PAGE SEVEN Classified Ads Bring Quick Results - Use Tfaem to Buy or The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Mornins, August 13, 1938 Sel Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising .Singl Insertion per Una Three Insertions par line Six Insertions per line One month per tine Minimum chars Copy tot this pas accepted untll 4:20 the evening befoie publication for . rbiamflcanon. Copy mri4 after this tune will be run under th heading. Too I .at to Cla The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility tot errois which may apfirai In advertiwmenis iub tlshed In Us columns, and In rase where tin et Is a fault wilt ra prml that part of an idmilsnnl .in which the typoKrahlcal mlk occurs f . : : The Statesman reserve the rhcht to relert questionable advertising: tt furthei rucrvn th right to place - all dvertlIng undtr the proper ciaimlf teat loo. "BLIND" A US which give only a box number care oi Statesman most be answered by letter. We cannot give any Information, as to do so would destroy their purpose. Livestock ilk' Aft AND wortitteaa horse MWt ft Mcked lit free Ph collect 411 Salem mtgnmerv Ker.a v b TOP PRICKS paid for Uva horse and cow for to feed. Plume collect 442. - -:- . SALE 3 JEHSEY.qws, 2 to fresh en la fall, young sow to farrow this week. R-' 1. Wbelan, Turner, Oregon, 3 mi. eaat of Marion. Auctions Hop Pickers START PICKING at Williams A TUacker bop yhrd. August 10th. Help Wanted BARN $30 WEEK Lt " OR MORE. Qrww mushrooms in ceHar. slied . vYt buy See Ibt. jraai round business lit. S mad ( I In few week spar time Established 1931. Writ foi KREE BOOK. WASHIHUTON MUSHRM IND Dept.- 408. 8019 2nd Ave. Se attle, We, Help WantedMale WANTED. GOOD litter carrier. Bil yeu A Ayera, Lebanon, Ore. - ' Help Wanted Female GIRL. FOR housework. Ph. SS20. - WANTED WOMAN cook on farm. Call It'll. Addres Rout 1. Box IS, Brooka, Oregon, i WANTED: STENOGRAPHER for law office. Box 929, c-o Statesman. Situations Wanted ' NURSE WISHES practical nursing. Will- do some housework. Can show first class refa Phone 8460. -- ; . I HUIUKK Mia. AdMtt MS Marion EXP. MIDDLE - AGED caretaker wants work. Box 925, c-o Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous FACTORY BUILT 2-bed trailer oae., like aw. cheap. 6 Union. USED HOT POINT and Westing houae electric ranges, $19.95 e'en. NELSON BROS., Inc., 391 Cheme keta. " OFFICE FUKN. qp Trota West ern State Grocery Uresnam bank desk chatra file typewriter, add ing machine a. era Ira, calculator a now at eur slot. 44 Court, Koe Type writer Ex. USED LAUNDRT Queen- washer, 117.95. NELSON BROS.. Inc, : 391 Chemeketa. SLAPPY PEACHES are here. Alao genuine Crawforda. Puritan - Cider Works. West Salem. Open eve and Sunday. f " WIRE HAIRED terriers. Ph. TF33. B. BUGGT. nearly new. 779 S. Com. tTSirn KSTATE oil circulator. 169. S. NELSON BROS Inc 391 Cheme keta. NEW TRt-R. h.. chp. 689 Iocuat. ea,,, SPE. BARGAIN, 4t bass accordion, like new. J. Hassenstab,. 2140 Maple. GRAVENSTEINS. , GOOD pickups, 90c. Handpicked. 50c bo. Ernest An derson, Orchard Heignt Road. 2 miles N. W. ot Marion-Polk bridge. Bring boxea . ; PICKLING CUCUMBERS, .sweet corn, early toma toea. Farm price. T. C Muller fruit atd., 3 tni. S. Brunk'a Cor. NEW TRAILER house, never used. 21x7, built-lna Ready to go. For quick sale. $100,00.' J. H. Kinser, Scotts Mills. Ore, , -' ili-i . 1 .i- - -ir-i rn-ti- - -n- - -- -- -- -- -- - CRAWFORD CHARLOTTE peach es now ready. Xmlah Fruit Farm, Wal lace Road. Phone 62F1L ; ... i - 0-FT. COPELAND refrigerator, . demonatfator, $120.00. "Service und aniarante. Juat received new bedroom auttea new davenport chair suite, davenport beds, davenoa and stttdia couchea Buy Upstairs and Save. Upstairs Furniture Store. 42 Court Street. NEW Del.UXE T to. ft. Spa rt on re frigerator. Save $55.00. Pay only $6.32 per month NELSON BROS, Inc.. 391 Chemeketa. ..-. CANNING PEACHES ripened Slaafiy canning peacbe jwlll be ready August 11. Place your order now ror yew retirement. - PURITAN CIDER, WORKS Phone 42 West Salem ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives . (VnnhHiD Cr tJA Stn Franc laco. Los Angelea Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives . Bryant. Griffith : BransoaJ Tno. Chicago. New Tork. Detrott. Boston. A itanta &Mtered f is Poafnric at Satan Oreffn. as eeoad Cias Umttr. Puh liake4 eeerw mor tnp except Jfo4ay. Biici aZic. ttf South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rate ta Advance Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday t Mo. 50 cents ; 8 Mo. $ 1.60 : 8 Mo. $2.40: 1 rear $5.00. Elsewhere 69 cenU per Mo. cr $6 00 tor 1 year In adraoca Per copy centa Newsstanda cent a Bv City Carrier i 60 rent a month. 7.20 a year In advance la Marlon avnd adjacent oeoatlaa 10c -20e 30e ., i oe ,, .26c t'or Sale -Miscellaneous FLOWERS? PHONE 8837. Jay Mor ris. Flurlai . ., - NEW WOOD nuia-ea. all norrelaln. Spevfail at $4.5. White, sun-tan or cream and rrn. NELSON BROS. ln,391 Cnemeketa. REinsSESS4-:D LKONARD refrig erator. 5 4 ru. fu. guaranteed. Term a only. 13. S per month. 0KL HOOSKKKKPINU. INCl 453 Court Street Phone 9CII FMKSIH ('AH HOT lnl " "Th. KaltK beverage. , Made Moodaya . ivedne. daya Mnd Friday. Puritan Cider Worka. Weat tSalem. BEPOSSI-SED WESTERN Queen wood range for nalstnce due. S5.0S ner month. NElO.N BROS., Inc., 391 Chemeketa. PURITAN URASD diatllled whit pit-ktin vinegar for all pickling pttr (. "Keepf your ptcklea krisp. Puie apple cider vlner. Puritan Cider Works. Weet Salem. USF.D REFRIGERATOR. $69.95. NELSON iJROS, Inc.. 391 Chemeketa. USED KELVIN A TOR refrigerator. $75.9. NKISON BROS.. Inc., 21 Che meketa. - , . j SALE TRAILER bouse. 12 ( ft. Camp Joy, ; serosa viaduct, north. W. V. Petera CRAB APPLES for telly, preserves. 65c.. 'Tomatoes. It. 3513. . USED SUPEKFEX oil circulator. Large aixe. $3.5. NKliON BROS.. Inc.,! Chemeketa, . i - 50-POOND MATTRESS, 80 - coll spring and Iron bed complete. $14.75. Upstairs Furniture Store, 439 Court St. USED DUO. Tnerm oil circulator, $3.9i. NELSON BROS., Inc.. 391 Che meketa ., - USED LONERGAN oil circulating heater. Will heat 4 or 5 room house. $49.95. NELSON BROS., Inc., 391 Che. meketa. . - , 'Wanleil -Miscellaneous WANTED MARKET poultry, phone I33F2 lc's Hatchery. BAR. R. pulleta Roseberry, Brooka ? WANTED TO BUT . HAVE CUSTOMER for rrocerv tore, with living quarter, around Sizva casn. N. J. LIN DG REN 175 S. High . Tel. 1490. Miscellaneous DR. HUTCH INSON-S rheumattam- arthritis pack 1420 N. Summer St. j For Rent Rooms COOi SPACIOUS aleen R Priv. ea- traocac 'Ph. M77. VERT DESIR. rntu. 771 N. Cottage. Nice rooms In comfortable home, near statehouxe, Board opt. Tel. 3406. - HEATED HSKP. rm. 15S Center. lisKP. ROOMS." 2M"Cenery"nJX"J LARGE FURN. bedrnv. cooking privileges, bath, parking space. 224 Di vision. - ' '---- 1 , . ii ,iiiirr n njLiui SLEEPING ROOMS. 635 Cheme keta. - - - ; SLEEPING ROOMS, 405 Union. SLEEPING ROOMJ 660 No. High. ROOM, HOME prlvllegea Ph. 8229. i Room and Board RM., B lady. $4 1 N. Cottage. RMS. A BD. for men. Ph. 6769.. ROOM A BOARD. 254 N. Church. CLOSE IN, 316 BeUevue. Ph. 8767. ' BOARD AND room for S working men, garage. 1873 Court. "TeL 8384. ROOM A BOARD for man In private home. Phone 6410. BRO, RM., gar., $25. 1040 N. 17th. - For Rent Apartments SEB FISHIER apta Modernised. awly decorated and roomy. Tou'U be delighted. Oak and 8. Commercial . 2. 3 RMS. BATH. furn. 1440 Waller. FURN. 2 RM apt.- Ph. 7664.. 2261 Hazel Ave. 2 IL, 1st FLR.. adulta 1384 Marlon. Paiton Apta 322 Stat a. Furnished. Adults only. Ph. 6244. tf FURN. OR unfurn. 2 and 3-room apt. Children. 1310 & 12th. 4 rm. atrlctly modern apt. . Furn. or unfurn.,' fireplace, automatic . hot wa ter heat- Call 145 N. 14th. BATCH ELOR APT, 2. R- priv. bath, auto. heat. priv. cnt, gar. 643 Union. MOD, HEAT, alreond.. hot water, lighta, private bath; garage. 2451 State. VACANCY, The Devereaux. 1488 State. ; , FURN. APT, 3 rooms, first floor, wster. light a 353 Leslie. 4 R. "MOD.-FURN. Heat. Xrigidaire, 2330 F. G RoadT Ph." 7522. , SMALL 2 R, FURN. apt, $14. Also 1 R. furn. apt, $10. Lights, water, Maytag. Adulta 1620 Ferry 1 R, BASEMENT.' 639 N. Liberty. FURN. APT, $10. 153 N. 13th. 2 RMS, $10. 265 SO. COMU -'For Rent Apartments CLEAN 2-ROOM furn. apt Adults on4y. 645 Ferry. APTS, ADULTS only. 2163 Stste. i ATTRACTIVE 3 R. FURN. apt, all modern conveniences. 253 N. 13th. 8 RM. FURN, 1207 S. Cora L I FURN. 2 RM. apts, 444 S. High. : CLOSE IN. $18. 897 N. CommerciaL ' 2-2 RM. APTS., on furnished, 214 Maple. j . . 8 R-.MOD. JTTRN. Prly. bath, gar, reaaonable to right party. ' Inq. 10a River St. between 8 and 4 or sec ; j .WILLAMETTE REAL. ESTATE j For Rent Houses ' NEATLT' FURN. bous! for two. In qulr 1766 Stat St, TeL .6 33 6. ' FURN.- and UNFURN. bouse R. P. Grant, m Court St, TeL 6744-833. ! MODERN 8 RtaM boMse with k sera. Hansen Ave. Gas or slectrtc cook ing. Permanent tenant desired. Phon 65F3. ,' : SMAX.L 4-RM. house, mod, reaa Ino, L V. White. EvergTeen, Ore. ; ; MODERN HOUSE, garage. Ph. 4$$L SUBURBAN MODERN HOME ' LEASE BV year to. responsible ad olta $30 tno. H. P. GRANT, 629 Court Street. , ':.- j S RM. FURN, garage. IMS Mission. ATTRACTIVE SUB. home. S - R, bath, fireplace. Near McKtnley school. Mra King Bartlett, Ph. 7331. ftloney to Loan CC C O D." Why stay up nights worrying sbout bow to meet those ld bills that bav piled upT Add them together and pay them all off at one with a loan from us Then you'll ha vs only one small payment to make each month. Come in find out how nulckly and privately you get your cash. Save youraelf daye and nights of worry by paying your billa with a C O. D." CConnolMatloa of Debts) loan from ua. LOANS SI0 TO $300 ALL PLANS . Personal Finance Co. SIS State Street at High :: Phone 3191 CASH CHECK THESE FEATURES OF . Smalt mnnrnlir imvmiMili . ConfidtrtiaI, prompt service, j. I-ow Coat. '. Repay your loan at any time. xo co Burner. ; Just call st our office and say, "Please explain your loan service to me. !fou are under no obligation. ; ' People's Fmarace Company S-213 State Rm. 201, First National Bank Bldg. For Rent Houses MOD- FURN. houe, $35. Ph. lt5. FOR RENT 3 ROOM FURNISHED, close in, base ment & furnace, two beds, electric washer. .!' CHAS. HUDKINS, 275 State jwfor"rent - - -ON CENTER street, a two story house , with 3 bedrooms St , bath- up stsirs, 3 rooms 'downstairs, ; basement & furnace, furnished, $32.60. P. H. BELL. REALTORS 429 Oregon Bldg. NEAR SALEM Heights school. S R-, bath. Phone 24F11. , --t For Rent ' OFFICE ROMS 281 State street Inquire room 100 TeL 1713. CARS. TRUCKS U Drive. Ph. TS46. HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel chairs to rent. H L Stiff Furniture Co. Two It) fine farm for pasturage for rental for three months, combined acreage two hundred and fifty acrea Frank Pat ton. Astoria. Oregon. Wanted to Rent STEADY RENTERS, want 4 room house for $15 by Sept. 1st. Call 6258. For Salt? Real Estate BUILDINO LOTS ' GOOD LOTS on paved street, excel lent location. Price $500. $26 down. $10 per month. . W. H. URABENHORST A CO REA LTORS 1X4 S. Liberty St. Phon 6468 MOD. HOME. Capitols. Iow pay ment Carle A bra ma 411 Mssonkr --i.ij-.TjT.-Ln.-.r'j-.r.l - - - -ij-l-u-Vu-u-- BRAND NEW green shake, double constructed, hardwood floors, gum wood - doors, full basement fire place In North Salem's best location $3500. E-Z term a Ph. 5580. MODERN FIVE room bungalow. 2 blka from Hollywood theatre hard wood floors A fireplace, $2600, $500 down. Ph. 6580. TWO MODERN five room homes Just off North Cspltol very : new one on Hood street A one on Norwsy. Good buys st $4250 $1000 down Ph. 5580. i .. -sxj"sjjrxruTjir-xrxi--i.r - i.rt- ri imiJYiii ONLT $2100 ' CLOSE IN. valusbie lot. S R. bouse. 1 mm, furniture. Bur NOW. j Reasoner (certainly) 565 N. High St. j IMMEDIATE POSSESSION i oc A ,-Ka1i- S nvtfn residence with baaeroent. Vurnace and garage. Well lo cated In South Salem on large corner loL Price only $2800, cash $200. baU monthly like rent. ? SEE US at once tf you are looking for home. " ' CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 MR. INVESTOR HERE IS your opportunity to buy a good 6 room home on lot 60x300 ft, room for several rental houses. Loca ted close to state buildinga A real bar gain for $3800 and $10D0 will handle. SEE Mra Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 N. SUB. home. Inq, 660 N. Cottage. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE Two lots la North Salem at a bargain, on paved street, east front, wilt sell eith er or both. Administrator, Phone 5009. STOP LOOK READ ANOTHER GOOD deal, 6 R. mod. home, 1180 Broadway. Priced for quick, sale. Will accept trade. R. A. FORKNEB-H. T. UEBER . - . 1853 N. Capitol HOUSE BARGAINS 6 ROOM MODERN house near new high .school. Price reduced for quick - sale. This is in excellent condition. 5 room i modern house ' N. Summer. House In first clasa condition. Po- sesefcm In few daya ' - room house Just outside city limit Will sell cheap. ; Furnished if de- sired. !" - ' - CHAS. HUDKINS. Phone 9494 . 275 State Street . BEST BUYS IN HOMES READ THIS 5 R house, good con dition, shade trees A creek, back boun dary. A dandy for $1300--$550 down, bsl. $15 per mo. NICE HOME on S. : High St, lot 75x120 dandy modem - R. ; bouse, large living room, dining room, music room. Double garsge. Hot wster heat. A $7000 place for 580. down. FOR TRADE Dandy modern 6 R. house In Salem, good location, trade for small acreage, close in. See - JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 478 Court Street ; Phone $466. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S rm. borne, Hollywood district. 82169 $20 down. baL $25 monthly. 112i Norway Street. . - ,- esaajssaaaaasaaassaaaaaa) FOR SALE $25 00 A VERY ATTRACTIVE shake house with living room, doting room, kitchen. two bedroom sl garage, wa 1 ter system, lots of t rutt ami shade trees and of an acre. -.- $2250. $3300 00 Close In property. Just off . Capitol with 3 bedrooms, basement and garage. 00 One of the most attractive ' homes that we have bad In ometlme. consisting of liv ing room,' dinette, 3 bed rooms, bathroosa, 1 beoa tn the basement, and a garage. P. H. BELL, REALTOR : 439 Oregon Bids. ' SEE THIS acreage tract, good nouae 11500, small payment A $15 perms. Building lots, $5 .down, $3.00 .per montn. - - - . IL C, Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. 165 ACRES. 6$ CULT, good oak tim ber and pasture. 1 room bouae trade for small farm or city aroo. 8 A. 1 mfie from city limits, fine nous, oarn, clear, trad tor clear boue m N. Salem. - .-: - - - 20 A. 11 mQes N. of Salem, $1S0: rsir Diaga, easy terma A. C JENSEN 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8416 Money io Loan LOANS Second Floor New BUgh Bldg. Room 119 Ucens S 122 M-165 , Salem, Ore. A COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE. , Interest charged only while you hava tne money. j . Flexible plan to meet! your needs. . Auto loan to $500.00. . Furniture or livestock ! loans to $300 License M-220 TeL 4446 Salem, Oregon Immediate Loans ON YOUR Signature Only $10 to $300 Married or Single Only You Sign Quickest and Most Liberal Method of Borrowing Salaried Man and Woman Qualify Private Confidential Terms 1 to 20 Months Repay Any Day, Week or Month To Reduce (he Cost General Finance Corp. , 136 So. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon 8-138 First Door South of Lad4 A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Auto .Loans CONTRACTS REFINANCED - MONET TO buy new or used car. Private money at very low rate No red tape 1 t 20 month te repay. Roy H. Simmons. 136 S. Commercial SL, Salem, Ore Phone 9168. Lie. Ne. M-162 eaflW98'haAs9sasffaaaaaBkBas FHA IXIANS . 60 ON KXI8TINO construction 90 oa new construction. J F UI.RICH CO. 862 State 8 treat Phon 8678 H-E-L-P OUR AIM Is t help people when they need help . . , Get that -extra rash you need now without a twt ef red tape, or comaker $100 toan. $6 72 per month for 10 month other amounts In proportion. Up to $600 on ear STATE FINANCE CO. 344 Stat Street Salem. Oregon. Ua No. 8-316 M 222 Phone 9261 FEDERAL HOUSING loans build, refinance home business prop. Rstea A b rams A Elrla- Inc. Masonic Bldg. MrMirv Tr imam mwwm t .... Charles Hudkln . 375 Stat street. .. H. P. GRANT. 629 .Court St. 6744. Money to toan on good property 6 - MONET TO loan. Melvtn Johnson Financial jn rWE HA Vie never paid Uss V1 than this rate on savings 4adSa r and Investment Insured It te) $Mg. Mutual Federal Saving A Loan Assa - Phone 4966 142 & Liberty St. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest. : ; W. H. URABENHORST A CO, . REALTORS -134 8. Liberty SL Phone $468 AA VQ f& 1 S aMa 4M s-ews 4 att V property, ifor btrrowlns taaulr t Hawkins RobrtB. . For Sale Keal ElaleT M Salemm MOD. 4 RM. and nook, bsmt, hdw. fL, fireplace, furnace, gar, fin loca tion, tmmed. poss. . Price $2990. easy terms. - Mod. S rtns, bsmt, hdw. fL, furn, gar, fid. attic, fireplace, lmmed. posa, close to school and business center. Price $3709.00, 10 down. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC For Sale Farms BE INDEPENDENT BUT - RANCH 10-ACRES, CLOSE In. (east); can be subdivided into acre tracts on paved road. New home,: 2 bedrooms), new barn, poultry house A garage. Electric watet system; almost a steal at $3650. izoee down. 40 ACRES 20 A. cultlvstlon. 10 A. timber A pasture, family orchard. 6-R. how, bam 20x30 ; - poultry - house 16x30: price for all $4O0a00, about T miles out. . v. . 95, ACRES 90 A. under plow, good sett. Creek A prfoga, all fenced, sheep tight,- 22 -acre Arlefer clover, good 4 R. Bhingl house. Barn. A sheep barn, nog bouse, P. H, price $5126 32225 down n sscune $200 federal loan.--- - ----- -- --- - - 240-ACRES. Good 6-R. bouse, new barn, P. IL, double garage. 30-A. cult., ISO A. la timber- A pasture. $1200 down A assume a long time mortgage of ? $2400; making the; place .only $14. per acre. A good stock., ranch. Can't beat It. See JAS. JX SEARS. REALTOR 47$ Court St. Phone 8466 'a9saaJaa4a4aa FEDERAL " LAND bank farma Priced right. -Terssa See W. 8. Bart letc ateretary treasurer. 216 Oregaa Miudlna Ptanrte- Till ealanesaaJJaasa 20 A. MIXED ORCHARD, prnnes, cherries-and apples. About 8 mL from Salem. Owner- says sen It and has rut th price to $16.9e for quick sale. N. J. UNDO REN. 176 S. High ';:.-,-A-2 .. , -Phon. '8890 - Personal LONELY T -WORTHWHILE- sweet heart, husband, wtf far you. Boa 7$. Lea Aagelea, For hale Used Cars 1933 Chevrolet Truck In Good Condition. Sale Price Sale Price 3225 VALLEY MOTOR CO. LOT MARION DOOOTTLE-PONTIAC GOOD WILL USED CARS : Due to the popular demand for our Good Will Reconditioned Used Car we are in a position to offer you a high trade-in allowance on your present car, on a new Pontiac 6 and 8, or one of our Good Will Used Cara See us be fore buying. , , -Specials for This Week 1937 Buick 4-Door Touring Sedan. This car is the small 40, series and it's a honey. This - week only $875 1936 Pontiac DeLuxe 6 Coupe. Beautiful black finish. Has radio and heater. See this one..$565 1932 Plymouth Sport Coupe. This snappy little 4-cylinder car is a bargain at ..C ..$225 1929 Ford Sport Roadster. Rumble seat, V-8 wheels. It really looks and runs O.K. Only $115 1928 Chevrolet Coach.. Very good tires ....... .$ 55 1928 Pontiac Coach Runs good $ 25 1926 Star Coupe i.. .. ......... i..............-.--..-$ 15 Attention, Mr. Deliveryman: We have a 1936 Chevrolet panel delivery. It's had very good care, has hydraulic brakes, too. See this one if you are in the market for a "delivery. It's only ......$450 DOOLITTLE'S N. Com'L st Center Street 1$35 DICTATOtt 8TUDEBAKER. Excellent condition throughout. Win sell at sacrifice for cash. Owner, leav ing for China Wed. Call Moo. or Tuea before 10 a. m. or after 4 pm. Phone 59522433 Trade. 32 CHRYSLER LITTLE $ Coupe, $140.00. Will trade. 274 Senate St, W. Salem. GOOD USED car, 735 N. Com'l TiTrDLrTH&EDAN DeLuxe. Ex cellent condition, $515. 8S0 N. Winter. Phone 7 $71. EQUITY IN . 1937 Ford truck, ex cellent condition, low mileage. - RL 4. Box 433. . 37 FORD TUDOR-good condition. 255 E. Miller. 87 FORD 85. A-l CONDITION an a real buy. Take In cheap car. 1138 So. Com'L 1933- LIGHT HUDSON , Brougham Sed, $225.00: trade A terms. Service St., 17th A MarkeL Pbon $064. Acreage BEAUTIFUL CASCADE Terraces overlooking Salem. Lovely new homes building. Half acrea all utilities, $500 up easy terms Call 8314. MAKE US AN OFFER On a 30 acre fruit farm of applea walnuts and filbert small house, ga- rmmm mnA wwnilti-v kAnae- Tbia Will Slake a splendid Investment for someona Call Mr. Bartiett wtrn . CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 Stat Street Phone 9261 g A. EAST. 2 A. BEARING Royal Ann cherries, family orchard, nuta near bus line, 6 rm. house, modern conveniences, fireplace, $4500. Would consider exchange for coast farm. - 25 A. Keixer dist. on creek, 6 rm. house, bath, elec, fruit A nuta $7500.' Would exchange -for du plex or small apt. house A assume. 101 A. on Santlam river, all In culti vation except 4 or 6 acres of tim ber, old buildings, $6500. Will ex change for Income property A as sume. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street Ruaineaa Onnort unities BUSINESS INCOME , CONFECTIONERY AND restsurant good location $20.00 dally average income. Lease $20.00 monthly. Living quarters In rear. $1750 cash. Ph. 65S0. ; r? GROCERY LOCATION s BUILDING COMPLETE, fin for small business, $4000. $1000 cash, baL like rent. SEE IT TODAY. SEE H. r. GRANT 529 Court Street Phone 6744. Business Cards la this directory ru oa a monthly basis only Rate: f 1 per Hoe per month. Auto Brakes Mike ' Panek. 371 Sooth CommerciaL Auto Repairing AUTO REPAIRING, body and "Tender! welding See Jehn Hawaii Signal (ni station. 698 N. Liberty. Bicycles BICTCLFS. NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 8. CotWL Ph. 4516 Body & Fender Repair FOR BODT A FENDER Repair Ante Trim, Seat Cover. Oaa replaeewtent Ant Painting SEE the Herran Owena Co, 235 8. Carol SC Ph. 3169 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4468. R. K. North i Chiropractors ORv O I SCiriT,' PSC Chiropractor. 256 N. High. TeL Re 8471. , r Excavatinir EXCAVATING OF all kinds. Ussa avent due. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal Salem Seed and Gravel Co. Pbeo . - - ; V -' ". v 4 Florists ; '-" Bretthaupra 44T CoorL rbene 6 904. W. SALEM Florist. 140 Edgewatet. For Sale Used Cars A LIBERTY USED CARS Phone 5646 Salem, Oregon. Resort-Property URBAN COTTAG KS Rocks way. Ore. Nsxt to beach. Clesa furnished. Showera privets toilet reasonsbl First cottage a south of Nstatorlum. For Sale Wtxd DRY 2nd GROWTH. Pa. 187918. 8PRXT1AI IRT mxx Tctl. 114. FIR. OAK. ash. Graen. 137$. NO. 1 DRT old fir. $6. Four-foot. $4.60. Ash. mspl $6.25. Phon 6270. DRT BU. Lge Id. $5.00. Ph. 6622 BONE DRY 16" old fir - ready- for baaemenL TeL 3673. Holleway. GOOD. DRT 4 fL 2nd gwth, 8 cord lota $12. TeL 7860. Slab wd.13.50 cd. Ph. 17F31. 16- OLD FIR. $5.60 per cord In 4- cord lots delivered. R. D. WHELAN, Turner, Oregon. DRY 16 IN. old fir. $S; 4-fL 2nd growth $4. Phone 9456. SPECIAL ;1 6 'IN. tnd growth, $4.80 cd. fuel losda 2380 Broadway. 4 Transnortation vnmsn r.inv wmi, rMa South Dakota or near, about Aug. 22: prefer zzno snare expense wuu uth uj TeL 118F2. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. In th matter . ot th estat of ADELE ROTH, Deceased. Notice Is hereby glren that th final account of William Roth. administrator of the estate of Adel Roth, deceased, has been filed In the County Coart of Marion County. Oregon, and that the 23d day of August, 131. at the .hour of 10 o'clock A. M. thereof, at th Court Hous at Salem, has been set as the tlm all objections - to - said final ac and place for hearing any and count, ov T WILLIAM ROTH. Administrator of the estat of Adele Roth, deceased. ROY HA R LAND. Salem, Ore gon. Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication July 23. 1938. Date of last publication August 26. 1933. Jly 23-30 A C-1S-20. Directory Lime OOLD HILL lime !. We deliver t farm. 824 N. Commercial. TeL 8828. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRT 188 8. High TeL 9128 Mattresses SALEM FLUTF-RUG and Mattr Factory. NEW MATTRESS mads ta order, old remade: carpet cleaning, sts tng; flutl rug weaving S. 13th A W li on r. TeL S44I. CTTTU T. ZWICKKK 1911. - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. phono 4068. Printing FOR STATION ERT. card, pajnphleta programa books or any kind of print- in, call The Bkateema Prlaalag De- pa n men t. sin a. cocamerei!.. Tele phone 9101..-. ,. . , . .. Radio Service - XA)UIS DTJ, BUf . Phoo 477.., Stoves- REPAIRS FOR ranges, htrs, rlreuhv ton. P. J. tlsppaer. 263 Chemeketa. Transfer CAPITAL CITY Tranafe- Ca 826 Stat St TeL Till.. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get oar rates. DR LOCAL or distant transfer ator sg. burner U. call 8181.. I .arm Transfer Co. Truck to Perliand dally. 7ell Drillinf R. A. WEST. -4. t. B a. 449 T, tlOFI Chester J. Pugh, .8128 Myrtle. $228. For Sale Used Cars Mew 1 38 -laidkm Coupe . Delivers Here for Only See it Today at HERRALL-OWENS "The nojne of Dependable Used Cars and Trucks DODGE and PLYMOUTH xs tioutn commercial Phon 31 NEW USED CAR PARK CHURCH KT. ACROSS FROM STATE THEATRl PHONE 6315 NOTICE TO CKKDITOHS Notice Is hereby given that th Undersigned, by an order of the County Court of th State of Ore gon, for 'the County of Marion, has been duly appointed s exe cutor of the Last Will and Testa ment and Estate of .Kate C. Bo densiek, deceased, and that he has dnly qualified as such execu tor. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to him at the office of Dwlght Lear, hla attorney, 202 Oregon Build ing, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. - " : , Dated at Salem. Oregon this 30th day of July, 1933. JOSEPH MEITHOF, Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estat of Kate C. Bodensiek, Do ceased. ' Date of First Publication: July 20. 1938. - Date of Last Publication: Aug ust 27. 1938. D WIGHT LEAR. Attorney for Executor, 202 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon. Jly30-AC-13-29-27. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THAT POKTION OF -IT STREET FROM THE WIST LINE OF TWENTIETH : STREET TO THE F.AST LINE OF TWENTY-FIRST STREET, IN THE CTTX OF SALEM, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that th Common Council of th City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to Improve that portion of -D 8treet from th west line of Twentieth Street to th east line of Twenty-first Street. In th City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at th expense of th abutting and adjacent property owners, except any street and alley Intersections, th expense of which will be assumed by th City ot Salem. Oregon, by bring ing said portion of said street to the established grade, construct ing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paring said portion ot said street with a six-Inch Port land cement concret pavement, 24 feet in width, la accordance Cross Word Puzzle i i 12 '3 16 21 2t 22 23 2D 26 27 mm I 3 32 39 3 37 3? 1 11 si 52 OS Br EUGENE HORIZONTAL 1 breath deeply i bottle cover 8 marina fish - 12 learning - -IS Anglo- Saxon - money of ' account 14 cut the ' ,. outer part from 18 newspaper ' paragraph If Answer 18 Chines ' pagoda 19 steep . 10 list. 11 deflnit articl . . ' 13 Jacket 25 flan ' surfaces - 21 dine 28 stomach . . ' of an - . . . Animal' . 11 Greek . . . king of . . , pyio U pexfaa4 . ointment - 25 make am edginf I J Latvian cola S3 Few strands introduced nnder th - akin 39 clever . (coUoa.) ' 40 consumed 41 illuminated 43 pointed tost 45 color 48 make ' believe BQ breexy el poker - player's ' - stake SZ fish Herewith Is th day's pnxzla. - m-rt mm 1 " ClO MA ' g! P ? u"" aim g m 'k a "tc o vtc aJg -5 I O tV.o V a Itl smJa m t tl TlAt r ;;i, a ? v e 3pIa, t t-T j o m pju:c e t-3 j j.. nto a(q c l nrvi :r- o'Jz it. .-a. i ; , , IT i ; r g l , n oi O'l U l e-l O t a. . I0? rVc 5 OSNJ; i?U Nl'U T if O OAT A! Ita)p XT 1 " T Osyrrtsts. Ills. s tela j For Sale Used Cars - Plymouitlhi - - .On Display the CO and DOIX1K TRUCK! PIST. with th plans and speclftrstlon therefore, which were sdopted by the Common Council on August 1. 1938. now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and wblch are hereby referred to and mad a part hereof. t Tb Common Council hereby declares its purpose and Inten tion. to make the above-described Improvement by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem.- Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oreiton, this 2nd day of 'August. 1938. A. WARREN JONES. City Recorder. Salem. Oregon. A.3-4-S-C-7-9-10-1 1-12.13.14. No. 6W727 IN rilE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OIUX; For Marion County NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estat of ROSWELL C. DAVIS. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREI1Y GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Execatrlx of the Estate of Roswell C. Davis, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and has qualified as sucb. AH per sons having claims against ssld estate are hereby required to pre sent the same with proper vouch ers as required by law within six months from the date of this no lle to! the undersigned st her residence. No. 220 South 24th Street, la Salem. Oregon. - Th dat of the first publica tion of thla notice la the 13th day of August, 1938 and the last la th 10th day of September. 1938. CARRIE C. DAVIS, . ' Executrix. Estate or . ' Roswell C. Davis,. De ceased. PAGE AND PAGE Attorneys for said Estate Ladd k. Bush Bank Building Salem, Ore. A. 13-20-.; . NOTICE Notlc fa hereby glren that Craig Earl-and William Gernannt doing business as Professor Quit, of New York. N. Y has filed its trade-mark "Professor Quit" with th Secretary of State ot Oregon, to be nsed oa prints and publica tions. - A. 13-20-27. IO II in 21 17 20 2 XT, Vs. 2M Vs. 4 20 21 30 33 3M SO ho Yv, I Hi asasa DO t6 SUfcFKrJIl S3 profit t eating implement t Jargon 10 either on of th Bears 11 letter of the . alphabet 17 offer 1 9 determined 22 head covering 24 ram 25 insect 24 turraeria 28 substance 23 fuss , 3Cr tumor of the skin 2 rodent . , 34 encount ered 87 -coarse herb 8J qrjoted 41 Italian river 42 mother of Apoilo 44 la (' I fc'a.'.h 43 .;i(Wora 47 unit of force 4$ crsme like nspolcon 49 4;orn t0 Turkbh ctrmmsniic. 64 state of temper 85 cloth measure 88 winged part VEJtTICAL 1 cut 2 iet 3 largest 4 border of a ' garment ' 8 central part 4V rugged crests T dance step solution t fester yA Vs ILL ssrsYss P 1