The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1938, Page 3, Image 3

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    .The OREQON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 4, 1938
rACc r.:r.r.z
Heavy Rains
Injure Wheat
Former r Kansas Residents
Find Sorry Conditions
v . Upon Return There
LEBANON Mr. and Mrs. Will
Shu maker and. son Frank and
wife, who located at Crabtree two
years ago, have returned from a
trip to their former home In Kan
sas where they found discourse
lag crop conditions as rain, which.
has fallen abundantly, has In
jured the wheat' and crops that
have not yielded to blight are de
stroyed by bugs. A Lebanon own
er of wheat land in 'Kansas had
but $7.00 from a large acreage,
The Shumakers say Oregon is
good enough for them.
Lebanon was well represented
In the festivities . at Philomath
the past week; ex-Mayor Manyan
dedicated the new fire building
in a speech;" Marion Michelson,
a princess in the parade; Mervin
GJIson, Lebanon fire chief, join
ing In a fire-fighting demonstra
tion with the chief at Philomath."
Lebanon schools will open Sep
tember 12.
Order Hand Uniforms "
Harry Palmer, principal of
Sweet Home high school, reports
that , uniforms have been ordered
for the high school band; prob
.ably to be Initiated at the Sweet
Home .fair, September 22-23.
Kenneth Blatchley, Lebanon
employe of the US. employes com
pensation . commission, .was . ad
mitted to : the . Lebanon general'
hospital for treatment for injuries'
suffered while -fighting: fire. - "V-
Walshes Leaving Manama
Burgesses Manage Store
MEHAMA Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd , Walsh, who had tbe old
Phillips store here, moved -- to
Gold Hill where Mr. Walsh has
employment. The Walshes lived
there before coming here a year
ago. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bur-
Haifa Bombing Provokes n e w Palestine Crisis
- rvy
1 V.
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i i
1 ,
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' Approximately 50 were killed and more than 100
injured when a bomb was set off In the market
piace m uaua. Key Palestine port, stirring fears r racial strife.
of a new crisis In the turbulent Holy Land where
. , m
injured when a bomb was set off In the market I Jews and Arabs have been enrared In a fierce
gess now have the stotre. :
- - Miss June Kubin is home again
after attending - summer school
In-SeattleJ She will leave for
Ferks, Waih.,- seon" ' to ' teach
school thre. - ' -
Liberty Girl Scouts Are
- Spending "Week at Camp
LIBERTY The Liberty Girl
Scout t ro o p left Sunday to
camp ' for a week near Abioua
falls. Mrs. Helen Gibbs. scout
leader, is with the troop The
name Libiqua (a fusion of Lib
erty and Abiqua) was chosen for
the camp. , ;
Howell Bee Hive
Gub Has Picnic
- , ' ;
MEHAMA -The annual picnic
of the Howell Bee Hive club at
the Stout picnic grounds Sunday,
marked the closing of the 20 th
year of the club's organization.
The club's philanthropic w o r k
last year included aid to a boy
ill with ; Infantile paralysis. Just
now the members are planning
a bazaar for this fall.
v Mrs. Rosioe Poole, who I was
last year's president,. will be! suc
ceeded by Mrs. Paul Klrscb. Oth
er of fleers and . committee mem
bers Include : vice-preSldent, Mrs.
Dell Harrington; treasurer, "Mrs.
Frank Siekmund; secretaryt Mrs.
Eugene Ware; director, Mrs.-Ross
Poole; social committee, Mrs. W.
H. Loose, Mrs. C. J. Blum, and
Mrs. W. C. McCall ; year book,
Mrs. - Harry Humphreys, Mrs.
Taylor Cooper, and Mrs. Laurence
Pietrok; . financial,' Mrs. Frank
Siegmund, Mrs. Luther Stout, and
Mrs. Wendell j Freres; flower,
Mrs. Ross Poole; and Mrs. Eugene
Ware; harvest festival, Mrs. W.
H. Loose and Mrs. Taylor Cooper.
Neals, Chrismans,
Trasks in Reunion
' ; - ' '
Seventh Annual Clan Meet.
Held at City PaVk V
Near Stayton
UNION HILL The seventh an
nual reunion of the Keal-Trask-Chrisman
families was held at the
Stayton park Sunday. ,
Fred Neal of Prineville was
elected president; Mrs. Zee Smith,
Zoe Silver, Shedd, vice president;
C. B. Trask, Hillsboro, secretary;
Mrs Gladys Porter, Stayton, his
torian: . . - .
Many Relatives Attend '
CUnimca prcicnt were: Mr. and Mri.
C B. Tnah and daagbter, Uillsboro; Mr
ad . lira. Malcolm Krai, Pearl Keai.
Monmputb; Mr. aad Mrs. W. K. Km
ken. 8ci; Mr. Zo Kcal Smith. Sbadd:
Virginia Daniel Neal, Toledo; Catherine
Keal Augglea, Keal Hucclvt. jtumirtlle;
Esther Milla and Janet Milla. Paolina;
H. W. Neal. Helen . M. Caibreath. Jean
Calhreath, Jack Neal. Prineville; Mr. and
Mra. J. E. Pariah and daoshter, Jeffer
son, i
Mr. and Mra. V. D. SrKt, C-nj and
Clifford Keith Scott, bublitnity; Jeaaie
Traik Pendleton. Mill City; Mr. and
Mrs? Floyd Shelton and daughter. Mr.
and Mr. Wiibnr A. Porter, Stayton: Del
bert Chriaman, . Mr. and Mra. George
Chritmao, Lero Chriiman Mr. and Mra.
Otto Lumheck, Lena Cbriiman; SyUesto
Chrifiman Limbeck, Gweneth and Iarry
Limbeck, Merle. Claire,' Cleo Limbeck,
Bcio; Eugenia Scott. Viola Scott, Rosa
Brenner Chrisman. Eddie Dana, Shirley
Hogbea, Delores -Hugbea, Mr. and ' Mra.
Walter Scott and daughter. Lebanon:
Mr.' and Mra. Thuraton Thomas, Stayton;
Mra. Oril A. Edwards, Maxine and Ber
nice Oellinger, Monmouth; Mr. and Mra.'
Henry ' Rugglea, Tomer; Dean SiWer
- A number of visitor! also attended.
Snaps Pole, 5:
rRickreall iti Dark
bard ' drove his car into an elec
tric light pole Sunday night near
the Kirk Simpson home the cir
cuit was cut off so the town was
In , darkness for almost three
The car was not damaged bad
ly as the pole was decayed and
broke easily. Those having kero
sene lamps or candles got along
nicely; . others not so fortunate
went to bed early.
Peace Reigns Among Feathered Folk j
, In Howell Prairie as Swallows Leave
. NORTH HOWELL The mud swallows are gone. Very
early yesterday morning, there was. a great deal of noisy
chirping and bird calling as the leaders evidently rounded up
several hundred swallows and prepared for flying south.
Two months ago, the first swallows appeared and made
themselves at home around the' barns and in all the nesting
places available, where theyO
raised large families. . .
Last week the young swallows
were learning to fly and made a
cheeping noise as they circled
over the low trees; and the tele
phone wires were full of swallows
perched in. The hot -sunshine. To
day, they are gone; -the swinging
wires are clear, the robins, mar
tins and bluebirds are unmolested,
and peace reigns among the feath
ered friends. - .- -
Wedding Anniversary f .
Of Herman Amoses Is
Occasion City Jaunt
folk motored to Portland Thurs
day evening to help Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Amos celebrate her 18th
wedding anniversary. Mrs. Amos
is still at the Coffey, clinic where
her foot is slowly Improving from
having an injured toe on the
left foot amputated . three weeks
ago. '
: Making the trip were Mr, and
Mrs. W. W. Rowell.', Elizabeth
Rowell, Mrs. H. A. Dempsey, Mrs.
E. A. Stenson, Mrs. Mary Adams,
Nancy Jeanne Adam's,' and Her
man Amos. Mr. Anoi'i father and
mother, of Portland ' were also
present. x .. ,
Hobart Leaves Ilospital ; Sl
Visitors not Encouraged
bart, who was seriously Injured
several days ago while working
on the binder at his farm, was
able to leave the hospital Tues
day and is reported considerable
better. His . doctor reports that
while he has. gained considerable
In strength it will not be well
for him to receive too many vis
itors yet for a few days. .
Cupid Gets Way
- DALLAS A marriage license
was Issued Monday by Carl 8.
Graves to . Sidney D. Alexander,
postoffice clerk. Halfway, Oregon,
and Bern lee Hester Peyree,
school teacher. Independence.
Auto Thief Thoughtful
In Minor Detail, Doctor
At Silverton Discovers
sorge reported to local police
early Tuesday morning that his
ear -was stolen. It was thought
the car was taken around 1:30
o'clock Tuesday morning.
The person who took the car
had the forethought to remove
the doctor's brief case and leave
it on the parking.
Is Lyons Visitor
Mrs. George Klnsmsn of Alpe
na, South Dakota, will spend some
time with ber son an4 daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Kinsman.
Attention Mrs. Honiemakcr!
You Can Now
. Have
Hot Water
On tap day and night at
a very low cost.
Come In or call us today
about this new twin
" unit water heater. .
. Oh Sale for a Short
V.. , Time Only .
: 009.95
8.03 Down, 2.11 Per Mo.
Salem 8 Only Westinghouse Store
If eattei? ELEOcEa Co.
129 N. Commercial ' . Phone 4311
' sf
Event i Thai Spells
Every Pair On
6T) dD !
nil' W i
Unprecedented F oolwear Savings To Every
Sale! Men s Women' s-Children s! Dress
Shoes Work Shoes! Shop Busier Brown Today
Medium heels for solid com
fort, wear..'; . These beautiful
oxfords in brown and black
! V til A oronnina RomAVol C!a1a '
j Price.; . .
' tUsi aaaSaMasat " -
Brown, blue arid black,
these formerly s o 1 d
to ?6.00.
1 T T. -
1 1
! I
i Black serviceable Calf Ox
j fords . . A group of styles
i to close out at genuine Re
i xnoval Sale Prices. This group
I now 3.77. 3
Member of the Family!
: ''.'-
-' 9
In black kid, low leather heels
... These exceptional values
to clear out in this Removal
Sale. Now ...
For MEN!
- '.; t:
O Whites!
O Greys!
O Browns!
61) (L(0)
All Summer Styles
Last Call!
Group of
Black calf, rubber heels.
These formerly sold to 4.85.
j . Now Only '..
f (0) f
(II) (H)
WdmenV Rnit "SPORTS
Crepe soles, rust suede Ox-
fords ; . 'A popular oxford,
; serviceable and exceptional
; values.
Special selling event. Youths and boys
sturdy fall oxfords, just the very thing for
school. These sturdy oxfords now.. .
Special selling, in black kid,
leather soles.
. v m,- rj
-sj' r ! : :
Slfiioe S
125 N. COaniERCIAL