L St. PK 2169. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44SB. R. E, Northneea, J Chiropractors ' DR. O. L, SCOTT. PSC Chlroprsetov. 266 N. High. TL Rea. 8572.. Ecavalm EXCAVATING OF an ktnda, Rsee tnenta dug. Dirt healed or moved. Dirt for eel. Salens Band and Gravel Co. pboae 9408. Florists Bretthaupra, 44T Court. Phone 2904. W. SALEM -Flortsta 140 tCdgewater. Lime GOLD HILL lime 98. We dell rer t farm. 334 H. Commercial. TeL 283$. For Sale Used Cars SPECIAL Today 1936 Ford Std. Coupe, good rubber and paint, i motor runs like new VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT - ', ' MARION A LIBERTY STREET OTTO J. WILSON You Get a Better Used Car from Your Buick Dealer Right now we have some of the best used enru we have had this aiv--- . 1937 Graham Super-Charger ' ; Driven only 11.000- miles new special equipment it's a real buy at only : 1937 Packard Sport Coupe Rumble seat, tires, almost new six-ply tires, Series 1:0, It's a steal at $895 . - 1937 Buick Sedan All steel body, large built-in trunk good 1937 Buick Coupe Motor In perfect shape special six-ply MANY OTHERS OTTO J. 388 NORTH COMMERCIAL Bnsiness Opportunities FOR SALE or lease, service station. First class location in Salem. Box 932, Staresmsn. m k TT.VR HOUSE, sand. Shoo, fully equipped, price $175.00. Tip on pay ing location iz o. vouuercii, basement apt. ; a For Sale Wood DRY 2nd GROWTH. Ph. 12TF12. ytiVVVViiVTVT,Y1inri" e ss. a FIR. OAK. ash. Oran. 37e. Na 1 DRY old fir, $5. Four-foot. $4.50. Ash. maple $6.25. Phone 3T0. WOOD, DRY. Phone 9560. DRY 16 IN. Oak and Ash Wood. Jess Walling. Phone 2F4. Al DRY OLD FIR. $5.50. Ph. 334. WE HAVE 50 CRDS of Choicest Old Fir on the market. See us or call us to day. $6.00 per cord. HERROLD OWENS CO. TeL 8189 DRY BLK. Lge Id. $5.00. Ph. 6832. BONE DRY 16 old fir ready for basement. TeL 3673. Hoilowsy. GOOD. DRY 4 ft. 2nd gwth, 2 cord lots. $12. TeL 7860. DRY WOOD, all kinds Ph. 6663. Slab wd. $3.60 cd. Ph. 17F31. 16" OLD FIR, $5.50 per cord In 4 cord lots delivered. R. D. WHELAN. Turner. Oreron. DRY 16 IN. old Ar. $5; 4-ft. 2nd growth, $4. Phone 9456. SPECIAI 16 IN. 2nd growth. $4.50 cd. 3-cord loads. 2380 Broadway. . WOOD FOR sale. Wilt sell In quan tities tn the timber and you haul. Short haul, easily reached. See Lee WIndom, on Rhoten Firm near Roberts,' Phone 78F12. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING, Sproed. Ph. 6883. Personal LONELY? -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wif for you. Bos 76. sm Angelea . TO WHOM It mar concern From this day forwsrd I will not be respon sible for any bills contracted for other than myself (personally). Mrs. K. is. (Pearl) McVey. Transportation WANT 2 PASSENGERS a Dak.. leaving about 24th. Elwln Pierce, RL 6. Box (74, 6 mL east of saiem. Au burn Rd. ' Directory Laundries THE NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 283 S High TeL 1123 Mattresses SALEM rLUFF-RUO end Matt Factory. NEW MATTRESS msde te order, old remade : carpet cleaning, ste ms fluff rug weaving. 8. 19th A W0 bur. TeL 2441. OTTO W. X WICKER. Est, 191L v CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4062. Printinff FOR STATION En T. cards, pamphlet, progiama. books er any kind of print lag, call The 8ta teaman Prrntlng De- mphleta pertmeat, 21$ 8. CoenmerelaL Tele- phone 9191. Radio Service LO0I8 DU BUY. Pboo 477i. Tires NEW AND USED all stses. Lowest price. 970 8. tjommercial street. TiLnsfer CAPITAL CITY ' Transfer Ce, 22$ State SU TeL 7773. Distributing, foe. warding end storage out epecUUy. Get oar rate. ' " '- l. ' r f- - - FOR LOCAL er distant transfer s tor- are, burner on. cell ' 3181. Lermet Transfer Co. Trucks te PorUand dally Well Drilling R A. WEST, f. Bs. 44$ T. 112FI Chester J. Pugh. 2122 MyrUe. 9338. For Sai Used Cars deluxe tire spotlight, heater, dual ..$850.00 tire $345 tires . $825 TO CHOOSE FROM WILSON PHONE 54 51 1931 Model A lU-Ton Track, dual long wheel base, Al condition, $195.00 1291 JEdgewater, v est Salem, . 37 FORD TUDOR, good condition. Z E. MUler. . ------ - ' - -- - -i-i-,-n-,-ir-i n rmnnri ri.n.n j'uun 1932 LIGHT . HUDSON Brougham Sed, $225.00; trade A terms. Service St, 17th A Market, Phone 8064. i'TiVrvvvyVsnVwViAAa 1932 CHEV. COACH, excellent con ditlon. Priced right. Owner. 360 Center. 1933 ' CHEVROLET COACH. good shape, with radio. 1870 State. Wante! Used Cars PLYM.. DODGE er CHEV. '15 or later. Pay cash. Box 940, Statesman. Work and Vacations Cause Liberty Exodus LIBERTY Work and vacations hare taken away many of the young folk of this district tem porarily, Adding- to thoBe already gone are Floyd Barnes, who left this week to work in a logging camp near Banks; James Rose and Jesse Johnson left for eastern Oregon to work In the grain har resL Billie Boyd of Long Beach, Calif., who- is spending the sum mer with his grandmother, Mrs.' Anna V. Robblns, Is visiting this week In Forest Grore. 'Other young people will be gone for a time in the bean and hop fields. Cross Word Puzzle 7""" 2 3 - s 6 1 a i to II Tip WW " . 2z - Ja& r- ifi i 21 30 31 32 if IIIrZZl H6 m WO W9 . SO H I 1 iH I I MA I Uj EUGENE - HORIZONTAL ' 1-7-Uatus . 4V0cc!dent ' 8 exclamation : of despair ' 13 room tn a ." harem 13 Cupid 14 (macconv panied 15 friendship 17 deaden 1 pronoun 20 anger - 21 facta 22 wine chalice .23 being, in the i -rnost ab stract sense 3S dry" 37 sensitive , mental 1 perception S3 omit of - energy 39 companion 4i0 means of ; entrance 41 aeriform - ' fluid 42 by 43 places 44 embellish ment of m letter ' 44 stout cord -48 Japanese receptacle EcTtrith 1$ the solutioa to yester day's puzzle. 24 atrip of wood -t to support plastering IS wtoga , '8 Chines measure i o 27 BibUcal name P U O A L n o o ; O R 3 A.U R C A 2 JL 2. t 5, H a s o r. A N T A R C T T A I U 6 A ex 28 toward the month 29 shrewd v SI noun case . 63 tropical plant 24 be soccessfal in an exam ination 65 for example ' - (abbr.) CasrrlsM. 1111. h For Sale Useil Cars PACKARD'S GuEeXanteed Used Gars 37 TERRAPLANE DeLUXE BROU GHAM Large trunk, finish and ' interior like new. Has electric hand, steel body, safety glass, hy- s drsullc brakes. Only 4300 miles. Guaranteed. Your old car -may make down payment. baL $22 per : month. - 31 CHEVROLET MASTER DeLUXE .! SEDAN Large trunk, new tires, j original finish,-upholstery spotless. Has radio A heater. Very low mile- -j age. Pay down only $150. BaL $20.- I 99 per month. ! 33 CHRYSLER DeLUXE SIX SEDAN j Large trunk, new tires, finish I and interior like new. Guaranteed motor, hester. 'All Chrysler feat ures such as hydraulic brakes, steel body, 98 h. pC motor. 118-In. wheelbase. Weighs 3013 lbs. Lest than Chev."Tour old car may make down pymt. FI. $H per month. 32 FORD COACH . J $11 30 ESSEX COACH .. $121 Only 28.000 miles. 30 HUDSON SEDAN, t wheels ... S 91 26 HUDSON COACH, A-l shape $ 31 STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD AND HUDSON ' Open Evenings High at Chemeketa Ph. 840( Scotts Mills Has Crowd at Reunion SCOTTS MILLS About 400 people attended the annual home coming at the park here Sunday. j The following program was giv en after the picnic dinner: Opening song, "America," with Mrs, Violet Byberg at the piano; Invocation, Rer. George Wilson; accordion solo, Virgil Lawrence; leading, Clara Brougher of Clat skanie; short talk by Rer. George Wilson; . business . meeting and election of officers; violin solo by Irene Morley Franke with Vio let Byberg accompanist. - The officers for the coming year are: president, Clyde Phil lips; vice-president, Harry White; secretary-treasurer, Zella Smith. Program committee. Bob Eaton, Dorothy Moton and Leona Owens. Table committee, Ida Davidson, Amanda Moberg ..and Nellie Amundson. Grounds, Louie Ma gee and Alfred Dale. Mrs. David Brodie of Portland received a prize for being the old est' woman present and Lewis White of Salem the oldest man. Mrs. Roth Richards of New Mexi co received the prize for the wom an coming the longest distance! and John Kellis of Crescent City,! Calif., for the man coming the longest distance. Hob-son, Cow Tester of Polk, Makes Trip East- ... i UNIONVALE- Raymond Hob son, cow tester of Polk county, left Monday morning for a three weeks' visit at Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Irene Smith of Cedar Rap- Ids, Iowa, arrived for a visit with. her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Hodson. SI1EKFEK 60 night before a holiday SI woody plant 62 Chinese v money of . account 63 moistareoa plants . VERTICAL 1 faxelle 2 manager Z grenps of - two 4 means 'l 6 printer's -measure ; 5 musical form T veracity 8 ecclesiastical vestment 9 behold! 10 able to perceive 11 bristlelike organs 18 symbol for tellurium 18 mother 21 valley 22 mountains is Turkestan 23 tone in Gnido's scale 24 mother of Apollo 25 divisions of learning 27 irrational 28 malt kiln 13 caudal appendage 81 fish of the - carp family M urge on 84 film formed on copper 88 sepsrate 87 implied but not expressed 88 auriculate 40 depart 41 -earth goddess 43 sheltered side 44 sua 45 not many 47 Hebrew letter 49 concerning IfMlfMlE fsile To 5g mIaI ElV v IR o IN O i to AJT Bks ratsns SreaUata. far avod adtacent counties.